Честер Тайна играет
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The Chester Mystery Plays - это цикл загадочных пьес, происходящий в городе Честер , Англия, и начиная, по крайней мере, в начале 15 -го века. [ 1 ]
Происхождение и история
[ редактировать ]Библейские драмы проводились на латыни по всей континентальной Европе еще в 10 -м веке, драматизирующие события, связанные с рождением Христа. Позже священники Бенедиктбейской аббатства в Баварии объединили костюмы и содержание из Ветхого Завета с их рождественскими играми. [ 2 ]
К концу 12 -го века библейские пьесы проводились за пределами церквей и были написаны на местных языках. Они по -прежнему подчеркивали случаи старого и нового завещания, но были более драматичными и менее строгими в отношении последовательных библейских счетов. Производительность рекламы 1150 под названием «Пьеса Адама из Нормана Франции драматизировала падение Адама в Эдемском саду». [ 2 ]
The inclusion of drama was extremely popular among the French population and found similar popularity in England. In the 14th century, vernacular Bible dramas were performed across England for three main reasons: the introduction of the Feast of Corpus Christi, the growing population of towns and municipal governments independent of feudal lords, and the development of trade guilds.[2]
Pope Urban IV created the Feast of Corpus Christi in 1264 to celebrate the literal presence of Christ within the bread and wine of the Catholic Eucharist. The feast occurred on Trinity Sunday between May and June, and priests processed through the streets displaying the “Host” of Jesus which was a consecrated wafer encased within a casket.[3]
The urbanization of townships resulted in populations becoming increasingly dependent on each other, enabling the specialization of labor. There were trade guilds for bakers, tailors, and goldsmiths who trained apprentices and regulated wages and working conditions. These skilled laborers working with their local communities helped build the stages and props for the performances. Subsequently, the staging of these dramatic performances became increasingly urban and informed from continental Europe by constant trade crossing the channel into England.[4]
The “Host” would be accompanied by a tableau of biblical scenes which represented sacred Christian history which is the origin of the cycle plays. By 1394, biblical plays were being performed in York, England. The usage of pageant wagons enabled performances to travel across the country to various communities throughout England. The plays attracted people to the towns, and communities benefited from the commercial trade.[2]
The Mystery plays were banned nationally in the 16th century. Chester was the last to concede in 1578 and so became the longest-running cycle in medieval times. It was revived in 1951 for the Festival of Britain, and they have since been staged every five years. [5]
Prior to the performance, the Crier (officer) read out these banns: "The Aldermen and stewards of every society and company draw yourselves to your said several companies according to Ancient Custom and so to appear with your said several Companies every man as you are Called upon pain that shall fall thereon". Such early banns exhorted each company to perform well.
Under Queen Elizabeth I, the plays were seen as "Popery" and banned by the Church of England. Despite this, a play cycle was performed in 1568 and the cathedral paid for the stage and beer as in 1562. They were performed in 1572 despite a protest by a minister.[6]
One edition of the plays begins with "The Banes which are reade beefore the beginninge of the playes of Chester, 4 June 1600". Each play ends with "Finis. Deo gracias! per me Georgi Bellin. 1592".[7]
Modern revivals
The plays were revived in Chester in 1951 as part of the Festival of Britain and are presented there every five years.[8]
The Players of St Peter have been performing the plays in London roughly every five years since 1946.[9]
Under the direction of Jeff Dailey, the American Theatre of Actors in New York City performed the penultimate play, The Coming of Antichrist, in August 2017.[10]

[edit]In the twentieth century, the Noah's Flood play was set operatically by both Benjamin Britten (Noye's Fludde) and Igor Stravinsky (The Flood). The play regarded the relationship between wife and husband (urban life) and spoke about the physical and spiritual world that provides a backdrop of the play. Britten also set the Abraham and Isaac play as Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac.
The Mysteries is an adaption by poet Tony Harrison, principally based upon the Wakefield Cycle, but incorporating scenes from the York, Chester, and N-Town canons. It was first performed in 1977 at the National Theatre and revived in 2000 as a celebration of the millennium.
See also
[edit]- ^ Les Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA). "The Chester Mystery Plays".
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d Zarrilli, B. Phillip, et al. Theatre Histories: An Introduction. Second Edition ed., Routledge, 2010. 73-75
- ^ Фоли, Майкл П. (2007). «Оксфордская история христианского поклонения (обзор)» . Журнал ранних христианских исследований . 15 (1): 108–110. doi : 10.1353/ровный. 2007.0013 . ISSN 1086-3184 . S2CID 170869009 .
- ^ Лангил, Эм (1999). «Сцена как зеркало: гражданский театр в позднем средневековье. Под редакцией Алана Э. Найта. Кембридж: DS Brewer, 1997. с. VIII + 216 + illus. £ 35; $ 65 HB» . Театр исследований International . 24 (2): 213. DOI : 10.1017/S0307883300020836 . ISSN 0307-8833 . S2CID 162149222 .
- ^ «Честер Тайна играет - больше истории» .
- ^ Джонстон, Александра Ф. (2010). «Честер играет» . Получено 22 декабря 2019 года .
- ^ Райт, Томас, изд. (1843). Честер играет: коллекция загадок, основанная на субъектах Священных Писаний и ранее представлена сделками Честера в Whitsuntide . Тол. В двух томах. Лондон: Шекспирское общество. Полем Изображения: Титульный лист , начало банков и конец первой игры .
- ^ Chester Mystery играет веб -сайт Архивировал 14 июля 2014 года на машине Wayback
- ^ Игроки Святого Петра
- ^ Американский театр актеров
Внешние ссылки
[ редактировать ]- Официальный веб -сайт Chester Plays Plays - веб -сайт The Chester Mystery Cycle с новостями о выступлении в июне 2008 года.
- Chester Mystery Plays 2003 Performance - бесплатные загружаемые медиа -клипы с исполнения Chester Mystery Cycle 2003 года с полным MP3 Audio Audio Track 'Theme Theme Hrist' и видео отрывка от выступления.
- Исходный текст
Дальнейшее чтение
[ редактировать ]- Сержи, Мэтью. Практические подсказки и социальное зрелище в пьесах Честера. Университет Чикагской Прессы: 2020. ISBN 978-0-226-70940-6
- Цикл загадки Честера: факсимиле мисс Бодли 175 , введение Р.М. Лумианского и Дэвида Миллса, Лидс Тексты и монографии Факсимиле, 1 (Лидс, 1973)
- Цикл загадки Честера: уменьшенный факсимил библиотеки Хантингтона MS 2 , под редакцией RM Lumiansky и David Mills, Leeds Texts и Facsimiles, 6 (1980), 6 (1980)
- Цикл загадки в Честере: факсимиле британской библиотеки Harley MS 2124 , под редакцией Дэвида Миллса, Лидса текстов и монографий Facsimiles, 8 (1984)
- Казик, Джонна. «FO People and Places: Urban Gendering на английском языке». Studia anglica posnananensia, vol. 45, № 2, Versita, 2009, с. 161–72,
- Кролл, Норма. «Таунли и Честер играют о пастухах: динамическое переплетение власти, конфликта и судьбы». Исследования в области филологии, вып. 100, нет. 3, Университет Северной Каролины Пресс, 2003, с. 315–45, doi: 10.1353/sip.2003.0014.