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Дэвид Ллойд (крикет)

Дэвид Ллойд
Ллойд в апреле 2009 года
Персональная информация
Рожденный ( 1947-03-18 ) 18 марта 1947 г. (77 лет)
Аккрингтон , Ланкашир , Англия
Прозвище Шмель
Ватин Левша
Боулинг Медленная левая рука православная
Роль Универсал
Отношения Грэм Ллойд (сын)
Международная информация
Национальная сторона
Тестовый дебют (CAP 460 ) 20 June 1974 v  India
Последний тест 30 January 1975 v  Australia
Дебют ODI (Cap 28 ) 7 сентября 1973 г. против Вест -Индии
Ребенок 29 мая 1980 г. В Вест -Индии
Информация о внутренней команде
Годы Команда
1965–1983 Ланкашир
Судья информация
ФК -судья 35 (1985–1987)
Судья 27 (1986–1987)
Карьерная статистика
Соревнование Тест Отрицательный Фк А
Матчи 9 8 407 288
Пробег забил 552 285 19,269 7,761
Средний уровень ватина 42.46 40.71 33.33 32.74
100 -е/50 -е 1/0 1/0 38/93 7/44
Верхний счет 214 * 116 * 214 * 121 *
Шары в боя 24 12 15,598 1,251
Калитки 0 1 237 39
Средний боулинг 3.00 30.26 22.89
5 калиток в подач 0 5 0
10 калиток в матче 0 1 0
Лучший боулинг 1/3 7/38 4/17
Уловы/ пеньки 11/– 3/– 334/– 89/–
Источник: Espncricinfo , 25 июля 2020 г.

Дэвид Ллойд (родился 18 марта 1947 года) - бывший игрок в крикет , судья, тренер и комментатор, который играл в крикет в крикете в округе Ланкашир а , также один день международного крикета для английской команды по крикету . Он также играл в полупрофессиональный футбол для Аккрингтона Стэнли . Он известен в мире крикета как Шумбл из -за якобы сходства между его профилем на лице и лимиками «Бумбл», персонажей Майкла Бентина . детских телевизионных программ [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

Левый игрок с битой и спин левой руки, он сыграл девять тестов, с самым высоким результатом 214 не выхода , и восемь однодневных международных матчей. В первоклассном крикете он был успешным универсальным, набрав карьеру более 19 000 пробежек и принимая 237 калиток. Он капитан своего округа с 1973 по 1977 год. [ 3 ] После выхода на пенсию в качестве игрока он стал первоклассным судьей, а затем впоследствии Ланкашир и тренер по крикету в Ланкашире и Англии подал в отставку последнюю публикацию после чемпионата мира по крикету 1999 года . Затем он стал известным комментатором крикета для тестового матча Special , а затем Sky Sports . [ 3 ] Он также является автором, журналистом и обозревателем. [ 3 ] В декабре 2021 года Ллойд объявил о своем уходе на полный рабочий день. [ 4 ] В 2022 году он подписал контракт с внутренним каналом Lancashire Lancstv, чтобы комментировать каждый нереализованный болотный матч Vitality Blast Home и Select County Championship. [ 5 ]

Ранняя и личная жизнь

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Ллойд родился в Аккрингтоне , Ланкашир, в марте 1947 года, и получил образование в средней технической школе Аккрингтона. [ 3 ] Его сын Грэм Ллойд родился в 1969 году; Он продолжил играть шесть матчей ODI для Англии и наслаждался успешной карьерой для Ланкашира, а также с его отцом в Камберленде и Аккрингтоне . [ 6 ] Второй сын, Бен Ллойд, также играл в крикет Ланкаширской лиги в период с 1999 по 2000 год, сделав семь матчей за церковь . [ 7 ] [ 8 ] В 2018 году Ллойд получил свободу Аккрингтона. [ 9 ]

