Ким Левин
Ким Левин | |
Образование | Вассарский колледж, Колумбийский университет, Нью -Йоркский университет |
Оккупация | Художественный критик , куратор |
Ким Левин - американский художественный критик и писатель. Левин была постоянным участником деревенского голоса с 1982 по 2006 год. С 2007 года она регулярно вносит свой вклад в Artnews .
Левин работал корреспондентом Opus International с 1973 по 1977 год. С 1980-1994 гг. Она была корреспондентом в Flash Art. Она также работала редактором журнала Arts с 1973 по 1992 год. Левин также внес свой вклад в публикации; Паркетт , ArtStudio , Sculpture и Voir , среди прочих. Ее очерки также в книгах и выставочных каталогах. Ким Левин получил степень бакалавра в колледже Вассар и магистратуру в египетской археологии в Колумбийском университете , факультете истории искусства и архитектуры. Она продолжила курс доктора философии в Институте изобразительных искусств Нью -Йоркского университета .
Левин читал лекции в США и на международном уровне по адресу: Музей Гуггенхайма , Новая школа социальных исследований , Колледж Барнард , Университет Брауна , Сан -Паулу искусство биеннале , музей американского искусства Уитни , Музей современного искусства, Чикаго , Калифорния Институт искусств, Центр современного искусства Цинциннати и другие учреждения. [ 1 ] Левин был казначеем AICA-USA (Association International DES Critect D'Art) с 1982 по 1984 год, вице-президент с 1984 по 1990 год, и президент с 1990 по 1992 год. Она стала вице -президентом AICA International в 1991 году и была избрана президентом в 1996 году на два срока, закончившись в 2002 году. [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
В 2002 году установка предварительных заметок Левина, написанных на пресс -релизах и объявлениях галереи, появилась на сольной выставке «Примечания и маршруты» в Delta Axis, Memphis, куратор и установлена художником Джоном Сальвестом. Шоу было задумано в Рональде Фельдмане Fine Arts, New York (2006), а затем отправился на международном уровне в Haas & Meyer, Цюрих (2006), Музей Людвига, Будапешт (2007), Киасму, Хельсинки (2008) и был включен В групповом шоу «Результаты выставки», куратор Кари Конте и Флоренс Остендат в Королевском колледже искусств , Лондон (2009). [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
Выставки курируются
[ редактировать ]- «Арнольд Месч: работа жизни», ретроспектива, включающая 88 картин, коллажи и рисунки с 1945 по 2013 год. Музей искусств и дизайна Майами-Дейд, февраль-май 2013. [ 6 ]
- Печатный проект, выпуск 7, лето 2007 г., «Безусловная любовь» выставка в виде журнала. [ 7 ]
- Комиссар, First Busan Biennale 2003 (совместный). [ 8 ]
- «Водяной завод», музей северной акварели, Скархамн, Швеция. 2001. [ 9 ]
- «Джон Сальвест: время на его руках», художественный музей Феникса, 12 октября 1999 г. - 23 января 2000 года. [ 10 ]
- «Макс 98», Художественный музей Университета Мемфиса . 1998.
- «Dui Seid: поместье артиста» Карл Эрнст Остхаус-Музеум , Хаген , 1997. (Совместно
- "Borealis 8: The Scream", ARKEN Museum of Modern Art Copenhagen, November 16, 1996- January 17, 1997. The Nordic Biennial and The Main Exhibition of the Nordic Fine Arts Year, Copenhagen, 1996.[11]
- Gwangju Biennale (1st), Gwangju, Korea, September- November 1995. (advisor)
- "Configura 2; Dialogue of Cultures" at Fischmarkt Galerie, Haus dem Kronbacken, and other historic sites, Erfurt, Germany, June 10 – September 10, 1995. (co-curator)
- "Drucksache: Prints and Issues," Kunstwerke, Berlin, April 26-June 27, 1993.
- "Tema: AIDS", Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Hovikodden, Norway, May 7 – June 20, 1993 (chief curator, co-curators Per Hovdenakk, Herloff Hatlebrekker, Sven Christiansen).
- "Translation," Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland, June 26 – August 2, 1992.
- "Warhol & Basquiat: Samo & Andy", Sonje Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyongju, Korea, September 14- October 20, 1991. And National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea, November 1–30, 1991.
- "Contemporary American Art", Museum of Modern Art, Seibu Takanawa, Japan. September 10 – November 3, 1988.
