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Координаты : 10 ° 03R 60 ° 48'W / 10,05 ° с.ш. 60,8 ° W / 10,05; -60.8
(Перенаправлено из сокола (штат) )
Девиз (ы):
Бог и Федерация
(Английский: Бог и Федерация )
Место в Венесуэле
Страна Венесуэла
Созданный 1864 [C]
Капитал Хор
• Тело Законодательный совет
Губернатор Виктор Кларк
Делегация сборки 6
• Общий 24 800 км 2 (9600 кв. МИ)
• Классифицировать 10 -е место
 2,71% Венесуэлы
 (Перепись 2011 года)
• Общий 902,847
• Классифицировать 11 -й
 3,45% Венесуэлы
Часовой пояс UTC - 4 ( ветеринар )
ISO 3166 Код Век
Символическое дерево Cují Yaque ( Prosopis juliflora )
HDI (2019) 0.701 [ 1 ]
высокий · 11 -е из 24
Веб -сайт www .falcon .gob .VE
^[c] как государство Коро; В 1874 году он был переименован в штат Фалькон.

Штат Фалкон ( Испанский : штат Фалкон , IPA: [esˈtaðo falˈkon] ) является одним из состояний Венесуэлы 23 . Столица штата - Коро .

Штат был назван в честь Хуана Кризостомо Фалкон .

Ранняя история

[ редактировать ]

Современный штат Фалькон был впервые изучен в 1499 году Хуан де ла Коза и Америко Веспучио в рамках экспедиции, контролируемой Алонсо де Оджеда . В 1527 году город Коро был основан Хуаном Амписом , который назвал его « Санта -Ана де Коро ». В 1811 году, когда Венесуэла объявила о своей независимости от Испании, Коро оставался верным испанской короне и была объединена с провинцией Маракайбо . В 1815 году король Фернандо VII создал провинцию Коро . освобождена из Испании Камеджо во время войны за независимость В 1821 году провинция была Венесуэльской Джозефа . В 1830 году, с отделением Венесуэлы от Гран Колумбии , район Фалькон стал отдельной провинцией этой нации.

Исторический центр Санта -Ана -де -Коро, Сокол штата, Венесуэла

К 1856 году в провинции содержались кантоны Коро , Сан -Луис, Касгуа , Коста Арриба, Камаребо и полуостров Парагьяна . В 1859 году, после того, как федеральная война началась 20 февраля в Коро, этот район был объявлен независимым штатом Коро. В 1864 году он стал федеральным штатом, частью Соединенных Штатов Венесуэлы .


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В 1872 году провинция была переименована в штат Фалкон, в честь войны федерального лидера Хуана Кризостомо Фалкон . В 1879 году, наряду с Ларой и Яракуй , за исключением департамента Ниргуа , он стал частью западного северного штата. Между 1881 и 1890 годами образуются с Зулией, штатом Фалькон-Зулия.

В 1891 году Фалкон был восстановлен как отдельное состояние. В 1899 году его название изменилось, и в течение короткого периода времени он отозвал свою историческую деноминацию Эстадо Коро; Вернувшись в 1901 году в Tfalcón.

В 1899 году территория, состоящая из города Тукакас и Чичиривиче , была аннексирована Фалконом. Штат Лара получил муниципалитет Урданеты .

Коро, столица, основанная с именем Санта -Ана -де -Коро, был объявлен национальным памятником в 1950 году, а ЮНЕСКО назвала его культурное наследие человечества в 1993 году.


[ редактировать ]

Штат Фалкон расположен на севере системы Кориана. На юге Falcón содержит горы средней высоты, настроенные с востока на запад, которые в восточной части штата достигают Карибского моря , образуя морские долины.

Запад от города Коро, прибрежная равнина проходит параллельно заливе Венесуэла . На севере лежит одна из наиболее характерных географических особенностей венесуэльского побережья: полуостров Парагьяна , связанный с материком залежением национального -Коро парка Меданос -де .

Хор национального парка

Горячий засушливой климат ( BWH в соответствии с Кламатической классификацией Кёппена ) очень низкого количества осадков доминирует на западном побережье и полуострове Парагьяна . Коро получает 380 миллиметров (15 дюймов) дождя в год, который часто терпит неудачу в сухие годы со средней температурой 28,4 ° C (83,1 ° F), а в Punto Fijo - всего 180 миллиметров (7 дюймов) годового дождя. со средней температурой 27,6 ° C (81,7 ° F).