Игровая карьера

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У Ллойда была обширная игровая карьера, с 407 первоклассными матчами и 288 однодневными играми. Он набрал почти 27 000 пробежек и взял 276 калиток в своей карьере в Ланкашире и Англии, и взял 423 улова. Его среднее значение в 33,33 во всем первоклассном крикете и средний балл, в среднем 30,26, иллюстрирует его способность как успешный универсал. [ 3 ] Он забил более 1000 пробежек за сезон десять раз и набрал сотни во всех трех крупных внутренних соревнованиях. [ 10 ] Его общая карьера охватила двадцать лет с 1965 по 1985 год, и он также играл в крикет на более низком уровне для Камберленда, а также в крикете лиги и клуба в Аккрингтоне, [ 3 ] для кого он продолжал появляться до 2009 года вместе со своим сыном. [ 11 ] [ 12 ] Он выиграл победные забеги для Аккрингтона в финальной игре сезона 2009 года, гарантируя, что они выиграли свой седьмой титул Лиги Ланкашира. Именно в Лиге Ланкашира изначально Ллойд добился достаточного успеха, чтобы привлечь внимание селекторов округа, сыграв 33 матча для Аккрингтона в период с 28 июля 1962 года и его первоклассный дебют. [ 12 ]


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Ллойд сыграл свой первый первоклассный матч за Ланкашир 12 июня 1965 года в матче чемпионата округа с Мидлсексом на Крикет-Группе Олд Траффорд в Манчестере. [ 13 ] Ллойд разбился под номером седьмого и сделал пару - очки в обеих подач - когда Мидлсекс одержал девять побед. Однако он взял две калитки. [ 14 ] Он продолжил бороться в своем первом сезоне с битой, сыграв 13 матчей и забил только 262 пробега в 14,55 с высоким баллом 44. [ 15 ] Однако он нашел успех с мячом, взяв 21 калитку на 31,33. [ 16 ]

Ллойд дебютировал в однодневных матчах 22 июня 1966 года - единственный однодневный матч, который он сыграет в этом сезоне. Это был Кубка Гиллетта четвертьфинал против Сомерсета на территории крикета в Тонтоне . [ 17 ] Он не смог произвести впечатление: ватин в шесть Ллойда был уволен без забивания, и его не призвали. [ 18 ] Однако он добился большего успеха с летучей мышью в первоклассном крикете-набрал 588 пробежек из 25 матчей в 21,77, включая две половины-закуски и лучший из 77. [ 15 ] Он также взял 32 калитки в 24,87, что является самым высоким показателем в его карьере. [ 16 ] 1967 год увидел аналогичные доходы: 14 матчей, дающих 316 пробежек в 21,06, включая один полвека 52*, [ 15 ] а также успешный сезон боулинга с 21 калитками в 21,14 и второй пять калиток в его карьере. [ 16 ]

В 1968 году Ллойд забил свой первый век для Ланкашира против Кембриджского университета 8 июня. Он забил 148, не выпущенный в розыгрыше дождя. [ 19 ] Позже Ллойд заявит, что Sunday Times , что это был момент, когда он понял, что хочет быть игроком в крикет. [ 20 ] Он продолжил 935 пробежек с 23 матчей в этом сезоне, в значительной степени подняв порядок. [ 13 ] [ 15 ] Однако его боулинг получил только одну калитку в 93.00. [ 16 ]

Ллойд стал обычным однодневным игроком в Ланкашире в 1969 году, сыграв 16 матчей в этом году и выиграв 342 пробежки в 22,80. [ 21 ] Ланкашир не использовал боулинг Ллойда в однодневных играх в этом году, хотя он взял четыре первоклассных калитки в 17.50, [ 16 ] и продолжал улучшаться с летучей мышью, забив свой второй век, 102*, и достиг 1238 пробежек с 27 матчей в 31,74 - в первый раз, когда он превысил 1000 пробежек за сезон. [ 15 ]

Ллойд собрал три медали победителя подряд для Кубка Джилета в 1970, 1971 и 1972 годах после побед в финале над Сассексом , Кентом и Уорикширом . [ 10 ] Он набрал более 1000 пробежек в каждом из этих сезонов, [ 15 ] и занимал 33 калитки повсюду. [ 16 ] 1972 год увидел 12 из этих калиток в 28,25, [ 16 ] и 1510 пробежек на 47,18, в том числе шесть веков, что делает этот год самым успешным сезоном Ллойда. [ 15 ] Он боролся в однодневных играх, однако набрал только 290 пробежек в 16.11, [ 21 ] Тем не менее он был награжден капитаном за 1973 год. [ 10 ] Капитанство не дало ничего, чтобы повлиять на его форму, набрав 1405 первоклассных пробежек в этом сезоне в 40,14, в том числе три столетия-один из которых был лучшим карьерой 195. [ 15 ] Он также взял 31 калитку в 28,28. [ 16 ] Он сыграл 24 однодневных матча, набрав 538 пробежек на 33,63, включая карьеру лучшего 113. [ 21 ]

