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Матабарсингх Тапа

(Перенаправлено из Mathbar Singh Thapa )
Матабар Сингх Тапа
Muktiyaar General
Mathwaningh Thapa
Первый непалский глава правительства с титулом премьер -министра и Короной, Матавар Сингх Тапа
7 -й Мухтияр и первый премьер -министр Непала
В офисе
Ноябрь 1843 г. н.э. - 17 мая 1845 г.
Предшествует Фатех Юнг Шах в роли Мухтияра
Преуспевает Фатех Юнг Шах
Главнокомандующий непальской армии
В офисе
Ноябрь 1843 г. н.э. - 17 мая 1845 г.
Предшествует Рана Джанг Панде
Преуспевает Джанг Бахадур Кунвар
Личные данные
Рожденный 1798 г. н.э.
Борланг , Горха , Королевство Непал (нынешний сельский муниципалитет Бхимсена Тапа , район Горха , провинция Гандаки , Непал)
Умер 17 мая 1845 г. н.э. (47 лет)
Дворец Хануман Дхока , Катманду
Дети см. ниже
Родственники См. Семья Тапа ; См . Династия Панде ; См. Династия Рана ; Смотрите семью Кунвар
Резиденция (ы) Тапатали Дурбар
Багх Дурбар
Прозвище Кала Бахадур (художник мистера)
Военная служба
Верность  Королевство Непала
Филиал/сервис Непальская армия
Классифицировать Полковник (непальская конвенция) (1831-1837)
Генерал и главнокомандующий непальской армии (1843-1845)
Единица Батальон Сингха Натх (командир батальона)
Команды Главнокомандующий непальской армии
Сражения/войны Англо-непалезская война как солдат

Матабар Сингх Таапа послушай ( Непали : Mathwar Singh Thapa , 1798–1845) [ А ] Был премьер-министром Непала и главнокомандующим непальской армии с 25 декабря 1843 года по 17 мая 1845 года, пока его не был убит его племянником Юнг Бахадур Рана . Он был первым мухтияром [ Примечание 1 ] Чтобы назвать себя премьер -министром, согласно Британской конвенции. [ 4 ] [ Примечание 2 ] Он был племянником Бхимсена Тапа , который был приговорен к тюремному заключению после того, как ложно обвинили в убийстве короля Раджендры шестимесячного сына . Матабар Сингх Тапа бежал в Шимлу [ 5 ] После казни Бхимсена Тапа, чтобы избежать его собственной казни, поскольку он был племянником Бхимсена. Четыре года спустя вторая королева Раджендры, королева Раджья Лакшми, перезвонила ему и установила его как Мухтияра, проложив путь для него, чтобы в конечном итоге назвать себя премьер -министром. Матабар Сингх, однако, разозлил королеву, отказавшись сделать своего сына, Ранендру Бикрам, короля. Королева, в свою очередь, заставила его застрелить своим собственным племянником Джанга Бахадур Рана и тем самым сделав его последней династией династии Тапа . Матабир Сингх Тапа был убит своим собственным племянником.


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Не так много известно о детстве Матабара Сингха Тапы. Он родился в Борланге , Горха . Он был сыном Каджи Найан Сингх Тапы , который был убит в войне против Королевства Кагра. Он был племянником Бхимсена Тапа , а также дядей по материнской линии Джанг Бахадур Рана . [ 6 ] Через свою мать он был внуком Каджи Ранаджит Панде , который был сыном Каджи Туларама Панде . [ 6 ] Тулам Панде двоюродный брат Калу панда -

Ранние годы

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Portrait of Colonel Mathabar Singh Thapa (1831)