Чрезвычайно сухие, пустынные условия с осадками составляют менее 300 миллиметров или 12 дюймов, расположены на западных побережьях Коро и, прежде всего, на перешейке Лос -Меданос -де -Коро, со среднегодовыми температурами от 28 до 29 ° C ( 82,4 и 84,2 ° F). В восточном прибрежном секторах количество осадков увеличивается с 800 до 1200 миллиметров (от 31 до 47 дюймов) в год, всегда с высокими температурами. Несколько более благоприятный, с температурой от 25 до 27 ° C (77,0 и 80,6 ° F), являются климатическими условиями гористых предгорий, распознавая субгумидный климат на более высоких высотах Сьеррас- де-Сан-Луис и Чуругуара , с Годовое количество осадков составляет 1300 миллиметров или 51 дюймов и средние температуры 22 ° C или 71,6 ° F. 29 апреля 2015 года CORO записал температуру 43,6 ° C (110,5 ° F), что является самой высокой температурой, когда -либо была зарегистрирована в Венесуэле. [ 2 ]

Климатические данные для CORO
Месяц Январь Февраль Марта Апрель Может Июнь Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь Год
Запись высокой ° C (° F) 37.8
Средний ежедневный максимум ° C (° F) 31.3
Daily mean °C (°F) 27.5
Mean daily minimum °C (°F) 23.6
Record low °C (°F) 19.5
Average rainfall mm (inches) 22.0
Average rainy days (≥ 1.0 mm) 2.5 1.6 1.2 1.5 2.6 3.2 4.3 3.5 3.7 5.4 5.8 4.8 40.1
Average relative humidity (%) 69.0 68.5 67.0 69.0 68.5 68.0 67.5 67.0 67.0 70.5 72.0 71.0 68.8
Mean monthly sunshine hours 291.4 268.8 288.3 234.0 248.0 255.0 285.2 288.3 261.0 251.1 252.0 266.6 3,189.7
Source 1: Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (INAMEH)[3][4][5]
Source 2: NOAA (extremes, rainy days, and sun)[6]



On the coastline the soils are calcareous, and between the Lara and Falcón mountains, they are clay. They vary in quality, but in general, the availability of land for traditional agriculture can be classified as low, with 89% of very low potential, 3% of low potential and 6% of moderate potential.

Only 2% of it is located in the southeast valleys and alluvial areas, basins with very high potential. The limitations of the arid and semi-arid soils come from salinity, dryness caused by low rainfall, low concentration of organic matter and the influence of climatic agents such as wind.



The Corian System of Falcon State presents a diversity of landscapes ranging from coastal plains on its Caribbean side to mountain ranges formed by valleys and hills, in an area of transition between the two major mountain systems of the country. The Sierra de San Luis have the highest altitude of the entire system, but are of very modest height; the highest does not exceed 1600 meters (Cerro Galicia [es]).

Cerro Santa Ana is another natural landmark, located in the center of the Paraguaná peninsula. Unlike the rest of the peninsula, the characteristics of Santa Ana Hill are the contrast between its greenness and the xerophytic vegetation of the Paraguaná area. It has three peaks: the Santa Ana (the highest, that ascends to about 830 meters above sea level), the Buena Vista and Moruy.


Isiro Reservoir, Falcon State

The state's hydrography is very poor. All the rivers flow north, either into the Caribbean Sea or the Gulf of Venezuela. However, the main Venezuelan river of the Caribbean basin, the Tocuyo, bathes a large area of the state before flowing into the Caribbean on the east coast of the state after travelling 423 km. Another river worth mentioning that flows into the Caribbean is Rio Aroa, with a length of 130 km. From the basin of the Gulf of Venezuela, the main ones are the Matícora (201 km) and the Mitare with 120 km.

  • Main rivers: Tocuyo, Aroa, Güigüe, Hueque, Matícora, Mitare, Pedregal, Remedios, Ricoa, San Luis.
  • Lakes: under the San Luis mountain range in the Cueva del Toro, there is an underground lake, the largest known in Venezuela, called "Río Acarite".

Flora and fauna


The Caribbean marine life off the coast is very rich. There is a great diversity of algae on the rocky shores and on the reef bottoms. The rich fishing grounds have been known for centuries; among the species that are caught locally are various shrimp, octopus, squid, mackerel, corocoro, mullet, horse mackerel, lebranche and dogfish.

