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Мухаммед Али Хан Валладжа

Мухаммед Али Хан Валладжа
Наваб Карнатика
Амир уль-Хинд
Уолла Да
Умдат уль-Мульк
Асаф уд-Даула
Portrait of Muhammad Ali Khan Wallajah by George Willison (1775).
Nawab of the Carnatic
Reign3 August 1749/12 June 1752 – 13 October 1795
PredecessorAnwaruddin Khan
Chanda Sahib(Disputed)
SuccessorUmdat ul-Umara
Full name
Amir ul Hind, Walla Jah, 'Umdat ul-Mulk, Asaf ud-Daula, Nawab Muhammad 'Ali Anwar ud-din Khan Bahadur, Zafar Jang, Sipah-Salar, Sahib us-Saif wal-qalam Mudabbir-i-Umur-i-'Alam Farzand-i-'Aziz-az Jan, Biradarbi Jan-barabar [Nawab Jannat Aramgah], Subadar of the Carnatic.
Born(1717-07-07)7 July 1717
Delhi, Mughal Empire (modern day India)
Died13 October 1795(1795-10-13) (aged 78)
Chepauk, Carnatic Sultanate (modern day Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)
BuriedOutside the gate of the Gunbad of Shah Chand Mastan, Tiruchirappalli
Noble familyRowther (Anwariyya Dynasty)
Spouse(s)Nawab Begum Sahiba
IssueMuhammad Ishaq Khan
Umdat ul-Umara
Amir ul-Umara
(eighteen sons and twenty-one daughters)
FatherAnwaruddin Khan
MotherFakhr un-nisa Begum Sahiba
Military career
Service/branch Carnatic Sultanate
Battles/warsMughal-Maratha Wars, Seven Years' War, Carnatic Wars, Anglo-Mysore Wars, Siege of Arcot, Battle of Golden Rock

Мухаммед Али Хан Валладжа , или Мухаммед Али , Валладжа (7 июля 1717 - 13 октября 1795), был навабом Карнатика . с 1749 года до своей смерти в 1795 году. Он объявил себя навабом в 1749 году. Эта позиция оспаривалась между Валладжой и Чанда Сахибом . В 1752 году, после нескольких столкновений, силы Чанда Сахиба и его французские союзники были изгнаны из Аркота, и 26 августа 1765 года Валладжа официально был объявлен навабом. Его правление было признано императором Великих Моголов Шахом Аламом II .

Валладжа - союзник Британской Ост-Индской компании, поддерживавший их в Карнатических войнах против Чанда Сахиба. Во время его правления в регионе Карнатик наблюдались более тесные связи с британцами и растущее влияние Британской Ост-Индской компании. Это также ограничило влияние Франции в регионе.

Wallajah also constructed Chepauk Palace in 1768. This palace, commissioned by British financier Paul Benfield, incorporates Indo-Saracenic architecture and became the main residence of Wallajah. After the construction of this palace, Wallajah moved the capital from Arcot to Chepauk, which served as the capital of the Carnatic Sultanate until 1855.

Early life


Muhammad Ali Khan Wallajah was born on 7 July 1717 in Delhi. His father Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan, was the current Nawab of Carnatic of Qannauji Sheikh origin.[1] His mother, Fakhr un-nisa Begum Sahiba, was the niece of Sayyid Ali Khan Safavi ul-Mosawi of Persia. She was also known by the title "Naib suba of Trichonopoly."

Wallajah was the Nawab of Arcot in 1749, but was officially crowned in 1752, after the defeat of Chanda Sahib's forces in the Siege of Arcot. Wallajah often referred to himself as the Subedar of the Carnatic in his letters and correspondence with the then Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.


