Голос Голландии
Голос Голландии | |
![]() | |
Жанр | Реалити-шоу |
Создано | |
Разработано | Сеть Талпа |
Режиссер |
Представлено | |
В главных ролях | Группа «Голос Голландии» с Йеруном Ритбергеном |
Судьи | |
Голоса | Мартин Краббе |
Страна происхождения | Нидерланды |
Язык оригинала | Голландский |
Количество сезонов | 12 |
Количество серий | 137 |
Производство | |
Время работы | 120 минут (включая рекламу) |
Производственные компании |
Оригинальный выпуск | |
Сеть | РТЛ 4 (2010–2022 гг.) |
Выпускать | 17 сентября 2010 г. 14 января 2022 г. | -
Связанный | |
Голос Дети Голос Старший |
«Голос Голландии» , также известный под аббревиатурой TVOH , — это голландский конкурс исполнителей реалити-шоу , который стал франшизой глобального телеформата . Создан медиа-магнатом Джоном де Молом и музыкантом Роэлем ван Велзеном в Нидерландах и транслируется на канале RTL 4 . Первые девять сезонов «Голоса Голландии» вели Мартейн Краббе и Венди ван Дейк . Начиная с десятого сезона (2019–2020), Венди ван Дейк заменила Шанталь Янзен .
В центре внимания шоу - певческий талант и качество участников. Три-четыре тренера, [1] сами являются успешными артистами, тренируют таланты в своих командах и время от времени выступают с ними. После многих предварительных закадровых прослушиваний для участия в телевизионных шоу отбираются наиболее многообещающие таланты. Важно отметить, что это происходит на так называемых «слепых прослушиваниях», во время которых тренеры не видят, а только слышат выступление кандидатов. Только после того, как тренер выберет талант или когда он закончит петь, кресла тренеров поворачиваются в его сторону и раскрываются тренерам.
Первые эпизоды предварительно записываются перед живой аудиторией студии, чтобы тренеры могли почувствовать реакцию аудитории на кандидата и иногда подвергаться ее влиянию. Записаны следующие эпизоды, в которых некоторые певцы теряют свое место в команде, а другие переходят в последующие раунды посредством песенных соревнований в различных форматах, пока в соревновании не останется лишь небольшая группа. Затем формат переключается на несколько живых выступлений, в которых зрители принимают активное участие в процессе судейства, и голосование включает больше певцов, пока не останется один победитель.
[ редактировать ]![]() | Этот раздел включает список литературы , связанную литературу или внешние ссылки , но его источники остаются неясными, поскольку в нем отсутствуют встроенные цитаты . ( Май 2017 г. ) |

Слепые прослушивания
[ редактировать ]После многих прослушиваний за кадром пришло время «Слепых прослушиваний». На первом этапе, транслируемом по телевидению, прослушиватели поют перед официальными тренерами. Все тренеры будут сидеть в кресле, повернутом от сцены. Якобы тренеры в первую очередь будут судить по силе, четкости, типу и уникальности пения артистов. Если им нравится то, что они слышат, и они хотят стать наставником артиста на следующем этапе, они нажмут кнопку, которая развернет их стул лицом к сцене и впервые увидит артиста. Если развернется более одного стула, прослушивающийся может выбрать тренера по своему выбору. Если ни один стул не развернется, путешествие артиста, проходящего прослушивание на «Голосе», закончится.
В итоге у каждого из тренеров в команде будет определенное количество артистов, которые пройдут в следующий тур. В двенадцатом сезоне был добавлен новый поворот: кнопка блокировки. Каждый тренер имеет право помешать другому тренеру получить артиста. Чтобы тренеры не блокировали друг друга на неопределенный срок, кнопку блокировки разрешается использовать только один раз за все слепое прослушивание.
Боевые раунды
[ редактировать ]На втором этапе, «Боевые раунды», два артиста обучаются, а затем развиваются под руководством своего тренера. Тренеры команды «посвятят себя развитию своих артистов, давая им советы и делясь секретами их успеха в музыкальной индустрии». Каждый член своей команды сражается против другого члена своей команды. Они одновременно поют одну и ту же песню, а их тренер решает, кому продолжить соревнование. Тренерам предстоит выбрать одну из четырех индивидуальных «битв», чтобы вывести артистов на живой раунд. Начиная с четвертого сезона каждый тренер может украсть у других команд по одному проигравшему артисту. был добавлен еще один поворот В седьмом сезоне : « Комната для кражи» . Несмотря на то, что кражи вернулись, каждый украденный артист будет сидеть на специально отведенном месте в комнате для краж и смотреть другие выступления. Если тренер украл одного артиста, но позже решает украсть другого, первый артист будет заменен и исключен вновь украденным артистом. Артисты, сидящие по итогам боев, пройдут в раунды на выбывание. В одиннадцатом сезоне каждому тренеру теперь разрешено спасти артиста из своей команды.
[ редактировать ]Третий этап – «Нокауты». Формат варьировался от первых сезонов, когда каждый из двух артистов пел по одной песне, а один переходил к более поздним годам, когда выступали все артисты, и тренер выбирал троих для отправки на живые выступления.
