Командир, подводная сила Атлантика
Командир, подводная сила Атлантика | |
![]() Эмблема Comsublant | |
Активный | 1941 - Present |
Страна | Соединенные Штаты Америки |
Ветвь | ВМС США |
Тип | Тип командира |
Роль | Административный контроль над конкретными активами |
Гарнизон/штаб | Военно -морская поддержка деятельности Хэмптон Роудс , Вирджиния |
Commanders | |
Current commander | Vice Admiral Robert Gaucher |
Командующий военно-морскими подводными силами (он же Comnavsubfor ; и двойной, как командир, военно-морской подводной подводной лодки, атлантики или Comsublant подводной подводной лодки Атлантического флота ), является подводным командованием под командованием сил флота Соединенных Штатов .
Основная ответственность команды адмирала состоит в том, чтобы управлять, поддерживать, тренировать и оборудовать подводные лодки. Comsublant также выполняет дополнительные обязанности в качестве командира союзного подводного командования НАТО , а также командира военно -морских подводных сил. Как командующий военно -морскими подводными силами (Comsubfor), дополнительной роли командира типа , он также контролирует командира, подводную силу Pacific (часто известный как Comsubpac ). С 1960 -х по 1990 -е годы командир также занимал пост командира НАТО, подводных лодок, Западная Атлантика (Comsubwestlant).
[ редактировать ]Established on 7 December 1941, Rear Admiral Richard S. Edwards was its first commander. COMSUBLANT headquarters was at Naval Submarine Base New London until 1960, when it was moved to Naval Station Norfolk. U.S. submarine operations in the Atlantic, however, date from before World War I. On January 1, 1913, Lieutenant Chester W. Nimitz was in command of the Atlantic Submarine Flotilla, with First Group consisting of submarines C-2, C-3, C-4, and C-5 under Lieutenant Lewis D. Causey, and Second Group consisting of submarines D-1, D-2, D-3, E-1, and E-2 under Lieutenant (junior grade) Claudius R. Hyatt.[1] Nimitz was in command from May 1912 to March 1913.
In October 1945, Submarine Squadron 2 was established at Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, Connecticut,[2] and in February 1946, Submarine Squadron 8 was commissioned at Groton.
"In correspondence of 31 January 1949, the Chief of Naval Operations directed 'that the Fleet Commanders assign one division in each fleet to [the] sole task [of solving] the problem of using submarines to detect and destroy enemy submarines. All other operations of any nature, even type training, ASW services, or fleet tactics, shall be subordinated to this mission.' After a further exchange of correspondence, Submarine Forces Atlantic established Submarine Development Group 2, consisting of four Diesel submarines, two Guppy (Greater Underwater Propulsion Power Program) conversions and two standard fleet boats."[3] The initial staff included Captain Roy S. Benson, two officers and two yeomen reporting directly to him.
In 1951, Submarine Squadron 10 was established at State Pier, New London, Connecticut. The squadron has the distinction of being the only unit associated with Submarine Base New London to actually be located in New London instead of Groton. In the early 1960s Squadron 10 became the first all-nuclear United States submarine squadron. The squadron was supported by USS Fulton (AS-11) for most of its existence, until both Fulton and the squadron were decommissioned in May, 1991.
In December 1969, Submarine Squadron 8 was decommissioned.
Submarine Squadron 14 operated Fleet Ballistic Missile boats from Holy Loch, Scotland, from 1961 until it was disbanded in 1992. COMSUBLANT also oversaw Submarine Squadron 22 at La Maddalena in the Mediterranean, which existed 1972–2008 and was known as Submarine Refit and Training Group La Maddalena from 1972 to the mid-1980s. Submarine Group 8 continues to operate in support of U.S. and NATO objectives there.
On 1 May 1977, Submarine Development Group 2 was officially redesignated as Submarine Development Squadron 12 in recognition of its role and responsibilities and new organizational status. In August 1979, Submarine Squadron 8 was recommissioned in Norfolk, where it remained until consolidation with Submarine Squadron 6 on April 28, 2011.[4] On January 13, 2012, Submarine Squadron 2 similarly was disestablished, transferring its boats to Submarine Squadron 4 and Submarine Development Squadron 12.
As Commander, Task Force 42, COMSUBLANT operated Atlantic Fleet attack submarines. In addition, as Commander, Task Force 84, the previous Atlantic Fleet special surveillance and anti-submarine warfare commander, COMSUBLANT operates submarines, Maritime Patrol Aircraft, surface ships assigned by Fleet Forces Command and Integrated Undersea Surveillance System assets.
As of 2011, SUBLANT numbers 30 submarines and more than 15,000 officers, enlisted, and civilian personnel providing combat ready submarines in the Atlantic, Arctic, Eastern Pacific, and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea.
