Дженни Джонс, баронесса Джонс из Moulsecoomb
Баронесса Джонс из Мулсекомба | |
![]() Официальный портрет в 2022 году | |
Член палаты лордов Лорд Временный | |
Предполагается офис 5 ноября 2013 года Жизненный пираг | |
2 -й заместитель лондонского мэра | |
В офисе 16 мая 2003 г. - 14 июня 2004 г. | |
Мэр | Кен Ливингстон |
Предшествует | Ники Гаврон |
Преуспевает | Ники Гаврон |
Член лондонского собрания Как 11 -й дополнительный член | |
В офисе 4 мая 2000 - 6 мая 2016 г. | |
Преуспевает | Кэролайн Рассел |
Советник для городского совета Southwark London | |
В офисе 4 мая 2006 г. - 6 мая 2010 г. | |
Сторожить | Южный Кэмбервелл |
Личные данные | |
Рожденный | Дженнифер Хелен Джонс 23 декабря 1949 г. Брайтон , Восточный Суссекс , Англия |
Политическая партия | Зеленый (Англия и Уэльс) (1990 - ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНЫЙ) |
Другие политические принадлежность | Грин (Великобритания) (1988–1990) |
Резиденция (ы) | Саутуорк , Лондон , Англия |
Альма -матер | Университетский колледж Лондон |
Профессия | Археолог |
Веб -сайт | https://jennyjones.org/ |
Дженнифер Хелен Джонс, баронесса Джонс из Мулсекумба , FSA (родился 23 декабря 1949 г.) - британский политик, который занимал пост заместителя мэра Лондона с 2003 по 2004 год. Член Зеленой партии Англии и Уэльса , она была до сентября 2019 года. Член Зеленой партии в Палате лордов.
Джонс представлял партию зеленых в лондонской ассамблее из своего создания в 2000 году до того, как в 2016 году не отстала. Она была зеленым кандидатом на пост мэра Лондона на выборах 2012 года , заняв третье место с 4,48% первых предпочтений. Она занимала должность заместителя мэра Лондона с мая 2003 года по июнь 2004 года. Она также была единственным советником по зеленым советам Southwark с 2006 по 2010 год. [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
На лондонской ассамблее основными областями интересов Джонса были транспорт, жилье и планирование, а также полицейская деятельность, «с сильным акцентом на устойчивость и локализм». [ 1 ] В дополнение к своему периоду в качестве заместителя мэра, Джонс служил председателем лондонского продукта питания, консультанта по зеленым транспортам и посла безопасности дорожного движения. [ 3 ] В начале августа 2013 года было объявлено, что она должна стать первой зеленой жизнью в Палате лордов со времен Тима Бомонта . [ 4 ] Она была представлена в Палату лордов 5 ноября 2013 года. [ 5 ]
Ранняя жизнь и карьера
[ редактировать ]Джонс в основном вырос в поместье Мулсекумба в Брайтоне , [ 6 ] с краткими периодами времени за границей в Лесото и Сейшельских островах . [ 7 ] Она училась в ко-образовательной гимназии Вестлена ( была средняя школа Фальмера теперь ) . До входа в политику Джонс работал финансовым контролером в Лондоне. Она изучала экологическую археологию в Институте археологии UCL в качестве зрелого студента, получив степень бакалавра наук (BSC) в 1991 году. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Она провела около 10 лет на Ближнем Востоке, работая над палеоботанией , прежде чем начать карьеру в политике. [ 7 ]
Политическая карьера
[ редактировать ]Джонс присоединился к « Партии зеленых» (Великобритания) в 1988 году, которая разбила два года спустя на три партии, одной из которых является партия зеленых Англии и Уэльса . Она занимала несколько постов в партии, включая должность председателя по исполнительной власти с 1995 по 1997 год. [ 1 ]
Лондонский член Ассамблеи
[ редактировать ]На выборах 2000 года Джонс выиграл место в первой лондонской ассамблее в рамках трехэффективной зеленой группы, в том числе советник Даррен Джонсон А.М. и Виктор Андерсон , которые подали в отставку в марте 2003 года и заменили Ноэль Линч на оставшуюся часть срока. Полем Выборы в 2004 году показали, что зелень потеряла место, удерживаемое Линч, оставив Джонса и Джонсона в качестве двух оставшихся членов зеленой группы.
