Джон Гордон (епископ)
Джон Гордон (1 сентября 1544 - 3 сентября 1619 года) был шотландским прелатом.
[ редактировать ]Джон Гордон был естественным сыном Александра Гордона (ок. 1516–1575), епископом Галлоуэя и бывшего архиепископа Глазго и Барбары Логи; Его родители поженились, возможно, тайно, только в 1546 году, прежде чем Александр получил церковное предпочтение (см. Его новую запись в DNB ).
Гордон впервые учился в колледже Святого Леонарда , Сент -Эндрюс . В июне 1565 года его послали, чтобы получить образование во Франции, получив ежегодную пенсию, предоставленную ему Мэри, королева шотландцев , выплачиваемую из ее французского приданого. Он провел два года в университетах Парижа и Орлеана. 1568 года он был подтвержден Королевским Хартией в епископстве Галлоуэй и Аббате Тонгленда 4 января , освобожденном в его пользу от отца; Хартия указывает его умение в классических и восточных языках. В это время он был во Франции, на службе протестантского лидера, принца Луи из Конде , но вскоре он приехал в Англию, поступил на службу Томаса, герцога Норфолк и посетил его на конференциях Йорка (октябрь 1568 г.) и Вестминстер (ноябрь 1568 г.), проведенный с целью рассмотрения вины Мэри.
Когда Норфолк был отправлен в башню (октябрь 1569 г.), Гордон передал свои услуги самой Мэри и, похоже, осталась с ней до января 1572 года, когда она была лишена своей семьи. Мэри поблагодарила его французскому королю, и он наслаждался постом джентльмена, обычной в Тайной Палате, Чарльзу IX , Генриху III и Генрию IV , с ежегодной пенсией из четырехсот коронок. Он спас жизнь нескольким соотечественникам на Дне Святого Варфоломея , но никогда не отказывался от протестантизма. В 1574 году он продемонстрировал свое еврейское обучение в публичном споре в Авиньоне с главным раввином Бенитрием. Благодаря своему браку в 1576 году с Антуанеттой, овдовевшей дочерью Рене -де Мароллеса , он приобрел имущество, которое дало ему стиль «Сьюр Лонгме». С видом на Галлоуэй его связь никогда не была более чем номинальной, доходы доставляются его отцу или к своему брату Джорджу.
Gordon is mentioned in 1588 as Bishop of Galloway; but he resigned his rights before 8 July 1586. His first wife died in 1591. He married in 1594 a strong Protestant, Genevieve, daughter of François Petau, sieur of Maulette. On 18 July 1594 in Paris, he signs the marriage contract between Suzanne Hotman and her first husband John Menteith, calling himself "Gentleman of the Bedchamber of the King [and] Seigneur of Boullay-Thierry". In 1601 he was selected by the Duchess of Lorraine, sister of Henry IV, to take part with Daniel Tilenus and Pierre Du Moulin in a public disputation against Du Perron (afterwards cardinal), who had been charged with the task of converting her to the Roman Catholic Church.
On the accession of James I to the English throne (1603), Gordon published in French and English a strongly Protestant panegyric of congratulation and, in the same year, a piece in Latin elegiacs addressed to Prince Henry. James called him to England and nominated him in October to the deanery of Salisbury, whereupon he was ordained in his 59th year. He was present at the Hampton Court conference in January 1604 as "deane of Sarum",' though he was not confirmed until 24 February. In the second day's conference, James singled him out "with a speciall encomion, that he was a man well trauailled in the auncients."[citation needed] He approved of the ring in marriage, but doubted the cross in baptism.
Gordon preached often at court and, among the "pulpit-occurrents" of 28 April 1605, it is mentioned that "Deane Gordon, preaching before the kinge, is come so farre about in matter of ceremonies, the out of Ezechiell and other places of the prophets, and by certain hebrue characters, and other cabalisticall collections, he hath founde out and approved the vse of the crosse cap surplis et ct."[citation needed] During James' visit to Oxford in 1605 he was created a Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) on 13 August "because he was to dispute before the king his kinsman."[citation needed] He is described as of Balliol College. His second wife Genevieve Petau de Maulette taught French to Princess Elizabeth (1596–1662), afterwards queen of Bohemia. In 1611 the barony of Glenluce, which had belonged to his brother Lawrence, was bestowed on him by royal charter.
During the ten years 1603-13 Gordon produced a number of quartos notable for obscure learning, Protestant fervour, controversial elegiacs, and prophetic anticipations drawn from the wildest etymologies. He was assiduous in his ecclesiastical duties, which included a quasi-episcopal supervision of some eighty parishes. He procured an act of the chapter devoting one-fifth of the revenue of every prebend for seven years to cathedral repairs. While on a triennial visitation he died at Lewston House, Dorset, in his seventy-fifth year. He was buried on 6 September in the morning chapel of his cathedral, where an inscribed stone marks his grave.
[edit]On the north wall of the choir there was a brass (which no longer exists) "bearing the figure of a bishop, raised from his tomb by two angels", with a long biographical epitaph in Latin (given in the 1723 history of the cathedral). The dean assigned the barony of Glenluce with all his French property to Sir Robert Gordon, whom he made his literary executor. He left books to the cathedral library, and a legacy for rebuilding the cloisters.
