Список фильмов, действие которых происходит в Берлине
(Перенаправлено из фильмов, действие которых происходит в Берлине )

Берлин — крупный центр европейской и немецкой киноиндустрии . [1] Здесь расположены более 1000 кино- и телекомпаний и 270 кинотеатров. Ежегодно в регионе снимаются триста национальных и международных совместных фильмов. Babelsberg Studios и продюсерская компания UFA расположены за пределами Берлина, в Потсдаме .
В городе также расположены Европейская киноакадемия и Немецкая киноакадемия , а также проводится ежегодный Берлинский международный кинофестиваль , который считается крупнейшим в мире публичным кинофестивалем. [2] Это список фильмов, действие которых происходит в Берлине.
1920-е годы [ править ]
1922 год [ править ]
- Доктор Мабузе-игрок ( Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler персонаже доктора Мабузе из романов Норберта Жака о ), 1922 — первый (немой) фильм Фрица Ланга .
1924 год [ править ]
- The Last Laugh (Der Letzte Mann), 1924 – the aging doorman at a Berlin hotel is demoted to washroom attendant but gets the last laugh, by F.W. Murnau.
- Slums of Berlin (Die Verrufenen), 1925 – an engineer in Berlin is released from prison, but his father throws him out, his fiancée left him and there is no chance to find work. Directed by Gerhard Lamprecht.
- Variety (Varieté), 1925 – circus melodrama set in Berlin, with the circus scenes in the Berlin Wintergarten, by Ewald André Dupont.
- The Last Horse Carriage in Berlin (Die letzte Droschke von Berlin), 1926 – showing the life of an old coachman in Berlin still driving the droshky during the time when the automobile arises. Directed by Carl Boese.
- People to Each Other (Menschen untereinander), 1926 – in a typical Berlin town house the residents manifold lives from different social backgrounds are shown. Directed by Gerhard Lamprecht.
- Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis (Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt), 1927 – expressionist documentary film of 1920s Berlin by Walter Ruttmann.
- Metropolis, 1927 – Berlin-inspired futuristic classic by Fritz Lang.
- Refuge (Zuflucht), 1928 – a lonely and tired man comes home after several years abroad, lives with a market-woman in Berlin and starts working for the Berlin U-Bahn. Directed by Carl Froelich.
- Asphalt, 1929 – the Berlin underworld touches a policeman's life, film noir classic by Joe May.
- Mother Krause's Journey to Happiness (Mutter Krausens Fahrt ins Glück), 1929 – depicts the cruelty of poverty in Wedding district and Communism as a rescuing force that reaches a mother and a child too late. Directed by Phil Jutzi.
- Cyanide (Cyankali), 1930 – a poor female office employee in Berlin gets pregnant, but abortion is not allowed in the Weimar Republic. So she goes to a quack doctor who applies toxic potassium cyanide to her. Directed by Hans Tintner.
- People on Sunday (Menschen am Sonntag), 1930 – avant-garde look at daily life in Berlin, screenplay by Billy Wilder and Curt Siodmak.
- The Three from the Filling Station (Die drei von der Tankstelle), 1930 – three friends are broke, so they sell their car and open a filling station in Berlin. Then they all fall in love with the same girl. Directed by Wilhelm Thiele.
- 1914 (1914, die letzten Tage vor dem Weltbrand), 1931 – after the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria – during the July Crisis – Wilhelm II in Berlin, Nicholas II in Russia and the Sovereigns and diplomats of other Great powers unsuccessfully try to prevent World War I. Directed by Richard Oswald.
- Berlin-Alexanderplatz, 1931 – first film adaption of the novel Berlin Alexanderplatz from Alfred Döblin, directed by Phil Jutzi.
- The Captain from Köpenick (Der Hauptmann von Köpenick), 1931 – directed by Richard Oswald and based upon the play The Captain of Köpenick by Carl Zuckmayer. The play was based on the true story of Wilhelm Voigt.
- Emil and the Detectives (Emil und die Detektive), 1931 – adventure film based on the novel Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner. Director: Gerhard Lamprecht.
- M, 1931 – Berlin thriller by Fritz Lang; beginnings of film noir and the endings of expressionism.
- The Man in Search of His Murderer (Der Mann, der seinen Mörder sucht), 1931 – a man in Berlin plunged in debt makes a suicide attempt and has to hire a murderer to kill him within twelve hours. But in the same night he falls in love with a girl who wants to stop the appointed killer. Directed by Robert Siodmak.
- Grand Hotel, 1932 – nothing ever happens at the Grand Hotel. Directed by Edmund Goulding. Academy Award for Best Picture (1931–1932). Filmed in Hollywood.
- Kuhle Wampe, 1932 – about a working-class family in Berlin in 1931 where survival is difficult during the Great Depression. Directed by Slatan Dudow.
- Hitlerjunge Quex, 1933 – Hans Steinhoff propaganda drama about a boy in the Hitler Youth.
- The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse), 1933 – Berlin thriller by Fritz Lang.
- Tugboat M 17 (Schleppzug M 17), 1933 – the skipper of a tugboat on the river Havel falls for a female thief in Berlin and leaves his family for her. Directed by Heinrich George and Werner Hochbaum.
- The Violet of Potsdamer Platz (Das Veilchen vom Potsdamer Platz), 1936 – a flower girl working at Potsdamer Platz can resolve a financial deception. Directed by Johann Alexander Hübler-Kahla.
- Charlie Chan at the Olympics, 1937 – Charlie Chan trails spies to Berlin during the 1936 Summer Olympics. Starring Warner Oland.
- Dangerous Crossing (Gleisdreieck), 1937 – at Gleisdreieck station a woman wants to throw herself under a subway train but is saved by a railway official. By Robert A. Stemmle.
- The Divine Jetta (Die göttliche Jette), 1937 – a typical Berlin revue singer gets celebrated at the Königsstädtisches Theater when a young Earl wants to marry her and take her to his home in Tyrol. Directed by Erich Waschneck.
- His Best Friend (Sein bester Freund), 1937 – a policeman in Berlin finds a German Shepherd, buys it from its owner and trains it to become a police dog. During one operation though, their collaboration gets challenged. Directed by Harry Piel.
- The Four Companions (Die vier Gesellen), 1938 – after graduation, four female art students in Berlin attempt to set up their own advertising agency. They swear an oath to concentrate on business, but then each of them finds secretly a husband to marry. Directed by Carl Froelich.
- A Night in May (Eine Nacht im Mai), 1938 – a young woman in Berlin had to turn in her driver's license and gets involved in an accident when she drives anyway. A young man convinces her to flee with him onto a bus tour to Wannsee. Directed by Georg Jacoby.
- Olympia (Parts 1 & 2), 1938 – strikingly aesthetic propaganda by Leni Riefenstahl.
- The Roundabouts of Handsome Karl (Die Umwege des schönen Karl), 1938 – a young waiter comes to Berlin in 1930 to serve at the best wine restaurant, and he tries unsuccessfully to get into high society. Directed by Carl Froelich.
- The Stars Shine (Es leuchten die Sterne), 1938 – musical revue about a young secretary who leaves the country and travels to Berlin to seek work as an actress. Directed by Hans H. Zerlett.
- Urlaub auf Ehrenwort, 1938 – four soldiers have a brief furlough in Berlin late in 1918, on their promise to return to their troop train in time. Propaganda film by Karl Ritter
- Night Train to Munich, 1940
- Wunschkonzert, 1940 – during the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin a young girl and a Luftwaffe Fliegerleutnant meet and fall in love. They want to marry, but he receives orders to go to the Condor Legion. Three years later they meet again during World War II via the popular radio music show Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht. Directed by Eduard von Borsody.
- Friedemann Bach, 1941 – Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, eldest son of Johann Sebastian Bach, is shown as a gifted son trying to escape his father's shadow. After Friedemann was rejected as a musician in several cities, he lives a miserable life in Berlin where he died in 1784. Directed by Traugott Müller.
- The Gasman (Der Gasmann), 1941 – a gas meter reader in Berlin during World War II is suspected of being a foreign spy. Directed by Carl Froelich.
- Symphonie einer Weltstadt (Berlin – Wie es war), late 1930s documentary view of Berlin by Leo de Laforgue. First shown in 1950.
- Andreas Schlüter, 1942 – biopic on famous architect Andreas Schlüter who built the Berlin Stadtschloss for Frederick I of Prussia during the 18th century. Directed by Herbert Maisch.
- Berlin Correspondent, 1942 – an American radio correspondent is hunted for sending coded messages out on the airwaves from Berlin. Directed by Eugene Forde.
- Die Entlassung, 1942 – showing the growing estrangement between Emperor Wilhelm II and Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck, Bismark's dismissal in Berlin in March 1890 and the intrigues by Geheimrat von Holstein from Auswärtiges Amt. Directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner.
- The Great Love (Die große Liebe), 1942 – a Wehrmacht Oberleutnant is stationed in North Africa as a fighter pilot. While in Berlin to deliver a report he sees a popular Danish singer on the stage of a cabaret theatre and starts a painful relationship with her. It was Germany's most successful motion picture produced during the second world war. Directed by Rolf Hansen.
- Two in a Big City (Zwei in einer großen Stadt), 1942 – a sergeant from the Wehrmacht and a nurse (working at the local Red Cross station) meet accidentally at Friedrichstraße station and spend one day together in Berlin. Directed by Volker von Collande.
- I Entrust My Wife to You (Ich vertraue dir meine Frau an), 1943 – a man asks a friend to keep a jealous watch over his wife in Berlin during a business trip with his secretary, what causes several adventures for the caring friend. Directed by Kurt Hoffmann.
- The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, 1943 – in 1902, a British Lieutenant is on leave from the Boer War and travels to Berlin to work against anti-British propaganda. After a duel with a German officer the two recover near Stölpchensee and become friends for the next 40 years. Directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.
- Melody of a Great City (Großstadtmelodie), 1943 – a young and talented female photographer from a provincial Bavarian town comes to Berlin and falls in love with a very busy journalist. Directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner.
- The Buchholz Family (Familie Buchholz), 1944 – based on the novels by Julius Stinde. During the German Empire the resolute mother of a Berlin middle-class family wants to get her two daughters married befitting their social rank, and she writes her first novel about her experiences. Directed by Carl Froelich.
- Es lebe die Liebe, 1944 – a famous operetta star wants to engage a Spanish dancer for his Apollo Theater in Berlin, but she gets ill for one year. After her mandatory break she comes to Berlin and creeps into his theatre and his life under a different name. Directed by Erich Engel.
- Marriage of Affection (Neigungsehe), 1944 – following Familie Buchholz, the resolute mother Buchholz tries unsuccessfully to marry her remaining daughter via a marriage advertisement in the newspaper, but the daughter celebrates a secret wedding with a painter on Heligoland island. Directed by Carl Froelich.
- Philharmoniker, 1944 – in late 1920s Berlin the financial situation of Berlin Philharmonic orchestra is precarious. One of the violinists leaves the orchestra to play in a light music ensemble, but returns after Nazi Machtergreifung. Directed by Paul Verhoeven.
- Under the Bridges (Unter den Brücken), 1944/45 – two men and a woman shipping on the river Havel shortly before Berlin gets totally destroyed. Directed by Helmut Käutner.
- Fall of Berlin – 1945, 1945 – Soviet propaganda documentary film about the Battle of Berlin. Footage of the actual battle is shown, as the Red Army fights the Nazis, building by building. The assault on the Reichstag ends with the famous photograph, raising the Red Flag over the Reichstag. Directed by Yuli Raizman and Yelizaveta Svilova.
- Hotel Berlin, 1945 – near the close of World War II, a member of the German underground escapes from the Gestapo and takes shelter at Hotel Berlin. Directed by Peter Godfrey.
- Murderers Among Us (Die Mörder sind unter uns), 1946 – the first post-WWII Trümmerfilm. Directed by Wolfgang Staudte.
- Somewhere in Berlin (Irgendwo in Berlin), 1946 – drama about children in post-war Berlin. Directed by Gerhard Lamprecht.
- And the Heavens Above Us (...und über uns der Himmel), 1947 – a man comes home after World War II into destroyed Berlin and starts working as a black market trader. With Hans Albers, directed by Josef von Báky.
- In Those Days (In jenen Tagen), 1947 – in this Rubble film an old car built in 1933 tells its story and episodes from its seven owners, mostly located in Berlin, during the years of Nazi Germany. Directed by Helmut Käutner.
- Marriage in the Shadows (Ehe im Schatten), 1947 – a German actor is successful in Berlin during the Nazi era, but extreme pressure is applied on him by the authorities to divorce his Jewish wife, also an actress. When she is going to be deported, they take poison together. Based on the life of Joachim Gottschalk and directed by Kurt Maetzig.
- Raid (Razzia), 1947 – crime thriller about black market traders in Berlin. A spy forewarns everybody before the police arrives and a police commissar gets murdered. Directed by Werner Klingler.
- Berlin Express, 1948 – murder mystery with scenes from bombed-out Frankfurt and Berlin, directed by Jacques Tourneur.
- The Berliner (Berliner Ballade), 1948 – daily life of a veteran home from the war. Director Robert A. Stemmle.
- A Foreign Affair, 1948 – romantic comedy set in Berlin during the Allied occupation; stars Jean Arthur and Marlene Dietrich; directed by Billy Wilder.
- Germany, Year Zero (Deutschland im Jahre Null), 1948 – filmed in German amidst the ruins of the bombed-out city of Berlin, then dubbed into Italian (with subtitles). A masterpiece of neo-realism, by Roberto Rossellini.
- Street Acquaintances (Straßenbekanntschaft), 1948 – in postwar Berlin, young women want to make a living and long for men, joy and love. But in their promiscuity they often become the carrier for sexually transmitted diseases. Directed by Peter Pewas.
- Und wieder 48, 1948 – students of the Humboldt University of Berlin take part as extras in a movie about the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states. Directed by Gustav von Wangenheim.
- The Cuckoos (Die Kuckucks), 1949 – five orphaned siblings in destroyed Berlin cannot find a domicile for longer periods. So they refurbish with high personal contribution a villa in Grunewald district, though the legal position concerning property is not clear. Directed by Hans Deppe.
- Girls in Gingham (Die Buntkarierten), 1949 – the fate of a typical working-class family in Berlin between 1883 and 1949 facing child labour, trade union engagement, war, depression, unemployment and the rise and fall of Nazism. Directed by Kurt Maetzig.
- Our Daily Bread (Unser täglich Brot), 1949 – about the difficult life of an extended family in destroyed Berlin in 1946. Directed by Slatan Dudow.
- Rotation, 1949 – showing the life of a mechanic in Berlin between 1920 and 1945. During the Third Reich, as a member of the Nazi Party, he aids a resistance group in printing anti-war propaganda and is finally turned into the authorities by his own son who is a frenetic member of the Hitler Youth. Directed by Wolfgang Staudte.
- The Big Lift, 1950 – stars Montgomery Clift in the Berlin Air Lift. Film by George Seaton.
- The Fall of Berlin, 1950 – two-part Soviet propagandistic feature film. The plot revolves around the history of the Great Patriotic War and the Battle of Berlin, focusing on the role that Joseph Stalin played in the events. Directed by Mikheil Chiaureli.
- Zugverkehr unregelmäßig, 1951 – a member of the Volkspolizei and a supervisor at Berlin S-Bahn are friends and roommates. But one day the supervisor quits his job and collaborates with agents from West Berlin who sabotage the S-Bahn services to embarrass the GDR. Directed by Erich Freund.
- All Clues Lead to Berlin, 1952 – Film noir about a young American lawyer who discovers a gang of counterfeiters in Berlin and gets hunted himself. By František Čáp.
- Frauenschicksale, 1952 – a dandy and womanizer from West Berlin seduces women in East Berlin who are looking for happiness and a good man. One of them gets pregnant, another woman steals for him. Directed by Slatan Dudow.
- Story of a Young Couple (Roman einer jungen Ehe), 1952 – a young married couple – both actors – work in Cold War Berlin. She is on location in East Berlin, and he works at a theatre in West Berlin. As they hold more and more opposed views on politics, art and society, their marriage is in danger of breaking up. Directed by Kurt Maetzig.
- The Man Between, 1953 – stars James Mason. Atmospheric East/West thriller filmed in bomb-torn Berlin. Directed by Carol Reed.
- No Way Back (Weg ohne Umkehr), 1953 – in 1945 a Red Army officer discovers a frightened girl huddled in a Berlin cellar. He gives her a safe escort home and wins her gratitude. Seven years later they meet again in the divided city. Directed by Victor Vicas.
- Die Unbesiegbaren, 1953 – from 1889 to 1890 August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht as members of the Social Democrats at Reichstag fight against the Anti-Socialist Laws shoulder to shoulder with workers from Borsig locomotive works in Berlin.
- Alarm in the Circus (Alarm im Zirkus), 1954 – two boys from West Berlin are too poor for higher education and they are both desperate to purchase real boxing gloves. A gangster offers to pay them if they would assist him to steal valuable horses from a circus in East Berlin. Directed by Gerhard Klein.
- Canaris, 1954 – portrays real events during World War II when Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr in Berlin, was arrested and executed for his involvement with the 20 July Plot to overthrow Adolf Hitler. Directed by Alfred Weidenmann.
- Captain Wronski (Rittmeister Wronski), 1954 – an indebted Polish cavalry captain works undercover in 1930s Berlin to discover Nazi Germany's plans against his homeland by seducing secretaries at the Ministry of the Reichswehr. Based on the life of Jerzy Sosnowski and directed by Ulrich Erfurth.
- Emil and the Detectives (Emil und die Detektive), 1954 – adventure film directed by Robert A. Stemmle, based on the novel Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner.
- The Life of Surgeon Sauerbruch (Sauerbruch – Das war mein Leben), 1954 – showing the work of famous senior surgeon Ferdinand Sauerbruch at the teaching hospital Charité in Berlin with several flashback scenes about his former labour. Directed by Rolf Hansen.
- Night People, 1954 – during the Cold War a counter-intelligence officer of the United States Army has to recover a young G.I. in Berlin who was hauled off to the East by the Soviets. Directed by Nunnally Johnson.
- The Devil's General (Des Teufels General), 1955 – a Luftwaffe General, who is critical of the Third Reich in 1941 Berlin, is slowly suspect of what may be treason. Based on the play by Carl Zuckmayer and directed by Helmut Käutner.
- Hotel Adlon, 1955 – episodic movie about the exclusive Hotel Adlon, Unter den Linden, before World War II, its guests and the working staff. Directed by Josef von Báky.
- I Am A Camera, 1955 – set in the early 1930s depicting Weimar Berlin from the writings of Christopher Isherwood; film by Henry Cornelius.