- "Contemporary Art from New York," Ho-Am Gallery, Seoul, Korea, July 15-August 23, 1988.
[edit]Kim Levin has contributed to the following publications:
Selected bibliography
[edit]- 2004. 500 års verdenskunst, “Par i rødt” (Louise Bourgeois: The Red Room) / Gylendal Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, (co-edited by Holger Reenberg, Torben Weirup).[12]
- 2001. Modern Art in The USA: Issues and Controversies of the 20th Century, "Farewall to Modernism", edited by Patricia Hills, Prentice Hall. OCLC 44173077[13]
- 2000. TransPlant: Living Vegetation in Contemporary Art. (Co-Author, Thomas von Taschitzki), Edited by Barbara Nemitz). Hatje Cantz, Germany 2000.[14]
- 1999. Art Planet: A Global View of Art Criticism (The Journal of AICA). Initiated and Co-edited, Vol. 1., No. 0. OCLC 44762852
- 1996. Regina Silveira: Cartografias de Sombra. “Art in Absentia”, EdUSP Universidad de Sap Paulo. OCLC 36190171
- 1995. Strategies for Survival-Now! “Identity Crisis Update:The End of Modernism and the Issue of Cultural Identity, edited by Christian Chambert, The Swedish Art Critics Associated Press, Sweden. OCLC 36130555
- 1994. Sol LeWitt Testi Critici. “Il Contratto del Disegnatore”, Incontri Internazionali d'Arte Rome.OCLC 38890320
- 1990. Beyond Walls and Wars: Art, Politics, and Multiculturalism. Edited and with an introduction by Kim Levin. Midmarch Press, New York.OCLC 27552543
- 1992. Energy Plan for the Western Man: Joseph Beuys in America. Introduction by Kim Levin, edited by Karin Cuoni, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York.OCLC 21559811
- 1989. Collage: Critical Views. Foreword by Kim Levin, edited by Katherine Hoffman, U.M.I. Research Press, Ann Arbor & London.OCLC 18950056
- 1988. Beyond Modernism: Essays on Art From the 70s and 80s. Harper and Row, New York.OCLC 16900351
- 1986. An American Renaissance: Painting and Sculpture since 1940, “Appropriating the Past, Neo Expressionsim, Neo Primitivism and the Revival of Abstraction”, Abbeville Press, New York. OCLC 13003997
- 1976. New Artists Video, “Video Art in the TV Landscape”, edited by Gregory Battock, Dutton, New York.
- 1975. Super Realism, “Malcom Morley: Post Illusionism” and “The Ersatz Object”, edited by Gregory Battock, Dutton, New York. OCLC 1734086
- 1975. Lucas Samaras, (monograph) Harry N. Abrams Art Books, New York. OCLC 1091783
Selected museum catalogue essays
[edit]- Brandon Ballengee: Augures d’innocence, “Brandon Ballengee: On the Devolution of Species.” Chateau du Chamarande, Les Editions Domaine du Chamarande, MMXIV, 2013.
- Kim Jones: “The Averno Drawings,” Pierogi, Brooklyn, 2012.
- Mamma Andersson: “Under the Influence,” Moderna Museet Stockholm, Steidl. 2007.
- Leon Taracewicz, “Absolute Landscape,” Edited by Milada Slizinska, Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, 2003.
- Bettina Rheims: Retrospective, “Bettina Rheims: The Vulnerable Image” Schirmer/Mosel München. Helsinki, 2003. .
- Nedko Solakov, “Nedko Solakov: The Potential of Peripheries”, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, September 2000.
- Organizing Freedom: Nordic Art of the '90s, “Nothing Left to Lose”, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2000.
- Pierre et Gilles, “Pierre et Gilles; the Ecstatic Image”, a conversation between Berndt Arell and Kim Levin, Turku Art Museum, Finland, 1999-2000.
- Time Migration: Techno-Art for the New Millenium, “Future Obsolete”, Taipei Cultural Center, New York, Dec 3rd 1999.
- Irish Art Now: From the Poetic to the Political, “Poetics, Politics, and Irish Art: Thirteen Questions”, Independent Curators International in association with the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, 1999.
- Luca Buvoli, “Not-a-Superhero, I presume?,” Temporanea, Caffe’ Florian, Venice, Italy catalog text for Venice Biennale, 1997.
- Jon Kessler's Asia, “Empire of Images, Cabinet of Signs”, Kestner Gessellschaft Hanover, 1995.
