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Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

Central Committee
of the 11th Congress
← 10th
12th →
2 April 1922 – 25 April 1923
General SecretaryJoseph Stalin
Second SecretaryVyacheslav Molotov
Inner-groupsPolitburo: 7 full & 3 candidates
Secretariat: 3 members
Orgburo: 7 full & 3 candidates

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 11th Congress, and sat from 2 April 1922 until 25 April 1923 . The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).



The CC was not a permanent institution. It convened nine plenary sessions between the 11th Congress and the 12th Congress. When the CC was not in session, decision-making powers were transferred to inner bodies of the CC itself; the Politburo, Secretariat and Orgburo (none of these bodies were permanent either, but convened several times a months).[1]

Plenary sessions of the Central Committee
1st Plenary Session3 April 19221 day
2nd Plenary Session16 May 19221 day
3rd Plenary Session2 August 19221 day
4th Plenary Session8 August 19221 day
5th Plenary Session5–7 October 19223 days
6th Plenary Session18 December 19221 day
7th Plenary Session21–24 February 19234 days
8th Plenary Session30–31 March 19232 days
9th Plenary Session15 April 19231 day



Individuals employed by Central Committee's bureaus, departments and newspapers made up the apparatus between the 11th Congress and the 12th Congress.[2] The bureaus and departments were supervised by the Secretariat, and each secretary (member of the Secretariat) supervised a specific department.[3] The leaders of departments were officially referred to as Heads, while the titles of bureau leaders varied between chairman, first secretary and secretary.[4]

Central Committee Apparatus of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)[5][6][7]
InstitutionLeaderCyrillicTook officeLeft officeLength of tenureNationalityGender
Accounting and Distribution DepartmentSergey SyrtsovСерге́й Сырцо́в2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale
Administrator of AffairsIvan KsenofontovИван Ксенофонтов2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysGreek[8]Male
Agitation and Propaganda DepartmentAndrei BubnovАндрей Бубнов2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale
Bureau of the SecretariatAmayak NazaretyanАмаяк Назаретян2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysArmenianMale
Central Asian BureauJānis RudzutaksЯн Рудзутак2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysLatvianMale
Department for Work Among WomenSofia SmidovichСофья Смидович2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianFemale
Department of Party HistoryMikhail OlminskyМихаил Ольминский2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale
Far Eastern BureauNikolay KubiakНиколай Кубяк2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale
Finance Department
Organizational and Instructional DepartmentNikolai LisitsynНиколай Лисицын2 April 1922June 192289 daysRussianMale
Lazar KaganovichЛазарь КагановичJune 192225 April 19231 year and 27 daysJewish[9][10][11]Male
Siberian BureauStanislav KosiorСтанислав Косиор2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysPolishMale
South-Eastern BureauAnastas MikoyanАнастас Микоян2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysArmenianMale
Statistical DepartmentStanislav StrumilinСтанисла́в Струми́лин2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale
Ural BureauTimofei SapronovТимофе́й Сапро́нов2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale
Ural Industrial BureauDaniil SulimovДаниил Сулимов2 April 192225 April 19231 year and 23 daysRussianMale




Members of the Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
NameCyrillic10th CC12th CCBirthDeathPMNationalityGenderPortrait
Andrey AndreyevАндрей АндреевNewReelected189519711914RussianMale
Nikolai BukharinНикола́й Буха́ринOldReelected188819381906RussianMale
Vlas ChubarВлас ЧубарCandidateReelected189119391907UkrainianMale
Felix DzerzhinskyФе́ликс Дзержи́нскийOldReelected187719261906PolishMale
Mikhail FrunzeМихаил ФрунзеOldReelected188519251904Romanian-Russian


Mikhail KalininМихаил КалининOldReelected187519461898RussianMale
Lev KamenevЛев Ка́меневOldReelected188319361901Jewish-Russian


Ivan KorotkovИван КоротковNewReelected188519491905RussianMale
Valerian KuybyshevВалериан КуйбышевCandidateNot188819351904RussianMale
Vladimir LeninВладимир ЛенинOldReelected187019241898RussianMale
Vyacheslav MolotovВячеслав МолотовOldReelected189019861906RussianMale
Grigol OrdzhonikidzeГриго́рий Орджоники́дзеOldReelected188619371903GeorgianMale
Grigory PetrovskyГриго́рій Петро́вськийOldReelected187819581898UkrainianMalea bearded man with wavy hair, wearing glasses and what seems to be a suit, a white tie, and a black and white dotted shirt
Karl RadekКарл РадекOldReelected188519391903Jewish[16][17]Male
Christian RakovskyХристиан РаковскийOldReelected187319411917BulgarianMale
Jānis RudzutaksЯн РудзутакOldReelected188719381905LatvianMale
Alexei RykovАлексей РыковOldReelected188119381899RussianMale
Timofei SapronovТимофе́й Сапро́новNewNot188719371898RussianMale
Alexander SmirnovАлександр СмирновNewReelected187819381898RussianMale
Grigori SokolnikovГригорий СокольниковNewReelected188819381905Jewish[18][19]Male
Joseph StalinИо́сиф Ста́линOldReelected187819531898GeorgianMale
Mikhail TomskyМихаил ТомскийOldReelected188019361904RussianMale
Leon TrotskyЛев Тро́цкийOldReelected187919401917Jewish[20][17]Male
Kliment VoroshilovКлимент ВорошиловOldReelected188119691903RussianMale
Yemelyan YaroslavskyЕмельян ЯрославскийOldNot187819431898Jewish[17]Male
Isaak ZelenskyИсаак ЗеленскийCandidateReelected189019371906Jewish[21][22]Male
Grigory ZinovievГриго́рий Зино́вьевOldReelected188319361901Jewish[23][15]Male


