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National Folklore Cultural Heritage (South Korea)

National Folklore Cultural Heritage (Korean국가민속문화재; Hanja國家民俗文化財) is a national-level designation within the heritage preservation system of South Korea. It is intended to preserve customs, objects, places, and buildings that are important to Korean folklore.[1][2]

The designation attempts to protect things considered important or important for understanding the daily life, business, transportation, communication, entertainment, socializing, religion, or events of Korea.[2]


No. Image Name Location Dates Ref
1 Semi-formal Jacket Worn by Princess Deokon [ko]
덕온공주 당의
德溫公主 唐衣
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1964-12-7 [3]
2 Official Attire Worn by Sim Dong-sin [ko]
심동신 금관조복
沈東臣 金冠朝服
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1964-12-7 [4]
3 Clothes Worn by King Gwanghaegun, His Queen Consort, and a Court Lady [ko]
광해군 내외 및 상궁 옷
光海君 內外 및 尙宮 옷
Haeinsa, Hapcheon County, South Gyeongsang 1965-10-12 [5]
4 Clothes Worn by Yi Dan-ha and His Wife [ko]
외재 이단하 내외 옷
畏齋 李端夏 內外 옷
Jeongseon County, Gangwon 1965-10-12 [6]
5 Seongyojang House, Gangneung [ko]
강릉 선교장
江陵 船橋莊
Gangneung, Gangwon 1967-4-20 [7]
6 Clothes Worn by Kim Byeong-gi and His Family [ko]
사영 김병기 일가 옷
思穎 金炳冀 一家 옷
Korea University Museum, Seoul 1968-2-19 [8]
7 Guardian Post of Munhwa-dong, Chungmu [ko]
통영 문화동 벅수
統營 文化洞 벅수
Tongyeong, South Gyeongsang 1968-11-23,
2015-11-16일 renamed
8 Unjoru Historic House, Gurye [ko]
구례 운조루 고택
求禮 雲鳥樓 古宅
Gurye County, South Jeolla 1968-11-25,
2017-2-28 renamed
9 Guardian Post of Munhwa-dong, Chungmu [ko]
삼덕리 마을제당
三德里 마을祭堂
Tongyeong, South Gyeongsang 1968-11-23 [11]
10 Historic House of the Jinyang Ha Clan, Changnyeong [ko]
창녕 진양하씨 고택
昌寧 晉陽河氏 古宅
Changnyeong County, South Gyeongsang 1968-11-25,
2017-2-28 renamed
11 Stone Guardian Post of Bulhoesa Temple, Naju [ko]
나주 불회사 석장승
羅州 佛會寺 石長栍
Naju, South Jeolla 1968-12-12 [13]
12 Stone Guardian Post of Unheungsa Temple, Naju [ko]
나주 운흥사 석장승
羅州 雲興寺 石長栍
Naju, South Jeolla 1968-12-12 [14]
13 Clothes and Belt Worn by Jeong Won-yong, Gyeongsan [ko]
경산 정원용 의대
經山 鄭元容 衣帶
National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul 1968-12-12 [15]
14 Village Guardians of Ogeo-ri, Gochang [ko]
고창 오거리 당산
高敞 五巨里 堂山
Gochang County, North Jeolla 1969-12-15 [16]
15 Stone Guardian Post of Silsangsa Temple, Namwon [ko]
남원 실상사 석장승
南原 實相寺 石長栍
Namwon, North Jeolla 1969-12-15 [17]
16 Bangsangsi Mask [ko]
방상시 탈
方相氏 탈
National Museum of Korea, Seoul 1970-3-24 [18]
17 Paintings of Shamanistic Spirits in Guksadang Shrine [ko]
국사당의 무신도
國師堂의 巫神圖
Jongno District, Seoul 1970-3-24 [19]
18 Village Guardians within the West Gate of Buan [ko]
부안 서문안 당산
扶安 西門안 堂山
Buan County, North Jeolla 1970-5-20 [20]
19 Village Guardians within the East Gate of Buan [ko]
부안 동문안 당산
扶安 東門안 堂山
Buan County, North Jeolla 1970-5-20 [21]
20 Village Guardians of Seocheon-ri, Namwon [ko]
남원 서천리 당산
南原 西川里 堂山
Namwon, North Jeolla 1970-5-20 [22]
21 Artifacts Used by General Nam I-heung and His Family [ko]
남이흥장군 일가 유품
南以興將軍 一家 遺品
Dangjin, South Chungcheong 1970-12-19 [23]
22 Artifacts Used by Yun Jeung and His Family [ko]
윤증 가의 유품
尹拯 家의 遺品
Gongju, South Chungcheong 1970-12-19 [24]
23 Songcheom Head House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju [ko]
경주 양동마을 송첨 종택
慶州 良洞마을 松詹 宗宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1970-12-29,
2017-2-28 renamed
24 Maesan Historic House and Sansujeong Pavilion, Yeongcheon [ko]
영천 매산 고택과 산수정
永川 梅山 古宅과 山水亭
Yangcheon, North Gyeongsang 1970-12-29,
2017-2-28 renamed
25 의성김동주씨가옥 Uiseong County, North Gyeongsang 1970-12-29,
1988-12-23 removed
damaged by fire
26 Gim Myeong-gwan‘s Historic House, Jeongeup [ko]
정읍 김명관 고택
井邑 金命寬 古宅
Jeongeup, North Jeolla 1971-5-27,
2017-2-28 renamed
27 Historic House of "Rich Man" Choe, Gyeongju [ko]
경주 최부자댁
慶州 崔富者宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1971-5-27,
2017-2-28 renamed
28 Guksadang Shrine of Inwangsan Mountain [ko]
인왕산 국사당
仁旺山 國師堂
Jongno District, Seoul 1973-7-16 [30]
29 Buddhist Monk Samyeong's Outer Vestment and Robe [ko]
사명대사의 금란가사와 장삼
泗溟大師의 金襴袈裟와 長衫
Miryang, South Gyeongsang 1973-7-16 [31]
30-1 Artifacts of Peddlers
보부상 유품(1)
褓負商 遺品(1)
Gongju, South Chungcheong 1973-7-16 [32]
30-2 Artifacts of Peddlers
보부상 유품(2)
褓負商 遺品(2)
Yesan County, South Chungcheong 1973-7-16 [33]
30-3 Artifacts of Peddlers
보부상 유품(3)
褓負商 遺品(3)
Buyeo County, South Chungcheong 1973-7-16 [34]
30-4 Artifacts of Peddlers
보부상 유품(4)
褓負商 遺品(4)
Gongju, South Chungcheong 1973-7-16 [35]
30-5 Artifacts of Peddlers
보부상 유품(5)
褓負商 遺品(5)
Gongju, South Chungcheong 1973-7-16 [36]
30-6 Artifacts of Peddlers
보부상 유품(6)
褓負商 遺品(6)
Gongju, South Chungcheong 1973-7-16 [37]
31 Bier of Nameundeul Village [ko]
남은들 상여
남은들 喪輿
National Palace Museum of Korea, Seoul 1974-3-15 [38]
32 Horse Mill of Aewol, Jeju [ko]
제주 애월 말방아
濟州 涯月 말방아
Jeju Province 1975-10-13 [39]
33 Shingled House and Folk Artifacts in Sin-ri, Samcheok [ko]
삼척 신리 너와집과 민속유물
三陟 新里 너와집과 民俗遺物
Samcheok, Gangwon 1975-10-21,
2017-2-28 renamed
34 Wolam Head House, Gyeongju [ko]
경주 월암 종택
慶州 月菴 宗宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1977-1-8 [41]
35 Horn Bow [ko]
Nowon District, Seoul 1976-12-31 [42]
36 Artifacts Used by General Jeong Chung-sin [ko]
정충신장군 유품
鄭忠信將軍 遺品
Seosan, South Chungcheong 1978-6-21 [43]