- Jackboot Mutiny (Es geschah am 20. Juli), 1955 – about the failed July 20 Plot to kill Adolf Hitler by a bomb placed at Wolf's Lair by Claus von Stauffenberg, which led to the execution of several resistance group members at the Berlin Bendlerblock. Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst.
- The Last Ten Days (Der letzte Akt), 1955 – about the last days of Adolf Hitler at the Führerbunker during the Battle of Berlin. Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst.
- The Plot to Assassinate Hitler (Der 20. Juli), 1955 – feature film on the failed July 20, 1944 attempt at assassinating Adolf Hitler. The film has a realism that comes close to the style of a documentary. Directed by Falk Harnack.
- Die Ratten, 1955 – based upon the play The Rats by Gerhart Hauptmann and telling the story of a destitute Polish woman in Berlin who sells her illegitimate baby for a few hundred Deutsche Mark to a childless forwarder's wife. Directed by Robert Siodmak.
- The Three from the Filling Station (Die drei von der Tankstelle), 1955 – three friends are broke, so they sell their car and open a filling station in Berlin. Then they all fall in love with the same girl. Directed by Hans Wolff.
- A Berlin Romance (Eine Berliner Romanze), 1956 – about youth urban life in the divided city of Berlin. The film is a love story about a seventeen-year-old East German saleswoman and an unemployed auto mechanic from West Berlin. Directed by Gerhard Klein.
- The Captain from Köpenick (Der Hauptmann von Köpenick), 1956 – directed by Helmut Käutner and based upon the play The Captain of Köpenick by Carl Zuckmayer. The play was based on the true story of Wilhelm Voigt.
- Teenage Wolfpack (Die Halbstarken), 1956 – a portrait of rebellious young people in Berlin during the 1950s. Directed by Georg Tressler.
- Treffpunkt Aimée, 1956 – a group of criminals smuggles PVC declared as cement from East Berlin to West Berlin until the Volkspolizei becomes suspicious. Directed by Horst Reinecke.
- Banktresor 713 , 1957 – during the Wirtschaftswunder two unsuccessful and unequal brothers plan a bank robbery in Berlin by digging a tunnel. Directed by Werner Klingler.
- Berlin, Schoenhauser Corner (Berlin – Ecke Schönhauser...), 1957 – drama by Gerhard Klein about anti-establishment teens in East Berlin.
- The Devil Strikes at Night (Nachts, wenn der Teufel kam), 1957 – based on the true story of Bruno Lüdke, a supposed serial killer who murdered women during the Nazi era. An investigator in 1944 Berlin who starts to get a thread which leads to Lüdke is frustrated by Nazi authorities who feel that revealing the truth will undermine the people's faith in the system. Directed by Robert Siodmak.
- Different from You and Me (Anders als du und ich / Das dritte Geschlecht), 1957 – a young man in postwar Berlin discovers his homosexuality but his own family tries very hard to set him straight. Directed by Veit Harlan.
- Don't Forget My Little Traudel (Vergeßt mir meine Traudel nicht), 1957 – a lonely 17-year-old girl escapes from a children's home, comes to Berlin and upsets the life of a teacher and a policeman sharing the same flat. Directed by Kurt Maetzig.
- Lissy, 1957 – a poor girl from a working-class family in Berlin-Wedding marries a successful Nazi. But her social advancement gets along with the loss of old friends. Directed by Konrad Wolf.
- Old Barge, Young Love (Alter Kahn und junge Liebe), 1957 – a skipper leads a small group of barges travelling from Berlin to Waren. Directed by Hans Heinrich.
- Queen Louise (Königin Luise), 1957 – depicts the life of Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in Berlin, the wife of Frederick William III of Prussia, and her stand against Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars. Directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner.
- Die Schönste, 1957 – two boys in West Berlin stash their own mothers' jewellery to find out whether the ladies are still admirable or not. Directed by Ernesto Remani.
- Sheriff Teddy, 1957 – a boy has to move with his family from West Berlin to East Berlin, but has problems to assimilate. His new friend helps him not to become a delinquent minor. Directed by Heiner Carow.
- Spring in Berlin, 1957 – two days in Berlin. Directed by Arthur Maria Rabenalt.
- Endstation Liebe , 1958 – a young factory worker in West Berlin is a lady-killer and does not believe in true love until he meets the love of his life during a bet. Directed by Georg Tressler.
- Fräulein, 1958 – German woman and American officer caught up in the end of and aftermath of World War II in Berlin. Directed by Henry Koster.
- Iron Gustav (Der eiserne Gustav), 1958 – based on the novel by Hans Fallada and telling the true story of horse-drawn cabman Gustav Hartmann from Wannsee district who drove sensationally to Paris in 1928 to demonstrate against the rise of the motorcar taxicab. Directed by George Hurdalek.
- My Wife Makes Music (Meine Frau macht Musik), 1958 – a revue singer in East Berlin paused for several years because of her family when she meets an Italian star who brings her back to theatre. But her husband is not amused about her new career. Directed by Hans Heinrich.
- Nasser Asphalt, 1958 – a young reporter in West Berlin discovers that his employer, a respected and prosperous journalist, invented a sensational story of German soldiers who supposedly survived for six years in a demolished bunker in Poland. Directed by Frank Wisbar.
- Solang noch Untern Linden , 1958 – biography of famous chanson and operetta composer Walter Kollo working at the Berliner Theater and the Admiralspalast. Directed by his son Willi Kollo; grandson and opera tenor René Kollo played his own grandfather.
- Sun Seekers (Sonnensucher), 1958, released 1972 – after being arrested in a police raid in 1950 Berlin, two young prostitutes are sent to the mines of Wismut Company. There, Germans and Soviets work together to extract Uranium for the use of the Soviet Union. Directed by Konrad Wolf.
- Tatort Berlin, 1958 – illustrates the advantage for criminals with the still passable inner German border but also the problems with separate police investigations inside Berlin. In the movie a new jurisdiction is seen to help with the resocialisation of former petty criminals into the system of the GDR. Directed by Joachim Kunert.
- The Young Lions, 1958 – a German ski instructor is hopeful that Adolf Hitler will bring new prosperity to Germany, so when war breaks out he joins the Wehrmacht and travels to Berlin several times. In another story line two soldiers befriend each other during their U.S. Army draft physical examination and attend basic training together. Directed by Edward Dmytryk.
- Goods for Catalonia (Ware für Katalonien ), 1959 – a group of smugglers transfers cameras, lenses and field glasses made in GDR via East Berlin to West Berlin and then to Barcelona. Based upon the true story of criminal Hasso Schützendorf and directed by Richard Groschopp.
- Interview mit Berlin, 1959 – for the 10th anniversary of the GDR produced documentary on contemporary economical and cultural life in Berlin. Directed by Max Jaap.
- Love's Confusion (Verwirrung der Liebe), 1959 – a medical student at Berlin Humboldt University misses his girlfriend at a masquerade and finds a new girl. His former girlfriend takes the former boyfriend of the student's new girl instead. Before wedding they again switch partners. Directed by Slatan Dudow.
- Reportage 57, 1959 – drawing on negative depictions of Halbstarke and Rock 'n' roll in West Berlin in its critiques of the West. Directed by János Veiczi.
- Sie nannten ihn Amigo, 1959 – in 1939 a refugee from a Nazi concentration camp is discovered by some boys in Berlin. The son of a communist helps him, gets arrested himself and sent to a concentration camp. Directed by Heiner Carow.
- Ten Seconds to Hell, 1959 – focuses on a half-dozen German POWs who return to a devastated Berlin and find employment as a bomb disposal squad, tasked with clearing the city of unexploded Allied bombs. Directed by Robert Aldrich.
- Am grünen Strand der Spree, 1960 – five friends meet in a bar in postwar Berlin and share their experiences during World War II. Directed by Fritz Umgelter.
- Freddy and the Melody of the Night (Freddy und die Melodie der Nacht), 1960 – a singing taxi driver in West Berlin helps to catch two criminals who unsuccessfully attacked a cash transport, and he falls in love with a flower girl. Directed by Wolfgang Schleif.
- Sweetheart of the Gods (Liebling der Götter), 1960 – biographical film based on the life of German film actress Renate Müller. Torn between her success during the early Nazi era and her love to a Jewish diplomat she dies in 1937 under mysterious circumstances. Directed by Gottfried Reinhardt.
- We Cellar Children (Wir Kellerkinder), 1960 – about people in postwar Berlin, their careers during the Wirtschaftswunder and what they did before 1945 during the Nazi era. Directed by Hans-Joachim Wiedermann.

- Escape to Berlin (Flucht nach Berlin), 1961 – to escape the formation of a Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft, a farmer and a communist agitator in East Germany try to flee to West Berlin. Directed by Will Tremper.
- My Husband, the Economic Miracle (Mein Mann, das Wirtschaftswunder), 1961 – to bring his daughter to her senses, a Wirtschaftswunder tycoon in West Berlin celebrates a sham marriage with a Hungarian actress. But after the wedding his wife starts to lick him into shape. Written by Dieter Hildebrandt and directed by Ulrich Erfurth.
- One, Two, Three, 1961 – Cold War before The Wall, comedy by Billy Wilder.
- Two Among Millions (Zwei unter Millionen), 1961 – a love story in Berlin shortly before the Berlin Wall is built. Directed by Wieland Liebske and Victor Vicas.
- The Bread of Those Early Years (Das Brot der frühen Jahre), 1962 – telling the story of a young man in West Berlin during the Wirtschaftswunder. Directed by Herbert Vesely.
- Escape from East Berlin, 1962 – drama about a group of people from East Berlin who dig a tunnel under Berlin Wall to take refuge in West Berlin. Directed by Robert Siodmak.
- Her Most Beautiful Day (Ihr schönster Tag), 1962 – a typical feisty female concierge in Berlin has to learn that her own children do not prosper as desired. Directed by Paul Verhoeven.
- Midnight Revue (Revue um Mitternacht), 1962 – a film producer shuts a writer, a composer, a dramatic adviser and a stage designer into a villa, but they can manage to escape. Another young composer and a production assistant have to bring them back to finish the revue movie. Directed by Gottfried Kolditz.
- The Punch to the Jaw (Der Kinnhaken), 1962 – a woman lives in East Berlin and works in a West Berlin bar when the Wall is built in 1961. Directed by Heinz Thiel.
- Star-Crossed Lovers (Königskinder), 1962 – two children from working-class families in Berlin have sworn to marry each other. When they grow older, after the Nazis rose to power, he is arrested for being a Communist, but she joins the underground party to continue his work. Directed by Frank Beyer.
- The Tunnel, 1962 – acclaimed NBC documentary about an escape tunnel under the Berlin Wall, by Reuven Frank.
- ...und Deine Liebe auch, 1962 – two friends love the same girl. One of them is working as an electrician in East Berlin, the other is a cab driver in West Berlin. When the Wall is built, the girl has to make a decision. Directed by Frank Vogel.
- The Endless Night (Die endlose Nacht), 1963 – six people are stuck at Berlin Tempelhof Airport because of deep fog. Directed by Will Tremper.
- For Eyes Only, 1963 – spy film about a double agent from the Stasi who is placed in the West German headquarters of MID. He regularly travels to Berlin, and he finally can carry the United States plans to invade the GDR to East Germany. Directed by János Veiczi.
- Emil and the Detectives, 1964 – adventure film directed by Peter Tewksbury, based on the novel Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner.
- Gigant Berlin, 1964 – documentary movie about West Berlin made 1957–1963, showing the building of Berlin Wall, and John F. Kennedy and Marlene Dietrich visiting the cosmopolitan city. Directed by Leo de Laforgue.
- Wolf Among Wolves (Wolf unter Wölfen), 1964 – the four-part TV film based on the novel Wolf Among Wolves by Hans Fallada describes the Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic in 1923 which led to widespread unemployment, homelessness, starvation and rioting in Berlin. Directed by Hans-Joachim Kasprzik.
- Berlin um die Ecke, 1965 – about conflicts between young and old metal workers in East Berlin. Directed by Gerhard Klein and first shown in 1990.
- Born in '45 (Jahrgang '45), 1965 – a young couple from Prenzlauer Berg tries to get a divorce. He drifts through the city while she suffers from separation. Directed by Jürgen Böttcher and first shown in 1990.
- The Dirty Game, 1965 – the US intelligence chief in Europe relates the stories of three different operations during the Cold War that he was involved in with colleagues in Berlin, Paris, Rome and Djibouti. Directed by Christian-Jaque, Werner Klingler, Carlo Lizzani and Terence Young.
- Karl Liebknecht (Part 1: Solange Leben in mir ist, 1965; Part 2: Trotz alledem!, 1972) – two part film about the German Communist leader Karl Liebknecht. Directed by Günter Reisch.
- El niño y el muro, 1965 – film about a child and The Wall, directed by Ismael Rodríguez.
- The Rabbit Is Me (Das Kaninchen bin ich), 1965 – the brother of a young waitress in East Berlin is sentenced to three years in prison because of "subversive agitation", and therefore she is not allowed to study. To find out the truth, the waitress starts a secret relationship with the judge. Directed by Kurt Maetzig and first shown in 1989.
- The Spy Who Came In from the Cold, 1965 – Cold War classic set on both sides of The Wall, from the book by John le Carré, directed by Martin Ritt.
- Funeral in Berlin, 1966 – spy film from the book by Len Deighton starring Michael Caine, directed by Guy Hamilton.
- Ganovenehre , 1966 – comedy about the panderer and crime environment in 1925 Berlin during the Weimar Republic. Directed by Wolfgang Staudte.
- Großer Ring mit Außenschleife , 1966 – a tramway driver in West Berlin is fired by the BVG because of 'his health status' though he never was ill. To attract attention he abstracts tramcars by night and drives them through the city. Directed by Eugen York.
- The Quiller Memorandum, a 1966 spy film starring George Segal, directed by Michael Anderson.
- That Woman (Playgirl), 1966 – about a model discovering Berlins nightlife. By Will Tremper.
- Torn Curtain, 1966 – Cold War thriller set in East Berlin, directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
- Casino Royale, 1967 – comedy spy film spoofing James Bond in which Bond's estranged daughter has to travel to East Berlin to infiltrate a Soviet counterintelligence agency. Directed by Ken Hughes, John Huston, Joseph McGrath, Robert Parrish, Val Guest and Richard Talmadge.
- Hallo, Du altes Spreeathen, 1967 – musical revue about an elderly Berlin organ grinder and his daughter visiting goddess Luna, with many famous songs paying homage to the city. Directed by Wernfried Hübel.
- Ein Lord am Alexanderplatz, 1967 – telling the story of a marriage swindler and his daughter in Berlin during the time when the Alexanderplatz was rebuilt and the Fernsehturm was erected. Directed by Günter Reisch.
- Der tapfere Schulschwänzer, 1967 – a schoolboy in East Berlin decides to skip school, incidentally discovers a fire, alerts the fire department but runs off before they can note down his personal data. The firefighters manage to save two infants from burning and search for the young hero. Directed by Winfried Junge.
- Wedding Night in the Rain (Hochzeitsnacht im Regen), 1967 – a young female hairdresser and horse fan from the Baltic Sea comes to East Berlin to become a jockey at Rennbetrieb Hoppegarten. To get a flat she marries a moped rider she just met the day before. Directed by Horst Seemann.
- Berliner Antigone, 1968 – during World War II a young woman is sentenced to death at Plötzensee Prison by the People's Court because she stole the dead body of her insurgent brother from the Anatomic Institute to bury him secretly. Based on the novel by Rolf Hochhuth and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt.
- A Dandy in Aspic, a 1968 espionage film set in East and West Berlin, directed by Anthony Mann.
- I Was Nineteen (Ich war neunzehn), 1968 – a nineteen-year-old Red Army soldier's experiences as the Soviets advance into Berlin at the close of World War II, directed by Konrad Wolf.
- Ich – Axel Cäsar Springer, 1968–1970 – the life and work of conservative publisher Axel Springer and the rise of Axel Springer Verlag from the early beginnings in Hamburg until the expansion to West Berlin, seen from a propagandistic East German point of view. Directed by Achim Hübner, Ingrid Sander and Helmut Krätzig.
- Quartet in Bed (Quartett im Bett), 1968 – nonsense movie about the 1968 bohemian society in Kreuzberg district. Directed by Ulrich Schamoni.
- The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz, 1968 – Cold War spy farce about an East German Olympic athlete who defects. Director George Marshall.
- Liberation, 1969 – five-part movie on the liberation of the Soviet Union and the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, focusing on the Battle of Kursk, the Lower Dnieper Offensive, Operation Bagration, the Vistula–Oder Offensive and the Battle of Berlin. Directed by Yuri Ozerov.
- That Guy Loves Me, Am I Supposed to Believe That? (Der Kerl liebt mich – und das soll ich glauben?), 1969 – an erratic young woman in West Berlin can not pay her rent and hooks up with a criminal, antiques smuggling man. Directed by Marran Gosov .
- Berlin Affair , a 1970 spy film starring Darren McGavin, directed by David Lowell Rich.
- Gentlemen in White Vests (Die Herren mit der weißen Weste), 1970 – a criminal comes home to West Berlin and gets hunted by a retired judge and his friends. Directed by Wolfgang Staudte.
- He, Du!, 1970 – a dedicated female teacher in East Berlin calls a meeting when she realizes that the younger pupils are not any more touched by the events happening in the novel Naked Among Wolves. Directed by Rolf Römer.
- Me, a Groupie (Ich – ein Groupie), 1970 – two blonde English girls hook up with rock musicians and travel through Europe smuggling drugs. When they finally reach West Berlin the journey ends in a drug orgy. Directed by Erwin C. Dietrich.
- Husaren in Berlin, 1971 – Hungarian hussars under András Hadik occupy Berlin for one day in the 1757 Berlin raid during the Seven Years' War before the Prussian Army arrives. Directed by Erwin Stranka.
- Ich werde dich töten, Wolf, 1971 – a young woman travels to West Berlin to kill her former boyfriend. On the journey she looks back on the relationship with him when she murdered his wife at Grunewald Tower. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen.
- It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sondern die Situation, in der er lebt), 1971 – follows the adventures of a young man in Berlin who discovers gay culture but also discrimination and fear. Directed by Rosa von Praunheim.
- KLK Calling PTZ – The Red Orchestra (KLK an PTX – Die Rote Kapelle), 1971 – after Hitler's rise to power, a group of regime opponents called Red Orchestra consolidates under the leadership of Harro Schulze-Boysen and Arvid Harnack in Berlin. They gather intelligence and pass it on to other countries. In August 1942, the Gestapo arrests Boysen and cracks down on the spy ring. Directed by Horst E. Brandt.
