Аммофила (растение)
Аммофила | |
Эррам трава Дюны возле Гааги , февраль | |
Научная классификация ![]() | |
Королевство: | Plantae |
Клада : | Трахеофиты |
Клада : | Покрытосеменные |
Клада : | Монокоты |
Clade: | Commelinids |
Order: | Poales |
Family: | Poaceae |
Genus: | Ammophila Host[1] |
Species | |
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The range of Ammophila in North America |
Ammophila (синоним Psamma P. Beauv.) - это род состоящих цветущих растений, из двух или трех очень похожих видов трав . Общие названия для этих трав включают траву Marram , согнутую траву и пляжную обработку . [ 2 ] Эти травы встречаются почти исключительно на первой линии прибрежных дюн . Их обширные системы ползучих подземных стеблей или корневищ позволяют им процветать в условиях смещения песков и сильных ветров, а также для стабилизации и предотвращения эрозии прибрежных сил . Виды Ammophila являются родными для побережья Северного Атлантического океана , где они обычно являются доминирующими видами на дюнах. Их родной ассортимент включает в себя несколько внутренних регионов, а Великие озера Северной Америки являются основным исключением. [ 3 ] Имя рода Ammophila происходит от греческих слов ἄμμος ( ámmos ), что означает «песок» и φίλος ( philos ), что означает «друг».
The Ammophila grasses are widely known as examples of xerophytes, plants that can withstand dry conditions. Despite their occurrence on seacoasts, Ammophila grasses are not particularly tolerant of saline soils; they can tolerate a salinity of about 15 g/L (1.5%), which makes them "moderate halophytes".[4]
Ammophila builds coastal dunes and thus stabilizes the sand. For this reason, the plants are seen as a useful means of reinforcing dunes around the world and have been introduced far from their native range. Alfred Wiedemann writes that Ammophila arenaria, the European species, "has been introduced into virtually every British colonial settlement within its latitudinal tolerance range, including southeast and southwest Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Falkland Islands, and Norfolk Island and has been reported from Argentina and Chile."[5] Ammophila species were introduced in the late 19th century on the Pacific coast of North America as well, and massive, intentional plantings were continued at least through 1960. In essentially all of the locations where they have been introduced, Ammophila plants are now listed as invasive, and costly efforts are underway to eradicate them.[citation needed]
[edit]Only two species seem incontrovertible: A. arenaria and A. breviligulata. Two other species have been proposed, and are discussed below.
- A. arenaria - European marram grass or European beachgrass. Native to coasts of Europe (north to Iceland) and northwest Africa. Inflorescence to 25 cm long; broad.
- A. baltica - Purple marram. A. baltica has now been identified as a hybrid between A. arenaria and Calamagrostis epigejos. The hybrid occurs in parts of northern Europe, mainly from the Baltic Sea west to eastern England, and is known as × Ammocalamagrostis baltica or × Calammophila baltica.[6]
- A. breviligulata - American marram grass or American beachgrass. Native to coasts of eastern North America, including the shores of the Great Lakes. Inflorescence to 30 cm long; narrower than A. arenaria.
- A. champlainensis or A. breviligulata ssp. champlainensis - Champlain beachgrass. Native to the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain. Inflorescence to 22 cm long; very similar to A. breviligulata, and no longer considered a distinct species by several authorities.[7][8][9]
[edit]In Europe, Ammophila arenaria has a coastal distribution and is the dominant species on dunes where it is responsible for stabilising and building the foredune by capturing blown sand and binding it together with the warp and weft of its tough, fibrous rhizome system. Marram grass is strongly associated with two coastal plant community types in the British National Vegetation Classification. In community SD6 (Mobile Dune) Ammophila is the dominant species. In the semi-fixed dunes (community SD7), where the quantity of blown sand is declining Ammophila becomes less competitive, and other species, notably Festuca rubra (red fescue) become prominent.
[edit]The ability of marram grass to grow on and bind sand makes it a useful plant in the stabilization of coastal dunes and artificial defences on sandy coasts. The usefulness was recognized in the late 18th century.[10][11] On the North Sea coast of Jutland, Denmark, marram grass was traditionally much used for fuel, thatch, cattle fodder (after frost) etc. The use led to sand drift and loss of arable land. Hence, legislation promoting dune stabilization came into force in 1779 and 1792, successively leading to a system of state-supported dune planters overlooked by dune bailiffs. Marram grass was – and still is – propagated by root and shoot cuttings dug up locally and planted into the naked sand in periods of relatively calm and moist weather.