37 Clothes Excavated from the Tombs of Yi Cheon-gi and His Family, Hakseong
학성 이천기 일가 묘 출토복식
鶴城 李天機 一家 墓 出土服飾
Nam District, Ulsan 1979-1-23 [44]
38 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Hong Geuk-ga
정공청 유품
鄭公淸 遺品
Nam District, Ulsan 1979-1-23 [45]
39 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Hong Geuk-ga [ko]
고창 신재효 고택
高敞 申在孝 古宅
Gochang County, North Jeolla 1979-1-26 [46]
40 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Hong Geuk-ga
홍극가 묘 출토복식
洪克家 墓 出土服飾
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-23 [47]
41 Incense Bag with Embroidered Cloud and Phoenix Design [ko]
운봉수 향낭
雲鳳繡 香囊
Gangnam District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [48]
42 Dharani Bag with Embroidered Sun and Moon Design
일월수 다라니주머니
日月繡 陀羅尼주머니
Gangnam District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [49]
43 Horsehair Hat Worn by King Gojong (Presumed) [ko]
오조룡 왕비 보
五爪龍 王妃 補
Gangnam District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [50]
44 Horsehair Hat Worn by King Gojong (Presumed) [ko]
전(傳) 고종 익선관
傳 高宗 翼善冠
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [51]
45 Horsehair Hat Worn by King Gojong (Presumed) [ko]
전(傳) 고종갓
傳 高宗 갓
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [52]
46 Jade Pendant Worn by King Gojong (Presumed) [ko]
전(傳) 고종 패옥
傳 高宗 佩玉
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [53]
47 Ceremonial Robe Worn by a Crown Princess
별전 괴불(17족)
別錢 괴불(17足)
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [54]
48 Ceremonial Robe Worn by a Crown Princess
동궁비 원삼
東宮妃 圓衫
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [55]
49 Yellow Ceremonial Robe Worn by an Empress (Presumed) [ko]
전(傳) 황후 황원삼
傳 皇后 黃圓衫
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [56]
50 Woman's Jade-green Silk Overcoat
옥색 명주 장옷
玉色 明紬 장옷
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [57]
51 Woman's Blue Boiled-silk Overcoat
청색 숙고사 장옷
靑色 熟庫紗 장옷
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [58]
52 Ceremonial Robe Worn by Royal Concubine Gwanghwadang
광화당 원삼
光華堂 圓衫
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [59]
53 Woman's Brown Silk Jacket
토황색 명주 저고리
土黃色 明紬 저고리
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [60]
54 Ceremonial Robe Worn by an Empress
황후 적의
皇后 翟衣
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [61]
55 Blue Ceremonial Shoes Worn by an Empress
황후 청석
皇后 靑舃
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [62]
56 Woman's Yellow-Brown Semi-formal Jacket
수복칠보석류문 황갈단 당의
壽福七寶石榴紋 黃褐緞 唐衣
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [63]
57 Woman's Yellow-Brown Semi-formal Jacket
수복칠보석류보상화문 황갈단 당의
壽福七寶石榴寶相花紋 黃褐緞 唐衣
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [64]
58 King's Robe with Dragon Insignia
곤룡포 부 용문보
袞龍袍 付 龍紋補
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [65]
59 Two-tiered Chest Embroidered with Ten Symbols of Longevity
십장생수 이층롱
十長生繡 二層籠
Yongsan District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [66]
60 Folding Screen Embroidered with Grass and Insects (Four Panels)
Yongsan District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [67]
61 Blue Silk Inner Robe
Seodaemun District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [68]
62 Red Silk Robe
Seodaemun District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [69]
63 Green Ceremonial Robe for the Queen Consort
왕비 록원삼
王妃 綠圓衫
Seodaemun District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [70]
64 자수요와 이불
(刺繡요와 이불)
Seodaemun District, Seoul 1979-1-23,
1987-3-9 removed
65 Heungseon Daewongun's Rank Badge with Girin Design
흥선대원군 기린흉배
興宣大院君 麒麟胸背
Suseong District, Daegu 1979-1-23 [72]
66 King's Ceremonial Robe with Nine Embroidered Symbols
National Museum of Korea, Seoul 1979-1-23 [73]
67 Patterns for the Queen Consort’s Ceremonial Robe and Front Cloth Panel
적의본 및 폐슬본
翟衣本 및 蔽膝本
National Museum of Korea, Seoul 1979-1-23 [74]
68 Gaekjujip House in Seongeup Village, Jeju
제주 성읍마을 객주집
濟州 城邑마을 客主집
Seogwipo, Jeju 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
69 Go Pyeong-o's Historic House in Seongeup Village, Jeju
제주 성읍마을 고평오 고택
濟州 城邑마을 高平五 古宅
Seogwipo, Jeju 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
70 Go Chang-hwan's Historic House in Seongeup Village, Jeju
제주 성읍마을 고창환 고택
濟州 城邑마을 高昌煥 古宅
Seogwipo, Jeju 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
71 Han Bong-il's Historic House in Seongeup Village, Jeju
제주 성읍마을 한봉일 고택
濟州 城邑마을 韓奉日 古宅
Seogwipo, Jeju 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
72 The Blacksmith's House in Seongeup Village, Jeju
제주 성읍마을 대장간집
濟州 城邑마을 대장간집
Seogwipo, Jeju 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
73 Nakseondang Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 낙선당 고택
慶州 良洞마을 樂善堂 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
74 Sahodang Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 사호당 고택
慶州 良洞마을 沙湖堂 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
75 Sangchunheon Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 상춘헌 고택
慶州 良洞마을 賞春軒 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
76 Geunam Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 근암 고택
慶州 良洞마을 謹庵 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
77 Dugok Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 두곡 고택