Other species in the area are endangered and highly protected, such as several types of sea turtle and the critically endangered Orinoco crocodile. The latter inhabits the coastal mangroves of Morrocoy, Cuare Wildlife Refuge, and the isthmus, along with the numerous species of wading and seabirds, such as shearwater, herons, scarlet ibis, gannets and the Caribbean flamingo. Among the many invertebrates, the Hueque scorpion (Tityus falconensis), named after the region and discovered in the caves of the Juan Crisóstomo Falcón National Park, is found throughout Falcón; the Scolopendra gigantea, which is the largest centipede in the world, and the vivid greenbottle-blue tarantula (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens), of Paraguaná, are also native to the region.

In the cactus and spiny forests that encompass the lowlands, plants heavily armed with thorns predominate, such as cují yaque (Falcón's emblematic tree), broom, yabo, espinito, Opuntia (also known as tuna, e.g. prickly-pear) and Pachycereus pringlei (or cardones). Introduced succulents, such as Aloe vera and sisal plants, are scattered throughout the region. Fauna in this habitat includes bats, rabbits, foxes, rodents, iguanas and lizards; among the birds are the vermilion cardinal and the tropical mockingbird, also known as paraulata llanera or chuchube (Mimus gilvus).

Scarlet ibis in the Cuare Wildlife Refuge, Falcón State, Venezuela.

On the upper slopes of the mountains, cloud forests dominate, and an enormous variety of ferns and other plants grow. In the limestone formations of the Sierra, you can find the guácharo, or oilbirds, which live inside the caverns. Also found are the blacksmith's bellbird and the keel-billed toucan, and numerous amphibians and reptiles, such as the nibbling turtle, endemic to the mountains of the Sistema Coriano.



Early Cretaceous rocks cover the pre-existing sedimentary units in the south, in what is one of the thickest sections in South America. The rounded hills of the Cocodite table are supported by an ancient igneous-metromorphic complex and a poorly-metamorphosed Jurassic succession.

To the east of Vela de Coro and Cumarebo, the foothills are supported by outcrops of the young Tertiary, also present to the north of Urumaco, where the stones are rough and darkened by iron oxide; while the plains concentrated in the lower part of the rivers are alluvial.

The arid plain presents quaternary earthquakes, with elevations sustained by rocks from the upper tertiary.

Politics and government


As a federal state, it is autonomous and equal in political terms to the other members of the Federation. It organizes its administration and public powers through the Federal Constitution of Falcón State of 2004, issued by the Legislative Council.

Executive power


It is composed of the Governor of the State of Falcón and a group of State Secretaries of his confidence appointed and removed by the regional government. The Governor is elected by the people through a direct and secret vote for a period of four years and with the possibility of immediate reelection for equal periods, being in charge of the state administration before the Legislative Council.

The first elected governor of Falcon was Aldo Cermeño of the Social Christian Party (Copei), who governed between 1989 and 1992. The current state governor is Victor Clark, of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) party, elected for the 2017-2021 period.

Like the other 23 federal entities of Venezuela, the State maintains its own police force, which is supported and complemented by the National Police and the Venezuelan National Guard.

Legislative power


The state legislature is the responsibility of the Falcón State Legislative Council. It is a unicameral and autonomous body, elected by the people through direct and secret vote every four years, and maybe re-elected for two consecutive periods, under a system of proportional representation of the population of the state and its municipalities. It has 11 legislators, of whom 3 are list and 8 are nominal.[clarification needed]

Municipalities and municipal seats


Falcon State is subdivided into 25 municipalities (municipios), listed below with their administrative capitals, areas and populations.[7]

Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro National Park, Unión Municipality, Falcón
Mangroves in Morrocoy National Park
Puerto Escondido, Falcón State
Municipalities of Falcón
Municipality Administrative
Area (km2) Population
Census 2011
30 June 2016
Acosta San Juan de los Cayos 757 19,045 21,272
Bolívar San Luis 295 8,539 9,420
Buchivacoa Capatárida 2,657 22,897 25,470
Cacique Manaure Yaracal 190 10,874 12,149
Carirubana Punto Fijo 684 239,444 276,251
Colina La Vela de Coro 582 41,510 46,631
Dabajuro Dabajuro 1,144 23,388 26,364
Democracia Pedregal 2,602 9,944 11,293
Falcón Pueblo Nuevo 1,577 46,215 55,196
Federación Churuguara 1,084 29,251 33,138
Jacura Jacura 1,842 11,232 12,492
Los Taques Santa Cruz de Los Taques 231 41,579 45,681
Mauroa Mene de Mauroa 1,904 24,920 27,488
Miranda Santa Ana de Coro 1,805 211,537 239,961
Monseñor Iturriza Chichiriviche 907 19,300 21,927
Palmasola Palmasola 194 7,077 8,306
Petit Cabure 1,025 13,725 15,316
Píritu Píritu 1,168 10,628 11,685
San Francisco Mirimire 346 11,030 12,219
Silva Tucacas 537 32,193 41,826
Sucre La Cruz de Taratara 840 5,781 6,379
Tocópero Tocópero 83 5,519 6,010
Unión Santa Cruz de Bucaral 975 15,660 17,441
Urumaco Urumaco 752 8,349 9,044
Zamora Puerto Cumarebo 619 33,210 37,868
Estado Falcón Coro 24,800 902,847 1,030,827

The Paraguaná Peninsula comprises the municipalities of Carirubana, Los Taques [es] and Falcón.


Historical population
YearPop.±% p.a.
1873 99,920—    
1881 113,877+1.65%
1891 139,110+2.02%
1920 128,255−0.28%
1926 178,642+5.68%
1936 215,140+1.88%
1941 232,644+1.58%
1950 258,759+1.19%
1961 340,450+2.53%
1971 407,957+1.83%
1981 503,896+2.13%
1990 599,185+1.94%
2001 763,188+2.22%
2011 902,847+1.69%
Source: "XIV CENSO NACIONAL DE POBLACIÓN Y VIVIENDA - Resultados por Entidad Federal y Municipio del Estado Falcón" (PDF). Instituto Nacional de Estadística.

The population of Falcon State in 2011 was 902,847 inhabitants, while in 2001 there were 763,188 inhabitants. Its population density has risen from 30.8 inhabitants/km2 in 2001 to 36.4 inhabitants/km2 in 2011. Due to the constant growth of urban areas, a decrease in rural life is observed, with the urban population reaching 67.3% of the total state population in 1990. In 2011 it is estimated that the urban population will be around 600,000 inhabitants,[when?] distributed in several cities headed by the conurbation of 228,931 inhabitants formed by the city of Santa Ana de Coro (192,558 inhabitants) and its port La Vela de Coro (36,373 inhabitants); and by the metropolitan area of Punto Fijo, which includes the former fishing villages of Las Piedras, Carirubana and Punta Cardón, with a population of over 300,000 inhabitants.

Puerto Cumarebo, Falcón State

Other medium-sized cities structure their respective areas of influence, highlighting Puerto Cumarebo (22 047 inhabitants), Dabajuro (15 269 inhabitants), Tucacas (12 970 inhabitants), Churuguara (10 800 inhabitants) and Mene de Mauroa (10 302 inhabitants). Moreover, according to the last population census conducted by the National Institute of Statistics in 2011, 55.7% of the population is ethnically recognized as mestizo; 38.9% as Caucasian, concentrated mainly in the city of Punto Fijo; and 4.1% identified themselves as black.

Race and ethnicity


According to the 2011 Census, the estimated racial composition of the population was:[8]

Racial composition Est. Pop. %
Mestizo 513,000 55.7
White 358,000 38.9
Black 44,000 4.8
Other race 6,000 0.6