Живые выступления
[ редактировать ]На заключительном этапе, получившем название «Живые выступления», выжившие бойцы выступают перед тренерами, публикой и ведут прямую трансляцию. Для начала у каждого тренера в команде будет по четыре артиста, и артисты будут соревноваться друг с другом, чтобы выиграть общественное голосование. Они определят, какой артист выйдет в финальную восьмерку. Будущее остальных трех артистов в шоу определят тренеры, выбирая, кто будет прогрессировать.
Восемь финалистов будут соревноваться в прямом эфире. Тем не менее, тренеры будут иметь мнение 50/50 перед публикой и публикой при принятии решения, какие артисты перейдут в фазу «финала четырех». В последнем случае у каждого тренера будет один член, который продолжит работу. Финал (раунд победителя) будет определен публичным голосованием. На протяжении финала тренеры часто будут выступать со своими артистами. Победителю будет присвоен титул «Голос Голландии» .
Тренеры и ведущие
[ редактировать ]Тренеры еще не были известны во время объявления о создании шоу, но, Гордон , Марко Борсато и Джон Юбэнк по слухам, в нем будут участвовать . Ни один из них в итоге не попал в первоначальный состав. Тренеры были объявлены 17 июня 2010 года: Рул ван Вельзен , Ник и Саймон , Анжела Гротуизен и Йерун ван дер Бум . [2] В первом сезоне Роэл ван Велзен не смог посетить все живые выступления из-за запланированных концертов. Мартейн Краббе вел шоу, Венди ван Дейк присоединилась к нему в живых выступлениях, а Уинстон Герштановиц отвечал за ведение «Красной комнаты».
Марко Борсато заменил Йеруна ван дер Бума во втором сезоне, поскольку Ван дер Бум покинул шоу, чтобы стать главным судьей The Winner Is . [3] тогда как Венди ван Дейк стала постоянной ведущей вместе с Краббе. В третьем сезоне Гротуйзена заменил Трийнтье Остерхейс , который ранее отказался от возможности присоединиться к первому сезону шоу. [4] 17 декабря 2012 года было объявлено, что Ник и Саймон не вернутся в качестве тренеров в четвертом сезоне. [5] 22 марта 2013 года было объявлено, что Ильзе ДеЛанж станет тренером в четвертом сезоне. [6] В январе Роэл ван Велзен объявил, что не вернется в качестве тренера в четвертый сезон, и его заменил Али Б. [7] Тренерский состав остался неизменным в пятом сезоне 2014 года, но Уинстона Герштановица заменил Idols победитель Джамай Ломан .
15 января 2015 года было объявлено, что Трийнтье Остерхейс и Ильза ДеЛанге покинули шоу, чтобы сосредоточиться на других проектах, и их заменили Анук и «Мисс Монреаль» фронтмен Санне Ханс . [8] Марко Борсато и Али Б вернулись в качестве тренеров в шестом сезоне. В финале шестого сезона 29 января 2016 года Борсато объявил, что не вернется в седьмой сезон, и его место займет Гус Меувис . [9] ее заменил Вэйлон . Первоначально Анук подписала контракт с тренером на два сезона, но решила пропустить следующий сезон из-за беременности, поэтому в седьмом сезоне [10] В конце седьмого сезона Гус Меувис решил не возвращаться в восьмой сезон. 9 июня 2017 года было объявлено, что Анук вернется, чтобы заменить Гуса Меувиса в 8 сезоне вместе с вернувшимися тренерами Али Б, Санне Ханс и Вэйлоном. [11] В финале 8-го сезона 2 января 2018 года было объявлено, что в девятом сезоне Лил Кляйне заменит Санне Ханс, которая решила уйти по другим делам. [12]
В начале 2019 года Венди ван Дейк объявила, что перешла с RTL 4 на SBS6 и поэтому не сможет вернуться на шоу в качестве ведущей. [13] 22 февраля 2019 года стало известно, что шоу продолжит транслироваться на канале RTL 4 в течение следующих трех лет, а Шанталь Янзен заменит ван Дейка в качестве ведущей в десятом сезоне. [14] Также было объявлено, что Джеральдин Кемпер заменит Джамая Ломана на посту ведущей за кулисами. [15] 14 июня 2019 года через телекомпанию шоу RTL 4 и на их странице в Facebook было объявлено, что Али Би, Вэйлон, Анук и Лил Кляйн вернутся в 10-м сезоне. [16]
On 6 June 2020, RTL announced that Ali B, Waylon and Anouk would all remain on the panel for season 11; but Lil' Kleine would not return.[17] Two months later, Jan Smit was confirmed as Kleine's replacement.[18] In July 2021, it was confirmed that Glennis Grace would replace Smit, who had confirmed his departure weeks prior.[19] Also, season 12 includes the "Comeback Stage" (originally created by the American version), whose duo coach consists in rapper Typhoon and season 6 winner Maan de Steenwinkel.
