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Ирландский колледж в Париже

Координаты : 48 ° 50'39 "N 2 ° 20'45" E / 48,8440412 ° N 2,3459544 ° E / 48,8440412; 2.3459544

Ирландский колледж Париж
Французский : Ирландский колледж, Париж
Ирландский колледж/ирландский культурный центр
Стандартный колледж священнослужителей Ирландия [ Цитация необходима ]
Другое имя
Ирландцы : Колайст На Нгаэль, Париж
Тип Семинария
Учредил 1578
Основатель Джон Ли
Религиозная принадлежность
Римско -католик
Академическая принадлежность
Парижский университет (1624–1792)
Колледж Ломбарда, Рю Дес Кармес, Париж. (1677–1792)
Rue des Ierlandais, Париж (с 1769 года)

48 ° 50'39 "N 2 ° 20'45" E / 48,8440412 ° N 2,3459544 ° E / 48,8440412; 2.3459544
Управление Ирландские Винсентианцы (1858–1984)
Управляется Ирландский фонд (1805 - Пресе)
Ирландский колледж в Париже находится в Париже
Ирландский колледж в Париже
Ирландский колледж Париж

Ирландский колледж в Париже ( Ирландский : Колайст на Нгаэль , [ 1 ] Французский: де Ирландайс , Ирландия Колледж Колледж священнослужителей [ Цитация необходима ] ) был в течение трех веков крупным римско -католическим образовательным учреждением для ирландских студентов. Он был основан в конце 16 -го века и закрыт французским правительством в начале 20 -го века. С 1945 по 1997 год в здании была размещена польская семинария в Париже. Сейчас это ирландский культурный центр, центральный культуре .


[ редактировать ]

Религиозное преследование при Елизавете и Джеймсе I привело к подавлению монашеских школ в Ирландии, в которых духовенство по большей части получило свое образование. Таким образом, стало необходимым искать образование за границей, и многие колледжи для подготовки светского духовенства были основаны на континенте, в Риме, в Испании и Португалии, в Бельгии и во Франции. [ 2 ]

Основателем Ирландского колледжа в Париже был Джон Ли, ирландский священник, который приехал в Париж в 1578 году с шестью спутниками, и вошел в Коллеж де Монтайгу . Закончив свое обучение, он привязался к церкви Святого Северина и познакомился с французским дворянином Джона де Л'Кскалопие, президента Парижа , который расположился в распоряжении ирландских студентов в Париже, дом в Rue de Sèvres, которая служила им в качестве колледжа. Ли стал первым ректором примерно в 1605 году. [ 2 ]

Семнадцатый век

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За Ли -Томас Диз , который был ректором до 1621 года, когда он был назначен епископом Мит . [ 3 ] По патентам на письма от 1623 года Луи XIII дал ирландским священникам и ученым в Париже право на получение и владение имуществом. Именно во время преемного преемника Диза Томаса Мессингема , Ирландский колледж был признан семинарии Парижским университетом в 1624 году. Мессингем организовал курс исследования с целью отправки способных миссионеров для работы в своей родной стране. [ 4 ]

Колледж, основанный Ли, был недостаточно просторным, чтобы получить многочисленных ирландских студентов, которые приехали в Париж. Некоторые из них продолжали находить дом в Коллеге Монтайгу, другие в Коллеге де Бонкур , в то время как некоторые, которые находились в богатых обстоятельствах, проживали в Коллеге де Наварре . Эта ситуация привлекла внимание Винсента де Пола и других, которые стремились предоставить им более подходящее место жительства. [ 2 ]

В 1672 году епископы Ирландии, отказавшись от Джона О'Молони , римско -католического епископа Киллало, чтобы угодить с Колбертом в отношении создания нового колледжа. В конечном итоге это было получено благодаря влиянию двух ирландских священников, проживающих в Париже: Патрик Магинн, бывший первый капеллан королевы Кэтрин, жены Чарльза II из Англии ; и Малахия Келли, один из капелланов Людовика XIV . Эти две церковники, полученные из разрешения Людовика XIV, вступить в хранение Колледж -де -Ломбардс, колледжа Парижского университета, основанного для итальянских студентов в 1333 году. Они перестроили колледж, затем в руинах за свой счет и стали его первыми начальниками. Полем Приобретение колледжа было подтверждено писем патентом от 1677 года. [ 5 ] и 1681 год. Несколько лет спустя здания были расширены Джоном Фарли, и все ирландские церковные студенты в Париже нашли дом в Коллеге Дес Ломбардса. [ Цитация необходима ]