慶州 良洞마을 杜谷 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
78 Sujoldang Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 수졸당 고택
慶州 良洞마을 守拙堂 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
79 Ihyangjeong Historic House in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 이향정 고택
慶州 良洞마을 二香亭 古宅
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
80 Suunjeong Pavilion in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 수운정
慶州 良洞마을 水雲亭
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
81 Simsujeong Pavilion in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 심수정
慶州 良洞마을 心水亭
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
82 Allakjeong Lecture Hall in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 안락정
慶州 良洞마을 安樂亭
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
83 Lecture Hall in Yangdong Village, Gyeongju
경주 양동마을 강학당
慶州 良洞마을 講學堂
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
84 Hwageongdang Historic House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 화경당 고택
安東 河回마을 和敬堂 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
85 Wonjijeongsa House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 원지정사
安東 河回마을 遠志精舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
86 Binyeonjeongsa House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 빈연정사
安東 河回마을 賓淵精舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
87 Jakcheon Historic House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 작천 고택
安東 河回마을 鵲泉 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
88 Ogyeonjeongsa House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 옥연정사
安東 河回마을 玉淵精舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
89 Gyeomamjeongsa House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 겸암정사
安東 河回마을 謙菴精舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
90 Yeomhaengdang Historic House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 염행당 고택
安東 河回마을 念行堂 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
91 Yangodang Historic House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 양오당 고택
安東 河回마을 養吾堂古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
92 Ibangdaek House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 이방댁
順天 樂安邑城 吏房宅
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
93 Dlemarujip House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 들마루집
順天 樂安邑城 들마루집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
94 Ttoechangjip House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 뙤창집
順天 樂安邑城 뙤窓집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
95 House with Wooden Floored Room in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 마루방집
順天 樂安邑城 마루방집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
96 Bamboo Rafter House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 대나무 서까래집
順天 樂安邑城 대나무 서까래집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
97 ㄱ Shaped House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 ㄱ자집
順天 樂安邑城 ㄱ字집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
98 Old Tavern House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 주막집
順天 樂安邑城 酒幕집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
99 House at the West Gate of City Wall in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 서문성벽집
順天 樂安邑城 西門城壁집
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
100 Hyangridaek House in Naganeupseong, Suncheon
순천 낙안읍성 향리댁
順天 樂安邑城 鄕吏宅
Suncheon, South Jeolla 1979-1-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
101 Stone Guardian Post of Chungsin-ri, Sunchang
순창 충신리 석장승
淳昌 忠信里 石長栍
Sunchang County, North Jeolla 1979-1-23 [108]
102 Stone Guardian Post of Namgye-ri, Sunchang
순창 남계리 석장승
淳昌 南溪里 石長栍
Sunchang County, North Jeolla 1979-1-23 [109]
103 Semi-formal Jacket Worn by a Queen Consort (Presumed)
전(傳) 왕비 당의
傳 王妃 唐衣
Gwangjin District, Seoul 1979-1-23 [110]
104 Samgaheon Historic House, Dalseong
달성 삼가헌 고택
達城 三可軒 古宅
Dalseong County, Daegu 1979-12-31,
2007-1-29 renamed
2017-2-28 renamed
105 Ssangam Historic House, Gumi
구미 쌍암고택
龜尾 雙巖古宅
Gumi, North Gyeongsang 1979-12-31 [112]
106 Ungang Historic House and Manhwajeong Pavilion, Cheongdo
청도 운강 고택과 만화정
淸道 雲岡 故宅과 萬和亭
Cheongdo County, North Gyeongsang 1979-12-31,
2017-2-28 renamed
107 Yeonjeong Historic House, Yeongcheon
영천 연정 고택
永川 蓮亭 古宅
Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang 1979-12-31,
2017-2-28 renamed
108 Seoseokji Garden, Yeongyang
영양 서석지
英陽 瑞石池
Yeongyang County, North Gyeongsang 1979-12-31 [115]
109 Clothes and Letters of Lady Kim of the Suncheon Kim Clan Excavated from Cheongju
청주 출토 순천김씨 의복 및 간찰
淸州 出土 順天金氏 衣服 및 簡札
Cheongju, North Chungcheong 1979-12-28 [116]
110 Clothes and Belt Worn by General Bak Sin-yong (Presumed)
전(傳) 박신용장군 의대
傳 朴信龍將軍 衣帶
Buyeo National Museum, Buyeo County, South Chungcheong 1980-4-1 [117]
111 Clothes Worn by General Kim Deok-ryeong
김덕령장군 의복
金德齡將軍 衣服
Buk District, Gwangju 1980-4-1 [118]
112 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Lady Im
장흥임씨 묘 출토복식
長興任氏 墓 出土服飾
Buk District, Gwangju 1980-4-1 [119]
113 Clothes of Hong Jin-jong Kept at Korea University Museum
고대박물관 소장 홍진종 의복
高大博物館 所藏 洪鎭宗 衣服
Seongbuk District, Seoul 1980-4-1 [120]
114 Clothes Excavated from the Tombs of the Gwangju Yi Clan, Gwacheon
과천 출토 광주이씨 의복
果川 出土 廣州李氏 衣服
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1981-11-29 [121]
