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C-4 (взрывчатка)

(Перенаправлен из PE4 )
Блоки C-4 срезаны до размера во время демонстрационной тренировки, показывая белый пластиковый взрывной материал
Тип Высокодоходная химическая взрывчатка
Место происхождения Соединенные Штаты
История обслуживания
Используется Соединенные Штаты
Войны Вьетнамская война
Война с террором
2022 Российское вторжение в Украину
Production history
VariantsPE-4, M112
Specifications (M112)
Mass1.25 lb (0.57 kg)[1]
Length11 in (28 cm)[1]
Width2 in (5.1 cm)[1]
Height1.5 in (3.8 cm)[1]

Filling weight91%
PETN-based detonating cord
Blast yieldHigh

C-4 или композиция C-4 является общим разнообразием пластикового взрывчатого семейства, известного как композиция C , которая использует RDX в качестве взрывного агента. C-4 состоит из взрывчатых веществ, пластикового связующего, пластификатора , чтобы сделать его податливым, и, как правило, маркер или одолевого химического вещества Taggant . C-4 имеет текстуру, аналогичную моделированию глины и может быть отлитой в любую желаемую форму. C-4 относительно нечувствителен и может детонировать только ударной волной от детонатора или взрывной крышки.

Аналогичный британский пластиковый взрывной вечер, также основанный на RDX , но с пластификатором, отличным от того, который используется в композиции C-4, известен как PE-4 (пластиковый взрывчатый № 4).


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C-4 является членом семейства химических взрывчатых веществ в композиции C. Варианты имеют разные пропорции и пластики и включают композиции C-2, C-3 и C-4. [ 3 ] Первоначальный материал, основанный на RDX, был разработан британцами во время Второй мировой войны и перепланирован как композиция C при представлении военных США. Он был заменен композицией C-2 около 1943 года, а затем перепланирован около 1944 года в качестве композиции C-3. Токсичность C-3 была снижена, концентрация RDX была увеличена, что обеспечивала его повышение безопасности во время использования и хранения. Исследования по замене C-3 были начаты до 1950 года, но новый материал, C-4, не начал пилотное производство до 1956 года. [4]: 125  C-4 was submitted for patent as "Solid Propellant and a Process for its Preparation" March 31, 1958, by the Phillips Petroleum Company.[5]

Characteristics and uses




The Composition C-4 used by the United States Armed Forces contains 91% RDX ("Research Department Explosive", an explosive nitroamine), bound by a mixture of 5.3% dioctyl sebacate (DOS) or dioctyl adipate (DOA) as the plasticizer (to increase the plasticity of the explosive), thickened with 2.1% polyisobutylene (PIB, a synthetic rubber) as the binder, and 1.6% of a mineral oil often called "process oil". Instead of "process oil", low-viscosity motor oil is used in the manufacture of C-4 for civilian use.[6]

The British PE4 consists of 88.0% RDX, 1.0% pentaerythrite dioleate and 11.0% DG-29 lithium grease (corresp. to 2.2% lithium stearate and 8.8% mineral oil BP) as the binder; a taggant (2,3-dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane, DMDNB) is added at a minimum of 0.10% weight of the plastic explosive, typically at 1.0% mass. The newer PE7 consists of 88.0% RDX, 1.0% DMDNB taggant and 11.0% of a binder composed of low molecular mass hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene, along with an antioxidant and an agent preventing hardening of the binder upon prolonged storage. The PE8 consists of 86.5% RDX, 1.0% DMDNB taggant and 12.5% of a binder composed of di(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate thickened with high molecular mass polyisobutylene.

Technical data according to the Department of the Army for the Composition C-4 follows.[7]

Theoretical maximum density of the mixture, grams per cubic centimeter 1.75
Nominal density, grams per cubic centimeter 1.72658
Heat of formation, calories per gram −32.9 to −33.33
Max heat of detonation with liquid water, kilocalories per gram 1.59 (6.7 MJ/kg)
Max heat of detonation with gaseous water, kilocalories per gram 1.40 (5.9 MJ/kg)
Remains plastic with no exudation, Celsius −57 to +77
Detonation pressure with density of 1.58 grams per cubic centimeter, kilobars 257



