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Скандал с скандалом в крикете 2018 года и ставках

Скандал по исправлению поля крикета в 2018 году относится к предполагаемому врачу подачи, центральной полосы игрового поля, в домашних тестовых матчах команды по крикету Шри -Ланки на Международном стадионе Galle , а также во время домашних тестов Индийская команда по крикету . [ 1 ]


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Раскрытая Аль -Джазирой , документальный фильм утверждал, что земляные лица в этих матчах преднамеренно изменили характер поля, чтобы получить результаты, которые предпочитали домашнюю команду. В новостях утверждалось, что в Галле произошли два из четырех шагов, а в Ченнаи были обвинены в сборе по фиксированию высоты тона после проведения последнего тестового матча серии между Индией и Англией в 2016 году. [ 2 ]

29 мая 2018 года Международный совет по крикету (МУС) раскритиковал Аль-Джазиру за то, что он не смог поделиться убедительными доказательствами фиксирования высоты тона, прежде чем транслировать документальный фильм о обвинениях в матче. [ 3 ] Критики также предположили, что новостная сеть Al Jazeera намеренно раскрыла ложные обвинения, ссылаясь на то, что выводы Аль -Джазиры могут быть отредактированы и изменены до выпуска своего документального фильма. [ 4 ] Однако 26 мая 2018 года шокирующая разработка показала, что куратор международного стадиона Galle Tharanga Indika действительно был вовлечен в операцию, когда открытие кадров камеры связывало его с скандалом. Впоследствии Индика призналась, что лечил поле, чтобы манипулировать результатами соответствия. Проблема с фиксированием матча остается под следствием ICC. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

Новостная сеть Al Jazeera постоянно отказывалась предоставлять связанные с фиксированными доказательствами ICC, заявив, что жизнь журналистов подвержена риску. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] В июле 2018 года документальный фильм «Аль-Джазира» был косвенно обвинен австралийским игроком в крикет Гленн Максвелл в качестве главного подозреваемого в возможных обвинениях в фиксированном матче во время третьего тестового матча, состоявшего Полем [ 10 ] Максвелл отрицал все обвинения, выдвинутые против него, и ответил, что ему не нужно делать такую ​​вещь, чтобы испортить момент крикета. [ 11 ] [ 12 ]

Galle International Cricket Stadium, где, как утверждается, произошло исправление высоты тона

Инцидент с подделками поля с участием Индии и Шри-Ланки является развивающимся спором в международном крикете после австралийского скандала в 2018 году . [ 13 ]

Матч исправление скандалов в Шри -Ланке вспыхнуло в последнее время, в том числе предполагаемые неправомерные действия во время домашнего матча по крикету в первом классе между Клубом крикета Панадуры и Клубом физической культуры Калутары в 2017 году, когда Чамара Сильва , которая была капитаном крикетного клуба Панадуры и Дешаприя Манодж пойман и запрещен SLC на определенный период за то, что он был назван в коррупционных обвинениях. [ 14 ] Манодж Дешаприя , капитан Клуба физической культуры Калутары, также был признан виновным в фиксировании матчей после необычной оценки Панадуры Стоя в матче за крикет первого класса, состоявшемся в январе 2017 года. [ 15 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ]

Основной зонд, который поднял вопросы о легитимности результатов тестового крикета, был выявлен Аль-Джазирой всего через несколько дней после того, как МУС была сделана объявление, что они отказались от традиционного метода броска монеты в тестовых матчах по крикету, чтобы определить Кто бы в первую очередь бил или чашу. Что касается зонда, связанного с фиксированием матчей, ICC привел, что принимающая страна была обвинена и признана виновной в изменении условий высоты тона, чтобы удовлетворить себя в этих более длинных форматах.

