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Шакиб Аль Хасан

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Шакиб Аль Хасан
Шакиб Аль Хасан
Шакиб в 2018 году
Член Джатия Сангсад
В офисе
10 января 2024 г. - 5 августа 2024 г.
Предшественник М-р Шифузаман
избирательный округ Магура-1
Личные данные
Хондакер Сакиб Аль-Хасан [1]

( 1987-03-24 ) 24 марта 1987 г. (37 лет)
Магура , Бангладеш
Политическая партия Бангладешская лига Авами
Супруг Умей Ахмед Шишир
Дети 3
Резиденция(а) Дакка , Бангладеш
Образование Бакалавр делового администрирования ( BBA )
Альма-матер Американский международный университет-Бангладеш
Занятие Игрок в крикет , политик
Персональная информация
Псевдоним Фейсал [2]
Высота 1,75 м (5 футов 9 дюймов)
Ватин Левша
Боулинг Медленный ортодокс на левой руке
Роль универсал
Международная информация
Национальная сторона
Тестовый дебют (кэп 46 ) 18 May 2007 v  India
Последний тест 4 апреля 2023 г. против Ирландии
Дебют в ODI (кэп 82 ) 6 августа 2006 года против Зимбабве
Последний ОДИ 6 ноября 2023 г. - Шри-Ланка
Номер рубашки ODI. 75
T20I дебют (шапка 11 ) 27 ноября 2006 г. против Зимбабве
Последний Т20И 25 June 2024 v  Afghanistan
T20I рубашка №. 75
Информация о внутренней команде
Годы Команда
2004 – настоящее время [а] Хулна Дивизия
2010–2011 Вустершир
2011–2017, 2021 Калькутта Найт Райдерс
2013, 2019 Барбадосские Трайденты
2013, 2016–2019 Дакка Гладиаторы/Доминаторы
2014, 2022 Легенды Рупганджа
2015, 2024 Рангпур Райдерс
2016–2017 Ямайка Таллавас
2017, 2023 Пешавар Залми
2018–2019 Санрайзерс Хайдарабад
2022–2023 Фортуна Баришал
Карьерная статистика
Соревнование Тест ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНО Т20И ФК
Матчи 66 247 125 102
Забитые раны 4,454 7,570 2,515 8,523
Средний уровень ударов 39.07 37.29 23.82 37.24
100/50 с 5/31 9/56 0/13 8/41
Лучший результат 217 134 * 84 217
Шары в боулинге 14,775 12,575 2,493 20,925
Калитки 233 317 146 333
Боулинг средний 31.06 29.52 20.90 30.06
5 калиток в иннингах 19 4 2 24
10 калиток в матче 2 0 0 2
Лучший боулинг 7/36 5/29 5/20 7/32
Уловы/ пни 26/– 60/– 30/– 49/–
Медальный рекорд
Мужской крикет
Представляя  Бангладеш
Кубок Азии
Второе место 2012 Бангладеш
Второе место 2016 Бангладеш
Второе место 2018 ОАЭ
Азиатские игры
Бронзовая медаль – третье место.2014 Инчхон Команда
Источник: ESPNcricinfo , 14 июня 2024 г.

Шакиб Аль Хасан ( бенгальский : সাকিব আল হাসান , латинизированный : Сакиба ала хасана ; родился 24 марта 1987 года) — бангладешский игрок в крикет и политик. [3] [4] [5] Он бывший член парламента от партии Магура-1 . [6] Он известен своим агрессивным стилем игры в боулинг левой рукой и контролируемым медленным ортодоксальным боулингом левой рукой . [7] [8] [9] Его широко считают величайшим спортсменом Бангладеш и одним из величайших универсалов всех времен. [10] [11] [12] [13]

Шакиб Аль Хасан дебютировал в тестах в 2007 году против Индии . Его прорыв произошел в тесте против Новой Зеландии в Читтагонге в 2008 году, где он взял 7 калиток за 36 заездов, что было лучшим показателем среди боулеров из Бангладеш на тот момент. Он быстро зарекомендовал себя как один из ведущих исполнителей команды. Он совершил более 4000 пробежек и забил более 200 калиток в этом формате. Он также был капитаном команды в их первой в истории тестовой игре, победившей над Англией в 2016 году. [14] В ODI Шакиб добился большего успеха. Он совершил более 6000 пробежек и взял более 270 калиток в этом формате, став самым быстрым и единственным игроком в истории, достигшим двойного результата - 5000 пробежек и 250 калиток в ODI. [15] На Кубке Азии 2012 года Шакиб сделал 237 очков, в том числе три пятидесятых, и взял шесть калиток. Бангладеш впервые вышла в финал турнира, но в итоге проиграла Пакистану с разницей в 2 раунда. Его считают одним из самых влиятельных игроков чемпионата мира по крикету ICC 2019 года . [16] где он побил рекорд по количеству пробежек, набранных на групповых этапах чемпионата мира, который ранее принадлежал Сачину Тендулкару , и занял третье место по результативности, набрав в общей сложности 606 пробежек на турнире. [17] [18]

Он играл в различных турнирах T20 по всему миру за многие команды, включая Kolkata Knight Riders , Sunrisers Hyderabad , Jamaica Tallawahs и Dhaka Dominators , где он дважды выигрывал Индийскую премьер-лигу (IPL) с Kolkata Knight Riders в 2012 и 2014 годах. выигрывал титул Премьер-лиги Бангладеш (BPL) 3 раза в 2012, 2013 и 2016 годах с Dhaka Dominators . Он был назван игроком турнира BPL рекордные четыре раза в 2012, 2013, 2018 и 2022 годах. [19] Он завоевал 41 награду лучшего игрока матча, что является самым высоким показателем в Бангладеш. [20] и 16 наград как лучший игрок сериала (3-е место) во всех форматах. В период с 2009 по 2022 год он был капитаном сборной Бангладеш по крикету, проведя 120 матчей во всех трех форматах.

Шакиб Аль Хасан является неотъемлемой частью сборной Бангладеш по крикету и на протяжении многих лет стабильно выступает за свою страну. [21] [13] Он широко известен как самая противоречивая фигура в средствах массовой информации Бангладеш, всегда попадающая в заголовки новостей. [22] поставил его на 90-е место среди самых известных спортсменов в мире. В 2019 году ESPN он был включен в мужскую команду года ICC Дважды (2009, 2021) . По состоянию на июль 2024 года Шакиб занимает третье место по количеству мужских калиток T20 International. [23]

Ранние годы и юношеский крикет

Шакиб родился в Магуре , Кхулна , и начал играть в крикет в раннем возрасте. По словам спортивного редактора Протома Ало Утпала Шувро, Шакиб «достаточно хорошо играл в крикет, и его часто нанимали играть за разные деревни и команды». [24] [25] В одном из этих матчей Шакиб, как обычно, бил агрессивно и быстро, но также решил поэкспериментировать с боулингом с вращением, который оказался не таким эффективным. Его выбрали играть за «Ислампур», и он забил свой первый мяч; это была его первая подача настоящего мяча для крикета, поскольку ранее он играл с теннисным мячом, записанным на пленку . [24] [25] Он провел шесть месяцев, тренируясь в Бангладеш Крира Шиккха Протиштан . [24] [25] государственный спортивный институт. [26]

Шакиб провел свой дебютный матч среди юношей до 17 лет против юношей из ОАЭ до 17 лет в 2003 году на Кубке ACC среди юношей до 17 лет, где он набрал счет в боулинге 3–18 за 8 оверов (с 2 первыми оверами). [7]

В мае 2004 года, в возрасте 17 лет, Шакиб дебютировал за «Хулну» , набрав 0/116 из 30 оверов в 1-й возможности и 3/92 из 28 оверов во 2-й возможности. Он также набрал 13 из 11 с тремя четверками в 1-й возможности и 16 из 43 во 2-й возможности. Его первой первоклассной калиткой стал Ракибул Хасан . [8]

Шакиб впервые представлял Бангладеш на уровне юношей до 19 лет в ноябре 2005 года на Кубке Африки и Азии среди юношей до 19 лет против Индии до 19 лет . В своем дебютном матче он забил 24 из 23 мячей с четырьмя четверками, а также достиг показателя в боулинге 2/26 за 10 оверов с двумя девушками, взяв свою первую калитку Танмая Шриваставы . [9] В турнире Шакиб сыграл 5 матчей, забив 138 очков при среднем показателе 38,50 и получив 5 калиток при среднем показателе 25,20. [27] 30 ноября 2005 года 15-летний Шакиб привел Бангладеш к победе над Англией с четырьмя калитками в первом матче турнира трех стран среди юношей до 19 лет (с участием Англии и Шри-Ланки), набрав 82 из 62. [28] Во время финала турнира трех наций Шакиб забил 86 мячей и взял три калитки, чтобы привести свою команду к победе. [29] [30] За свои 18 юношеских турниров One Day International он сделал 563 пробега со средним результатом 35,18, тремя 50-ми и одним 100-м и высоким результатом 100, а также взял 22 калитки со средним показателем 20,18 с экономией 3,68 и лучшим показателем 4. /34. [20] [31]

1 января 2005 года Шакиб первоклассно дебютировал в матче между XI Президента Совета по крикету Бангладеш и зимбабвийцами, где он забил 14 из 14 в 1-й возможности и 15 из 66 во 2-й возможности. Он также получил показатели боулинга 0/133 за 32 овера. [32] В феврале 2005 года Шакиб получил свою первую первоклассную международную калитку, уволив Вусимузи Сибанду и уловив пять калиток, играя против Зимбабве А. [33]

Внутренний крикет и франшиза T20

National Cricket League (NCL)

Since 2004, Shakib has played for Khulna in the National Cricket League.

In the 2004–05 season of the tournament, Shakib, since his debut in May 2004 at the age of 17, played just 3 matches.[b] He scored 129 runs at an average of 25.80 with a high score of 54 and took 16 wickets at an average of 27.87 with a best bowling figure of 6/79 in an innings and 9/114 in a match.[34]

In the 2006–07 season, he played just 2[c] matches scoring 51 runs at an average of 17.00 with a high score of 23. He bowled only in 1 innings where he bowled 4 overs of 9 runs with 1 maiden over.[35]

Shakib has played 14 matches scoring 930 runs at an average of 40.43 with three 100s and a high score of 129.[36] He also got 31 wickets at an average of 33.16 with one 5-wicket haul.[37]

English County Cricket (ECC)

County Championship

Having signed a contract in November 2009,[38] Shakib joined up with Worcestershire, playing in the second division of the County Championship, in July 2010. He was the first Bangladeshi to represent a county side.[38] Shakib was forced to delay by the BCB for the beginning of his spell as Worcestershire's overseas player.[39] While playing for Worcestershire, he took his best first-class bowling figures of 7/32 against Middlesex.[40] In eight first-class matches, he scored 358 runs at 25.57 (with one score over 50)[41] and took 35 wickets at 22.37,[42] as Worcestershire secured promotion to the first division at the end of the season.[43]

After the 2011 IPL, Shakib returned to Worcestershire for seven weeks. He played a single County Championship match as his time with the team coincided with the 2011 Friends Life t20,[44][45] but in that match, he took seven wickets and passed 3,000 runs in first-class cricket.[46]

Shakib played five List-A matches for Worcestershire, scoring 187 at an average of 37.40 (including two half-centuries)[47] and taking 9 wickets at 17.77.[48]