Неудачная миссия в Британию

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Mathabarsingh Thapa

Королевское письмо было получено от Махараджи Ранджита Сингха , правителя сикхской империи в Пенджабе, адресованного королю Раджендре. Непальский суд воспользовался этой возможностью для установления дипломатического контакта с Пенджабом, а также с другими государствами, такими как Бирма и Гвалиор . [ 7 ] В апреле 1835 года Бхимсен Тапа , надеясь заставить Великобританию признать суверенитет Непала, выбрал своего племянника полковника Матабара Сингха Тапы в качестве представителя Непала, несущего несколько подарков, а письмо от короля Раджендры обратилось к королю Уильяму IV . [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] Идея была первоначально получена Брейан Хоутон Ходжсон , а также генерал-губернатор, который надеялся, что миссия может повысить доверие между двумя странами. [ 9 ] В этом процессе Матабар Сингх был повышен до генерала Чота; Ранбир Сингх Тапа , губернатор PALPA, был стал полным генералом; и племянник Матабара, шестнадцатилетний Шерджунг Тапа, был сделан командующим полковником. [ 10 ] И Раджендра, и Самраджья Лаксми также были довольны этим планом, и 1 ноября 1835 года Бхимсен получил звание главнокомандующего. [ 11 ] [ 8 ] 27 ноября 1835 года Матабар Сингх покинул Катманду с свитой из двух тысяч человек, в том числе 200 офицеров и 600 солдат, для Лондона через Калькутту . [ 11 ] [ 12 ]

Матабар получил большой прием в Калькутте исполняющим обязанности генерального губернатора Чарльзом Меткалфом ; И пока там, Матабар начал заниматься ненужной роскошью и демонстрировать. [ 13 ] Тем временем Ходжсон отправил в Меткалфе секретное письмо с просьбой не позволять Матабару совершать государственный визит в Великобританию. [ 14 ] Следовательно, Меткалф был готов только предоставить ему визу обычного путешественника, а не дипломатическую визу представителя штата. Таким образом, Матабар вернулся в Непал в марте 1836 года, потратил впустую огромную сумму денег, не достигнув ни одной из своих целей. [ 8 ] [ 14 ] Преднамеренным саботажем миссии Матабара стала дипломатическая атака Ходжсона на Бхимсена. [ 12 ] [ 14 ] Матабар Сингх провел сумму одного лакха и пятьдесят тысяч в Калькутте на бесплодной миссии. [ 15 ] Экстравагантные расходы Матабара также подвергались жесткой критике со стороны королевы Самраджья Лакшми Деви , так как в то время государственный курс был в тяжелом состоянии; И чтобы успокоить ее, Бхимсен должен был возместить дополнительные расходы от своих карманов. [16]

Poisoning Case


On 24 July 1837, Rajendra's youngest son, Devendra Bikram Shah, an infant of six months, died suddenly.[17][18] It was at once rumored that the child had died of poison intended for his mother the Senior Queen Samrajya Laxmi Devi: given at the instigation of Bhimsen Thapa, or someone of his party.[18][19][20] On this charge, Mathbar Singh with his family, the court physicians, Ekdev and Eksurya Upadhyay, and his deputy Bhajuman Baidya, with a few more of the nearest relatives of the Thapas were incarcerated, proclaimed outcasts, and their properties confiscated.[18][19][21][22]

Acquittal & Release


Fearful that the Pandes would re-establish their power, Fatte Jang Shah, Ranganath Poudel, and the Junior Queen Rajya Laxmi Devi obtained from the King the liberation of Bhimsen, Mathabar, and the rest of the party, about eight months after they were incarcerated for the poisoning case.[23][24][25] Some of their confiscated land, as well as the Bagh Durbar, was also returned. Upon his release, the soldiers loyal to Bhimsen crowded behind him in jubilation and followed him up to his house; a similar treatment was given to Mathabar Singh and Sherjung Thapa.[26]

Exile to India


In January 1838, King Rajendra of Nepal promoted Rana Jang Pande to the post of Commander in the armed force and his brother Karbir Pande as Kapardar ("Palace Chief Guard"). As a result, almost one hundred officers and soldiers resigned from the Singha Nath Battalion, openly calling themselves as the private followers of Mathawar Singh which showcased the popularity of Mathawar Singh in the military forces.[27] Around October 1838, Ranganath Poudel, finding himself unsupported by the King, resigned from the Mukhtiyari, which was then conferred on Pushkar Shah; but Pushkar Shah was only a nominal head, and the actual authority was bestowed on Ranjang Pande.[28] Sensing that a catastrophe was going to befall the Thapas, Mathabar Singh fled to India while pretending to go on a hunting trip.[25][29]