Ллойд вернулся из Австралии в 1975 году после травмы и привел Ланкашира к их четвертому титулу Джилета 1970 -х годов. [ 10 ]

Ллойд ушел из капитана Ланкашира в 1977 году и был присужден годом выгоды за 1978 год, в результате которого тогдашние рекордные 40 171 фунтов стерлингов были подняты. [ 10 ]

Ллойд дебютировал в Англии ODI 7 сентября 1973 года в Овале , Лондон против Вест -Индии под капитаном Майка Деннесса . В этом матче из 55 лет Англия была сокращена до 189/9, Ллойд сделал только восемь, прежде чем ее выбежали . Вест -Индия достигла цели с 42,2 овера, за потерю только двух калиток. [ 22 ] Тем не менее, он был призван к испытательной команде для второго теста против Индии 20 июня 1974 года у Лорда . Открывая ватин вместо Джеффри Бойкот , [10] Lloyd scored 46 as England reached 629 all out, thanks largely to 188 from Dennis Amiss, 118 from Denness, and 106 from Tony Greig. India made 302 in their first innings reply, Lloyd bowling only two overs for four runs. Following on, India were dismantled by Geoff Arnold (four wickets) and Chris Old (five wickets), falling to 42 all out and giving England victory by an innings and 285 runs.[23]

Lloyd kept his place for the third Test against India at Edgbaston on 4 July. Batting first, and with the first day lost to rain, India were dismissed for 165 and by the end of day two, England were 117/0, with both Amiss and Lloyd not out with half-centuries. The next day, Amiss was dismissed for 79. However, in partnership with Denness (100) and Keith Fletcher (51*), Lloyd went on to score 214* from 396 balls.[24] He hit 17 fours in his 448-minute innings, helping England to 459/2 declared. India were dismissed for 216, giving England another innings victory and the series 3–0.[24] Lloyd thus ended his first Test series with a 260.00 Test batting average.[25] He then went on to face India in two ODI matches at Headingley and The Oval on 13 and 15 July 1974.[26] In the first, he made 34 from 63 balls as England won by four wickets,[27] and in the second he scored 39 from 81 as England won by six wickets.[28]

Lloyd then faced Pakistan at Headingley on 25 July and Lord's on 8 August, making 48, nine, 23 and 12* as both matches ended in draws.[29] England then met Pakistan at the Kennington Oval on 22 August for the third Test, where Pakistan reached 600/7 declared in the first innings thanks to a knock of 240 from Zaheer Abbas. In reply, Amiss hit 183 and Fletcher scored 122, however Lloyd only managed four in the first innings, and Pakistan could only make 94/4 before the match ended in a draw.[30] Lloyd went on to play both ODI matches, scoring 116* in the first match from 159 balls, though in a losing cause and followed up with four in the second match.[26]

Lloyd then travelled to Australia to face the home team for the 1974–75 Ashes series. The first three Test matches took place in December. Lloyd didn't play the First Test in Brisbane. During the second, on 13 December at Perth, he scored 49 and 35 as Australia took a nine wicket victory.[31] On 26 December they met again at Melbourne cricket ground, for a drawn match where Lloyd score 14 and 44.[32] The following day, England and Australia played an ODI match at Melbourne. Lloyd made 49 from 95 balls as England won by three wickets.[26] Returning to the Test matches, Lloyd scored 19 and 26 against the home side at the SCG on 4 January 1975, followed by four and five at Adelaide on 25 January. Both matches saw heavy defeats for England.[29] Lloyd's Test average had now dropped down into the 40s,[25] and following an injury which forced him to return home,[10] he did not play Test cricket again.[29] He had averaged only 24.50 from the four Test matches, scoring only 196 runs in all from eight innings,[33] and John Arlott wrote in 1984 that, "in a side routed by the 'heart-line' attack of Lillee and Thomson, [Lloyd] was effectively shocked and shattered out of Test cricket."[3]

He was, however, recalled for two ODI matches in 1978 and 1980. The first, on 26 May 1978, was against Pakistan at The Oval, where he scored 34 from 61 balls, and the second and final match was on 28 May 1980 against the West Indies at Headingley.[26] Here, he faced only eight balls batting down the order, scoring one run before breaking his arm,[10] the tourists going on to win by 24 runs.[34]