ICC также представил новое правило о запрете использования интеллектуальных часов и других электронных приборов на поле во время игры и в раздевалках. [ 19 ] [ 20 ] [ 21 ] ICC назвал запрет на умные часы, чтобы избежать возможного исправления совпадений, внедрив новое правило с немедленным эффектом во время серии тестирования между Англией и Пакистаном в 2018 году, за исключением пакистанских игроков носить умные часы во время первого теста. [ 22 ] [ 23 ]


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Робин Моррис , профессиональный игрок в крикет из Мумбаи, подозревал МУС сыграть важную роль в фиксации матчей во время серии домашних тестов Шри -Ланки против Австралии в 2016 году и против Индии в 2017 году . [ 24 ]

Новости Аль -Джазира, как утверждается, обнаружил, что территория Международного стадиона Галле и Робин Моррис планировал установить 1 -й тестовый матч между Англией и Шри -Ланкой, проведенным в Галле . [ 25 ] Робин Моррис сказал журналистам «Недостаточным покрытием», что он подкупил территорию, чтобы контролировать и изменить условия подачи, чтобы гарантировать определенные результаты. [ 26 ] [ 27 ] Документальный фильм «Аль-Джазира» Cricket's Match-Fixers идентифицировал Trangersman и Robin Morris вместе с другим Шри-Ланки, Таринду Мендис , для планирования изменить условия шага. [ 28 ] Аль -Джазира также заявила, что он будет передавать документальный фильм. ICC начал расследование выводов Аль -Джазиры о проблеме подделки. [ 29 ] [ 30 ] МУС также попросил доказательства и соответствующий материал от Аль -Джазиры. [ 31 ] [ 32 ]

Тем временем Аль-Джазира также утверждала, что еще два шри-ланки, в том числе бывшие национальные крикет Шри-Ланки Дживантха Кулатунга и Дилхара Локухеттиг, были вовлечены в противоречия в матче во время серии Т-20 в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах . [ 33 ] Однако в пресс -релизе 28 мая 2018 года Дживанта Кулатунга отклонила обвинения, выдвинутые Аль -Джазирой. [ 34 ]

Пакистанский первоклассный крикет, Хасан Раза , который не участвовал в разговоре с Робином Моррисом, Тэрангой Индикой и Таринду Мендисом, согласно документальному документальному фильму «Аль-Джазира», также был идентифицирован по мере того, как подозреваемый связан с фиксированным скандалом. [ 35 ] Его видно, что он сидит возле Робина Морриса (с которым он играл во время своего пребывания в команде чемпионов Мумбаи в Индийской лиге крикета ) в документальном фильме «Аль -Джазира». Тем не менее, Хасан Раза отрицал обвинения, сделанные против него, и ответил, что его имя было излишне втянуто в противоречие с фиксированием матчей. [ 36 ] [ 37 ]

Звонок международного стадиона Galle, который также является помощником менеджера стадиона, дал заявление Аль -Джазире, что он может управлять полями таким образом, что он предпочитал бы либо игроков с битой, либо боулеры. [ 28 ]

Расследование Аль -Джазиры также показало, что Хасан Раза, Дживанта Кулатунга и Дилхара Локухеттидж готовились заработать деньги, организуя и организовав фальшивый турнир в ОАЭ исключительно, чтобы заработать огромную коллекцию денег, чтобы исправить матчи в будущем. [ 38 ] Аль -Джазира также утверждал, что другой бизнесмен из Индии, Анил Мунавар, который также имеет тесные связи с криминальным боссом Даудом Ибрагимом, предположительно, что касается нескольких международных крикет, чтобы они не могли добиться успеха на международном уровне крикета, давая им огромные взятки. [39] Al Jazeera also released photographs which were taken in Sri Lanka's Cinnamon Grand Colombo related to Aneel Munawar, who was standing just some distance away from the former English cricketers, Tim Bresnan and Graeme Swann. Both of them were part of the England's squad at the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 which was held in Sri Lanka.[40]

It was also later identified that the former Secretary of the Galle District Cricket Association, Halambage Premasiri, who was shot dead in 2016 along with his son was also subsequently revealed to have connections regarding Galle pitch fixing.[41] It was evident that Al Jazeera started investigations on pitch tampering incident just before the planned murder of Halambage Premasiri, which still remains a mystery.

