Президентские выборы в Кипрском 2013 году
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Президентские выборы были проведены на Кипре был проведен сток 17 февраля 2013 года . 24 февраля 2013 года . [ 1 ] Другими кандидатами были Ставрос Малас из Прогрессивной партии трудящихся (Акель); Praxoula antoniadou of the United Democrats ? Лакис Иоанну при поддержке Ласока ? Лукас Ставру ? Элама Гиоргос Хараламбаус , Джоргос Лиллики из движения за социал -демократию (Эск); и независимые Андреас Эфстратиу , Макария-Андри Стилиану , Костас Кириаку (Outopos) и Solon Gregoriou . [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Хотя президент Деметрис Кристофиас не был ограничен на срок, он не стремился к переизбранию в 2013 году. [ 4 ]
Временная шкала
[ редактировать ]2012
[ редактировать ]Февраль
- 11 февраля : На Конвенции Дисеси Пансиприот Никос Анастасиадес подтверждает свое намерение баллотироваться на пост президента
- 17 марта : Верховный совет дистрации одобряет Никоса Анастасиадеса кандидатом от партии над MEP Eleni Theochrous
- 6 апреля : Горгос Лилликас, бывший министр иностранных дел острова, баллотируется на пост президента в качестве независимого кандидата
- 6 июня : Дико , Экологическое и Экологическое движение , Эверко и Эдек не могут сформировать коалицию «национального единства»
- 21 июня : Центральный комитет Акеля предлагает Пансиприотскую конвенцию партии Ставрос Малас
- 21 июля : члены Пан-хиприотской конвенции Акеля официально вернулись Ставрос Малас
- 27 июля : Центральный комитет и Верховное Бюро Эдека официально обратно в Гиоргос Лилликас
- 30 августа Решение Дико определяет
- 7 September: Stavros Malas runs officially as a presidential candidate with the support of AKEL
- 25 September: DIKO's Executive Bureau officially suggests to the Central Committee of the party to back Nicos Anastasiades
- 27 September: DIKO's Central Committee decides for the election (officially backs Anastasiades)
- 7 October : The members of the Pan-Cypriot Convention of the Ecological and Environmental Movement decide for the election
- 15 October : Stavros Malas resigns as Minister of Health caused by his duty as a candidate
- 17 October : Evroko's Executive Bureau decides that the party should not back any of the candidates
- 3 November : Evroko's Central Council decides for the election (1st choice: to accept Executive Bureau's decision; 2nd choice: to deny the Bureau's plan and hold a Pan-Cypriot Convention)
- 4 November : An electoral conference is held by the Ecological and Environmental Movement to make the decision official
- 2 January: Last day for the voters to register
- 14 January: The first presidential debate is held
- 18 January: The names of the candidates of the election are announced by the Central Electoral Service
- 28 January: The second presidential debate is held
- 11 February: The third presidential debate is held
- 17 February: Election Day:
- 7 am : voting process starts
- 6 pm : voting process ends
- 8 30 pm : The results are official
- 24 February : Second round
Announcements of candidates and support for the first round
[edit]- DISY
The first candidate who confirmed the intention to be the candidate of his party was DISY's Nicos Anastasiades on 11 February 2012 at the Pancypriot Convention of the party. The Supreme Council of DISY (on 17 March) had to choose between Nicos Anastasiades and MEP, Eleni Theocharous. The council voted in favour of Nicos Anastasiades with 673 votes (86.73%) and Eleni Theocharous with 103 votes (13.27%).[5]
When president Christofias decided not to be seeking re-election for February 2013, in late July AKEL's Central Committee decided to suggest Minister of Health Stavros Malas to be the candidate of the party. On 21 July 2012 the Pancypriot Convention of AKEL voted in favour of Stavros Malas with 1183 votes (92.3%), against 81 (6.3%) and 17 abstentions (1.3%). Stavros Malas confirmed his candidacy with the support of AKEL on 7 September. On 15 October he resigned as Minister of Health .