Friends Life t20

Worcestershire finished fifth out of nine teams in their group for the T20 competition, failing to qualify for the quarter-finals.[49] From 12 matches Shakib took 19 wickets, finishing as the club's leading wicket-taker, equal with seam bowler Gareth Andrew.[50] He also scored 110 runs at an average of 9.16.[51]

Shakib signed for Leicestershire as their second overseas club, joining Australian Joe Burns for their Twenty-20 campaign.[52] Shakib played in 10 matches scoring 146 runs at an average of 18.25 with a top score of 43* in the 7-wicket win over Nottinghamshire Outlaws at Trent Bridge.[53][54] He also got 9 wickets at an average of 27.00 with an economy of 6.50 and a best bowling figure of 2/7 in the 10-wicket win over Yorkshire.[53][55]

Indian Premier League (IPL)

Although Shakib was part of the auction of players held the following month for the 2009 Indian Premier League, Shakib was not chosen by any of the eight teams and no bids were made for him despite being rated as the world's highest-ranked ODI all-rounder at the time. His teammate Mashrafe Mortaza, who was bought in the auction by the Kolkata Knight Riders, said "I would have been a lot happier if Shakib had got a team because he truly deserved it for his sensational form with the bat and ball".[56] Shakib had no buyers in the 2010 IPL auction as well, which was very surprising considering his stature in international cricket at the time.[57][58]

For the 2011 Indian Premier League, Shakib was contracted by Kolkata Knight Riders for US$425,000.[59][60] He made his debut in the tournament on 15 April 2011 in a match against Rajasthan Royals. He claimed two wickets in the match, first that of Amit Paunikar and then Shane Watson, but did not get the chance to bat as his team only lost a wicket, winning by 9 wickets.[61][62] KKR were knocked out in the semi-finals of the competition;[63] Shakib played in seven matches, taking 11 wickets at an average of 15.90, and finished as KKR's third-highest wicket-taker.[64]

In the 15th Match of the 2012 IPL against Rajasthan Royals, Shakib got a bowling figure of 3–17 which is still his best in his IPL career.[65][66] KKR won their maiden title in the final against CSK where Shakib contributed with a crucial cameo.[67]

In the 2014 Indian Premier League, Shakib was retained by KKR for a league fee of INR 2.80 crore. In the competition, he scored 227 runs in 11 innings at a strike rate of 149.34; his best being a 60 off 38 balls. He also achieved 11 wickets in 13 matches at an economy of 6.68 and an average of 30.36. His all-round performance was instrumental in KKR's title win. For his performances in 2014, he was named as the 12th man in the Cricinfo IPL XI.[68]

In the 2015 IPL, Shakib played only four matches scoring 36 runs at an average of 12 with 23 being his highest score and picking up four wickets at an average of 30.75 and gave away 8.78 runs per over with his best bowling figures of 2/22 against Mumbai Indians.[69]

"IPL experience helped me improve my game for Bangladesh"

— Shakib Al Hasan[70]

In the 38th match of the 2016 IPL, Shakib combined with Yusuf Pathan put on an unbroken 134 run partnership against the Gujarat Lions, the highest for the fifth wicket in all IPL's. Shakib scored 66*, his best score so far in his IPL career, went in vain as Gujarat Lions won the match by 5 wickets.[71]

"T20 cricket is a challenge for all-rounders"

— Shakib Al Hasan[72]

In the 2017 Indian Premier League, Shakib played his only home match against Gujarat Lions where he scored 1* and returned with bowling figures of 0/31 in that match. He left the tournament midway to play a tri-series in Ireland for the build-up of the 2017 ICC Champions Trophy.[73] Shakib played just 3 matches batting in just 1 inning scoring 1 and achieved 2 wickets at an average of 47.50.

Shakib was released by KKR and was picked up by Sunrisers Hyderabad in the 2018 IPL auction.[74] On 24 May 2018, he became the second T20 player to take 300 wickets and score 4,000 runs in the format with the wicket of Rohit Sharma in the SRH's victory against the Mumbai Indians in the 2018 IPL.[75]

Between 2019 Indian Premier League, BCB wanted to call Shakib back for the 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup preparation camp[76] but he skipped the camp for match practice even after playing only 1 match at that time.[77][78][79] Shakib was hoped for some IPL matches before World Cup 2019 as Jonny Bairstow and David Warner would leave for their respective World Cup preparation camps.[80]

Shakib was released by the Sunrisers Hyderabad ahead of the 2020 IPL auction after playing for 2 seasons.[81]

Shakib was listed at the highest base price of INR 2 crore for the 2021 IPL auction and was subsequently bought by his former team KKR again for a price of 3.2 crore (US$380,000).[82][83][84] After the suspension of the 2021 Indian Premier League, Shakib and Mustafizur Rahman returned home on 6 May 2021 via a chartered flight arranged by the BCCI with their respective franchises sharing the cost of the flight.[85][86] Shakib could not take part in the remainder of IPL because of not getting a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the BCB.[87]In IPL 2023, Shakib Al Hasan got signed by Kolkata Knight Riders for Rs 1.5 crore.[88] But due to international engagements with Bangladesh national cricket team and personal reasons he pulled himself out of IPL 23.[89]

National Cricket League T20

In the 2010 National Cricket League Twenty20 tournament in Bangladesh, a now-defunct Twenty20 league involving the teams in the National Cricket League (NCL), Shakib played as an icon player and captain for the Kings of Khulna.[90][91]

Shakib played 7 matches where he scored 86 runs at an average of 12.28 and achieved 8 wickets at an average of 20.00 with an economy of 5.92.[92]

Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League

In September 2009, Shakib joined Abahani along with Mashrafe for TK 20 lakh each.[93]

In November 2010, Shakib joined Mohammedan for Tk 30 lakh.[94]

In the 2014 season, Shakib played for Legends of Rupganj, formerly named Gazi Group Cricketers in the previous season.[95][96][97] He played 8 matches scoring 222 runs at an average of 31.71 and also achieving 13 wickets at an average of 23.61.[98]

In the 2016 season, Abahani registered their sixth win in that season by five wickets against Prime Bank where Shakib, who returned to List A cricket for Abahani after a break of 6 years got a bowling figure of 4–35 in 10 overs.[99]

Due to upcoming 2021 T20 World Cup, 2021 season was played in T20 format[100][101] where he captained the Mohammedan Sporting Club.[102]

In the 2022 season, Shakib switched teams for Super League phase from Mohammedan Sporting to Legends of Rupganj to prepare for the series against Sri Lanka by taking special permission from the league authorities and Mohammedan, since, which he could not play for in the initial stage and his contracted team did not qualify.[103] In his first match against Prime Bank, he picked 2 wickets in 7 overs and scored 21 off 34.[104] In the match againstGazi Group, Shakib scored 59 off 26 balls and took one wicket.[105] He played only four matches scoring 98 runs at an average of 24.5 and at a strike rate of 103.15 and took 4 wickets with 6 maidens with the economy rate of 3.48.[106]

In the 2023 season, Shakib played for Mohammedan, which was confirmed by Club Committee President AGM Sabbir.[107]

Bangladesh Premier League

The Bangladesh Cricket Board founded the six-team Bangladesh Premier League in 2012, a twenty20 tournament to be held in February that year. The BCB made Shakib the 'icon player' for Khulna Royal Bengals (KRB).[108] Under his captaincy, Shakib's team progressed to the semi-finals of the competition where they were beaten by Dhaka Gladiators despite Shakib's 86* off 41 balls.[109] In ten matches he scored 280 runs and took 15 wickets, which made him KRB's leading wicket-taker, and was named Man of the Tournament.[110][111]

In the auction of the BPL 2, Shakib was brought by defending champions Dhaka Gladiators for $365,000, the most expensive player in the tournament.[112] He led his team to the title, getting 329 runs and 15 wickets in 12 matches, emerging as the Man of the Tournament for the consecutive second time in the BPL.[113]

In the BPL 3, Shakib was picked by Rangpur Riders with the 'Players by Choice' system for icon players.[114][115] In a match against Sylhet Super Stars,Shakib used abusive language towards opposition batsman Dilshan Munaweera as well as on-field umpire Tanvir Ahmed and as a result he got banned for one match after being found guilty.[116][117][118] He got 18 wickets in 11 matches at an economy rate of 6.39 in that season.[119]

Shakib was selected in the team of the tournament from BPL 1 to BPL 3.[120]

In the BPL 4, Shakib became the highest paid local player getting at least Tk 5.5 million as a player of A-plus category turning out for Dhaka Dynamites.[121][122][123][124][125] Shakib became man of the match consecutively two times in the matches against Comilla Victorians (for scoring 41 of 26 balls and achieving a bowling figure of 1/30 in 4 overs and a catch)[126] and Barisal Bulls ( for achieving a bowling figure of 4/31 in 4 overs and scoring 22 of 21 balls).[127] Dhaka won the title[128][129] as Shakib notched his first title win as captain[130] who wanted to win the title this season.[131]

In October 2017, Shakib was named in the squad for the Dhaka Dynamites team, following the draft for the BPL 5.[132][133] In the 43-run win over Rangpur Riders where Dhaka confirmed second-place in the points table at the end of the group stage, Shakib became man of the match for his all-round performance. Shakib added 55 runs for the sixth wicket with Mehedi Maruf who however departed after scoring 33 off 23 balls with 3 fours and a six but Shakib remained unbeaten on 47 off 33 balls. He also bagged two wickets for just 13 runs from his four overs.[134][135] In the final of that season, Shakib dropped a catch as he failed to hold on to a chance from Chris Gayle on 22 who went on to break all sorts of records with his unbeaten 69-ball 146, hitting a world record 18 sixes to single-handedly power Rangpur Riders to the title.[136]

In October 2018, Shakib was named in the squad for the Dhaka Dynamites team, following the draft for the BPL 6.[137] On 22 January 2019, Shakib became the first player in BPL's history to take 100 wickets as he achieved the milestone during the match against Comilla Victorians reaching the milestone in his 69th appearance, an average of 16.85 and an economy rate of 6.64.[138] During the tournament, taking the wicket of Comilla Victorians' Anamul Haque during the final of the tournament at Mirpur, Shakib Al Hasan became the highest wicket-taker in a single season of BPL[139] as he took 23 wickets from 15 matches with an average of 17.65 in that season.[140] Shakib sustained a left ring finger fracture during the match.[141]

In July 2019, Shakib signed a one-year contract with the Rangpur Riders to play for them in BPL 7.[142][143]

In December 2021, Shakib was signed by Fortune Barishal for 2021-22 Bangladesh Premier League. He led the team to the final, but lost to Comilla Victorians by 1 run in a nail-biting finish.[144] On 24 January 2022, in the league match against Minister Dhaka, he picked up his 400th wicket in Twenty20 cricket.[145] He was awarded 5 consecutive Player of the match award, the most consecutive time by any player in T20.[146] He also received the Player of the tournament award for the 4th time for his allround performances, having scored 284 runs in 11 innings at an average of 28.4 and picking up 16 wickets at an average of 14.56.[147]

For the BPL Season 10, Shakib was directly signed (brought) by Rangpur Riders for ৳40 crore in the draft, becoming the highest paid player among domestic players of this season.