- Coaches
- Nick & Simon (1–3)
- Roel van Velzen (1–3)
- Angela Groothuizen (1–2)
- Marco Borsato (2–6)
- Trijntje Oosterhuis (3–5)
- Ilse DeLange (4–5)
- Ali B (4–12)
- Anouk (6, 8–12)
- Sanne Hans (6–8)
- Waylon (7–12)
- Guus Meeuwis (7)
- Lil' Kleine (9–10)
- Jan Smit (11)
- Glennis Grace (12)
- Maan de Steenwinkel (Comeback Stage, duo, 12)
- Typhoon (Comeback Stage, duo, 12)
Coaches' timeline
[edit]Coaches | Seasons | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | ||
Nick & Simon | ||||||||||||
Roel van Velzen | ||||||||||||
Angela Groothuizen | ||||||||||||
Jeroen van der Boom | ||||||||||||
Marco Borsato | ||||||||||||
Trijntje Oosterhuis | ||||||||||||
Ali B | ||||||||||||
Ilse DeLange | ||||||||||||
Sanne Hans | ||||||||||||
Anouk | ||||||||||||
Waylon | ||||||||||||
Guus Meeuwis | ||||||||||||
Lil' Kleine | ||||||||||||
Jan Smit |
[edit]- Main
- Main Hosts gallery
- Martijn Krabbé (1–12)
- Wendy van Dijk (1–9)
- Chantal Janzen (10–12)
Hosts | Seasons | ||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ||
Main | Martijn Krabbé | ||||||||||||
Wendy van Dijk | |||||||||||||
Chantal Janzen |
Series overview
[edit]Warning: the following table presents a significant amount of different colors.
Season | First aired | Last aired | Winner | Runner-up | Third place | Fourth place | Winning coach | Hosts | Coaches (chairs' order) | |||
Main | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||||||||
1 | 17 Sep 2010 | 21 Jan 2011 | Ben Saunders | Pearl Jozefzoon | Kim de Boer | Leonie Meijer | Roel van Velzen | Martijn Krabbé, Wendy van Dijk | Jeroen | Angela | Nick & Simon | Van Velzen |
2 | 23 Sep 2011 | 30 Jan 2012 | Iris Kroes | Chris Hordijk | Erwin Nyhoff | Paul Turner | Marco Borsato | Marco | ||||
3 | 24 Aug 2012 | 14 Dec 2012 | Leona Philippo | Johannes Rypma | Floortje Smit | Ivar Oosterloo | Trijntje Oosterhuis | Trijntje | ||||
4 | 30 Aug 2013 | 21 Dec 2013 | Julia van der Toorn | Mitchell Brunings | Gerrie Dantuma | Jill Helena | Marco Borsato | Trijntje | Ali B | Ilse | Marco | |
5 | 29 Aug 2014 | 19 Dec 2014 | O'G3NE | Sjors van der Panne | Guus Mulder | Emmaly Brown | Ilse | Marco | Trijntje | |||
6 | 25 Sep 2015 | 29 Jan 2016 | Maan de Steenwinkel | Dave Vermeulen | Brace | Jennie Lena | Anouk | Sanne | Marco | |||
7 | 21 Oct 2016 | 17 Feb 2017 | Pleun Bierbooms | Isabel Provoost | Vinchenzo Tahapary | Thijs Pot | Waylon | Waylon | Sanne | Ali B | Guus | |
8 | 20 Oct 2017 | 16 Feb 2018 | Jim van der Zee | Samantha Steenwijk | Nienke Wijnhoven | Demi van Wijngaarden | Anouk | Anouk | ||||
9 | 2 Nov 2018 | 22 Feb 2019 | Dennis van Aarssen | Navarone | Patricia Haastrecht | Menno Aben | Waylon | Lil Kleine | Anouk | Waylon | ||
10 | 8 Nov 2019 | 28 Feb 2020 | Sophia Kruithof | Stef Classens | Emma Boertien | Daphne van Ditshuizen | Anouk | Krabbé, Chantal Janzen | Ali B | Anouk | ||
11 | 20 Nov 2020 | 26 Mar 2021 | Dani van Velthoven | Sem Rozendaal | Nienke Fitters | Jasper Wever | Anouk | Jan | ||||
12 | Season cancelled |
Coaches and their finalists
[edit]- Contestant placing
- Winners are in bold, the finalists in the finale are in italicized font, and the eliminated artists are in small font.