- Coalition attempt – EDEK
After a failed attempt by DIKO, Evroko, Ecological and Environmental Movement and EDEK to form a coalition, known as Intermediate political space (gr:Ενδιάμεσος πολιτικός χώρος- Endiamesos politikos horos), EDEK decided to back independent candidate Giorgos Lillikas ( who had already confirmed his candidacy on 6 April) on 27 July at the Central Committee of the party.
DIKO had two plans on the table. The first was to back Nicos Anastasiades and the second to back a candidate from DIKO. After the talks on 30 August between Nicos Anastasiades and the president of DIKO Marios Garoyian, the two leaders agreed for cooperation. On 25 September the Executive Bureau of DIKO officially suggested the Central Committee to back Anastasiades. At the Central Committee on 27 September 117 members voted in-favour of Anastasiades (81.9%), 27 against and 2 abstained.[6] The two parties had also talks with other parties such as Evroko and the Ecological and Environmental Movement to create and broaden a coalition of "National Unity".
- Evroko
Evroko was between to choose either Anastasiades or Lillikas. On 27 September (DIKO's decision day) president of Evroko Demetris Syllouris, had talks with Nicos Anastasiades and most possible scenario was to back DISY. Although, on 17 October Evroko's Executive Bureau decided not to back any of the candidates.[7] At the Central Council, on 3 November, it had to be decided either the acceptance of EB's decision or denial. 75% of the members of the party voted in-favour of EB's decision and 25% against. The members can vote any of the two candidates (Lillikas-Anastasiades) they want.
- Ecological and Environmental Movement
The Movement's Convention was held on 7 October. The members had the opportunity to decide which candidate would be backed by the Movement. The results were split between Lillikas and Anastasiades. Lillikas got 45% and Anastasiades 40%. An electoral conference was scheduled to be held on 4 November where the decision was going to be determined. The Movement would back the candidate who obtained 60% of the vote. Although no candidate obtained 60% of the vote and so the voters of the Movement can vote any of the candidates they want.(like Evroko did)
Candidates and supporting parties
[edit]Eleven candidates were approved to participate in the elections. Each candidate had to be recommended by one Cypriot citizen and supported by eight more.
1st round
[edit]All the names of the candidates were announced on 18 January.[8] The names are:
- Nicos Anastasiades, supported by DISY, DIKO, Social Alliance – Evroko, Ecological and Environmental Movement (part)
- Stavros Malas, supported by AKEL
- Giorgos Lillikas, supported by EDEK, Ecological and Environmental Movement (part)
- Lakis Ioannou, supported by LASOK
- Praxoula Antoniadou, supported by EDI
- Giorgos Charalambous, supported by ELAM
- Loukas Stavrou, supported by EDIK
- Andreas Efstratiou
- Makaria-Andri Stylianou
- Solon Gregoriou
- Kostas Kyriacou (Outopos)
2nd round
[edit]- Nicos Anastasiades, supported by DISY, DIKO, Evroko
- Stavros Malas, supported by AKEL
Announcements of support for the second round
[edit]- Evroko
After the elimination of Giorgos Lillikas in the first round, Evroko decided to back Nicos Anastasiades.[9]
- Ecological and Environmental Movement
The Movement chose to keep the first decision.[10]
When Lillikas didn't pass to the second round, the Executive Bureau decided not to endorse any of the remaining candidates. In contrast with EDEK, the Party of European Socialists (mother European political party of EDEK) endorsed Malas.[11] This endorsement brought anger to some EDEK's MP.
- Orthodox Church of Cyprus
The Archbishop of the Church of Cyprus, Chrysostomos II, endorsed Nicos Anastasiades at the second round.[12]
Main topics
[edit]Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation had talks with all the spokespersons of the candidates. Lillikas and Malas wanted four debates, three before the first round and one before the second. Anastasiades wanted three (two for the first round and one for the second) because he believed that four debates would "harm the image" of the candidates. In a meeting with spokespersons of four large Cypriot media networks (Mega, ANT1, Sigma, RIK), it was proposed to hold five debates. In two debates all candidates would participate. The other three debates would be double, which means that they would be between two participants (Anastasiades-Malas, Malas-Lillikas, Anastasiades-Lillikas).[13] However, on 7 November it was decided that three debates were going to be held before the first round and one before a possible second round.[14]
The debates were held on 14 and 28 January and 11 February. The fourth and last presidential debate was held on 22 February. The structure of the debates was:
- First presidential debate's subject of discussion was the Cypriot economy.