- Our Willi Is the Best (Unser Willi ist der Beste), 1971 – now retired and being hard-pressed for money, a former tax collector in West Berlin becomes a door-to-door salesman. But his selling methods to distribute home appliances are quite contentious. Directed by Werner Jacobs.
- Cabaret, 1972 – set in the early 1930s depicting Weimar Berlin from the writings of Christopher Isherwood; film by Bob Fosse.
- Dear Mother, I'm All Right (Liebe Mutter, mir geht es gut), 1972 – a metalworker moves from Württemberg to West Berlin, does not like the disunity among the workers there and mobilises his co-workers to fight for their rights. Directed by Christian Ziewer.
- Florentiner 73, 1972 – a young pregnant woman hunting for a room in East Berlin finds a furnished through room in Pankow district. The landlady is like a mother to her, and she gets more and more integrated into the collective of the apartment house. Directed by Klaus Gendries.
- Her Third (Der Dritte), 1972 – a mother in her mid-thirties in East Berlin has two children from two different men. She now decides to find "her third" husband herself and not leaving it up to fate. Directed by Egon Günther.
- Leichensache Zernik, 1972 – in 1948 a young woman is murdered in a Berlin forest. Police stations in the different sectors of Berlin discuss about responsibility what provokes the killer to proceed. Directed by Gerhard Klein and Helmut Nitzschke.
- Der Mann, der nach der Oma kam, 1972 – after grandmothers remarriage an artist family in East Berlin has to find a new home help and nanny and hires a young talented man who turns out to be a postgraduate writing about emancipation. Director: Roland Oehme.
- Memories of a Summer in Berlin (Erinnerung an einen Sommer in Berlin), 1972 – American novelist Thomas Wolfe visits the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin where his enthusiasm for Germany and its merits changes to scepticism. Based on a chapter of the novel You Can't Go Home Again and directed by Rolf Hädrich.
- Shot on Command – The Sass Brothers, Once Berlin's Big Crooks (Auf Befehl erschossen – Die Brüder Sass, einst Berlins große Ganoven), 1972 – Franz and Erich Sass from Moabit district become the most famous and innovative bank robbers during 1920s Berlin. After a series of criminal acts in Denmark they get arrested, extradited to Nazi Germany and executed. Directed by Rainer Wolffhardt.
- Berliner Bettwurst, 1973/1975 – by Rosa von Praunheim.
- The Death of Adolf Hitler, 1973 – details the last ten days of Hitler's life as World War II comes to an end and Allied troops are closing in on the Berlin Führerbunker. Directed by Rex Firkin.
- Hitler: The Last Ten Days, 1973 – depicting the days leading up to Adolf Hitler's suicide. Directed by Ennio De Concini.
- The Legend of Paul and Paula (Die Legende von Paul und Paula), 1973 – love story set in East Berlin by Heiner Carow.
- Der Leutnant vom Schwanenkietz, 1974 – three-part movie on the life and work of an ambitious Volkspolizei-Abschnittsbevollmächtigter in East Berlin who puts things straight and tries to rehabilitate former criminals. Directed by Rudi Kurz.
- Neues aus der Florentiner 73, 1974 – following Florentiner 73, the young woman in Pankow gives birth to a baby, has to find the right husband and experiences rising support by the collective in her apartment house. Directed by Klaus Gendries.
- One or the Other of Us (Einer von uns beiden), 1974 – psychological thriller takes place in West Berlin, with scenes near the wall. Director Wolfgang Petersen.
- Salon Kitty, 1974 – covering the events of the Salon Kitty Incident, where the Sicherheitsdienst took over a brothel in Charlottenburg between 1939 and 1942, had the place wire tapped and all the prostitutes replaced with trained spies in order to gather data on various members of the Nazi party and foreign dignitaries. Directed by Tinto Brass.
- Top Hat (Chapeau Claque), 1974 – a young former Top hat manufacturer became insolvent and lives now as a man of independent means and rummage collector in his house in Grunewald district together with a listless young girl. Directed by Ulrich Schamoni.
- Everyone Dies Alone (Jeder stirbt für sich allein), (1975 in German; 1976 in English) – Hans Fallada's novel based on the lives of Otto and Elise Hampel, who undertook acts of civil disobedience against Nazism in 1940. Directed by Alfred Vohrer.
- Inside Out, 1975 – heist thriller in which a gang led by former American and German soldiers recovers Nazi gold buried in Berlin during WWII.
- Under the Pavement Lies the Strand (Unter dem Pflaster ist der Strand), 1975 – two Berlin actors are accidentally locked in the rehearsal hall for one night. He tries to seduce her; she puts him off. Together they have to face the loss of ideals from the German student movement. Directed by Helma Sanders-Brahms.
- Hostess, 1976 – a young woman in East Berlin is leading sight-seeing tours, and she rejects her boyfriends' proposal of marriage due to his lovelessness. Directed by Rolf Römer.
- Memories of Berlin: The Twilight of Weimar Culture, 1976 – documentary about Berlin's cultural scene during the Weimar Republic, by Gary Conklin.
- Nelken in Aspik, 1976 – a totally untalented advertising artist in East Berlin climbs the social ladder by just remaining silent after a mischance with his teeth. Directed by Günter Reisch.
- Die Comedian Harmonists – Sechs Lebensläufe, 1977 – two-part documentary on the lives of five singers and a pianist who met 1928 in Friedenau district and formed the ensemble Comedian Harmonists. Directed by Eberhard Fechner.
- Drei Damen vom Grill, 1977 – grandmother, mother and daughter run a Currywurst takeaway in West Berlin at Nollendorfplatz, later in Westend and finally in Moabit Markthalle. Directed by Thomas Engel, Hans Heinrich and others.
- Liebeserklärung an Berlin, 1977 – two-part documentary about people loving Berlin, Hauptstadt der DDR. The movie portraits construction workers, members of the Volkspolizei, lavatory attendants, students, industrial workers, children and others who talk about their life, about rebuilding the city and developing a socialistic society. Directed by Uwe Belz.
- The Serpent's Egg, 1977 – an unemployed Jew in 1923 Berlin is offered a job by a professor performing medical experiments, foreshadowing Nazi human experimentation. Directed by Ingmar Bergman.
- Stroszek, 1977 – based on the life of and played by Bruno Schleinstein. A street performer and petty criminal in West Berlin gets released from prison, but is unable to start a new life. Together with his girlfriend, a prostitute, and his elderly neighbor, he moves to Wisconsin, but cannot forge ahead. Directed by Werner Herzog.
- The All-Around Reduced Personality – Outtakes (Die allseitig reduzierte Persönlichkeit – Redupers), 1978 – a female freelance press photographer has to survive at subsistence level with her daughter in West Berlin when she becomes part of a project to deliver photos of Berlin. Directed by Helke Sander.
- Despair, 1978 – against the backdrop of the Nazis' rise, a Russian émigré and chocolate magnate in Berlin goes slowly mad. Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- Du und icke und Berlin, 1978 – a typical eleven-year-old girl from East Berlin wants to find a new father and makes a match between her mother and a construction worker. Directed by Eberhard Schäfer.
- Just a Gigolo (Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo), 1978 – a Prussian officer returns home to Berlin following the end of World War I. Unable to find employment elsewhere, he works as a gigolo in a brothel run by a Baroness. With David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich, by David Hemmings.
- Ein Mann will nach oben , 1978 – a man and his friends establish a baggage transportation service between the Berlin railway terminal stations before World War I. The movie in 13 parts is based on the novel by Hans Fallada and directed by Herbert Ballmann.
- Das Versteck , 1978 – having been divorced for one year, a lonely man in East Berlin tries to reconquer his former wife and pretends to be pursued by the Volkspolizei. But the reworking of their old problems becomes complicated. Directed by Frank Beyer.
- David, 1979 – in 1938 the son of a Jewish rabbi is sent from his home in Legnica to Berlin to learn mechanics and agriculture. During World War II he can hide in the city until he manages to escape to Palestine. Directed by Peter Lilienthal.
- The End of the Rainbow (Das Ende des Regenbogens), 1979 – a 17 year old Berlin boy turns prostitute and petty thief. Despite the attempts of a social worker to help, the boy runs into real trouble when a burglary goes awry. Directed by Uwe Frießner .
- Für Mord kein Beweis, 1979 – the dead body of a woman from Prenzlauer Berg found at Langer See leads the Volkspolizei to a hiding doctor who practised during the Nazi Euthanasia programme at Dachau concentration camp. Directed by Konrad Petzold.
- Geheime Reichssache, 1979 – documentary on the trials of August 1944, led by Roland Freisler and held by the People's Court at the Kammergericht in the aftermath of the 20 July plot that year. Directed by Jochen Bauer.
- The Great Runaway (Die große Flatter), 1979 – three-part movie on two young men who grow up in a difficult family background in a settlement for socially disadvantaged in Charlottenburg-Nord. Their residential milieu drives them to petty crime, but they dream of moving away. Based on the novel of Leonie Ossowski and directed by Marianne Lüdcke.
- The Marriage of Maria Braun (Die Ehe der Maria Braun), 1979 – a woman trying to make a life in the aftermath of WWII by Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- Pinselheinrich, 1979 – episodes from the life of famous Berlin illustrator Heinrich Zille. Zille gets dismissed from his work, starts to live from his humorous and socially critical drawings but uses his earnings and rising fame to help people who are poorer than him. Directed by Hans Knötzsch.
- Die Schulmädchen vom Treffpunkt Zoo, 1979 – Schulmädchen-Report-like comedy about schoolgirls meeting friends at Berlin Zoologischer Garten railway station in West Berlin. One of the girls loves a male prostitute and junkie and tries to help him with money. Directed by Walter Boos.
- The Third Generation (Die dritte Generation), 1979 – a black comedy about the activities of the third generation of the left wing terror group RAF in Berlin. Written and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- Verführungen, 1979 – after a Status Quo concert at Deutschlandhalle, an unoriented teenage couple in West Berlin meets the would-be juvenile owner of an unsuccessful antiques shop. But their friendship leads to disappointment. Directed by Michael Verhoeven.
- Backhouse Bliss (Glück im Hinterhaus), 1980 – a fairly well-off librarian in his mid-forties with two children and a boring marriage in Berlin leaves his family for his intern. But the spark doesn't show up in his day-to-day life. Directed by Herrmann Zschoche.
- Berlin Alexanderplatz, 1980 – 1920s Berlin, film of the novel written by Alfred Döblin. Made for television film (in 14 episodes) by Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- Berlin Chamissoplatz , 1980 – love story between an older architect and a young student, set against the backdrop of the housing struggles in West Berlin. Director: Rudolf Thome.
- Fabian, 1980 – in the late 1920s Berlin a copywriter observes the night life with his friend, gets unemployed during the Great Depression, but meets a new girlfriend. When his friend commits suicide and his girlfriend leaves him for a film career, he loses his livelihood. Based on the novel by Erich Kästner and directed by Wolf Gremm.
- Put on Ice (Kaltgestellt), 1980 – a teacher in West-Berlin gets neutralized during the time of Anti-Radical Decree and dragnet investigation when he wants to throw light on the death of a spy sent to his school by the Verfassungsschutz. Directed by Bernhard Sinkel.
- Solo Sunny, 1980 – portraits the life of a girl singing in a band in East Berlin, directed by Konrad Wolf.
- Ullasa Paravaigal, 1980 – The protagonist visits Berlin and rest of Europe as a part of overseas tour for a change over of his mind due to his tragic past with his friend, who pretends to have mental disorder. The film written by Panchu Arunachalam, produced by S. P. Thamizharasi and directed by C. V. Rajendran.
- Germany, Pale Mother (Deutschland, bleiche Mutter), 1980 – a mother and her daughter have to survive World War II in Berlin while her husband is fighting in the Wehrmacht. After the war their relationship ist not the same any more. Directed by Helma Sanders-Brahms.
- Als Unku Edes Freundin war, 1981 – during the 1920s a circus driven by Sinti comes to the outskirts of Berlin. A Sinti girl becomes the friend of a poor German boy who tries to buy a bicycle to earn money for his family as a paperboy. Based on the novel Ede und Unku by Alex Wedding. Directed by Helmut Dziuba.
- Am Wannsee ist der Teufel los, 1981 – young Punks, Rockers and Poppers are heading for Wannsee, where they are getting in conflict with middle-class citizens and the police. Directed by Caspar Harlan.
- Angels of Iron (Engel aus Eisen), 1981 – dramatizes the true story of a Berlin gang of thieves led by juvenile Werner Gladow with his partner in crime, former hangman Gustav Völpel, during the time of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948–49. Directed by Thomas Brasch.
- Berlin Tunnel 21, 1981 – a former American officer leads an attempt to build a tunnel underneath The Wall as a rescue route. Directed by Richard Michaels.
- The Bunker, 1981 – depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's last weeks in and around the Führerbunker in Berlin. Directed by George Schaefer.
- Christiane F. – We Children from Bahnhof Zoo (Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo), 1981 – 1970s portrayal of West Berlin's drug scene by Uli Edel.
- Lili Marleen, 1981 – during the Third Reich a German singer (based on the life of Lale Andersen), famous for singing Lili Marleen, and a Swiss Jewish composer (based on Rolf Liebermann), who actively helps an underground group of German Jews, form a forbidden love, although she lives an assimilated life in Berlin. Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
- The Man in Pyjamas, 1981 – after watching TV with his wife, a man from Wilmersdorf district goes to the cigarette machine in pyjamas. On the street he gets caught by the police and the complications begin. Directed by Christian Rateuke and Hartmann Schmige.
- Possession, 1981 – a woman left her family and the husband starts following his wife to find out the truth. Directed by Andrzej Żuławski.
- Strike Back (Kalt wie Eis), 1981 – a young criminal in West Berlin takes the rap for a gang of motorbike thieves and ends up in jail. Nearly insane with frustration he makes a violent escape to be with his girlfriend. Directed by Carl Schenkel.
- Taxi zum Klo, 1981 – groundbreaking film documenting gay culture in West Berlin by Frank Ripploh.
- Ace of Aces (L'as des as), 1982 – the coach of the French Boxing team travels to the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. But before the competition he is asked to help a persecuted Jewish family to escape from Bavaria to Austria. Directed by Gérard Oury.
- Domino , 1982 – the life of an actress in West Berlin gets crazy when she quits her job at Schiller Theater. A stage director wants to work with her at the Hebbel Theater, but he dies before rehearsals begin. Directed by Thomas Brasch.
- Familie Rechlin, 1982 – a typical Berlin family lives at Hackescher Markt, but shortly before the wall is built, the daughter and her husband move to Ruhleben-Spandau in West Berlin. After the wall is erected the two parts of the family get alienated from another in two different systems. Directed by Vera Loebner.
- The Man on the Wall (Der Mann auf der Mauer), 1982 – a man in East Berlin tries unsuccessfully to get over Berlin Wall. After he is ransomed by the West-German Government, he wants for his beloved wife. Directed by Reinhard Hauff.
- Sabine Kleist, Aged Seven... (Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre...), 1982 – a seven-year-old girl has spent her childhood in an orphanage after her parents died in an accident. When one of the women in charge at the orphanage leaves to have a baby, the girl runs away, wanders through East Berlin, but finds no one to take her in. Directed by Helmut Dziuba.
- Spuk im Hochhaus, 1982 – in the 18th century a landlord and a landlady always rob their guests. So they are accursed to do seven good deeds exactly 200 years later in modern East Berlin. Directed by Günter Meyer.
- City of Lost Souls (Stadt der verlorenen Seelen), 1983 – by Rosa von Praunheim.
- Conrad: The Factory-Made Boy (Konrad aus der Konservenbüchse), 1983 – when a woman in Neukölln district opens the tin that was delivered by a factory, a well-behaved 7-year-old "instant boy" climbs out. When the factory spots the wrong delivery, the new son has to learn impertinence. Directed by Claudia Schröder.
- Frontstadt, 1983 – fragmentary portrait on young people's lives in West Berlin. Directed by Klaus Tuschen.
- Island of Swans (Insel der Schwäne), 1983 – a fourteen-year-old boy has to move from an idyllic small town to the developing area of Berlin-Marzahn where his father works as a construction worker and where he must find his way in a completely new environment and surrounded by strange people. Directed by Herrmann Zschoche.
- Non Stop Trouble with Spies (Der Schnüffler), 1983 – a naive taxi driver in West Berlin is asked to bring a Russian man to East Berlin. When they arrive, the man turns out to be already dead and the driver is suspected of being a CIA spy. Back in West Berlin he is accused of being a KGB agent, and so the imbroglio begins. Directed by Ottokar Runze.
- Octopussy, 1983 – James Bond film starring Roger Moore and directed by John Glen.
- White Star, 1983 – a former rock 'n' roll band manager tries very aggressively to promote a young musician in West Berlin, but the punk audience does not like the synthpop-style music. Directed by Roland Klick.
- White Trash (Kanakerbraut), 1983 – several days in the life of an unemployed man in Kreuzberg district, spending his days with peep shows, local pub, loose contacts, sitting at home and occasional jobs. Directed by Uwe Schrader .
- A Woman in Flames (Die flambierte Frau), 1983 – leaving her upper class, boring marriage, a woman in West Berlin is drawn to the idea of becoming a call girl and a disrespectful dominatrix. But then she falls in love with a charming gigolo. Directed by Robert van Ackeren.
- Zille and Me (Zille und ick), 1983 – musical film using fictional episodes from the life of famous Berlin social-critical painter Heinrich Zille around the year 1900. Directed by Werner W. Wallroth.
- Forbidden, 1984 – about a wealthy German countess who hides her Jewish boyfriend in her apartment in Berlin during World War II. Directed by Anthony Page.
- The Jesse Owens Story, 1984 (TV) – biographical film of the life and times of 1936 Olympics star Jesse Owens, by Richard Irving.
- Siggi, the Street Cleaner (Sigi, der Straßenfeger), 1984 – a street sweeper finds a box with 300.000 Deutsche Mark and a compromising photo of his boss what evokes several adventures. With Harald Juhnke, by Wolf Gremm.
- The Wannsee Conference (Die Wannseekonferenz), 1984 (TV) – German film about the infamous WWII conference in Berlin-Wannsee where the Final Solution to exterminate the Jews was planned. Directed by Heinz Schirk.
- The Berlin Affair (Interno Berlinese / Leidenschaften), 1985 – in 1938 the wife of a rising Nazi diplomat in Berlin falls in love with the daughter of the Japanese Ambassador. Her husband finds out and moves to break up the affair, but also gets enamoured of the girl. Based upon the novel Quicksand and directed by Liliana Cavani.