Shakib is the highest wicket-taker in the BPL with 132 wickets in 100 matches at an average of 18.33 in the Bangladesh Premier League.[148][149]

Sri Lankan Premier League

Shakib was expected to play for Uthura Rudras in the inaugural 2012 Sri Lanka Premier League[150] but could not play any match due to suffering a knee injury.[151]

Caribbean Premier League

In the 2013 Caribbean Premier League, Shakib played for Barbados Tridents.[152] On 3 August 2013 against Trinidad & Tobago Red Steel, Shakib recorded the second best bowling figure in T20 cricket dismissing six batsmen to finish with figures of 6 for 6 from his four overs at Kensington Oval.[153]

Shakib was retained by the same team for The 2014 CPL.[154]

Shakib played for Jamaica Tallawahs in both the 2016 and 2017 season.

Shakib returned to Barbados for the 2018 to 2019 season.[155][156][157] Shakib becomes CPL champion with Tridents in the 2019 season, where he scored 111 runs at an average of 18.5 and took only 4 wickets for 150 runs in 6 matches.[158]

In May 2021, Shakib was resigned by Jamaica Tallawahs for the 2021 Caribbean Premier League.[159][160][161] He could not participate in the tournament because of not getting a no-objection certificate (NOC) for CPL because of the national duty.[162]

Shakib has played 30 matches scoring 354 runs at an average of 16.86 and strike rate of 102.91 and getting 29 wickets at an economy of 6.75 in the CPL.[163]

Big Bash League

Shakib joined for Adelaide Strikers in 2014 replacing the injured Johan Botha, thus becoming the first Bangladeshi to play in the Big Bash League.[164][165] In his debut match at the 2013–14 Big Bash League season, Shakib scored 41 runs off 29 balls and took 2 wickets for 21 runs in his 4 overs for Adelaide Strikers, although being unable to prevent his team from losing.[166]

On 24 December 2014, it was announced that Shakib would be joining the Melbourne Renegades for the final 4 games of the 2014–15 Big Bash League season, replacing Andre Russell, who would be leaving to join the West Indies in their tour of South Africa.[167][168][169][170]

In November 2020, Cricket Australia announced that Shakib would not be able to play in future in BBL due to objections from the CA ethical police as part of its zero tolerance against corruption in cricket.[171]

Shakib played 6 matches scoring 87 runs at an average of 14.50 and strike rate of 117.57 and taking 9 wickets at an economy of 6.10.[163]

Pakistan Super League (PSL)

Shakib was one of the headline stars confirmed by the PCB's commitment at the unveiling its preliminary plans for the Pakistan Super League.[172]

In the 2016 Pakistan Super League, Shakib was named one of the Platinum Players[173] and later he was picked up by Karachi Kings for US$140,000.[174][175][176][177] In his debut match against Lahore Qalanders, he was adjudged man of the match for scoring 51 out of 35 balls and getting a bowling figure of 1/26 which helped his team win by 7 wickets.[178][179]

In the 2017 season, Shakib was picked by Peshawar Zalmi.[180] He was supposed to play for the 2018 season also but was injured at that time.[180][181]

Shakib had a chance to play in the middle of PSL 2020 as a replacement of Mahmudullah Riyad, who tested positive of COVID-19 recently. But, he was not allowed to take part for not being part of the draft list from the beginning.[182]

In April 2021, Shakib was signed by Lahore Qalandars to play in the rescheduled matches in the 2021 Pakistan Super League.[183] But later, in May 2021, he expressed his desire to play in the 2021 Dhaka Premier League instead of playing in the rescheduled matches of the 2021 Pakistan Super League.[184] As a result, he missed the rescheduled matches of the 2021 Pakistan Super League.[185]

Shakib played 13 matches scoring 180 runs at an average of 16.36 and strike rate of 107.14 and getting 8 wickets at an economy of 7.39.[163]

Global T20 Canada

In June 2019, Shakib was selected to play for the Brampton Wolves in the 2019 Global T20 Canada,[186] but missed as the BCB granted his request to give him some time off from the cricket.[187]

Lanka Premier League

Shakib was expected to play in 2020 Lanka Premier League as his ban was expected to end in October[188] but BCB declared that no Bangladeshi players, including Shakib, would feature in the LPL.[189]

Shakib, expected to play the 2021 season, was again granted no NOC as BCB declared no Bangladeshi players will feature in the LPL 2021.

Shakib signed up with Gall Marvels for the 2023 season.[190]Shakib produced an all-round display for massive 83-run victory over B-Love Kandy with a quickfire 21-ball 30 to help his side to reach 180-5 and 2-10 of 3 overs to help bundle out B-Love Kandy to 97 in 17.1 overs.

Bangabandu T20 Cup

In November 2020, Shakib made a return to cricket, following the completion of a one-year ban imposed by the International Cricket Council, being selected to play for Gemcon Khulna in Bangabandhu T20 Cup 2020.[191]

Shakib became the third cricketer to achieve the rare double of 5000 runs and 300 wickets (in 311 games) in T20 cricket[192] in the match against Gazi Group Chattogram in the tournament. Shakib however is the 2nd Bangladeshi batsman to score 5000 runs in T20 cricket after Tamim Iqbal. Overall he is the 65th cricketer in the world to reach the 5000 runs mark.[193]

Shakib was not available in the final of the tournament due to seeing his ailing father-in-law in the US. Before leaving, he made a quickfire 28 and took one wicket conceding 31 runs in Khulna's crucial win against Gazi Group Chattogram in the 1st Qualifier of the tournament.[194]

Shakib played nine matches, failing to impress much by scoring only 110 runs and bagging 6 wickets.[195]

Bangladesh Cricket League (BCL)

Shakib Al Hasan made his return to cricket with the opening match of 2022 Independence Cup, named changed by BCB.He was picked by Walton Central Zone.Shakib scored 35 off 58 with two fours and then followed it up with 2-24 including two maidens to script the victory by 22-run against Islami Bank East Zone at Sylhet International Cricket Stadium.[196]

Bangladesh Cricket League T20

International career

Hasan in 2010.

Debut years

Shakib made his One Day International (ODI) debut against Zimbabwe on 6 August 2006 at Harare Sports Club. He played a significant part in Bangladesh's victory, where he scored 30 runs and bowled out Elton Chigumbura to get his first ODI wicket.[197][198]

On 28 November 2006, Shakib made his T20 and T20I debut against Zimbabwe. On his debut, Shakib scored 26 of 28 balls and got a bowling figure of 1/31.His 1st T20 & T20I wicket was of Sean Williams.[199][200]

Shakib made his Test debut on 6 May 2007 against India. On his debut, he got a bowling figure of 0/62 (19 overs) and scored 30 of 47 balls in 1st innings and 15 of 64 balls in 2nd innings.[201][202] Shakib's first test wicket was Craig Cumming in the 2nd test vs New Zealand.[203][204]

On 20 October 2008, Shakib took at that time the best bowling figures by a Bangladesh player in Tests, 7 wickets for 36 runs, against New Zealand in the 1st test of the test series.[205][206]

From January 2009[207] to April 2011[208] and again from March 2012[209] to January 2013,[210][211] Shakib was ranked first amongst ODI all-rounders by the ICC. In December 2011, he became the world's top-ranked Test all-rounder.[212] In December 2014, Shakib became the world's top-ranked Twenty 20 all-rounder.[213] He is currently the only all-rounder to be ranked in the top 3 of ICC Player Rankings across every format of international cricket.

Shakib was appointed Bangladesh's vice-captain in June 2009. During Bangladesh's tour of the West Indies the following month, the captain Mashrafe Mortaza was injured and Shakib took over the captaincy. He was 22 years old at the time. Initially, a temporary position, Shakib's success against the West Indies, securing his side's first overseas series win, ensured his retention of captaincy even after Mashrafe recovered. Shakib was named The Wisden Cricketer's "Test Player of the Year" in October 2009.[214][215] In July 2010, he stepped down from the ODI captaincy to concentrate on his personal performance. Mortaza took over until he became injured again and Shakib was asked to resume leadership. This lasted until he was relieved of captaincy in September 2011 due to a poor World Cup campaign.

Breakthrough (2006–2008)

Shakib was included in Bangladesh's senior squad to tour Zimbabwe in February 2006. Along with Farhad Reza and Mushfiqur Rahim, Shakib was one of the three uncapped players to be included in the squad.[216] Shakib and Reza were described as "very good cricketers in all departments of the game", and Faruq Ahmed – the chief selector – said that Bangladesh had "high hopes from them and it's time for them to perform at the international level".[217] Shakib made his ODI debut on the tour on 6 August; his maiden wicket was that of all-rounder Elton Chigumbura, and he finished with bowling figures of 1/39. He also scored 30 not out while Shahriar Nafees scored his maiden ODI century to help Bangladesh win by eight wickets. It was the final match in the series, which Zimbabwe won 3–2.[218] In September 2006, Shakib was one of three players to be granted a rookie contract with the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB), along with Farhad Reza and Mehrab Hossain Jr. This increased the number of players with central contracts and under the control of the BCB from 20 to 23.[219]

Shakib was included in the 15-man squad led by Habibul Bashar for the 2007 Cricket World Cup hosted West Indies in March and April.[220] Bangladesh made it to the second stage of the competition and finished seventh.[221] Along the way the team caused an upset by beating India to help knock them out of the tournament. With Tamim Iqbal in just his fifth ODI and Mushfiqur Rahim, Shakib was one of three Bangladesh batsmen in the match to score a half century to help the team reach its target of 192 to win.[222] Later in the tournament, Shakib scored another half-century although Bangladesh were defeated by England on that very occasion.[223] He scored 202 runs from 9 matches at an average of 28.85 with a high score of 57* and achieved 7 wickets at an average of 43.14 with an economy of 4.96.[224]

Shakib in the 3rd and the final ODI against Zimbabwe in January 2009 in Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium, which Bangladesh won with Shakib's individual unbeaten 33 runs off 60 balls[225]

Later that year, in May, India toured Bangladesh for two Tests and three ODIs. On 18 May, Shakib made his Test debut against India. He batted once, scoring 27 runs, and bowled 13 overs without taking a wicket as the match ended in a draw.[226] In his 2nd match he batted twice scoring 30 and 15 runs and bowled 19 overs without taking any wickets where also wicket-kept for 8 balls till India's innings declaration, as India won by an innings and 238 runs.[227] India won the Test series 1–0 and the ODI series 3–0. After the tour, Dav Whatmore resigned from his position as Bangladesh coach,[228] and batsman Mohammad Ashraful replaced Habibul Bashar as captain.[229]

In September 2007, South Africa hosted the ICC World Twenty20. Victory against West Indies in the first round was enough to ensure Bangladesh's progression to the second round, although it was the only one of their five matches they won. In the match against West Indies, Shakib took 4/34; it was the first time a Bangladesh player had taken more than three wickets in an International Twenty20 match (T20I).[230] Shakib was part of another piece of T20I history when in a match against Australia in the tournament he became one of three victims of the first T20I hat-trick. Brett Lee took Shakib's wicket, followed by those of Mortaza's and Alok Kapali to help Australia to a nine-wicket win.[231] In October that year, it was announced that Jamie Siddons – Australia's assistant coach – would take over the role of Bangladesh coach;[232] Siddons asserted that the previous set-up had focused on short-term goals and that he was planning to improve Bangladesh over the long term and keep together a core squad of talented players to gain experience at international level.[233]