[edit]- Panegyrique de Congratulation... par Jean de Gordon Escossois, sieur de Long-orme, Gentil-homme ordinaire de la chambre du Roy Tres-Chrestien, &c., La Rochelle, 1603, 8vo; also in English, by E.G. (Grimston), 'A Panegyrique,' &c., London, 1603, 4to; and with new title-page 'The Union of Great Britaine, &c., 1604, 4to.
- Assertiones Theologicae pro vera Verae Ecclesiae nota, &c., Rupellae (Rochelle), 1603, 8vo.
- Echo. Dialogus de Institutione Principis: ad Henricum Fredericum Stuardum, &c., Paris, 1603, 4to (elegiacs, in which the last word of the pentameter is an echo).
- Elizabethae Reginae Manes, &c., London, 1604, 4to (hexameters, addressed to James I)
- England's and Scotland's Happinesse, &c., 1604, 4to.
- Enotikon Or a Sermon of the Vnion of Great Brittannie...by Ione Gordovn Deane of Sarum, the 28 day of October...at Whitehall, &c., 1604, 4to (his first publication as dean).
- Papa-Cacus, sive Elegia Hortative... Et Dicastichon in Iesuitas, &c., 1610, 4to (the title anticipates Bunyan's 'Giant Pope')
- Antitortobellarminus, &c., 1610, 4to (in reply to Cardinal Bellarmin, who wrote as Matthaeus Tortus; partly in elegiacs).
- Orthodoxoiacobus: et Papapostaticus, &c., 1611, 4to.
- Anti-bellarmino-tortor, siue Tortus Retortus, &c., 1612, 4to (proves kissing the pope's toe to be a piece of Arianism).
- Εἰρηνοκοινωνία. The Peace of the ...Chvrch of England, &c., 1612, 4to (defence of some of the ceremonies).
- Παρασκενή, sive Praeparatio ad... decisionem controversiarum de ... cultu, & c., 1612, 4to (against the cultus of saints).
- The sacred Doctrine of Divinitie gathered out of the Word of God, &c., 1613, 4to, 2 vols.
According to John Strype, he wrote (1571) 'a book in Latin' defending Mary's rights. His discussion with Benetrius is said to have been printed.
[edit]In 1576 he married Antoinette, widowed daughter of Rene de Marolles, he acquired an estate which gave him the style of "Sieur of Longorme." By his first wife he had a son Armand Claude, who was wounded at Pavia, and died on his way to Scotland; George, who died in the college of Beauvais; and two daughters who died young. C. A. Gordon, who gives a somewhat questionable pedigree of the descendants of Armand Claude, says that he had his first name from Cardinal Richelieu, his godfather; if so, he must have received catholic baptism rather late in life.
Gordon's second wife Genevieve Petau de Maulette taught French to Princess Elizabeth (1596–1662), afterwards queen of Bohemia.[1] She died at Gordonstoun, Morayshire, on 6 December 1643, in her eighty-third year, and was buried at the Michael Kirk in the old churchyard of Oggston, parish of Drainie, Moray. Their daughter Lucie (or Louise), born 20 December 1597, was brought up with Princess Elizabeth in Lord Harington's household at Coombe Abbey. She married the family historian Sir Robert Gordon (1580–1656) in February 1613, and died in September 1680, aged 83.[2] Their daughter Katherine was mother of Robert Barclay, the apologist.
[edit]- ^ Robert Gordon, Genealogical history of the Earldom of Sutherland (Edinburgh, 1813), p. 292..
- ^ Robert Gordon, Genealogical history of the Earldom of Sutherland (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 292, 319.
- Dictionary of National Biography. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900. .
Further reading
[edit]- Hew Scott's Fasti
- Anthony à Wood, Athenae Oxon. 1691, i. 795
- Barlow's Summe and Substance of the Conference at Hampton Court, 1604, pp. 69, 76
- Hist. and Antiquities of the Cath. Church of Salisbury, 1723, pp. 99, 107, 282
- Gordon's Concise Hist. of the House of Gordon, 1754
- Gordon's Geneal. Hist. of the Earldom of Sutherland, 1813, p. 291 sq.
- Strype's Annals, 1823, vol. ii. pt. i. p. 117
- Lewis' Topogr. Dict. of Scotland, 1851, i. 219
- Шотландская нация Андерсона, 1870, II. 329 кв.
- Семейные записи Брюса о Bruces и The Comns, 1870, с. 482 кв.
- Государственные документы, Дом. Джеймс I, 3 мая 1604 г., 30 апреля 1605 года (письмо от Джона Чемберлена Дадли Карлтону), 12 июля 1609 г. (подпись медведей Гордона), 2 ноября 1619 г.
- Выдержки из соборных записей в Солсбери, согласно покойному декану Гамильтону
- Архив Барклай в Бери Хилл, Доркинг (см. Письмо Люси Гордон, напечатано в богословском обзоре, октябрь 1874 г., стр. 539)
- Монументальные надписи в Майкл Кирк, Оггстон (см. Гравировку памятника в «Камминг Брюса», UT Supra.)
- Атрибуция
Эта статья включает в себя текст из публикации, который сейчас в общественном доступе : « Гордон, Джон (1544-1619) ». Словарь национальной биографии . Лондон: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.