Season | Coaches and their finalists | |||
1 | Jeroen van der Boom | Angela Groothuizen | Nick & Simon | Roel van Velzen |
Leonie Meijer Anne Hoogendoorn Meike van der Veer Raffaëla Paton Ray Klaassen Kevin Okkema | Kim de Boer Shary-An Nivillac Bart van Overbeek Nyssina Swerissen Charlotte ten Brink Wiep Laurenssen | Pearl Jozefzoon Jennifer Ewbank Nigel Brown Johnny Rosenberg Shemsi Mushkolaj Davy & Joshua | Ben Saunders Esther Nijhove Lenny Keylard Sarina Voorn Joan Franka Kiki Vermeulen | |
2 | Marco Borsato | Angela Groothuizen | Nick & Simon | Roel van Velzen |
Iris Kroes Sharon Doorson Bart Brandjes Marieke Dollekamp Nora Dalal Ivanildo Kembel | Erwin Nyhoff Niels Geusebroek Laura Estévez Rodney Elzer Daniel van der Zee Gino Emnes | Chris Hordijk Charly Luske Marloes van Ommen Danjil Tuhumena Emmanuel Anning Jomy Boky | Paul Turner Wouter Vink Michelle Flemming Guy Barzily Sacha van Beek Christopher Max | |
3 | Marco Borsato | Trijntje Oosterhuis | Nick & Simon | Roel van Velzen |
Ivar Oosterloo Barbara Straathof Anja Dalhuisen Babette van Vugt Jared Hiwat Pomme van de Ven Niña van Dijk Omri Tindal | Leona Philippo Sandra van Nieuwland Tessa Belinfante Laurrhie Brouns Velorisa Yorks Ron Link Patt Riley Denzel Dongen | Johannes Rypma Maame Joses Salome Pieris Claudia de Graaf Mathijs Rumping Janine Heines Marx Margono Nicola Ebbink | Floortje Smit Eyelar Mirzazadeh Marjet van den Brand Sam "The Hedge" Holden David Gonçalves Randy Soewarno Sifra Geessink Katty Heath | |
4 | Trijntje Oosterhuis | Ali B | Ilse DeLange | Marco Borsato |
Wudstik Shirma Rouse Nicole Bus Steffen Morrison Matt Heanes Sanne Klein Horsman Nikay Agterhuis Nikita Doornbosch | Jill Helena Jennifer Lynn Vince Irie Collin de Vries Imelda Annika Boxhoorn Yuli Minguel Jarno Ibarra | Mitchell Brunings Cheyenne Toney Coosje Smid Bylear Sumter Darren van der Lek Lizzy Osservoort Gaby Boterkooper Roy de Valk | Julia van der Toorn Gerrie Dantuma Märel Bijveld Marvin Kneefel Fantine Tho Grant Scott Steven de Geus Sarah van der Meer | |
5 | Emmaly Brown David Dam Romy Monteiro Dennis Kroon Pim Kouwenhoven Sherefa Yorks Eloy Smit Daisy van Lingen | Guus Mulder April & Dr. Rum Ferry de Ruiter Renee de Ruijter Gabriella Massa Ruben Tarmidi Martha Hertogs Vincent Vilouca | Duncan de Moor Megan Brands Sietske Oosterhuis Kelly Cossee Angela Vergouwen Frank van Oudhuizen Pip Alblas Kimberley Janice | O'G3NE Sjors van der Panne MELL Rob de Nijs Graziëlla Hunsel Abigail Martina Bella Dynah Dettingmeijer |
6 | Anouk | Ali B | Sanne Hans | Marco Borsato |
Jennie Lena Neda Boin | Brace Ivar Vermeulen Gaia Aikman Natacha Carvalho | Dave Vermeulen Ivan Peroti Daniël Kist | Maan de Steenwinkel Melissa Janssen Jared Grant | |
7 | Waylon | Sanne Hans | Ali B | Guus Meeuwis |
Pleun Bierbooms Yerry Rellum Romy Weevers | Isabel Provoost Kirsten Berkx Sheela | Vinchenzo Tahapary Dwight Dissels Roza Lozica | Thijs Pot Leon Sherman Katell Chevalier | |
8 | Waylon | Sanne Hans | Ali B | Anouk |
Kimberly Maasdamme Neema Silayio Marchiano Markus | Samantha Steenwijk Aïrto Edmundo David van Rooij | Demi van Wijngaarden Tjindjara Metschendorp Ronald Klungel | Jim van der Zee Nienke Wijnhoven Gideon Luciana | |
9 | Lil' Kleine | Anouk | Ali B | Waylon |
Quido van de Graaf Kimberly Fransens Talita Blijd | Navarone Mikki van Wijk Irene Dings | Menno Aben Sarah-Jane Debrah Jade | Dennis Van Aarssen Patricia Van Haastrecht Bryan B | |
10 | Danilo Kuiters Kes van den Broek April Darby | Sophia Kruithof Sanne Huisman C.J. | Daphne van Ditshuizen Ayoub Maach Fatima Zohra | Stef Classens Emma Boertien Robin Buijs |
11 | Anouk | Ali B | Jan Smit | Waylon |
Dani van Velthoven Lucas van Roekel | Nienke Fitters Alyssa van Ommeren | Jasper Wever Dim de Groot | Sem Rozendaal Channah Hewitt | |
12 | N/A | N/A | Glennis Grace | Waylon |
Season cancelled[20] |
Season details
[edit]Season 1 (2010–2011)
[edit]In season one, coaches were Roel van Velzen, Jeroen van der Boom, Angela Groothuizen and Nick & Simon (working together). Host was Martijn Krabbé. The first season ended on 21 January 2011, Ben Saunders was declared the winner, with Pearl Jozefzoon as runner-up. Saunders won by 59% of the votes. An average of 2.7 million people watched the show every Friday since its launch, while the final attracted 3,744,000 viewers. The results show broadcast half an hour later attracted 3,238,000.[21] In total 30 of the show's singles reached the Top 100 download charts in the Netherlands, including 2 #1 chart toppers by winner Ben Saunders.[21]
Season 2 (2011–2012)
[edit]Martijn Krabbé, who hosted season one, remained as the host but was now joined by Wendy van Dijk, with whom he was already sharing the hosting duties on Idols. Jeroen van der Boom did not return and was replaced by popular Dutch pop-artist Marco Borsato, who would eventually win the show with 19-year-old Iris Kroes on 20 January 2011 over Chris Hordijk for Team Nick & Simon, who again became the runners-up of the show. Kroes won over Hordijk with only 51% of the votes, making her the second female contestant worldwide to win the show after Steliyana Khristova, who won the Bulgarian version of the show.
