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4th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam

4th Central Committee
← 3th
5th →
20 December 1976 – 31 March 1982
(5 years, 101 days)
TypeCentral Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Election4th National Congress
General SecretaryLê Duẩn
Politburo14 members
3 alternates
Secretariat9 members
Total101 members
Total32 alternates

The 4th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) was elected at the 4th CPV National Congress. It elected the 4th Politburo and the 4th Secretariat.



The Central Committee (CC) is not a permanent institution. Instead, it convenes plenary sessions between party congresses. When the CC is not in session, decision-making powers are delegated to its internal bodies; that is, the Politburo and the Secretariat. None of these organs are permanent bodies either; typically, they convene several times a month.

Plenary Sessions of the 4th Central Committee
Plenum Date Length Ref.
1st Plenary Session 20 December 1976 1 day [1]
2nd Plenary Session 21 June 1977 1 day [1]
3rd Plenary Session January 1978 Not made public. [1]
4th Plenary Session 27 July 1978 1 day [1]
5th Plenary Session December 1978 Not made public. [1]
6th Plenary Session 26 September 1979 1 day [1]
7th Plenary Session March 1980 Not made public. [1]
8th Plenary Session 4–10 September 1980 7 days [1]
9th Plenary Session 3–10 December 1980 8 days [1]
10th Plenary Session 9 January 1981 1 day [1]
11th Plenary Session 7–16 December 1981 10 days [1]
12th Plenary Session 1 March 1982 1 day [1]