Rise to Power

Portrait of Mathabar Singh Thapa in National Museum of Nepal, Chhauni
Rana Jang Pande, the leader of Pande family

Mathabar Singh Thapa had exiled to India when Bhimsen Thapa was maliciously accused to be guilty of murdering the King Rajendra's son who was 6 months old. After assigning administrative authority to Junior Queen Rajya Laxmi Devi by King Rajendra Bikram Shah in January 1843, she immediately asked Mathabar Singh to return to Nepal, to which Mathabar Singh left Shimla to stop at Gorakhpur for detailed study of political situation of Nepal.[30] Mathabar Singh's nephew Kaji Jung Bahadur Kunwar was sent to persuade his uncle after which he arrived in Kathmandu Valley in April 1843.[30] Historian Balchandra Sharma writes that Mathabar Singh arrived on 17 April 1843 where a great welcome was organized for him.[31] Mathawar Singh living in a public rest house, constantly urged that he would not enter his residence in Kathmandu until the framed charges against his family be released.[30] In July 1843, the case was re-discussed at the Bharadari Sabha (Council) in front of King Rajendra and Queen Rajya Laxmi, where Thapa family were declared innocent and their confiscated properties were restored.[30] It was also declared that the poisoning case was framed by the Kala Pandes. Mathawar Singh poisoned the already insane Rana Jang Pande after publicly disgracing him.[30] He also ordered the death penalty to two brothers of Rana Jang and four other persons which included Devi Bahadur Kunwar.[30] In the event, Kulachandra Shah was banished while Krishna Ram Mishra was exiled. The properties the above-mentioned persons together with other 40 persons who fled the event were confiscated.[30] In November 1843, Mathabar Singh became Mukhtiyar as well as Minister and Commander-In-Chief of the Nepalese Army[30] by the second queen of Rajendra, Queen Rajya Laxmi who had ambitions of making her own son, Prince Ranendra as the king of Nepal, with Mathabar Singh's help.[32] Though he was declared Mukhtiyar and as well as Minister and Commander-In-Chief in November 1843, his appointment letter was issued only on Aswin Badi 7, 1901 (i.e. September 1844):

From King Rajendra,
To Mathbar Singh Thapa Bahadur, son of Nain Singh Thapa, grandson of Ambar Singh Thapa, resident of Gorkha.

We hereby appoint you as Mukhtiyar of all civil and administrative affairs throughout our country, as well as Prime Minister, Commander-In-Chief and General with Jagir emoluments amounting to Rs 12,401. Remain in attendance during the war and other occasions as commanded by us, be faithful to our salt and utilize the following lands and revenues as your Jagir with due loyalty.
(Particulars of lands and revenue follow).
Aswin Badi 7, 1901
(September 1844)

 — Appointment of Mathbar Singh Thapa as Prime Minister by Baburam Acharya[1]

Consolidation of Power

Thapa Kaji Mathabar Singh's painting from the Prime Minister's office

Before he was made the Minister and the Commander-In-Chief, he had led to the murder of almost all of his enemies and political adversaries. Having seen the fall of Bhimsen Thapa, he believed that having a personal army would prevent his own downfall; so he founded three regiments dedicated to him and only him. He built army barracks around his house for his personal protection. For this, he used the army like slaves, prompting the British Resident Minister Sir Henry Lawrence to advise him not to do so.[33] However, too over-confident in his power, Mathabar Singh Thapa ignored him. He even claimed that he would be the first prime minister since the time of Prithvi Narayan Shah to die of old age and not out of the conspiracy. In 1845 January 4, he declared himself as the "Prime Minister of Nepal". This was the first time anyone had been titled "Prime Minister" in the history of Nepal. All the others before him were either titled as Mukhtiyar or Mul Kajis. It is believed that at that time he had become even more powerful than the King of Nepal. His power and over-influence in the Nepalese politics and even in the personal life of the monarchy itself led to the eclipse of his power and his downfall by the hands of Jang Bahadur Rana.