В мае 2003 года партия зеленых после некоторого внутреннего инакомыслия приняла предложение от мэра Лондона , Кена Ливингстона чтобы назначить заместителя мэра ; Они выбрали Джонса, который занимал этот пост до июня 2004 года. Предложение было частью обещания Ливингстона повернуть позицию заместителя мэра, хотя позже он отказался предложить пост консерваторам и получил предложение либеральным демократам . [ 10 ]
Будучи членом Ассамблеи Лондона, Дженни Джонс продвигала проблемы безопасности дорожного движения , продовольствия, устойчивого транспорта , социальной справедливости, а также полиции и гражданских свобод. [ 11 ]
Она была членом Управления столичной полиции , [ 11 ] и выпустил отчет о полицейской деятельности. [ 12 ] Она сидела как на стратегической и оперативной полицейской комитете MPA, так и в Гражданской комиссии. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] В других местах она выдвинула предложение и задала мэру вопросы, призывающему к прогрессу по вопросам женщин, в частности, в отношении насилия в отношении женщин и предоставления поддержки. [ 15 ]
Джонс возглавлял Комитет по планированию и жилищному строительству, который опубликовал отчет о выращивании и планировании продуктов питания в Лондоне, культивируя столицу. [ 11 ] Он пришел к выводу, что «Лондон имеет только три или четыре дня акции пищи, если будет какое -либо нарушение для снабжения». [ 16 ] Джонс опубликовал индивидуальный отчет в январе 2010 года о доступном жилье в Лондоне, в котором определено, что «стоимость покупки дома [в Лондоне] выросла в два раза быстрее, чем доходы». [ 17 ]
Она также была членом комитетов по слушаниям и транспорту. [ 11 ]
Ранее она занимала роли в качестве посла мэра по безопасности дорожного движения и консультанта по зеленым транспортам, [ 1 ] Сосредоточение внимания на безопасности дорожного движения и езда на велосипеде в Лондоне [ 18 ] соответственно, а также бывший председатель лондонской продовольствия, мэры, которая «направлена на то, чтобы дать лондонцам свежее, полезное и более доступное питание, одновременно уменьшая воздействие на нашу нынешнюю запасу продовольствия». [ 19 ] Как председатель, Джонс отвечал за составление стратегии устойчивых продуктов питания для Лондона [ 20 ] и руководил группой реализации продуктов питания, наблюдая за стратегией [ 19 ] Совсем недавно она также опубликовала отчет о предмете продовольственной безопасности в столице. [ 21 ]
Советник Саутуорка
[ редактировать ]На местных выборах в 2006 году Джонс был избран советником в южном округе Камбервелл в лондонском районе Саутуорк , первого советника зелени в Саутуорке. [ 1 ] Она заняла третье место в приходе, опрос 1014 голосов. [ 22 ] На выборах 2010 года она проиграла свое место, наступив в пятое место с 1282 голосами. [ 23 ]
Parliamentary candidate
[edit]In the 2005 general election, Jones stood in the Dulwich and West Norwood parliamentary constituency, coming fourth with 2,741 votes (6.5%).[24]
In the 2010 general election, she stood in the Camberwell and Peckham parliamentary constituency, coming fourth with 1,361 votes (2.9%).[25]
Mayoral candidate
[edit]In March 2011, Jones was selected as the Green Party's candidate for the 2012 London Mayoral election winning 67% of the votes against prominent Green Party members Dr Shahrar Ali and Farid Bakht, stating "At this time of savage cuts to essential services, London needs a Mayor who will create a fairer city and reduce the gap between rich and poor. These are hard times for people who care about quality services, local businesses, and protecting the most vulnerable members of our communities. I promise to make fighting cuts to housing benefit, the NHS and youth services a key part of my campaign to be Mayor."[26]
At the election, she came third with 98,913 first preference votes (4.5%), but lost her deposit due to scoring less than 5% of the vote.