Season 3 (2012)
[edit]The third season was hosted by Martijn Krabbé and Wendy van Dijk, while Winston Gerstanovich hosted the 'Red Room.' Roel van Velzen, Nick & Simon and Marco Borsato returned as coaches. Angela Groothuizen did not return as a coach for season 3 and was replaced by Trijntje Oosterhuis. On December 15, Leona Philippo of Team Oosterhuis won with 56% of the votes, beating Johannes Rypma of Team Nick & Simon, Floortje Smit of Team van Velzen and Ivar Oosterloo of Team Borsato. The ratings for the last show where the highest ratings The Voice of Holland ever had. 4,6 million people watched the show.
Season 4 (2013)
[edit]The fourth season started in August 2013. Martijn Krabbé and Wendy van Dijk returned as co-hosts, while Winston Gerstanovich returned as host of the 'Red Room'. Marco Borsato and Trijntje Oosterhuis were the only coaches from season 3 to return. Ilse DeLange and Ali B replaced Nick & Simon and Roel van Velzen, respectively. Julia van der Toorn and Gerrie Dantuma of Team Borsato finished as winner and in third place respectively, making season 4 the first season to have two contestants of the same team in the final and the first where a coach did not win in their first season. Mitchell Brunnings of Team DeLange finished in second place and Jill Helena of Team Ali B finished in fourth place.
Season 5 (2014)
[edit]The fifth season premiered in August 2014 and ended in December. Martijn Krabbé and Wendy van Dijk will as co-hosts, but Winston Gerschtanowitz was replaced as host of the 'Red Room' by Jamai Loman. Marco Borsato, Trijntje Oosterhuis, Ilse DeLange and Ali B returned as coaches for the fifth season. Girl group O'G3NE and Sjors van der Panne, both from Borsato's team, finished in the final two, with the former winning the title and became the first trio to win in any season of The Voice.
Season 6 (2015–2016)
[edit]The sixth season premiered on 25 September 2015. Martijn Krabbé and Wendy van Dijk returned as co-hosts, and Jamai Loman returned as host of the 'Red Room' once again. Marco Borsato and Ali B returned as coaches and were joined by Anouk and Sanne Hans, who replaced Trijntje Oosterhuis and Ilse DeLange.[citation needed]
Season 7 (2016–2017)
[edit]The seventh season premiered on 21 October 2016. All hosts and co-hosts returned from last season. Ali B and Sanne Hans returned as coaches for this season, whereas Marco Borsato and Anouk were replaced by Guus Meeuwis and Waylon.
Season 8 (2017–2018)
[edit]The eighth season premiered on 20 October 2017. On 9 June 2017, it was announced that Anouk, who had been a coach in the sixth season of the show, would return to replace Guus Meeuwis, alongside Ali B, Sanne Hans and Waylon.
Season 9 (2018–2019)
[edit]The ninth season premiered on 2 November 2018. On 2 January 2018, it was announced that Lil' Kleine would replace Sanne Hans, alongside Ali B, Anouk and Waylon.[12]
Season 10 (2019–2020)
[edit]The tenth season premiered on 8 November 2019. On 14 June 2019, it was confirmed on the show's Facebook page that all four coaches from the previous season would return. The winner of the 10th season was Sophia from team Anouk.
Season 11 (2020–2021)
[edit]The eleventh season premiered on 20 November 2020. On 7 August 2020 it was announced that Jan Smit would replace Lil’ Kleine for season 11, joining returning coaches Ali B, Waylon and Anouk.
Season 12 (2022)
[edit]The twelfth season premiered on 7 January 2022. It was announced that would Glennis Grace would replace Jan Smit for season 12, joining returning coaches Ali B, Waylon, and Anouk. For the first time, the show will feature a fifth coach, with rapper Typhoon and season 6 winner Maan de Steenwinkel, who selected participants taking part in the Comeback stage. In addition, this season also marks the introduction of the block button in the show's history, as first introduced in the fourteenth season of the American version. Each coach has one chance to block another coach in the entire blind auditions.
