Central Auditing Commission of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
This electoral term of the Central Auditing Commission was elected by the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1961, and was in session until the convocation of the 23rd Congress in 1966.[1]
[edit]Name | Cyrillic | 20th CAC | 23rd CAC | Birth | Death | PM | Nationality | Gender | Ref. |
Abdulhak Abdraziakov | Абдулхак Абдразяков | New | Not | 1915 | 1984 | 1939 | Tatar | Male | [2] |
Vasily Abyzov | Тихон Абабков | New | Not | 1907 | 1979 | 1940 | Russian | Male | [3] |
Hovhannes Baghdasaryan | Оганес Багдасарян | New | Not | 1914 | 1997 | 1939 | Armenian | Male | [4] |
Sergey Baskakov | Сергей Баскаков | New | Reelected | 1911 | 1986 | 1931 | Russian | Male | [5] |
Nurberdy Bayramov | Нурберды Байрамов | New | Not | 1912 | 1986 | 1939 | Turkmen | Male | [6] |
Anna Boykova | Анна Бойкова | Old | Not | 1918 | 2001 | 1940 | Russian | Female | [7] |
Evgeniy Bugaev | Евгений Бугаёв | New | Not | 1912 | 1997 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [8] |
Galina Burkatskaya | Евгений Буркацкая | New | Not | 1916 | 2006 | 1946 | Ukrainian | Female | [9] |
Evgeniy Cherednichenko | Евгений Чередниченко | Old | Reelected | 1912 | 1986 | 1931 | Russian | Male | [10] |
Raisa Dementyeva | Раиса Дементьева | New | CC | 1925 | Alive | 1948 | Russian | Female | [11] |
Aleksandr Dmitrin | Александр Дмитрин | New | Not | 1914 | 2001 | 1938 | Russian | Male | [12] |
Vasily Drozdenko | Василий Дрозденко | New | Not | 1924 | 1982 | 1944 | Ukrainian | Male | [13] |
Giorgi Dzotsenidze | Георгий Дзоценидзе | New | Reelected | 1910 | 1976 | 1940 | Georgian | Male | [14] |
Anatoly Egorov | Анатолий Егоров | New | CC | 1920 | 1997 | 1944 | Russian | Male | [15] |
Pyotr Elistratov | Пётр Елистратов | New | Not | 1917 | 1987 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [16] |
Alexander Gorkin | Александр Горкин | Old | Reelected | 1897 | 1988 | 1916 | Russian | Male | [17] |
Basan Gorodovikov | Басан Городовиков | New | CC | 1910 | 1983 | 1939 | Kalmyk | Male | [18] |
Dmitry Goryunov | Дмитрий Горюнов | New | CC | 1915 | 1992 | 1940 | Russian | Male | [19] |
Mikhail Gribkov | Михаил Грибков | New | Died | 1909 | 1964 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [20] |
Saftar Jafarov | Сафтар Джафаров | New | Died | 1900 | 1961 | 1920 | Azerbaijani | Male | [21] |
Bilar Kabaloev | Билар Кабалоев | New | Not | 1917 | 2009 | 1940 | Russian | Male | [22] |
Yakov Kabkov | Яков Кабков | New | Reelected | 1908 | 2001 | 1930 | Russian | Male | [23] |
Tikhon Khrennikov | Александр Трофимов | New | Reelected | 1913 | 2007 | 1947 | Russian | Male | [24] |
Vladimir Kochetov | Всеволод Кочетов | Old | Not | 1912 | 1973 | 1944 | Russian | Male | [25] |
Ivan Koditsa | Яков Кодица | New | Not | 1899 | 1980 | 1927 | Moldovan | Male | [26] |
Grigory Kozlov | Григорий Козлов | New | CC | 1912 | 1968 | 1943 | Russian | Male | [27] |
Stepan Krasovsky | Степан Красовский | New | Not | 1897 | 1983 | 1918 | Belarusian | Male | [28] |
Yakov Kreizer | Яков Крейзер | New | Not | 1905 | 1969 | 1925 | Jew | Male | [29] |
Turabay Kulatov | Турабай Кулатов | Old | Reelected | 1908 | 1984 | 1932 | Kyrgyz | Male | [30] |
Maria Kulikova | Мария Куликова | New | Not | 1917 | 1999 | 1942 | Russian | Female | [31] |
Vladimir Lobanok | Владимир Лобанок | New | Reelected | 1907 | 1984 | 1930 | Belarusian | Male | [32] |