- Peinture. Emblemes et References, “la Volaille de Rauschenberg”, capcMusee d'art contemporain de Bordeaux. 1993-1994.
- Allan Wexler, “Allan Wexler: Structures for Reflection”, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen. 1993.
- Tema AIDS: Crisis of the Body: Art in the Age of AIDS, Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Hovikodden, 1993
- Dark Décor, “Beyond Horror Vacuii: The Politics of Pattern”, ICI (Independent Curators Incorporated), a traveling exhibition. 1992-93.
- Counterbalance, “Art that Makes Itself: An Essay on Sol Le Witt and Jean Tinguely”, The Hans and Walter Bechtler Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1991.
- Warhol & Basquiat, “Samo & Andy”, Sonje Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyungu, Korea, 1991.
- Glass: Material in the Service of Meaning,”Transparent Contradictions”, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, 1991.
- Lucas Samaras 1961-1991, Yokohama Museum of Art, October – November, 1991.
- Europe Unknown, Palac Sztuki TPSP, WKS Wawel, Cracow, Poland, 1991. (Volume 2)
- Dialogue Prague/Los Angeles, Santa Monica Museum, California, 1990.
- IRWIN, “Slovene PostModern” Cleveland State University Art Gallery, 1990.
- Art/Artifact, “Bring Em Back Alive.” The Center for African Art, New York, 1989. (2nd Edition).
- Wegman’s World, “William Wegman's Videos: Funny Instead of Formal”, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 1982–83.
- Dui Seid: Artist’s Estate, “Blood Relations,” Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen, Neuer Folkwang Verlag, Hagen, 1987.
- Rafael Ferrer, “In the Torrid Zone”, Laguna Gloria Museum, Austin, Texas, 1982.
- Pablo Picasso; Das Spatwerk 1964–1972, Kunstmuseum, Basel, 1981.
- Mac Adams Mysteries, Welsh Arts Council, Cardiff and London, 1979.
- The Angel of Mercy, La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, 1977. (Eleanor Antin)
Selected articles
[edit]- "How PoMo Can You Go?", Art News, October, 2012.
- "Talking Trash", Art News, June, 2011.
- "Where are the Great Women Pop Artists?", Art News, November, 2010.
- "Yves Klein’s Leap Year", Art News, March, 2010.
- "Nordiskt curatorsfiasko", Paletten. #270/271 Nr 4 2007 - 1 2008 (Sveriges Äldsta Konsttidskrift) (Nordic Pavilion 2007 Venice Biennale)
- "Death in Venice", Brooklyn Rail, July, 2007
- "Documenta on the Ropes", Brooklyn Rail, September 2007.
- ""He Found it at the Movies", The Village Voice, 07/07/04 (Ed Ruscha)
- Jon Kessler", The Village Voice, 5/19/04
- "Lost and Found", The Village Voice, 1/21/04 (Marc Quinn)
- "Agent Provocateur", The Village Voice, 11/26/03. (John Currin)
- "A Foreign Affair", The Village Voice, 7/29/03. ("The American Effect")
- "Power Vacuum," (50th Venice Biennale) The Village Voice, 7/9/03
- "Springtime for Hitler", The Village Voice, 3/12/02 ("Mirroring Evil: Nazi Imagery/Recent Art")
- "The CNN Documenta", (Dokumenta 11) The Village Voice, 7/9/02.
- "More is More", Hirschhorn and Sachs", The Village Voice, 11/27/02.
- "View from the Bridge: A New York Perspective on Brit Art", CVA (Contemporary Visual Art), Issue 32, London, January 2001.
- "Panic Attack," (48th Venice Biennale) The Village Voice, 7/3/01.
- "Square One", (Malevich) The Village Voice, 1/19/01.
- "Cuba Libre: Art and Contradiction at the Havana Bienal",The Village Voice, 12/19/00. (7th Havana Bienal)
- "Fuzzy Logic: Bridget Riley, The Second Time Around", The Village Voice, 10/17/00.
- "Border Crossings: Ljubljana, Lyon and Neo-Exoticism in the New Europe", The Village Voice, July 25, 2000.[15]
- "Rebirth in Venice: 48th Venice Biennale", The Village Voice, June 22, 1999.[16]
- "School of Paris," The Village Voice, 12/8/98 ("Premises").
- "Venetian Bind", The Village Voice, 7/18/97 (47th Venice Biennale).
- "Not the UN", The Village Voice, 7/22/97 (Dokumenta 10).
- "Control", The Village Voice, 12/10/96 (Lars von Trier’s Psykomobile #!: Verdensuret (World Clock).