- Demons (Dèmoni), 1985 – horror movie about people in a Berlin cinema transforming into demons. Directed by Lamberto Bava.
- Girl in a Boot (Einmal Ku’damm und zurück), 1985 – a woman from East Berlin falls in love with a Swiss cook working at the Swiss embassy, travels with him secretly to Kurfürstendamm, but opts to stay at her side of the wall. Directed by Herbert Ballmann.
- The Holcroft Covenant, 1985 – 40 years after the Battle of Berlin, an architect of German origin from New York City has to meet a German conductor at Berliner Philharmonie to establish a charitable foundation for Holocaust survivors with Nazi money. Directed by John Frankenheimer.
- Kein Mord, kein Totschlag, 1985 – documentary showing authentic police and fire service emergency operations in Wedding district, with family grudges, suicide attempts, noise disturbances etc. Directed by Uwe Schrader.
- Richy Guitar , 1985 – a young guitar player in Berlin wants to become a famous musician and attempts to establish a band. Featuring punk band Die Ärzte and singer Nena; directed by Michael Laux.
- Westler, 1985 – telling the story of a homosexual student from West Berlin who falls in love with a guy from East Berlin. Directed by Wieland Speck.
- Wild Geese II, 1985 – based on the 1982 novel The Square Circle by Daniel Carney, in which a group of mercenaries are hired to spring Rudolf Hess from Spandau Prison. Directed by Peter R. Hunt.
- Du mich auch, 1986 – in West-Berlin a Swiss guitar player and a female saxophonist from Berlin live and work together. They perpetually discuss about staying together or separating and look up to couples who live together permanently. Directed by Helmut Berger, Anja Franke and Dani Levy.
- Fatherland, 1986 – a protest singer is a persona non grata in East Germany, he emigrates to West Berlin and gets exploited by an American record company. Together with a young French journalist he travels to Cambridge to find his father who turns out to be a former Nazi war criminal. Directed by Ken Loach.
- Liebling Kreuzberg, 1986–1998 – series with five seasons, altogether 58 episodes. Leading actor: Manfred Krug as a Berlin lawyer. Director: Werner Masten.
- Meier , 1986 – comedy about a paper hanger in East Berlin who buys a counterfeit West-German passport, which he does not use to escape from East Germany, but to provide his crafts enterprise with wallpaper material from West-Berlin. Directed by Peter Timm.
- Rosa Luxemburg, 1986 – Polish socialist and marxist Rosa Luxemburg dreams about revolution during the era of German Wilhelminism. While Luxemburg campaigns relentlessly for her beliefs, getting repeatedly imprisoned in Germany and Poland, lovers and comrades betray her until she is assassinated in Berlin together with Karl Liebknecht in 1919. Directed by Margarethe von Trotta.
- Claire Berolina, 1987 – portrait of Claire Waldoff who became a famous cabaret singer in 1920s Berlin and was a close friend of composer Walter Kollo, writer Kurt Tucholsky and illustrator Heinrich Zille. She was an important part of cultural and lesbian life in Berlin until the Nazi Machtergreifung ended her success. Directed by Klaus Gendries.
- In der Wüste , 1987 – showing one day in the life of a jobless Chilean in West-Berlin spending time with his Turkish friend and searching for food and love. Based on a novel by Antonio Skármeta and directed by Rafael Fuster Pardo .
- Reichshauptstadt – privat , 1987 – two-part docudrama about a man and a woman who meet in Berlin and look back on their love story in the fascistic Reichshauptstadt between 1937 and 1945. Directed by Horst Königstein .
- Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin), 1987 – drama about an angel falling in love with a human, which also concerns the divided city and its fate by Wim Wenders.
- Cycling the Frame, 1988 – documentary and art film following Tilda Swinton and her thoughts as she circumnavigates West Berlin alongside the Wall on a bicycle. Directed by Cynthia Beatt and remade in 2009.
- A Father's Revenge, 1988 – two Americans (played by Brian Dennehy and Ron Silver) are hunting German terrorists. Directed by John Herzfeld.
- Hanussen, 1988 – while recovering from being wounded during World War I, the Doctor discovers that Austrian Klaus Schneider possesses empathic powers. After the war, Schneider changes his name into Erik Jan Hanussen and goes to Berlin to perform as a hypnotist and mind reader. When he predicts Adolf Hitler's Machtergreifung and the Reichstag fire, the Nazis murder him. Directed by István Szabó.
- Judgment in Berlin, 1988 – based on the book Judgment in Berlin telling the story of the LOT Polish Airlines Flight 165 hijacking from Gdańsk to West Berlin and the subsequent 1979 trial conducted in the United States Court for Berlin; stars Martin Sheen and Sean Penn. Directed by Leo Penn.
- Kai aus der Kiste, 1988 – during the hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic 1923 in Berlin a boy and his friends start a campaign of competitive advertising for an American chewing gum brand and use the resources of the metropolis for it. Based upon the novel by Wolf Durian and directed by Günter Meyer.
- Linie 1, 1988 – film of the 1986 musical Linie 1 about U-Bahn (subway) Linie 1 in West Berlin, by Reinhard Hauff.
- The Microscope (Das Mikroskop), 1988 – a software engineer in Berlin and his girlfriend, a flower seller, have problems with their relationship. He wants to take inspiration from a chance acquaintanceship but she fights for a real family with children. Directed by Rudolf Thome.
- The Passenger – Welcome to Germany (Der Passagier – Welcome to Germany), 1988 – in 1942 a group of KZ prisoners is cast as extras for a Nazi propaganda film. Many years later one of them returns to West Berlin to produce a documentary on this incident and his own involvement. Directed by Thomas Brasch.
- Ein Schweizer namens Nötzli, 1988 – a Swiss clerk works at a chemical plant in West Berlin for 26 years without opportunity for advancement when he finds an innominate recommendatory letter and serves it straight to his director. Directed by Gustav Ehmck.
- The Break (Der Bruch), 1989 – in 1946 several burglars want to break into the Deutsche Reichsbahn building in Berlin to steal money from the safe. Directed by Frank Beyer.
- Coming Out, 1989 – deals with the process of the protagonists in East Berlin coming out as gay. Premiered in East Berlin on 9 November 1989, the night the Berlin Wall fell. Directed by Heiner Carow.
- flüstern & SCHREIEN, 1989 – documentary on parts of the Berlin and East German rock music scene of the late 1980s, from well-established bands like Silly, to alternative rock bands like Feeling B or Chicoree/Die Zöllner. Directed by Dieter Schumann.
- The Grass Is Greener Everywhere Else (Überall ist es besser, wo wir nicht sind), 1989 – facing the lack of prospects in their hometown Warsaw, two young people dream of living in the United States. To reach their target they do casual and illegal work in Berlin. Directed by Michael Klier.
- The Philosopher (Der Philosoph), 1989 – a philosopher in Berlin almost withdrew from the world to concentrate on his Heraclitus studies, having no relationship for eight years. When he wants a new suit for a lecture about his new book, he meets three sisters who share a house and invite him to move in to stay with them in polygamy. Directed by Rudolf Thome.
- Spider's Web (Das Spinnennetz), 1989 – based on the 1923 novel by Joseph Roth and focused on a young opportunistic Leutnant who suffered personal and national humiliation during the downfall of the German Empire, and now becomes increasingly active in the right-wing underground of the early 1920s Berlin. Directed by Bernhard Wicki.
- Wedding , 1989 – three school day friends meet after several years again in Wedding district and talk about their unsuccessful lives including a broken family, homicide and excessive indebtedness. Directed by Heiko Schier .
- Die Architekten, 1990 – an architect in his late thirties receives his first challenging and lucrative commission to design a cultural center for a satellite town in East-Berlin when more and more people leave East Germany wearily in the late 1980s. Directed by Peter Kahane.
- Dana Lech, 1990 – a Polish woman lives in West Berlin with her German-Italian friend when she meets her previous Polish boyfriend from Warsaw during the fall of the Berlin Wall. Directed by Frank Guido Blasberg.
- Der doppelte Nötzli, 1990 – following Ein Schweizer namens Nötzli, the doltish Swiss returns to Berlin to take over the "hotel" of his twin brother who died suddenly. But after his arrival he has to realize that it is in fact a brothel with illicit earnings. Directed by Stefan Lukschy.
- Dr. M, 1990 – in the future Berlin is shocked by a series of spectacular suicides. A policeman's investigations lead him to a beautiful, enigmatic woman and the revelation of a sinister plot to manipulate the population through mass hypnosis. Directed by Claude Chabrol.
- Der König von Kreuzberg, 1990 – showing the life of a young Turkish man in Berlin who is of the opinion that he can fly. Director: Matthias Drawe.
- Latest from the DaDaeR (Letztes aus der DaDaeR), 1990 – after the Peaceful Revolution in 1989 two clowns are released from a prison in Köpenick to satirize East German life in its final days and the arrival of the German reunification. Directed by Jörg Foth.
- Die Mauer , 1990 – documentary on the last days and the deconstruction of Berlin Wall. Directed by Jürgen Böttcher.
- Ode to Joy and Freedom (Ode an die Freiheit), 1990 – documentary on the events of the Peaceful Revolution in October and November 1989 in Berlin, when the citizens of the GDR demonstrated for a political change and freedom to travel, which led to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, die Wende and finally to German reunification. Directed by Beate Schubert.
- The Plot to Kill Hitler, 1990 – a historical recreation of the 1944 attempt by several German High Command Officers led by Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg to assassinate Adolf Hitler and take control of the German government. Directed by Lawrence Schiller.
- Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg , 1991 – documentary on the old Kiez of Prenzlauer Berg and its inhabitants between May and July 1990 before the German treaty of monetary, economic and social union came into force, with the Deutsche Mark replacing the East German Mark. Directed by Petra Tschörtner .
- Between Pankow and Zehlendorf (Zwischen Pankow und Zehlendorf), 1991 – a musical 11-year-old girl shuttles between her mother's home in eastern Pankow and her grandmother's house in western Zehlendorf during the 1950s to take piano lessons until her father returns from war captivity. Directed by Horst Seemann.
- Company Business, 1991 - A CIA operative (Gene Hackman) and a KGB operative (Mikhail Baryshnikov) must learn to trust each other as they make their way from East Berlin to France seeking answers and trying to stay alive as they find themselves being used as pawns by their respective governments.
- Ostkreuz , 1991 – a 15-year-old girl escapes to West Berlin via Hungary with her mother shortly before the fall of Berlin Wall and becomes a petty criminal to afford an own apartment. Director: Michael Klier .
- Salmonberries, 1991 – in 1969 a woman tried to escape over Berlin Wall, but her husband got shot. She emigrates to Alaska, but when the Wall falls she travels back to Berlin 21 years later with a friend to find peace in her heart. Directed by Percy Adlon.
- Something to Do with the Wall, 1991 – Berlin Wall documentary shot just before and after its fall, by Ross McElwee and Marilyn Levine.
- Stein , 1991 – a famous actor left the stage in 1968 to protest against Prague Spring. During the late 1980s as a more and more deranged he opens his house in Wilhelmsruh for punks and resistance fighters against the GDR. Directed by Egon Günther.
- Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue (Wer hat Angst vor Rot, Gelb, Blau?), 1991 – about painters in Berlin. By Heiko Schier .
- Liberators Take Liberties (BeFreier und Befreite), 1992 – interviews with German women who were raped by Soviet soldiers during the Battle of Berlin in April and May 1945, what caused pregnancies, abortions, illegitimate children, break down in relationships, stigmatization of the women and suicides. Directed by Helke Sander.
- The Little Punker (Der kleene Punker), 1992 – animation movie about a poor punk in Berlin who starts to form a band with his friends to perform at Brandenburg Gate. Director: Michael Schaack.
- Never Sleep Again (Nie wieder schlafen), 1992 – three women travel to Berlin to attend the wedding of a female friend and discover the recently reunited city. Directed by Pia Frankenberg.
- Shining Through, 1992 – World War II spy film directed by David Seltzer, starring Michael Douglas and Melanie Griffith.
- Faraway, So Close! (In weiter Ferne, so nah!), 1993 – sequel to Wings of Desire (1987), angels desire to be human, by Wim Wenders.
- The Innocent, 1993 – a joint CIA/MI6 operation to build a tunnel under East Berlin during the Cold War. Directed by John Schlesinger.
- The Ivory Tower (Der Elfenbeinturm), 1993 – M. works as a cook in a trendy Berlin restaurant. To say that his kitchen is busy like hell would be an understatement. Entering into a premature midlife crisis, he decides to turn his life around and write the great novel that he always felt inside him. Director: Matthias Drawe.
- Prince in Hell (Prinz in Hölleland), 1993 – a jester is giving a puppet theatre performance about a homosexual prince for the junkies at Kottbusser Tor station. Director: Michael Stock.
- Charlie & Louise – Das doppelte Lottchen, 1994 – two girls meet on the trip to a language school in Scotland. When they find out that they are identical twins who got separated very early, they decide to switch roles. The girl from Berlin returns to Hamburg and vice versa. Based on the novel Das doppelte Lottchen by Erich Kästner and directed by Joseph Vilsmaier.
- George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin, 1994 (TV) – stirring colour documentary of the American campaign, including footage from Berlin, by George Stevens Jr.
- Linsenstraße, 1994–1998 – Director: Christiane Nalezinski.
- Aus der Mitte, 1995 – documentary about young people in post-wall Berlin by Peter Zach.
- Gentleman , 1995 – the loss of his car and his selected woman drives a yuppie in Berlin into a little massacre among prostitutes. Directed by Oskar Roehler.
- The Promise (Das Versprechen), 1995 – two young lovers in Berlin are separated when the Berlin Wall goes up in 1961, and their stories intertwine during the three decades to German reunification. Directed by Margarethe von Trotta.
- Silent Night (Stille Nacht – Ein Fest der Liebe), 1995 – sensing their relationship is crumbling, a policeman avoids celebrating Christmas with his girlfriend and travels to Paris. Alone in their Berlin flat, she decides to drop her second lover, but her boyfriend is ringing up her constantly from Paris. Directed by Dani Levy.
- A Trick of Light (Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky), 1995 – shows the birth of cinema in Berlin where Max Skladanowsky and his brother Emil built a projector. Directed by Wim Wenders.
- Beyond Silence (Jenseits der Stille), 1996 – the daughter of deaf-mute parents is hearing, fluent in sign language and serves as an interpreter for her parents. After she receives a clarinet from her aunt, she discovers the world of music and wants to study at a music conservatory in Berlin. Directed by Caroline Link.
- Boomtown Berlin, 1996–2003 – series of 22 movies about the changing metropolis and about people searching for happiness in Berlin. Made by students of the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin for Sender Freies Berlin.
- Deathline (Der kalte Finger), 1996 – a young telephone operator at a hospital in Berlin has a second job at a sex hotline. One of her customers seems to let his imagination run wild, but nobody knows that other women have to die for that. Directed by Ralf Huettner .
- Dem deutschen Volke , 1996 – documentary on the art project Wrapped Reichstag by Christo and Jeanne-Claude who worked to convince the officials from 1971 to 1994 until the project of wrapping the Reichstag building could be realized in 1995. Directed by Jörg Daniel Hissen and Wolfram Hissen.
- The Glamorous World of the Adlon Hotel (In der glanzvollen Welt des Hotel Adlon), 1996 – docudrama on Louis Adlon who was sent to devastated Berlin in May 1945 by William Randolph Hearst to write sensational stories from the Hotel Adlon. Directed by Percy Adlon.
- Störung Ost, 1996 – documentary on the former punk subculture in East Berlin and the persecution people suffered from the Government of the German Democratic Republic. Directed by Mechthild Katzorke and Cornelia Schneider.
- Berlin – Moskau, 1997 – a member of the Senate of Berlin wants to sell a train full of contaminated grain to the Russian mafia via a haulier. But his daughter and her boyfriend can uncover the fraud. Directed by Wolfgang F. Henschel.
- Brothers and Sisters (Geschwister – Kardeşler), 1997 – showing the life and problems of three Turkish siblings in Berlin. Director: Thomas Arslan.
- Comedian Harmonists, 1997 – a biopic about the successful German vocal group Comedian Harmonists founded in 1927 in Berlin during the Golden Twenties and domiciled there until the three Jewish members were banned from stage by the Nazi Reichsmusikkammer in 1934. Directed by Joseph Vilsmaier.
- Der Hauptmann von Köpenick, 1997 – directed by Frank Beyer and based upon the play The Captain of Köpenick by Carl Zuckmayer. The play was based on the true story of Wilhelm Voigt.
- Life Is All You Get (Das Leben ist eine Baustelle), 1997 – romantic comedy in post-unification Berlin, by Wolfgang Becker.
- Love Story: Berlin 1942, 1997 – documentary of the love affair between Felice Schragenheim and Lilly Wust, by Catrine Clay.
- Magass, 1997 – surreal comedy by Daryush Shokof. The film is about a blacklisted artist, his four romances and their pet "a Fly" which becomes their "flying angel".
- Obsession, 1997 – a female musician in Berlin is in love with a French medical scientist when she meets an English chiseller, falls also in love with him and starts a love triangle. Directed by Peter Sehr.
- Silvester Countdown, 1997 – a young Berlin couple has increasing problems to cultivate their relationship. Even on a short trip to Warsaw around the turn of the year they switch between quarrelling and getting along with each other. Directed by Oskar Roehler.
- Angel Express, 1998 – about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience in late nineties Berlin. Directed by Rolf Peter Kahl.
- The Berlin Airlift: First Battle of the Cold War, 1998 – documentary containing many personal recollections and eyewitness accounts of the massive humanitarian, military, and political effort known as the Berlin Airlift. Directed by Robert Kirk.
- Break Even (Plus-minus null), 1998 – a lonely building worker in Berlin falls in love with a Bosnian prostitute and she asks him to marry her for the residence authorisation. Directed by Eoin Moore.
- The Final Game (Das Finale), 1998 – terrorists cause a mass panic during the final of the DFB Cup at Berlin Olympic Stadium. Directed by Sigi Rothemund.
- A Letter Without Words, 1998 – reconstructing the life of a wealthy, Jewish amateur filmmaker in Berlin during the 1920s and early 1930s on the basis of authentic filmic material presented by her granddaughter. Directed by Lisa Lewenz.
- Live Shot (Gehetzt – Der Tod im Sucher), 1998 – a TV reporter and his trainee in Berlin are shooting for scandalous reports. When they investigate the kidnapping of a publisher's stepdaughter, they get hunted themselves. Directed by Joe Coppoletta.
- Memory of Berlin, 1998 – autobiographical essay film by John Burgan.