Accrington Stanley


Lloyd has been a lifelong supporter of Accrington Stanley F.C., and played for them during the 1960s.[35] Lloyd has maintained links with the club after his playing career ended, and in May 2009 he voiced his wishes to become involved in the club from the point of view of investment. He stated to the Accrington Observer that "I love football and always have. I was talking to Eric Whalley about it the other day and he said he wanted to sell and I wish I could afford to buy the club off him. I can't do that but I would like some involvement and perhaps raise the profile of Accrington Stanley. The town needs a football club – and I want to help to make sure they have one."[36] In March 2021, Lloyd had a street named after him, close to the football and cricket clubs.[37]

Later career




I have been incredibly lucky to have been involved in all aspects of cricket. Whatever I am doing at the time is the best thing. I do enjoy watching other coaches at work and I think we have a gem in Peter Moores. Of course you are so dependent on the performances of the players for results. Umpiring was such a rewarding job and I hope I fight the umpires' corner in commentary.[2]

– Lloyd, in interview with Matt Gatward, The Independent, 2008

Following his retirement in 1983, Lloyd umpired first-class and List-A matches from 1985 to 1987.[2] His first match was on 20 April 1985 between Cambridge University and Essex in Cambridge, and his last was on 9 September 1987 between Nottinghamshire and Glamorgan at Trent Bridge. In all, he oversaw 35 first-class matches and 27 List-A games, including tour matches for India and New Zealand.[38][39]





Lloyd became Lancashire head coach in 1993, and went on to guide Lancashire to their third Benson and Hedges Cup title.[10]

In 1995, Lloyd came into conflict with Dermot Reeve, then coach of Somerset, while in the Old Trafford committee room. He stated, according to Reeve in his biography Winning Ways: "I don't like you Reeve. I never have liked you. You get right up my nose and if you come anywhere near me, I'll rearrange yours."[40]



Lloyd became England's coach in 1996, and saw England to Test series victories against India, New Zealand and South Africa, as well as ODI victories against India, Pakistan and the West Indies.[41] He worked to expand England's support structure, including "a fitness consultant and a media relations officer, as well as a number of specialist coaches."[41]

In the winter tour to Zimbabwe, after two close draws, Lloyd generated controversy with his post-match statements.[10] Speaking after the first Test in Bulawayo, which ended as a draw with the scores level, he stated "We murdered them. We got on top and steamrollered them. We have flipping hammered them. One more ball and we'd have walked it. We murdered them and they know it. To work so hard and get so close, there is no praise too high. We have had some stick off your lads. We flipping hammered them."[42] The comments were not appreciated by Zimbabwe fans, with one banner in the crowd reading "Wanted. David Lloyd. For Murder of Zim Cricket Team. Last seen with his finger up his nose talking complete bollocks. He knows it and we know it."[42]

With his contract extended to 1997, he oversaw a 3–0 victory over Australia in the Texaco Trophy, and victory in the first Test of the 1997 Ashes series at Edgbaston, however three of the next four Tests were victories for Australia, allowing them to retain the Ashes despite England taking victory in the sixth and final match.[10] Prior to the winter tour of the West Indies, Lloyd played a "leading part" in persuading Mike Atherton to carry on as captain.[10] Despite defeat in the Caribbean and Atherton's eventual retirement, Lloyd's contract was renewed again for 1998.[10]

With Lloyd as coach, in the summer of 1998 England beat South Africa 2-1, their first victory in a five-match Test series since 1986/87.[43] However, in September 1998, following the tour of England by Sri Lanka Lloyd received criticism from both the England and Wales Cricket Board and the Sri Lanka Cricket Board for calling Sri Lanka's Muttiah Muralitharan a "chucker",[44] as well as for frequent outbursts following poor England performances.[45] He initially announced that he was stepping down from the coaching role during the 1998–99 Ashes series in Australia following the appointment of Graham Gooch as tour manager,[46] however in March 1999 he stated that that year's Cricket World Cup would signal his retirement after talks with the ECB revealed that his contract was not to be renewed.[47] England performed poorly at the tournament, failing to advance from the group stages.[48] Afterwards, Lloyd immediately joined Sky Sports as a commentator.[49]

