Ван Хуэй (династия Тан)
Ван Хуэй ( китайский : 王徽 ; умер 891), любезно вежливости имя Чжаоуэн ( 昭文 ), официально Маркес Чжэнь из Лангье ( 琅琊貞侯 ), был чиновником китайской династии Тан , служа канцлером во время правления императора Синзонга .
[ редактировать ]Неизвестно, когда родился Ван Хуэй, хотя он и говорил, что ему было за 40 лет, когда император Сюандзонг (р. 846–859) просил канцлеров найти подходящих мужей для принцесс в 850 -х годах, поместив свободный срок на на время его рождения. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] региона династии Тан столицы ) и претендовал на происхождение от Вей Вуджи ( 魏無忌 ) Господа Синьлинга, известного принца воющего государства . Его семья была из муниципалитета Цзинжао (京兆, то есть , Линия в конечном итоге изменила свою фамилию на Ван, потому что она была из дома королей (а Ван имел в виду «король»). Семья Ван Хуи также проследила свое происхождение до западного генерала Вей Ван Пи ( 王羆 ), чьи потомки затем служили династии Суй и Тан. Дед Ван Хуи Ван Ча ( 王察 ) служил префектурным префектом, а его отец Ван Зили ( 王自立 ) служил в качестве магистрата округа. [ 3 ]
Ранняя карьера
[ редактировать ]Wang Hui passed the imperial examinations in the Jinshi class in 858, during Emperor Xuānzong's reign. He started his official career as a copyeditor (校書郎, Xiaoshu Lang) at the Palace Library. When the official Shen Xun (沈詢) served as the director of finances, he invited Wang to serve under him as a traveling reviewer.[1][4] At that time, Emperor Xuānzong, who was looking for appropriate husbands for his daughters, asked the chancellors to look among the officials who had passed the Jinshi examination, and Wang's name was mentioned. Wang, however, did not want to marry into the imperial family, and he met the chancellor Liu Zhuan to decline on the account of age, as he was already in his 40s, as well as poor health. Liu thus informed Emperor Xuānzong, and Wang was not ordered to marry a princess.[1][5]
Later, during the reign of Emperor Xuānzong's son Emperor Yizong, when the former chancellor Linghu Tao served successively as the military governor (Jiedushi) of Xuanwu (宣武, headquartered in modern Kaifeng, Henan) and then Huainan Circuit (淮南, headquartered in modern Yangzhou, Jiangsu), Wang served as Linghu's secretary.[1][6] Wang was subsequently recalled to Chang'an to serve as You Shiyi (右拾遺), a low-level advisory official at the legislative bureau (中書省, Zhongshu Sheng), and it was said that while serving there, he submitted petitions making 23 suggestions, causing people to respect him for his insight. When the chancellor Xu Shang also served as the director of salt and iron monopolies, he invited Wang to serve as an assistant.[1][7] Later, after Xu was relieved of his chancellor post and made the military governor of Jingnan Circuit (荊南, headquartered in modern Jingzhou, Hubei), he wanted Wang to serve under him, but did not dare to ask, as he did not know whether Wang would be willing to leave the capital again. Wang heard about this, and he stated to Xu, "When I had just passed the Jinshi examination, it was you, Lord, who regarded me well. Now that you, Lord, will be receiving a seal and a military command, how can your subordinate not follow you?" Xu was pleased, and he had Wang made his assistant.[1]
During Emperor Xizong's reign
[edit]Later, when Gao Shi (高湜) oversaw the office of imperial censors (御史臺, Yushi Tai), he had Wang Hui recalled to Chang'an to serve as a supervising censor Shi Yushi Zhiza (侍御史知雜), as well as Zhifang Yuanwailang (職方員外郎), a low-level official at the ministry of civil service affairs (吏部, Libu). From that latter position, Wang was later promoted to Kaogong Langzhong (考功郎中), a supervisory official at the ministry of civil service affairs.[1][8] The chancellor Xiao Fang particularly respected Wang for his administrative abilities. Wang was later made Sifeng Langzhong (司封郎中), still a supervisory official at the office of civil service affairs, as well as the magistrate of Chang'an County (one of the two counties making up the capital), but as at that time, the ranks of imperial scholars (翰林學士, Hanlin Xueshi) was severely lacking, Xiao had him made an imperial scholar and also Zhifang Langzhong (職方郎中), also a supervisory official at the ministry of civil service affairs; Wang was also put in charge of drafting edicts. He was later made Zhongshu Sheren (中書舍人), a mid-level official at the legislative bureau. Yet later, he was made chief imperial scholar (翰林學士承旨, Hanlin Xueshi Chengzhi) and deputy minister of census (戶部侍郎, Hubu Shilang). While serving as chief imperial scholar, he also successively served as deputy minister of defense (兵部侍郎, Bingbu Shilang) and then Shangshu Zuo Cheng (尚書左丞), one of the secretaries general of the executive bureau (尚書省, Shangshu Sheng).[1][9]