Восемнадцатый век

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Ирландский колледж в Париже был открыт для всех округов и провинций в Ирландии. В 1738 году часовня колледжа была перестроена под руководством архитектора Пьера Боскри. Число студентов продолжало увеличиваться, пока в 1764 году оно не достигло 160. Поэтому было обнаружено необходимым для построения второго колледжа. Здание было начато в 1769 году в Rue du Cheval Vert, теперь Rue des Irlandais, и младший участок студентов был переведен в новый колледж в 1776 году. Студенты были разделены на две категории, одна, более многочисленные, состоящие из священников. уже рукоположен в Ирландии, а другой из юниоров, стремящихся к приказам. [ 5 ] Оба участка посещали университетские занятия, либо в Коллеге де Плесси , либо в Наварре, либо в Сорбонне . Курс исследования продлился за шесть лет, из которых два были предоставлены философии, три к богословию и одному для особой подготовки к пастырской работе. Более талантливые студенты оставались на два года дольше, чтобы претендовать на получение степени в области богословия или в каноническом законодательстве . [ Цитация необходима ]

In virtue of the papal bull of Pope Urban VIII, Piis Christi fidelium, dated 10 July 1626, and granted in favour of all Irish colleges already established or to be established in France, Spain, Flanders, or elsewhere, the junior students were promoted to orders ad titulum missionis in Hiberniâ, even extra tempora, and without dimissorial letters, on the representation of the rector of the college – a privilege withdrawn, as regards dimissorial letters, by Pope Gregory XVI. The students in priestly orders were able to support themselves to a large extent by their Mass stipends. Many burses, too, were founded for the education of students at the Lombard college. Among the founders were nine Irish bishops, thirty-two Irish priests, four medical doctors, some laymen engaged in civil or military pursuits, and a few pious women. The college was governed in the eighteenth century by four Irish priests called provisors, one from each province of Ireland. They were elected by the votes of the students and confirmed by the Архиепископ Парижского , который, как старший майор, назначил одного из них на должность директора. В 1788 году система правительства была отменена, и был назначен один ректор.

In 1792 following the French Revolution, the two Irish colleges in Paris, namely the Collège des Lombards, and the then junior college, the Collège des Irlandais on the rue du Cheval Vert, were closed,[6] as were all the other Irish colleges in France. The original library collection of the Irish College was entirely lost during the Revolution.[5] The closing of the colleges on the Continent deprived the bishops of Ireland of the means of educating their clergy. They, therefore, petitioned the British Government for authorisation to establish an ecclesiastical college at home. The petition was granted, and Maynooth College was founded in 1795. In support of their petition, the bishops submitted a statement of the number of Irish ecclesiastics receiving education on the Continent when the French Revolution began.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, forty students of the Irish College in Paris were raised to the episcopal bench. Over the period 1660 to 1730, more than sixty Irishmen held the office of procurator of the German nation —one of the four sections of the faculty of arts in the ancient university. Michael Moore, an Irish priest, held the office of the principal of the Collège de Navarre, and was twice elected rector of the university. Many Irishmen held chairs in the university. John Sleyne was a professor at the Sorbonne. Power was a professor of the college at Lisieux; and O'Lonergan at the college of Reims. John Plunkett, Patrick J. Plunkett, and Flood, superiors or provisors of the Irish college, were in succession royal professors of theology at the Collège de Navarre.

From its closure following the revolution, the Irish College was leased by Patrick MacDermott who ran a lay school there up until 1800; both Napoleon's youngest brother Jérôme and his step-son studied there.