115 Clothes Worn by Lady Jeong, the Wife of Yi Hyeong
이형 부인 동래정씨 의복
李泂 夫人 東萊鄭氏 衣服
Jeonju Museum of History [ko], Jeonju, North Jeolla 1981-11-29 [122]
116 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of Lady Son, Cheongwon
청원 구례손씨 묘 출토유물
淸原 求禮孫氏 墓 出土遺物
Chungbuk National University Museum, Cheongju, North Chungcheong 1981-11-11 [123]
117 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of General Bak, Cheongwon (Presumed)
청원 전(傳) 박장군 묘 출토유물
淸原 傳 朴將軍 墓 出土遺物
Chungbuk National University Museum, Cheongju, North Chungcheong 1981-11-11 [124]
118 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of Kim Wi, Jungwon
중원 김위 묘 출토유물
中原 金緯 墓 出土遺物
Chungbuk National University Museum, Cheongju, North Chungcheong 1981-11-11 [125]
119 Artifacts Used by Yi Hyeong-sang
병와 이형상 유품
甁窩 李衡祥 遺品
Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang 1982-8-7 [126]
120 Bier of Cheongpung Buwongun
청풍부원군 상여
淸風府院君 喪輿
Chuncheon National Museum, Chuncheon, Gangwon 1982-8-7 [127]
121 Clothes Worn by Prince Heungwan
흥완군 의복
興完君 衣服
Yongsan District, Seoul 1983-4-11 [128]
122 Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을
安東 河回마을
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14 [129]
123 Historic House of the Gwangju Yi Clan, Suwon
수원 광주이씨 고택
水原 廣州李氏 古宅
Suwon, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
124 Jeong Si-yeong's Historic House, Hwaseong
화성 정시영 고택
華城 鄭時永 古宅
Hwaseong, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
125 Jeong Su-yeong's Historic House, Hwaseong
화성 정수영 고택
華城 鄭壽永 古宅
Hwaseong, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
126 Historic House in Botong-ri, Yeoju
여주 보통리 고택
驪州 甫通里 古宅
Yeoju, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
127 Eo Jae-yeon's Historic House, Icheon
이천 어재연 고택
利川 魚在淵 古宅
Icheon, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
128 Historic house in Maegok-ri, Yangju
양주 매곡리 고택
楊州 梅谷里 古宅
Yangju, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
129 Donggwandaek House, Namyangju
남양주 동관댁
南楊州 東官宅
Namyangju, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
130 Gungjip House, Namyangju
남양주 궁집
南楊州 宮집
Namyangju, Gyeonggi 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
131 Eo Myeong-gi's Historic House, Goseong
고성 어명기 고택
高城 魚命驥 古宅
Goseong County, Gangwon 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
132 Soseok Historic House, Yeongdong
영동 소석 고택
永同 少石 古宅
Yeongdong County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14 [139]
133 Historic House in Goeun-ri, Cheongju
청주 고은리 고택
淸州 高隱里 古宅
Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
134 Udang Historic House, Boeun
보은 우당 고택
報恩 愚堂 古宅
Boeun County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
135 Yun Yang-gye's Historic House, Chungju
충주 윤양계 고택
忠州 尹養桂 古宅
Chungju, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
136 Gim Hang-muk's Historic House, Goesan
괴산 김항묵 고택
槐山 金恒默 古宅
Goesan County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
1984-1-14 renamed,
2017-2-28 renamed
137 Park Yong-won's Historic House, Jecheon
제천 박용원 고택
堤川 朴用元 古宅
Jecheon, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
138 Hongpanseodaek House, Sejong
세종 홍판서댁
世宗 洪判書宅
Bugang-myeon, Sejong City 1984-1-14,
2014-12-12 renamed,
2017-2-28 renamed,
2018-11-5 renamed
139 Choegamchaldaek House, Boeun
보은 최감찰댁
報恩 崔監察宅
Boeun County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
140 Gyudang Historic House, Yeongdong
영동 규당 고택
永同 圭堂 古宅
Yeongdong County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14 [147]
141 Historic House in Jaenmal, Eumseong
음성 잿말 고택
陰城 잿말 古宅
Eumseong County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
142 Gimchampandaek House, Yeongdong
영동 김참판댁
永同 金參判宅
Yeongdong County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
143 Historic House in Gongsanjeong, Eumseong
음성 공산정 고택
陰城 公山亭 古宅
Eumseong County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
144 Seong Jang-hwan's Historic House, Yeongdong
영동 성장환 고택
永同 成章煥 古宅
Yeongdong County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
145 Jo Deok-su's Historic House, Danyang
단양 조덕수 고택
丹陽 趙德壽 古宅
Danyang County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
146 괴산이복기가옥
Goesan County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
1990-9-12 removed,
철거, 원형변경으로 문화재 가치 상실
2002년 충북 민속문화재 제14로 재지정
147 Song Byeong-il's Historic House, Goesan
괴산 송병일 고택
槐山 宋秉一 古宅
Goesan County, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
148 Jeong Won-tae's Historic House, Jecheon
제천 정원태 고택
堤川 鄭元泰 古宅
Jecheon, North Chungcheong 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
149 Mongsimjae Historic House, Namwon
남원 몽심재 고택
南原 夢心齋 古宅
Namwon, North Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
150 Gim Sang-man's Historic House, Buan
부안 김상만 고택
扶安 金相萬 古宅
Buan County, North Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
151 Gyeeun Historic House, Naju
나주 계은 고택
羅州 溪隱 古宅
Naju, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
152 Yangchamsadaek House, Hwasun
화순 양참사댁
和順 梁參事宅
Hwasun County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
153 Yun Cheol-ha's Historic House, Haenam
해남 윤철하 고택
海南 尹哲夏 古宅
Haenam County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
154 Hakjae Historic House, Hwasun
화순 학재 고택
和順 鶴齋 古宅
Hwasun County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
155 Jehojeong Historic House, Gokseong
곡성 제호정 고택