- Run Lola Run (Lola rennt), 1998 – drama with three alternate realities in post-reunification Berlin by Tom Tykwer.
- Solo for Clarinet (Solo für Klarinette), 1998 – in a Berlin apartment house a man is found ruffianly murdered with a clarinet. A burnt out police inspector follows a suspicious but mysterious woman and falls for her. Directed by Nico Hofmann.
- Aimée & Jaguar, 1999 – lesbian love story set against the backdrop of war-time Berlin, by Max Färberböck.
- Apokalypso – Bombenstimmung in Berlin, 1999 – a bomb specialist runs against time to save Berlin from an atomic catastrophe, planned by a fanatic sect. Directed by Martin Walz.
- Berlin – Ecke Bundesplatz, 1999–2012 – long term documentary film project about (middle-class and other) people living around the Bundesplatz in Wilmersdorf district. Filming began in 1985. Directors: Hans-Georg Ullrich and Detlef Gumm.
- Bombs Under Berlin (Götterdämmerung – Morgen stirbt Berlin), 1999 – at a building site in Berlin a time bomb is found. A historian believes that a complete series of bombs was placed there by a Nazi special force to destroy Berlin at the end of World War II and that someone is still taking care of the bombs. Directed by Joe Coppoletta.
- Dealer , 1999 – a Turkish man in Berlin is unable to devote himself to anything other than being a criminal and a drug dealer. Directed by Thomas Arslan.
- Downhill City , 1999 – a poor Finnish guitarist travels to Berlin. There he falls in love with a female Hamburger seller from Saxony and meets other unsuccessful people. Director: Hannu Salonen.
- The Einstein of Sex (Der Einstein des Sex), 1999 – follows the life of Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld who was a sexologist, a gay socialist and who established the first Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin in 1919. Directed by Rosa von Praunheim.
- Heroes Like Us (Helden wie wir), 1999 – showing life in East Berlin between 1968 and 1989. A young Stasi officer falls in love with a former school friend who is now critical of the regime. Directed by Sebastian Peterson.
- Lola and Billy the Kid, 1999 – a 17-year-old Turkish boy in Berlin discovers that he is homosexual, which provokes severe problems with his traditional family. Directed by Kutluğ Ataman.
- Nightshapes (Nachtgestalten), 1999 – about socially deprived people in Berlin. Directed by Andreas Dresen.
- Paths in the Night (Wege in die Nacht), 1999 – after German reunification, a former factory manager in East Berlin gets jobless. While his wife works in a bar, he becomes mentor to two young vigilantes who punish troublemakers in Berlin U-Bahn at night. Directed by Andreas Kleinert.
- Snow on New Year's Eve (Schnee in der Neujahrsnacht), 1999 – episodes from the 1999 Silvester night in Berlin, where a radio announcer calls people to bring their New Year's resolutions to fruition during the last hours of the old year. Directed by Thorsten Schmidt .
- Sonnenallee, 1999 – a teen comedy set in the East Berlin of the 1970s by Leander Haußmann.
- Der Tunnel, 1999 – documentary on four students in West Berlin digging a tunnel under Berlin Wall towards East Berlin in 1962 to rescue 29 people. Directed by Marcus Vetter.
- alaska.de, 2000 – after a teenage girl moved to a miserable Plattenbau settlement in Hohenschönhausen district, she witnesses accidentally a murder. But afterwards she falls in love with one of the delinquents. Directed by Esther Gronenborn.
- Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace (Bonhoeffer – Die letzte Stufe), 2000 – though theologian, writer and Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer could stay in the United States, he returns to Berlin in 1939 and becomes a member of the Resistance in the Abwehr. In 1943 he gets arrested by the Gestapo and in 1945 murdered at Flossenbürg concentration camp. Directed by Eric Till.
- Cold Is the Breath of Evening (Kalt ist der Abendhauch), 2000 – an 83-year-old woman in Zehlendorf looks back on her young days when she had a secret love affair with her brother-in-law and conceived a child from him. Based on a novel from Ingrid Noll and directed by Rainer Kaufmann.
- England!, 2000 – a soldier was exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl disaster and contracted a disease. On a last journey to England he becomes stranded in Berlin, searching for his former companion. Directed by Achim von Borries.
- Heimspiel, 2000 – documentary on the famous professional ice hockey team Eisbären Berlin at Wellblechpalast, its devoted supporters and the new role of the former club from the East in reunited Germany. Directed by Pepe Danquart.
- No Place to Go (Die Unberührbare), 2000 – after the Peaceful Revolution a communist female writer moves from Munich to Berlin and tries to start a new life. But she has to realise that her view of the former GDR was too euphemistic. Based on the life of Gisela Elsner and directed by her son Oskar Roehler.
- Return to Go! (Zurück auf Los!), 2000 – a group of homosexual men in Prenzlauer Berg district has to get along with love, AIDS, disability, unemployment and alcoholism. Directed by Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss.
- A Tale of two Cities (Der Flaneur von Berlin – Eine Erzählung von zwei Städten), 2000 – portrait on famous photographer Henry Ries who took pictures of the Berlin Air Lift. In 1999 he returned to Berlin and searched for his own past. Directed by Manfred Wilhelms.
- Three Chinamen with a Double Bass (Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass), 2000 – after a druggy party night a young architect finds his fiancé dead in his flat. Together with two friends he has to get rid of the corpse – in busy Berlin-Mitte. Directed by Klaus Krämer.
- Trust Me (Freunde), 2000 – two former childhood friends meet again under different circumstances in Berlin: One of them became a gangster and the other is a policeman who has to convict his old friend. Directed by Martin Eigler .
- Be.Angeled , 2001 – two days in the life of several young visitors of Berlin's Love Parade. The movie uses scenes from the 2000 electronic dance music festival and parade around Victory Column and Straße des 17. Juni. Directed by Roman Kuhn.
- Berlin Babylon, 2001 – documentary film on the reconstruction projects after the fall of the Wall, directed by Hubertus Siegert.
- Berlin is in Germany, 2001 – drama about an East German political prisoner released from jail in post-unification Germany and now must come to terms with the geographic, political, and cultural displacements of Berlin in the 1990s. A film by Hannes Stöhr.
- Conspiracy, 2001 – film directed by Frank Pierson, made for HBO (television) USA, about the Wannsee Conference plan to exterminate the Jews during WWII.
- The Days Between (In den Tag hinein), 2001 – a 22-year-old waitress lives with her brother and his family, and with her spontaneous character she is the direct opposite to her disciplined boyfriend. When she meets a Japanese student, she drifts with him through Berlin. Directed by Maria Speth.
- Emil and the Detectives (Emil und die Detektive), 2001 – adventure film directed by Franziska Buch, based on the novel Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner.
- Female 2 Seeks Happy End (Frau2 sucht HappyEnd), 2001 – a doleful radio personality and one of his female listeners meet in a chat room and discuss their former, painful relationships. In autumnal Berlin they learn to relinquish and to establish new ties. Directed by Edward Berger.
- A Fine Day (Der schöne Tag), 2001 – about a girl in Berlin who wants to become an actress and makes her living by dubbing movies. By Thomas Arslan.
- Heidi M. , 2001 – a divorced and lonely woman leads a corner shop in Berlin-Mitte where customers can talk about their problems. Directed by Michael Klier.
- Invincible (Unbesiegbar), 2001 – true story of a Jewish strongman in 1932 Berlin by Werner Herzog.
- Julietta (Julietta – Es ist nicht wie du denkst), 2001 – an 18-year-old high-school graduate from Stuttgart gets unconscious at Love Parade Berlin. A DJ pulls her out of a fountain and rapes her. When she gets pregnant, she does not know what her saviour did to her. Directed by Christoph Stark .
- Moonlight Tariff (Mondscheintarif), 2001 – an emancipated woman in her twenties living in Berlin is waiting wishfully for a one-night stand lover to call her again and experiences a rising depression. Directed by Ralf Huettner .
- My Sweet Home, 2001 – an American has persuaded his German girlfriend to marry him, after just one month of knowing each other. Now they celebrate their Polterabend with various immigrants in a Berlin bar. Directed by Filippos Tsitos.
- Never Mind the Wall (Wie Feuer und Flamme), 2001 – in 1982 a 17-year-old girl from West Berlin travels to East Berlin to her grandmother's funeral and falls in love with the leader of a punk clique, which evokes severe problems. Director: Connie Walther .
- Passing Summer (Mein langsames Leben), 2001 – the movie follows the slow-going life of a young woman in Berlin during summer. Directed by Angela Schanelec.
- Planet Alex, 2001 – episodic movie filmed at Alexanderplatz where the stories of several characters intertwine within a period of 24 hours. Directed by Uli M Schueppel.
- Sass , 2001 – based on the true story of brothers Franz and Erich Sass from Moabit district, who became the most famous and innovative bank robbers during 1920s Berlin. Directed by Carlo Rola .
- Taking Sides (Der Fall Furtwängler), 2001 – conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler stays in Nazi Germany rather than flee, and experiences consequences after the war. Film by István Szabó.
- The Tunnel (Der Tunnel), 2001 – dramatization of a collaborative tunnel under the wall in the 1950s. Film by Roland Suso Richter.
- What to Do in Case of Fire? (Was tun, wenn's brennt?), 2001 – police hunt down radicals whose bomb goes off 12 years late. Film by Gregor Schnitzler.
- Der Zimmerspringbrunnen, 2001 – after years of unemployment and uselessness a man in East Berlin creates a very successful Ostalgie item – a tabletop fountain consisting of a Fernsehturm Berlin model on a plate in the form of the GDR map. Directed by Peter Timm.
- Berlin Symphony (Berlin: Sinfonie einer Großstadt), 2002 – the remake of Ruttmanns classic by Thomas Schadt shows one day in Berlin some years after the German reunification.
- Big Girls Don't Cry (Große Mädchen weinen nicht), 2002 – two girls in Berlin have been best friends since childhood. But as they step into adulthood, their perfect friendship gets harshly tested by several unfortunate events. Directed by Maria von Heland.
- Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, 2002 – depicting the life of game show producer Chuck Barris, who claimed to have also been working for the CIA. After a mission in Berlin to assassinate a communist, Barris is held captive by the KGB and gets swapped with a Soviet agent. Directed by George Clooney.
- Führer Ex, 2002 – two friends want to escape from East Germany, are caught and kept enclosed in a Berlin prison where one of them becomes a Neo-Nazi. Directed by Winfried Bonengel.
- Der Glanz von Berlin, 2002 – documentary about three cleaning ladies in Berlin and their personal dreams. Directed by Judith Keil and Antje Kruska.
- Half the Rent (Halbe Miete), 2002 – a computer hacker in Berlin steals information from foreign computers. When his paranoid girlfriend dies in the bathtub, he escapes to Cologne where he invades private flats to eat and to take a shower. Directed by Marc Ottiker .
- Hotte in Paradise (Hotte im Paradies), 2002 – a young panderer in Berlin has already two prostitutes working for him, but they don't earn enough money to fund his expensive way of life. So he acquires a new prosperous girl, but she gets kidnapped by a Russian competitor. Directed by Dominik Graf.
- Naked (Nackt), 2002 – three couples in Berlin meet for dinner and start an erotic identification game. Directed by Doris Dörrie.
- Ripley's Game, 2002 – an art framer from the Veneto who is dying of leukemia travels several times to Berlin to get medical examinations, and there he also assassinates mobsters on behalf of others. This attracts the mobsters' associates to his own family. Based on Ripley's Game by Patricia Highsmith and directed by Liliana Cavani.
- Starbuck Holger Meins, 2002 – documentary on Holger Meins who started to study cinematography at Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin and became a terrorist in the Red Army Faction. Directed by Gerd Conradt.
- Tattoo, 2002 – two police detectives in Berlin hunt a ritualistic serial killer murdering people with tattoos and skinning them for a mysterious collector. Directed by Robert Schwentke.
- Unternehmen Paradies, 2002 – atmospheric documentary movie about the cityscape, residents, visitors and the political and cultural life of Berlin by Volker Sattel.
- Alltag, 2003 – depicting life in the Turkish neighborhood of Kreuzberg. Directed by Neco Celik.
- Anatomy 2, 2003 – a medical horror story, directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky.
- Angst (Der alte Affe Angst), 2003 – the different attitudes toward life lead a sensitive stage director and his beautiful girlfriend in Berlin to constant fights and conflicts. Directed by Oskar Roehler.
- Berlin – Eine Stadt sucht den Mörder , 2003 – a female photo-journalist is after a ripper in Berlin who could be a taxi driver. Directed by Urs Egger.
- Berlin Blues (Herr Lehmann), 2003 – a portrait of typical people in Berlin-Kreuzberg during the 1980s. Director: Leander Haußmann.
- Distant Lights (Lichter), 2003 – reflects on the situation at the border between Poland and Germany around Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice. One man from a group of Ukrainians can manage to cross the border illegally and reaches finally Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Directed by Hans-Christian Schmid.
- Good Bye, Lenin!, 2003 – award-winning bittersweet comedy about the reunification, by Wolfgang Becker.
- Kroko , 2003 – a violent girl in Berlin-Wedding is sentenced to several days of community work at a flat-sharing community with handicapped persons. Director: Sylke Enders .
- Learning to Lie (Liegen lernen), 2003 – based on the novel of Frank Goosen and telling the love stories of a young man driving several times to Berlin, beginning with a school trip. Director: Hendrik Handloegten .
- Red and Blue (Rot und Blau), 2003 – a respected architect – a great mother and wife – has a good life in Berlin when her daughter from a relationship with a Turkish immigrant some 25 years ago appears. Directed by Rudolf Thome.
- Rosenstrasse, 2003 – flashback retelling of the events of the 1943 Rosenstrasse protest, by Margarethe von Trotta.
- Soloalbum, 2003 – about a young music editorial journalist in Berlin. Directed by Gregor Schnitzler.
- We (Wir), 2003 – a group of school friends meet real life in Berlin after final secondary-school examinations and before the beginning of studies. Directed by Martin Gypkens .
- A2Z, filmed 2004 – an old man and his Lolita are committed to kill each other that very day, directed by Daryush Shokof.
- Alles auf Zucker! (Go for Zucker), 2004 – comedy with Ossi-Wessi and secular-orthodox Jewish themes. Director Dani Levy.
- Berliner Maifestspiele, 2004 – Director: Nives Konik.
- The Bourne Supremacy, 2004 – American spy mystery thriller with many scenes filmed / set in Berlin. Directed by Paul Greengrass.
- Chasing Liberty, 2004 – on an official trip to Prague, the daughter of the President of the United States meets a handsome young man and escapes with him to Venice and to Love Parade in Berlin. Shortly after she fell in love with him she has to realize that he is just another Special Agent. Directed by Andy Cadiff.
- Downfall (Der Untergang), 2004 – film depicting the last days of Hitler and the Battle of Berlin, set in and around the "Führerbunker", directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel.
- The Edukators (Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei), 2004 – film depicting the encounter of three anti-capitalist activists and a wealthy businessman in Berlin-Zehlendorf. Directed by Hans Weingartner.
- EuroTrip, 2004 – an American teenager travels across Europe with his friends in search of his German pen pal. When he cannot find her in her home town Berlin, he follows her to Rome. Directed by Jeff Schaffer.
- Herzlutschen, 2004 – in Friedrichshain district a young lightheaded man searches for a new abode, but meets a depressive hippie girl who constantly faints. At the same time a young journalist searches for a submerged Nobel Prize winner. Directed by Joost Renders.
- Jargo, 2004 – a coming of age film about a young male who experiences culture shock from moving from Saudi Arabia to Berlin. Directed by Maria Solrun.
- Love in Thoughts (Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken), 2004 – about the so-called Steglitz student tragedy in 1927, when two young men made a suicide pact under the influence of alcohol, music and sex, leading to a tragedy. Directed by Achim von Borries.
- Meine schönsten Jahre, 2004 – eight-part Ostalgie movie about a man looking back to the year 1983 when he was 13 years old and lived in a Plattenbau settlement in East Berlin. Directed by Edzard Onneken and Ulli Baumann.
- Muxmäuschenstill, 2004 – follows a vigilante who lives in Berlin and used to study philosophy. The do-gooder wants to bring justice to criminals in his own way, but becomes a wrongdoer himself. Director: Marcus Mittermeier.
- Olga, 2004 – German Jewish communist militant Olga Benário comes to Berlin in 1925 where she helps organize Otto Braun's escape from Moabit prison. After years in Moscow she is sent to Brazil with Luís Carlos Prestes, but the insurrection fails. Benário is extradited to Nazi Germany and murdered at Bernburg Euthanasia Centre. Directed by Jayme Monjardim.
- Olga Benario – Ein Leben für die Revolution, 2004 – docudrama on the life of Olga Benário, from her early years in Munich over the rescue of Otto Braun from Moabit prison, her relationship to revolutionary Luís Carlos Prestes, the birth of her daughter Anita Leocádia at Berlin Barnimstrasse women's prison until her death at Bernburg Euthanasia Centre. Directed by Galip Iyitanir.
- Rhythm Is It!, 2004 – documents a project by the Berlin Philharmonic principal conductor Simon Rattle and choreographer Royston Maldoom to popularize classical music by staging a performance of Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Rite of Spring with 250 children from Berlin's public schools. Directed by Thomas Grube and Enrique Sánchez Lansch.
- Room Service (Das Zimmermädchen und der Millionär), 2004 – a millionaire owns the luxurious Berlin Hotel Ritz for a short period of time. But when he arrives he is considered to be a temporary waiter, instructed for service and falls in love with a waitress. Directed by Andreas Senn .
- Die Spielwütigen , 2004 – documentary on four young actors studying at Berlin Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts and taking first steps into professional acting. Directed by Andres Veiel.
- Status Yo! , 2004 – the Berlin HipHop scene, rappers have 24 hours to stage a megaconcert, by Till Hastreiter.
- Stauffenberg, 2004 – about Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and the 20 July 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Directed by Jo Baier.
- Die Stunde der Offiziere, 2004 – a semi-documentary movie telling in chronological order about the German resistance attempts to kill Adolf Hitler and seize power in Germany in the July 20 plot of 1944. Directed by Hans-Erich Viet.
- Der Teufel von Rudow, 2004 – horror film about a couple in Rudow district investigating mysterious incidents dealing with a man caged in their neighbour's house. Director: Ulrich Meczulat.
- Venussian Tabutasco, 2004 – life of people in a building is seen through a "glass elevator" going up and down the floors of the building, Directed by Daryush Shokof.
- Walk on Water, 2004 – an Israeli hitman working for Mossad has to find an aging Nazi war criminal in Berlin but has in the meantime formed a profound friendship with two young German grandchildren of the senile man. Directed by Eytan Fox.