The ECB Chairman Lord MacLaurin reported to the media that "We owe David a huge debt for the job he has done as England coach since taking over the role in 1996. During his time in the job, David has introduced many innovations that mean we are now world leaders in several aspects of our approach to the game at international level. It would be a fitting send-off for him if we could lift the World Cup for the first time this summer."[41] Meanwhile, ECB Chief Executive Tim Lamb stated "David has done a magnificent job for England, including delivering our first five Test series victory for 12 years. For the moment nothing is more important than a successful World Cup campaign, and I know that David will give his all in achieving this." Lloyd also commented that "I've had a tremendous time with the England side and I'm looking forward to completing my tenure with a successful and enjoyable World Cup campaign. It was important for me to have a clear picture of what my future holds. Now that the matter is settled this means the team can focus exclusively on the World Cup."[41] Alec Stewart spoke for the team, stating "It's disappointing news but it's been a real pleasure to work with 'Bumble', a coach who is thorough, loyal to his players and completely professional. He has brought a real sense of passion to the job of England coach and it would be great to reward him with the World Cup as a final vote of thanks from the players for all he has done for us."[50]



Lloyd has been a regular Sky Sports commentator since 1999. He is a regular on coverage of England's Test and one-day international cricket, but it is as the voice of Twenty20 cricket, since its launch in 2003, that he has become particularly known, with his excitable style and catchphrases such as "Start the Car!", the title of his second autobiography. However, he has admitted he sees the game as "a form of entertainment using cricket equipment" rather than real cricket.[51] Lloyd often makes reference to songs and lyrics by the band Half Man Half Biscuit in commentaries, often completely lost on other commentators working with him. Lloyd was also part of Talksport's live coverage of the 2017 ICC Champions Trophy.

Lloyd has commentated for the Indian Premier League (IPL) in the past,[52] and remarked in 2015 that England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) should make a window for English players to participate in the tournament.[53] However, in recent years, he has not been selected on the IPL commentary panel and been critical of IPL and BCCI. In 2022, Lloyd stated that IPL is "disrupting the traditional international programme"[54] and "benefitting already rich people."[55]


David Lloyd signing books at The Oval Sept 2018

In 2000, Lloyd published his autobiography, Anything but Murder, published by HarperCollins.[56] The book received criticism on 15 May 2000, from former England batsman Graham Thorpe who reacted to Lloyd's criticism of him and his influence on the team at a moment when Thorpe had been left out of a match against Zimbabwe. Lloyd also criticised Nasser Hussain and Andy Caddick; Hussain as poor in his preparation for Test matches, and Caddick as insecure about his cricket. Lloyd later stated that he had "been taken a little bit by surprise by the criticism of the reference to players."[57]


