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Балтийский военный район

(Перенаправлено из северо -западной группы сил )
Балтийский военный район
Район в 1991 году (отмечен красным)
Активный 11 июля 1940 - 22 июня 1941 года;
9 июля 1945 г. - сентябрь 1991 г.
Страна  Советский Союз
Тип Военный район
Штаб -квартира Предвидеть
Занятия Вторая мировая война
Баграм Баграмс
Aleksandr Gorbatov

Балтийский военный район ( русский : Прибалтихский в качестве военного округа Советских вооруженных сил в Балтийских государствах , образовавшихся незадолго до вторжения во время Второй мировой войны. После окончания войны Калининграда в 1946 году была добавлена ​​область , а территория Эстонии была переведена обратно в Балтийский военный округ из военного округа Ленинграда в 1956 году.

Военный район Балтии был расформирован после падения Советского Союза в 1991 году и реорганизован в северо -западную группу сил , которая перестала существовать после вывода всех российских войск из Эстонии, Латвии и Литвы 1 сентября 1994 года.

Вторая мировая война

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Первая формация (1940–1941)

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The Baltic Military District was first created by order of the USSR People's Commissar of Defence on 11 July 1940, under the command of Colonel General Aleksandr Loktionov. Its headquarters was formed from the headquarters of the disbanded Kalinin Military District in Riga on 13 August.[1] This was after the Soviet occupation of the Baltic States but before they were forcibly legally absorbed into the Soviet Union. It controlled troops on the territory of the Latvian and Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republics as well as the western part of Kalinin Oblast. On 17 August 1940 it became the Baltic Special Military District, changing its boundaries to control troops on the territory of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republics. The western part of Kalinin Oblast was transferred to control of the Moscow Military District.[1]

The district was created in order to strengthen the defense of the northwestern borders of the Soviet Union and to protect the approaches to Moscow and Leningrad from German-controlled East Prussia. The district troops closely cooperated with the Baltic Fleet. In August, the district included the 8th and 11th Armies, soon augmented in September by the transformation of the Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian armies into the Red Army's 22nd, 24th, and 29th Territorial Rifle Corps respectively.[1] However they were notoriously unreliable and defected in large numbers to the Germans after June 1941.[2]

In 1940 and 1941 the district formed new units, including two mechanized corps (the 3rd and 12th), as well as local and republic military commissariats. Loktionov was replaced by Lieutenant General Fyodor Kuznetsov in December 1940. In May 1941, the headquarters of the 27th Army was formed by the district. At the same time, the district headquarters developed a plan for responding to a German invasion, and ordered that troops be brought to combat readiness on 18 June. However, by 22 June, when Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union, began, the district's newly formed units were not completely manned. When the war broke out, it included six rifle corps in the 8th, 11th, and 27th Armies, the 5th Airborne Corps, the 3rd and 12th Mechanized Corps, and six fortified regions. According to the district's plan, the 8th, 11th, and 27th Armies were to cooperate with the Baltic Fleet in defending the coast from Haapsalu to Palanga, focusing on the defense of the 300-kilometer border with East Prussia.[1]

On 22 June 1941 the District consisted of the:

3rd Mechanised Corps was also located within the district at Vilnius.

Air Forces comprised the 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 57th Mixed Aviation Divisions, two further regiments, and a last regiment in the process of formation earmarked for transporting 5th Airborne Corps.

Overall, just before the start of Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941, the Baltic special military district had a total of 25 divisions: 19 rifle, 4 armoured and 2 mechanized, besides which were also a rifle brigade and the three Territorial Rifle Corps, with each corps having two divisions.[4]

On 22 June, the district headquarters was used to form the headquarters of the Northwestern Front. Parts of the former district headquarters remained in Riga, led by the deputy district commander, evacuating to Valga on 1 July and then to Novgorod, where they were disbanded.[1]

Second formation on paper (1943–1944)


The Baltic Military District was formed for a second time in accordance with a directive of the General Staff of the Red Army on 30 October 1943, although its assigned territory (the Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian Soviet Socialist Republics) was at that time still under German occupation. Its headquarters was formed in Vyshny Volochyok from that of the 58th Army, under the command of Major General Nikolay Biyazi. The district was disbanded on 23 March 1944, and was used to form the headquarters of the Odessa Military District.[1]