Candidate Members of the Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
NameCyrillic10th CC12th CCBirthDeathPMNationalityGenderPortrait
Aleksei BadayevАлексей БадаевNewCandidate188319511904RussianMale
Andrei BubnovАндрей БубновNewCandidate188419381903RussianMale
Sergey GusevСергей ГусевCandidateNot187419331898Jewish[24]Male
Sergey KirovСерге́й Ки́ровCandidateMember188619341904RussianMale
Aleksei KiselyovАлексей КиселёвCandidateNot187919371898RussianMale
Nikolay KomarovНиколай КомаровMemberMember188619371909RussianMale
Timofei KrivovТимофей КривовNewNot188619661905Chuvash[25]Male
Dmitry LebedДмитрий ЛебедьNewCandidate189319371909RussianMale
Ivan LepseИван ЛепсеNewCandidate188919291904LatvianMale
Semyon LobovСемён ЛобовNewNot188819371913RussianMale
Dmitry ManuilskyДмитро МануїльськийNewMember188319591903UkrainianMale
Vasily MikhailovВасилий МихайловMemberMember189419371915RussianMale
Anastas MikoyanАнастас МикоянNewMember189519781915ArmenianMale
Georgy PyatakovЮрій П'ятаковNewMember189019371910RussianMale
Abdullo RakhimbayevАбдулло РахимбаевNewNot189619381919UzbekMale
Georgy SafarovГеоргий СафаровCandidateNot189119421908Armenian-Polish


Vasily SchmidtВасилий ШмидтCandidateNot188619381905German[27]Male
Ivar SmilgaИвар СмилгаNewNot189219381907LatvianMale
Daniil SulimovДаниил СулимовCandidateMember189019371905RussianMale





Plenary sessions, apparatus heads, ethnicity (by clicking on the individual names on "The Central Committee elected by the XI th Congress of the RCP (B) 02.04.1922 members" reference), the Central Committee full- and candidate membership, Politburo membership, Secretariat membership and Orgburo membership were taken from these sources:




  1. ^ Simons & White 1984, pp. 423–425.
  2. ^ Fainsod & Hough 1979, p. 410.
  3. ^ Fainsod & Hough 1979, pp. 410–411 & 417–419.
  4. ^ Fainsod & Hough 1979, pp. 417–419.
  5. ^ "Бюро ЦК РСДРП - РСДРП(б) - РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Bureaus of the Central Committee of RSDLP(b) - RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. Knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  6. ^ "Управления ЦК РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Administrations of the Central Committee RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  7. ^ "Отделы, комиссии, институты ЦК РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Departments, Commissions, Institutes of the Central Committee RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  8. ^ Parrish, Michael (1992). Soviet Security and Intelligence Organizations 1917-1990: A Biographical Dictionary and Review of Literature in English. Greenwood Press. pp. 219–220.
  9. ^ Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 453.
  10. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60, 70 and 303.
  11. ^ "Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich". Jewish Virtual Library. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Retrieved 8 November 2023.
  12. ^ Service, Robert (1995). Lenin, a Political Life: The Iron Ring. Indiana University Press. p. 194.
  13. ^ Riga, Liliana. The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. p. 303.
  14. ^ Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 430.
  16. ^ Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 432.
  17. ^ Jump up to: a b c Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 304.
  18. ^ "Сокольников Григорий Яковлевич". www.hrono.ru.
  19. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  20. ^ Rubenstein, Joshua (2011). Leon Trotsky: A Revolutionary's Life. Yale University Press. p. 1.
  21. ^ "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995.
  22. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  23. ^ Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  24. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60, 80 and 303.
  25. ^ "Кривов Тимофей Степанович" [Krivov Timofey Stepanovich]. Герои страны.
  26. ^ Kotkin, Stephen (2014). Stalin, Volume 1: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928. New York: Penguin Press. p. 387.
  27. ^ Ivkin, V.I. Государственная власть СССР. Высшие органы власти и управления и их руководители. 1923—1991 гг. Историко-биографический справочни (in Russian). Moscow. p. 605.


  1. ^ His father was Romanian and his mother Russian
  2. ^ His father was Jewish and his mother Russian
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