When Mathabar Singh Thapa declined the Queen's request to help her make her own son king, the Queen joined those against him and plotted his downfall. But just to appease him, he was provided the title of "Prime Minister" while conspiracy to murder him was going on behind. Finally, when all the preparations for his murder were made, he was called to the Royal Palace at night, informing him incorrectly, that the Queen had been ill from some disease. Though he was warned by his own son, and his mother, he went to the palace. When he was sleeping Jang Bahadur was hiding under his bed. He was shot multiple times on his back from under the bed by Jang Bahadur Rana where he immediately died. The next day King Rajendra declared that he had himself killed Mathabar Singh Thapa accusing him of several activities that he had done to undermine his own (Rajendra's) power.[5]



The murder of Mathabar Singh Thapa led to the political instability in Nepal. Though, Fatte Jung Shah was declared the Prime Minister (1845 September 23), Gagan Singh had more regiments (7) of the army under him and was more powerful. Jung Bahadur Rana also had 3 regiments under him. Fatte Jungh Shah himself had 3 regiments of the army under his control. Also Gagan Singh had the special support of the queen Rajya Laxmi Devi. British Resident Sir Henry Lawrence once mentioned that, "If there is struggle for power, that struggle will be between Gagan Singh and Jung Bahadur."[34] Ultimately, the extreme power of Gagan Singh led to him being assassinated by King Rajendra and Prime Minister Fatte Jungh Shah in 1846 September 14 at 10 P.M.. The assassination of Gagan Singh led to the Kot massacre and ultimately, the rise of Jung Bahadur Rana.



Mathabarsingh Thapa was the first prime minister of Nepal to wear a crown. The 104 year-ruling Rana Dynasty was also related to him.



He had following sons as per various sources:

Land Grants


The land grants received by Mathbar Singh Thapa on various dates were:[38]

Number Particulars Location Area (muris/bighas) Estimated Income (NRs.)[note 3] Granted Date (V.S.)
1 Residential site Ganabahal, Kathmandu 194.25 muris 194.25 Shrawan Sudi 8, 1882
2 Rice fields Lubhu, Patan 261.25 muris 440.81 Shrawan Sudi 8, 1882
3 Rice fields granted for endowment as Guthi for the Sri Bhagawati temple Madi, Palpa 200.00 muris 50.00 Kartik Badi 3, 1891
4 Land granted as Guthi for the Sri Bhimeshwar temple Palpa not given 62.50 Falgun Badi 4, 1900
5 Bartung village in Palpa, granted for endowment as

Guthi for the Sri Ambar Narayan temple

Bartung village, Palpa not given 50.00 Falgun Badi 4, 1900
6 Waste lands adjoining Prime Minister Mathbar Singh Thapa's gardens Sundhara, Kathmandu 41 muris 4.00 Baisakh Badi 7, 1901
7 Cultivated lands in the Parganna of Koradi Aurahi, Mahottari 200 bighas 1113.11 Shrawan Badi 3, 1901
8 Rice-fields in Bhadgaun Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur district 680 muris 967.31 Shrawan Badi 3, 1901
9 Villages of Sanupalati, Thulopalati, Kipchya, Jharlang, Sindhu, Tabe and Aginchok Various not given 4,062.77 Shrawan Badi 3, 1901
10 Rice-fields granted for endowment as Guthi for the Sri Bhimamukteshwar temple Various (Kathmandu, Kirtipur, Godavari) 1300 muris 1300 Shrawan Sudi 3, 1901
11 Lands in Mahottari Mahottari 6501 bighas 26,004.00 Poush Sudi 5, 1901
12 Thums at Chaurasi, Palanchok and various others various not given 4,281.00+1619.25+599.75 Poush Sudi 5, 1901
13 Lands in Saptari and Bara districts Saptari and Bara district 9,001 bighas 36,004.00 Falgun Badi 6, 1901
14 Lands in Rautahat and Bara districts Rautahat and Bara district 9,644 bighas 38,576.00 Falgun Sudi 1, 1901
15 Sikarbesi village Sikarbesi, Nuwakot district not given 35.00 Chaitra Sudi 10, 1901
16 Lands granted as Birta for use as orchard Tokhal and Sunthan 121.5 muris 1,121.50 Chaitra Sudi 10, 1901
17 Lands granted for endowment as Guthi Kirtipur, Chobhar and Patan 1000 muris 1,000.00 not given