Nineteenth century


After the French Revolution, the Irish college in Paris was re-established by a decree of the first consul, and placed under the control of a board appointed by the French Government, creating the Fondation Irlandaise in 1805. To it was united the remnants of the property of the other Irish colleges in France which had escaped destruction. The college in Paris lost two-thirds of its endowments owing to the depreciation of French state funds, which had been reduced to one-third consolidated. The Scots College (Paris) and English college interests were also consolidated into the Irish College, their foundations were separated in 1824 again by Louis XVIII.

In 1810, Richard Ferris was appointed by the French to administer/superior of the United British (of which the Irish Colleges were part) Colleges.[7][8]

In 1814 the Irish Bishops, and, following the establishment of Maynooth College, supported by the British government, twenty years earlier, sent Paul Long to the college to exercise its control over the institution, and he was appointed superior. This caused friction with Richard Ferris, who still held sway with many in Paris,[7] and during Napoleon's 100 days in power in 1815, Ferris briefly resumed the post as Rector/Superior.[8]

After the Bourbon Restoration, the French Government placed at the disposal of the British government three million and a half sterling, to indemnify British subjects in France for the losses they had sustained in the Revolution. In 1816, a claim for indemnity was presented on behalf of the Irish college. That claim was rejected by the privy council in 1825 on the grounds that the college was a French establishment. In 1832 the claim was renewed by M'Sweeny, director of the college, with the same result. Another attempt to obtain compensation was made by the rector Thomas McNamara in 1870. On 9 May of that year, a motion was made in the House of Lords for copies of the awards in the case of the Irish college in 1825 and 1832. This step was followed up by a motion in the House of Commons for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the claims of the college to compensation for losses sustained during the French Revolution. The motion was introduced on 30 April 1875, by Isaac Butt, MP for Limerick, and, after a prolonged discussion, it was defeated by 116 to 54 votes.

After 1805, the administration of the college was subject to a "Bureau de Surveillance" which gave much trouble until it was dissolved by Charles X of France, in 1824. After that date, the superior, appointed on presentation of the four archbishops of Ireland, became the official administrator of the foundations, subject to the minister of the interior, and at a later period to the minister of public instruction. The students no longer frequented the university. The professors were Irish priests appointed by the French Government on the presentation of the Irish episcopate. In 1858, with the sanction of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda, and with the consent of the French Government, the bishops of Ireland placed the management of the college in the hands of the Irish Vincentian Fathers, with McNamara being succeeded in 1889 by Patrick Boyle.

In 1834, McSweeney purchased a country house at Acuril/Arcueil about an hour's walk from the college, which was used by the students at weekends and public holidays.[9] The property was sold following the Second World War and redeveloped all that remains of the college is in names of palaces, villa des Irlandais and a cité des Irlandais as well as some graves of Irish priests and students in Cachan Cemetery.

In the nineteenth century, the college gave to the Catholic Church a wide array of good priests and bishops, including Fitz Patrick, Abbot of Melleray; Maginn, Coadjutor Bishop of Derry; Keane, of Cloyne; Michael O'Hea and Fitz Gerald of Ross; Gillooly of Elphin, and Croke of Cashel. Kelly, the Bishop of Ross, and McSherry, vicar Apostolic at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, were also alumni of the college. Cardinal Logue held the chair of dogmatic theology from 1866 to 1874. [citation needed]

The commemorative plaque

From 1873, the administration of the property of the college was with a board created by a decree of the Conseil d'Etat. On that board, the Archbishop of Paris was represented by a delegate, and he was also the official medium of communication between the Irish episcopate and the French Government.[citation needed]

During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, burses were available to students from Maynooth College and Clonliffe College, Dublin, to spend time in the Irish College, Paris studying at the Institut Catholique de Paris. This connection continues with recent chaplains to the college, pursuing studies in the Institut.