House of Lords
[edit]On 20 September 2013, Jones was created a Life Peer taking the title Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb, of Moulsecoomb in the County of East Sussex.[27] She was nominated for this appointment by her party after a ballot of members. She was introduced to the House of Lords on 5 November 2013.[5] She became the first Green Party peer since the death of Tim Beaumont, in 2008. Jones was joined in the House of Lords by Natalie Bennett, Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, in October 2019.
Political views
[edit]Climate and ecological crisis
[edit]On 17 November 2018, Jones joined the demonstration organised in London by Extinction Rebellion.[28] She told The Guardian that "We are at the point where if we don’t start acting and acting fast we are just going to wipe out our life support system" and that "Basically, conventional politics has failed us – it’s even failed me and I’m part of the system – so people have no other choice".[28]
The City
[edit]In her statement of policy for the 2012 election, Jones proposes several ideas to bring "a renaissance of micro, small and medium businesses" in order to spread "wealth to all Londoners", seeking "a financial services sector that works for them".[29] She argues for a system that rewards good long-term investment "instead of trying to make a fast buck" and proposes a good financial example to be Sweden's Handelsbanken which gives "good basic pay and no bonuses."[29] One of her candidacy's most distinct positions is with respect to The City with ambitions to "Abolish the City of London Corporation and replace it with a democratic London borough", "support new institutions like local community banks focused on lending to small businesses and social enterprises" and "Promote building societies and credit unions and lobby the Government to put its remaining nationalised banking assets into one of these models rather than a bank".[29] Elsewhere, Jones has been critical of excessive top-level remuneration, stating, "It's difficult not to feel enraged" by statistics showing the average FTSE CEO earns 565 times the national average.[30]
The European Union and Brexit
[edit]Jones is a Eurosceptic and advocated the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Jones cited lack of democracy, waste and cost as her reasons for supporting Brexit.[31] In October 2015, Jones gave her support to Vote Leave, an organisation campaigning to leave the European Union in the referendum in the UK.[32] Jones cited the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and EU policies of austerity as part of a measure to deal with Greece's national debt imposed by the European troika as reasons to support Brexit.[33] She also argued that 'the EU exists on too large a scale for genuine democratic oversight and accountability. The Green party believes that small is beautiful – and the EU is gigantist in its very nature.'[34] However, on BBC Radio 4's Any Questions on 8 June 2022, Jones argued that Brexit had now been seen to be causing economic and other damage, and that people should keep an open mind about the possibility of rejoining the EU in the future if it becomes clear that it would be better going forward for the people of the UK to do so.[2] She has since stated that 'The only sensible thing now is to cut our losses and rejoin the EU'. [35]
Fair Pay ratio
[edit]Jones and the Green Party, alongside others,[36] are deeply critical of the inequalities in the pay between the rich people and poor people.[30] Jones supports calls by the New Economics Foundation to introduce a 10:1 pay ratio, whereby the highest earner in a company or institution should earn no more than 10 times the lowest paid employee.[30][36] Jones's policy indicates that, if elected, this would be instigated in "City Hall, Transport for London, the fire brigade and the police",[37] and she claims "more equal societies tend to be happier and healthier as well as experiencing lower levels of violent crime."[30] This is a high priority for her candidacy and she states that "this would mean that no City Hall cleaner could earn less than a tenth the Mayor’s salary, and the Commissioner of the Met Police couldn’t earn more than ten times a young recruit."[38]
Transgender issues
[edit]Jones's views on transgender issues have sometimes attracted media attention for differing from the Green Party's line. She claims that she supports trans rights, but does not support self-identification of gender and, in March 2018, re-tweeted a statement that linked self-identification to cases of child abuse in Telford.[39] In the same year, Jones claims that her crowdfunder leaflets were defaced with "TERF" at the Green Party conference.[40]
At the 2021 Conference, Jones spoke in favour of Motion E01, which argued that women were discriminated against "solely upon their biological sex". This motion was defeated, following criticism that the motion excluded trans women.[41]
Healthy eating
[edit]Jones has argued for big changes to London's current food culture as Chair of London Food during Ken Livingstone's second Mayoral term. During her time as chair, London Food released its ‘Food Strategy’ aiming to "help improve food in London’s schools, hospitals and other public institutions" and "offer people on low income better access to healthy and affordable food".[19] Some of the reports key points were:
- "Consideration will be given to the role that the public sector can play in helping to facilitate more producer collaborations and logistics and distribution partnerships, to help smaller producers to compete in the market, and to encourage new entrants."