Commander, Naval Submarine Forces wrote in June 2012 on his blog: "We're not perfect. In the Submarine Force we've had some high-visibility lapses in character. You've read about them: the cheating incident on USS MEMPHIS, the fraternization between the Chief of the Boat and a female midshipman on USS NEBRASKA, an incident of hazing on USS Florida,[5] and the financial misconduct of some Supply Officers in Kings Bay. In each case, once discovered, these incidents were thoroughly investigated, and appropriate people were held accountable. This is our approach and we'll continue to address these cases swiftly and decisively."[6]
There have also been previous problems of this nature. Commander Michael J. Alfonso was relieved as Commander, Blue Crew, USS Florida (SSBN-728) in 1997 for ignoring his executive officer and browbeating his crew.
Rear Admiral Kenneth Perry, Commander, Submarine Group 2, retired on Friday, August 22, 2014, and the post of Commander Submarine Group 2 was disestablished that day.[7] The responsibilities of the 45 personnel in the group headquarters have been shifted to the individual submarine squadrons. The new arrangement, with Submarine Squadrons reporting directly to the Submarine type commander for the fleet, mirrors that functioning in the Pacific.
Submarines and units
[edit]These are the submarines and related units reporting to COMSUBLANT.[8]
Commander, Submarine Squadron 6 (COMSUBRON Six):
- USS San Francisco (SSN 711)
- USS Helena (SSN 725)
- USS Newport News (SSN 750)
- USS Pasadena (SSN 752)
- USS Albany (SSN 753)
- USS Boise (SSN 764)
- USS New Hampshire (SSN 778)
- USS John Warner (SSN 785)
- USS Washington (SSN 787)
- USS Montana (SSN 794)
- USS New Jersey (SSN 796)
- USS Massachusetts (SSN 798)
Commander, Submarine Group 2 (COMSUBGRU Two) Submarine Group 2 was disestablished on 22 August 2014.[9] It had been previously designated Submarine Flotilla Two and was active in the Atlantic Fleet from at least 1978 to 2014 and based in Groton, CT. (Ships and Aircraft, Eleventh Edition, 1978)
Commander, Submarine Squadron 2 (COMSUBRON Two):
Submarine Squadron 2 was disestablished in 2012 and all COMSUBRON 2 assigned attack submarines were assigned to COMSUBRON 4 or Commander, Submarine Development Squadron 12.[10]
Commander, Submarine Squadron 4 (COMSUBRON Four):
- USS Montpelier (SSN 765)
- USS Hartford (SSN 768)[11]
- USS Minnesota (SSN 783)
- USS North Dakota (SSN 784)
- USS Colorado (SSN 788)
- USS South Dakota (SSN 790)
- USS Vermont (SSN 792)
- USS Oregon (SSN 793)
- USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795)
- USS Iowa (SSN 797)
- USS Idaho (SSN 799)
Commander, Submarine Squadron 12 (COMSUBRON 12):
- USS Providence (SSN-719)[11]
- USS San Juan (SSN-751)
- USS Santa Fe (SSN 763)
- USS Toledo (SSN 769)
- USS Virginia (SSN 774)
- USS Texas (SSN 775)
- USS New Mexico (SSN 779)
- USS California (SSN 781)
- USS Indiana (SSN 789)
- USS Delaware (SSN 791)
Submarine Development Squadron 12's mission, as assigned by the Chief of Naval Operations, is to develop the tactics and promulgate the tactical doctrine to conduct submarine warfare. Organized as Submarine Development Group 2 on 9 May 1949, the original charter was to solve the problem of using submarines to defeat and destroy enemy submarines. During the intervening years this charter has grown in scope to support the full range of submarine missions including arctic warfare, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, mine warfare and tactical strike warfare. With the vastly improved capabilities of the modern nuclear submarine and a weapons delivery capability that include mines, torpedoes, and cruise missiles, there are few naval warfare missions which cannot be conducted by submarines. On 1 May 1977, Submarine Development Group 2 was officially re-designated as Submarine Development Squadron 12 in recognition of its expanded role and responsibilities and new organizational status. The Headquarters has been located at the Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, Connecticut since 1949. Submarine Development Squadron 12 also commands a squadron of the most modern attack submarines.[12]
On January 15, 2016 Submarine Development Squadron 12 was re-designated Submarine Squadron 12, given the tactical development responsibilities fall under the Undersea Warfighting Development Center[13]
Portsmouth, New Hampshire/Maine
[edit]Portsmouth Naval Shipyard serves as one of the primary maintenance facilities for U.S. submarines from both the Atlantic and Pacific. No submarines are officially based here.
