Сенат Берлина

Сенат Берлина ( немецкий : сенат фон Берлин; неофициально: Берлинский Сенат управляющим городом Берлин , который в то же время является государством Германии ) является исполнительным органом , . Согласно Конституции Берлина, сенат состоит из руководящего мэра Берлина и до десяти сенаторов, назначенных руководящим мэром, двое из которых назначены (заместитель) мэрами. [ 1 ] Сенат . встречается еженедельно в Ротсе Ратхаус (Красная ратуша) [ 2 ]
[ редактировать ]Бранденбургские в 13-м веке и с 1307 года муниципалитеты Альт-Берлина и Колна получили городские привилегии об общей общей администрации, но были разделены после того, как избиратель подвергся городу (после идеи делика и правления ) и сделал его своим жилым городом в 1448 году. Король Фредерик I из Пруссии по резолюции, наконец, имел оба города, и три позже основали соседние города, [ 3 ] Объединяется и поднят в «Королевскую столицу и город Берлин» по состоянию на 1 января 1710 года.

Из прусских реформ 1808 года до 1933 года Берлин (расширенный до Большого Берлина в 1920 году) регулировался магистратом ( обязательно распущенным нацистским Законом 15 марта 1933 г.), который был исполнительным комитетом Stadtverordnetenversammlung ( городской совет; Последний 27 июня 1933 г.) [ 4 ] и был представлен в каждом из районов Берлина местным офисом (обычно размещается в ратуше бывшего независимого пригорода). [ 5 ] Совет возглавлял лорд -мэр или Обербюргермейстер . Лорд -мэр Гейнрих Сам , избранный в 1931 году, остался на своем посту и присоединился к NSDAP в ноябре 1933 года, но подал в отставку в 1935 году. Его власть полностью зависела от Юлиуса Липперта , 25 марта 1933 года, назначенной в качестве прусского государственного комиссара в Берлине. Таким образом, Берлин был де -факто под окончательным управлением нацистским режимом.
After the defeat of Nazi Germany, Berlin was to be under the ultimate governance of the Allied Kommandatura. However, in the election of 20 October 1946, the city elected an SPD-majority Stadtverordnetenversammlung and an SPD mayor (Otto Ostrowski, resigned 1947). The second elected SPD mayor, the devoted anti-communist Ernst Reuter, was vetoed by the Soviet commander, so Louise Schroeder (SPD) officiated as only acting lord mayor. The Western allies permitted the Berlin SPD to hold a referendum on whether to merge with the Communist party to form a unified single party of the left, the Socialist Unity Party, as realised under pressure in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany, and the members voted against the merger.[6]

This was unacceptable to the Soviets, who engineered the establishment of an alternative city council in the sector under their direct control.[7] Following the Berlin Blockade, the Soviet sector, which became known as East Berlin (and the capital of the German Democratic Republic as of October 1949) and the three western sectors (British, French, and U.S.) were functionally separated following the attempted Communist putsch in Berlin's city government in September 1948 (a situation formalised in the Four Power Agreement on Berlin of 1971).
Under the new constitution of West Berlin which came into force on 1 September 1950, Berlin was defined as a state of the Federal Republic of Germany; however, due to the Allied veto, its representatives in the federal parliament (and later in the European parliament) were not directly elected by the citizenry, but appointed by the Berlin parliament (Abgeordnetenhaus) and had no voting power, but a merely advisory vote in those parliaments.[8] On the model of the two Hanseatic city-states within the Federal Republic, Hamburg and Bremen,[9] the Berlin Senate, chosen by the parties represented in the Berlin parliament, was established to perform the functions of a state government,[10] with each of its members heading a department, equivalent to a state ministry, and a Regierender Bürgermeister (Governing or Executive Mayor) at its head and one Bürgermeister as his/her deputy. In the 1950 constitution the maximum number of senators was 16,[11][12] then each elected by the parliament, but the first Senate had 13.[13]

