Filipino Roman Catholic archbishop
Онисимо Кадис Гордонсильо (16 февраля 1935 — 13 ноября 2013) — филиппинский римско-католический архиепископ.
Он родился в Джималалуде, Восточный Негрос , в 1935 году и был рукоположен в сан священника в 1961 году. В 1974 году он был назначен вспомогательным епископом Римско-католической епархии Думагете , Филиппины. Затем в 1976 году Гордончилло был назначен епископом Римско -католической епархии Тагбиларан , а затем в 1976 году. Архиепископ Архиепископии Каписа в 1986 году вышел на пенсию в 2011. [ 1 ]
показывать Архиепископия Кейптауна
Территории Обыкновенные Кафедральный собор Святыни
Vicariate of Immaculate Conception
Metropolitan Cathedral of Immaculate Conception
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
St. Vincent Ferrer
St. John Paul II
St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
Santo Niño Quasi Parish
Jesus the Nazarene Mission Station
Our Lady of the Rosary Mission Station
Divine Mercy Mission Station
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission Station
St. Peter the Apostle Mission Station
St. Rose of Lima Mission Station
St. Andrew the Apostle Mission Station
Mary Mother of Mercy Mission Station
Stella Maris Mission Station
Vicariate of Sta. Monica
Sta. Monica
St. Nicholas of Tolentino (Pawa, Panay)
St. Isidore (Pontevedra)
St. Vincent Ferrer (Bailan, Pontevedra)
St. Lawrence the Deacon (Panitan)
Holy Child (Maayon)
St. Michael the Archangel (San Antonio, Cuartero)
Mary Help of Christian (Quios, Panitan)
Our Lady of Salvation (Anhawon, Panay)
St. Augustine Mission Station (Cogon, Panay)
Our Lady of Lourdes Mission Station (Capagao, Panitan)
St. Francis of Assisi Mission Station (Tuburan, Maayon)
Vicariate of St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph the Worker (Pres. Roxas)
Sto. Niño (Hipona, Pontevedra)
Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Esperanza, Pontevedra)
Most Holy Trinity (Pilar)
St. Vincent Ferrer (Casanayan , Pilar)
St. Joseph the Husband of Mary (Dulangan, Pilar)
St. Paul the Apostle Mission Station (Marita, Pres. Roxas)
St. Sulpitius Mission Station (Yating, Pilar)
Vicariate of St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Alexandria (Mambusao)
San Sebastian (Jamindan)
St. Vincent Ferrer (Jagnaya, Jamindan)
St. Anne (Sapian)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Linambasan, Jamindan)
Our Lady of the Barangay Mission Station (Balit, Mambusao)
St. Roch Mission Station (Burias, Mambusao)
St. Therese of Lisieux Mission Station (Bilao, Sapian)
St. Bernadette of Lourdes Mission Station (Tumalalud, Mambusao)
Blessed Justo Takayama Ukon Mission Station (Lucero, Jamindan)
Vicariate of St. Thomas of Villanueva
St. Thomas de Villanova (Dao)
St. Blaise (Malanoy, Dao)
San Anthony of Padua (Cuartero)
St. John the Baptist (Sigma)
St. Damian of Molokai Mission Station (Maindang, Cuartero)
St. Pedro Calungsod Mission Station (Mianay, Sigma)
Sta. Maria de la Cabeza Mission Station (Mangoso, Sigma)
Vicariate of Saint Martin of Tours
St. Martin of Tours (Dumalag)
St. Jerome (Tapaz)
St. Nicholas of Myra (San Nicolas, Tapaz)
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (Tinaytayan, Dumarao)
Our Lady of the Snows (Dumarao)
Our Lady of Fatima (Dacuton, Dumarao)
Nuestra Señora De La Consolacion Quasi Parish (Consolacion)
San Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Station (Duran, Dumalag)
St. Juan Diego Mission Station (Cristina, Tapaz)
St. Julian of Cuenca Mission Station (San Julian, Tapaz)
St. Andre Bessette Mission Station (Taft)
St. Zita Mission Station (Bungsuan, Dumarao)
St. Vigilius Mission Station (San Roque, Dumalag)
Suffragan dioceses
показывать Dioecesis Tagbilaranus
Territories Western
Bohol (
Alburquerque ,
Antequera ,
Baclayon ,
Balilihan ,
Batuan ,
Bilar ,
Calape ,
Catigbian ,
Clarin ,
Corella ,
Cortes ,
Dauis ,
Dimiao ,
Garcia Hernandez ,
Lila ,
Loay ,
Loboc ,
Loon ,
Maribojoc ,
Panglao ,
Sagbayan ,
San Isidro ,
Sevilla ,
Sikatuna ,
Tagbilaran ,
Tubigon ,
Valencia )
Ordinaries Cathedral Shrines
Vicariate of St. Joseph The Worker
St. Joseph the Worker
Our Lady of Lourdes
Barangay Sang Birhen Shrine