Cold War


Postwar, the district was formed for a third time on 9 July 1945 at Riga on the basis of Samland Group of Forces formed from the former 1st Baltic Front, under the command of Army General Ivan Bagramyan, who would lead it until 1954. It initially included only the Latvian and Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republics.[1] Following the disbandment on 27 February 1946 of the Special Military District, which had been administering Kaliningrad Oblast (formerly East Prussia), the oblast was transferred to district control on 1 March. The Special Military District headquarters was reorganized into the 11th Guards Army headquarters.[1] In January 1956 the territory of the Estonian SSR was transferred from the Leningrad Military District.

Circa 1944 a headquarters for Internal Troops in the area was created, which became HQ Internal Troops NKVD-MVD-MGB Baltic MD (Управление ВВ НКВД-МВД-МГБ Прибалтийского округа). This headquarters supervised several Internal Troops divisions, including the 14th Railway Facilities Protection Division NKVD from 1944 to 1951.[5] Other divisions deployed included the 4th, 5th, and 63rd Rifle Divisions NKVD.

On 30 April 1948 10th Guards Army became 4th Guards Rifle Corps.

The main combat formation within the District was the 11th Guards Army in the Kaliningrad Oblast, following the disbandment of 10th Guards Army.

In 1955 the district's forces comprised the 11th Guards Army, the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps, the 4th Guards Rifle Corps, the 1st Guards Rifle Division, the 5th, the 16th Guards, the 26th Guards, the 28th and 42nd Rifle Divisions, the 1st Tank Division, the 28th Guards, 29th Guards, and 30th Guards Mechanised Divisions, and the 15th Guards Airborne Corps (76th Guards Air Assault Division and 104th Guards Airborne Division).[6]

In 1955 4th Guards Army Corps consisted of 8th Guards Rifle Division (Haapsalu, Estonian SSR); 118th Guards Rifle Division (Tallinn, Estonian SSR); 36th Guards Mechanised Division (Klooga, Estonian SSR); and the 2nd Machine-Gun Artillery Division (Saaremaa Island, Estonian SSR). However, in July 1956 the 118th Guards Rifle Division was disbanded.[7]

For the entire postwar period the 11th Guards Army comprised the 40th Guards Tank Division (former 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps, then 28th Guards Mechanised Division) and the 1st Tank, and the 1st and 26th Guards MRD (former Rifle Divisions). In 1960 the 5th Guards MRD, a former Rifle Division, was disbanded.

With the transfer of the Estonian area to the Leningrad Military District the 2nd Guards 'Tatsin' Tank Division went with it, leaving the District with only the 1st 'Insterburg' Tank Division in Kaliningrad, which had been reorganised from the 1st Guards Tank Corps in the later part of 1945.

The 51st Guards Motor Rifle Vitebsk Division of the Order of Lenin Red Banner was disbanded on 10 March 1960, and its personnel transferred to the 29th Guards Rocket Division.[8]

In 1969 the 8th Guards Motor Rifle Division was moved from the District to the Central Asian Military District and arrived eventually at Frunze.

In 1979 Scott and Scott reported the HQ address of the District as PriBVO, Riga-Center, Ulitsa Merkelya (Merķeļa iela [lv]), Dom (house no.) 13, with the officers' club in the same location.[9]

Commanders of the Baltic Military District

Gusakovsky at a military parade in Riga, 1959.

Forces at the end of the 1980s

Soviet armoured vehicles in Lithuania in 1991

Toward the end of the 1980s the District's forces consisted of:

7 -й гвардейский воздушный дивизион со своей штаб -квартирой в Крепости Каунас и 44 -й тренировочной воздушной дивизии в Гайжиюнаи , советских воздушных сил также находился в районе. Присутствие советских ВВС в районе в 1980 -х годах состояло из 15 -й воздушной армии со штаб -квартирой в Риге , и 2 -й армии сил верховой обороны Советского Союза .