谷城 霽湖亭 古宅
Gokseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
156 Historic House in Yureo-ri, Boseong
보성 율어리 고택
寶城 栗於里 古宅
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
157 Yi Jeong-rae's Historic House, Boseong
보성 이정래 고택
寶城 李井來 古宅
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
158 Yi Seung-rae's Historic House, Boseong
보성 이승래 고택
寶城 李昇來 古宅
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
159 Yi Jin-rae's Historic House, Boseong
보성 이진래 고택
寶城 李進來 古宅
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
160 Yi Jun-hoe's Historic House, Boseong
보성 이준회 고택
寶城 李駿會 古宅
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
161 Jonjae Historic House, Jangheung
장흥 존재 고택
長興 存齋 古宅
Jangheung County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14 [168]
162 Yeolhwajeong Pavilion, Boseong
보성 열화정
寶城 悅話亭
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14 [169]
163 Yi Yong-u's Historic House, Boseong
보성 이용우 고택
寶城 李容禹 古宅
Boseong County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
164 Samseongdang Historic House, Yeongam
영암 삼성당 고택
靈岩 三省堂 古宅
Yeongam County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
165 Woonam Historic House, Naju
나주 우남 고택
羅州 愚南 古宅
Naju, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
166 진도한정석가옥
Jindo County, South Jeolla 1984-1-10,
1990-9-12 removed,
원형 변경으로 문화재 가치 상실
167 Historic House in Yugyo-ri, Muan
무안 유교리 고택
務安 柳橋里 古宅
Muan County, South Jeolla 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
168 Chunghyodang Head House, Yeongdeok
영덕 충효당 종택
盈德 忠孝堂 宗宅
Yeongdeok County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
169 Manhoe Historic House, Bonghwa
봉화 만회 고택
奉化 晩悔 古宅
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
170 Ssangbyeokdang Head House, Bonghwa
봉화 쌍벽당 종택
奉化 雙碧堂 宗宅
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
171 Gyeseodang Head House, Bonghwa
봉화 계서당 종택
奉化 溪西堂 宗宅
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
172 Seongcheondaek House, Cheongsong
청송 성천댁
靑松 星川宅
Cheongsong County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
173 Husongdang Historic House, Cheongsong
청송 후송당 고택
靑松 後松堂 古宅
Cheongsong County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
174 Mulchedang Historic House, Yecheon
예천 물체당 고택
醴泉 勿替堂 古宅
Yecheon County, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
175 Manchwidang Historic House, Yeongcheon
영천 만취당 고택
永川 晩翠堂 古宅
Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
176 Sugok Historic House, Andong
안동 수곡 고택
安東 樹谷 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
177 Hadong Historic House in Hahoe Village, Andong
안동 하회마을 하동 고택
安東 河回마을 河東 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
178 Ilseongdang Historic House, Andong
안동 일성당 고택
安東 日省堂 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
179 Hagam Historic House, Andong
안동 학암고택
安東 鶴巖古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14 [186]
180 Geunjaejaesa Ritual House of the Yean Yi Clan, Andong
안동 예안이씨 근재재사
安東 禮安李氏 近齋齋舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
181 Doam Head House, Andong
안동 도암 종택
安東 陶庵 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
182 Seojijaesa Ritual House of the Uiseong Gim Clan, Andong
안동 의성김씨 서지재사
安東 義城金氏 西枝齋舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
183 Neungdongjaesa Ritual House of the Andong Gwon Clan, Andong
안동 안동권씨 능동재사
安東 安東權氏 陵洞齋舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
184 Oryuheon Historic House, Andong
안동 오류헌 고택
安東 五柳軒 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
2017-2-28 renamed
185 Head House of the Topdong Branch of the Goseong Yi Clan, Andong
안동 고성이씨 탑동파 종택
安東 固城李氏 塔洞派 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-1-14,
1984-1-10 renamed,
2017-2-28 renamed
186 Ildu Historic House, Hamyang
함양 일두 고택
咸陽 一蠹 古宅
Hamyang County, South Gyeongsang 1984-1-14 [193]
187 Tug-of-war Rope of Mopo-ri
Pohang, North Gyeongsang 1984-4-17 [194]
188 Seongeup Historic Village, Jeju
제주 성읍마을
濟州 城邑마을
Seogwipo, Jeju 1984-6-12,
2017-2-28 renamed
189 Tug-of-war Rope of Mopo-ri
경주 양동마을
慶州 良洞마을
Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang 1984-12-24 [196]
190 Myeongjae Historic House, Nonsan
논산 명재 고택
論山 明齋 古宅
Nonsan, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24 [197]
191 Historic House in Ochu-ri, Yesan
예산 오추리 고택
禮山 梧楸里 古宅
Yesan County, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
192 Historic House of the Yeoheung Min Clan, Buyeo
부여 여흥민씨 고택
扶餘 驪興閔氏 古宅
Buyeo County, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
193 Historic house in Gunsu-ri, Buyeo
부여 군수리 고택
扶餘 軍守里 古宅
Buyeo County, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
194 Yonggungdaek House, Asan
아산 용궁댁
牙山 龍宮宅
Asan, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
195 Champandaek House in Oeam Village, Asan
아산 외암마을 참판댁
牙山 外岩마을 參判宅
Asan, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
196 Birthplace of President Yun Bo-seon, Asan
아산 윤보선 대통령 생가
牙山 尹潽善 大統領 生家
Asan, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
197 Yi Ha-bok's Historic House, Seocheon
서천 이하복 고택
舒川 李夏馥 古宅
Seocheon County, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
198 Myeongjae Historic House, Nonsan
홍성 사운 고택
洪城 士雲 古宅
Hongseong County, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24 [205]
199 Historic House of Gyeongju Gim Clan, Seosan
서산 경주김씨 고택