- Second presidential debate's subject of discussion was the Cyprus dispute.
- The third presidential debate's subject was the economy and domestic affairs of the island.
- 2-hour-long debates.
- 20-second-long questions and 2-minute-long answers. Furthermore, journalists could ask a 15-second-long sub-question and candidates had 30-second-long answers.
- At the end of each section candidates had a minute to comment other candidates' positions.
Guinness World Records logo dispute
[edit]On 29 January, the independent candidate Andreas Efstratiou was accused (by an anonymous citizen) of using the logo of Guinness World Records without the permission of the corporation.[15] The logo was printed on the ballot slip of the election. Efstratiou has been a holder of a Guinness World Record since 2007, when he created the longest wedding-gown train in the world. All the 545,180 ballot slips were destroyed and new ballot slips, without the logo, were printed. It was announced that €40,000 were wasted. The Central Electoral Service asked Efstratiou to pay at least €15,000. He refused, stating that he had 8 children and cannot afford the cost.
Opinion polls
[edit]A collection of opinion polls taken before the elections is listed below. After 9 February 2013, no opinion poll was allowed to be published.
Polling Firm | Source | Date Published | N.Anastasiades | G.Lillikas | S.Malas | Others |
RAI Consultants | [1] | 16 September 2012 | 37.2%
Evresis | [2][permanent dead link] | 18 September 2012 | 35.2%
Noverna | [3] | 23 September 2012 | 35.02%
| |
Prime Consulting Ltd | [4] | 7 October 2012 | 34.7%
| |
CMR Cypronetwork / Cybc | [5] | 18 October 2012 | 36.9%
Evresis | [6][permanent dead link] | 2 November 2012 | 36.9%
RAI Consultants | [7][permanent dead link] | 4 November 2012 | 38.8%
CMR Cypronetwork / Cybc | [8] | 15 November 2012 | 36.8%
Prime Consulting Ltd | [9] | 18 November 2012 | 35.9%
Evresis | [10][permanent dead link] | 27 November 2012 | 37.1%
Noverna | [11] Archived 7 February 2016 at the Wayback Machine | 2 December 2012 | 35.6%
Prime Consulting Ltd | [12] | 3 December 2012 | 35%
CMR Cypronetwork / Cybc | [13] | 17 December 2012 | 37.1%
Evresis | [14][permanent dead link] | 22 December 2012 | 37.4%
RAI Consultants Ltd | [15] | 13 January 2013 | 40.3%
CMR Cypronetwork / Cybc | [16][permanent dead link] | 17 January 2013 | 38%
Prime Consulting Ltd | [17] | 27 January 2013 | 39.2%
Evresis | [18][permanent dead link] | 1 February 2013 | 40.8%
Prime Consulting Ltd | [19] | 4 February 2013 | 39.8%
Prime Consulting Ltd | [20] | 9 February 2013 | 40.6%
RAI Consultants Ltd | [21] | 9 February 2013 | 42.1%
CMR Cypronetwork / Cybc | [22] | 9 February 2013 | 39.9%
Average (only valid votes) | – | – | 48.4%
Comparative results (only valid votes)
[edit]- RAI Consultants
Date Published | N.Anastasiades | G.Lillikas | S.Malas | Others |
16/9 | 49.73% | 18.98% | 29.28% | 2% |
4/11 | 47.32% | 24.15% | 25.73% | 2.8% |
13/1 | 47.52% | 21.11% | 24.17% | 7.19% |
8/2 | 48.39% | 22.3% | 24.25% | 5.05% |
Average | 48.24% | 21.64% | 25.85% | 4.26% |
- Evresis
Date Published | N.Anastasiades | G.Lillikas | S.Malas | Others |
18/9 | 47.5% | 23.62% | 26.59% | 2.29% |
2/11 | 48.17% | 23.11% | 26.9% | 1.83% |
27/11 | 47.5% | 25.1% | 26.63% | 0.77% |
22/12 | 47.04% | 24.91% | 27.42% | 0.63% |
1/2 | 47.78% | 23.3% | 26% | 2.92% |
Average | 47.6% | 24% | 26.71% | 1.69% |