1 января 1991 года 15 -я воздушная армия состояла из: [ 14 ]

В течение сентября 1991 года район был реорганизован в северо-западную группу силы (RU: Severo-apapadnanain- gruppapa voйsk ). Балтийский доктор медицинских наук был переименован в президентское указ о СССР от 15 ноября [ 16 ] Северо -западная группа сил была подчинена юрисдикции Российской федерации постановлением российского президента от 27 января 1992 года. [ 17 ] Он закончил свое существование 1 сентября 1994 года, когда все российские силы были отозваны из Литвы, Латвии и Эстонии. Россия официально прекратила свое военное присутствие в балтиках после того, как она выключила радарную станцию ​​Скрунда-1 в Латвии 31 августа 1998 года. Сухопутные войска в «Сталке Калининграда» попали под командование 11-й армии охранников, которая через четыре-пять лет стало землей и прибрежные силы обороны Балтийского флота .


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  1. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час Иванов 2002 , с. 593–594.
  2. ^ Найджел Томас, Восточный фронт Германии (2): Балтийские силы, Osprey, 5.
  3. ^ Orbat.com/niehorster, балтийский специальный военный округ Орден битвы 22 июня 1941 г.
  4. ^ Хоффман, Йоахим (1998). «Советский Союз до канун нападения Германии». Германия и Вторая мировая война . Тол. IV: Атака на Советский Союз. Оксфорд: Clarendon Press . ISBN  0-19-822886-4 .
  5. ^ Sondat.ru, штаб-квартира внутренних войск 1941-1951 , по состоянию на апрель 2014 года.
  6. ^ Фесков, 2004, с.49
  7. ^ Холм, 2015
  8. ^ Kasyanenko 2008 .
  9. ^ Скотт, Гарриет Фаст; Скотт, Уильям Ф. (16 июля 2019 г.). Вооруженные силы СССР . Routledge. ISBN  978-1-000-31474-8 .
  10. ^ Скотт и Скотт, Вооруженные силы СССР, 1979, Westview Press, Боулдер, Колорадо (для окружных командиров по 1972 году)
  11. ^ Майкл Холм, 18 -й охранник, дивизион моторного винтовка , 2015.
  12. ^ Фесков и др. 2004, с.106; Холм 2015
  13. ^ «107 -я моторизованное винтовочное подразделение» .
  14. ^ "Otan vs Pacto de Varsovia " с оригинала 29 февраля Архивировано Получено 1 июня
  15. ^ Майкл Холм, 39-й истребитель авиационного дивизиона , получен в январе 2013 года.
  16. ^ Krasnaya Zvezda 26 Nov 91 First Edition p.1.
  17. ^ Московский интерфакс на английском языке 1418 GMT 28 января 92.


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  • [1]
  • Эндрю Дункан, российские войска в упадке - Часть 2, Рассмотрение Джейн, октябрь 1996 г.
  • Фесков, VI; Ка Калашников; VI Голиков (2004). Советская армия в годы «холодной войны» (1945–1991) . Tomsk : Tomsk University Press. ISBN  5-7511-1819-7 Полем (Inc District Commanders 1972-)
  • Kasyanenko, V. I. (2008). "51-я гвардейская Витебская ордена Ленина Краснознаменная стрелковая им. К.Е. Ворошилова дивизия". 29 гвардейская ракетная витебская ордена Ленина Краснознаменная дивизия. Исторический очерк (in Russian). Moscow: Tsentralny Izdatelsko-Poligrafichesky kompleks RVSN (TsIPK).
  • Ivanov, Sergei, ed. (2002). "Прибалтийский военный округ" [Baltic Military District]. Военная энциклопедия в 8 томах [Military Encyclopedia in 8 volumes] (in Russian). Vol. 6. Moscow: Voenizdat. pp. 593–594. ISBN  5-203-01873-1 .

Дальнейшее чтение

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  • V.I. Feskov; Golikov V.I.; K.A. Kalashnikov; S.A. Slugin (2013). The Armed Forces of the USSR after World War II, from the Red Army to the Soviet (Part 1: Land Forces). (Вооруженные силы СССР после Второй Мировой войны: от Красной Армии к Советской (часть 1: Сухопутные войска)) . Tomsk: Improved version of 2004 work with many inaccuracies corrected.
  • Petersen, P. and Petersen, S. (1993) «Государство гарнизона Калининграда», Jane's Intelligence Review, 5: 2, 1993
  • И.А. Губин. Слово о Краснознамённом Прибалтийском. — 1. — Riga: Авотс, 1981. — 296 pp

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