On 15 January 2022, the season was indefinitely suspended in response to sexual misconduct allegations relating to crew members of the show.[20][22] The following day, coach Anouk announced that she would not be returning to the show in response to these claims.[23] On 19 January 2022, RTL suspended their collaboration with coach Ali B until the allegations were investigated.[24]By 6 May 2022, one more ex-contestant pressed charges at a production member, raising the number of criminal charges under investigation in the show's production to a total of six.[25]
International franchises
[edit]Various international television networks have licensed or indicated interest in the format. More comprehensive information about the other versions of the show is in the "Main article".
NBC — In December 2010, NBC announced that they had purchased the franchise rights to air an American version of the show. The show was initially named as The Voice of America but was later shortened to The Voice.[26][27] Hosted by Carson Daly and Alison Haislip with CeeLo Green, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera and Adam Levine as coaches the show premiered on 26 April 2011.
1+1 — On 22 May 2011, 1+1 network launched Holos Krayiny, the Ukrainian version of the show. Stas Piekha, Diana Arbenina, Oleksandr Ponomaryov, and Ruslana Lyzhychko served as the coaches, while Andriy Domanskyi and Katia Osadcha were the presenters of the said version.[28]
bTV — On 18 July 2011, The Voice of Bulgaria started airing on bTV. The coaches in the first season were Kiril Marichkov, Ivana, Miro and Mariana Popova and the hosts were Victoria Terziyska and Marten Roberto (in the lives).
Top Channel — On 21 October 2011 Top Channel started airing the Albanian version of the show, called The Voice of Albania.
RTP — From 29 October 2011 to 25 February 2012, RTP aired the Portuguese version, The Voice Portugal.
vtm and RTBF's La Une — The Flemish part of Belgium started airing their own version of the show on 25 November 2011. It is broadcast on vtm, the main commercial television station in Flanders, Belgium and entitled The Voice van Vlaanderen.[29] On the other hand, the French-speaking part of Belgium started airing their own version of the show, The Voice Belgique, on 20 December 2011. It is broadcast on RTBF's La Une, a public television station in the French-speaking part of Belgium.[30]
Telefé — Telefé began broadcasting from 1 July 2012 Argentine format, called La Voz... Argentina, with the leadership of Marley and Luli Fernandez in the backstage. Mentors and juries are: Soledad Pastorutti, Axel, Ale Sergi and Juliana Gattas group Miranda! And international coach Jose Luis "El Puma" Rodriguez. Since its inception the program was a success.
ProSieben — In December 2011, ProSieben started airing the German version of the show, The Voice of Germany with Rea Garvey, Nena, The BossHoss And Xavier Naidoo as coaches.
Telecinco — In December 2012, Telecinco started the Spanish version of the show, with Malú, Rosario Flores, Melendi and David Bisbal as coaches. It was called La Voz (Spain). In the second season, Antonio Orozco replaced Melendi, and actually, in the third season, Laura Pausini replaced Rosario Flores and Alejandro Sanz replaced David Bisbal.
BBC One/ITV — In June 2011, the BBC announced the show, The Voice UK, will be aired on BBC One.[31] It premiered on 24 March 2012 with Danny O'Donoghue, Jessie J, Sir Tom Jones and will.i.am sitting as the coaches; while Reggie Yates and Holly Willoughby served as the presenters of the show. In the third season, Kylie Minogue replaced Jessie J and Ricky Wilson replaced Danny O'Donoghue. In 2017, the show moved to ITV.
Televisa — On 8 September 2011, the Mexican version of the show, La Voz... México, aired on Televisa's "Canal de las Estrellas". It featured Lucero, Aleks Syntek, Espinoza Paz and Alejandro Sanz as coaches. In 2019, TV Azteca acquired rights of the show and changed the name to La Voz.
Pro TV — On 28 September 2011, the Romanian version of the show, Vocea României, started to broadcast on Pro TV.
Show TV — On 10 October 2011, the Turkish version of the show, called O Ses Türkiye, started to broadcast on Show TV. In later seasons, the same programme will be broadcast instead by Star TV and TV8 from season 2 and 4, respectively.
Nine Network/Seven Network — On 29 May 2011, it was announced that Australia's Nine Network would broadcast the Australian version of the show, The Voice, in late 2011. However, two months later, they reported that the show will be postponed to air until the early 2012, and that Nine Network are in talks with signing at least one international artist to lead its panel of coaches on the show. The first series premiered on 15 April 2012 featuring Delta Goodrem, Joel Madden, Seal and Keith Urban as the coaches.[32] In 2021, the show moved to the Seven Network
RTÉ One — On 8 January 2012, RTÉ One started airing the Irish version of the show, The Voice of Ireland.
TVA — On 20 January 2013, began airing the Canadian French version of the show, La Voix coached by Marc Dupré, Marie-Mai, Ariane Moffatt and Jean-Pierre Ferland.
TF1 — On 25 February 2012, TF1 aired the French version of the show, The Voice: la plus belle voix. The coaches were Florent Pagny, Jenifer, Louis Bertignac, and Garou.[33]
Zhejiang Television — The Chinese version The Voice of China started in July 2012. On 13 July 2012, The Voice of China (season 1) started airing on Zhejiang Television with Yang Kun, Na Ying, Liu Huan and Harlem Yu as coaches, Hua Shao was the host. On 12 July 2013, The Voice of China (season 2) starts airing on Zhejiang Television with Wang Feng, Zhang Hui-mei, Na Ying and Harlem Yu as coaches, Hua Shao is the host.
