List of the most popular names in the 1880s in the United States
These are the most popular given names in the United States of America for all years of the 1880s.
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- Charles
- George
- Frank
- Joseph
- Thomas
- Henry
- Robert
- Edward
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Samuel
- David
- Louis
- Joe
- Charlie
- Clarence
- Richard
- Andrew
- Daniel
- Ernest
- Will
- Jesse
- Oscar
- Lewis
- Peter
- Benjamin
- Frederick
- Willie
- Alfred
- Sam
- Roy
- Herbert
- Jacob
- Tom
- Elmer
- Carl
- Lee
- Howard
- Martin
- Michael
- Bert
- Herman
- Jim
- Francis
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Minnie
- Margaret
- Ida
- Alice
- Bertha
- Sarah
- Annie
- Clara
- Ella
- Florence
- Cora
- Martha
- Laura
- Nellie
- Grace
- Carrie
- Maude
- Mabel
- Bessie
- Jennie
- Gertrude
- Julia
- Hattie
- Edith
- Mattie
- Rose
- Catherine
- Lillian
- Ada
- Lillie
- Helen
- Jessie
- Louise
- Ethel
- Lula
- Myrtle
- Eva
- Frances
- Lena
- Lucy
- Edna
- Maggie
- Pearl
- Daisy
- Fannie
- Josephine
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Henry
- Thomas
- Edward
- Robert
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Samuel
- David
- Louis
- Charlie
- Clarence
- Richard
- Joe
- Andrew
- Ernest
- Will
- Jesse
- Oscar
- Daniel
- Willie
- Benjamin
- Sam
- Alfred
- Roy
- Lewis
- Frederick
- Peter
- Elmer
- Jacob
- Herbert
- Carl
- Howard
- Tom
- Lee
- Ralph
- Martin
- Jim
- Earl
- Eugene
- Bert
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Margaret
- Minnie
- Ida
- Annie
- Bertha
- Alice
- Clara
- Sarah
- Ella
- Nellie
- Grace
- Florence
- Martha
- Cora
- Laura
- Carrie
- Maude
- Bessie
- Mabel
- Gertrude
- Ethel
- Jennie
- Edith
- Hattie
- Mattie
- Julia
- Rose
- Lillian
- Lillie
- Eva
- Jessie
- Lula
- Myrtle
- Pearl
- Edna
- Catherine
- Ada
- Louise
- Helen
- Lucy
- Frances
- Dora
- Fannie
- Josephine
- Daisy
- Lena
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Thomas
- Henry
- Robert
- Edward
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Samuel
- Louis
- David
- Clarence
- Charlie
- Richard
- Joe
- Andrew
- Will
- Jesse
- Ernest
- Oscar
- Daniel
- Sam
- Willie
- Alfred
- Roy
- Benjamin
- Carl
- Peter
- Frederick
- Elmer
- Lewis
- Herbert
- Lee
- Howard
- Ralph
- Paul
- Jim
- Jacob
- Tom
- Martin
- Earl
- Claude
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Minnie
- Margaret
- Ida
- Alice
- Bertha
- Annie
- Clara
- Sarah
- Florence
- Martha
- Ella
- Grace
- Laura
- Bessie
- Nellie
- Maude
- Cora
- Carrie
- Mabel
- Ethel
- Mattie
- Gertrude
- Jennie
- Rose
- Edith
- Hattie
- Helen
- Lillian
- Pearl
- Louise
- Julia
- Lillie
- Jessie
- Myrtle
- Edna
- Lula
- Eva
- Catherine
- Lena
- Ada
- Frances
- Lucy
- Fannie
- Daisy
- Josephine
- Maggie
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- Charles
- George
- Frank
- Joseph
- Henry
- Robert
- Thomas
- Edward
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Samuel