- Женщина за рулем, Мужчина спит ( Frau fährt, Mann Schläft ), 2004 — внешне идеальная и благополучная семья в Берлине переезжает на Потсдамскую площадь , но приходит в замешательство, когда старший сын внезапно умирает от аневризмы . Режиссер Рудольф Томе .
2005 [ править ]
- О поисках и обретении любви ( Vomuchen und Finden der Liebe ), 2005 г. - композитор и певица встречаются в Берлине и думают, что нашли любовь всей своей жизни. Когда через несколько лет они расстаются, композитор кончает жизнь самоубийством, и певец следует за ним, чтобы освободить его из преступного мира . По мотивам повести «Орфей» , режиссер Гельмут Дитль .
- Воздушный транспорт ( Die Luftbrücke – Nur der Himmel war frei ), 2005 – историческая драма о непростом любовном романе между немецким секретарем, работавшим в берлинском аэропорту Темпельхоф , и американским генералом во время берлинского воздушного транспорта 1948–1949 годов. Режиссер Дрор Захави .
- Антитела ( Antikörper ), 2005 — полицейский из маленькой деревни хочет раскрыть убийство 12-летней девочки, едет в Берлин, чтобы поговорить с педерастом серийным убийцей- и потихоньку начинает исследовать собственную темную сторону. Режиссер Кристиан Альварт .
- Берлинские истории ( Stadt als Beute ), 2005 - эпизодический фильм о жизни трех актеров, репетирующих спектакль в берлинском дворовом театре. Режиссер Мириам Дене , Эстер Гроненборн и Ирен фон Альберти .
- Flightplan , 2005 г. — муж американской авиаинженерши погибает при загадочных обстоятельствах, пока семья живет в Берлине. Когда мать летит обратно в Нью-Йорк с его гробом, ее шестилетняя дочь внезапно исчезает в самолете. Режиссер Роберт Швентке .
- Призраки ( Gespenster ), 2005 — сирота подросткового возраста с психическими проблемами начинает новую работу уборщицей сада в Берлине и знакомится с двумя загадочными женщинами. Режиссер Кристиан Петцольд .
- Ich bin ein Berliner , 2005 г. — профессиональный мошенник из Берлина выдумывает историю о том, что он внебрачный сын Джона Ф. Кеннеди от визита в Западный Берлин в 1963 году . Когда журналист начинает расследовать эту историю, она оказывается правдой. Режиссер Франциска Мейер Прайс .
- KlassenLeben , 2005 — документальный фильм о проекте в районе Шёнеберг по интеграции четырёх детей-инвалидов в обычную школу. Режиссер Хубертус Зигерт .
- Die letzte Schlacht , 2005 — документальная драма о битве за Берлин с апреля по май 1945 года, основанная на реальных рассказах современников. Режиссер Ханс-Кристоф Блюменберг .
- Lord of War , 2005 — украинско-американский торговец оружием приезжает на Берлинскую ярмарку оружия в 1983 году, чтобы встретиться с известным международным торговцем оружием. В конце 1980-х годов и после распада Советского Союза он становится одним из самых успешных участников рынка в мире. Режиссер Эндрю Никкол .
- Нетто , 2005 г. – неудачник средних лет из Пренцлауэр-Берг пытается принять жизненный вызов, когда к нему переезжает его 15-летний сын, и помогает ему с заявлениями о приеме на работу и собеседованиями. Режиссер Роберт Тальхайм .
- Никаких песен о любви ( Keine Lieder über Liebe ), 2005 г. — молодой кинорежиссер из Берлина едет в концертный тур, чтобы снять документальный фильм о своем брате, поющем в рок-группе . Во время гастролей режиссер хочет узнать, была ли в прошлом у его собственной девушки роман с братом. Режиссер Ларс Крауме .
- Speer und Er , 2005 — трехсерийная документальная драма об Адольфе Гитлере и его генеральном строительном инспекторе столицы рейха Альберте Шпеере , их планах превратить Берлин в Welthauptstadt Germania и заключении Шпеера в тюрьме Шпандау после Нюрнбергского процесса . Режиссер Генрих Брелёр .
- Spiele der Macht – 11011 Берлин , 2005 г. – женщина-политолог становится советником канцлера Германии , который передает ей часть своей власти. Режиссер Маркус Имбоден .
- Лето в Берлине ( Sommer vorm Balkon ), 2005 г. – две женщины борются за жизнь и мужчина. Режиссер Андреас Дрезен .
- Нас здесь никогда не было , 2005 — документальный фильм о берлинской рок-группе Mutter . Режиссер Антония Ганц .
2006 [ править ]
- 18.15 Uhr ab Ostkreuz , 2006 г. – дрянная пародия на мисс Марпл об учителе на пенсии из района Хазельхорст, ставшем свидетелем ужасного убийства в проезжающем поезде берлинской городской железной дороги . Режиссер Йорн Хартманн .
- Altlastpalast , 2006 — история Дворца Республики и его деконструкции в 2006 году, чтобы освободить место для реконструкции берлинского Stadtschloss . Режиссер Ирина Эндерс .
- Atomized ( Elementarteilchen ), 2006 г. - молекулярный биолог из Берлина увольняется с работы, чтобы вернуться к научным исследованиям. Его сводный брат добровольно помещается в психиатрическую больницу после сексуального домогательства к одному из своих учеников. Режиссер Оскар Рёлер .
- Паршивая овца ( Schwarze Schafe ), 2006 — рассказывает в пяти сериях истории людей в Берлине, испытывающих финансовые проблемы. Режиссер: Оливер Рисс .
- Холодное лето ( Die Mauer - Берлин '61 ), 2006 г. - рассказывает историю семьи в Берлине, которая разделилась в тот день, когда в 1961 году была построена Берлинская стена . Режиссер Хартмут Шен .
- F4: Vortex ( Торнадо – Der Zorn des Himmels ), 2006 – двухсерийная художественная драма о молодом метеорологе, возвращающемся из США в Берлин, который предсказывает торнадо, пронесшийся над столицей. Режиссер Андреас Линке .
- Feiern , 2006 — документальный фильм о людях в Берлине, посвятивших свою жизнь электронной танцевальной музыке , ночным клубам , вечеринкам и наркотикам. Режиссер Майя Классен .
- «Хороший немец» , 2006 — дань уважения фильму-нуару , действие которого происходит в Берлине 1945 года во время Потсдамской конференции Стивена Содерберга .
- Happy as One ( Komm näher ), 2006 — проблемы взаимоотношений нескольких одиноких людей в Берлине и попытки найти новую любовную привязанность. Режиссер: Ванесса Джопп .
- других» , « Жизни 2006 г. – Культурная жизнь Восточного Берлина до воссоединения, пронизанная секретными агентами Штази . Драма Флориана Хенкеля фон Доннерсмарка .
- Люси , 2006 — о 18-летней девушке из Берлина, которая родила ребенка и до сих пор живет с собственной матерью. Режиссер Хеннер Винклер .
- Не сердитесь! , 2006 г. - документальный фильм о трех наркозависимых мужчинах, живущих в квартире в районе Кройцберг . Режиссер Вольфганг Рейнке .
- P05 — Защита 05: Молодёжь в Кройцберге , 2006 — Режиссеры: Нивес Коник , Марк Коник .
- Ярость ( Вут ), 2006 г. — возникновение конфликта между либеральной немецкой семьей среднего класса в районе Темпельхоф и лидером турецкой банды приводит к жестокой бдительности . Режиссер Зюли Аладаг .
- Красный какаду ( Der Rote Kakadu ), 2006 — молодая любовь и дружба в Восточной Германии 1961 года; частично расположен на Копенгагенерштрассе . Режиссер Доминик Граф .
- Riding Up Front ( Schöner Leben ), 2006 г. – в канун Рождества несколько жителей и гостей Берлина изо всех сил стараются стать счастливыми. Режиссер Маркус Херлинг .
- Tough Enough ( Knallhart ), 2006 — фильм о захудалом районе Берлин-Нойкельн . Режиссер Детлев Бак .
- Валери , 2006 г. - бывшая модель, которая сейчас полностью разорена, вынуждена выживать в своей машине в рождественском Берлине. Режиссер Биргит Мёллер .
- Где Фред? ( Wo ist Fred? ), 2006 г. — чтобы поймать баскетбольный мяч от «Альбы Берлин» , любимой команды сына своей подруги, бригадир изображает из себя болельщика-инвалида, передвигающегося в инвалидной коляске. Когда он ловит мяч, он также привлекает внимание молодой женщины-режиссера. Режиссер Анно Сол .
- Ты сказал мне, ты любишь меня ( Du hast gesagt, dass Du mich Liebst ), 2006 - пенсионерка из Берлина, которая в юности была профессиональной пловчихой, встречает молодого писателя после того, как она ответила на его рекламу одиноких сердец. . Режиссер Рудольф Томе .
2007 [ править ]
- Берлинский хоровод ( Berliner Reigen ), 2007 — вымышленный взгляд на общество в Берлине в 10 сериях в стиле хоровода. По пьесе Ронд» « Артура Шницлера и режиссера Дитера Бернера .
- BerlinSong , 2007 — документальный фильм о шести молодых музыкантах со всего мира, обосновавшихся в Берлине и написавших песни о своих любимых местах в городе. Режиссер Ули М Шуппель .
- «Скитальец» , 2007 — документальный фильм, показывающий жизнь бездомных детей в Берлине, погрязшем в наркозависимости и детской проституции. Режиссер Себастьян Хайдингер .
- Вы не одиноки , 2007 г. – портрет людей, живущих в многоэтажке с муниципальными квартирами в Восточном Берлине . Режиссер Бернд Бёлих .
- Die Frau vom Checkpoint Charlie , 2007 г. - в 1982 г. женщина из Восточной Германии пытается бежать со своими двумя дочерьми на Запад, но их ловят. Хотя правительство Западной Германии выкупает мать из тюрьмы, детей отправляют приемным родителям. Впоследствии она проводит длинную демонстрацию на контрольно-пропускном пункте Чарли, чтобы вернуть своих дочерей. Основан на реальной истории Ютты Флек , режиссер Мигель Александр .
- KDD — Crime Continuous Service , 2007 — Режиссеры: Матиас Гласнер , Ларс Крауме , Филиппос Цитос , Эдвард Бергер , Андреас Прочаска и Зюли Аладаг .
- Кнут - Из питомника белого медведя / Knut - A White Bear Discovers the World , 2007 - документальный фильм из двух частей о милом маленьком белом медвежонке Кнуте , которого воспитывает смотритель зоопарка Томас Дёрфляйн в Берлинском зоологическом саду и который впоследствии становится любимой знаменитостью. Режиссеры Георг Бергер , Даниэль Ремспергер и Андреа Штирингер .
- Лерой , 2007 год — чернокожий афро-парень из Берлина влюбляется в девушку, у которой есть пять братьев -неонацистов . Режиссер: Армин Фелькерс .
- Последний выключает свет! , 2007 г. – трое безработных пытаются выжить в Берлине и готовятся к эмиграции в Норвегию. Режиссер Клеменс Шенборн .
- Макс Мински и Я ( Max Мински и ich ), 2007 г. - ботанистая еврейская девушка из Берлина получает пятерки, за исключением спортзала. Чтобы встретить принца своей мечты, ей приходится брать уроки баскетбола и присоединиться к женской команде своей школы. Режиссер Анна Джастис .
- Мой фюрер – Самая правдивая правда об Адольфе Гитлере ( Mein Führer – Самая правдивая правда об Адольфе Гитлере ), 2007 – комедия об Адольфе Гитлере и его подготовке вместе со своим тренером-евреем по актерскому мастерству к большой новогодней речи. Режиссер Дэни Леви .
- Бассейн принцесс ( Prinzessinnenbad о трёх подростках из берлинского Кройцберг района ), 2007 — документальный фильм Беттины Блюмнер .
- Кролик без ушей ( Keinohrhasen ), 2007 г. - репортер желтой прессы в Берлине приговорен к 300 часам общественных работ в детском саду , где он влюбляется в менеджера женского центра. Режиссер: Тиль Швайгер .
- Бушующий ад ( Das Inferno – Flammen über Berlin вспыхивает пожар ), 2007 г. – в Fernsehturm Berlin , и среди запертых вспыхивает хаос. Опальный бывший пожарный помогает спасти посетителей. Режиссер Райнер Мацутани .
- Reclaim Your Brain ( Free Rainer – Dein Fernseher lügt ), 2007 – движимый рейтингами просмотров, продюсер мыльных опер , ток-шоу и реалити-шоу в коммерческой телерадиокомпании в Берлине осознает абсурдность своей работы. Поэтому он уходит и создает систему манипулирования измерением аудитории , вызывая культурную революцию. Режиссер Ханс Вайнгартнер .
- Рейхсорчестер ( Das Reichsorchester о роли Берлинского филармонического оркестра во времена Третьего рейха ), 2007 — документальный фильм Энрике Санчеса Ланша .
- Shootback Heimat Kreuzberg , 2007 — Режиссеры: Нивес Коник , Марк Коник .
- wegen Nelly , 2007 — Режиссер: Джонатан Бёллинг .
- Неправильный номер , 2007 — житель Нью-Йорка в Берлине набирает неправильный номер, девушка на другом конце провода на удивление восприимчива, и их последующие разговоры становятся, казалось бы, спонтанными и личными. Режиссер Льюис Хойслер .
2008 [ править ]
- 1 мая: Все принадлежит вам ( 1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit ), 2008 г. – эпизодический фильм о нескольких людях, которые встречаются во время Международного дня трудящихся и традиционных беспорядков в районе Кройцберг . Режиссер: Ян-Кристоф Глейзер , Карстен Людвиг , Свен Таддикен , Якоб Зиемницки .
- Комплекс Баадер Майнхоф ( Der Baader Meinhof Komplex ), 2008 г. - пересказывает историю первых лет существования западногерманской крайне левой террористической группировки RAF, показывая убийство Бенно Онесорга в Западном Берлине во время визита шаха Мохаммеда Резы Пехлеви и бомбардировка Axel Springer AG до событий под названием «Немецкая осень» . Режиссер Ули Эдель .
- Берлин у моря ( Берлин-ам-Меер ), 2008 г. - рассказывает историю студентов в Берлине, которые работали диск-жокеями и делили квартиру. Режиссер Вольфганг Эйсслер .
- Berlin Calling , 2008 - Берлинская электронная музыкальная сцена, трагикомедия в современном Берлине. Автор сценария и режиссер Ханнес Штер .
- Цветущая вишня ( Kirschblüten – Hanami ), 2008 г. – баварская пара, давно состоящая в браке, едет в Берлин, чтобы увидеть детей, а затем на Балтийское море , где умирает мать. Отец пытается восполнить потерю жены и едет в Японию, чтобы увидеть танец Буто . Режиссер Дорис Дорри .
- «Облако 9» ( Вольке Нойн ), 2008 г. – женщина около 60 лет, живущая в Берлине, замужем уже 30 лет, когда у нее завязывается тайный роман с мужчиной 76 лет. Режиссер Андреас Дрезен .
- Ивет, да! ( Ивет, я буду! ), 2008 г. - несколько мультикультурных пар в многоэтажке в Берлине хотят пожениться, но сталкиваются с серьезными проблемами. Режиссер Синан Аккуша .
- Герои по соседству ( Helden aus der Nachbarschaft ), 2008 — ведущая неудачного телешоу в Берлине ищет новых участников. Режиссер Йован Мышьяк .
- Любовь, мир и битбокс , 2008 — документальный фильм о растущей субкультуре битбокса в Берлине. Режиссер Фолькер Мейер-Дабиш .
- Мелодии весны ( Märzmelodie ), 2008 — о проблемах в отношениях нескольких пар в Берлине. Режиссер Мартин Вальц .
- Берлинское чудо ( Das Wunder von Berlin ), 2008 — о семье из Восточного Берлина , переживающей открытие Берлинской стены в 1989 году. Режиссер Роланд Сусо Рихтер .
- SubBerlin — Underground United , 2008 — документальный фильм о знаменитом берлинском андеграундном техно- клубе и звукозаписывающем лейбле Tresor , прославившемся после 1991 года в подвалах бывшего универмага. Режиссер Тильманн Кюнцель .
- This Is Berlin Not New York , 2008 — художники из Нью-Йорка и Берлина создают оригинальные произведения искусства, режиссёр Итан Минскер .
- Валькирия , 2008 — исторический триллер Брайана Сингера, основанный на 20 июля 1944 года заговоре офицеров немецкой армии с целью убийства Адольфа Гитлера с помощью заговорщиков, действующих из Берлина.
- В ожидании Анджелины ( Warten auf Angelina ), 2008 — папарацци и одержимый фанат подружились во время застолья в квартире Бранджелины в Берлине. Режиссер Ханс-Кристоф Блюменберг .
- Женщина в Берлине ( Анонима - Eine Frau в Берлине ), 2008 - фильм дневника «Женщина в Берлине», Марты Хиллерс изображающий изнасилование многих берлинских женщин Советским Союзом в 1945 году, снятый Максом Фербербеком .
2009 [ править ]
- 24 часа Берлина ( 24 h Berlin — Ein Tag im Leben ), 2009 — документальный фильм «24 часа» показывает личную жизнь 50 разных людей в Берлине. Режиссер Фолькер Хейзе .
- 24 Stunden Schlesisches Tor , 2009 г. – съемочная группа в течение 24 часов беседует с прохожими на Schlesisches Tor станции в районе Кройцберг . Режиссеры Анна де Паоли и Ева Лия Райнеггер .
- Auf der anderen Seite der Leinwand — 100 Jahre Moviemento , 2009 — документальный фильм о знаменитом Moviemento репертуарном кинотеатре в районе Кройцберг , который был основан в 1907 году и оказал огромное влияние на культурную среду и творчество молодых кинематографистов. Режиссер Бернд Соболла .
- Возлюбленная Берлинская стена ( Либе Мауэр ), 2009 - студентка в Западном Берлине влюбляется в солдата СВА пограничных войск в Восточном Берлине в 1989 году. Режиссер Питер Тимм .
- Берлин, 36 судьбе еврейской легкоатлетки , 2009 г. – рассказывает о Гретель Бергманн на летних Олимпийских играх 1936 года . Режиссер Каспар Хайдельбах .
- Берлин — «Затерянные во времени и пространстве» , 2009 — документальный фильм о музыкальной сцене Западного Берлина в период с 1970 по 1989 годы с FM Unit , Kid Congo Powers , Дэвидом Боуи , Die Haut , Ideal , Ниной Хаген , Einstreichende Neuhäusern , Ton Steine Scherben и другие. Режиссер Оливер Швабе .