Twentieth Century


In December 1906, the law of separation of Church and State in France came into operation. In the following January, the French government notified the British government of its intention to reorganise the Irish Catholic foundations in France so as to bring them into harmony with the recent legislation regarding the Church. It was further stated that the purpose of the Government was to close the Irish college, to sell its immovable property, and to invest the proceeds of the sale, to be applied together with the existing burses for the benefit of Irish students. [citation needed] However, due to the exertions of its superior, Patrick Boyle, and the British ambassador in Paris the college remained open until the outbreak of World War I caused its closure. During the war Boyle opened the college for use by the sisters and orphans from Verdun Orphanage. The college resumed in 1919, but closed again on the outbreak of World War II, with students evacuated, leaving Travers resident for the duration of the war.[10] After the war, it was not reopened as an Irish College, instead, in 1947 the college was made available for use by a Polish religious community. Throughout the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, Liam Swords and Devlin worked to regain the Irish control and presence in the college. In 1989 an Irish presence was re-established, a number of renovations were made, and scholarships funded Irish students studying in Paris to stay in the college,[11] as Cardinal O'Fiach said in 1989, (he hoped the Irish college) will one day house an Irish Cultural Centre, with library, language training, student exchanges – in short, a meeting place where Ireland will meet France and through France the wider Europe.[6]

In 1991 the Fondation Irlandaise which officially controlled the college, was reconstituted, from six French and one Irish member, to seven members from each country,[11] nominees to the foundation were from the Archbishop of Paris, Maynooth and The Irish Ambassador to France. The Polish community re-located to Notre-Dame de Sion in Issy-les-Moulineaux, in 1997.[12]

400th Celebrations


In 1978, the Irish College celebrated its fourth centenary,[13] events were held such as a reception hosted by the Irish Ambassador, mass at St. Etienne du Mont (at which Frank Patterson sang), seminar and social events in the college, many dignitaries such as Cardinal O'Fiach, Sean McBride, the Irish in France and those connected with the college in attendance, as well as academics from Irish universities and international institutions who attended the seminar.

Alumni and rectors


In the three hundred years of its existence, the college has not been without a share in the ecclesiastical literature of Ireland. Among the rectors of the college have been Thomas Messingham, prothonotary Apostolic, author of the "Florilegium Insulæ Sanctorum" (Paris, 1624); Andrew Donlevy, author of an "Anglo-Irish Catechism" (Paris, 1742); Miley, author of "A History of the Papal States" (Dublin, 1852); Thomas McNamara, author of "Programmes of Sermons" (Dublin, 1880), "Encheiridion Clericorum" (1882), and several other similar works. James MacGeoghegan, Sylvester O'Hallaran, Martin Haverty, and probably Geoffrey Keating, all eminent Irish historians, were students of the college. Dean Kinane, a student and then a professor in the college, is widely known for his "Dove of the Tabernacle" and numerous other devotional works. More recently, John MacGuinness, vice-rector, has published a full course of dogmatic theology. Amongst the rectors of the college were John Farley and John Baptist Walsh, in the eighteenth century, and Patrick MacSweeney and Thomas MacNamara, in the nineteenth. [citation needed] Charles Ouin La Croix, from Rouen, administered the college from 1859 until 1873.[14] Charles O'Neill was college president in the 18th century.



Burials in the College

  • Andrew Donlevy, alumni of the Irish College (housed in the Collège des Lombards) buried in the vaults of the college chapel
  • Dominic Maguire OP, Jacobite, Archbishop of Armagh
  • John O'Molony, Bishop of Killaloe and Bishop of Limerick