West Indies v Sri Lanka 2018


Considering the pitch fixing allegations probed by Al Jazeera-based mainly on Sri Lanka, apparent ball-tampering allegations were made by the match officials and umpires against the Sri Lankan team during their test series against the West Indies. Prior to the start of Day 3 of the second test match, the Sri Lankan cricket team marched protests against umpires' decision on starting the third day's play with a new ball, thereby replacing the old ball.[42][43] The Sri Lankan cricket team, led by Dinesh Chandimal, refused to take the field on the third day of the test match after showing his disagreement on change of the ball, causing an hour delay to the start of the day after the apparent ball-tampering allegations made by the umpires.[44]

Chandimal was found to be guilty of making ball tampering incidence.[45] Video evidence indicated that on the second day's play, Chandimal was taking sweets out from his left pocket, putting them in his mouth, and applying saliva to the ball within the space of a few seconds.[46] Two on-field umpires Ian Gould, Aleem Dar, television umpire Richard Kettleborough, and match referee Javagal Srinath observed the incidence carefully and charged him with one Test ban and two demerit points.[47]

At the end of the match, the hearing with match referee Javagal Srinath, his team management, and other match officials took place with Chandimal and he was not able to recall what it was in his mouth when he polished the ball with saliva.[48] As a result, match referee handed Chandimal the maximum punishment available under the ICC Code of Conduct, which was two suspension points and a fine of 100% of his match fee.[49]

However, before finishing the match, Chandimal pleaded not guilty for the ball tampering incidence and this caused trouble at the start of Day 3 test match. The conflict started in the morning, where two umpires asked to change the ball used in the previous day with a new ball. Sri Lankan players did not accept that and refused to go into the field for the match. The incidence got worse when coach Chandika Hathurusinghe and manager Asanka Gurusinha also got involved with the match referee and umpires.[47] Over the next two hours, several animated discussions took place between management and cricket officials.[50]

With that, Srinath took a decision and asked Sri Lanka to take the field before 11:30 am (the scheduled start had been 9:30), or forfeit the game. Players finally agreed to play the match "under protest". The Match referee awarded West Indies five penalty runs in the match after the incident.[51]

On 11 July 2018, ICC concluded its hearing on the trio, who had pleaded guilty to a level-three spirit of cricket offense. His hearing took place before the start of the first Test match against South Africa, and he was found guilty. He received a two-match ban, with Suranga Lakmal captaining the side in his place.[52][53] On 16 July 2018, independent Judicial Commissioner handed down a further eight suspension points with maximum possible punishment for their spirit of cricket offense and suspension for four ODIs as well.[54][55]

Postponement of 2018 Lanka Premier League


The scheduled inaugural edition of the Lankan Premier League which was supposed to be held in August 2018 was indefinitely postponed as a result of the change in country's cricket administration.[56] This was also assumed to have been postponed due to Al Jazeera's claims on match fixing probe in Sri Lanka.[57]

Galle pitch fixing


The groundsman, Tharanga Indika, who is in-charge of the cricket ground was found guilty for helping the bookmakers to engage in match-fixing after allowing them to doctor the pitch conditions. The allegations were revealed by the Al Jazeera news network which filmed both the groundsman and the other match fixers on their targets of match-fixing.[58][59]

Robin Morris was intended to have influenced in fixing allegations relating to Sri Lankan home matches for attempting pitch tampering by the ICC during Sri Lanka's 2nd test match against Australia in Galle and Sri Lanka's 1st test match against India in Galle.[60] Morris was reported to have given bribes to groundsman, Tharanga Indika, who works as the groundsman at the Galle International Stadium to monitor the pitch conditions in those two home matches played by Sri Lanka against Australia in 2016 and India in 2017, and was noticed to have earned from betting after analyzing the Galle pitch conditions.[61] However, he denied all of the allegations against him, as revealed by Al Jazeera.[62] He later revealed that he did not place money for betting after analyzing the Galle pitch conditions in 2016 and 2017.[63]