- "The Bald Sopranos", The Village Voice, Sept. 9/17/96 (Eva and Adele).[17]
- "Bark and Bite", The Village Voice 7/9/96 (Manifesta 1, Rotterdam)
- "Die Maske der Universalitat", Neue Bildende Kunst (special issue; The Marco Polo Syndrome) 4/5, 1995.
- "Artificial Respiration", (Tim Hawkinson), The Village Voice, 10/31/95
- "Honest Fictions: Nedko Solakov", BE #3, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Oct., 1995.
- "Artificial Respiration", The Village Voice, Sept. 10/31/95. (Tim Hawkinson).[18]
- "Venetian Balls", The Village Voice, 7/4/95 (46th Venice Biennale).
- "Lettre de New York", VOIR, Feb. 1995.
- "Krise Identity Dnes: Konec Moderismu a Problem Kulturni Identity", Vytvarne Umeni, Prague, Jan/Feb 1995.
- "Trans-Europe Express", The Village Voice, 11/27/94.
- "Achilles’ Heel", World Art, November, 1993. (45th Venice Biennale).
- "Laurie Parsons/Rirkrit Tiravanija", Kunstforum, Jan/Feb, 1994.
- "Seoul Searching", The Village Voice, 11/02/93.
- "Horn's Dilemma", The Village Voice, 08/10/93.
- "The Masterpiece Mentality", The Village Voice, 06/01/93. (American Art in the 20th Century, Martin-Gropius Bau).
- "Billet d'humeur: Grunge", VOIR, May, 1993.
- "Dossier: Warsaw", Sculpture, March/April, 1993.
- "Sewing and Cooking," The Village Voice, 02/09/93 (Charles LeDray and Paul McCarthy).
- "Typography is Not Destiny", The Village Voice, 2/23/93 (Lothar Baumgarten)
- "Heal Thyself," (Damien Hirst/Salon du Fleurus) The Village Voice, 1/19/93.
- "Dossier: Seoul", Sculpture, December, 1992.
- "Significant Others in Istanbul", The Village Voice, 12/01/92.
- "Jan Who? Docu What?" The Village Voice, 07/14/92.
- "Editorial: Crise d'Identite", VOIR, May, 1992.
- "The Negligent Aesthetic", Artscribe, September, 1991.
- "Slouching Toward the Millennium", The Village Voice, 3/19/91.
- "Intolerance, or The Power of Images" New Art International, February, 1991.
- "Eastern Exposure", The Village Voice, 10/09/90.
- "Letter from New York: Life, Death, and Gesamtkitschwerke", VOIR, Nov-Dec., 1990.
- "Haim Steinbach: signes de progress/ object contradictories", Artstudio 19, Winter, 1990.
- "Cumulus From America (New Art in the Second World)", Parkett, No. 25, September, 1990.
- "Belief is Dangerous", The Village Voice, 04/08/90 (Richter’s Baader Meinhoff series).
- "Studio Visits: Robert Longo", Mirabella, October, 1989.
- "Ono: In Permanent Flux", Connoissuer, March 1989.
- "Blank Czech: Our Critic in Prague," The Village Voice, 9/19/89
- "Avant-Slav", The Village Voice, 06/26/89
- "The Man Who Flew into Space", The Village Voice, 5/31/88 (Ilya Kabakov)
- "The Agony and the Anomie", Arts Magazine, April, 1986.
- "Chuck Close, Eric Fischl, Leon Golub", Art of Our Time: Saatchi Collection, Vol. IV, 1984.
- "The Robert Smithson No One Ever Noticed", Art News. Sept. 1982.
- "Arshile Gorky at The Guggenheim Museum." Flash Art. Oct/Nov. 1981.
- "The Monumental Show", Arts Magazine, Sept. 1981.
- "The State of the Art; 1980", Art Journal, Fall/Winter 1980.
- "The Times Square Show", Arts Magazine, Sept. 1980.
- "Marcel Broodthaers and the Insincere Object", Arts Magazine, April 1980.
- "Joseph Beuys: The New Order", Arts Magazine, April 1980.
- "Andy Warhol at The Whitney Museum, Flash Art, April 1980.
- "Sofa-sized Paintings", The Village Voice, 12/10/79.
- "Farewell to Modernism", Arts Magazine, Oct. 1979.
- "Dennis Oppenheim: Post Performance Works", Arts Magazine, Sept. 1979.