Members of the 4th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Rank Name 3rd CC 5th CC BY PM Birthplace Education Ethnicity Gender Ref.
1 Lê Duẩn Old Reelected 1907 1930 Quảng Trị Province Kinh Male [2]
2 Tôn Đức Thắng Old Not 1888 1930 Long Xuyên province Kinh Male [3]
3 Lê Thanh Nghị Old Reelected 1911 1930 Hải Dương province Kinh Male [4]
4 Nguyễn Lương Bằng Old Not 1904 1930 Hải Dương province Kinh Male [5]
5 Phạm Văn Đồng Old Reelected 1906 1930 Quảng Ngãi province Kinh Male [6]
6 Nguyễn Duy Trinh Old Reelected 1910 1930 Nghệ An province Kinh Male [7]
7 Xuân Thuỷ Old Not 1912 1941 Hà Đông City Kinh Male [8]
8 Hoàng Văn Thái Old Reelected 1915 1938 Thái Bình province Military science Kinh Male [9]
9 Võ Nguyễn Giáp Old Reelected 1911 1930 Quảng Bình province Kinh Male [10]
10 Trần Quốc Hoàn Old Reelected 1916 1934 Nghệ An province Kinh Male [11]
11 Lê Quang Đạo Alternate Reelected 1921 1940 Bắc Ninh province Kinh Male [12]
12 Lê Văn Lương Old Reelected 1912 1930 Bắc Ninh province Kinh Male [13]
13 Chu Huy Mân Old Reelected 1913 1930 Nghệ An province Military science Kinh Male [14]
14 Nguyễn Đức Thuận New Reelected 1916 1937 Nam Hà province Kinh Male [15]
15 Nguyễn Đức Tâm New Reelected 1920 1944 Thái Bình province Kinh Male [16]
16 Đỗ Mười Old Reelected 1917 1939 Hà Nội City Kinh Male [17]
17 Trần Nam Trung Old Not 1912 1931 Quảng Ngãi province Military science Kinh Male [18]
18 Lê Đức Thọ Old Reelected 1911 1930 Nam Định province Kinh Male [19]
19 Văn Tiến Dũng Old Reelected 1917 1937 Hà Nội City Kinh Male [20]
20 Nguyễn Lam Old Reelected 1922 1943 Hà Nam province Kinh Male [21]
21 Đồng Sĩ Nguyên New Reelected 1923 1938 Quảng Bình province Military science Kinh Male [22]
22 Đàm Quang Trung New Reelected 1921 1939 Cao Bằng province Military science Tày Male [23]
23 Lê Việt Thắng New Reelected Kinh Male
24 Tố Hữu Old Reelected 1920 1938 Thừa Thiên Huế province Kinh Male [24]
25 Nguyễn Quyết New Reelected 1922 1940 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [25]
26 Võ Chí Công Old Reelected 1912 1935 Đà Nẵng City Kinh Male [26]
27 Trần Sâm New Not 1918 1939 Quảng Trị province Military science Kinh Male [27]
28 Phan Ngọc Sến New Not 1919 1946 Bạc Liêu provinc€ Kinh Male [28]
29 Lê Văn Hiền New Reelected Kinh Male
30 Nguyễn Thị Thập Old Not 1908 1931 Mỹ Tho province Kinh Female [29]
31 Vũ Ngọc Linh New Reelected 1920 1943 Bắc Ninh province Kinh Male [30]
32 Lê Văn Phẩm New Reelected 1922 Tiền Giang province Kinh Male [31]
33 Trần Hữu Dực Old Not 1910 1930 Quảng Trị province Kinh Male [32]
34 Nguyễn Hữu Mai Alternate Not 1914 1940 Quảng Trị province Railway engineering Kinh Male [33]
35 Đoàn Khuê New Reelected 1923 Quảng Trị province Military science Kinh Male [34]
36 Nguyễn Thanh Bình Alternate Reelected 1918 1939 Bắc Ninh province Kinh Male [35]
37 Bùi Quang Tạo Old Not 1913 Thái Bình province Kinh Male [36]
38 Ngô Duy Đông New Reelected 1917 1939 Thái Bình province Kinh Male [37]
39 Song Hào Old Reelected 1917 1939 Nam Định province Kinh Male [38]
40 Nguyễn Cơ Thạch New Reelected 1921 1943 Nam Định province Kinh Male [39]
41 Vũ Lập New Reelected 1924 Cao Bằng province Tày Male [40]
42 Hoàng Quốc Việt Old Not 1905 1930 Bắc Ninh province Kinh Male [41]
43 Võ Văn Kiệt Old Reelected 1922 1939 Vĩnh Long province Kinh Male [42]
44 Lê Hiến Mai Old Not 1918 1939 Sơn Tây City Kinh Male [43]
45 Lê Trọng Tấn New Reelected 1914 1945 Hà Đông City Military science Kinh Male [44]
46 Hoàng Trường Minh New Reelected 1922 1945 Bắc Kạn province Agricultural economics Tày Male [45]
47 Trần Lê New Reelected 1921 1943 Quảng Nam province Kinh Male [46]
48 Trường Chinh Old Reelected 1907 1930 Nam Định province Kinh Male [47]
49 Hoàng Cầm New Reelected 1920 1947 Hà Đông City Kinh Male [48]
50 Nguyễn Thành Lê New Not 1920 1945 Hà Nam province Kinh Male [49]
51 Nguyễn Xuân Hữu New Reelected 1923 1946 Quảng Nam province Kinh Male [50]
52 Hoàng Văn Kiểu Alternate Not 1921 1942 Lạng Sơn province Tày Male [51]
53 Bùi Phùng New Reelected 1920 1946 Bắc Ninh province Military science Kinh Male [52]
54 Đinh Đức Thiện Alternate Not 1914 1939 Nam Định province Explosives engineering Kinh Male [53]
55 Trần Quang Huy Alternate Not 1922 Khánh Hòa province Kinh Male [54]
56 Lê Đức Anh New Reelected 1920 1938 Thừa Thiên Huế province Kinh Male [55]
57 Nguyễn Hữu Khiếu Alternate Not 1915 Quảng Trị province Kinh Male [56]
58 Nguyễn Vịnh New Reelected Kinh Male
59 Trần Đông New Reelected 1925 1946 Hải Phòng City Kinh Male [57]
60 Phan Trọng Tuệ Old Not 1917 1934 Sơn Tây City Kinh Male [58]
61 Trần Văn Long New Reelected Kinh Male
62 Võ Thúc Đồng Old Not 1914 1930 Nghệ An province Kinh Male [59]
63 Trần Văn Trà Alternate Not 1919 1938 Quảng Ngãi province Kinh Male [60]
64 Lê Quang Chữ New Reelected 1922 Quảng Bình province Kinh Male [61]
65 Nguyễn Văn Chí Old Reelected 1945 1965 Đà Nẵng City Economic Management Kinh Male [62]
66 Đỗ Văn Nguyện New Not 1927 Tây Ninh province Kinh Male [63]
67 Trần Kiên New Reelected 1920 1945 Quảng Ngãi province Kinh Male [64]
68 Vũ Đình Liệu New Reelected 1919 1946 Nam Định province Kinh Male [65]
69 Hoàng Minh Thi New Not 1922 1945 Quảng Ngãi province Military science Kinh Male [66]
70 Phạm Hùng Old Reelected 1912 1930 Vĩnh Long province Kinh Male [67]
71 Hoàng Anh Old Not 1912 1937 Thừa Thiên Huế province Kinh Male [68]
72 Lê Quốc Thân Old Not 1919 1940 Hà Nam province Kinh Male [69]
73 Trần Quỳnh New Reelected 1920 1945 Quảng Trị province Kinh Male [70]
74 Hà Kế Tấn Alternate Not 1912 1937 Hà Nội City Kinh Male [71]
75 Đặng Quốc Bảo New Not 1927 1945 Nam Định province Kinh Male [72]
76 La Lâm Gia New Reelected 1919 1947 Bạc Liêu province Kinh Male [73]
77 Nguyễn Ngọc Trìu New Reelected 1926 1946 Thái Bình province Political theory Kinh Male [74]
78 Hà Thị Quế Old Not 1921 1941 Ninh Bình province Kinh Female [75]
79 Nguyễn Côn Old Reelected 1916 1937 Nghệ An province Kinh Male [76]
80 Nguyễn Thị Định New Reelected 1920 1938 Bến Tre province Kinh Female [77]
81 Lê Quang Hoà New Not 1914 1939 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [78]
82 Trần Văn Sớm New Reelected 1918 1936 Bạc Liêu province Kinh Male [79]
83 Trần Quyết New Reelected 1922 1943 Hà Nam province Kinh Male [80]
84 Mai Chí Thọ New Reelected 1922 1939 Nam Định province Kinh Male [81]
85 Đặng Thí New Reelected 1921 1938 Quảng Trị province Kinh Male [82]
86 Bùi San New Reelected 1914 1930 Thừa Thiên Huế province Tày Male [83]
87 Phan Văn Đáng Old Not 1918 1939 Vĩnh Long province Kinh Male [84]
88 Trần Văn Hiển New Not 1922 Sơn Tây City Kinh Male
89 Võ Văn Thạnh New Not Kinh Male
90 Phạm Văn Kiết New Not 1929 1945 Bạc Liêu province Kinh Male [85]
91 Trần Quốc Hương New Reelected 1924 1943 Hà Nam province Kinh Male [86]
92 Tạ Hồng Thanh New Not Kinh Male
93 Nguyễn Thị Bạch Tuyết New Not 1925 Long An province Kinh Female [87]
94 Trần Độ Old Reelected 1923 1940 Thái Bình province Kinh Male [88]
95 Nguyễn Quang Lâm New Not 1919 1946 Quảng Nam province Kinh Male [89]
96 Nguyễn Thành Thơ New Not 1925 1930 Cần Thơ province Kinh Male [90]
97 Nguyễn Văn Linh New Reelected 1915 1936 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [91]
98 Đặng Hữu Khiêm New Not Kinh Male [92]
99 Vũ Tuân New Not 1922 Hải Dương province Kinh Male [93]
100 Hoàng Tùng Alternate Reelected 1920 1943 Hà Nam province Kinh Male [94]
101 Nguyễn Thị Như New Reelected 1928 Hà Nội City Kinh Female [95]
Hoàng Minh Thảo Promoted Not 1921 1945 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [96]
Đào Duy Tùng Promoted Reelected 1924 1945 Phúc Yên City Kinh Male [97]