瑞山 慶州金氏 古宅
Seosan, South Chungcheong 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
200 Jo Gil-bang's Historic House, Dalseong
달성 조길방 고택
達城 趙吉芳 古宅
Dalseong County, Daegu 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
201 Head House of the Chogangong Branch of the Yecheon Gwon Clan, Yecheon
예천 예천권씨 초간공파 종택
醴泉 醴泉權氏 草澗公派 宗宅
Yecheon County, North Gyeongsang 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
202 Gwon Seong-baek's Historic House, Andong
안동 권성백 고택
安東 權成伯 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-12-24 [209]
203 Songso Head House, Andong
안동 송소종택
安東 松巢宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-12-24 [210]
204 Sodeungjaesa Ritual House of the Andong Gwon Clan, Andong
안동 안동권씨 소등재사
安東 安東權氏 所等齋舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
205 Donggye Head House, Geochang
거창 동계 종택
居昌 桐溪 宗宅
Geochang County, South Gyeongsang 1984-12-24 [212]
206 Mugwa Historic House, Hapcheon
합천 묵와 고택
陜川 默窩 古宅
Hapcheon County, South Gyeongsang 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
207 Heo Sam-dul's Historic House, Hamyang
함양 허삼둘 고택
咸陽 許三둘 古宅
Hamyang County, South Gyeongsang 1984-12-24,
2017-2-28 renamed
208 Mugiyeondang Pond, Haman
함안 무기연당
咸安 舞沂蓮塘
Haman County, South Gyeongsang 1984-12-24 [215]
209 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Kim Ham
김함의 묘 출토의복
金涵의 墓 出土衣服
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-2-12 [216]
210 Quilted Jacket Worn by King Gojong
고종의 누비저고리
高宗의 누비저고리
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-2-12 [217]
211 Clothes Worn by Princess Deokon
덕온공주 의복
德溫公主 衣服
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-2-12 [218]
212 Artifacts Used by Princess Deokon
덕온공주 유물
德溫公主 遺物
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-2-12 [219]
213 Semi-formal Jacket Worn by a Court Lady
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-3-9 [220]
214 Ceremonial Robe Worn by Heungseon Daewongun
흥선대원군 자적 단령
興宣大院君 紫赤 團領
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-3-9 [221]
215 Semi-formal Jacket Worn by King Gwanghaegun’s Queen Consort
광해군비 당의
光海君妃 唐衣
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-3-9 [222]
216 Artifacts Used by Yun Yong-gu
윤용구 유물
尹用求 遺物
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 1987-3-9 [223]
217 Clothes Excavated from the Tombs of the Andong Kim Clan
안동김씨 묘 출토의복
安東金氏 墓 出土衣服
Cheongju, North Chungcheong 1987-11-23 [224]
218 Artifacts Used by Jeong On and His Family
정온 가의 유품
鄭蘊 家의 遺品
Geochang Museum [ko], Geochang County, South Gyeongsang 1987-11-23 [225]
219 Woman's Ornamental Jacket Worn During the Reign of King Sejo
세조대의 회장저고리
世祖代의 回裝赤古里
Woljeongsa, Pyeongchang County, Gangwon 1987-11-23 [226]
220 Full Dress Worn by King Yeongjo
영조대왕의 도포
英祖大王의 道袍
Dong District, Daegu 1987-11-23 [227]
221 Shingled House of Daei-ri, Samcheok
삼척 대이리 너와집
三陟 大耳里 너와집
Samcheok, Gangwon 1989-3-10 [228]
222 Water Mill of Daei-ri, Samcheok
삼척 대이리통방아
三陟 大耳里 통방아
Samcheok, Gangwon 1989-3-7 [229]
223 House with an Oak Bark Roof in Daei-ri, Samcheok
삼척 대이리 굴피집
三陟 大耳里 굴피집
Samcheok, Gangwon 1989-3-10 [230]
224 Guardian Post of Yeondeung-dong, Yeosu
여수 연등동 벅수
麗水 蓮燈洞 벅수
Yeosu, South Jeolla 1990-10-10 [231]
225 Artifacts Used by Maeng Sa-seong (Presumed)
전세 맹고불 유물
傳世 孟古佛 遺物
Buyeo County, South Chungcheong 1990-10-10 [232]
226 Takcheongjeong Pavilion, Andong
안동 탁청정
安東 濯淸亭
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1991-8-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
227 Hujodang Head House, Andong
안동 후조당 종택
安東 後彫堂 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 1991-8-26,
2017-2-28 renamed
228 Cheonjedan Altar on Taebaeksan Mountain
태백산 천제단
太白山 天祭壇
Taebaek, Gangwon 1991-10-23 [235]
229 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of Lady Ha
진주하씨 묘 출토유물
晉州河氏 墓 出土遺物
Daegu National Museum, Suseong District, Daegu 1993-7-20 [236]
230 Bier Belonging to the Goryeongdaek House of the Jeonju Choe Clan, Sancheong
산청 전주최씨 고령댁 상여
山淸 全州崔氏 古靈宅 喪輿
National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul 1996-2-9 [237]
231 Historic House in Noeun-ri, Hongseong
홍성 노은리 고택
洪城 魯恩里 古宅
Hongseong County, South Chungcheong 1996-2-13,
2017-2-28 renamed
232 Gongjae Historic House, Haenam
해남 공재 고택
海南 恭齋 古宅
Haenam County, South Jeolla 1996-2-13,
2017-2-28 renamed
233 Geonjae Historic House in Oeam Village, Asan
아산 외암마을 건재 고택
牙山 外岩마을 建齋 古宅
Asan, South Chungcheong 1998-1-5,
2017-2-28 renamed
234 Maegandang Historic House, Yeonggwang
영광 매간당 종택
靈光 梅磵堂 古宅
Yeonggwang County, South Jeolla 1998-1-5,
2017-2-28 renamed
235 Wanggok Village, Goseong
고성 왕곡마을
高城 旺谷마을
Goseong County, Gangwon 2000-1-7 [242]
236 Oeam Village, Asan
아산 외암마을
牙山 外巖마을
Asan, South Chungcheong 2000-1-7 [243]
237 Soudang Historic House, Uiseong
의성 소우당 고택
義城素 宇堂 古宅
Uiseong County, North Gyeongsang 2000-1-7,
2017-2-28 renamed
238 Hanging Board with a Record of Serving the Tutelary Deity, Sunchang
순창 성황대신 사적 현판
淳昌 城隍大神 事跡 懸板
Sunchang County, North Jeolla 2000-1-13 [245]
239 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of Go Un
고운 묘 출토유물
高雲 墓 出土遺物
Gwangju History & Folk Museum [ko], Gwangju 2001-6-26 [246]
240 Paintings of Shamanistic Spirits in Naewatdang Shrine, Jeju-do
제주도 내왓당 무신도
濟州道 川外堂 巫神圖
Jeju City, Jeju 2001-11-30 [247]
241 Artifacts Used by Jang Yeong-jik
장영직 유품
張榮稷 遺品
National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul 2001-11-30 [248]