Commander, Submarine Group 10 (COMSUBGRU Ten)
Commander, Submarine Squadron 16 (COMSUBRON Sixteen):
Commander, Submarine Squadron 20 (COMSUBRON Twenty):
- USS Alaska (SSBN 732)
- USS Tennessee (SSBN 734)
- USS West Virginia (SSBN 736)
- USS Maryland (SSBN 738)
- USS Rhode Island (SSBN 740)
- USS Wyoming (SSBN 742)
Officers serving as COMSUBLANT
The following is an incomplete list:[14]
- Rear Admiral Richard S. Edwards, 1941–1942
- Rear Admiral Freeland A. Daubin, 1942–1944
- Rear Admiral Charles W. Styer, 1944–1946
- Rear Admiral John Wilkes, 1946–1947
- Rear Admiral James Fife, Jr., 1947–1950
- Rear Admiral Stuart S. "Sunshine" Murray, 1950–1952
- Rear Admiral George C. "Turkey Neck" Crawford, 1952–1954
- Rear Admiral Frank T. Watkins, 1954–1957
- Rear Admiral Charles W. "Weary" Wilkins, March–September 1957†
- Rear Admiral Frederick B. Warder, September 1957 – 1960†
- Rear Admiral Lawrence R. "Dan" Daspit, January–September 1960†
- Vice Admiral Elton W. "Joe" Grenfell, September 1960 – 1964† (also COMSUBPAC, 1964–1966)
- Vice Admiral Vernon L. "Rebel" Lowrance, 1964–1966†
- Vice Admiral Arnold F. Schade, 1966–1970†
- Vice Admiral Eugene P. Wilkinson, 1970–1972 (last WW2 submarine officer to hold the position)
- Vice Admiral Robert L. J. Long, 1972–1974
- Vice Admiral J. Williams Jr, 1974–1977
- Вице -адмирал Кеннет М. Карр, 1977–1980 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Стивен А. Уайт , 1980–1983 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Бернард М. Каудерер, 1983–1986 гг.
- Вице-адмирал Даниэль 'и «Л. Купер, 1986-1988 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Роджер Ф. Бэкон, 1988–1990 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Генри "Хэнк" Г. Чилс , 1990–1993 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Джордж В. Эмери, 1993–1996 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Ричард В. Мис , 1996–1998 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Эдмунд П. Джамбиастиани , 1998–20 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Джон Дж. Гроссенбахер, 2000–2003 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Кирк Х. Дональд , 2003–2004 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Чарльз Л. Муннс , 2004–2007 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Джон Дж. Доннелли , 2007–2010 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Джон Ричардсон , 2010–2012 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Майкл Дж. Коннор , 2012–2015
- Вице -адмирал адмирала Джозеф Э. Тофало , 2015–2018 гг.
- Вице -адмирал Чарльз А. Ричард 2018–2019
- Вице-адмирал Дэрил Каудл 2019-2021
- Вице -адмирал Уильям Дж. Хьюстон 2021–2023
- Вице -адмирал Роберт Гаухер 2023 - Пресс
† Командир подводной лодки военного времени
[ редактировать ]- ^ Атлантический флот, 1 января 1913 года , доступ к июню 2012 года
- ^ Подводная эскадрилья 2 раскрывает, объединяет четыре атакующих подводных лодках, военно -морские подводные лодки Атлантика, 16 января 2012 г.
- ^ Ссылка (не цитата): Гэри Э. Вейр, «Общий океан: американские военно -морские офицеры, ученые и океанская среда», Том 72 Техасского издательства Университета А и М, 2001, ISBN 1585441147 , 302–303.
- ^ Кевин Коупленд, Норфолк-подводные эскадрильи консолидируют архив 2012-09-17 на машине Wayback , военно-морской подводной лодкой Atlantic, NNS110506-13, 6 мая 2011 г.
- ^ «USS Florida (золото) начальник лодки, освобожденный от долга» . Архивировано из оригинала 2013-02-18 . Получено 2012-09-12 .
- ^ Вице -адмирал Джон М. Ричардсон, характер [ Постоянная мертвая ссылка ] , 19 июня 2012 г.
- ^ «Лучший офицер в самой старой суб -базе в США уходит в отставку | Военные времена | военные ».com» . . Архивировано с оригинала 2014-08-17.
- ^ «Организация» . . Получено 2021-05-03 .
- ^ «Подводная группа вторая» . . Получено 1 октября 2014 года .
- ^ Крэгг, Дженнифер (13 января 2012 г.). «Comsubron 2 раскрывает, консолидирует четыре подводные лодки» . Архивировано из оригинала 2014-05-12 . Получено 12 мая 2014 года .
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Атлантическая подводная подводная организация» . ВМС США. Архивировано из оригинала 2014-05-12 . Получено 12 мая 2014 года .
- ^ «Архивная копия» (PDF) . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) на 2007-07-10 . Получено 2012-05-12 .
{{cite web}}
: CS1 Maint: архивная копия как заголовок ( ссылка ) - ^ «Капитан Олли Льюис берет на себя управление недавно названной подводной эскадрой 12» . День . 2016-01-15 . Получено 2021-05-03 .
- ^ Блэр, Клэй, младший . Тихая победа . Филадельфия: Липпинкотт, 1975.