- "Directing better the existing resources available for business support for specialist food manufacturers and processors, particularly on consumer market trends and collaborative working, and particularly for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that reflect London’s diverse communities."
- "Promote and expand opportunities for small-scale food production for individuals and communities through gardens, orchards, schools, allotments and parks and open spaces"
- "Continue to increase the amount of organic and local food provided through public sector services in London in response to growing consumer demand."
- "Research and promote the positive benefits of nutritious food for children."[19]
In 2008, Jones released a report ‘Why London Needs to Grow More Food’ stressing "The Mayor of London has planning and development powers, which could be used to support widespread urban agriculture in London through the commercial and voluntary sectors, community-led social enterprises, and by engaging the unemployed, elderly, and lower skilled groups".[21]
[edit]Jones sees tackling homelessness as a key and achievable target and criticised Johnson's poor record: "This rise in homelessness is unsurprising and depressing, but completely avoidable. One fifth of people became homeless just because their insecure tenancy ended, another fifth because they have had to move out of their parents’ home into the incredibly expensive rental market. With housing benefit cuts now biting deep into people's incomes, this is only going to get worse."[42] Jones proposes to "bring all grants for pan-London homelessness services into the GLA to protect frontline services, and work closely with homelessness organisations to ensure nobody needs to spend a second night out sleeping rough on the street."[43]
In her campaign for mayor, Jones has spoken against the inflationary effects of certain businesses, stating, "we want to change the housing market from a playground for speculative investment to a source of secure, affordable homes".[44] Jones has spoken in favour of community engagement in planning, specifically with regards to housing co-operatives.[44] To help co-operatives develop, she proposes to "establish the London Mutual Housing Company to help communities set-up Community Land Trusts, which will give them control over the design, development and management of permanently affordable homes."[44] In addition to this, she proposes a scheme to build affordable homes and to give communities the means to bring unused buildings back into use.[44] For the Greens fuel poverty is a big issue and "Green London Assembly Members worked to secure the city's largest home insulation programme and demonstrated how it could be funded to reach over a million homes."[45]
Male curfew proposal
[edit]On 11 March 2021, following the disappearance of Sarah Everard, Jones proposed that a 6pm curfew for men is put in place.[46] In her opinion this will help to make women feel safer and also reduce discrimination.[47] Jones' proposals received criticism from the Conservative Party leader in the London Assembly Susan Hall, and former leader of Reform UK, Nigel Farage.[48] Jones later said that the comment was "not an entirely serious suggestion as I don't have the power to do that" and reiterated that a ban on men leaving their house was not Green Party policy.[49]
[edit]Jones was a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority from its creation in 2000 "and has worked on a wide range of policing issues, with a particular focus on road safety, violence against women, civil liberties and neighbourhood policing" until it was disbanded in 2012.[50][51] She was outspoken about numerous issues including what she called mayor Boris Johnson's demonisation of youth through the use of "baseless" rhetoric on "soaring gang-membership and rising knife-crime", suggesting the mayor created an unhelpful climate of fear.[52] Jones then served as a member of the MPA's replacement body, the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee.[53]
In response to the riots in August 2011, Jones and Green Party leader, Caroline Lucas MP co-authored an article in The Guardian, arguing that all cuts to policing should be postponed until December 2012 when a sufficient review of the events has occurred and the lessons from the London Olympics are learned, "In the meantime, the police should focus on spending money wisely, and ensuring that police officers are not burdened with administrative tasks which take them away from frontline policing."[54]
After herself being kettled at a students demonstration, Jones was vociferously critical of this police tactic, telling the BBC the police used kettling to "imprison peaceful campaigners and have shown they can't be trusted with such a powerful tactic", suggesting "The Met's reputation sinks even further every time they abuse their powers and it's time to stop this particular mistreatment".[55]