242 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of Kim Heum-jo and His Wife
김흠조 부부 묘 출토유물
金欽祖 夫婦 墓 出土遺物
Yeongju, North Gyeongsang 2002-7-18 [249]
243 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Yi Eon-chung
이언충 묘 출토복식
李彦忠 墓 出土服飾
Dankook University Seokjujeon Memorial Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi 2002-7-18 [250]
244 Monk's Outer Vestment and Mantle at Seonamsa Temple
선암사 소장 가사·탁의
仙巖寺 所藏 袈裟·卓衣
Seonamsa, Suncheon, South Jeolla 2003-12-23 [251]
245 Ullim Historic House, Cheongdo
청도 운림 고택
淸道 雲林 古宅
Cheongdo County, North Gyeongsang 2005-1-31,
2017-2-28 renamed
246 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of General Yi Eung-hae
이응해장군 묘 출토복식
李應獬將軍 墓 出土服飾
Chungju Museum [ko], Chungju, North Chungcheong 2006-9-15 [253]
247 Three-bay House with "Magpie Holes" on the Roof in Seolmae-ri, Bonghwa
봉화 설매리 3겹 까치구멍집
奉化 雪梅里 3겹 까치구멍집
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 2007-1-12 [254]
248 Namak Head House, Yecheon
예천 남악 종택
醴泉 南嶽 宗宅
Yecheon County, North Gyeongsang 2007-1-12,
2017-2-28 renamed
249 Songseokheon Historic House, Bonghwa
봉화 송석헌 고택
奉化 松石軒 古宅
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 2007-10-12,
2017-2-28 renamed
250 Songso Historic House, Cheongsong
청송 송소 고택
靑松 松韶 古宅
Cheongsong County, North Gyeongsang 2007-10-12,
2017-2-28 renamed
251 Gim Hwan-gi's Historic House, Sinan
신안 김환기 고택
新安 金煥基 古宅
Sinan County, South Jeolla 2007-10-12,
2017-2-28 renamed
252 Birthplace of Yeongnang, Gangjin
강진 영랑생가
康津 永郞生家
Gangjin County, South Jeolla 2007-10-12 [259]
253 Clothes and Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of General Choe Won-rip, Yeongam
영암 최원립장군 묘 출토복식·유물
靈巖 崔元立將軍 墓 出土服飾·遺物
Seodaemun District, Seoul 2007-10-16 [260]
254 Clothes Excavated from the Tomb of Lady Sin, Mungyeong
문경 평산신씨 묘 출토복식
聞慶 平山申氏 墓 出土服飾
Museum of Old Roads [ko], Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang 2007-10-16 [261]
255 Hangae Village, Seongju
성주 한개마을
星州 한개마을
Seongju County, North Gyeongsang 2007-12-31 [262]
256 Wooden Shingles and Thatched Roof Tumakjip Houses in Na-ri, Ulleung
울릉 나리 너와 투막집과 억새 투막집
鬱陵 羅里 너와 투막집과 억새 투막집
Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang 2007-12-31,
2017-2-28 renamed
257 Thatched Roof Tumakjip House in Na-ri, Ulleung
울릉 나리 억새 투막집
鬱陵 羅里 억새 투막집
Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang 2007-12-31,
2017-2-28 renamed
258 Geumseongdang Shrine, Seoul
서울 금성당
서울 錦城堂
Eunpyeong District, Seoul 2008-7-22,
2017-2-28 renamed
259 Clothes Excavated from the Tombs of Choe Jin and His Family, Mungyeong
문경 최진 일가 묘 출토복식
聞慶 崔縝 一家 墓 出土服飾
Museum of Old Roads [ko], Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang 2009-4-16 [266]
260 Okcheonjaesa Ritual House of the Andong Gwon Clan, Yeongdeok
영덕 안동권씨 옥천재사
盈德 安東權氏 玉川齋舍
Yeongdeok County, North Gyeongsang 2009-4-28,
2017-2-28 renamed
261 Baekbulam Historic House, Daegu
대구 백불암 고택
大邱 百弗庵 古宅
Dong District, Daegu 2009-6-19,
2017-2-28 renamed
262 Goeheon Historic House, Yeongju
영주 괴헌고택
榮州 槐軒古宅
Yeongju, North Gyeongsang 2009-10-30 [269]
263 Nampa Historic House, Naju
나주 남파고택
羅州 南坡古宅
Naju, South Jeolla 2009-12-17 [270]
264 Artifacts Excavated from the Tomb of Byeon Su
변수 묘 출토유물
邊脩 墓 出土遺物
Jongno District, Seoul 2009-12-17 [271]
265 Clothes and Accessories Worn by King Yeongchin and His Family
영친왕 일가 복식 및 장신구류
英親王 一家 服飾 및 裝身具類
Jongno District, Seoul 2009-12-17 [272]
266 Storage Hut for Funeral Trappings in Gyeongsan, and Related Documents
경산 상엿집 및 관련문서
慶山 喪輿집 및 關聯文書
Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang 2010-8-30,
2017-2-28 renamed
267 Gwibong Head House, Andong
안동 귀봉종택
安東 龜峰宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2011-11-9 [274]
268 Beonnam Historic House, Andong
안동 번남 고택
安東 樊南 古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2011-11-9,
2017-2-28 renamed
269 Sinwa Historic House, Jangheung
장흥 신와고택
長興 新窩古宅
Jangheung County, South Jeolla 2012-4-13 [276]
270 Oheon Historic House, Jangheung
장흥 오헌고택
長興 梧軒古宅
Jangheung County, South Jeolla 2012-4-13 [277]
271 Nango Head House, Yeongdeok
영덕 난고 종택
盈德 蘭皐 宗宅
Yeongdeok County, North Gyeongsang 2012-4-13,
2017-2-28 renamed
272 Head House of the Takcheongjeong Branch of the Gwangsan Kim Clan, Andong
안동 광산김씨 탁청정공파 종택
安東 光山金氏 濯淸亭公派 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2012-8-24 [279]
273 Baegilheon Head House, Nonsan
논산 백일헌 종택
論山 白日軒 宗宅
Nonsan, North Chungcheong 2012-10-26 [280]
274 Crown Worn by King Ui
의왕 원유관
義王 遠遊冠
Oryundae Korean Martyrs Museum [ko], Geumjeong District, Busan 2013-6-14 [281]
275 Stone Guardian Post of Bangchon-ri, Jangheung
장흥 방촌리 석장승
長興 傍村里 石長栍
Jangheung County, South Jeolla 2013-6-14 [282]
276 Artifacts Excavated from the Tombs of Prince Uiwon and His Family
의원군 이혁 일가 묘 출토유물
義原君 李爀 一家 墓 出土遺物
Gyeonggi Province Museum [ko], Yongin, Gyeonggi Province 2013-8-22 [283]
277 Red-lacquered Furniture with Inlaid Mother-of-pearl Design Used by Empress Sunjeonghyo (Presumed)
전 순정효황후 주칠 나전가구
傳 純貞孝皇后 朱漆 螺鈿家具
Seokdang Museum of Dong-A University [ko], Seo District, Busan 2013-8-22 [284]
278 Museom Village, Yeongju
영주 무섬마을
榮州 무섬마을
Yeongju, North Gyeongsang 2013-8-23 [285]
279 Mansan Historic House, Bonghwa
봉화 만산고택
奉化 晩山古宅
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 2013-12-12 [286]
280 Hyangsan Historic House, Andong
안동 향산 고택