- За стеной ( Jenseits der Mauer ), 2009 г. - в 1974 г. пара из Восточной Германии пытается бежать, и им разрешено уйти на случай, если они отдадут свою дочь на усыновление и будут шпионить в пользу Штази в Западной Германии. В ноябре 1989 года они встречаются снова, когда Берлинская стена падает на пограничном переходе Борнхольмерштрассе . Режиссер Фридеман Фромм .
- Катапульта ( Achterbahn ), 2009 — документальный фильм о Карни Норберте Витте и его семье, его тщетных попытках управлять и развивать Berlin Spreepark парк развлечений и его падении после контрабанды кокаина из Перу в Германию. Режиссер Петер Дёрфлер .
- Город по имени Желание ( Sehnsurt Berlin ), 2009 — документальный фильм о городе глазами известных художников, временных берлинцев. Автор сценария и режиссер Питер Зак .
- Товарищ Кутюр ( Ein Traum в Erdbeerfolie ), 2009 г. – главные герои официальной и андеграундной модной сцены Восточного Берлина 1980-х годов вспоминают свой богемный и неадаптированный образ жизни. Режиссер Марко Вильмс .
- Дучке , 2009 — документальная драма о жизни Руди Дучке , самого видного представителя немецкого студенческого движения 1960-х годов, и о его работе в Западном Берлине . Режиссер Стефан Кромер .
- «Побег на свободу — с отвагой отчаяния» / «Побег на свободу — во что бы то ни стало» , 2009 — двухсерийный документальный фильм о эффектных попытках побега через Берлинскую стену в период с 1961 по 1989 год. Режиссеры Йорг Мюлльнер и Оливер Хальмбургер .
- Банды , 2009 – мальчик из уличной банды в Нойкельне влюбляется в богатую девушку, танцующую балет. Но ему приходится помочь старшему брату вернуть долг наркоторговцу. Режиссер Райнер Мацутани .
- Ханс им Глюк , 2009 г. – портрет берлинского басиста Ханса Нарвы , его музыки, его семьи и жизни, проведенной в борьбе с правилами – кто бы их ни определял. Режиссер Клаудия Леманн .
- Хильда , 2009 — биографический фильм, описывающий жизнь известной немецкой актрисы и певицы Хильдегард Кнеф . В 1966 году Хильдегард Кнеф готовится к концерту в Берлине и вспоминает начало своей карьеры в УФА . Режиссер Кай Вессель .
- Я никогда не был счастливее ( So glücklich war ich noch nie ), 2009 — неизлечимый самозванец выходит из тюрьмы и пытается жить нормальной жизнью в Берлине, но снова впадает в преступность и влюбляется в красивую, но застенчивую проститутку . Режиссер Александр Адольф .
- Im Kopfstand zum Glück , 2009 — документальный фильм рассказывает о четырех горожанах Берлина, которые встречаются в современной студии йоги во время обучения, чтобы стать учителями йоги. Режиссер Ирен Граф .
- В Берлине , 2009 г. – документальный фильм рассказывает о жизни и творчестве нескольких людей, занятых в культурной и политической сфере Берлина. Режиссеры Михаэль Баллхаус и Чиро Каппеллари .
- The International , 2009 — финансовый триллер режиссёра Тома Тыквера .
- Невидимая рамка , 2009 – 21 год после «Катания на велосипеде» Тильда Суинтон снова проезжает на велосипеде по маршруту бывшей Берлинской стены , чтобы узнать, что изменилось за это время. Режиссер Синтия Битт .
- «Теряя равновесие» ( Draußen am See ), 2009 — 14-летней берлинской девочке приходится пережить распад своей к тому времени счастливой семьи. Незадолго до темной пропасти она решает взять свое будущее в свои руки и делает очень смелый шаг. Режиссер Феликс Фуксштайнер .
- Männersache , 2009 г. - мужчина, работающий в Берлинском зоопарке, хочет начать карьеру комика. Режиссеры Гернот Ролл и Марио Барт .
- Мужчины в городе ( Männerherzen ), 2009 — о личных проблемах нескольких мужчин в Берлине, занимающихся в фитнес-центре . Режиссер Саймон Верховен .
- Ниндзя-убийца , 2009 — разочаровавшийся японский убийца жаждет возмездия своему бывшему наставнику. В Берлине он знакомится с женщиной- агентом Европола, расследующей политические убийства, совершенные тем же старым кланом ниндзя , где убийца обучался в детстве. Режиссер Джеймс МакТиг .
- Off Ways ( Elektrokohle (Von Wegen) ), 2009 — в декабре 1989 года индустриальная группа Einstürzende Neubauten дала свой первый концерт в Восточном Берлине в VEB Elektrokohle Lichtenberg . 20 лет спустя главные герои и поклонники вспоминают места и культурное влияние этого события. Режиссер Ули М Шуппель .
- Пинк , 2009 г. - молодая поэтесса из Берлина выходит замуж последовательно за трех своих лучших друзей, но только с третьим мужем обретает счастье и покой. Режиссер Рудольф Томе .
- Кролик по-берлински , 2009 — документальный фильм рассказывает историю Берлинской стены , но с точки зрения группы диких кроликов , населявших зону между двумя стенами, отделяющими Западный Берлин от Восточного Берлина во время холодной войны . Режиссер Бартош Конопка .
- «Кролик без ушей 2» ( Zweiohrküken ), 2009 — после «Кролика без ушей» в отношения репортера и его девушки через два года вошла повседневная рутина. Тиль Швайгер .
- «Сатурн возвращается» , 2009 г. — привилегированная женщина- эмигрантка из Северной Америки в современном Берлине, живущая жизнью пост- панк -гедонизма , бродит по улицам со своей лучшей подругой. Вместе они используют город как игровую площадку, сцену и бесконечную вечеринку. Режиссер: Лиор Шамриз .
2010-е [ править ]
2010 [ править ]
- Bedways , 2010 — женщина-режиссер приводит двух молодых актеров в огромную ветхую квартиру в Берлине-Митте, чтобы подготовить фильм о любви и сексе. Режиссер Рольф Петер Каль .
- Белла Вита , 2010 г. - домохозяйка публично обманута мужем и вынуждена искать новый дом и жизнь с дочерью в районе Кройцберг . Режиссер Томас Бергер .
- Берлин: Хазенхайде , 2010 — документальный фильм о парке в берлинском районе Нойкёльн , режиссёр Нана Ребхан .
- Отключение электроэнергии ( 380 000 Вольт — Der große Stromausfall ), 2010 год — отключение электроэнергии в Берлине вызывает беспорядки и грабежи в городе. Режиссер Себастьян Вигг .
- Boxhagener Platz , 2010 г. – о семейной жизни и проблемах в Восточном Берлине в 1968 году, в то время как в Западном Берлине протестуют студенты. Режиссер: Матти Гешоннек .
- Гражданское мужество ( Zivilcourage ), 2010 г. – старший книготорговец мало что знает о своем проблемном берлинском квартале, пока не оказывается вовлеченным в жестокое нападение. Режиссер Дрор Захави .
- Грядущие дни ( Die kommenden Tage ), 2010 — в 2020 году в мире доминируют войны за ресурсы и все более и более замкнутый западный мир . Дочь богатой берлинской семьи пытается жить нормальной жизнью, но ее сестра и подруга ввязываются в террористическую группу , угрожающую цивилизации . Режиссер Ларс Крауме .
- Долг , 2010 — в 1965 году трое агентов Моссада находят нацистского военного преступника в Восточном Берлине и похищают его для суда в Израиле . Но побег через станцию Волланкштрассе не удался, бывший «хирург Биркенау » может сбежать, а агентам приходится выдумывать свою историю. По мотивам израильского фильма «Долг» режиссера Джона Мэддена .
- Скиталец ( Eine гибкая фрау ), 2010 г. — 40-летняя женщина -архитектор из Берлина теряет работу и вынуждена мириться с идентичностью, центром занятости и потерей своего социального статуса . Режиссер Татьяна Туранская .
- Дружба! , 2010 г. – двое молодых режиссеров из Восточного Берлина рады Стены падению . Один из них ищет своего отца, и в 1989 году они отправляются в Сан-Франциско. Режиссер: Маркус Голлер .
- Парикмахер ( Die Friseuse ), 2010 г. — женщина-парикмахер из района Марцан борется с собственным лишним весом , разлукой с мужем, тяжелым фундаментом парикмахерской и растущим рассеянным склерозом . Режиссер Дорис Дорри .
- Im Angesicht des Verbrechens , 2010 — фильм в 10 частях по историям персонажей русской мафии в Берлине и ее окрестностях. Режиссер Доминик Граф .
- В тени ( Im Schatten ), 2010 — рассказывает о грабителе в Берлине, который выходит из тюрьмы и хочет связаться со своим старым напарником, но тот натравливает на него двух киллеров. Режиссер Томас Арслан .
- Еврей Зюсс: Взлет и падение ( Jud Süß — Film ohne совести ), 2010 — в 1939 году нацистский министр пропаганды Йозеф Геббельс приглашает режиссёра Фейта Харлана , актёра Фердинанда Мариана и других в берлинский Ordenspalais и заставляет их снимать печально известный пропагандистский фильм Jud Süß . Режиссер Оскар Рёлер .
- Жизнь слишком длинна ( Das Leben ist zu lang ), 2010 – неудачливый еврейский режиссер в Берлине получает возможность снять собственный сценарий. Но затем он понимает, что его собственная жизнь и история — всего лишь часть фильма режиссёра Дэни Леви .
- Neukölln Unlimited , 2010 - документальный фильм о повседневной жизни трех братьев и сестер в берлинском районе Нойкельн , режиссеры Агостино Имонди и Дитмар Ратч .
- Ночные смены ( Nachtschichten ), 2010 — документальный портрет нескольких людей в Берлине, которые в основном работают или выходят на улицу в ночное время, например, охранники, бездомные, ди-джеи и распылители граффити. Режиссер Иветт Лёккер .
- Rammbock: Berlin Undead ( Рэммбок ), 2010 — фильм ужасов о зомби, нападающих на людей в Берлине. Режиссер Марвин Крен .
- Шахада , 2010 г. – судьбы трех мусульман в Берлине сталкиваются во время Рамадана , когда они пытаются найти свое место между верой и современной жизнью в западном обществе. Режиссер Бурхан Курбани .
- Сингл по контракту ( Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück ), 2010 — 17-летняя девушка из Берлина влюбляется в солиста группы по имени Berlin Mitte . Но он подписал контракт, чтобы оставаться в одиночестве, чтобы улучшить маркетинг группы. Режиссер Марк Ротемунд .
- «Три» ( Drei ), 2010 — рассказывает о паре лет 40 из Берлина, которые по отдельности влюбляются в одного и того же мужчину. Режиссер Том Тыквер .
- We Are the Night ( Wir sind die Nacht ), 2010 — фильм ужасов о группе женщин- вампиров в Берлине. Режиссер Деннис Ганзель .
- Вайсензее , 2010–2015 — история двух разных семей в Восточном Берлине в 1980-е годы. Одна семья лояльна к социалистической системе, в то время как другая семья настроена весьма критично. Режиссер Фридеман Фромм .
- « Когда мы уходим » ( Die Fremde ), 2010 — освещает проблему убийств чести , изображая драму турецкой семьи, живущей в Берлине. Режиссер Фео Аладаг .
- Zeiten ändern dich , 2010 — биографический фильм о жизни и творчестве Аниса Мохамеда Юсефа Ферчичи, выросшего в районе Темпельхоф и ставшего известным рэпером Бусидо . Режиссер Ули Эдель .
2011 [ править ]
- 9 Лебен , 2011 г. – несколько беспризорных детей в Берлине рассказывают о своей повседневной жизни, имея в виду не только наркоманию и физические/травматические травмы, но также свои таланты и мечты. Режиссер Мария Спет .
- «Большой Эдем» , 2011 — документальный фильм о легендарном плейбое и любителе жизни Рольфе Идене , ставшем после 1957 года самым известным владельцем танцевальных залов и ночных клубов Западного Берлина , его яркой жизни и многочисленных музах. Режиссер Петер Дёрфлер .
- Блиссештрассе , 2011 г. – история группы молодых американских христиан, отправившихся с миссией в Берлин, чтобы попытаться вернуть немцев к Иисусу. Режиссер Пол Донован .
- Blutzbrüdaz , 2011 — двое друзей в Берлине создают андеграундный рэп-дуэт , и их обнаруживает Sony Music Entertainment . Но творческие компромиссы приводят к отчуждению между друзьями. С участием Сидо и B-Tight , режиссер Озгюр Йылдирим .
- Выгорание ( Абгебраннт ), 2011 г. - бедная и переутомленная турецкая мать-одиночка из района Веддинг проходит лечение на острове Фемарн со своими тремя детьми. Но ее друг, занимающийся контрабандой наркотиков, тоже находит ее там. Режиссер Верена С. Фрейтаг .
- «Кристофер и ему подобные» , 2011 — рассказывает историю Кристофера Ишервуда жизни в Берлине в начале 1930-х годов. Фильм был адаптирован Кевином Элиотом Ишервуда из одноименной автобиографии . Режиссер Джеффри Сакс .
- «Трещины в скорлупе» ( Die Unsichtbare ), 2011 — застенчивая студентка драматического факультета страдает от того, что ее не видят, но получает главную роль в спектакле берлинского театра «Фольксбюне» . Знаменитый режиссер выворачивает свое травмированное существо, и она пробуждает свою женственность, но теряет и собственные силы. Режиссер Кристиан Швохов .
- «Дон 2» — болливудский фильм 2011 года — продолжение хита 2006 года «Дон: Погоня начинается снова» . Боевик-триллер с участием Шахрукх Кхана и Приянки Чопры . История вращается вокруг ограбления берлинского DZB. Режиссер Фархан Ахтар .
- Доктор Кетель — Der Schatten von Neukölln , 2011 — в ближайшем будущем мужчина работает подпольным врачом и современным медиком Робин Гудом в районе Нойкёльн, пока за ним не охотится охрана. Режиссер Линус де Паоли .
- Прощание с лягушками ( Abschied von den Fröschen ), 2011 — с 1996 по 1998 год кинорежиссер Ульрих Шамони документирует в видеодневнике два последних года своей жизни в своем доме и вокруг него в районе Грюневальда , где он также снял несколько его фильмы, прежде чем он умрет от лейкемии . Режиссер Ульрике Шамони .
- «Отель Желание» , 2011 — эротический фильм отеля о горничной в Берлине, которая несколько лет не занималась сексом, когда случайно врывается в гостиничный номер слепого художника. Режиссер Сергей Моя . В главной роли Саралиса Волм .
- Хижина в лесу ( Die Summe meiner einzelnen Teile ), 2011 — после эмоционального выгорания гения математики из Берлина выписывают из психиатрической больницы. Но его работы и девушки нет, поэтому он начинает строить хижину, чтобы жить в лесу. Режиссер Ханс Вайнгартнер .
- Если не мы, то кто? ( Wer wenn nicht wir ), 2011 г. - в начале 1960-х Бернвард Веспер и Гудрун Энслин переезжают из Тюбингена в Западный Берлин для изучения и публикации литературы. Во время немецкого студенческого движения он бросает учебу, а она становится террористкой во фракции Красной Армии . Режиссер Андрес Вейель .
- В раю, под землей: Еврейское кладбище Вайсензее ( Im Himmel, unter der Erde — Der jewdische Friedhof Weißensee ), 2011 — документальный портрет о еврейском кладбище Вайсензее в Вайсензее районе , истории евреев в Берлине и их культуре . Режиссер Бритта Вауэр .
- Kokowääh , 2011 — история мужчины из Берлина, который впервые встречает свою восьмилетнюю дочь и узнает, что теперь она будет жить с ним. Режиссер и исполнитель главной роли Тиль Швайгер .
- Mauerjahre – Leben im geteilten Berlin , 2011 – документальный фильм о политической, культурной и повседневной жизни разделенного Берлина в период с 1961 по 1990 год. Режиссер Райнхард Йокш .
- Мужчины в городе 2 ( Männerherzen… und die ganz ganz große Liebe ), 2011 — следует за «Мужчинами в городе» и показана та же группа мужчин в Берлине, которым приходится бороться за любимых женщин. Режиссер Саймон Верховен .
- Одна ночь в Берлине , 2011 — у наркоманки скрывающейся тайны их восточногерманского есть одна ночь, чтобы найти своего отчужденного, бездомного отца на улицах Берлина, и под покровом темноты раскрываются прошлого. В главных ролях Беате Малкус и Хельмут Майер-Лаутеншлегер . Режиссер: Кивмарс Боулинг .
- Голуби на крыше ( Die Relativitätstheorie der Liebe ), 2011 — несколько пар в Берлине (всех играют одни и те же два актера) пытаются найти или сохранить любовь и уважение. Режиссер Отто Александр Яррейсс .
- Rent Boys ( Die Jungs vom Bahnhof Zoo ), 2011 — документальный фильм о детях-проститутках мужского пола в районе Берлинского зоологического сада . Режиссер Роза фон Праунхайм .
- Летнее окно ( Fenster zum Sommer ), 2011 г. – женщина из Берлина едет к своей семье в Финляндию со своим новым другом. Однажды ночью она совершает прыжок назад во времени и просыпается в Берлине в прошлом со своим старым другом. Она пытается изменить прошлое, но эта попытка ни в коем случае не увенчивается успехом. По роману Ханнелоры Валенчак , режиссер Хендрик Хандлёгтен .
- Лебеди , 2011 год — отец и сын едут в Берлин, чтобы навестить мать семейства, которая находится в больнице в коме . Сын открывает для себя темную сторону города и испытывает тайную страсть к соседке своей матери. Режиссер Уго Виейра да Силва .
- Трагическая жизнь Глории С. ( Das traurige Leben der Gloria S. ), 2011 — кинорежиссер хочет снять документальный фильм о безработном получателе пособия Hartz IV . Съемочная группа начинает документировать жизнь явно бедной женщины, но через несколько недель понимает, что главная героиня - профессиональная актриса. Режиссеры Кристина Гросс и Уте Шалль .
- Неизвестный , 2011 — драматический триллер режиссёра Жауме Колле-Серра .
- В отличие от U , 2011 — документальный фильм о нелегальной и криминальной сцене граффити-граффити в Берлине. Режиссеры Бьёрн Бирг и Хенрик Регель .
- Urban Explorer , 2011 — фильм ужасов-триллер о четырёх молодых городских исследователях , которые встречаются в Берлине через Интернет, чтобы исследовать подземные реликвии нацистской Германии . Но когда трагедия постигает лидера группы, они вскоре понимают, что не все идет по плану. Режиссер Энди Фетчер .