- Clarence
- Louis
- David
- Richard
- Charlie
- Ernest
- Andrew
- Daniel
- Joe
- Oscar
- Jesse
- Will
- Roy
- Benjamin
- Carl
- Sam
- Willie
- Alfred
- Peter
- Frederick
- Lewis
- Howard
- Elmer
- Herbert
- Earl
- Lee
- Tom
- Ralph
- Martin
- Herman
- Paul
- Jacob
- Clyde
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Minnie
- Margaret
- Bertha
- Ida
- Annie
- Clara
- Alice
- Sarah
- Grace
- Florence
- Martha
- Ella
- Nellie
- Bessie
- Laura
- Ethel
- Carrie
- Maude
- Mabel
- Cora
- Gertrude
- Lillian
- Jennie
- Hattie
- Pearl
- Mattie
- Edith
- Eva
- Rose
- Julia
- Helen
- Catherine
- Myrtle
- Louise
- Lillie
- Jessie
- Edna
- Lena
- Lula
- Ada
- Frances
- Josephine
- Fannie
- Lucy
- Maggie
- Daisy
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Thomas
- Henry
- Robert
- Edward
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Samuel
- Clarence
- Louis
- Grover
- David
- Joe
- Richard
- Charlie
- Ernest
- Roy
- Jesse
- Will
- Andrew
- Oscar
- Willie
- Daniel
- Sam
- Peter
- Elmer
- Carl
- Alfred
- Benjamin
- Lewis
- Earl
- Ralph
- Frederick
- Lee
- Howard
- Paul
- Herbert
- Tom
- Herman
- Martin
- Jacob
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Minnie
- Margaret
- Ida
- Clara
- Bertha
- Annie
- Alice
- Florence
- Grace
- Sarah
- Bessie
- Martha
- Nellie
- Ethel
- Ella
- Mabel
- Laura
- Carrie
- Cora
- Maude
- Pearl
- Lillian
- Edith
- Gertrude
- Jennie
- Rose
- Mattie
- Hattie
- Helen
- Myrtle
- Louise
- Edna
- Julia
- Eva
- Lula
- Lillie
- Lena
- Jessie
- Catherine
- Ada
- Josephine
- Frances
- Lucy
- Maggie
- Marie
- Fannie
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Henry
- Robert
- Thomas
- Edward
- Harry
- Walter
- Fred
- Arthur
- Albert
- Clarence
- Samuel
- Louis
- Grover
- Ernest
- David
- Charlie
- Roy
- Joe
- Richard
- Will
- Oscar
- Willie
- Andrew
- Jesse
- Daniel
- Peter
- Carl
- Sam
- Earl
- Frederick
- Benjamin
- Alfred
- Elmer
- Howard
- Lewis
- Paul
- Ralph
- Herbert
- Jim
- Michael
- Tom
- Martin
- Lee
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Margaret
- Minnie
- Clara
- Bertha
- Ida
- Annie
- Alice
- Florence
- Bessie
- Grace
- Ethel
- Nellie
- Martha
- Sarah
- Ella
- Mabel
- Laura
- Carrie
- Cora
- Maude
- Rose
- Pearl
- Lillian
- Helen
- Gertrude
- Edna
- Edith
- Julia
- Jennie
- Myrtle
- Mattie
- Hattie
- Lillie
- Eva
- Louise
- Jessie
- Lula
- Marie
- Ada
- Lena
- Catherine
- Frances
- Fannie
- Josephine
- Dora
- Katherine
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Robert
- Henry
- Thomas
- Edward
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Clarence
- Samuel
- Louis
- Roy
- Joe
- Charlie
- Richard
- David
- Ernest
- Oscar
- Will
- Willie
- Andrew
- Jesse
- Earl
- Carl
- Daniel
- Sam
- Elmer
- Alfred
- Howard
- Paul
- Benjamin
- Frederick
- Ralph
- Peter
- Lewis
- Herman
- Grover
- Herbert
- Lee
- Claude
- Jim
- Tom
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Minnie
- Margaret
- Ida
- Bertha
- Clara
- Florence
- Alice
- Bessie