- "Chuck Close: Decoding the Image", Arts Magazine, June 1978.
- "Reflections on Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty", Arts Magazine, May 1978.
- "Mac Adams: Circumstantial Evidence", Arts Magazine, April 1978.
- "New Grounds for Art: Helen and Newton Harrison", Arts Magazine, Feb. 1978.
- "Narrative Landscape on the Continental Shelf: Notes on Southern California", Arts Magazine, Oct. 1976.
- "Fifties Fallout: The Hydrogen Jukebox", Arts Magazine, April 1974.
- "Duchamp in New York", Opus International, June 1973.
- "Bruce Nauman: Stretching the Truth", Opus International, Sept. 1973.
- "Open Season on Style", Opus International, June 1973.
- "The Newest Realism: A Synthetic Slice of Life", Opus International, June 1973.
- "Eva Hesse: Notes on New Beginnings", Arts Magazine, Feb. 1973.
- "Eros, Samaras and Recent Art", Arts Magazine, Dec/Jan. 1973.
- "Rafael Ferrer: A Different Drummer", Art News, Dec. 1971
Awards and honors
[edit]- Fellow, USC Annenberg-Getty Journalism Program, November 2011.
- Fellow, USC Annenberg-Getty Arts Fellowship Program, 2004.
- Juror, UNESCO Prize for the Advancement of Art in Cooperation with AICA, Cairo Biennale, 1998.
- Chair of Jury, UNESCO Prize for the Advancement of Art, Paris, 1995.
- SECA Fellowship, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1993.
- First Place, Contemporary Art, Fifth Annual Manufacturers Hanover Art/World Award for Distinguished Newspaper Art Criticism, 1986.
- Visual Arts Panelist for Critic Grants, National Endowment for the Arts, 1981.
[edit]- Ronald Feldman Fine Arts]. January 7-February 4, 2006.[19][20][21]
- The New York Times, January 18, 2006
- Kim Levin. The New Yorker. February 6, 2006.
- “Remembering Exhibitions” Royal College of Art, London, March 2009.[22]
External links
[edit]- Biography, Brooklyn Rail.
- Двигатель 29 Биография
- USC Annenberg/Getty Arts Journalism Program 2011. СОЕДИНЕННЫЕ БИОГРАФИИ.
- «Re: Искусство критики сегодня» , Brooklyn Rail. 20 декабря 2012 г.
- Университет Флоридского колледжа искусств. Вторник 28 февраля 2012 г.
[ редактировать ]- ^ «Апрель 2006: Гарвуд, Левин и Сорокина». Арткритический 7 апреля 2006 г.
- ^ «Айка в Европе» Бруклинская железная дорога. 16 мая 2014 года.
- ^ «Художественные критики сталкиваются с новым миром». Los Angeles Times. 14 октября 1991 года.
- ^ Март/апрель 2004 г. Художественные документы. п. 43
- ^ «Запоминание выставок». Tate Papers.
- ^ «Арнольд Месч в Майами 60 -летняя ретроспектива».
- ^ Печатный проект, выпуск 7, лето 2007 г., «Безусловная любовь
- ^ Двухлетний фундамент
- ^ «Водяной завод», музей северной акварели, Скархамн, Швеция. 2001
- ^ Джон Сальвест: время на его руках », Художественный музей Феникса , 12 октября 1999 г. - 23 января 2000 года.
- ^ Ганс Хамид Расмуссен. Artnet.
- ^ Луиза Буржуа. Красная комната-ребенок.
- ^ Современное искусство в США: проблемы и противоречия 20 -го века , «Прощание с модернизмом», под редакцией Патрисии Хиллз, Прентис Холл, 2001.
- ^ Трансплантация: живая растительность в современном искусстве.
- ^ Пограничные переходы: Любляна, Лион и неоэксерсизм в новой Европе » , деревенский голос]
- ^ Возрождение в Венеции: 48 -я Венецианская биеннале », The Village Voice, 22 июня 1999 года.
- ^ "Лысые сопрано", деревенский голос, 17.09.96
- ^ «Искусственное дыхание», деревенский голос, 31.10.95.
- ^ Рональд Фельдман. Выставочная документация. 2006.
- ^ Ким Левин. Рональд Фельдман. ArtForum, март 2006 г.
- ^ Искусство в Америке, критики, бьют, март 2006 г.
- ^ «Запоминание выставок»: от точки в линию в Интернет ». Tate Papers Выпуск 12. 1 октября 2009 г.].