In late 880, as the major agrarian rebel Huang Chao was approaching Chang'an, the powerful eunuch Tian Lingzi, in order to deflect blame for the imperial forces' inability to stop Huang, blamed the leading chancellor Lu Xi for erroneous strategies and had Lu demoted. (Lu, in response, committed suicide.) Wang and Pei Che were made chancellors (with the designation Tong Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi (同中書門下平章事)) to replace Lu. However, on the same day, news arrived that Huang was about to attack Chang'an. Tian took Emperor Xizong and fled toward Chengdu, and the officials scrambled to either try to follow the emperor or to hide.[10] Wang tried to follow the emperor in flight, but in his attempt to do so fell into a bush in a valley and was injured. He was captured by Huang's soldiers, who took him back to Chang'an, where Huang had declared himself emperor of a new state of Qi. Huang tried to force Wang to accept a commission in the Qi government, but Wang pretended to have been so severely injured that he could not speak, even when swords were placed against him. Huang had Wang returned to his mansion to recuperate, under close watch, and he sent doctors to treat Wang. After about a month, though, when the guards had relaxed, Wang disguised himself as a merchant and fled to Hezhong (河中, in modern Yuncheng, Shanxi).[1] He submitted a report to Emperor Xizong (who was then at Chengdu), and Emperor Xizong had him remotely made the minister of defense (兵部尚書, Bingbu Shangshu).[10]
Wang was then planning to join the emperor in Chengdu, but he was then commissioned to review the Tang troops in the east. At that time, the chancellor Wang Duo was in overall command of the operations against Huang, but Tang forces had not been able to gain a decisive victory over Qi. The eunuch monitor of the army, Yang Fuguang wanted to invite the Shatuo rebel Li Keyong to join the Tang cause, and Wang Hui agreed with the proposal. Wang Duo then issued an edict in Emperor Xizong's name pardoning Li Keyong and summoning him to join the Tang imperial cause.[11] After Tang forces, with Li Keyong as a major contributor, defeated Huang and recaptured Chang'an early in 883, Wang, for his contribution, was made You Pushe (右僕射), one of the heads of the executive bureau.[1]
Meanwhile, Zhaoyi Circuit (昭義, headquartered in modern Changzhi, Shanxi) had been going through much turmoil—as the officer Cheng Lin (成麟) had killed the military governor Gao Xun (高潯) in a mutiny in 881 and was in turn killed by another officer, Meng Fangli.[10] The people of Zhaoyi then asked the eunuch monitor Wu Quanxu (吳全勗) to act as military governor, but Meng rejected this (claiming that a eunuch should not be a governor) and put Wu under house arrest, instead claiming that he wanted the imperial government to send a replacement. The imperial government commissioned Wang Hui to serve as Zhaoyi's military governor. Wang, however, knowing that Meng had full control of three of Zhaoyi's five prefectures (i.e., the ones east of the Taihang Mountains), believed that he would not be actually able to exercise control, and so declined the commission. The circuit was then instead given to Zheng Changtu, although Zheng left his post just three months later, leaving Meng in control.[11]
At this time, Chang'an was in shambles due to the warfare, and Emperor Xizong had not returned to Chang'an. Wang was made the director of Daming Palace (大明宮) and acting mayor of Jingzhao, overseeing the recovery effort.[1][12] It was said that Wang comforted the people, such that the people began to return. However, the powerful individuals inside the palace (i.e., eunuchs headed by Tian) and outside were trying to reconstruct their mansions, and they often infringed on the people's rights. When the people complained, Wang tried to exercise the laws properly against the powerful people, and thus offended them. They thus had another official, Xue Qi (薛杞), made Wang's deputy, with the intent that Xue would strip Wang's actual authority, but Wang, citing the fact that Xue's father had just died and that he should thus be observing a period of mourning, refused to let Xue take office. This further angered the powerful people, and Wang was stripped of his posts and summoned to Chengdu. He was then made a senior advisor to the Crown Prince—an entirely honorary post as there was no crown prince at the time—and ordered to retire to Hezhong. About three months later, even that honorary post was stripped, although a similar post was conferred after Emperor Xizong returned to Chang'an in 885, and Wang was recalled to Chang'an, although he declined the post on account of illness. The chancellors, rebuking Wang for not accepting the imperial largess, had him made the prefect of Ji Prefecture (集州, in modern Bazhong, Sichuan) and ordered him to report immediately.[1]