  1. ^ Frindall, Bill (8 August 2002). "Stump The Bearded Wonder No 32". BBC News. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c Gatward, Matt (4 February 2008). "An email conversation with former England cricket coach David Lloyd: 'Play it tough but with honesty would be my manifesto'". The Independent. Archived from the original on 20 February 2008. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Arlott, John (January 1984). "Player Profile: David Lloyd". CricInfo. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  4. ^ "David Lloyd announces retirement from commentary after 22 years with Sky Sports". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 21 December 2021.
  5. ^ "Watch Bumble on LancsTV this summer!". Lancashire Cricket Club. Retrieved 5 May 2022.
  6. ^ Williamson, Martin. "Player Profile: Graham Lloyd". CricInfo. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  7. ^ "Player Profile: Ben Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  8. ^ "Lancashire League Matches played by Ben Lloy". CricketArchive. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  9. ^ "Cricket 'legend' David 'Bumble' Lloyd to get freedom of Accrington". BBC Sport. 14 January 2018. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m "The David Lloyd Fact File". BBC News. 23 March 1999. Archived from the original on 15 July 2009. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  11. ^ "David Lloyd's return ends in defeat". CricInfo. 11 May 2008. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b "Lancashire League Matches played by David Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b "First-Class Matches played by David Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  14. ^ "Lancashire v Middlesex – County Championship 1965". CricketArchive. 15 June 1965. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h "First-class Batting and Fielding in Each Season by David Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  16. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h "First-class Bowling in Each Season by David Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  17. ^ "List A Matches played by David Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  18. ^ "Somerset v Lancashire – Gillette Cup 1966 (Quarter-Final)". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  19. ^ "Cambridge University v Lancashire – University Match 1968". CricketArchive. 11 June 1968. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  20. ^ Maul, Bob (6 November 2005). "60 seconds in sport with David Lloyd, former Lancashire player and England cricket coach". The Times. The Sunday Times. UK. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  21. ^ Jump up to: a b c "ListA Batting and Fielding in Each Season by David Lloyd". CricketArchive. Retrieved 26 May 2009.
  22. ^ "Prudential Trophy – 2nd ODI England v West Indies". CricInfo. 7 September 1973. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  23. ^ "India in England Test Series – 2nd Test England v India". CricInfo. 24 June 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  24. ^ Jump up to: a b "India in England Test Series – 3rd Test England v India". CricInfo. 4 July 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  25. ^ Jump up to: a b "D Lloyd Test matches – Batting analysis – Cumulative Average". CricInfo. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  26. ^ Jump up to: a b c d "D Lloyd One-Day Internationals – Batting analysis". CricInfo. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  27. ^ "Prudential Trophy – 1st ODI England v India". CricInfo. 13 July 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  28. ^ "Prudential Trophy – 2nd ODI England v India". CricInfo. 14 July 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  29. ^ Jump up to: a b c "D Lloyd Test matches – Batting analysis". CricInfo. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  30. ^ "Pakistan in England Test Series – 3rd Test England v Pakistan". CricInfo. 27 August 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  31. ^ "The Ashes – 2nd Test Australia v England". CricInfo. 17 December 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  32. ^ "The Ashes – 3rd Test Australia v England". CricInfo. 31 December 1974. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  33. ^ "D Lloyd Test matches – Batting analysis". CricInfo. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  34. ^ "Prudential Trophy – 1st ODI England v West Indies". CricInfo. 29 May 1980. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  35. ^ "Famous Fan: David Lloyd". The Football League. 4 September 2008. Archived from the original on 29 June 2009. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  36. ^ "Lloyd: I can help". Accrington Observer. M. EN. Media. 1 May 2009. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  37. ^ "David Lloyd: Accrington street named after cricket legend 'Bumble'". BBC News. 17 March 2021. Retrieved 20 March 2021.
  38. ^ "David Lloyd as Umpire in First-Class Matches". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  39. ^ "David Lloyd as Umpire in List A Matches". CricketArchive. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
  40. ^ Hopps, p. 11.
  41. ^ Jump up to: a b c d "Media Release – David Lloyd to resign after the world Cup" (Press release). England and Wales Cricket Board. 23 March 1999. Retrieved 25 May 2009 – via CricInfo.
  42. ^ Jump up to: a b Hopps, p. 186.
  43. ^ Shemilt, Stephan (16 July 2012). "England v South Africa: The best of enemies". BBC Sport. Retrieved 5 December 2021.
  44. ^ "England coach Lloyd Stands condemned". The Daily News. 3 September 1998. Retrieved 25 May 2009 – via CricInfo.
  45. ^ Becca, Tony (September 1998). "One last chance for David Lloyd". The Jamaica Gleaner. Retrieved 25 May 2009 – via CricInfo.
  46. ^ Berry, Scyld (27 December 1998). "Lloyd to step down from England post". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 25 May 2009 – via CricInfo.
  47. ^ Martin-Jenkins, Christopher (24 March 1999). "World Cup to be Lloyd's farewell". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 25 May 2009 – via CricInfo.
  48. ^ Engel, Matthew (2000). "ICC World Cup, 1999". Wisden Cricketers' Almanack. Retrieved 2 September 2024 – via ESPNcricinfo.
  49. ^ Searby, Martin (26 March 1999). "Return ruled out as Lloyd assumes new station". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 25 May 2009 – via CricInfo.
  50. ^ name="mediarelease"
  51. ^ "The Cricketer | Home".
  52. ^ "IPL 2018: Here is the complete list of IPL commentators in all languages". The Indian Express. 4 April 2018. Retrieved 4 November 2022.
  53. ^ "ECB must compromise on IPL, says Former England player David Lloyd". News18. Retrieved 4 November 2022.
  54. ^ "David Lloyd: 'Alarm Bells Should Be Ringing' Over The IPL's Impact On International Cricket". Wisden. 20 March 2022. Retrieved 4 November 2022.
  55. ^ "IPL "Benefiting Already Wealthy People": David Lloyd Says Vitality Blast Best T20 Competition". NDTV. Retrieved 4 November 2022.
  56. ^ David Lloyd: The Autobiography – Anything But Murder (Hardcover). Amazon.co.uk. ASIN 0002189526.
  57. ^ Hodgson, Myles (16 May 2000). "Thorpe dismayed at Lloyd's criticism". The Independent. Archived from the original on 15 July 2009. Retrieved 25 May 2009.


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