Alternates of the 4th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Rank Name 3rd CC 5th CC BY PM Birthplace Education Ethnicity Gender Ref.
1 Vũ Oanh New Member 1924 1941 Hải Hưng province Kinh Male [98]
2 Nguyễn Văn Chính New Member 1924 1946 Hồ Chí Minh City Kinh Male [99]
3 Đào Duy Tùng New Promoted 1924 1945 Phúc Yên City Kinh Male [97]
4 Lương Văn Nghĩa New Not Kinh Male
5 Trần Hanh New Not 1932 1950 Nam Định province Kinh Male [100]
6 Vũ Thị Hồng New Member Kinh Female
7 Cao Đăng Chiếm New Member 1921 1946 Mỹ Tho province Kinh Male [101]
8 Nguyễn Chấn New Alternate 1929 Bắc Ninh province Kinh Male [102]
9 Nguyễn Tường Lân New Not 1921 Thái Bình province Transportation engineering Kinh Male [103]
10 Trần Hữu Dư New Not Kinh Male
11 Trần Phương New Member 1927 1946 Hưng Yên province Economics Kinh Male [104]
12 Lê Khắc New Member 1916 1947 Hà Nội City Kinh Male [105]
13 Nguyễn Đình Tứ New Member 1932 Nghệ Tĩnh province Mathematics & physics Kinh Male [106]
14 Trần Lâm New Member 1911 Hà Nội City Kinh Male [107]
15 Hoàng Minh Thảo New Promoted 1921 1945 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [96]
16 Lê Ngọc Hiền New Member 1928 1945 Hà Đông City Kinh Male [108]
17 Lê Văn Tri New Not 1920 Quảng Bình province Kinh Male [109]
18 Hoàng Thế Thiện New Not 1922 1945 Hải Phòng City Kinh Male [110]
19 Đặng Vũ Hiệp New Member 1928 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [111]
20 Đỗ Chính New Member 1926 1946 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [112]
21 Trần Vỹ New Member 1921 1945 Hưng Yên province Kinh Male [113]
22 Nguyễn Ngọc Cừ New Not Kinh Male
23 Nguyễn Hữu Thụ New Member 1926 Hà Đông City Kinh Male [114]
24 Hoàng Văn Hiều New Not 1931 Thanh Hoá province Kinh Male [115]
25 Trương Văn Kiện New Not 1929 Nghệ An province Kinh Male [116]
26 Bùi Thanh Khiết New Member 1924 Sa Đéc province Kinh Male [117]
27 Nguyễn Đáng New Member 1925 1947 Trà Vinh province Kinh Male [118]
28 Lê Phước Thọ New Member 1927 1949 Cà Mau province Kinh Male [119]
29 Hồ Nghinh New Member 1915 1946 Quảng Nam province Kinh Male [120]
30 Nguyễn Văn Sĩ New Member 1930 Gia Lai province Medicine Ra-glai Male [121]
31 Y Một New Member 1939 1957 Kon Tum province Giẻ Triêng Female [122]
32 Y Ngông Niêk Đăm New Member 1922 Đắk Lắk province Medicine Kinh Male [123]


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