Women from the village of Newborough, Anglesey, Wales once used marram grass in the manufacture of mats, haystack covers and brushes for whitewashing.
Marram grass has been widely used for thatch in many areas of the British Isles close to the sea. The harvesting of marram grass for thatch was so widespread during the 17th century that it had the effect of destabilizing dunes, resulting in the burial of many villages, estates and farms. In 1695 the practice was banned by an Act of the Scottish Parliament:[12]
Considering that many lands, meadowes and pasturages lying on sea coasts have been ruined and overspread in many places in this kingdom by sand driven from adjacent sand hills ... His Majesty does strictly prohibit and discharge the pulling of bent, broom or juniper off the sand hills for hereafter.
Like other xerophytes, marram grass is well adapted to its surroundings to thrive in an otherwise harsh environment. The natural loss of water through transpiration is not desirable in a very dry landscape, and marram grass has developed particular adaptations to help it deal with this. Sandy conditions drain water quickly, and very windy conditions will further increase rates of transpiration.
Marram grass has a rolled leaf that creates a localized environment of water vapour concentration within the leaf and helps to prevent water loss. The stomata sit in small pits within the curls of the structure, which makes them less likely to open and lose water. The folded leaves have hairs on the inside to slow or stop air movement, much like many other xerophytes (though these are typically found on the outside of the plant,in marram grass they are also within the leaf as this has now become a structure with more volume). This slowing of air movement once again reduces the amount of water vapour being lost. A waxy cuticle on the leaf surface also prevents evaporation.
See also
[edit]- ^ "Species in GRIN for genus". www.ars-grin.gov. Archived from the original on 2008-10-11. Retrieved 2008-04-24.
- ^ "Ammophila". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 19 September 2008.
- ^ Preston, C. D.; Pearman, D. A.; Dines, T. D. (2002). New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-851067-3.
- ^ "Comprehensive Report Species - Ammophila arenaria". NatureServe. Archived from the original on 2009-07-25. Retrieved 2008-09-28.
- ^ Wiedemann, Alfred (1998-02-12). "Ammophila arenaria on the northwest coast of North America". Botanical Electronic News - BEN #183. Archived from the original on 27 September 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-19.
- ^ "Calamagrostis epigejos x Ammophila arenaria = X Calammophila baltica (Flüggé ex Schrad.) Brand". National Biodiversity Network (UK).
- ^ "Ammophila champlainensis". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 6 September 2008.
- ^ The identification of Champlain beachgrass as a species that is distinct from A. breviligulata is still under investigation, and some authors consider Champlain beachgrass to be a subspecies A. breviligulata ssp. champlainensis (Seymour) P.J. Walker, C.A. Paris & Barrington ex Barkworth. Recent work on morphological differences between varying populations assigned to A. breviligulata and to A. champlainensis do not support the assignment of a distinct species for the latter specimens, despite significant differences. See Delisle-Oldham, M. B.; Oldham, M. J.; Catling, P. M. (2008). "Taxonomic Recognition of Ammophila champlainensis and Morphological Variation in Northeastern North American Ammophila (Poaceae)". Rhodora. 110 (942): 129–156. doi:10.3119/07-07.1. S2CID 86593875. Retrieved 2008-09-21.
- ^ "Champlain Beachgrass Guide". New York Natural Heritage Program. Retrieved 2008-09-27.
- ^ Viborg, E. (1788) Efterretning om Sandvexterne og deres Anvendelse til at dæmpe Sandflugten paa Vesterkanten af Jylland. København. Full text (in Danish)(Subsequent German translation: Beschreibung der Sandgewächse und ihrer Anwendung zur Hemmung des Flugsandes auf der Küste von Jütland etc. Viborg, Erich Aus dem Dänischen von J. Petersen. Kopenhagen, 1789)
- ^ Andresen, C. C. 1861. Om Klitformationen og Klittens Behandling og Bestyrelse. - P.G. Philipsens Forlag. Full text (in Danish)
- ^ Gimingham, C. H. (1964). "Maritime and sub-maritime communities". In Burnett, J. H. (ed.). The Vegetation of Scotland. Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd. pp. 67–142.
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