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10 Thix Aret Самым словарным словарем - вечеринка
Умер 1802
Хули Охаку, Лан , Мауи,
Супруг Терулукция
Верхняя вершина Кауахики
Beoobeobe otudesrose.elua
Ulumāheihei Hoapili

Камеайамоку (умер в 1802 году) был высоким вождем Гавайев и государственным советником короля Камехамеха I. Его называли дядей Камехамехи, но он действительно был двоюродным братом матери Камехамехи, Кекуапойва II .

Рождение и происхождение

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Наряду со своим коричневым каманиавой Грани Браун Старые Ламаны были сыном (принц или вождь вождя [ 1 ] . Нажмите все еще в соответствии с небесами (W) Как Touquen 'Aam Omuel, Maui, Oahu Mount Hoolehua . [ 2 ] А также великий роялти (Gouat King (Prememe), исключение ошибки.) Быть IME. [ 3 ] Через этот союз Кеавепоэ получил Капу О Пахенакалани (простирающий капу), и это так, как Гавайи Алии получили Капу (религиозный кодекс поведения), называемый Капу Мо . [ 2 ]

Fornander identifies their mother, Kanoena, as the daughter of Lonoanahulu from the Ehu ohana (family).[4] Almira Hollander Pitman refers to Kanoena in 1931 as Keawepoepoe's cousin.[5] However, in the Hawaiian Genealogy book volume 44: "Eia ka lani ke koi pae moku ka lauhulu paoki o ka aina", it shows Lonoanahulu marrying Hikuakanaloauuoo and having Manohili who marries Halao, which is the couple that has Kanoena. That would make Lonoanahulua Kanoena's grandfather.[6] Kamakau lists Mano-hili as one of the men who assisted Kameʻeiamoku in his attack on the Fair American.[7] Fornander also refers to Lonoanahulu, along with the Kameʻeiamoku and Kamanawa in regards to lands passed down to them from Liloa;

"Liloa, [king of Hawaii], gave Kekaha in Kona, Hawaii, to Laeanuikekaumanamana in perpetuity, and it descended to his grandchildren through Kualii, Kauluoaonana, Wahulu, Lonoanahulu, etc. to Kameeiamoku and Kamanawa. Umi likewise gave Kapalilua, in South Kona, to his child Kapunanahuanui-a-Umi, from whom it descended through Ua, Iwikaualii, lama to Keeaumoku".[8]

The Metcalfes, the Eleanora and the Fair American


In 1790, the American maritime fur trader Simon Metcalfe of the ship Eleanora mistreated Kameʻeiamoku when he boarded his ship. Metcalfe later fired his cannons on the villagers of Olowalu, killing about one hundred. In retaliation, Kameʻeiamoku attacked the next American ship to appear, the schooner Fair American, under the command of Thomas Humphrey Metcalfe, the son of Simon Metcalfe. All but one of the schooner's crew was killed, including Thomas Humphrey Metcalfe. The lone survivor was Welsh sailor Isaac Davis. Another sailor from the Eleanora, Englishman John Young, was sent ashore to find out what happened, and was also captured. Davis and Young would both become military advisors and translators for Kamehameha.[9]

Kameʻeiamoku participated in negotiating a treaty in February 1795 with George Vancouver for British support of Kamehameha.[10]

Kamehameha and the unification of the islands


Kameʻeiamoku and his twin Kamanawa were among the four great aliʻi warriors of Kona to support Kamehameha I in his rebellion against his cousin Kīwalaʻō; the other two being their half brother Keʻeaumoku Pāpaʻiahiahi, and Keawe-a-Heulu.[11] These were known as the "Four Kona chiefs".[12] They, along with Kamehameha's kumu (teacher) of Kapu Kuialua named Kekūhaupiʻo, were the center of the war council for Kamehameha when he took power in the battle of Mokuʻōhai in 1782, which strengthened his influence.



Kameʻeiamoku had three or four wives and at least three sons. His first wife, Kamakaʻeheikuli, was the mother of Kepoʻokalani (c. 1760–?) who was the double great-grandfather of the last two monarchs of the Kingdom. His second wife Kealiʻiokahekili was the mother of Ulumāheihei Hoapili (c. 1776–1840). His third wife Kahikoloa was mother of Hoʻolulu (1794–?).[13][14] Kameʻeiamoku's descendants succeeded him in assisting Kamehameha after his death in 1802 in Lahaina on Maui.[15]



Through his son Kepoʻokalani came the House of Kalākaua.[16] One of his other sons Hoʻolulu would be the father of Kinoʻole o Liliha who married the notable American businessman Benjamin Pitman. Daughter Kekikipaa would marry Kamehameha I, but then marry Keawemauhili and become the mother of High Chiefess Kapiʻolani.