Rectors & Superiors

  • John Lee (1605–)
  • Thomas Dease ( -1621), appointed Bishop of Meath
  • Thomas Messingham (1621–1632), rector when the college was officially linked to the University of Paris in 1626.
  • James Merrick, Superior
  • John Farley (1728–1736), principal
  • Patrick Corr (1736–1738), principal
  • Patrick Joseph Plunkett (1770–1778) joint Superior of the Irish College(College of the Lombards), and royal professor of theology, Collège de Navarre.
  • Charles Kearney (1782–1787), superior/rector, remained in Paris [17]
  • John Baptist Walsh (1787–1814), superior,[18] responsible for the Fondation Irlandais/Irish College inheriting and acquiring the legacy and equity of the Irish and British Colleges in France.
  • Richard Ferris(1810–1814, 1815), "colourful" and controversial superior and administrator of the British(which included the Irish) Colleges.[7][8]
  • Paul Long (1814–1819), administrator, sent by Maynooth to assert Irish control of the college and its interests.[7]
  • Charles Kearney (1820–1824), reappointed rector, he died in 1824 and was interred in the college vaults.[17]
  • Paul McSweeney (1828–1849)
  • John Miley (1849–1858)[19]
  • James Lynch (1858-1866), first Vincentian rector[20]
  • Neal McCabe (1866–1868)
  • Thomas McNamara (1868–1889)
  • Patrick Boyle (1889–1926), re-established the college following its closure during World War I, he remained and taught in the college until his death in 1933.[21]
  • John Magennis (McGuinness) (1926–1932)
  • Joseph P. Sheedy (1932–1938)
  • Patrick Travers (1938–39) stayed at the college during the Second World War. Reappointed and served from (1949–1972)[22]
  • Henry Casey (1945–1949)
  • Patrick Travers, Reappointed (1949–1972), non-resident, with William McGlynn resident priest, liaising with the French Government.
  • Thomas Fagan (1972–1984), non-resident in the college, in 1984 the Vincentians relinquished their position as rectors of the college.
  • Brendan Devlin (1984–2001), rector and manager

Following the reappointment of Travers, the rector was not resident in the college, and only visited periodically to look after the Irish interest in the college which was being used for seminary training Polish priests, Seminaire Polonais de Paris(1947–97). An Irish Catholic presence was re-established in the 1970s when the historian and archivist Liam Swords became chaplain to the Irish Community in Paris.

Chaplains (or Aumônier, Collège des Irlandais)

  • Liam Swords (1978–1994), first priest in residence since 1945
  • Desmond Knowles (1994–1998)
  • Pearce Walsh (1998–2002)
  • Desmond Knowles (2002–2003)
  • Declan Hurley (2003–2008)
  • David Bracken (2008–2011)
  • Sean Maher (2011–2014)
  • Dwayne Gavin (2014–2017)[23]
  • Hugh Connolly (2017–2022), who served as board member and secretary of the Fondation Irlandais, when in Maynooth.[24]
Centre Culturel Irlandais
  • Jim Doyle (2022–)



The Polish community having re-located in 1997, the college, including the chapel and library underwent a complete restoration funded by the Irish government,[25] and in 2002 it opened as the Centre Culturel Irlandais.[26][27] The center appoints an artist in residence, and a number of scholars and students from Ireland stay at the college, which has 45 rooms to rent.[28] The CCI hosts various concerts, performances, seminars, and exhibitions, and Irish Language classes are conducted in association with Maynooth University.[29] The Irish Chaplaincy in Paris is based in the centre and uses the college's Chapelle Saint-Patrick for services, such as weekly mass (followed by coffee and a chat), weddings, baptisms and the annual carol service in the chapel by the choir for the Irish community in Paris.[30] The harmonium was restored funded by the Ireland Funds France.[31] The Irish Chaplain assists in the local Saint Etienne du Mont parish and the chaplaincy also works closely with the other church in Paris which holds English language services, St. Josephs Church run by the Passionists (currently served by two Irish born priests).[32] The only part of the older College des Lombards remaining, is the chapel, which since 1927 used by the Saint-Éphrem-le-Syriac Church,[33] the Irish Chaplain holds an annual service there for those Irish who are buried older college site. Also at the recently restored Irish College plot in Cachan Cemetery, Arcueil-Cachan, Paris.[34]