On 30 May 2018, the SLC said that a new pitch was formed replacing the pitch referred by Al Jazeera in its documentary film.[64]

Sri Lanka v Australia 2016


Robin Morris explained that the Galle pitch was prepared in favour of the bowlers of the Sri Lankan cricket team during the 2nd test against Australia in 2016 where Sri Lanka managed to win the match by a massive margin of 229 runs. Australia lost all 20 wickets within 3 days and batting 501 balls.[65] The groundsman said that the Galle wicket for the Australian test was prepared deliberately for the bowlers by preparing the pitch poorly without using a roller. He also ensured the bookmakers that the five-day test match would finish within three days rather than end in a draw. After knowing about the pitch conditions, the match-fixers made money by betting that the match would not end in a draw. The Australian cricket team also raised concerns over the pitch conditions at the time of the test match as they felt that the pitch did not help the batters. Australian players including Steve Smith, David Warner, and Nathan Lyon complained to the match officials about the poor pitch conditions after a thrashing loss to Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka v India 2017


The Galle pitch for the Indian test was said to be prepared as batsmen friendly pitch where India piled up big first innings score of over 600 in the first innings, and also piled up 240 runs for the loss of only 3 wickets to demolish Sri Lanka and win the match.[66] It was evident that Sri Lanka was restricted under 300 runs in both the innings and lost the match by 304 runs.[67]

Sri Lanka v England 2018


Robin Morris, along with Dubai based business person Gaurav Rajkumar, Galle groundsman Tharanga Indika, and Sri Lankan first-class cricketer Tharindu Mendis have also been investigated by the ICC for attempting another pitch tampering at Galle in Sri Lanka's first test match against England as part of the England's series against Sri Lanka in November 2018.[68][69] Concerns were raised by the English Cricket Board whether to play the series against Sri Lanka over the planned pitch tampering at the Galle Cricket Stadium for the first Test match or not.[70]

Pitch fixing in India


India v England 2016


The 5th and the final test match between England and India which was held in Chennai with India winning the match by an innings and 75 runs has been accused by Al Jazeera as the findings prove that the certain sessions of the test match may have been fixed by bookmakers. India posted a mammoth total of 759/7 with Karun Nair scoring a triple century in the 2nd innings of the match.[71] The English cricket coach, Trevor Bayliss, denied Al Jazeera's allegations. He stated that the allegations are outrageous and he knew that such a documentary would be showcased in future.[72][73] English skipper Joe Root also criticized and branded the match-fixing allegations against India in 2016 as ridiculous.[74]



Sri Lanka Cricket


In a media release on 26 May 2018, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) announced that it would cooperate with any kind of investigation undertaken by the ICC following the allegations.[75][76][77][78] The current President of the Sri Lanka Cricket, Thilanga Sumathipala, announced that independent groundsmen would, with immediate effect, be appointed in the future to supervise ground preparation.[79] Sri Lanka Cricket suspended Tharindu Mendis and Tharanga Indika with immediate effect,[80][81][82] and reported the case to the Criminal Investigation Department of Sri Lanka.[83][84]

In a press meet, the SLC vice-president Mohan de Silva commented that he and the SLC were finding it difficult to believe any of the allegations mounted by Al Jazeera on the Galle fixing scandal.[85]

The SLC also refuted some of the allegations made by Al Jazeera, claiming that it is not a strange thing to prepare a turning bouncy track in Galle for test matches. The SLC defended Al Jazeera's claims on preparing a spin-friendly turning pitch to favour the spin bowlers during the 2016 Galle test match between Sri Lanka and Australia where Australia lost 18 out of the 20 wickets to Sri Lankan spinners in the Galle test.[86] The SLC also reacted negatively to the documentary's claims on pointing out the involvement of the Galle groundsman, stating that the person did not have any authoritative powers to alter the conditions of the pitch.[87]

The SLC later revealed that the future test matches scheduled against England and South African cricket team at the Galle cricket stadium in 2018 would be shifted to other cricket grounds following the controversy.[88][89] However, SLC planned not to shift the matches from Galle due to the unavailability of other cricket grounds to host test matches.