Main population centers

Chichiriviche is one of the best-known locations in Falcon
  • Coro, the state capital, is the axis around which the political, cultural and social life of the region revolves. Founded on July 26, 1527. The first historical and religious capital of Venezuela. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site on December 9, 1993.
  • La Vela de Coro, the place where the national flag was first raised. Fishing, commercial and artisanal community. Along with Coro, World Heritage Site.
  • Mitare, a town in the west of the state, is a few kilometres from Coro. Its economy is based on the production of goats and shrimp fishing.
  • Puerto Cumarebo, capital of the municipality of Zamora Called La Perla de Falcon, is a fishing, commercial, tourist, agricultural and artisanal zone.
  • Punto Fijo, capital of the municipality Carirubana, located in the peninsula of Paraguaná. Commercial city, under the regime of Free Zone of Tourist Promotion and Investment since 1998, is the main economic, industrial, population and productive axis of Falcon. It is home to the Universidad de Falcon
  • Punta Cardón, located in the peninsula of Paraguaná. It has the "Gustavo Riera" Zoo, the only zoo in the state.
  • Santa Cruz de Los Taques, discovered in 1502 by Alonso de Ojeda, in this town is the bay of Amuay.
  • Pueblo Nuevo, for many years was the largest population of the Paraguana Peninsula. Founded between 1730 and 1770, its economy is based on artisan activity, especially represented by local ceramists.
  • Adícora, primary holiday resort in the Paraguaná peninsula, located 60 km north of Coro.
  • Tocuyo de la Costa, a town located on the banks of the Tocuyo River in the municipality of Monseñor Iturriza.
  • Tocópero, a town whose economy derives from livestock and crafts, also has a cement industry that covers the entire state.
  • Tucacas, gateway to the state of Falcón on its eastern side. It is mainly a tourist and commercial town.
  • Chichiriviche, the main tourist center of the Venezuelan northwest. Located on the eastern coast of the state, it gives access to Morrocoy National Park.
  • Churuguara, capital of the municipality of Federación. The most important town in the Falcón mountain range, is mainly a tourist and agricultural town.
  • Dabajuro, has the largest commercial movement of the western Falcon. It is a collection center for the trade of agricultural and livestock products.
  • Mene de Mauroa, located 188 km west of Coro. Capital of the municipality of Mauroa, its economy is based on agricultural production.
  • Mirimire, the population of the east of the state. Its economy is based on the production of cattle, tobacco, corn and sugar cane.
  • Pedregal, capital of the municipality of Democracia. Cattle and artisan population of the Falconian west.
  • San Juan de Los Cayos, located 169 km southeast of Coro. Potential producer of fish, bananas, avocado, coconut and cattle.
  • Santa Cruz de Bucaral, capital of the Union municipality. It is one of the youngest towns in the Falcon Mountain Range.
  • Capatárida, capital of the municipality Buchivacoa, located west of Coro. It has a great historical and cultural tradition, economic activity based on goat breeding and fishing.
Adicora, Falcón State
  • San Luis, a town located in the Sierra Falcon. It was initially inhabited by Jirajaras Indians.
  • Cabure, the old settlement of Jirajaras Indians. It was founded in 1769.
  • Curimagua, a valley in the Falcon Mountains. Cradle of the pre-independence movement led by the Zambo José Leonardo Chirino.
  • Borojó, a population of indigenous origin in the municipality of Buchivacoa located west of Falcon.



Economic resources


Its economic resources include;

  • Livestock: poultry, cattle, goats and pigs.
  • Fishing: Tuna, catfish, mackerel, corocoro and mullet (marine). Shrimp, crab and lobster, pepitonas and quigua (in) (mollusks).
  • Agricultural products: Sugar cane, coconut, corn, melon, yam, ocumo and sorghum.
  • Forest resources: Candlestick, cedar, cují, guamo, jabillo and vera.
  • Mineral resources: Sand, limestone, coal, chromite, gravel, oil and phosphate rocks.

Agriculture and cattle raising


The main economic activity in terms of employment is agriculture, with important crops such as coconut, onions, corn, tomatoes, patilla, melon, coffee, aloe and legumes.

The state of Falcón is the largest producer of coconut and copra, goats and goat products. It is the second largest in the production of fish, paprika and vegetables such as onions, and third in bovine milk and melon production. It also has great advantages for the production of dry floor vegetables such as melon, onions, sideburns and tomatoes. Coconuts alone represent approximately 20,000 hectares in cultivation, and there is availability to expand surface area on the eastern coast of Falcón State. Falcón State is one of the main producers of aloe vera in Venezuela, and the coffee, region has 3500 hectares in cultivation, but with a provision of 12 700 hectares, distributed in the Sierra de Coro in the south of the federal entity.

In the mountains coffee is cultivated, having prestige the productions in the Sierra de San Luis and Sierra de Churuguara.

On the Eastern Coast, there are important plantations of coconut trees, which have developed an important industry of oil extraction and use of copra. As for livestock, there is an abundance of goats, cattle and, to a lesser extent, pigs.