- Влюбленная женщина ( Rubbeldiekatz ), 2011 — молодой актёр берлинского театра «Вагантен Бюне» хочет сыграть в голливудском нацистском фильме, снимаемом в Берлине и на студии Бабельсберг . Поэтому он переодевается женщиной, получает женскую роль и влюбляется в главную женскую роль. Режиссер Детлев Бак .
2012 [ править ]
- Bar 25 – Tage außerhalb der Zeit , 2012 – документальный фильм о создателях знаменитого техно- клуба «Bar 25». Режиссеры Бритта Мишер и Нана Юрико .
- Berlin Dance Battle , 2012 — молодая уличная танцовщица приезжает в Берлин, чтобы принять участие в андеграундном танцевальном баттле. Но сначала ему нужно найти группу и многому научиться. Режиссер Роберт Франке .
- Берлин фюр Хельден , 2012 – пятеро молодых людей с удовольствием живут новой яркой и богемной жизнью в Берлине. Режиссер Клаус Лемке .
- Berliner Tagebuch , 2012 – иммигрантам и художникам из нескольких стран, проживающим в Берлине, задают вопрос, почему мегаполис стал для них новым домом и источником вдохновения. Режиссер Розмари Бланк .
- Блисс ( Глюк ), 2012 — беженка из Восточной Европы , работающая проституткой , и бездомный панк со своей собакой образуют отношения в Берлине. Режиссер Дорис Дорри .
- Потому что у меня такая внешность ( Weil ich schöner bin ), 2012 — вместе с матерью колумбийский подросток нелегально живет в Берлине и регулярно посещает школу. Когда они связываются с полицией, им приходится прятаться и им нужна помощь друзей. Режиссер Фридер Шлайх .
- Кофе в Берлине ( О боже! ), 2012 г. – портрет молодого человека, который бросает университет и в итоге бродит по улицам Берлина. Режиссер Ян Оле Герстер .
- Кукла, Толстяк и Я ( Puppe, Icke & der Dicke ), 2012 — курьер возвращается из Парижа в Берлин и подвозит двух автостопщиков. Один из них — толстый тупой мужчина, другой — слепая француженка, ищущая в Берлине отца своего будущего ребенка. Режиссер Феликс Штинц .
- Пыль на наших сердцах ( Staub auf unseren Herzen ), 2012 – молодая и неудачливая актриса в Берлине борется за то, чтобы перерезать пуповину своей властной матери. Режиссер Ханна Дуз .
- «Fuck for Forest» , 2012 — документальный фильм рассказывает о «Fuck for Forest» , некоммерческой экологической организации в Берлине, которая собирает деньги для спасения тропических лесов мира путем производства порнографических материалов или занятий сексом в общественных местах. Режиссер Михал Марчак .
- Кадиш для друга ( Kaddisch für einen Freund ), 2012 г. — еврейский пенсионер и ливанский мальчик в районе Кройцберг — враги. Но когда им грозит опасность потерять дом, они начинают работать вместе. Режиссер Лев Хасин .
- Move ( 3 Zimmer/Küche/Bad ), 2012 г. – восемь друзей в Берлине поддерживают друг друга в переезде и поиске новых партнеров. Режиссер Дитрих Брюггеманн .
- Наши маленькие различия ( Die feinen Unterschiede ), 2012 — успешный врач по искусственному оплодотворению в Берлине должен помочь своей болгарской уборщице освободить ее взрослую дочь. Режиссер Сильви Мишель .
- В погоне за несчастьем ( Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein ), 2012 г. - хозяйка гастронома в Кройцберге трудная, суеверная, пессимистичная и ссорящаяся со своим детством. Но когда она встречает фотографа с обидчивой собакой, ее жизнь меняется. По книге Пола Вацлавика , режиссер Шерри Хорманн .
- Русская дискотека ( Russendisko ), 2012 — основана на книге Владимира Каминера и рассказывает историю трёх молодых русских евреев, которые приехали в Берлин в 1990 году в поисках работы, любви и новых перспектив. Режиссер Оливер Зигенбалг .
- День Святого Георгия , 2012 г. – два пожилых и известных британских гангстера- кузена разозлили российского конкурента. Чтобы примирить его и выплатить долги, они предпринимают дерзкое ограбление алмазов в Берлине. Режиссер Фрэнк Харпер .
- Цеттл , 2012 г. - баварского инвестор нанимает швейцарский шофера в Берлине на должность главного редактора новой интернет-таблоидной газеты, посвященной политикам столицы. Режиссер Хельмут Дитль .
2013 [ править ]
- Квартира в Берлине ( Ein Apartment in Berlin троим молодым евреям из Израиля ), 2013 — немецкий кинорежиссер предлагает поселиться в квартире в районе Пренцлауэр Берг , откуда в 1943 году была депортирована еврейская семья. Режиссер Алиса Агнескирхнер .
- Берлинское досье , 2013 г. — северокорейского агента в Берлине предают и освобождают, когда раскрывается сделка по продаже оружия. Режиссер Рю Сын Ван .
- La Deutsche Vita , 2013 — документальный фильм об итальянцах, живущих в Берлине. Тысячи людей приезжают каждый год, чтобы остаться, и многим из них приходится решать, являются ли они все еще иммигрантами или уже берлинцами. Режиссеры Алессандро Кассиголи и Таня Маси .
- Эйнер Фельт , 2013 год – все на его улице в районе Пренцлауэр Берг знают добродушно встречающего старика, но никто о нем мало что знает. Когда он умирает, соседи скучают по нему и собирают деньги, чтобы оплатить его похороны. Режиссер Мехтильд Гасснер .
- Пятая власть , 2013 г. — в 2007 г. Джулиан Ассанж и Дэниел Домшайт-Берг впервые встречаются на Конгрессе Chaos Communication в Берлине. Информаторы вызывает как похвалу , и сторонники публикуют важную секретную информацию на WikiLeaks, что так и критику . Режиссер Билл Кондон .
- Гроссштадткляйн , 2013 г. - молодой человек из захолустной провинции Мекленбург-Передняя Померания вынужден своей семьей пройти практику в Берлине и жить со своим двоюродным братом. Режиссер Тобиас Виманн .
- HARTs 5 – Geld ist nicht alles , 2013 – четверо безработных, получивших Hartz IV, борются против капитализма , джентрификации и хотят спасти свой бывший детский сад в районе Пренцлауэр Берг . Режиссер Джулиан Тайраса .
- Отель Адлон: Семейная сага ( Das Adlon. Eine Familiensaga ), 2013 — драма в трёх частях о легендарном берлинском отеле Адлон и семье его основателя Лоренца Адлона с 1907 года до повторного открытия в 1997 году. Режиссер Ули Эдель .
- Каптн Оскар , 2013 г. - бывшая девушка сдержанного молодого человека подожгла его квартиру в Берлине, а также преследует его, пока он пытается построить нормальные отношения со своей новой девушкой. Режиссер Том Ласс .
- Kokowääh 2 , 2013 — после Kokowääh отцу теперь приходится жить с дочерью и ее матерью, потому что он стал безработным и хочет стать кинопродюсером . Режиссер и исполнитель главной роли Тиль Швайгер .
- Ночь над Берлином ( Nacht über Berlin ), 2013 г. - еврейский врач и депутат от СДПГ в Рейхстаге сталкивается с растущими спорами между коммунистами и нацистами в Берлине, растущим антисемитизмом , нацистским Machtergreifung до поджога Рейхстага , за которым следует конец ключевых гражданских свобод в 1933 году. Режиссер Фридеман Фромм .
- Сигнализация об акулах на озере Мюггель ( Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee ), 2013 г. - после того, как акула откусила предплечье банщика на озере Мюггельзее , политики создали комитет, и в дело вступил охотник на акул. Режиссеры Леандер Хаусманн и Свен Регенер .
- Источники жизни ( Quellen des Lebens ), 2013 — в 1960-е годы эмансипированная писательница пренебрегает своим сыном, поэтому он растет попеременно с бабушкой-родителем во Франконии и нерадивым отцом в Западном Берлине . Режиссер Оскар Рёлер , основанный на его собственной жизни без матери Гизелы Эльснер .
- Странный котёнок ( Das merkwürdige Kätzchen ), 2013 — Семья в доме и цепочка событий, происходящих в обычный вечер, когда они планируют поужинать с родственниками. Режиссер Рамон Цюрхер .
- Трагедия простого человека ( Войцек ), 2013 — рассказ Георга Бюхнера о перенесенный Войцеке , в современный Берлин-Веддинг район . Войцек эксплуатируется дегуманизированным доктором и владельцем арабского ресторана, мечтает быть просто с Мари и их ребенком, но ловит ее на кокетстве с боссом мафии . Режиссер Нуран Давид Калис .
- Умма – Среди друзей ( Ummah – Unter Freunden ), 2013 г. – после ранения в ходе неудавшейся операции против неонацистов молодой агент Verfassungsschutz под прикрытием отправляется в район Нойкёльн , где он подружился с двумя турецкими арабскими торговцами электроприборами. Режиссер Джунейт Кая .
- Запад , 2013 год — в 1978 году мать-одиночка может сбежать из Восточной Германии в Западный Берлин . В транзитном лагере беженцев Мариенфельде она сталкивается со своим прошлым со стороны секретных служб союзников. Режиссер Кристиан Швохов .
- «Водно-болотные угодья» ( Feuchtgebiete ), 2013 — у одержимой телесными жидкостями подростка из Берлина случилась анальная трещина , и она застряла в больнице, где очаровывала красивого медсестру и планировала воссоединить своих родителей. Режиссер Дэвид Внендт .
2014 [ править ]
- Amour Fou , 2014 — между 1809 и 1811 годами Генрих фон Кляйст встречает Генриетту Фогель в Берлине, и его любовь к Генриетте начинает расцветать. Он просит ее присоединиться к нему в смерти, когда у нее диагностируют рак матки . Они вместе кончают жизнь самоубийством на Кляйне Ванзее . Режиссер Джессика Хауснер .
- Андерсон , 2014 — документальный фильм о Саше Андерсоне, который стал культовым участником культурного андеграунда в Пренцлауэр-Берг в 1980-е годы и в то же время шпионил за всеми своими друзьями в пользу Штази . Режиссер Аннекатрин Хендель .
- «Берлинские истории» , 2014 г. – писатели и литературные критики анализируют и обсуждают знаменитые берлинские романы и влияние, которое мегаполис оказал и до сих пор оказывает на авторов, живущих в городе или останавливавшихся на какое-то время. Режиссеры Симона Добмайер и Торстен Стригниц .
- Слепой герой: Любовь Отто Вайдта ( Einblinder Held – die Liebe des Otto Weidt ), 2014 г. – во время Холокоста слепой фабрикант Отто Вайдт руководит мастерской по производству метел и поломоечных машин в Хакеше Хёфе , где прячет евреев . Подкупив чиновников гестапо и отправив его в концентрационные лагеря, он может спасти жизни нескольким людям. Режиссер Кай Кристиансен .
- Citizenfour , 2014 г. – начиная с Берлина, кинорежиссер Лаура Пойтрас начинает исследование документального фильма о контролируемом государством наблюдении и информаторах , когда она получает электронные письма от Эдварда Сноудена . Вместе с Гленном Гринвальдом и Юэном Макаскиллом она едет в Гонконг, чтобы взять у него интервью.
- Дочери ( Töchter ), 2014 — мать приезжает в Берлин искать пропавшую дочь. Пока она не может ее найти, бездомная девушка жаждет ее дружбы. Режиссер Мария Спет .
- Драган Венде — Западный Берлин , 2014 — эксцентричный югослав развлекался в Западном Берлине, работая швейцаром в ночном клубе и пользуясь привилегиями. После падения Берлинской стены ему приходится жить как аутсайдер. Режиссеры Лена Мюллер и Драган фон Петрович .
- Фрауэнгерцен , 2014 – жизнь пяти женщин с совершенно разным образом жизни, но схожими проблемами в отношениях, которые встретились в Берлине за одну неделю. Режиссер Софи Алле-Кош .
- Остров — Западный Берлин между строительством Стены и падением Стены , 2014 — двухсерийный документальный фильм о конкретной ситуации Западного Берлина за железным занавесом в период с 1961 по 1989 год. Режиссеры Стефан Ауст и Клаус Рихтер .
- Пределы терпения ( Das Ende der Geduld ), 2014 г. - специальный судья по делам несовершеннолетних инициирует « Модель Neuköllner » против преступности среди несовершеннолетних , которая упростила процедуры и предназначала явку в суд в течение 3–5 недель. В 2010 году она повесилась в лесу. Основан на жизни и книге Кирстен Хейзиг , режиссер Кристиан Вагнер .
- Mein Berlin, dein Berlin , 2014 – несколько художников из Восточного и Западного Берлина встречаются и показывают друг другу места, где они выросли в разделенном городе. Режиссеры Тим Эверс и Йенс Штедер .
- Митребеллен , 2014 г. – документирует превращение Берлина из города арендаторов в популярный объект инвестиций, а также борьбу арендаторов с их переселением, что приводит к новому городскому протестному движению. Режиссеры Гертруда Шульте Вестенберг и Маттиас Коерс .
- «Самый разыскиваемый человек» , 2014 — шпионский триллер, действие которого происходит в Гамбурге и посвящено исламистскому терроризму и отмыванию денег. Второстепенные сцены, такие как встреча в Министерстве внутренних дел, происходят в Берлине. С участием Филипа Сеймура Хоффмана и режиссера Антона Корбайна .
- Откройте стену ( Борнхольмерштрассе ), 2014 г. - после знаменитой пресс-конференции Гюнтера Шабовски 9 ноября 1989 года тысячи восточных немцев начинают собираться на пограничном переходе Борнхольмерштрассе . Из-за неотличительного командного статуса подполковник Харальд Йегер открывает Берлинскую стену . Режиссер Кристиан Швохов .
- Spirit Berlin , 2014 г. – молодой и внутренне расстроенный мужчина посещает несколько духовных и религиозных групп в Берлине, чтобы обрести покой. Наконец он находит любовь молодой и красивой учительницы йоги . Режиссер Кордула Хильдебрандт .
- Добро пожаловать, прощай , 2014 — документальный фильм о растущем туризме в Берлине и связанных с ним проблемах, таких как рост цен, нехватка жилья, джентрификация и враждебность по отношению к туристам. Режиссер Нана Ребхан .
- Кто я – Ни одна система не безопасна , 2014 – триллер о хакерской группе, стремящейся к международной известности. В ролях Том Шиллинг , Элиас М'Барек и Трина Дирхольм . Режиссер Баран Бо Одар .
2015 [ править ]
- Berlin East Side Gallery , 2015 — документальный фильм о знаменитом Берлинской стены мемориале East Side Gallery , его возникновении в 1990 году, реконструкции и постоянной угрозе со стороны таких строительных проектов, как Mediaspree . Режиссеры Карин Капер и Дирк Сюзиес .
- Виктория , 2015 год — молодая испанка знакомится с четырьмя странными парнями в ночном Берлине и втягивается ими в ограбление банка . Снято одним непрерывным дублем , режиссер Себастьян Шиппер .
- Punk Berlin 1982 ( Смерть хиппи!! Да здравствует панк ), 2015. Режиссер Оскар Рёлер .
- «Человек из ДЯДИ» , 2015 — В начале 1960-х агент ЦРУ Наполеон Соло и оперативник КГБ Илья Курякин участвуют в совместной миссии против загадочной преступной организации, которая занимается распространением ядерного оружия. Режиссер Гай Ричи .
- Шпионский мост , 2015 — Во время холодной войны американский адвокат нанимается для защиты арестованного советского шпиона в суде, а затем помогает ЦРУ облегчить обмен шпиона на пленного советским пилотом американского самолета-шпиона U2 Фрэнсиса Гэри Пауэрса . Режиссер Стивен Спилберг .
- B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin , 2015 - музыкальный фильм, документальный фильм об авангардной музыкальной сцене Западного Берлина и сцене приседаний в течение десятилетия 1979–1989 годов, до падения Берлинской стены. . Режиссеры Йорг А. Хоппе , Клаус Мек и Хайко Ланге .
2016 [ править ]
- Капитан Америка: Гражданская война , 2016 — Баки Барнс , Капитан Америка и Чёрная Пантера преследуют в туннеле, затем отправляются в Объединенный террористический центр, чтобы противостоять Эверетту Россу .
- Джейсон Борн , 2016 — Джейсон Борн отправляется в Берлин в поисках информации.
2017 [ править ]
- Вавилон-Берлин , 2017 – криминально-драматический телесериал, действие которого происходит в Берлине 1929 года во времена Веймарской республики. В нем рассказывается об инспекторе полиции, выполняющем секретную миссию по раскрытию сети вымогателей, и о молодом стенотиписте, который мечтает работать инспектором полиции. Режиссеры Том Тыквер , Хендрик Хандлёгтен и Ахим фон Боррис .
- Шарите , сериал, действие которого происходит в 1888/1889 году в Берлине в Шарите и между 1943 и 1945 годами в Берлине в Шарите.
- Атомная блондинка
- Kundschafter des Friedens , 2017 — четверо бывших агентов Штази из Берлина наняты БНД для спасения похищенного президента вымышленной бывшей советской республики. Режиссер Роберт Тальхайм .
2018 [ править ]
2020-е годы [ править ]
2020 [ править ]
ХАГЕР (2022)Полицейский намеревается найти наркотик, вызывающий у потребителей адские видения.Режиссер Кевин Копака
2022 [ править ]
- Подрядчик , 2022 год — Бывший морской пехотинец, работающий частным подрядчиком по спецоперациям, предан своими работодателями.
- Джон Уик: Глава 4
- Фальсификатор ( Der Passfälscher ), 2022 — правдивая история Чомы Шенхауса , молодого еврея, сбежавшего из гестапо и спасающего жизни во времена нацизма в Берлине благодаря своему умению подделывать паспорта. Режиссер Мэгги Перен .
См. также [ править ]
- Берлин 1920-х годов
- Берлинский кинофестиваль
- Кино Германии
- европейское кино
- Немецкий экспрессионизм
- Список немецких фильмов
- Список художественной литературы, действие которой происходит в Берлине
- Пудра
- Категория:Фильмы, снятые в Берлине
Ссылки [ править ]
- ^ «Культура от стены до стены» . Возраст . Австралия. 10 ноября 2007 года . Проверено 30 ноября 2007 г.
- ^ Европейская киноакадемия , www.europeanfilmacademy.org, по состоянию на 19 декабря 2006 г. См. Также: Берлинский кинофестиваль , www.berlinale.de. Проверено 12 ноября 2006 г.