
Розанна Гусмано (10 ноября 1928 г. Казале Монферрато - 12 февраля 2011 года Генуа ) была итальянским врачом, автором и учителем. Она считается пионером в педиатрической нефрологии , внедрив в Италию много новых лечения почечных заболеваний. Она также основала фонд болезни почек детей, так и Фонд ребенка почечного происхождения, чтобы помочь с дальнейшими исследованиями. [ 1 ]
Ранняя жизнь и карьера
[ редактировать ]В 1937 году она переехала со своей матерью в Массаву , намереваясь воссоединиться со своим отцом в Эфиопии . За это время ее отец был кратко захвачен англичанами, но смог воссоединиться с ними, когда война подошла к концу. [ 2 ] После Второй мировой войны она начала изучать медицину в школе Асмара . Два года спустя она вернулась в Италию и окончила в 1953 году в Университете Генуи , специализирующуюся на педиатрии в 1955 году. Она начала работать в педиатрической больнице Gaslini в Генуе, а затем переехала в Верону в 1968 году, чтобы выучить диализа . методы [ 3 ] В начале 1970-х годов Гусмано и несколько коллег изучали случаи синдрома Леса-Нихана и почки для Ask-Upmark , а также первые клинически диагностированные случаи заболеваний, такие как нефронофтизис . [ 4 ]
Представление педиатрической нефрологии в Италию
[ редактировать ]Gusmano was responsible for starting the practice of Pediatric Nephrology in Italy when, on January 6, 1969, she started treating a twelve-year-old suffering from renal polycystic using chronic hemodialysis.[5] In 1970 Gusmano obtained her professorship at a pediatric clinic, later moving to Turin in 1974. In 1976, she and Franca Pellini were able to get home dialysis approved in Liguria.[6]
Work on Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis
[edit]Working with the Gaslini Institute, Gusmano continued to popularize hemodialysis for children throughout the 70s. Given how little useful research existed before this work, a large number of doctors from across Italy wound up traveling to Gaslini to learn these new methodologies. The process of Hemodialysis requires an extensive time commitment on the part of both children and staff (roughly two 10-hour sessions a week) and carries the risk of thrombosis. The new pediatric treatments involved, among other things, the reduction in the size of the filtering surface, frequently restoring the cannula, as well as increased sterilization and testing procedures, which greatly reduced the risk of the procedure to young and developing bodies.[7]
Peritoneal Dialysis became increasingly popular in pediatric nephrology throughout the 1970s. It functions as a home treatment that uses a cycler for night-time dialysis. It is especially helpful for children with end-stage renal failure, allowing them limited hospital time and the freedom to attend school during the day.[8] In response to these developments, in 1986 Gusmano invited the heads of various Italian centers that were developing Peritoneal Dialysis to Genoa, creating the Italian Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Registry, which coordinates with several other European countries.[9]
Child Kidney Disease Fund
[edit]In 1976, Gusmano started an ONLUS to support the nephrology department of the Giannina Gaslini Institute in coordination with the Italian Red Cross and Women Manager Association. In the early 1990s, the fund purchased the first ultrasound system for the department and invested in experimental home care for children on dialysis who were too far to regularly visit in person.[10]
Later work and Child Renal Foundation
[edit]Gusmano was appointed vice president of the Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology in 1984.[11] In 1987, she collaborated with Umberto Vallente to create one of the first pediatric transplant centers in Italy.[11] That same year, she started the physiopathology laboratory of uremia, which focuses heavily on the study of proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome[9] In 2004, Gusmano founded the Renal Child Foundation to further research into pediatric nephrology and remained president of it until her death in 2011. It still exists as of 2020.[9]
[edit]Gusmano wrote 450 articles in both Italian and international scientific journals as well as sections of nephrology books [12]
- Critical evaluation of the results of hemodialysis in the pediatric age , in collaboration with Giulio Gilli and Francesco Perfumo, Minerva nefrologica, 1972, vol. 19, pp. 60–69.
- Lesch-Nyhan disease. First Italian cases , in collaboration with Giancarlo Basile, Giulio Gilli and Francesco Perfumo, Minerva Pediatrica, 1974, vol. 26, pp. 241–251.
- A rare cause of hypertension in childhood: the Ask-Upmark kidney , in collaboration with Giancarlo Basile, Francesco Perfumo and Franco Pontiggia, Minerva Nefrologica, 1974, vol. 21, pp. 12–19.
- Plasma carnitine concentrations and dyslipidemia in children on maintenance hemodyalisis , in collaboration with Roberta Oleggini and Francesco Perfumo, J. Pediatr., 1981, vol. 99, pp. 429–432.
- Long-term prognosis of haemolytic-uraemic syndrome in children , in collaboration with Mariarosa Ciardi, Francesco Perfumo and Marcella Sarperi, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 1987, vol. 212, pp. 199–204.
- Kidney disease in children , in collaboration with Francesco Perfumo, Wichtig, Milan, 1991, pp. 504.
Further reading
[edit]- Enrico Verrina; Marco Prunotto, "Obituary of Prof. Rosanna Gusmano, MD", Journal of Nephrology, v24 n3 (20110505): 255
- Antonio Infante; Luca Borghi, Ai bambini e ai fiori, lo splendore del sole. Il ruolo dell'Istituto Gaslini nella storia della pediatria, Rizzoli, 2015
[edit]- ^ Antonio Infante e Luca Borghi, Ai bambini e ai fiori, lo splendore del sole, p. 329.
- ^ "Nuova pagina 1". www.ilcornodafrica.it. Retrieved 2020-09-16.
- ^ Antonio Infante & Luca Borghi (2015). Ai bambini e ai fiori, lo splendore del sole. Rizolli. p. 461. ISBN 978-8817083478.
- ^ Antonio Infante & Luca Borghi (2015). Ai bambini e ai fiori, lo splendore del sole. Rizzoli. p. 319. ISBN 978-8817083478.
- ^ Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Риццоли. стр. 314–315. ISBN 978-8817083478 .
- ^ Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Риццоли. п. 108. ISBN 978-8817083478 .
- ^ Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Риццоли. стр. 316–317. ISBN 978-8817083478 .
- ^ Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Риццоли. стр. 320–321. ISBN 978-8817083478 .
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Энрико Веррина и Марко Пруотто (1 мая 2011 г.). Розанна Гусмано, MD " Журнал нефрологии 24 255. doi : 3) : (
- ^ Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Ризолли. п. 327. ISBN 978-8817083478 .
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Риццоли. стр. 326–327. ISBN 978-8817083478 .
- ^ Антонио Инфанте и Лука Борги (2015). Детям и цветам, великолепию солнца . Риццоли. п. 443. ISBN 978-8817083478 .