He lives on the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Hawaii. On each side of the coat of arms was the figure of a chief in a feather cloak and a feather helmet. The one on the left, bearing a spear, was Kamanawa and the one on the right, with a Kahili (feather standard), was Kameʻeiamoku.[17] The land he was given in 1795 was used by his granddaughter Kuini Liliha, who donated it to Christian missionaries. It eventually became Punahou School in 1841.[15]



Family tree based on Abraham Fornander's; "An Account of the Polynesian Race" and other works from the author, Queen Liliuokalani's; "Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen", Samuel Mānaiakalani Kamakau's; "Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii" and other works by the author, John Papa ʻĪʻī's; "Fragments of Hawaiian History", Edith Kawelohea McKinzie's; "Hawaiian Genealogies: Extracted from Hawaiian Language Newspapers, Vol. I & II", Kanalu G. Terry Young's; "Rethinking the Native Hawaiian Past", Charles Ahlo, Jerry Walker, and Rubellite Kawena Johnson's; "Kamehameha's Children Today", The Hawaiian Historical Society Reports, the genealogies of the Hawaiian Royal families in Kingdom of Hawaii probate, the works of Sheldon Dibble and David Malo as well as the Hawaii State Archive genealogy books.
(k) = Kane (Hawaiian for male or husband). (w) = Wahine (female or wife). Hawaiian genealogies use these as indicators for gender instead of (m) and (f)

Kauihi-a-Hiwa (k)Kueluakawai (w)
kanakamaikai (k)
Kaneiahaka (w)
Kainaaila (k)Kapulauki (w)Kauākahikua
ʻanaʻauakāne (w)
Iwikauikaua (k)Keakamahana (w)
Kauakahilau (k)Kuluina (w)Kāneikaiwilani (k)Keākealaniwahine (w)Kanaloakapulehu (k)Ahu-a-ʻI (k)Piʻilaniwahine (w)
Kamuokaumeheiwa (w)Lonoikahaupu (k)Kalanikauleleiaiwi (w)Kauaua-a-Mahi (k)Keaweʻīkekahi
Lonomaʻaikanaka (w)
Kaumeheiwa (k)Kaʻapuwai (w)Keawepoepoe (k)Kūmaʻaikū (w)Kanoena (w)Haʻae-a-mahi (k)Kekelakekeokalani (w)Kalanikeʻeaumoku (k)Kamakaimoku (w)Kalaninuiamamao (k)
Kaeokulani (k)Kamakahelei (w)Kameʻeiamoku (k)Kamakaʻeheikuli (w)Keeaumoku
Nāmāhānaʻi Kaleleokalani (w)Kamanawa (k)Kekelaokalani (w)Kekuʻiapoiwa II (w)Keōua (k)Kalola Pupuka (w)Kalaniʻōpuʻu (k)
Kapuaamohu (w)Kaumualii (k)Kepookalani (k)Alapai Wahine (w)Keohohiwa (w)Kaheiheimālie (w)Namahana Piʻia (w)Peleuli (w)Kamehameha I (k)Kekuiapoiwa Liliha (w)Kīwalaʻō (k)
Kaʻahumanu (w)Kalaʻimamahu (k)Kahōʻanokū Kīnaʻu (k)Wahinepio (w)Palila Nohomualani (k)Moana (w)Keōpūolani (w)
Kinoiki Kekaulike (w)Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole (k)Kealiʻiahonui (k)Kekauʻōnohi (w)Levi Haʻalelea (k)Eia (k)Kauwā (w)
Kamanawa II (k)
(c. 1785 – October 20, 1840)[i]
Kamokuiki (w)
(died 1840)[ii]
ʻAikanaka (k)
(died 1837)[iii]
Kamaʻeokalani (w)Iʻahuʻula (w)Naihekukui (k)
Kapaakea (k)
(1815 – November 13, 1866)[iv]
Keohokālole (w)
(died April 6, 1869)[v]
Kekāuluohi (w)
(c. 1794[vi] – June 7, 1845[vii])
Charles Kanaʻina (k)
(May 4, 1798 – March 13, 1877)
Kamāmalu (w)
(c. 1802–1824)
Kamehameha II (k)
(c. 1797 – July 14, 1824)
Kīnaʻu (w)
(c. 1805 – April 4, 1839)
Kekūanaōʻa (k)
(c. 1791 – November 24, 1868)
Kamehameha III (k)
(March 17, 1814 – December 15, 1854)
Kalama (w)
(1817–September 20, 1870)
Kapiʻolani (w)
(December 31, 1834 – June 24, 1899)
Kalākaua (k)
(November 16, 1836 – January 20, 1891)
Liliʻuokalani (w)
(September 2, 1838 – November 11, 1917)
John Owen Dominis (k)
(March 10, 1832 – August 23, 1891)
Lunalilo (k)
(January 31, 1835 – February 3, 1874)