Однако сразу после этого Тянь спровоцировал Ван Чонгронг и Ли Кейнга атаковать Чанган, а император Синзонг бежал в Синьюань (興元, в современном Ханчхонге , Шэньси ). Военачальник Чжу Мэй , военный губернатор Цифнана (靜難, со штаб -квартирой в современном Сяньяне , Шэньси ), взял на себя Чанган и объявил имперского принца Ли Юн Принца Сян, Император. Тянь был удален с своего поста и бежал в Чэнду, чтобы служить евнухом монитором Xichuan Circuit (西川, со штаб -квартирой в современном Чэнду), где его брат Чен Цзингксуан был военным губернатором. После удаления Тиана Император Синзонг послал указ Ван, который служил министром по делам гражданской службы ( 吏部尚書 ) и создал его маркиза Лангье. Ван хотел сообщить императору Синзонгу, но дороги были заблокированы Ли Юн. Впоследствии указатель Ли Юна прибыл в Хечжонг, также вызывая Ван. Ван утверждал, что перенес инсульт и не мог ходить, и он отказался подчиняться Ли Юну. После того, как Чжу был убит его собственным подчиненным Ван Синью позже в этом году, а затем был казнен Ван Чонгронг, когда он бежал в Хезхун, [ 12 ] Император Xizong вернулся в Чанган. Он сделал главного имперского цензора Ван (御史大夫, Юши Дайфу ), но Ван отказался от болезни. [ 1 ]
Во время правления императора Чжаозонга
[ редактировать ]Через некоторое время после того, как император Синзонг умер в 888 году, и его сменил его брат император Чжаозонг , [ 13 ] Ван Хуи снова стал советником наследного принца. Когда он отправился во дворец, чтобы поблагодарить императора Чжаозонга, император Чжаозон заявил: «Дух Ван Хуи все еще силен. Как он мог просто уйти на легкий выход?» Затем император Чжаозонг снова сделал его министром по делам гражданской службы. Говорят, что, хотя к этому моменту, несмотря на то, что имперское правительство Тан пострадало, Ван все еще смог правильно разобраться в записях и офисах гранта. После этого он стал исполняющим обязанности Сиконг (司空, одно из трех превосходств ), и вы даете . Он умер около 891 года и получил посмертные почести. [ 1 ]
Примечания и ссылки
[ редактировать ]- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час я Дж k л м не Старая книга Тан , вып. 178 .
- ^ Zizhi Tongjian , Vol .
- ^ Новая книга Тан , вып. 72 Tank-Volume . ноябрьская книга 72‧table - 12 двадцать четырех лет «Hanchuan's Hermitage - »
- ^ Ни биография Шен Сюн в старой книге Тан или новой книги Тан не дала даты его службы в качестве директора по финансам (хотя новая книга Тан подтвердила, что он служил таковым), и поэтому служба Ван под ним не может быть датированный Смотрите старую книгу Тан , вып. 149 и новая книга Тан , вып. 132 .
- ^ Поскольку Лю Чжуань служил лишь ненадолго в качестве канцлера (в 858 году) до своей смерти, это событие должно было произойти в 858 году. См. Старую книгу Тан , том. 177 .
- ^ Лингху Тао был сделан военным губернатором Сюанву в 861 году и Хуайанином в 862 году, поместив сроки на службе Ван. Смотрите старую книгу Тан , вып. 172 .
- ^ Сюй Шан служил канцлером с 865 по 869 год, и он начал свою службу в качестве директора солевых и железных монополий ранее (хотя неясно, когда именно он это сделал, и когда он был освобожден от должности), так что служение Ван под ним под ним Должно быть, в этот период. Смотрите новую книгу Тан , тома. 63 Архивировано 18 мая 2012 года, в The Wayback Machine , 113 . Обратите внимание, что биография Вана в старой книге Тан подразумевала, что служба Ван под Сюсой была во время правления Императора Сюанзонга, но хронология служения Сюй означала, что это было невозможно.
- ^ Ни биография Гао Ши в старой книге Тан или новой книги Тан не показала, что он когда -либо был главным имперским цензором, поэтому это событие не могло быть датировано наверняка, но на основе контекста взаимодействия Ван с Сяо Фангом , это было размещен здесь в этой статье под периодом в соответствии с правлением Императора Синзонга. Смотрите старую книгу Тан , вып. 168 и новая книга Тан , вып. 177 .
- ^ Поскольку Сяо Фан был канцлером с 873 до 875, это должно было произойти в течение этого периода. Смотрите старую книгу Тан , вып. 172.
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный в Zizhi Tongjian , Vol .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Zizhi Tongjian , vol .
- ^ Подпрыгнуть до: а беременный Zizhi Tongjian , Vol .
- ^ Zizhi Tongjian , Vol .
- Старая книга Тан , вып. 178 .
- Новая книга Тан , вып. 185 .
- Tongjian , Zizhi . Vols