In December 2007 and January 2008, Bangladesh toured New Zealand for two Tests and three ODIs. Although he did not play the first Test, Shakib was selected over Enamul Haque Jr for the second due to his better batting ability.[234] It was Shakib's fourth Test, and until that point he had gone wicketless. His first wicket was that of New Zealand's Craig Cumming.[235][236] New Zealand won by an innings and 137 runs and took the series 2–0.[234] New Zealand also completed a clean sweep in the ODIs which preceded the Tests, winning 3–0.[237] Shakib played in all three ODIs scoring 31 runs at an average of 10.33,[238] and taking 3 wickets at an average of 42.33.[239] Over February and March 2008 South Africa toured Bangladesh, playing two Tests and three ODIs. South Africa won both Tests.[240] Shakib played in both Bangladesh's defeats, taking just one wicket while conceding 122 runs,[241] and scoring 75 runs.[242] South Africa won the subsequent ODI series 3–0.[243] Shakib passed 1,000 ODI runs in the series; he passed the landmark in his 39th ODI with a batting average of 35.37.[244]

Before New Zealand's tour of Bangladesh in October 2008, Shakib was considered more of a batsman than a bowler, despite being an all-rounder. Though he usually batted down the order at number seven in Tests, he had mostly batted in the top five in ODIs. In a departure from Shakib's usual role Jamie Siddons, the coach stated that Shakib would play the Test series against New Zealand as a specialist bowler. The move immediately paid off, and he took 7/37 in New Zealand's first innings in the opening Test which were the best bowling figures by a Bangladesh player in all their 54 Tests suppressing the previous best innings figures by a Bangladeshi bowler set by another left-armer Enamul Haque with 7–95 against Zimbabwe at Dhaka three years ago.,[24] He scored 71 for his maiden Test half-century to guide the home team to 184–8 in their second innings.[245] Bangladesh lost the series 2–0, but Shakib finished as Bangladesh's leading wicket-taker in the series with 10 wickets at 17.80.[246] His spell was nominated to be the Best Test Bowling Performance of 2008 by ESPNcricinfo.[247]Bangladesh won the opening match of the ODI series against New Zealand – securing their first ever ODI win over them[248] – although they eventually lost the series 2–1.[249] Shakib finished with five wickets from three matches, making him Bangladesh's second-highest wicket-taker for the series behind Mashrafe Mortaza (7);[250] however Shakib scored just 16 runs in the series.[251]

The following month, Bangladesh toured South Africa for two Tests, three ODIs, and a T20I. While Bangladesh lost all their matches against South Africa except for an abandoned ODI,[252] Shakib continued to build on the good bowling form he had found against New Zealand. On the first day of the opening Test, Shakib went wicketless; on the advice of Mohammad Salauddin, Bangladesh's assistant coach, he gave the ball flight on the second day and went on to take five wickets. He took another five-wicket haul in the second Test, again as Bangladesh lost to South Africa.[24] Along with South Africa's Makhaya Ntini, Shakib was the series' leading wicket-taker with 11 at an average of 20.81.[253] Shakib's performance against South Africa in a losing cause prompted former Australian leg spin bowler Kerry O'Keeffe to describe him as the "world's best finger spinner at the moment".[24] Sri Lanka toured Bangladesh in December 2008 and January 2009 for two Tests and a Tri-nation tournament including Zimbabwe. Sri Lanka won both Tests and the tournament final,[254] although Shakib turned in a man of the match performance, scoring 92 not out, in the second ODI against Sri Lanka helped Bangladesh to their only victory against them on the tour.[255] In the first match of the Test series, Shakib took another five-wicket haul as his team again was defeated.[24]

On 22 January 2009, Shakib was ranked first amongst ODI all-rounders by the ICC.[256]

Captaincy and vice-captaincy (2009–2011)

Shakib was appointed Bangladesh's vice-captain in June 2009.

At the beginning of 2009, there was speculation over Mohammad Ashraful and his position as captain after a succession of defeats for Bangladesh and continuous poor form for Ashraful. Shakib was considered a possible successor by the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB). However, the BCB was cautious of over-burdening the all-rounder and decided against the move. Other candidates were discounted, and Ashraful remained as captain.[257] Later in 2009, Ashraful's captaincy was again under scrutiny after Bangladesh exited the 2009 ICC World Twenty20 in the first round following losses to Ireland and India. When Mashrafe Mortaza replaced Mohammad Ashraful in June 2009, Shakib was appointed vice-captain, filling the position vacated by Mortaza.[258]

West Indies

In July–August 2009, Bangladesh toured the West Indies. When Mortaza injured his knee in the first Test, he was unable to take to the field on the final day and Shakib took over as captain. He and Mahmudullah led Bangladesh's bowling attack, sharing 13 wickets in the match and securing a historic win for Bangladesh.It was Bangladesh's first against the West Indies, their first overseas Test victory, and only their second Test win.[259][260] The West Indies side was very inexperienced due to the fallout of a dispute between the West Indies Cricket Board and the West Indies Players' Association over pay. The first XI had made themselves unavailable for selection and a new squad had to be chosen. Seven West Indies players made their Test debut in the match and the side was captained by Floyd Reifer who had played the last of his four Tests ten years earlier.[261] Shakib was fined 10% of his match fee for excessive appealing; bowler Shahadat Hossain was also fined and batsman Imrul Kayes was reprimanded for the same reason.[262]

In Mortaza's absence through injury, Shakib led Bangladesh for the remainder of the tour.[263][264] Aged 22 years and 115 days at the start of the second Test, Shakib became Bangladesh's youngest captain and fifth youngest in the history of Test cricket.[265] Under Shakib's leadership Bangladesh went on to win the second Test, and in the process secured their first overseas series win.[266] Individually Shakib performed well, earning both the player-of-the-match and player-of-the-series awards, scoring 16 and 96 not out with the bat and taking 3/59 and 5/70 with the ball.[267] He scored 159 runs in the series at an average of 53.00 and was Bangladesh's second highest run-scorer for the series;[268] his haul of 13 wickets at an average of 18.76 from both matches meant Shakib was the equal highest wicket-taker for the series along with West Indies fast bowler Kemar Roach.[269] After winning the Test series 2–0, Bangladesh proceeded to whitewash the ODI series, winning 3–0. The West Indies' dispute remained unsolved for the whole of Bangladesh's tour and the West Indies continued to field an inexperienced side.[264] Shakib collected two half centuries in the ODI series, averaging 45.00, and was the third highest run-scorer in the series;[270] he also took 2 wickets at an average of 48.00.[271] For his performance in the ODIs, Shakib was named the man of the series.[272] Brain Lara on his Facebook page quoted him becoming 'the man for all seasons' for Bangladesh after the conclusion of 1st ODI during the tour.[273]


Shakib was appointed captain for Bangladesh's tour of Zimbabwe in August 2009 as Mortaza was still injured.[264] In the second ODI of the five-match series in Zimbabwe in August 2009, Shakib scored 104 off only 64 balls before being run-out – his third ODI century – to help his team to their highest score in ODIs and lead Bangladesh to a 2–0 lead in the series.[274] He finished the series with 170 runs from five matches at an average of 42.50 – fifth highest run-scorer[275] – and 6 wickets an average of 39.66, fourth highest wicket-taker in the series.[276] Following his team's 4–1 victory in the ODI series against Zimbabwe, Shakib travelled to Australia to undergo medical treatment for acute groin pain. He had been experiencing pain since the end of the West Indies tour, but he had decided to play through the pain and lead Bangladesh in Zimbabwe.[277] Although he did not win, Shakib was nominated Cricketer of the Year and Test Player of the Year in the 2009 ICC Awards; he was the only Bangladesh player to be nominated in either category that year.[278][279]

Shakib's success meant that it was not a given that Mortaza would replace him as captain once fit,[264] but it was announced in September 2009 that Mortaza would return as captain for Bangladesh's home ODI series against Zimbabwe the following month and Shakib would return to the role of vice-captain.[280] However, Mortaza failed to return from arthroscopic surgery on both knees in time for the series, and Shakib was again named captain.[281] After losing the opening match – in which Shakib criticised the performance of Bangladesh's batsmen including himself[282] – Bangladesh went on to win the series 4–1.[283] In the second match of the series, Shakib passed 2,000 runs in ODIs.[244]

On 5 November 2009, Shakib became no. 1 ODI bowler in ICC rankings.[284]

In November 2009, Shakib was named The Wisden Cricketer's "Test Player of the Year".[285]

England and the Asia Cup

Shakib in the field against England during the second ODI, shortly after relinquishing the captaincy

Over February and March 2010 England toured Bangladesh for two Tests and three ODIs. England won all of their matches against Bangladesh.[286] Shakib was Bangladesh's leading wicket-taker in both the Test and ODI series (9 in Tests and 5 in ODIs).[287][288] Both Tests went to the final day and Shakib expressed the opinion that the experience had exhausted his side.[289] The match was also a source of controversy after incorrect umpiring decisions on the third day went against Bangladesh, prompting Shakib to blame the lack of a referral system for some of the team's misfortune.[290] In turn, Bangladesh toured England in May and July the same year. They again lost the Test series 2–0.[291] Shakib finished as his team's leading wicket-taker with eight wickets,[292] although he only scored 52 runs.[293] Before the ODI series, Bangladesh left England for Sri Lanka, which was hosting the 2010 Asia Cup in June. Bangladesh lost all three of their matches.[294] With five wickets, Shakib was Bangladesh's leading wicket-taker with Shafiul Islam (5 each).[295]

As he was struggling to cope with the captaincy and his role as an all-rounder, Shakib gave up the captaincy in July 2010 to focus on his own performance. Mashrafe Mortaza returned to take charge in ODIs. Coach Jamie Siddons explained that "Shakib was the main person behind the decision, he decided it was a bit much for him. His form was down with the bat and he needed a rest."[296] Bangladesh returned to England for the ODI half of their tour. Bangladesh lost the series 2–1,[291] but their victory in the second match was the first time Bangladesh had beaten England in international cricket.[297] While in Europe, Bangladesh were scheduled to play two ODIs against Ireland, and one each against Scotland and Netherlands. The match against Scotland was abandoned and Bangladesh lost one match to each of Ireland and the Netherlands.[291]

For his performances in 2009, he was named in the World Test XI by the ICC.[298]

New Zealand and Zimbabwe

In October 2010, New Zealand went to Bangladesh for five ODIs. In the first match of the series Mortaza injured his ankle and was forced to leave the field; Shakib took over, and under his leadership, Bangladesh secured a nine-run victory, during which Shakib took four wickets and scored 58. Once it emerged that Mortaza would be unable to play in the rest of the series, Shakib was made captain for the remaining matches.[299] In the fourth match, Shakib scored a century and took three wickets to help his team win by nine runs.[300] Bangladesh went on to win the series 4–0,[301] their first series victory against a full strength ICC Full Member nation.[300] Shakib finished the series as the player with most runs and wickets on either side: 213 runs[302] and 11 wickets.[303]

Although Mortaza returned from injury in time for Zimbabwe's tour of Bangladesh in December, Shakib was retained as captain for the five-match ODI series.[304] Following his side's defeat in the opening ODI, Shakib stated that he "was not prepared to take the job and I am also not satisfied with my role as a captain".[305] Bangladesh went on to win the next three complete matches, with one called off due to rain, to beat Zimbabwe 3–1.[306] Shakib was Bangladesh's second-highest run-scorer and wicket taker for the series with 156 runs, including two half centuries, and nine wickets.[307][308]