VTV — The Vietnamese version of the show, The Voice of Vietnam, debuted on 8 July 2012, with Thu Minh, Trần Lập, Hồ Ngọc Hà and Đàm Vĩnh Hưng as coaches.
Globo – In September 2012, Globo started airing the Brazilian version of The Voice, "The Voice Brasil", hosted by Tiago Leifert and with the coaches Cláudia Leitte, Carlinhos Brown, Daniel and Lulu Santos.
Caracol Televisión — On 1 October 2012, the Colombian version of the show, La Voz Colombia started airing on Caracol Televisión with Carlos Vives, Fanny Lú, Ricardo Montaner and Andrés Cepeda as coaches. Carlos Ponce is the host and Linda Palma is the social media correspondent.
Channel One — On 5 October 2012, the Russian version of the show, Голос aired on Channel One. The coaches were Pelageya, Dima Bilan, Alexander Gradsky, and Leonid Agutin. It is hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev.[34]
Indosiar — On 10 February 2013, the Indonesian version of the show, The Voice Indonesia, started airing on Indosiar as The Voice Indonesia (season 1) with Glenn Fredly, Armand Maulana, Giring Ganesha and Sherina Munaf as the coaches. Darius Sinathrya is the host.[35] On 26 February 2016, The Voice Indonesia (season 2) starts airing on RCTI with Ari Lasso, Agnez Mo, Kaka Satriaji and Judika as coaches, Daniel Mananta is the host.[36] In 2018, the show moved to GTV since The Voice Indonesia (season 3) with Anggun, Armand Maulana, Titi DJ, and duo coaches Vidi Aldiano-Nino Kayam as the coaches, Ananda Omesh and Astrid Tiar is the hosts.[37] All coaches and hosts returned again in The Voice Indonesia (season 4) in the same channel except Anggun that changed by Isyana Sarasvati and Astrid Tiar that changed by Gracia Indri.[38]
ABS-CBN — On 15 June 2013, ABS-CBN aired the Philippine version of the show, The Voice of the Philippines. The show is hosted by Toni Gonzaga with Robi Domingo and Alex Gonzaga as the show's V-Reporters; while Sarah Geronimo, Bamboo Mañalac, Lea Salonga and apl.de.ap as the coaches.[39][40]
ANT1 – SKAI – Sigma (Cyprus) — The Voice of Greece is the Greek and Cypriot version of the show that premiered on 10 January 2014 on ANT1 (Cyprus and Greece).[41][42][43] From 2017 the show is displayed on the television channel "Skai" (Greece) and "Sigma" (Cyprus)
Frecuencia Latina — 'La Voz Perú' In 2013, Frecuencia Latina aired the Peruvian version of the show, La Voz Perú. The show is hosted by Christian Rivero; while Eva Ayllón, Gian Marco, Luis Enrique and Álex Lora as the coaches.
& TV -'The Voice India' In 2015, & TV started to air Indian version of The Voice India with Endemol India producing the show. The auditions for the series was shot in March 2015, and it premiered on 6 June 2015 with the show hosted by Karan Tacker whilst leading Bollywood singers Himesh Reshammiya, Mika Singh, Shaan and Sunidhi Chauhan featuring as the coaches.
AzTV — On 13 November 2015, AzTV launched The Voice of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani version of the show. The judges of the first season (2015–2016) are Mubariz Taghiyev, Faiq Aghayev, Tunzale Aghayeva and Manana Japaridze.
SkjárEinn — On 2 October 2015 the first season of 'The Voice Ísland' aired on 'SkjárEinn'. The coaches of the first season (2015–2016) were Helgi Björnsson, Salka Sól Eyfeld, Unnsteinn Stefánsson and Svala Björgvinsdóttir. A second season is planned for 2016–2017.
Canal 13 — On 31 May 2015 the first season of The Voice Chile aired on Canal 13. IT was presented by Sergio Lagos and the judges of the first season (2015) were Nicole, Álvaro López, Luis Fonsi and Franco Simone. After the season finale, Franco Simone went on saying that the production went against him and his teammates to favour the other coaches.[44][45][46] For the second season (2016) Simone was replaced by Ana Torroja.
Telemundo — On 10 May 2018, Telemundo announced that they would premiere the Spanish-language version of NBC singing competition The Voice in 2019, called La Voz, with Luis Fonsi tapped as the first coach, followed by Alejandra Guzmán and Wisin in July. Carlos Vives got announced as the last and final coach in September. The show’s first season was hosted by Jorge Bernal, Jacqueline Bracamontes and Jessica Cediél.
Mongol TV — On 21 January 2018, the Mongolian version of the show debuted on Mongol TV.
Kantipur HD — On 25 August 2018, the Nepali version of the show aired on Kantipur HD, with Deep Shrestha, Sanup Poudel, Abhaya Subba and Pramod Kharel as coaches.