Thus, following the Hanseatic tradition, the Lord Mayor was only primus inter pares as he and the senators had an elected mandate, therefore the Lord Mayor could not dismiss any senator. Senators could however be removed from their seats by the Parliament. Until 1990 all elected Mayors and Senators had to have their positions confirmed by the Allied commanders of West Berlin. Since both the building then used as the town hall of Berlin, (the Neues Stadthaus ), and the Rotes Rathaus (which had been destroyed and was not rebuilt until 1956) were in East Berlin, the Senate met at the former town hall of Schöneberg, Rathaus Schöneberg.[14]
During the transition to a reunified Germany in 1990, a new Magistrat was elected in East Berlin and a Senate appointed in West Berlin, and they jointly governed as a Landesregierung aus Senat und Magistrat (state government of Senate and Magistrat, known popularly as the MagiSenat),[15][16] which initially met in alternate weeks at the Schöneberg town hall and the Red Town Hall.[17] The Oberbürgermeister (East) and the Regierender Bürgermeister (West) similarly headed the government jointly.
With the completion of reunification on 3 October 1990, the MagiSenat became a unified Berlin Senate, no longer depending on Allied confirmation. The new Senate was reduced to a maximum of 8 members, and senators are now appointed by the Governing Mayor (1995 amendment of the constitution). There are now two Deputy Mayors.[18] The senate meets in the room in the Red Town Hall which was originally created for the Magistrat in the 1950s.[2]
[edit]The Berlin Senate consists of ten ministries or departments (German: Senatsverwaltungen).[19] Their work is coordinated by the staff of the Senate Chancellery, which is under the direction of the governing mayor. As of 2023, the composition of the Senate is as follows:
Portfolio | Senator | Party | Took office | Left office | State secretaries | ||
Governing Mayor of Berlin Senate Chancellery |
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Kai Wegner born 15 September 1972 |
CDU | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Deputy Mayor Senator for Economy, Energy and Enterprise |
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Franziska Giffey born 3 May 1978 |
SPD | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Deputy Mayor Senator for Finance |
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Stefan Evers born 10 October 1979 |
CDU | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Culture and Social Cohesion | ![]() |
Joe Chialo born 18 July 1970 |
CDU | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Urban Development, Construction and Housing | ![]() |
Christian Gaebler born 8 December 1964 |
SPD | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Interior and Sport | ![]() |
Iris Spranger born 19 September 1961 |
SPD | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Education, Youth and Family | ![]() |
Katharina Günther-Wünsch born 3 April 1983 |
CDU | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Science, Health and Care | ![]() |
Ina Czyborra born 23 June 1966 |
SPD | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Labour, Social Affairs, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination | ![]() |
Cansel Kiziltepe born 8 October 1975 |
SPD | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and Environment | ![]() |
Manja Schreiner born 29 April 1978 |
CDU | 27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
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Senator for Justice and Consumer Protection | ![]() |
Felor Badenberg born 21 May 1975 |
Ind. (CDU nomination) |
27 April 2023 | Incumbent |
- ^ "Verfassung von Berlin - Abschnitt IV: Die Regierung". www.berlin.de (in German). 2016-11-01. Retrieved 2020-10-02.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Virtueller Rundgang: 7. Senatssitzungssaal, Berlin.de (in German)
- ^ These were Friedrichswerder, Dorotheenstadt, and Friedrichstadt.
- ^ T.H. Elkins with B. Hofmeister, Berlin: The Spatial Structure of a Divided City, London: Methuen, 1988, ISBN 0-416-92220-1, e-edition Taylor & Francis 2005, ISBN 0-203-98402-1, p. 11.
- ^ Elkins, p. 23.
- ^ Elkins, pp. 34–35.
- ^ Elkins, p. 37.
- ^ Elkins, p. 40.
- ^ Europa World Year Book 2004 Volume 1, New York: Taylor & Francis, ISBN 1-85743-254-1, p. 1845.
- ^ Jan Edmund Osmanczyk and Anthony Mango, Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreements: A to F, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2002, ISBN 0-415-93920-8, p. 191.
- ^ Элкинс, с. 41–42.
- ^ Александра Ричи, Метрополис Фауста: история Берлина , Нью -Йорк: Кэрролл и Граф, 1998, ISBN 0-7867-0510-8 , P. 774 .
- ^ Энн Туса, Последнее подразделение: история Берлина, 1945–1989 , Рединг, Массачусетс: Аддисон Уэсли, 1997, ISBN 0-201-14399-2 , с. 35
- ^ Элкинс, с. 169
- ^ Эккардт Д. Стратенсшульт, «Миссия выполнена? Берлинское общество и задача воссоединения (PDF), стр. 12.
- ^ Sigrid Kneist, «Берлинское воссоединение: в начале сената -магии» , Der Tagesspiegel 2 октября 2010 г. (на немецком языке)
- ^ «Магисенат» под руководством Уолтера Момпера и Тино Швиерзина Архивировал 2010-08-23 в The Wayback Machine , Berlin.de (на немецком языке)
- ^ Конституция Берлина: Раздел IV: Правительственный архив 2011-06-12 в The Wayback Machine , Berlin.de
- ^ «Правительство штата Берлина» . Сенат Канцлери. 2023-06-11 . Получено 2023-06-11 .
Внешние ссылки
[ редактировать ]- Зал заседаний Сената
- Список сенаторов с 1945 года
- Конституция Берлина. Раздел IV. Правительство.
- Процедурные правила Сената (на немецком языке)
- Департаменты Сената (на немецком языке)