- Annie
- Grace
- Ethel
- Sarah
- Nellie
- Martha
- Ella
- Mabel
- Carrie
- Laura
- Edna
- Lillian
- Helen
- Rose
- Gertrude
- Cora
- Pearl
- Maude
- Edith
- Eva
- Hattie
- Jennie
- Myrtle
- Julia
- Louise
- Frances
- Mattie
- Lula
- Jessie
- Lillie
- Lena
- Marie
- Catherine
- Ada
- Josephine
- Fannie
- Dora
- Lucy
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Henry
- Thomas
- Edward
- Robert
- Harry
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Clarence
- Samuel
- Louis
- Roy
- Joe
- David
- Ernest
- Charlie
- Richard
- Jesse
- Willie
- Carl
- Oscar
- Will
- Daniel
- Earl
- Andrew
- Benjamin
- Alfred
- Elmer
- Frederick
- Ralph
- Sam
- Paul
- Herbert
- Howard
- Peter
- Lee
- Herman
- Claude
- Raymond
- Michael
- Lewis
- Jim
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Elizabeth
- Emma
- Margaret
- Minnie
- Bertha
- Clara
- Florence
- Ida
- Ethel
- Annie
- Bessie
- Alice
- Grace
- Ella
- Martha
- Mabel
- Nellie
- Sarah
- Helen
- Laura
- Carrie
- Edna
- Pearl
- Lillian
- Cora
- Gertrude
- Edith
- Rose
- Maude
- Hattie
- Eva
- Frances
- Louise
- Myrtle
- Lillie
- Jennie
- Julia
- Mattie
- Jessie
- Lena
- Marie
- Catherine
- Ada
- Agnes
- Lula
- Dora
- Elsie
- Josephine
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Robert
- Harry
- Henry
- Edward
- Thomas
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Clarence
- Samuel
- Louis
- Roy
- David
- Charlie
- Joe
- Willie
- Benjamin
- Richard
- Ernest
- Will
- Carl
- Earl
- Oscar
- Jesse
- Andrew
- Sam
- Daniel
- Ralph
- Alfred
- Paul
- Elmer
- Howard
- Peter
- Frederick
- Herbert
- Grover
- Raymond
- Michael
- Ben
- Lee
- Tom
- Lewis
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Elizabeth
- Emma
- Margaret
- Minnie
- Bertha
- Florence
- Ethel
- Bessie
- Clara
- Ida
- Alice
- Annie
- Grace
- Helen
- Mabel
- Ella
- Martha
- Sarah
- Nellie
- Edna
- Lillian
- Carrie
- Laura
- Pearl
- Rose
- Gertrude
- Edith
- Frances
- Cora
- Maude
- Louise
- Eva
- Myrtle
- Hattie
- Jennie
- Julia
- Mattie
- Marie
- Lillie
- Catherine
- Jessie
- Lula
- Lena
- Ada
- Elsie
- Agnes
- Josephine
- Fannie
[edit]- Males
- John
- William
- James
- George
- Charles
- Frank
- Joseph
- Harry
- Robert
- Edward
- Henry
- Thomas
- Walter
- Arthur
- Fred
- Albert
- Clarence
- Roy
- Louis
- Samuel
- Benjamin
- David
- Ernest
- Richard
- Joe
- Willie
- Carl
- Earl
- Charlie
- Will
- Jessie
- Oscar
- Andrew
- Elmer
- Paul
- Daniel
- Raymond
- Howard
- Ralph
- Sam
- Alfred
- Herbert
- Ben
- Frederick
- Peter
- Lee
- Lewis
- Herman
- Claude
- Tom
- Females
- Mary
- Anna
- Elizabeth
- Margaret
- Emma
- Minnie
- Florence
- Ethel
- Bessie
- Clara
- Bertha
- Alice
- Annie
- Ida
- Grace
- Mabel
- Helen
- Edna
- Nellie
- Sarah
- Martha
- Ella
- Lillian
- Pearl
- Laura
- Rose
- Carrie
- Gertrude
- Edith
- Marie
- Eva
- Cora
- Myrtle
- Frances
- Hattie
- Maude
- Lillie
- Louise
- Jennie
- Julia
- Elsie
- Catherine
- Jessie
- Mattie
- Lena
- Ruth
- Lula
- Hazel
- Josephine
- Agnes