- Noverna
Date Published | N.Anastasiades | G.Lillikas | S.Malas | Others |
23/9 | 51.04% | 23.04% | 25.91% | |
2/12 | 47.47% | 22.93% | 24.13% | 5.46% |
Average | 49.25% | 23% | 25.02% | 2.73% |
- Prime Consulting Ltd
Date Published | N.Anastasiades | G.Lillikas | S.Malas | Others |
7/10 | 49.15% | 24.65% | 26.2% | |
18/11 | 48% | 25% | 26.2% | 0.8% |
3/12 | 47.23% | 25.78% | 25.1% | 1.89% |
27/1 | 47.92% | 22.98% | 24.21% | 4.89% |
4/2 | 48.48% | 23.51% | 24.36% | 3.65% |
9/2 | 48.62% | 23.47% | 24.43% | 3.47% |
Average | 48.23% | 24.23% | 25.08% | 2.45% |
- CMR Cypronetwork/Cybc
Date Published | N.Anastasiades | G.Lillikas | S.Malas | Others |
18/10 | 46.77% | 21.55% | 30.16% | 1.52% |
15/11 | 45.94% | 23.6% | 28.46% | 2% |
17/12 | 44.32% | 24.37% | 27.6% | 3.7% |
17/1 | 45.18% | 23.42% | 28.18% | 3.21% |
9/2 | 45.7% | 23.14% | 27.72% | 3.44% |
Average | 45.58% | 23.22% | 28.42% | 2.77% |
Results and reaction
[edit]On 24 February, Nicos Anastasiades won the presidential election with 57.48% of the vote;[16] his opponent Stavros Malas received the remaining 42.52%. Of 545,000 eligible voters, 412,000 cast a ballot for one of the two candidates. In addition, the 81% turnout was lower than expected.[17] It is believed that many people cast blank ballots or refused to vote out of protest.[18] A week earlier, Anastasiades had won 45% of the first round vote with Malas receiving 27%, necessitating a second round of voting since no candidate received a strong majority of the votes. In that round, Giorgos Lillikas won 24% of the vote and eight minor candidates received under 1% each.[19]
Candidate | Party | First round | Second round | |||
Votes | % | Votes | % | |||
Nicos Anastasiades | Democratic Rally | 200,591 | 45.46 | 236,965 | 57.48 | |
Stavros Malas | Progressive Party of Working People | 118,755 | 26.91 | 175,267 | 42.52 | |
Giorgos Lillikas | Movement for Social Democracy | 109,996 | 24.93 | |||
Giorgos Charalambous | ELAM | 3,899 | 0.88 | |||
Praxoula Antoniadou | United Democrats | 2,678 | 0.61 | |||
Makaria-Andri Stylianou | Independent | 1,898 | 0.43 | |||
Lakis Ioannou | LASOK | 1,278 | 0.29 | |||
Solon Gregoriou | Independent | 792 | 0.18 | |||
Kostas Kyriacou | Independent | 722 | 0.16 | |||
Andreas Efstratiou | Independent | 434 | 0.10 | |||
Loukas Stavrou | Independent | 213 | 0.05 | |||
Total | 441,256 | 100.00 | 412,232 | 100.00 | ||
Valid votes | 441,256 | 97.29 | 412,232 | 92.63 | ||
Invalid/blank votes | 12,278 | 2.71 | 32,777 | 7.37 | ||
Total votes | 453,534 | 100.00 | 445,009 | 100.00 | ||
Registered voters/turnout | 545,491 | 83.14 | 545,493 | 81.58 | ||
Source: MOI, MOI |
By district
[edit]- National:
- Nicosia:
- Famagusta:
- Larnaka:
- Limassol:
- Paphos:
- Abroad:
[edit]страны Победа Анастасиада привела к празднованию в столице Никосии и повысила надежды на заключение финансовой спасения с международными банками. [18] Economist Stelios Platis remarked "I would expect the markets, and business, to welcome Anastasiades's victory because he knows the rules of the game very well."[17] However, political analyst Alexander White said immediate resolution to Cyprus' debt problems was unlikely.[20] Agence France-Presse remarked that Anastasiades represented a stark contrast to the outgoing government and speculated that "his perceived bias towards big business may put him on a collision course with influential and powerful trade unions".[21] In his concession speech, Malas pledged to support Anastasiades "in actions and politics that we believe are followed for the good of the country".[ 20 ]