2011 World Cup

In February to April 2011, Bangladesh co-hosted the World Cup with India and Sri Lanka. West Indies dismissed Bangladesh for 58 runs, the team's lowest score in ODIs and a record low for a Full Member at the World Cup.[309] Shakib described this match as the 'worst day' of his career.[310] Shakib's house was stoned by angry fans in the aftermath,[311] as was the West Indies team bus as it left the ground.[312] Bangladesh registered wins against England, Ireland, and the Netherlands, but defeats by West Indies, India, and South Africa meant they did not progress beyond the first round of the tournament.[313] With 8 wickets at an average of 27.87, Shakib was Bangladesh's leading wicket-taker in the tournament,[314] and his 142 runs from 6 innings made him the team's third highest run-scorer.[315]

After World Cup

Shortly after the World Cup, Australia toured Bangladesh for three ODIs. In the first match of the series, Shakib scored 51 to pass 3,000 runs in ODIs.[244] Bangladesh lost the series 3–0,[316] Shakib scored 69 runs in three matches[317] and took just one wicket whilst conceding 117 runs.[318] Shane Watson's performances in the series meant he was ranked first amongst ODI all-rounders, claiming the position from Shakib.[319]

When Bangladesh toured Zimbabwe in August 2011 they were expected to win the one-off Test, which was Zimbabwe's first in five years, and the five-match ODI series. As it transpired Bangladesh lost the ODI series 3–2 and the Test. Shakib and his vice-captain Tamim Iqbal were sacked, with a BCB official citing unsatisfactory leadership.[320]

Post-captaincy (2011–2017)

Bangladesh's first series under new leadership was against the West Indies in October 2011. Relieved of the captaincy, Shakib was Bangladesh's leading wicket-taker in both the ODI and Test series,[321][322] his bowling was backed up by 168 runs in the two Tests (of the Bangladesh players, only Tamim Iqbal scored more),[323] and 79 from two innings in the ODIs.[324] Bangladesh lost both series.[325] Following this, Shakib was Bangladesh's top run-scorer and wicket-taker in the home Test series against Pakistan in December 2011.[326][327] In the second Test of the series, he became Bangladesh's first player to score a century (his highest score, 144) and take five wickets in an innings in the same Test.[328] After the series he moved to first place in the ICC's ranking of Test all-rounders.[329]

In the home series against West Indies in late 2012, he became the 2nd Bangladeshi to both take 100 Test wickets, making him the leading wicket-taker in Tests for Bangladesh, and to complete the 1000 run / 100 wicket double.[330] However, he got ruled out of the ODI and T20 series due to a shin injury.[331]

Shakib got ruled out of the Sri Lanka tour in March due to a calf muscle injury. He had a successful operation on the right leg at a private hospital in Sydney, Australia. He would be on rest for one month since his operation.[332]

In 2nd Test match of Zimbabwe tour of Bangladesh 2014 Shakib became only the fourth player in Test history after Alan Davidson (1960), Ian Botham (1980) and Imran Khan (1983) to score a hundred and take 10 wickets in the same match.[333]

On 7 December 2014, Shakib became no. 1 T20 all-rounder.[334]

In 2015, Shakib helped Bangladesh to their most successful year in cricket. Following their success in the 2015 Cricket World Cup (where after batting in the first match at 2015 Cricket World Cup, he had a total of 4,040 runs in ODI matches and became the first Bangladeshi cricketer to score 4,000 runs in ODIs),[335] he also helped the team to a whitewash of Pakistan and series win against India and South Africa. On 12 June, he captured his 100th Test wicket at home on the third day of the one-off Test match against India.[336] On 15 July, he took his 200th wicket of his ODI career by taking the wicket of Hashim Amla in the final ODI of the ODI series becoming the fastest, youngest and the only seventh cricketer to 4,000 runs and 200 wickets double in ODIs (in 156 matches).[d][337][338]

On 26 September 2016, with the wicket of Shabir Noori during the first ODI against Afghanistan, Shakib became Bangladesh's leading wicket-taker in ODIs as well as in all formats at that time.[339][340]

On 22 October 2016, with the wicket of Joe Root, Shakib became the first Bangladeshi to have bagged 150 Test scalps.[341]

New era of Test & T20I captaincy (2017–2019)

After the retirement from T20I of Mashrafe Mortaza in 2017, Shakib was appointed as the T20I captain of the team for the second time.[342][343] Later Mushfiqur Rahim was also removed from Test captaincy and Hasan was again appointed as Test captain.[344][345] However, during 2017–18 Bangladesh Tri-Nation Series, he injured his finger and was rested for few days. In his absence, Mahmudullah captained the side in the Home series against Sri Lanka and 2018 Nidahas Trophy. His first tour was against Pakistan in July 2017.

On 28 August 2017, Al Hasan became the 4th bowler in Test history to record a 5-wicket haul against all Test Playing nations (except Afghanistan and Ireland, who were only granted Test status earlier that year) when he grabbed 5 wickets against Australia in his first encounter with the team.[346] He also scored a half-century in the first innings. In the second innings, he only scored 8 runs with the bat, but he grabbed another 5 wickets to secure his first 10-wicket haul and the win.[347][348] However, after the series, Al Hasan opted to take a break from Test to focus on limited-overs games.[349]

In April 2018, he was one of ten cricketers to be awarded a central contract by the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) ahead of the 2018 season.[350] Later the same month, he was named in the Rest of the World XI squad for the one-off T20I against the West Indies, played at Lord's on 31 May 2018,[351] but later withdrew from the squad due to personal reason.[352]

In November 2018, in the series against the West Indies, he became the first bowler for Bangladesh to take 200 wickets in Tests.[353] In the same match, he also became the fastest cricketer, in terms of matches, to score 3,000 runs and take 200 wickets in Tests, doing so in his 54th match.[354]

2019 Cricket World Cup

In April 2019, he was named as the vice-captain of Bangladesh's squad for the 2019 Cricket World Cup.[355][356] In the first innings of Bangladesh's opening match in the World Cup, against South Africa, he and Mushfiqur Rahim scored 142 runs for the third wicket, the highest partnership for any wicket for Bangladesh in a World Cup match.[357] Bangladesh went on to score their then highest total in an ODI match at that time, finishing on 330/6 from their 50 overs.[358] In the second innings, he took the wicket of Aiden Markram as his 250th wicket in ODIs, to become the fastest cricketer to take 250 wickets and score 5,000 runs in ODIs, in terms of a number of matches (199).[359] Bangladesh went on to win the match by 21 runs with Shakib named as player of the match.[360] In that match he also became the first cricketer to score a fifty in the first match of Bangladesh in each World Cup since 2007.[361]

In Bangladesh's next match in the tournament, against New Zealand, Shakib played in his 200th ODI.[362] On 17 June 2019, in the match against the West Indies, Shakib became the second batsman for Bangladesh to score 6,000 runs in ODIs.[363] For his unbeaten 124, he was awarded man of the match.[364]

In the match against Australia, Shakib Al Hasan got out for 41 which was his first score of under fifty runs in this World Cup. He also missed out on becoming the first Bangladeshi player to score 6 consecutive 50+ scores in ODIs being now joint with Tamim Iqbal who had 5 50+ scores in 2012.[365] In the second innings, Bangladesh went on to score their then highest total in an ODI match in a losing cause, finishing on 333/8 in 50 overs.[366]

On 24 June 2019, in the match against Afghanistan, where he was again named man of the match, Shakib became the first batsman for Bangladesh to score 1,000 runs in the Cricket World Cup,[367] and the first bowler for Bangladesh to take a five-wicket haul in a World Cup match.[368] He also became the second cricketer, after Yuvraj Singh, to score 50 runs and take five wickets in the same match at a World Cup.[369]

On 2 July 2019, in the match against India, Shakib became the first cricketer in the World Cup to score 600 runs and take 10 wickets in a single tournament.[370] He finished the tournament as the leading run-scorer for Bangladesh, with 606 runs in eight matches[371] and surpassed Sachin Tendulkar's record for the most runs in the group stage of a World Cup.[372] Shakib had a mind blowing average of 86.57 with the bat in the World Cup. He appeared in 8 matches in the World Cup and took 11 wickets.[373] He was named in the 'Team of the Tournament' by the ICC[374] and ESPNcricinfo.[375]

Post 2019 World Cup to 2020

In September 2019, during the 2019–20 Bangladesh Tri-Nation Series, Shakib took his 350th wicket in international cricket, in the final group match against Afghanistan.[376]

Between 1 September 2011 and 28 December 2020, Shakib played 131 matches scoring 2,011 runs at an average of 50.27 with 4 hundreds and also taking 97 wickets at an average of 22.63 with two 5-wicket hauls in ODIs. Thus he was named in the ICC Men's ODI team of the Decade.[377][378]


After serving a one-year ban, he returned to the national squad for their Test and ODI series against West Indies.[379] In the first ODI, he picked up his 150th wicket at home.[380] Shakib also set another record as the left-arm spinner became the first Bangladeshi cricketer to bowl in 100 innings on home.[381]In the third ODI, he became the only cricketer to register the double of 6,000 runs and 300 wickets across all formats in a single country.[382] Bangladesh went on to win the three-match series by 3–0 and he became the Player of the Series by scoring 113 runs and picking up 6 wickets at an average of 8.33.[383]

In the third ODI, Shakib suffered a groin injury.[384][385] However, he recovered from the injury and thus he was selected in the squad of the Test series.[386][387] But in the first test, he suffered an injury in another region of the same thigh that forced him to leave the field late in the second day.[388] It seemed that Shakib's old groin injury had resurfaced but match officials stated that it was a new injury.[389] He scored 68 runs and bowled 6 overs giving 16 runs in the 1st innings as he was unable to bat and bowl in the 2nd innings of the 1st Test.[390] He was ruled out of the 2nd test.[391]

Shakib Al Hasan missed the Bangladesh's tour of New Zealand as the BCB granted him paternity leave for the duration of the entire tour.[392]

Shakib opted to sit out the test series against Sri Lanka in April to play in the 2021 IPL which was granted by the BCB.[393][394]

Shakib and Fizz were selected in Bangladesh's 23-member preliminary squad for the ODI series against Sri Lanka during their playing in 2021 Indian Premier League.[395] Shakib joined the national camp along with Mustafizur on 19 May 2021 since returning from India on 6 May via a chartered flight following the suspension of the 2021 IPL.[396][397]

He returned to international cricket in the ODI series against Sri Lanka after withdrawing himself from New Zealand tour and test series in Sri Lanka.[398] Though he could not perform well in the series scoring only 19 runs and picked up only 3 wickets at an average of 43.33 in 3 matches.[399] He was included in the squad for all three formats for the series against Zimbabwe. In the one-off test, he failed with bat scoring only 3 runs in one innings and picked up 5 wickets in the match. In the opening match of the ODI series he became the leading wicket-taker for Bangladesh in ODIs, taking his 270th dismissal and consequently ended up picking a five-fer in the match.[400] In the second ODI, he picked up 2 wickets for 42 runs and scored unbeaten 96 runs to help Bangladesh to take an unassailable lead of 2–0 in the series.[401] In the third ODI he also contributed with both bat and ball. He was named Player of the Series for his all-round performance, scoring 145 runs at an average of 72.5 and picking up 8 wickets at an average of 14.75 in 3 matches. In the T20I series, he scored only 37 runs and picked up 3 wickets in 3 matches.