Economic activities


Falcon is the Venezuelan state with the most kilometres of coast, therefore the fishing activity has special dimensions. The annual production is 30,471 tons of fish and seafood, landed in the ports of Las Piedras, Carirubana [es], Puerto Cumarebo, Zazárida, Chichiriviche, and La Vela de Coro, highlighting the industrialization of crustaceans with the presence on the coast of the state of shrimp farms, as in Boca de Ricoa and at various points of the Paraguaná peninsula.

Villa Caribe Hotel, Paraguana, Falcon State

In Falcón, there are some working oil fields in Mene de Mauroa [es], Media, Hombre Pintado and Tiguaje and natural gas fields in Puerto Cumarebo and other nearby areas. However, most oil industry activity is in the Paraguaná Refining Center, one of the largest in the world, made up of the Amuay Refining Complex and the Cardón Refinery, both with a capacity of 940,000 barrels of oil per day, which represents 75% of Venezuela's total refining capacity. These refineries are fed with crude oil and gas through products coming from the Maracaibo Lake basin. Likewise, a tourist investment free zone has been consolidated in the Paraguaná peninsula.

Falcón also has mineral deposits to generate basic inputs for industries such as ceramics, fertilizers, energy, chemicals, abrasives, metalworking, pharmaceuticals, pottery, and paint, among others. Phosphates are exploited in Riecito and limestone in Chichiriviche, which are processed at the Cumarebo cement plant (Holcim de Venezuela). It also has immense coal deposits in the western zone, with proven reserves for open-pit mining in the order of 20 million metric tons, and reserves estimated at 120 million metric tons, within a radius of action of 50,000 hectares. Other minerals in the area include graphite, silica, limestone, dolomite, phosphate, chromite and marble.

Thanks to the dry and arid climate, there are five natural salt flats and some 220,000 hectares of land suitable for the construction of artificial salt flats spread throughout the Falconian territory. Of all the salt mines, only the Las Cumaraguas salt mine is under industrial exploitation, the rest being exploited by hand.

Also, thanks to its natural landscapes (like the Medanos de Coro and the National Parks Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro, Sierra de San Luis and Morrocoy) tourism is gaining importance in the economy of the State.[citation needed]



The region is mostly coastal lowlands and the northern Andean mountain hills, and is mostly dry with limited agriculture production. Farming mostly occurs in river valleys and mountainous areas, and includes maize, coconut, sesame, coffee and sugar cane.

Wind farm in the Paraguaná peninsula, Falcón State

Coro, the state capitol and the Paraguaná Peninsula have had significant amounts of industrialization and growth. Large oil refineries such as the Paraguana Refinery Complex in the city of Punto Fijo are located on the southwestern shore of the Paraguaná Peninsula, and approximately two-thirds of Venezuela's total oil production occurs in this area, much of which is exported via tanker ships that ship internationally through the port of Amuay.



National parks and monuments

Cayo Sombrero, Morrocoy National Park
  • Los Médanos de Coro National Park: Desert landscape located in the heart of the city of Coro. It has an area of 91 280 hectares.
  • Morrocoy National Park: Made up of keys and islets of coral origin, white sand, turquoise sea and dense mangrove forests. It has an area of 32 090 hectares.
  • National Park Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro: Located in the Falconian mountain range, it has an area of 4885 hectares.
  • Juan Crisóstomo Falcón National Park: It has a great variety of natural attractions. It has an extension of 20,000 hectares.
  • Cerro Santa Ana Natural Monument: Located in the center of Paraguaná. It has an area of 1900 hectares and an altitude of 850 meters above sea level. It was declared a Natural Monument on June 14, 1972.

Natural heritage

  • Thermal waters of Cardón and Cuiva
  • Guaibacoa Hot Springs
  • Boca de Aroa Beach
  • Adicora Beach
  • Cumarebo Port Beach
  • Tucacas Beaches
  • Beaches in Chichiriviche
  • Beaches of Morrocoy
  • Manaure Well
  • Tacarigua-Jatira Dam
  • Hueque Falls
  • Cuare Wildlife Refuge
  • The Indian's Cave (Cueva del Indio)
  • Haiton del Guarataro