St. Vincent Ferrer
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Jude Thaddeus Shrine
St. Anthony of Padua
Vicariate of Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Birhen sa Barangay
Santa Cruz
Most Holy Trinity
San Roque
St. Isidore the Farmer
St. Anthony of Padua
Vicariate of The Holy Child
Holy Infant (Valencia, Bohol)
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (Lila, Bohol)
St. Isidore the Farmer (Garcia Hernandez)
St. John the Baptist (Garcia Hernandez)
St. Nicholas Tolentine (Dimiao)
Vicariate of Assumption of Our Lady Vicariate of Our Lady of Light
Our Lady of Light (Loon, Bohol)
Holy Cross (Maribojoc)
St. Isidore the Farmer Quasi-Parish (Maribojoc)
Mary Help of Christians (Loon, Bohol)
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (Antequera, Bohol)
San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila (Loon, Bohol)
Holy Cross (Loon, Bohol)
Nuestra Señora de La Paz Y Buen Viaje (Loon, Bohol)
Vicariate of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Balilihan)
Immaculate Conception (Catigbian)
Santo Niño (Catigbian)
Santo Niño (Balilihan)
Santo Niño (Cortes, Bohol)
Nuestra Señora de La Paz Y Buen Viaje (Cortes, Bohol)
Vicariate of Saint Peter the Apostle Vicariate of Saint Vincent Ferrer
Saint Vincent (Calape)
Our Lady of Fatima (Calape)
Saint Augustine (Sagbayan)
St. Isidore the Farmer (San Isidro, Bohol)
Saint Isidore the Farmer (Tubigon)
Saint Michael the Archangel (Clarin, Bohol)
St. John of the Cross (Tubigon)
St. Joseph the Worker (Clarin, Bohol)
Holy Cross (Tubigon)
показывать Dioecesis Dumaguetensis
Territories Ordinaries Cathedral Parishes
Vicariate of St. Peter
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Our Mother of Perpetual Help (San Lorenzo St., Dumaguete)
Mary Immaculate
Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Balugo, Dumaguete)
San Isidro Labrador
San Vicente Ferrer Chaplaincy
Divine Mercy
Our Lady of Fatima Quasi-Parish
Vicariate of St. Philip
St. Anthony of Padua (Sibulan)
St. Joseph the Worker (San Jose, Negros Oriental)
St. Andrew the Apostle (Amlan)
Our Lady of the Pillar (Pamplona, Negros Oriental)
St. James the Greater (Tanjay)
Holy Cross (Tanjay)
Sta. Agueda (Pamplona, Negros Oriental)
Vicariate of Simon the Zealot
St. Nicholas of Tolentino (Bais, Negros Oriental)
San Isidro Labrador Quasi-Parish (Bais, Negros Oriental)
Sto. Niño (Mabinay)
St. Francis of Assisi (Manjuyod)
Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Mabinay)
Vicariate of St. Thomas
St. Isidore the Farmer (Ayungon)
Our Lady of Lourdes Quasi-Parish (Ayungon)
St. Vincent Ferrer (Bindoy)
St. Anthony of Padua (Tayasan)
Holy Child (Jimalalud)
Vicariate of St. John
St. Nicholas of Tolentino (Poblacion, Dauin)
St. Nicholas Of Tolentino Quasi-Parish (Magsaysay, Dauin)
St. Augustine of Hippo (Bacong)
St. Isidore the Farmer (Zamboanguita)
Our Lady of the Abandoned (Valencia, Negros Oriental)
St. Ezekiel Moreno Quasi-Parish (Valencia, Negros Oriental)
St. Vincent Ferrer Quasi-Parish (Apo Island, Dauin)
Vicariate of St. Jude
Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Manalongon, Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental)
St. Francis Xavier Quasi-Parish (San Francisco, Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental)
St. Vincent Ferrer (Bonawon, Siaton)
St. Nicholas De Bari (Siaton)
St. Anthony of Padua (Bonbonon, Siaton)
Vicariate of St. Matthew
St. Nicholas Of Tolentino (Basay)
St. Thomas of Villanueva (Bayawan)
St. Lorenzo Ruiz (Bayawan)
Sto. Niño Quasi-Parish (Bayawan)
St. Isidore the Farmer (Bayawan)
St. Catherine of Alexandria (Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental)
St. Isidore the Farmer Chaplaincy (Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental)
Vicariate of St. Paul
St. Francis of Assisi (Siquijor, Siquijor)
St. Roque (Banban, Siquijor, Siquijor)
St. Augustine of Hippo (San Juan, Siquijor)
St. Isidore the Farmer (Lazi, Siquijor)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Enrique Villanueva, Siquijor)
St. Vincent Ferrer (Larena)
St. Barbara (Campalanas, Lazi, Siquijor)
Our Lady of Divine Providence (Maria, Siquijor)