On 8 August 2021, he was nominated for ICC Player of the Month along with Mitchell Marsh and Hayden Walsh Jr. July 2021.[402][403] On 11 August, he was announced as the winner.[404] The following month, he was named in Bangladesh's squad for the 2021 ICC Men's T20 World Cup.[405]

On 30 December 2021, Shakib was nominated for ICC Men's ODI Cricketer of the Year along with Babar Azam, Janneman Malan and Paul Stirling.[406]On 20 January 2022, ICC announced ICC Team of the Year 2022 for all formats.[407] Shakib was included in the ICC Men's ODI Team of the Year with his teammates Mushfuq and Fizz for his performance where in 9 matches, he managed to score 277 runs at an average of 39.57 with two 50s and he also scalped 17 wickets at an average of 17.52.[408][409][410]

In February 2022, He was included in both ODI and T20I squad against Afghanistan. In the 3-match ODI series, he managed to score only 60 runs and picked up 5 wickets. His poor form continued in 2-match T20I series also, as he scored only 14 runs and picked up 2 wickets at an average of 25.


In the 2nd ODI against England Shakib scored 58 runs from 69 balls while chasing a tough target of 327 runs set by England. In 3rd ODI, he become the first Bangladeshi bowler and 14th overall to take 300 wickets in One day international. In April 2023, he surpassed Southee to become the leading wicket-taker in T20Is with 136 wickets in 114 matches.[411] He was then awarded the player of the month for March.[1] He became Bangladesh's ODI Captain for Asia Cup and World Cup after Tamim Iqbal decided to step down on 3 August 2023.[412]

In May 2024, he was named in Bangladesh's squad for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup tournament.[413]

Disciplinary issues

  • In October 2010, Shakib was on 92 in the fourth ODI against New Zealand, when there was movement near the sightscreen, which the umpires failed to stop. After a few minutes Shakib, Bangladesh captain at the time, ran towards the sightscreen, hurled abuse and threatened to hit the offender with his bat.[414] He was later warned by the match referee.[415]
  • In March 2011, during the world cup match against West Indies, several people in the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium grandstand complained Shakib had reacted too strongly when he was booed.[415] The offending picture was spread over the internet and published in several newspapers. Within days of that incident, Shakib blasted former national cricketers in his Prothom Alo column.[415][416]
  • In February 2014, Shakib was fined 3 lakh (US$2,600) and was handed a three-ODI ban, because he had made an indecent gesture towards his crotch in the dressing room live on broadcast, during the second ODI against Sri Lanka.[417] Shakib later made a public apology statement through his official Facebook page.[418][419]
  • International ban: On 7 July 2014, Shakib was banned for eight months from all forms of cricket for what the Bangladesh Cricket Board described as a "severe attitude problem".[420] Shakib missed Bangladesh's tour of the West Indies; he was also prohibited to participate in foreign tournaments until 31 December 2015.[420] Controversy arose when Shakib left to play for the Barbados Tridents of the Caribbean Premier League, allegedly without informing board officials and without obtaining a No Objection Certificate from the board, a claim he has denied.[421] Shakib found himself embroiled in further controversy after a dispute with coach Chandika Hathurusingha led to rumours of him threatening to retire from Test and One Day cricket.[422] The BCB has ended the restriction on no-objection certificates being issued to Bangladesh all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan, leaving him free to participate in overseas tournaments. BCB reduced his ban by three and a half months on 26 August 2014 letting him play for Bangladesh from 15 September 2014.[423]
  • During the 6th T20I match which was a controversial tense clash between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh as a part of the 2018 Nidahas Trophy, he argued the poor umpiring errors for not signalling a "no ball" delivery when Isuru Udana bowled 2 short pitched bouncer deliveries to Mustafizur Rahman in the last over of the match, where Bangladesh needed 12 runs to victory off the six balls.[424][425] Fellow cricketer, Mahmudullah who was on the non-striker's end when Mustafizur Rahman was batting, demanded a no-ball delivery from the on-field umpires. Shakib later threatened to leave the field and recalled the batsmen from the field as a result of the umpiring errors. Reserve Bangladeshi cricketer, Nurul Hasan was also suspected to have breached the code of conduct for exchanging war of words with Sri Lankan skipper, Thisara Perera.[426] It was also revealed that Shakib exchanged arguments with Sri Lankan commentator Russell Arnold. The International Cricket Council later imposed a 25 percent fine and issued a demerit point to both Shakib and Nurul Hasan for their unruly behaviour on the field by breaching the code of ethics.[427][428][429]
  • Players strike: Shakib also led a players' strike which existed for a brief period of time from 21 October 2019 to 23 October 2019 demanding for higher salaries especially in domestic first class cricket system and issues related to proposal of Bangladesh Premier League to adopt the franchise method.[430] He along with fellow players reportedly addressed the pay dispute issue to the media and even threatened to boycott the tour of India and the rest of international cricket season until their demands were to be fulfilled.[431] However, the issue was sorted out as the BCB accepted to fulfill the demand of the players by offering salary increments.[432] During the time when he was leading the players' strike, he was also accused for breaching the agreement with BCB by signing a sponsorship deal as an ambassador for an undisclosed amount with a leading telecommunication operator called Grameenphone which is also a former national team sponsor.[433]
  • International ban: Shakib was initially selected to lead the team in the T20I and Test series against India, but on 29 October 2019, Shakib was suspended for one year and banned from all forms of cricket for two years by the International Cricket Council for breaching the ICC-Anti Corruption Code. Shakib was supposedly contacted by bookmakers while playing in the 2018 Bangladesh Tri-Nation Series and also in a group match between Sunrisers Hyderabad and Kings XI Punjab in the 2018 Indian Premier League. For failing to report those approaches made to him by the bookmakers, he was found guilty of breaching the ICC Anti-Corruption Code 2.4.4 and was handed a two-year ban, one year being suspended. He was able to resume international cricket as of 29 October 2020.[434]
  • In June 2021, during the 40th group match between Abahani Limited and Mohammedan Sporting Club of the 2021 Dhaka Premier League, Shakib kicked and broke the stumps after umpire Imran Parvez turned down a LBW appeal. He was bowling against Mushfiqur Rahim in the fifth over of the innings and kicked the stumps as soon as the umpire refused to concede to his appeal.[435] In the same match, he also himself uprooted the stumps when the umpire halted the match due to rain in the following over.[436][437] However, Shakib later made a public apology statement through his official Facebook page calling his behaviour as a "human error".[438][439] Following the incident, Shakib was suspended for three matches of the tournament and was fined 5 lakh (US$4,300) by the BCB.[440] The BCB also announced that a panel would be set up to investigate claims of biased umpiring in domestic cricket.[441][442]
  • In March 2022, he was included in the Bangladesh squad for their Test and ODI Series against South Africa to be played in March–April 2022. But after the Afghanistan series, while leaving for vacation in Dubai, he stated in front of the media that he is not in a physical and mental state to play in South Africa, even he felt like "a passenger" during the recently concluded Afghanistan series.[443] In reply, BCB President Nazmul Hassan Papon showed frustration for his selective match playing and questioned his commitment towards the national team.[444] Later, he was given a break until 30 April 2022 from all forms of cricket.[445] However, a day after, he was officially given rest by the board, he agreed to tour South Africa to play in both ODI and Test series.[446]


In November 2019, Shakib played an exhibition football match for Footy Hags against the Korean Expat at Bangladesh Army Stadium where his team won by 3–2.[447]

Personal life

Shakib completed secondary and higher secondary education at the Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan (BKSP) and obtained graduation in BBA from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).[448]

Shakib's father is Khondoker Masroor Reza and his mother is Shirin Reza.[449]

He married Umme Ahmed Shishir, a Bangladeshi American on 12 December 2012.[450][451][452] The couple met in 2010 while Shakib was playing county cricket for Worcestershire in England.[452] They had their first daughter Alayna Aubrey Hasan[453] on 8 November 2015,[454][455] their second daughter Errum Hasan[456] on 24 April 2020[457] and their first son Eyzah Al Hasan[458][459] on 16 March 2021.[460]

In August 2018, he became a green card holder which allows him to live and work in the US. [461]

Shakib is the chairman of Monarch Holdings[462][463] and goodwill ambassador of UNICEF for Bangladesh,[464][465][466][467][468][469] Huawei[470] and Anti-Corruption Commission (Bangladesh).[471][472] Shakib announced a new company named Burak Commodities Exchange Co in August 2021 to enter into the gold business.[473]


Shakib officially joined the ruling Awami League party in 2023.[474] He filed his nomination from Magura-1 parliamentary seat as an Awami League candidate to contest in the 2024 Bangladeshi general election.[475][476] He secured victory in the 2024 Bangladeshi general election, winning the Magura-1 parliamentary seat as a candidate for the ruling Awami League party.[477][478]


Shakib runs a charity organization named SAHF (Shakib Al Hasan Foundation) to carry on his philanthropic works since 2020.[479] The foundation started a project named 'Mission Save Bangladesh' to help 2000 families in March 2020.[480]In April 2020, Shakib auctioned his 2019 Cricket World Cup bat for COVID-19 relief.[481]

Records and achievements

Captaincy record

Shakib's record as captain
Last updated on: 30 December 2023


He was the standing captain in the first test against West Indies in 2009 when regular captain Mashrafe Mortaza left the field on the first day due to injury. Bangladesh went on to win the test match which was the first away test win for Bangladesh. He also captained the team for the second test as well, leading the team to win the match and consequently the series, which was also their first away test series win. He was named Player of the Series for his all-round performance.

He captained Bangladesh against West Indies in 2018–19 when Bangladesh defeated them 2–0, which was their second test series win against them. He was named Player of the Series for his all-round performances. During his stint as test captain, Bangladesh won only these 4 tests out of 19 matches.


Bangladesh played 55 ODI matches under his captaincy from 2009 to 2015 and 2023 and won 27 matches. In World Cups, he captained in 2011 and 2023 Cricket World Cup, including 1 match in 2015.


Bangladesh also played 39 T20I matches under his captaincy, winning 23 matches. In World Cups, he captained Bangladesh in 2021 and 2022 editions.

He captained Bangladesh against England in 2022–23, when Bangladesh defeated them 3–0, which was their first T20I series win against them.