  1. ^ Also spelled Mathbar, Mathawar, Mathavar,[2][full citation needed] additionally called Matabar Singh Thapa (Nepali: मातवरसिंह थापा).[3]
  1. ^ Mukhtiyar is translated as Chief Authority and was roughly equivalent to a Prime Minister or Head of Government.
  2. ^ His coronation of Premiership was the first in Nepal thereby making him the First Prime Minister and Commander-in-chief of Nepal as many of his predecessors bore the same position but not the title.
  3. ^ The figure in the journal shows Rs./Aana as used in ancient monetary measurements in Nepal. 1 Aana was equivalent to 116th of Nepalese Rupee. Similar to Indian Anna.[39]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Acharya 1971, p. 24.
  2. ^ D.R. Regmi 1970, p. 607.
  3. ^ Hasrat 1970, p. 296.
  4. ^ Kandel 2011, p. 10.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b Acharya, Baburam (2000) [2057 B.S.]. Aba Yesto Kailei Nahos. Kathmandu: Sajha Prakashan.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b JBR, PurushottamShamsher (1990). Shree Teen Haruko Tathya Britanta (in Nepali). Bhotahity, Kathmandu: Vidarthi Pustak Bhandar. ISBN 99933-39-91-1.
  7. ^ Acharya 2012, p. 152.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b c Nepal 2007, p. 104.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b Rana 1988, p. 18.
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b Acharya 2012, pp. 152–153.
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b Acharya 2012, p. 153.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b Rana 1988, p. 19.
  13. ^ Acharya 2012, pp. 153–154.
  14. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Ачарья 2012 , с. 154
  15. ^ Прадхан 2012 , с. 150
  16. ^ Acharya 2012 , с. 156
  17. ^ Acharya 2012 , с. 158
  18. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Непал 2007 , с. 105
  19. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ачарья 2012 , с. 159
  20. ^ Whelpton 2004 , с. 28–29.
  21. ^ Acharya 1971 , p. 13
  22. ^ Олдфилд 1880 , с. 310.
  23. ^ Олдфилд 1880 , с. 311
  24. ^ Непал 2007 , с. 109
  25. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Ачарья 2012 , с. 161.
  26. ^ Прадхан 2012 , с. 164.
  27. ^ Прадхан 2012 , с. 165.
  28. ^ Олдфилд 1880 , с. 313
  29. ^ Непал 2007 , с. 110.
  30. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин час Ачарья 1971 , с. 17
  31. ^ Sharma, Balchandra (1976–1977) [2033 BS]. Непал Ко Айтехасик Рупрекха . Варанаси : Кришна Кумари Деви. П. 295
  32. ^ Acharya 1971 , p. 18
  33. ^ Индо-непалезские отношения: с 1816 по 1877 год . Дели: С. Чанд и Ко 1968. с. 228
  34. ^ Эдвардс, Герберт (1873). Жизнь сэра Генри Лоуренса, часть II . Лондон : Смит Старейшина и Ко р. 470.
  35. ^ Shresta, Shree Krishna (1996) "Джангабахадура"; Катманду
  36. ^ Шаха, Р. (1990). 1769-1885 . Манохар. ISBN  9788185425030 Полем Получено 2017-09-11 .
  37. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Regmi 1976b , p. 99
  38. ^ Regmi 1976a , стр. 46–49.
  39. ^ «Республика Индия монет» . Доступ 14 июля 2011 года.


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