  1. ^ Forbes-1998-p. 256
    "Twelve days after the first Hawaiian Constitution was signed, a chief, Kamanawa II, grandfather of future monarchs David Kalakaua and Lydia Makaeha Liliuokalani, was hung for the murder of his wife. The method used was poison, and after a trial by jury, Kamanawa and Lonoapuakau (spelled Lonopuakau in title), captain of the Hawaiian vessel Hooikaika, were convicted. The sentence of death was set by the premier (Kekauluohi) and agreed upon by the king only after a long consultation with Commander Charles Wilkes of the United States Exploring Expedition. This is the printed order setting the date of execution for October 20, 1840."[α]
  2. ^ Yalom-2008-p. 241
    "Kamokuiki Died 1840"[β]
  3. ^ Andrews-1865-p. 557
    "1837. Aikanaka died."[γ]
  4. ^ Forbes-1998-p. 428
    "[Caesar Kapaakea] He died in Honolulu on November 13, 1866"[δ]
  5. ^ Stauffer-2004-p. 61
    "[Keohokālole] died in Hilo on April 6, 1869."[ε]
  6. ^ Kamehiro-2009- p. 61
    "High Chiefess Kekāuluohi (ca. 1794–1845), premier, wife of Kamehameha I, and mother of King Lunalilo, built her house at this site, on the premises known as Pohukaina"[ζ]
  7. ^ Kam - 2017- p.205
    "Hawaiian Gazette lists “Kekauluohi, Mother of Lunalilo, died June 7, 1845."[η]
  1. ^ David W. Forbes (1998). Hawaiian National Bibliography 1780-1900: 1831-1850. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 256–. ISBN 978-0-8248-2379-5.
  2. ^ Marilyn Yalom (2008). The American Resting Place: 400 Years of History Through Our Cemeteries and Burial Grounds. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. pp. 241–. ISBN 978-0-547-34543-7.
  3. ^ Lorrin Andrews (1865). A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language: To which is Appended an English-Hawaiian Vocabulary and a Chronological Table of Remarkable Events. H. M. Whitney. ASIN B00AGZPHNE.
  4. ^ Forbes, David W. (1998). Hawaiian National Bibliography, Vol 3: 1851-1880. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-2503-4.
  5. ^ Robert H. Stauffer (2004). Kahana: How the Land Was Lost. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-2590-4.
  6. ^ Kamehiro, Stacy L. (2009). The Arts of Kingship: Hawaiian Art and National Culture of the Kal?kaua Era. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-3263-6.
  7. ^ Kam, Ralph Thomas (2017). Death Rites and Hawaiian Royalty: Funerary Practices in the Kamehameha and Kalakaua Dynasties, 1819-1953. McFarland. ISBN 978-1-4766-6846-8.


  1. ^ Mary Māmaka Kaiao Kuleana kope. "Hawaiian Dictionaries". University of Hawaii Press. Retrieved 2019-08-02.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b McKinzie 1986, p. 102.
  3. ^ Sahlins 1996, p. 256.
  4. ^ Fornander, Abraham (1880). An Account of the Polynesian Race: Its Origins and Migrations, and the Ancient History of the Hawaiian People to the Times of Kamehameha I. Trubner & Company. pp. 154–. Kameeuiamoku and Kamanawa, the twin children of Keawepoepoe", "..I have had access to represent them as sons of Keawepoepoe and Kanoena ; the former a son of Kalanikauleleiaiwi and her Kauai husband Lonoikahaupu ; the latter a daughter of Lonoanahulu, of the great Ehu family.
  5. ^ Pitman 1931, pp. 151–152.
  6. ^ "Ulukau: Genealogy book volume 44: Eia ka lani ke koi pae moku ka lauhulu paoki o ka aina". Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  7. ^ Samuel Manaiakalani Kamakau (1992). Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii. Kamehameha Schools Press. p. 147. ISBN 978-0-87336-014-2.
  8. ^ Fornander, Abraham (1920). Fornander collection of Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore ... Bishop Museum Press. p. 320.
  9. ^ "A Cultural History of Three Traditional Hawaiian Sites on the West Coast of Hawaiʻi Island" by Diane Lee Rhodes, on National Park Service web site
  10. ^ Cummins Speakman and Rhoda Hackler (1989). "Vancouver in Hawaii". Hawaiian Journal of History. 23. Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu. hdl:10524/121.
  11. ^ Day, Arthur Grove (1984). History Makers of Hawaii: A Biographical Dictionary. Mutual Publishing of Honolulu. p. 66. ISBN 978-0-935180-09-1.
  12. ^ Lawrence, Mary S. (1912). Old Time Hawaiians and Their Work. Ginn. p. 126.
  13. ^ McKinzie 1986, pp. 70–72.
  14. ^ "Kameeiamoku, (k)". Our Family History and Ancestry. Families of Old Hawaii. Retrieved 2009-12-03.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b Уильям де Витт Александр, изд. (1907). «Исторический набросок колледжа Оаху ». Колледж Оаху: список попечителей, президентов, инструкторов, матронов, библиотекарей . Гавайская газетная компания для школы Пунаху . п. 3
  16. ^ Калакауа-диаграмма Архивирована 2008-02-16 на машине Wayback на королевской семье официального веб-сайта Гавайев.
  17. ^ Тейлор, Альберт Пирс (1922). Под гавайским небом: повествование о романтике, приключениях и истории гавайских островов . Гонолулу: рекламодательская издательская компания, Ltd. p. 326 . OCLC   479709 .


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