International record

National record

  • First Bangladeshi cricketer to score 4000 runs in ODIs.[335][489]
  • First Bangladeshi bowler to take 500 international wickets.[508]
  • First Bangladeshi bowler to take 200 wickets in Tests.[353]
  • Most number of wickets taken in Test (233), ODI (317) and T20I (140) for Bangladesh.[q][509][510][511]
  • Most number of wickets taken combining all formats for Bangladesh (690 wickets).[r][512]
  • Second[s] Bangladeshi batsmen to score 10,000 international runs.[513]
  • Second highest individual score (217) by a Bangladeshi batsman in Tests.[514][515][t]
  • Third-highest run-scorer for Bangladesh in all formats (12,070 runs) as of 18 July 2021.[u][516]
  • Only 2nd Bangladeshi to score 50 50s and 2nd on most 50s for Bangladesh in ODIs.[v].[517]

Other achievements


  1. ^ Teams that Shakib only played for in one season have been omitted from this list.
  2. ^ against Rajshahi(13 & 16,0–116 & 3–92),Sylhet(12 & 12,6–75 & 3–49) and Dhaka (54 & 22*, 4-124)
  3. ^ against Rajshahi(17 & 0-9 in 1st match and 11 & 23 in 2nd match)
  4. ^ other cricketers are Sanath Jayasuriya (235 matches), Shahid Afridi (238 matches), Jacques Kallis (221 matches), Abdul Razzaq (204 matches), Chris Harris (244 matches) and Chris Cairns (213 matches)
  5. ^ Mortaza began the first Test against the West Indies in 2009 as captain; the win is not counted as being part of Shakib's term in charge
  6. ^ Test, One Day International and T20 Internationals
  7. ^ Later it was broken by Tamim Iqbal-Liton Das pair who scored 292 against Zimbabwe in 2020.
  8. ^ surpassing Ian Botham who took 55 matches to reach the milestone.Chris Cairns in 58 matches with Andrew Flintoff registering the same in 69 and Kapil Dev in 73 Test matches.
  9. ^ surpassing the previous record of 258 matches by Abdur Razzaq
  10. ^ other four all-rounders who had the record are Abdul Razzaq, Shahid Afridi, Sanath Jayasuriya and Jacques Kallis
  11. ^ the other two who achieved the mark are Shahid Afridi (283) and Dwayne Bravo (292).
  12. ^ others three cricketers are Sanath Jayasuriya(304), Jacques Kallis(296) and Shahid Afridi(294).
  13. ^ other cricketers are Sanath Jayasuriya (235 matches), Shahid Afridi (238 matches), Jacques Kallis (221 matches), Abdul Razzaq (204 matches), Chris Harris (244 matches) and Chris Cairns (213 matches)
  14. ^ The other two cricketers are Wasim Akram(122) and Waqar Younis(114) at Sharjah Cricket Stadium.
  15. ^ 1st being Tim Southee with 157 wickets and 2nd being Rashid Khan with 152 wickets.
  16. ^ surpassing Shahid Afridi ,taking his 40th dismissal
  17. ^ as of 6 March 2024
  18. ^ as of 6 March 2024.
  19. ^ First being Tamim Iqbal.
  20. ^ Highest one is by Mushfiqur Rahim who scored 219* against Zimbabwe in 2018.
  21. ^ behind Tamim Iqbal (14023) and Mushfiqur Rahim (12599).
  22. ^ First being Tamim Iqbal
  23. ^ for his all-round performance, 606 runs and 12 wickets in 8 matches.