Portrait of Muhammad Ali Khan,

Muhammad Ali Khan Wallajah was granted the titles of "Siraj ud-Daula", Anwar ud-din Khan Bahadur, and Dilawar Jang, together with the Subadarship of the Carnatic Payeen Ghaut and a mensab of 5,000 zat and 5,000 sowar, the Mahi Maratib, Naubat, etc. by Imperial fireman on 5 April 1750. e Raised to the titles of Walla Jah[clarification needed] and Sahib us-Saif wal-qalam (Master of the Sword and Qalam) Mudabbir-i-Umur-i-'Alam Farzand-i-'Aziz-az Jan[clarification needed] by Emperor Shah Alam II in 1760, he was recognised by the Treaty of Paris as an independent ruler in 1763 and by the Emperor of Delhi 26 August 1765.

Wallach has a good reputation among his people. He was also well liked by his British allies. Sir John Macpherson, writing to Lord George Macartney in November 1781 declared:

I love the old man... [Wallajah] mind me to my old Nabob [Nawab]. I have been sending him sheep and bags of rice by every ship. It is more than he did for me when I was fighting his battles.

The Nawab was an ally of the British East India Company, but also harboured great ambitions of power in the South Indian arena, where Hyder Ali of the Mysore, the Marathas, and the Nizam of Hyderabad were constant rivals. The Nawab could also be unpredictable and devious, and his breach of promise in failing to surrender Tiruchirappalli to Hyder Ali in 1751 was at the root of many confrontations between Hyder Ali and the British.

When Hyder Ali swept into the Carnatic towards Arcot on 23 July 1780, with an army estimated at 86–100,000 men, it was not the Nawab however, but the British who had provoked Hyder Ali's wrath, by seizing the French port of Mahé which was under his protection. Much of the ensuing war was fought on the Nawab's territory.

By the 1780s the Carnatic Sultanate was in debt from previous conflicts. Because of Wallajah alliance with the British this had a negative impact on the East India Company.[2]

For the defence of his territory, the Nawab paid the British 400,000 pagodas per annum (about £160,000) and 10 out of the 21 battalions of the Madras army were posted to garrison his forts. The British derived income from his jagirs (land grants).[3]

Carnatic Wars


Siege of Trichinopoly


Following the Battle of Ambur in 1749, that Wallajah's father Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan was slain, Wallajah fled to Trichinopoly. Chanda Sahib, assisted by Joseph François Dupleix, had planned to besiege Muhammed there in 1749, but the need for funding and provisions led him to instead besiege Tanjore first, and movements of Chanda Sahib's Maratha enemies prompted him to lift that siege and move north to face the new threat.

In April 1752 British reinforcements led by Stringer Lawrence and Robert Clive assisted Wallajah. On 9 April Lawrence made a junction with troops sent out of Trichinopoly and made it inside the lines. Two days later he led a sortie on the besiegers, prompting Law to lift the siege and retreat to the isle of Srirangam.

Chanda eventually negotiated a surrender to Maratha forces from Tanjore that had arrived to assist the British, believing this to be preferable to surrendering to the British.

Siege of Arcot

Wallajah and his British allies attack Chanda Sahib's war elephant

On 26 August 1751, Wallajah sent 600 troops to sack Arcot. He was supported by 200 of the 350 British soldiers. Those 200 soldiers and a further 300 sepoys along with 3 small guns and eight European officers marched towards Arcot from Madras.[4]

When apprised of the loss of Arcot, Chanda Sahib immediately dispatched to recapture it with 4,000 of his best troops with 150 of the French, under the command of his son, Raza Sahib. On 23 September Raza Sahib entered the town and invested the fort with an army of 2,000 native regular troops, 5,000 irregulars, 120 Europeans, and 300 cavalry.

On 14 November, Raza Sahib attacked British forces allied to Wallajah, during the festival of the Moharram and in memory of Hassan (son of Wallajah). On 13 November, a spy alerted Clive to the oncoming assault. Where the moat was dry the assailants mounted with great boldness, but the British fire was heavy and well directed that they made no progress. Wallajah and British forces were victorious.[5] After this battle, Wallajah was officially declared the Nawab of Arcot.

Battle of Golden Rock

Wallajah's men assisting the British at the Battle of Golden Rock in 1753.