C-4 is manufactured by combining the above ingredients with binders dissolved in a solvent. Once the ingredients have been mixed, the solvent is extracted through drying and filtering. The final material is a solid with a dirty white to light brown color, a putty-like texture similar to modeling clay, and a distinct smell of motor oil.[7][8][9] Depending on its intended usage and on the manufacturer, there are differences in the composition of C-4. For example, a 1990 U.S. Army technical manual stipulated that Class IV composition C-4 consists of 89.9±1% RDX, 10±1% polyisobutylene, and 0.2±0.02% dye that is itself made up of 90% lead chromate and 10% lamp black.[7] RDX classes A, B, E, and H are all suitable for use in C-4. Classes are measured by granulation.[10]

The manufacturing process for Composition C-4 specifies that wet RDX and plastic binder are added in a stainless steel mixing kettle. This is called the aqueous slurry-coating process.[11] The kettle is tumbled to obtain a homogeneous mixture. This mixture is wet and must be dried after transfer to drying trays. Drying with forced air for 16 hours at 50 °C to 60 °C is recommended to eliminate excess moisture.[7]: 198 

C-4 produced for use by the U.S. military, commercial C-4 (also produced in the United States), and PE-4 from the United Kingdom each have their own unique properties and are not identical. The analytical techniques of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been demonstrated to discriminate finite differences in different C-4 sources. Chemical, morphological structural differences, and variation in atomic concentrations are detectable and definable.[12]


A detonation within a blast-resistant trash receptacle using a large C-4 explosive charge

C-4 is very stable and insensitive to most physical shocks. C-4 cannot be detonated by a gunshot or by dropping it onto a hard surface. It does not explode when set on fire or exposed to microwaves.[13] Detonation can be initiated only by a shockwave, such as when a detonator inserted into it is fired.[8] When detonated, C-4 rapidly decomposes to release nitrogen, water and carbon oxides as well as other gases.[8] The detonation proceeds at an explosive velocity of 8,092 m/s (26,550 ft/s).[14]

A major advantage of C-4 is that it can easily be molded into any desired shape to change the direction of the resulting explosion.[8][15] C-4 has high cutting ability. For example, the complete severing of a 36-centimetre (14 in) deep I-beam takes between 680 and 910 g (1.50 and 2.01 lb) of C-4 when properly applied in thin sheets.[16]



Military grade C-4 is commonly packaged as the M112 demolition block. The demolition charge M112 is a rectangular block of Composition C-4 about 2 by 1.5 inches (51 mm × 38 mm) and 11 inches (280 mm) long, weighing 1.25 lb (570 g).[1][17] The M112 is wrapped in a sometimes olive color Mylar-film container with a pressure-sensitive adhesive tape on one surface.[18][19]

The M112 demolition blocks of C-4 are commonly manufactured into the M183 "demolition charge assembly",[17] which consists of 16 M112 block demolition charges and four priming assemblies packaged inside military Carrying Case M85. The M183 is used to breach obstacles or demolish large structures where larger satchel charges are required. Each priming assembly includes a five-or-twenty-foot (1.5 or 6.1 m) length of detonating cord assembled with detonating cord clips and capped at each end with a booster. When the charge is detonated, the explosive is converted into compressed gas. The gas exerts pressure in the form of a shock wave, which demolishes the target by cutting, breaching, or cratering.[1]

Other forms include the mine-clearing line charge and M18A1 Claymore Mine.[11]



Composition C-4 exists in the U.S. Army Hazardous Components Safety Data Sheet on sheet number 00077.[20]: 323  Impact tests done by the U.S. military indicate composition C-4 is less sensitive than composition C-3 and is fairly insensitive. The insensitivity is attributed to using a large amount of binder in its composition. A series of shots were fired at vials containing C-4 in a test referred to as "the rifle bullet test". Only 20% of the vials burned, and none exploded. While C-4 passed the Army's bullet impact and fragment impact tests at ambient temperature, it failed the shock stimulus, sympathetic detonation and shaped charge jet tests.[11] Additional tests were done including the "pendulum friction test", which measured a five-second explosion temperature of 263 °C to 290 °C. The minimum initiating charge required is 0.2 grams of lead azide or 0.1 grams of tetryl. The results of 100 °C heat test are: 0.13% loss in the first 48 hours, no loss in the second 48 hours, and no explosions in 100 hours. The vacuum stability test at 100 °C yields 0.2 cubic centimeters of gas in 40 hours. Composition C-4 is essentially nonhygroscopic.[7]