[ редактировать ]Анастасиад был приведен к присяге 28 февраля 2013 года и принял власть 1 марта. [ 17 ]
[ редактировать ]- ^ Выборы на Кипре -Ифисе
- ^ Evripidou, Stefanos (12 июня 2012 г.). «Новое лицо на блоке в беге на президент 2013» . Кипр почта . Получено 12 июля 2012 года . [ мертвая ссылка ]
- ^ «Акель выбрал Маласа в качестве своего кандидата на президентские выборы в 2013 году» . Северный Кипр ежедневно. 22 июня 2012 года . Получено 12 июля 2012 года .
- ^ «Конец дороги для Кристофиаса-президент не будет стремиться к переизбранию» . Famagusta Gazette . 14 мая 2012 года. Архивировано с оригинала 8 апреля 2014 года . Получено 12 июля 2012 года .
- ^ «Верховный совет дичи» . 17 марта 2012 года . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года - через YouTube.
- ^ «Архивная копия» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 17 ноября 2013 года . Получено 16 сентября 2012 года .
{{cite news}}
: CS1 Maint: архивная копия как заголовок ( ссылка ) Страница 11 Между Diko и Disi - ^ «Архивная копия» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 21 октября 2012 года . Получено 18 октября 2012 года .
{{cite news}}
: CS1 Maint: Archived Copy As Title ( ссылка ) Исполнительное бюро говорит «нет», чтобы поддержать кандидата в президенты - ^ "kathimerini.com" . Кандидаты и их поддерживающие люди и вечеринки
- ^ «Иди на Анастасиадис Евроко» . Сигма вживую. 19 февраля 2013 года . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ По желанию и во 2 -м раунде экологов
- ^ «В пользу кандидатуры Ставрос Мала, Европейской социалистической партии» . Ikypros. Архивировано из оригинала 11 апреля 2013 года . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ «Кипр: Архиепископ Хлайсост поддерживает Никоса Анастасиадиса » . Kathimerini.gr . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ «Дебаты -Phileleftheros газета» . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ Решение о дебатах [ Постоянная мертвая ссылка ]
- ^ «Оболочка с проскальзыванием голосования» . Kathimerini.com.cy. 20 января 2013 года . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ «Окончательные результаты: консервативные Анастасиады выигрывают президентские выборы на Кипре с 57,48 процента» . 24 февраля 2013 года . Получено 24 февраля 2013 года . [ мертвая ссылка ]
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный в «Киприотские консервативные борьбы с победой президента» . Рейтер . 24 февраля 2013 года . Получено 24 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Консервативные триумфы на президентских выборах на Кипре» . 24 февраля 2013 года . Получено 24 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ «Киприотское правительство» . Ekloges.gov.cy. Архивировано из оригинала 31 июля 2013 года . Получено 25 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный Георгиу, Джорджиос; Тугвелл, Пол (24 февраля 2013 г.). «Кипр выбирает Анастасиад в качестве президента, чтобы исправить кризисную экономику» . Блумберг . Получено 24 февраля 2013 года .
- ^ Charalambous, Чарли (24 февраля 2013 г.). «Бруйзер Анастасиадес, новый президент Кипра» . Архивировано из оригинала 11 апреля 2013 года . Получено 24 февраля 2013 года .