26 June 1753, Wallajah supported British forces against the French, assisted by Mysorean troops led by Monsieur Astruc.[6] Wallajah sent his men to assist the British. He also met with British commander Stringer Lawrence do discuss their alliance. The British were victorious in this battle and maintained their influence in Trichinopoly.

Chepauk Palace

Chepauk Palace

In 1764, after the Carnatic Wars, Wallajah wanted to construct a Palace within the boundaries of British Fort St. George. This would act as his residence, and closer ties with the East India Company.[7] However due to Space restrictions, this plan was scrapped. Instead, Wallajah constructed a palace in Chepauk which eventually become the capital.

It was built by the engineer Paul Benfield, who completed it in 1768. It was one of the first buildings in India to be designed in the Indo-Saracenic style. According to historian S. Muthiah: "Paul Benfield, an East India Company engineer turned contractor, who had a good reputation[8]

The Palace was completed in 1768. The palace comprises two blocks, namely, Kalas Mahal and Humayun Mahal. Kalas Mahal became Wallajah's the official residence.[9]

Originally Humayun Mahal had been single story[10] with the Diwan-e-Khana Durbar Hall[8] in its middle over which there was a dome. To transform Humayun Mahal, Chisholm removed the tower, added a first floor and Madras terraced roof. He also added a facade that matched the Khalsa Mahal, which can be seen from the Wallajah Salai. To compensate for removing the dome he also added a new eastern entrance, also in the style of the Khalsa Mahal, that faces the beach. Political influence

For a period the situation of the Nawab was a significant factor in Westminster politics. The Nawab had borrowed heavily; and many East India Company officials, in India or in the United Kingdom, were his creditors.



He died from gangrene poisoning, at Madras on 13 October 1795. He was buried outside the gate of the Gunbad of Shah Chand Mastan, Trichinopoly.

He was succeeded by his son Umdat ul-Umara, who was later accused of supporting Tipu Sultan the heir of Hyder Ali during the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War.

See also



  1. ^ Uttar Pradesh District Gazetteers: Muzaffarnagar. Government of Uttar Pradesh. 1988. p. 42.
  2. ^ Partha Chatterjee (5 April 2012). The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power. Princeton University Press. p. 56. ISBN 978-1-4008-4260-5. Retrieved 20 April 2012.
  3. ^ "The Tiger and The Thistle – Tipu Sultan and the Scots in India". Natgalscot.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 11 August 2006. Retrieved 17 January 2013.
  4. ^ Naravane, M.S. (2014). Battles of the Honorourable East India Company. A.P.H. Publishing Corporation. p. 156. ISBN 9788131300343.
  5. ^ Clive by Bence-Jones, page 48
  6. ^ Орм, Роберт (1780). История военных действий британской нации в Индостане из MDCCXLV (3-е изд.). Том-001 . Лондон. п. 289.
  7. ^ Шринивасачари, CS (1939). История города Мадрас написана для Комитета по празднованию трехсотлетия . Мадрас: П. Варадачари и компания, стр. 181.
  8. ^ Jump up to: а б Рамкумар, Пратикша (21 сентября 2013 г.). «Некогда корона Ченнаи, дворец Чепаук теперь разваливается на части» . Таймс оф Индия . Архивировано из оригинала 4 февраля 2017 года . Проверено 21 сентября 2017 г.
  9. ^ Лакшми, К. (22 августа 2017 г.). «Дворец Чепаук, знаковое сооружение» . Индус . Ченнаи . Проверено 1 октября 2017 г.
  10. ^ Мутия, С. (17 февраля 2013 г.). «Махалы Чепаука» . Индус . Архивировано из оригинала 29 июня 2013 года . Проверено 21 сентября 2017 г.
Предшественник Наваб из Карнатика
(Подтверждено Карнатическим договором 1754 г.)

1752 – 13 октября 1795 г.
Предшественник Наваб из Карнатика
(Подтверждено Парижским договором 1763 г. )

3 августа 1749 г. - 13 октября 1795 г.
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