The shock sensitivity of C-4 is related to the size of the nitramine particles. The finer they are the better they help to absorb and suppress shock. Using 3-nitrotriazol-5-one (NTO), or 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB) (available in two particle sizes (5 μm, 40 μm)), as a substitute for RDX, is also able to improve stability to thermal, shock, and impact/friction stimulus; however, TATB is not cost-effective, and NTO is more difficult to use in the manufacturing process.[11]

Sensitivity test values
reported by the U.S. Army.[20]: 311, 314 
Impact test with 2 kilogram weight / PA APP (% TNT) >100
Impact test with 2 kilogram weight / BM APP (% TNT)
Pendulum friction test, percent explosions 0
Rifle bullet test, percent explosions 20
Explosion temperature test, Celsius 263 to 290
Minimum detonating charge, gram of lead azide 0.2
Brisance measured by Sand test (% TNT) 116
Brisance measured by plate dent test 115 to 130
Rate of detonation at density 1.59
Rate of detonation meters per second 8000
Ballistic pendulum test percent 130





C-4 has toxic effects on humans when ingested. Within a few hours multiple generalized seizures, vomiting, and changes in mental activity occur.[21] A strong link to central nervous dysfunction is observed.[22] If ingested, patients may be administered a dose of active charcoal to adsorb some of the toxins, and haloperidol intramuscularly and diazepam intravenously to help the patient control seizures until it has passed. However, ingesting small amounts of C-4 is not known to cause any long-term impairment.[23]



If C-4 is marked with a taggant, such as DMNB, it can be detected with an explosive vapor detector before it has been detonated.[24] A variety of methods for explosive residue analysis may be used to identify C-4. These include optical microscope examination and scanning electron microscopy for unreacted explosive, chemical spot tests, thin-layer chromatography, X-ray crystallography, and infrared spectroscopy for products of the explosive chemical reaction. Small particles of C-4 may be easily identified by mixing with thymol crystals and a few drops of sulfuric acid. The mixture will become rose colored upon addition of a small quantity of ethyl alcohol.[25]

RDX has a high birefringence, and the other components commonly found in C-4 are generally isotropic; this makes it possible for forensic science teams to detect trace residue on fingertips of individuals who may have recently been in contact with the compound. However, positive results are highly variable and the mass of RDX can range between 1.7 and 130 ng, each analysis must be individually handled using magnifying equipment. The cross polarized light images obtained from microscopic analysis of the fingerprint are analyzed with gray-scale thresholding[26] to improve contrast for the particles. The contrast is then inverted in order to show dark RDX particles against a light background. Relative numbers and positions of RDX particles have been measured from a series of 50 fingerprints left after a single contact impression.[27]

Military and commercial C-4 are blended with different oils. It is possible to distinguish these sources by analyzing this oil by high-temperature gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The oil and plasticizer must be separated from the C-4 sample, typically by using a non-polar organic solvent such as pentane followed by solid phase extraction of the plasticizer on silica. This method of analysis is limited by manufacturing variation and methods of distribution.[6]



Vietnam War


U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War era would sometimes use small amounts of C-4 as a fuel for heating rations, as it will burn unless detonated with a primary explosive.[8] However, burning C-4 produces poisonous fumes, and soldiers are warned of the dangers of personal injury when using the plastic explosive.[28]

Among field troops in Vietnam it became common knowledge that ingestion of a small amount of C-4 would produce a "high" similar to that of ethanol.[23][21] Others would ingest C-4, commonly obtained from a Claymore mine, to induce temporary illness in the hope of being sent on sick leave.[29]

Use in terrorism


Terrorist groups have used C-4 worldwide in acts of terrorism and insurgency, as well as domestic terrorism and state terrorism.

On May 13, 1985, the Philadelphia Police Department dropped a C-4 bomb on the home of the MOVE organization,[30] killing eleven people — including five children — and wiping out 61 homes in two city blocks.

Composition C-4 is recommended in al-Qaeda's traditional curriculum of explosives training.[9] In October 2000, the group used C-4 to attack the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors.[31] In 1996, Saudi Hezbollah terrorists used C-4 to blow up the Khobar Towers, a U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia.[32] Composition C-4 has also been used in improvised explosive devices by Iraqi insurgents.[9]


See also



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