安東 響山 故宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2014-2-25,
2017-2-28 renamed
281 Sudang Historic House, Yesan
예산 수당고택
禮山 修堂古宅
Yesan County, South Chungcheong 2014-2-25 [288]
282-1 Head House of Pansa Branch of the Pyeongsan Sin Clan
평산신씨 판사공파 종택
平山申氏 判事公派 宗宅
Cheongsong County, North Gyeongsang 2014-6-19 [289]
282-2 Seobyeok Historic House
서벽 고택
Cheongsong County, North Gyeongsang 2014-6-19 [290]
282-3 Sanam Historic House
사남 고택
泗南 古宅
Cheongsong County, North Gyeongsang 2014-6-19 [291]
283 i Seo’s Geomung
Seongho Museum [ko], Ansan, Gyeonggi Province 2014-10-22 [292]
284 Heobackdang Head House, Andong
안동 허백당 종택
安東 虛白當 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2015-8-21,
2017-2-28 renamed
285 Huiijaesa Ritual House of Hamyang Bak Clan, Yecheon
예천 함양박씨 희이재사
醴泉 咸陽朴氏 希夷齋舍
Yecheon County, North Gyeongsang 2015-8-21,
2017-2-28 renamed
286 Head House of Mueuigongpa Branch of MuanPark Clan in Yeongdeok
영덕 무안박씨 무의공파 종택
盈德 務安朴氏 武毅公派 宗宅
Yeongdeok County, North Gyeongsang 2016-4-27 [295]
287 Sieun House of Andong
안동 시은고택
安東 市隱古宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2016-4-27 [296]
288 Geumgyejaesa Shrine of Pungsan Ryu Clan in Andong
안동 풍산류씨 금계재사
安東 豊山柳氏 金溪齋舍
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2016-7-1 [297]
289 Dongchundang Head House, Daejeon
대전 동춘당 종택
大田 同春堂 宗宅
Daedeok District, Daejeon 2016-8-26 [298]
290 Sodaeheon․HoyeonJae's Historic House, Daejeon
대전 소대헌·호연재 고택
大田 小大軒‧浩然齋 古宅
Daedeok District, Daejeon 2016-8-26 [299]
291 Head House of Jinseong Yi Clan in Andong
안동 진성이씨 종택
安東 眞城李氏 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2017-6-29 [300]
292 Bindongjaesa Ritual House of the SeonseongGim Clan, Bonghwa
봉화 선성김씨 빈동재사
奉化 宣城金氏 賓洞齋舍
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 2017-6-29 [301]
293 Seoseoldang House of Bonghwa
봉화 서설당 고택
奉花 瑞雪堂 古宅
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 2017-8-25 [302]
294 Sawol Head House of the Hanyang Jo Clan, Yeongyan
영양 한양조씨 사월 종택
英陽 漢陽趙氏 沙月宗宅
Yeongyang County, North Gyeongsang 2017-12-29 [303]
295 Head House of Onhye Branch of Jinseong Lee Clan, Andong
안동 진성이씨 온혜파 종택
安東 眞城李氏 溫惠派 宗宅
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2018-11-1 [304]
296 Ubok Head House, Sangju
상주 우복 종택
尙州 愚伏 宗宅
Sangju, North Gyeongsang 2018-11-1 [305]
297 Kim Byeong sun's old house, Iksan
익산 김병순 고택
益山 金炳順 古宅
Iksan, North Jeolla 2019-3-11 [306]
298 봉화 오고당 고택
(奉化 五高堂 古宅)
Bonghwa County, North Gyeongsang 2020-11-9 [307]
299 안동 영양남씨 남흥재사
(安東 英陽南氏 南興齋舍)
Andong, North Gyeongsang 2020-12-21 [308]
300 오산 구성이씨·여흥이씨 묘 출토복식
(烏山 駒城李氏·驪興李氏 墓 出土服飾)
Suwon Museum [ko], Suwon, Gyeonggi 2021-6-2
301 영덕 괴시마을
(盈德 槐市마을)
Yeongdeok County, North Gyeongsang 2021-6-21


  1. ^ "국가민속문화재 (國家民俗文化財)". Encyclopedia of Korean Culture (in Korean). Retrieved 2024-02-02.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b "Heritage Classification". Cultural Heritage Administration. Retrieved 2024-02-02.
  3. ^ "덕온공주 당의" [Semi-formal Jacket Worn by Princess Deokon]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  4. ^ "심동신 금관조복" [Official Attire Worn by Sim Dong-sin]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  5. ^ "광해군 내외 및 상궁 옷" [Clothes Worn by King Gwanghaegun, His Queen Consort, and a Court Lady]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  6. ^ "외재 이단하 내외 옷" [Clothes Worn by Yi Dan-ha and His Wife]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  7. ^ "강릉 선교장" [Seongyojang House, Gangneung]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  8. ^ "사영 김병기 일가 옷" [Clothes Worn by Kim Byeong-gi and His Family]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
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  295. ^ "영덕 무안박씨 무의공파 종택" [Head House of Mueuigongpa Branch of MuanPark Clan in Yeongdeok]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  296. ^ "안동 시은고택" [Sieun House of Andong]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  297. ^ "안동 풍산류씨 금계재사" [Geumgyejaesa Shrine of Pungsan Ryu Clan in Andong]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  298. ^ "대전 동춘당 종택" [Dongchundang Head House, Daejeon]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  299. ^ "대전 소대헌·호연재 고택" [Sodaeheon․HoyeonJae's Historic House, Daejeon]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  300. ^ "안동 진성이씨 종택" [Head House of Jinseong Yi Clan in Andong]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  301. ^ "봉화 선성김씨 빈동재사" [Bindongjaesa Ritual House of the SeonseongGim Clan, Bonghwa]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  302. ^ "봉화 서설당 고택" [Seoseoldang House of Bonghwa]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  303. ^ "영양 한양조씨 사월 종택" [Sawol Head House of the Hanyang Jo Clan, Yeongyan]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  304. ^ "안동 진성이씨 온혜파 종택" [Head House of Onhye Branch of Jinseong Lee Clan, Andong]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  305. ^ "상주 우복 종택" [Ubok Head House, Sangju]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  306. ^ "익산 김병순 고택" [Kim Byeong sun's old house, Iksan]. Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  307. ^ "봉화 오고당 고택". Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
  308. ^ "안동 영양남씨 남흥재사". Cultural Heritage Administration (in Korean). Retrieved July 9, 2024.
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