During the renovations, another problem emerged that threatened to stop the construction.[90] One of the new buildings being constructed blocked the view of the adjacent fort, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[91] The Galle Heritage Foundation and some other organisations expressed concern over this, pointing out that this may result in the fort being removed from the UNESCO world heritage sites.[92][93] This issue was later resolved and the construction re-continued after some time.[94]

Postponement of SLC Elections


The corruption allegations revolving around the SLC Board and the breakout of the pitch fixing scandal has ultimately led a stay order against conducting the SLC Board elections, scheduled to be held on 31 May 2018.[95][96] The Court of Appeal issued a stay order against holding elections for the SLC until 14 June after a petition filed by Arjuna Ranatunga's younger brother, Nishantha Ranatunga, against Thilanga Sumathipala from contesting in the elections.[97][98][99]

Former Sri Lankan world cup winning captain, Arjuna Ranatunga, also condemned and blamed the corruption allegations linking SLC Board and the president of the Board, Thilanga Sumathipala, while criticising the ICC's anti-corruption investigation unit for not taking proper actions against corruption allegations after referring to Al Jazeera's findings on alleged spot-fixing row.[100][101]

Prior to the scheduled SLC elections, the actor and politician, Ranjan Ramanayake, criticized the SLC elections as illegal and called Thilanga Sumathipala as a well known bookmaker.[102]

Sri Lankan government


The Sri Lankan government also requested SLC to inquire into the pitch fixing probe which has damaged the reputation of the history of cricket in Sri Lanka.[103] The newly appointed Sri Lankan sports minister, Faiszer Musthapha, said that he watched the Al Jazeera documentary and told the reporters that he wrote a letter to the SLC on addressing the issue to the CID of Sri Lanka.[104]

Board of Control for Cricket in India


The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) stated that it would take necessary actions against Robin Morris who is accused as the main suspect of the match fixing allegations.[105] The BCCI announced that they will take legal actions against him only if he is found guilty in the ongoing investigations conducted by the ICC on corruption charges.[106][107][108]

Pakistan Cricket Board


The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has commenced investigations on the influence of cricketer Hasan Raza over the alleged betting scandal and told that appropriate sanctions would be imposed on him if he is found guilty of being involved in corruption allegations.[109] PCB contacted Hasan Raza and had been reviewing reports whether the disgraced cricketer took part in the spot-fixing allegations.[110] The PCB banned Hasan Raza to take part in the 2018–19 Quaid-e-Azam Trophy.[111][112]

Cricket Australia


Following the release of Al Jazeera's documentary, the CEO of the Cricket Australia, James Sutherland stated that he is not aware of any credible evidence linking the Australian cricket players in connection to the suspected match-fixing allegations in the fourth and the final test match between India and Australia in 2016.[113]

The interim Australian test captain, Tim Paine, uttered that he is confident of the current situation of the Australian cricket team and responded that none of the Australian players would have been involved in such a match-fixing controversy after suffering from a major Australian ball-tampering scandal in March 2018.[114]

Despite Cricket Australia denying any wrongdoing by its team, Australian all-rounder Glenn Maxwell was reported by Al Jazeera to have been possibly involved in a match-fixing affair without mentioning his name directly in its documentary film.[115] These accusations were, however, refused by the cricketer himself, and both Cricket Australia and Maxwell went on to say that it was just an act to target him unnecessarily and an attempt to spoil his moment after scoring his first test century against India in the Ranchi test, a match which was suspected by Al Jazeera in its documentary.[116][117]

England and Wales Cricket Board


The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) denied the match-fixing allegations reported by Al Jazeera during the final test match of England's test tour in India which was held in Chennai. Former English captain, Michael Atherton, claimed that the allegations made by Al-Jazeera regarding the Australian and English cricketers are ridiculous.[118]

See also



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