Built heritage

San Francisco Church, Coro, Falcon State
  • Athenaeum of Coro
  • Cathedral Basilica Menor de Santa Ana
  • Balcón de los Arcaya (Museum of Popular Pottery)
  • Balcón Bolívar (Museum of Contemporary Art)
  • House of 100 windows (Casa de las 100 ventanas)
  • Casa de las Ventanas de Hierro
  • Los Torres House
  • House of the Sun (Casa del Sol)
  • Treasury House (Casa del Tesoro)
  • Alberto Henriquez House Museum (Choir Synagogue)
  • Jewish cemetery in Coro
  • San Clemente's Cross
  • Church of San Nicolás de Bari
  • San Clemente Church
  • San Francisco Church
  • Lucas Guillermo Castillo Diocesan Museum
  • Elias David Curiel School of Music
  • Hato Aguaque or Casa de Josefa Camejo
  • Taima Taima Archaeological and Paleontological Museum





Falconian craftsmanship is rich in artistic expression.[citation needed] Within the popular handicrafts are the hammocks with unique styles, techniques and values of the state.[citation needed] The craft production is large and varied. The craftsmen of the towns that surround the city of Coro specialize in the manufacture of furniture with the wood of the cardon, the stick of Arch and the curarí. The wood is complemented using vegetable fibres such as sisal or with cow and goat skins. In Paraguaná the clay is worked to build objects for current domestic use, applying the same techniques used by the Caquetíos Indians. On the eastern coast, the attraction is the basketwork made with bulrush, cocuiza and vines and the hammocks made with thread.



The typical Falconian food allows the enjoyment of a variety of flavors represented in its specialities, such as goat talkarí, celce coriano, goat milk cheese, custard, peeled arepa and goat milk candy. At a national level, rice with coconut and rice pudding is one of the most popular sweets, especially during the Easter season.

Flag Monument in La Vela de Coro, Falcón State



Folkloric, traditional and religious expressions offer a seal of originality in the state. In typical celebrations, features of African, indigenous and European cultures are associated. Among these celebrations is the Baile de las Turas, which has its origin in an indigenous dance related to the hunting season and the harvesting of the corn crop. It is celebrated in San Pedro, El Tural and Mapararí in the mountain region, between 23 and 24 September. The drum dances in the cities of Coro, La Vela and Puerto Cumarebo are very joyful and colourful, and the celebration of the Day of the Mad (December 28) in La Vela de Coro, with masked parades in the streets and public squares, reaches a display similar to that of the great carnivals of the world.


  • Unión Atlético Falcón (Second Division of Venezuela): a professional football club based in the city of Punto Fijo, Falcon State, Venezuela. It was founded in 2006, in the city of Santa Ana de Coro.
  • Бейсбол (урожай) Cachorros de Falcón (Bolivarian National Baseball League): It is one of the teams that has remained since the birth of the Bolivarian National Baseball League 15 years ago, which was champion of the Central Western Region on a couple of occasions, in 2012 by the hand of former professional baseball player Yony Naveda, and in 2016, under the helm of Roberto Chirinos, the latter, who is again in charge of the Westerners in 2019.
Polideportivo Manaure

Sports facilities

  • Pedro Conde Stadium
  • José David Ugarte Stadium
  • Eduardo "Tata" Amaya Stadium
  • Carlos Sanchez Covered Gym
  • Fenelon Diaz Covered Gym
  • Ramon Pena Gilly Gym

See also



  1. ^ "Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab". hdi.globaldatalab.org. Retrieved 2021-07-31.
  2. ^ Masters, Jeff (27 January 2016). "Sixteen National/Territorial All-Time Extreme Heat Records Set in 2015". Wunderground. Archived from the original on 4 February 2018. Retrieved 19 July 2017.
  3. ^ "Estadísticos Básicos Temperaturas y Humedades Relativas Máximas y Mínimas Medias" (PDF). INAMEH (in Spanish). Archived from the original (pdf) on 15 June 2013. Retrieved 28 October 2012.
  4. ^ "Estadísticos Básicos Temperaturas y Humedades Relativas Medias" (PDF). INAMEH (in Spanish). Archived from the original (pdf) on 15 June 2013. Retrieved 28 October 2012.
  5. ^ "Estadísticos Básicos Lluvia" (PDF ) Иномех (на испанском). Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) мая 26 Получено 28 октября
  6. ^ "Coro Climate Normals 1961–1990" . Национальное управление океанического и атмосферного . Получено 12 августа 2015 года .
  7. ^ Национальный статистический институт, Каракас.
  8. ^ «Основной результат национального населения XIV и переписи населения 2011 года (май 2014)» (PDF) . Ine.gov.ve. п. 29 ​Получено 8 сентября 2015 года .
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