In June 2014, Jones penned an editorial in The Guardian wherein she criticised the surveillance tactics of police on activists. After going through the process now available through the Data Protection Act to get the police report on herself, she found that she was labelled a potential "domestic extremist". She found that the report contained only publicly available information, such as tweets, and that nothing in it would suggest potentially dangerous activity. Jones has been under surveillance by the police's "domestic extremism" unit from 2001 until 2012, including the time during her attempt to become London's mayor.[56] She viewed the revelation as both a violation of her privacy and a waste of police resources. She is now calling for a re-evaluation of police policies, especially in regards to political activists.[57]
In January 2016, whistleblower Sgt David Williams claimed that the police's "domestic extremism" unit shredded records "related to" Jones in June 2014, the month Jones met with the unit pressing for answers.[58]
[edit]Jones commissioned the initial Transport for London report into promoting cycling that paved the way for the London Cycle-hire scheme.[3] Ashok Sinha, Chief executive of the London Cycling Campaign, said of Jones "In 2008 the London Cycling Campaign gave Jenny Jones a Special Award for her Lifetime Services to cycling. This was in recognition of her success in helping to push cycling into mainstream politics, her efforts to deliver many cycling projects on the ground, and her energies as cycling champion in general.".[3] In a confrontation with the Mayor over cycle safety, Johnson said:[59]
(it is) your duty as an honest politician to tell people the truth that cycling is actually getting safer, when you consider the number of people on the roads.
Johnson's advisor wrote to Jones claiming there had been:
... a reduced number of cycling collisions in the last ten years
Which turned out not to be true.[60] In a written statement Jones said, "we know that cycle safety is the big problem which puts Londoners off jumping on their bikes. There are a growing number of deaths and injuries of cyclists and trying to cover that up by issuing factually inaccurate statements won’t change the reality," continuing, "We urgently need to fix the most dangerous junctions and reverse the Mayor’s policy of giving priority to motorised traffic. The Mayor needs to stand his policy on its head and give legal priority on many local roads to pedestrians and cyclists."[60] Jones has also been critical of Johnson's neglect of cycling in outer London, stating "given that 70% of the potential new cyclists identified by TfL are outside of inner and central London, it is shocking that the Transport Strategy has no clear plan for cycling in the suburbs and outer London."[61]
Jones has spoken against Boris Johnson's transport policy of "making motoring cheaper in London, whilst public transport fares are raised above inflation".[61] At Mayor's question time, Jones highlighted a "promise" Johnson had made in 2008 to make all new buses hybrid by 2012 when in reality less than 10% had met this criterion.[62] Jones wishes for a reduction in the burden for Londoners felt by Johnson's price increases and proposes a reduction in fares of about 4%.[63] Jones supported the congestion charge as a way to lower pollution and road casualties and spoke against the mayor's cancellation of the Western extension, arguing that it made London dirtier, more crowded and less safe.[64] Jones favours replacing the congestion charge with a "smart, pay-as-you drive scheme".[65] Jones has also called for more people to use public transport and to reduce "non-essential" journeys, but has been criticised for frequently taking taxi journeys on expenses.[66] Jones opposes High Speed 2 and states that its budget should be spent on local transport.[67]
[edit]- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e "Cllr. Jenny Jones AM's Green Party Website Biography". Green Party of England and Wales. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ [1] Southwark Greens Stop paying council cleaners poverty wages.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c "Jenny For London, March 12th 2011, A transport system that works". Jennyforlondon.org. Archived from the original on 7 March 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Working Peerages announced. 1 August 2013. Gov.uk. Retrieved 4 November 2020.
- ^ Jump up to: a b "Introductions" Democracy Live (House of Lords; published by the BBC), 5 November 2013; "Introduction: Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb – in the House of Lords at 2:38 pm on 5th November 2013." They Work For You. 5 November 2013.
- ^ Vowles, Neil (2 December 2013). "Baroness of Moulsecoomb gives first speech in House of Lords". The Argus. Retrieved 2 December 2013.