Vladimir Malin | Владимир Малин | Old | Not | 1906 | 1982 | 1926 | Russian | Male | [33] |
Nikolay Martynov | Николай Мартынов | New | Not | 1910 | 1998 | 1932 | Russian | Male | [34] |
Nikolay Mironov | Николай Миронов | New | Died | 1913 | 1964 | 1940 | Russian | Male | [35] |
Zoya Mironova | Зоя Миронова | Old | Not | 1912 | 1991 | 1940 | Russian | Female | [36] |
Pyotr Morozov | Николай Мартынов | New | Not | 1908 | 1977 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [37] |
Vasily Moskovsky | Василий Московский | Old | Reelected | 1904 | 1984 | 1928 | Russian | Male | [38] |
Nonna Muravyova | Нонна Муравьёва | Old | Reelected | 1906 | 1986 | 1926 | Russian | Female | [39] |
Mikhail Orlov | Михаил Орлов | Old | Reelected | 1912 | 1996 | 1940 | Russian | Male | [40] |
Ivan Pankin | Иван Панькин | New | Not | 1909 | ? | 1930 | Russian | Male | [41] |
Aleksandr Panyushkin | Алекса́ндр Па́нюшкин | Old | Reelected | 1905 | 1974 | 1927 | Russian | Male | [42] |
Pyotr Pigalev | Пётр Пигалев | New | Reelected | 1911 | 1975 | 1931 | Russian | Male | [43] |
Viktor Podzerko | Виктор Подзерко | Old | CC | 1912 | ? | 1940 | Ukrainian | Male | [44] |
Boris Popov | Борис Попов | New | Reelected | 1909 | 1993 | 1931 | Russian | Male | [45] |
Aleksandr Prokofiev | Алекса́ндр Проко́фьев | Old | Not | 1900 | 1971 | 1919 | Russian | Male | [46] |
Vladimir Promyslov | Владимир Промыслов | Old | Not | 1908 | 1993 | 1928 | Russian | Male | [47] |
Mirzo Rakhmatov | Пётр Пигалев | New | Not | 1914 | 1998 | 1940 | Tajik | Male | [48] |
Isagali Sharipov | Исагали Шарипов | New | Died | 1905 | 1976 | 1926 | Kazakh | Male | [49] |
Iosif Shikin | Иосиф Шикин | Old | Reelected | 1906 | 1973 | 1927 | Russian | Male | [50] |
Grigory Shuisky | Григорий Шуйский | New | Not | 1907 | 1985 | 1930 | Ukrainian | Male | [51] |
Vladimir Semyonov | Владимир Семёнов | Old | CC | 1911 | 1992 | 1938 | Russian | Male | [52] |
Ivan Senkin | Иван Сенькин | New | CC | 1915 | 1986 | 1940 | Karelian | Male | [53] |
Vladimir Serov | Владимир Серов | New | Reelected | 1910 | 1968 | 1942 | Russian | Male | [54] |
Nikolai Skripko | Николай Скрипко | New | Not | 1902 | 1987 | 1927 | Russian | Male | [55] |
Vladimir Smirnov | Владимир Смирнов | New | Not | 1908 | 1983 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [56] |
Vasily Snatin | Василий Снастин | New | Not | 1913 | 1976 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [57] |
Aleksandr Soldatov | Александр Солдатов | New | Reelected | 1915 | 1999 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [58] |
Vladimir Starovsky | Владимир Старовский | New | Reelected | 1905 | 1975 | 1939 | Komi | Male | [59] |
Vladimir Stepakov | Владимир Степаков | New | CC | 1912 | 1987 | 1939 | Russian | Male | [60] |
Alexander Trofimov | Александр Трофимов | New | Not | 1903 | 1980 | 1927 | Russian | Male | [61] |
Sergey Vinogradov | Сергей Виноградов | Old | Not | 1907 | 1970 | 1926 | Russian | Male | [62] |
Ivan Vladychenko | Иван Владыченко | New | CC | 1924 | 2022 | 1943 | Ukrainian | Male | [63] |
Fayzrakhman Zagafuranov | Файзрахман Загафуранов | New | Not | 1913 | 1975 | 1939 | Bashkir | Male | [64] |
Yuri Zhukov | Георгий Жуков | Old | Reelected | 1908 | 1991 | 1943 | Russian | Male | [65] |
Mikhail Zimyanin | Михаил Зимянин | Old | CC | 1914 | 1995 | 1939 | Belarusian | Male | [66] |
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