Television ratings
[edit]In 2013, the show was one of the highest rated shows on Dutch television, with weekly ratings varying between 1.6 and 3.0 million viewers.[47] Its first-season finale, which aired on 21 January 2011, was viewed by 3.75 million. The second season's first episode was viewed by almost 3.3 million.
2022 sexual misconduct controversy
[edit]On 15 January 2022, broadcaster RTL announced that the then-ongoing twelfth season of The Voice of Holland would be put on hold indefinitely after the second episode.[48] They had received concerning questions from journalist Tim Hofman about certain crew members regarding allegations of abuse of power and sexual misconduct.
Soon after RTL's announcement, band leader of The Voice of Holland, Jeroen Rietbergen (brother-in-law of creator and media tycoon John de Mol), issued a statement admitting to years of sexual misbehaviour. According to Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, he had promised contestants that he would make sure they’d advance to the next round in exchange for sexual activities. Producer Talpa Media, now ITV Studios, had known about his sexual misbehaviour years ago and reprimanded him, but allowed him to remain as band leader of the show.[49]
Official reports and consequences
[edit]Later that afternoon, Dutch police confirmed that a victim had filed an official report against Ali B. The rapper had been a coach on The Voice for nine seasons. Ali B, however, denied all allegations.[50]
Head sponsor T-Mobile, as well as other sponsors, decided to stop supporting the show.[51]
Anouk, one of the many coaches and hosts to comment on the matter, stated that she had wanted to wait until she had seen the BOOS episode, but after reading Rietbergen's statement, as well as holding several telephone calls with other affected individuals, she had decided not to return as coach on the show.[52]
On 19 January 2022, right after the news that a second victim had filed an official report against Ali B, broadcaster RTL announced that they would suspend their collaboration with him during the investigations. The Dutch police also announced that another victim came forward and filed an official report against Rietbergen.[53]
Tim Hofman and his broadcaster BNNVARA announced that more crew members would be mentioned in Hofman's YouTube show BOOS.[54] The news sparked a heated debate in the Netherlands about the abuse of power by people in the entertainment industry, especially as there had already been accusations against singer Marco Borsato, including an official report of sexual misconduct with a minor.[55] Borsato was a coach on The Voice between 2011 and 2016, and on The Voice Kids between 2012 and 2020.
"BOOS: This is The Voice" and aftermath
[edit]On 20 January 2022, Hofman's weekly YouTube show BOOS aired an episode focusing on the controversy, titled "BOOS: This is The Voice ".[56] The first part of the documentary revealed more allegations of sexual misconduct on The Voice, including allegations of rape. The alleged sex offenders are band leader Rietbergen, former coach Borsato, coach Ali B and a yet to remain anonymous director of The Voice of Holland and The Voice Kids. The episode ended with Hofman interviewing De Mol, who had just finished watching the first part of the episode.[57]
After the episode went online, reactions poured in. De Mol was accused of victim-blaming, particularly by his company's female employees. A page-wide advertisement published on Algemeen Dagblad stated the following: "Dear John, It’s not the women. Greetings, the women in your company."[58][59]
The New York Times cited the controversy as an example of how the Dutch approach to sexual permissiveness can sideline discussions of consent and misconduct.[60]
Following the publication of "BOOS: This is The Voice", several Dutch radio stations announced that they would no longer play music by Ali B and Borsato for the time being,[61] and Madame Tussauds Amsterdam removed Borsato's wax figure from the collection.[62] The Flemish TV channel VTM cancelled a planned episode of the Netflix series Sergio Over the Border with Borsato.[63] Publishing house Maven Publishing stopped selling the book The Ali B Method recently launched by Ali B, and Mocro Flavour, an Ali B-affiliated product line of meat substitutes, was cancelled.[64]
The Voice of Holland's social media pages were largely taken offline. After the official reports of sexual misconduct against Rietbergen, Borsato and Ali B, two official reports were also filed against the anonymous director of The Voice.[65][66]
In the days following publication, several aid agencies for victims of sexual violence reported a significant increase in the number of requests for help.[67][68] In addition, the demand for confidential counselors within companies increased, and it prompted self-reflection in various organizations on how the social protection schemes for employees was assured within their company.[69][70] Making confidential counselors within companies mandatory was something that the Dutch government had been looking into for some time.
On 21 January 2022, human rights organization Amnesty International stated that the sexual misconduct scandal on The Voice of Holland showed that the process of legalizing sexual consent laws must be sped up. Many of the cases described in the documentary concern involuntary sex and imbalanced power relations, which are not always punishable by current law. Dutch Minister of Justice Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius stated that the implementation of a new Sexual Crimes Act would be accelerated.[71]
On 29 January 2022, a protest was held in Amsterdam for the accelerated implementation of the sexual consent law.[72]
See also
[edit]- ^ Or occasionally a duo, sitting side by side in a single bespoke rotating duo-chair.
- ^ "RTL plaatst The Voice tegenover SBS' Popstars" (in Dutch). 7 June 2010. Retrieved 7 June 2010.
- ^ "The Voice of Holland 2011 met Marco Borsato als coach" (in Dutch). 21 February 2011. Retrieved 21 February 2011.
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