- ^ Jump up to: a b "An Evening Discussion: Young People, Equality, Diversity and the Mayor". Channel 4. 22 February 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.[permanent dead link]
- ^ Graham-Campbell, James (20 November 2011). "Alumni Reflections: Jenny Jones BSc Archaeology 1991". Archaeology International. 13. doi:10.5334/ai.1320.
- ^ "Jones of Moulsecoomb, Baroness, (Jennifer, (Jenny), Helen Jones) (born 23 Dec. 1949)". Who's Who 2020. Oxford University Press. 1 December 2019. Retrieved 15 April 2022.
- ^ Andrew Clark (19 February 2003). "Greens select Livingstone's deputy". The Guardian. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d "London Assembly Biography". London.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 25 April 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ "Jenny Jones, 2007, "London's Lawless Roads: Why traffic policing must improve to prevent road death and injury"" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Strategic Operational Policing Committee Archived 3 August 2009 at the Wayback Machine, part of the Metropolitan Police Authority
- ^ "Civil Liberties Panel". Metropolitan Police Authority. 9 July 2009. Archived from the original on 20 February 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Hélène Mulholland (21 October 2009). "Boris Johnson urged to honour rape crisis centres pledge". The Guardian.
- ^ "Planning and Housing Committee, 1 January 2010, " Cultivating the Capital – Food growing and the planning system in London"". London.gov.uk. 6 January 2010. Archived from the original on 27 April 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ "Jenny Jones, January 2010, "Coming Home to Roost: How two Mayors have failed to make housing affordable"" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ The Independent, 4 September 2007 Stop Your Engines With the Bike Rental Scheme[dead link]
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d "Mayor of London unveils first strategy to improve London's food". London Development Agency. 22 May 2006. Archived from the original on 24 February 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ "London Development Agency, May 2006, "The Mayor's Food Strategy: Healthy and Sustainable Food for London"". Archived from the original on 1 December 2013. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Jump up to: a b "Jenny Jones, 2008, "Why London Needs to Grow More Food"" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Southwark Council | Your Council | Your Vote | Results of Borough Council Elections 4 May 2006 | Local Election Results 2006 Archived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ "Election results for South Camberwell". Southwark Council. 6 May 2010. Archived from the original on 11 May 2010. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ "Council and democracy". Southwark Council. 1 April 2005. Archived from the original on 1 December 2008. Retrieved 27 December 2013.
- ^ "General election 2010". Southwark Council. 6 May 2010. Archived from the original on 10 May 2010. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ "Jenny Jones Mayoral Candidate". Green Party. 20 March 2011. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ "No. 60638". The London Gazette. 25 September 2013. p. 18895.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Matthew Taylor and Damien Gayle (17 November 2018). "Thousands gather to block London bridges in climate rebellion". The Guardian. Retrieved 17 November 2018.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c "Jenny for London, February 2012, Making the City work for London" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 March 2012. Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d Jones, Jenny (14 October 2011). "London's City Hall must lead on closing Britain's pay gap". The Guardian. Retrieved 4 November 2012.
- ^ Folkebevægelsen mod EU (9 May 2016). "Brexit med Jenny Jones fra Green Party" – via YouTube.
- ^ "Millionaire donors and business leaders back Vote Leave campaign to exit EU". The Guardian. 9 October 2015. Retrieved 4 November 2020 – via Press Association.
- ^ Jones, Jenny (13 July 2015). "Something rotten in the state of Europe". The Ecologist. Retrieved 25 March 2016.
- ^ Jones, Jenny (8 June 2016). "The EU is an outsized behemoth beyond reform - the Green case for Brexit". The Guardian. Retrieved 4 November 2020.
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- ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Новый экономический фонд, 4 июля 2011 года, контроль здравого смысла для оплаты труда руководителей и оживления британского бизнеса» . Neweconomics.org. 4 июля 2011 года. Архивировано с оригинала 20 января 2013 года . Получено 21 марта 2012 года .
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- ^ Черчилль, Давид (18 сентября 2014 г.). «Баронесса Дженни Джонс претендует на большее такси, чем все ее коллеги» . Вечерний стандарт . Получено 3 февраля 2021 года .
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