See also



  • Irish in Europe archives
  • Эта статья включает в себя текст из публикации, который сейчас в общественном доступе : Герберманн, Чарльз, изд. (1913). « Ирландские колледжи, на континенте ». Католическая энциклопедия . Нью -Йорк: Роберт Эпплтон Компания.
  1. ^ «Колайст на Нгаэль, Париж» . Ainm.ie. Получено 3 марта 2023 года .
  2. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Бойл, Патрик. «Ирландские колледжи, на континенте» Католическая энциклопедия. Тол. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 20 января 2019 г.
  3. ^ Д'Алтон, Эдвард. "Томас Диз." Католическая энциклопедия Vol. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. 20 января 2019 г.
  4. ^ Граттан-Флуд, Уильям. «Томас Мессингем». Католическая энциклопедия Vol. 10. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 20 января 2019 г.
  5. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в «История | о CCI» . CentrecultureLelandais.com .
  6. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Le Grand Project - конфискован и вандалирован во время французской революции и обстрелянного прусской армией, Ирландский колледж в Париже имел. Полем Фрэнк Макдональд, The Irish Times , 12 октября 2012 года.
  7. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Ричард Феррис ирландцы в Париже.
  8. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Ричард Феррис Патрик М. Геогеган, словарь ирландской биографии.
  9. ^ Слабые следы у ирландских мужчин Arcueil в Париже.
  10. ^ ИСТОРИЯ Ирландское капелланство Париж.
  11. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Завоевание Ирландского колледжа, часть 2 The Irish Times , 6 мая 2000 года.
  12. ^ Короткая история польской семинарии в Париже , польский семинар в Париже.
  13. ^ Празднование четвертого столетия в Париже от Liam Swords, The Firrow, Vol. 29, № 8 (август 1978 г.), с. 517-521.
  14. ^ Свидетель войны: Чарльз Уин-Ла-Круа и Ирландский колледж, Париж, 1870-1871 гг. Джастин Долан Стовер, Etudes Ierandaises, p. 21-38, ст. 36-2 | 2011 год
  15. ^ IV Ирландские связи с Наполеоном Ричарда Хейса, Исследования: Ирландский ежеквартальный обзор, вып. 35, № 137 (март 1946 г.), с. 63-74 (12 страниц), публикации мессенджера.
  16. ^ Нил МакКейб -коллокейский журнал Ирландской провинции общины миссии, № 59, весна 2010.
  17. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Чарльз Кирни внес свой вклад О'Брайен, Эндрю; Ланни, Линде, Словарь ирландской биографии.
  18. ^ Аббар Баптист Джона Уолш Д.Д., администратор ирландских фондов во Франции с 1787 по 1815 год Патриком Бойлом, ирландским церковным рекордом, сер. 4, том. XVIII, с. 431–454, ноябрь 1905 г.
  19. ^ 'Джон Майли и кризис в Ирландском колледже, Париж, в 1850 -х годах Джерард Моран, Archivium hibernicum , vol. 50 (1996), с. 113–126 (14 страниц), опубликованные: Католическое историческое общество Ирландии.
  20. ^ Colloque № 6 Журнал Ирландской провинции общины миссии, осень 1982 года.
  21. ^ Патрик Бойл класс 71 Castleknock College Union.
  22. ^ Отец пересекает ирландцы в Париже
  23. ^ Епископ Майкл Смит празднует подтверждение ирландской общины в Париже Бренда Баммум, ирландской католической конференцией епископов, 26 июня 2017 года.
  24. ^ Изменения в администрировании ирландского колледжа в Париже объявляются Ларой Марлоу, The Irish Times , 21 марта 2001 года.
  25. ^ Завоевание Ирландского колледжа, часть 1 The Irish Times , 6 мая 2000 года.
  26. ^ «История | о CCI» . CentrecultureLelandais.com .
  27. ^ Ирландский культурный центр Paris Irishamerica.com
  28. ^ Жизнь Парижской мечты: мое время в центре Culturel Irlandais от Мэри О'Салливан, Travel, Irish Independent , 18 декабря 2017 года.
  29. . Ирландские исследования (Париж)/Ирландские классы ирландские занятия, Университет Мэйнут
  30. ^ Ирландская рождественская служба в Париже от Патрисии Киллин, ирландская центральная, 19 декабря 2019 года.
  31. ^ Франс -проекты поддержали средства Ирландии.
  32. ^ О, приди, все, что верно - Ирландское капелланство в Париже является одним из двух в столице, которая регулярно проводит мессу на английском языке - французские новости и взгляды
  33. ^ Часовня Ирландского колледжа Сен-эфрем сирийский www.paris-promeneurs.com
  34. ^ Ноябрь: Вспоминая наших мертвых - могила Ирландского колледжа в Аркэиле Качане , Ирландское капелланство Париж, Ирландский колледж, Париж.
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