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  388. ^ «Новая травма выводит Шакиба из строя» . Дакка Трибьюн . 5 февраля 2021 г. Проверено 19 февраля 2021 г.
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  392. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан пропустит тур по Новой Зеландии после того, как ему предоставили отпуск по уходу за ребенком» . ESPNcricinfo . 11 февраля 2021 г. Проверено 19 февраля 2021 г.
  393. ^ «Шакиб разрешил пропустить тесты в Шри-Ланке, чтобы сыграть в IPL» . Дейли Стар . 19 февраля 2021 г. Проверено 19 февраля 2021 г.
  394. ^ «Бангладеш разрешила Шакибу Аль Хасану играть в индийской Премьер-лиге» . Времена Индии . 19 февраля 2021 г. Проверено 19 февраля 2021 г.
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  396. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан и Мустафизур Рахман присоединяются к сборной Бангладеш после карантина» . ESPNcricinfo . 18 мая 2021 г. Проверено 20 мая 2021 г.
  397. ^ «Шакиб впервые после возвращения из Индии присоединяется к национальному лагерю» . Дейли Стар . 18 мая 2021 г. Проверено 20 мая 2021 г.
  398. ^ «Шакиб собирается вернуться на третье место в матче против Шри-Ланки» . Крикбазз . Проверено 12 июня 2021 г.
  399. ^ «Рекорды / Шри-Ланка в серии ODI Бангладеш, 2021 г. / Средние показатели ватина и боулинга» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 20 июня 2021 г.
  400. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан становится лучшим игроком по калиткам ODI в Бангладеш» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 16 июля 2021 г.
  401. ^ «96* Шакиба Аль Хасана и четыре за Шорифула Ислама позволили Бангладеш завершить серию» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 25 июля 2021 г.
  402. ^ «Объявлены номинации «Игрок месяца» по версии ICC за июль» . www.icc-cricket.com . Проверено 9 августа 2021 г.
  403. ^ «Шакиб номинирован на премию ICC «Игрок месяца»» . Дакка Трибьюн . 8 августа 2021 г. Проверено 9 августа 2021 г.
  404. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан и Стафани Тейлор получили награду «Игрок месяца» в июле» . ИКЦ . 11 августа 2021 г. Проверено 14 августа 2021 г.
  405. ^ «Никаких сюрпризов, поскольку Бангладеш назовет команду под руководством Махмудуллы на чемпионат мира по футболу T20» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 9 сентября 2021 г.
  406. ^ «Объявлены номинанты на звание Игрока года по версии ICC среди мужчин по версии ODI» . ИКЦ . 30 декабря 2021 г. Проверено 24 января 2021 г.
  407. ^ «Объявлены все команды года ICC 2021 года» . ИКЦ . 20 января 2022 г. Проверено 24 января 2022 г.
  408. ^ «Объявлена ​​мужская команда года ODI ICC» . Международный совет по крикету . 20 января 2022 г. Проверено 23 января 2022 г.
  409. ^ «Шакиб, Муши, Физз в команде года ICC ODI» . Дейли Стар . 20 января 2022 г. Проверено 23 января 2022 г.
  410. ^ «ICC назвал Шакиба, Мушфика и Мустафиза командой года по версии ODI» . Дейли Стар . 20 января 2022 г. Проверено 24 января 2022 г.
  411. ^ «Блестящая всесторонняя игра Шакиба привела к комфортной победе над Ирландией» . Sixsports.in . 2 апреля 2023 г.
  412. ^ «Шакиб возглавит Бангладеш на чемпионате Азии и мира» . Крикбазз . 11 августа 2023 г. Проверено 12 августа 2023 г.
  413. ^ «Сборная Бангладеш на предстоящий чемпионат мира по футболу T20» . ScoreWaves . Проверено 6 июня 2024 г.
  414. ^ «Четвертый ODI, Дакка, 14 октября 2010 г., новозеландский тур по Бангладеш» . ESPNcricinfo . 14 октября 2010 года . Проверено 14 мая 2021 г.
  415. ^ Jump up to: а б с «Наказание, которое должно было наступить раньше» . ESPNcricinfo. 22 февраля 2014 года . Проверено 23 февраля 2014 г.
  416. ^ Шакиб Аль Хасан пишет «Протом Элой: Все еще не закончилось» . Протом Ало (на бенгали). 6 марта 2011 года. Архивировано из оригинала 8 марта 2011 года . Проверено 19 мая 2011 г.
  417. ^ «Шакиб дисквалифицирован за три ODI» . ESPNcricinfo. 21 февраля 2014 года . Проверено 23 февраля 2014 г.
  418. ^ «Дорогие мои и наши любимые поклонники...» Facebook . 21 февраля 2014 года . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  419. ^ «Шакиб приносит извинения» . bdnews24.com . 22 февраля 2014 года . Проверено 23 февраля 2014 г.
  420. ^ Jump up to: а б «Шакиб Аль Хасан отстранен BCB на шесть месяцев» . ESPNcricinfo. 7 июля 2014 года . Проверено 8 июля 2014 г.
  421. ^ « Я никогда не говорил, что уйду» – Шакиб» . ESPNcricinfo. 6 июля 2014 года . Проверено 8 июля 2014 г.
  422. ^ «Шакиб угрожает покинуть международный крикет» . ESPNcricinfo. 5 июля 2014 года . Проверено 8 июля 2014 г.
  423. ^ «Ограничение НОК Шакиба снято» . ESPNcricinfo. 4 декабря 2014 года . Проверено 4 декабря 2014 г.
  424. ^ «Шакиб и Нурул оштрафованы за нарушение кодекса поведения» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 17 марта 2018 г.
  425. ^ «Шакиб и Нурул оштрафованы за нарушение кодекса поведения МУС» . Крикбазз . Проверено 17 марта 2018 г.
  426. ^ «Жаркое соперничество, но какой ценой?» . Дейли Стар . 18 марта 2018 года . Проверено 17 марта 2018 г.
  427. ^ «Шакиб Аль-Хасан, Нурул Хасан зафиксировали 25-процентный гонорар за матч» . Таймс оф Индия . Проверено 17 марта 2018 г.
  428. ^ «Нидахас Трофи 2018: Шакиб Аль Хасан оштрафован и получил вычетный балл; Нурул Хасан оштрафован за нарушение кодекса поведения ICC» . Первый крикет . Проверено 17 марта 2018 г.
  429. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан и Нурул Хасан получили наказание за нарушение Кодекса поведения МУС» . Зи Новости . 17 марта 2018 года . Проверено 17 марта 2018 г.
  430. ^ «Совет по крикету Бангладеш называет забастовку игроков заговором» . Би-би-си Спорт . Проверено 31 октября 2019 г.
  431. ^ «Бангладешские игроки в крикет объявили забастовку, требуя требований» . Аль Джазира . Проверено 31 октября 2019 г.
  432. ^ «Полное освещение: восстание игроков в крикете Бангладеш» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 31 октября 2019 г.
  433. ^ «Бангладеш подаст на Шакиба в суд за нарушение соглашения» . Гео Супер . Проверено 31 октября 2019 г.
  434. ^ «Международный уголовный суд дисквалифицирует Шакиба аль-Хасана на два года» . Крикбазз . 29 октября 2019 г.
  435. ^ «Шакиб в порыве гнева бросает пни» . Дейли Стар . 11 июня 2021 г. Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  436. ^ «Шакиб открывает путь к новым противоречиям» . Нью Эйдж . Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  437. ^ «Шакиб пинает, ломает, вырывает пни, а судья отклоняет апелляцию LBW» . Протом Ало . Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  438. ^ «Шакиб извиняется после избиения и ударов ногами по пням» . Ежедневный обозреватель . Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  439. ^ «Шакиб извиняется за аварию на поле, называет это «человеческой ошибкой» » . Индостан Таймс . 11 июня 2021 г. Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  440. ^ «Шакиб дисквалифицирован на три матча за выходку из ДПЛ» . Ягоньюс24 . Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  441. ^ «Мы создаем комиссию для расследования заявлений о предвзятом судействе: Назмул Хасан» . Бизнес-стандарт . 13 июня 2021 г. Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  442. ^ «Руководитель BCB создал комиссию для расследования заявлений о предвзятом судействе» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 13 июня 2021 г.
  443. ^ Азам, Атиф. «Не думаю, что мне следует находиться в СА с таким психическим состоянием, - Шакиб» . Крикбазз . Проверено 8 марта 2022 г.
  444. ^ Исам, Мохаммед. «Президент BCB подвергает сомнению приверженность Шакиба Аль Хасана: «Сказал бы он то же самое о IPL?» " . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 8 марта 2022 г.
  445. ^ "BCB отпускает Шакиба из международного крикета до 30 апреля" . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 9 марта 2022 г.
  446. ^ «SA против BAN: Шакиб Аль Хасан готов совершить поездку по Южной Африке после обсуждения с BCB» . КрикАддиктор . 12 марта 2022 г. Проверено 19 марта 2022 г.
  447. ^ «Знакомьтесь, Шакиб Аль Хасан, футболист» . 9 ноября 2019 года . Проверено 1 октября 2023 г.
  448. ^ «Шакиб гордится тем, что завершил свой «академический выпуск» » . Дейли Стар . 19 марта 2023 г. Проверено 19 марта 2023 г.
  449. ^ «Отец Шакиба дал положительный результат на Covid-19» . Протом Ало . 19 июля 2020 г.
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  451. ^ «Шакиб начинает «новые возможности» » , Bdnews24.com , 12 декабря 2012 г., заархивировано из оригинала 14 декабря 2012 г. , получено 12 декабря 2012 г.
  452. ^ Jump up to: а б Ислам, Анисул (12 декабря 2012 г.), «Игрок в крикет Шакиб Аль Хасан женится в Бангладеш» , Demotix , заархивировано из оригинала 16 декабря 2012 г. , получено 12 декабря 2012 г.
  453. ^ «Дочь Шакиба Обри станет гольфисткой или теннисисткой – BDCricTime» . bdcrictime.com . 11 июня 2016 года . Проверено 30 января 2021 г.
  454. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан стал отцом» . Дейли Стар . 9 ноября 2015 года . Проверено 30 января 2021 г.
  455. ^ «Бангладешский универсал Шакиб Аль Хасан становится отцом» . НДТВ . 11 ноября 2015 года . Проверено 30 января 2021 г.
  456. ^ «Шакиб раскрывает имя своей второй дочери» . Протом Ало . 2 мая 2020 г. Проверено 30 января 2021 г.
  457. ^ «Шакиб снова станет отцом» . Протом Ало . 24 апреля 2020 г. Проверено 30 января 2021 г.
  458. ^ Шакиб назвал имя пятого члена семьи . Калер Канто (на бенгали). 15 апреля 2021 г. Проверено 7 июня 2021 г.
  459. ^ «Шакиб раскрывает имя своего новорожденного мальчика» , bdcrictime.com , 2 мая 2020 г. , получено 21 мая 2021 г.
  460. ^ «Шакиб, Шишир благословил мальчика» . Дакка Трибьюн . 16 марта 2021 г. Проверено 16 марта 2021 г.
  461. ^ «Шакиб теперь гражданин США, получил грин-карту!» , Moral News 24 (на бенгали), заархивировано из оригинала 5 сентября 2018 г. , получено 3 августа 2018 г.
  462. ^ «Добро пожаловать в Monarch Holdings Ltd» . Монарх Холдинг . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  463. ^ «Лучший универсал Шакиб Аль Хасан займется брокерским бизнесом» . Дейли Стар . 21 мая 2021 г. Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  464. ^ Посол доброй воли ЮНИСЕФ в Бангладеш Джуэл Айч и Моусуми . Протом Ало (на бенгали). 17 сентября 2013 года . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  465. ^ «Наш замечательный посол доброй воли @Sah75official считает, что вакцины жизненно важны для построения лучшего мира» . Официальный Twitter-аккаунт ЮНИСЕФ . 26 апреля 2021 г. Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  466. ^ «Шакиб призывает принять вакцину, чтобы избежать болезней» . bdcrictime.com . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  467. ^ ЮНИСЕФ назначил звезду крикета Мушфикура Рахима новым национальным послом доброй воли по правам детей . ЮНИСЕФ (Бангладеш) (на бенгали). 4 октября 2020 г. Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  468. ^ Мушфик — посол доброй воли ЮНИСЕФ . Протом Ало (на бенгали). 4 октября 2020 г. Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  469. ^ Что произойдет с организациями, с которыми Шакиб Аль Хасан нанят в качестве посла доброй воли или посла продукта? . BBC (на бенгали). 30 октября 2019 года . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  470. ^ Шакиб — посол Huawei . Протом Ало (на бенгали). 5 апреля 2016 года . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  471. ^ Игрок в крикет Шакиб - посол ACC . Протом Ало (на бенгали). 21 декабря 2017 года . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  472. ^ Шакиб – посол АСС . Daily Jugantor (на бенгали). 11 февраля 2018 года . Проверено 21 мая 2021 г.
  473. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан начал золотой бизнес» . Remonews.com . Проверено 11 ноября 2021 г.
  474. ^ «Бангладешский игрок в крикет Шакиб Аль Хасан присоединяется к политике и может участвовать в опросах 2024 года» . NDTV.com . АФП . Проверено 12 декабря 2023 г.
  475. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан подает номинацию» . Дакка Трибьюн . УНБ. 30 ноября 2023 г. Проверено 12 декабря 2023 г.
  476. ^ «Предвыборная гонка звезды крикета Бангладеш Шакиба аль-Хасана разделяет родной город» . Альджазира . 2 января 2024 г.
  477. ^ «Капитан Бангладеш по крикету Шакиб получает место в парламенте» . Франция 24 . 7 января 2024 г.
  478. ^ «Шакиб аль-Хасан получает место в парламенте Бангладеш после убедительной победы на всеобщих выборах» . Индийский экспресс . 8 января 2024 г.
  479. ^ «Фонд Сакиба собирает еще двадцать миллионов така» . Сара Бангла . Апрель 2019.
  480. ^ «COVID-19: Фонд Шакиба Аль Хасана заботится о 2000 бедных семьях в Бангладеш в условиях пандемии коронавируса» . Cricketcountry.com . 29 марта 2020 г. Проверено 11 ноября 2021 г.
  481. ^ «Битва Шакиба Аль Хасана на чемпионате мира принесет более 19 000 фунтов стерлингов в качестве помощи в борьбе с Covid-19» . Уисден . 23 апреля 2020 г. Проверено 23 апреля 2020 г.
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  484. ^ Рекорд капитанов Бангладеш в матчах International Twenty20 , ESPNcricinfo
  485. ^ «Бангладешский игрок Шакиб Аль Хасан назван лучшим универсалом во всех форматах по версии ICC: несколько интересных фактов об игроке в крикет» . Индия сегодня . 27 июня 2015 года. Архивировано из оригинала 27 сентября 2016 года . Проверено 27 октября 2016 г.
  486. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан номер один в мире в многоборье» . cricket.com.au. 17 января 2015 г. Архивировано из оригинала 19 января 2015 г.
  487. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан никогда не перестает удивлять! Теперь он занимает первое место в рейтинге универсалов во всех трех форматах игры, рекорд, который никто никогда не держал в истории крикета. Поздравляем!» . Бангладешский крикет: официальная страница The Tigers в Facebook . 13 января 2015 года . Проверено 24 марта 2024 г.
  488. ^ «Cricket Records / Бангладеш / One-Day Internationals / Высшие партнерские отношения по калитке» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 30 августа 2017 г.
  489. ^ Jump up to: а б с д Шакиб 34 из 34 . Протом Ало (на бенгали) . Проверено 25 марта 2021 г.
  490. ^ «Cricket Records / Трофей чемпионов ICC / Высшее партнерство по калитке» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 30 августа 2017 г.
  491. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан становится самым быстрым, достигнув 3000 пробежек и 200 калиток в тестах» . Зи Новости . Проверено 23 ноября 2018 г.
  492. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан устанавливает огромный мировой рекорд, становится самым быстрым, взяв 250 калиток и набрав 5000 очков в ODI» . Времена сейчас . 2 июня 2019 г. Проверено 2 июня 2019 г.
  493. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан присоединяется к Дуэйну Браво в элитном списке T20» . ИКЦ . Проверено 11 ноября 2020 г.
  494. ^ «Шакиб — единственный игрок, который дважды забил 100 калиток и пробежал 1 км в T20I» . Дейли Стар . 9 августа 2021 г.
  495. ^ «Шакиб становится единственным игроком T20I с 1000 пробегами и 100 калитками» . Дакка Трибьюн . 9 августа 2021 г. Проверено 19 февраля 2022 г.
  496. ^ «Век Шакиба в Т20И» . Мировое Глобал ТВ . 9 августа 2021 года. Архивировано из оригинала 6 октября 2021 года . Проверено 9 августа 2021 г.
  497. ^ «Чемпионат мира 2019: Шакиб Аль Хасан раскритиковал столетие и побил рекорды» . Спортстар . 17 июня 2019 г.
  498. ^ «Рекорды | Однодневные международные соревнования | Рекорды по боулингу | Наибольшее количество калиток на одной площадке | ESPNcricinfo» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 13 августа 2018 г.
  499. ^ «Рекорды / Двадцать20 матчей / Рекорды по боулингу / Наибольшее количество калиток на одной площадке» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 10 июня 2017 г.
  500. ^ «Матчи T20I | Рекорды боулинга | Наибольшее количество калиток за карьеру» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 10 февраля 2024 г.
  501. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан становится лучшим игроком по калитке в T20I» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 17 октября 2021 г.
  502. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан, звезда Бангладеш в многоборье, стал лучшим бомбардиром чемпионата мира T20» . Зи Новости . 24 октября 2021 г. Проверено 24 октября 2021 г.
  503. ^ «Шакиб Аль Хасан достиг новой вехи: самый быстрый игрок в крикет, сделавший 4000 пробежек и 200 калиток в тестах» . www.news18.com . Проверено 12 декабря 2021 г.
  504. ^ Исам, Мохаммед. «Шакиб Аль Хасан становится первым боулером из Бангладеш, взявшим 300 калиток ODI» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 6 марта 2023 г.
  505. ^ «Статсгуру — Кубок мира — 1000 пробежек и 30 калиток» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 3 октября 2023 г.
  506. ^ «Боулеры с наибольшим количеством калиток на мужских чемпионатах мира ICC T20I» . ScoreWaves . Проверено 12 июня 2024 г.
  507. ^ Отчет, Star Sports (25 мая 2024 г.). «Шакиб первым забил 700 калиток и 14 000 пробежек в международном крикете» . Дейли Стар . Проверено 24 июня 2024 г.
  508. ^ «Шакиб самый быстрый на 10 000 пробежек и 500 калиток в международном крикете» . на сайте shorts.com . Проверено 11 ноября 2020 г.
  509. ^ «Рекорды / Бангладеш / Тестовые матчи / Наибольшее количество калиток» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 28 марта 2021 г.
  510. ^ «Рекорды / Бангладеш / Однодневные международные турниры / Наибольшее количество калиток» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 19 мая 2021 г.
  511. ^ «Рекорды / Бангладеш / Матчи T20I / Наибольшее количество калиток» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 28 марта 2021 г.
  512. ^ «Рекорды / Бангладеш / Комбинированный тест, рекорды ODI и T20I / Наибольшее количество калиток» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 28 марта 2021 г.
  513. ^ «Тамим достигает отметки в 11 000 пробега, Шакиб - 10 000» . Финансовый экспресс . Проверено 21 октября 2020 г.
  514. ^ «Рекорды / Бангладеш / Тестовые матчи / Рекорды» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 29 марта 2021 г.
  515. ^ «Бангладеш 542, Шакиб 217, Мушфикур 159» . ESPNcricinfo. 12 января 2017 года . Проверено 25 сентября 2017 г.
  516. ^ «Рекорды / Бангладеш / комбинированные тесты, рекорды ODI и T20I / наибольшее количество пробежек» . ESPNcricinfo . Проверено 28 марта 2021 г.
  517. ^ Хасан, Мехди. «Никто, кроме Шакиба, рядом с Каллис-Джаясурией» . Протомало (на бенгали) . Проверено 19 марта 2022 г.
  518. ^ «CWC19: Команда турнира» . Международный совет по крикету. 15 июля 2019 года. Архивировано из оригинала 15 июля 2019 года . Проверено 17 июля 2019 г.
  519. ^ «Объявлена ​​мужская команда года ODI ICC» . Международный совет по крикету . Проверено 21 января 2022 г.
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Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (Test)
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Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (ODI)
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Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (T20I)
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Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (Test)
Succeeded by
Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (T20I)
Succeeded by
Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (Test)
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Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (T20I)
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Preceded by Bangladesh national cricket captain (ODI)
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