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Сюй Сяоси

Сюй Сяоси
Рожденный ( 1981-11-18 ) 18 ноября 1981 г. (42 года)
Образование NYFA - Лос -Анджелес MFA
  • Режиссер
  • сценарист
Годы активны 2009 - Present
Примечательная работа

Xu xiaoxi ( китайский : Xu xiaoxi ; родился 18 ноября 1981 года в Чэнду ) [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] это китайский режиссер и сценарист . Он принадлежит к новому поколению кинематографистов из Китая, которые обучаются на Западе. С 2010 года он является совместно снимающим все свои фильмы с испанским режиссером Роберто Ф. Кануто и вместе открывает кинопроизводственную компанию в Китае, почти Red Productions . [ 4 ]

Сюй получает некоторое международное признание после того, как он получил награды на международных кинофестивалях. Из -за отчетливого личного стиля его фильмов, Сюй считается в некоторых кругах как многообещающая фигура в китайской индустрии. [ 5 ]


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Сюй Сяоси родился в Чэнду , Сычуань . На него повлияло кинопроизводство с детства, так как его отец был кинематографистом в те времена. Он купил ему видеокамеру, когда ему было восемь лет. Он помнит, чтобы начать писать рассказы и записывать их со своими друзьями.

После средней школы он хотел путешествовать и испытать разные культуры. Позже он переехал в Южную Африку, чтобы изучать изобразительное искусство, специализируясь на живописи в столичном университете Нельсона Манделы в Порт -Элизабет , Южная Африка. Сюй получил опыт и хорошие навыки в рисовании, живописи, фотографии и видеоирта. Он работал видео исполнителем в своем последнем курсе проекта The Fluxus of Id, дань майе Дерен . Он использовал видеоизображения в качестве основного средства выражения в отношении восприятия культурной идентичности в глобализированном мире. В 2006 году он закончил университет и получил степень бакалавра изящных искусств. [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

Сюй Сяоси с Роберто Ф. Кануто в наборе Мэй Мей

После окончания университета Сюй решил убедить карьеру в кинопроизводстве и продолжить свой международный опыт, поэтому он поступил в магистр изобразительных искусств (MFA) в программу кинопроизводства в Нью -Йоркской кинокадемии в кампусе Лос -Анджелеса недалеко от Universal Studios , Голливуд . Там он снял много короткометражных фильмов в целлулоидном и цифровом формате и сотрудничал во многих других, в основном как кинематографист (самым известным был Toto Forever , получив номинацию за лучшую кинематографию от его академии на премии Kodak Cinematography Scholarships ). [ 8 ] Он закончил в 2009 году с Desire Street в качестве дипломного фильма. [ 6 ]

С 2008 года его фильмы присоединились к фестивальной трассе и достигли наград. Эти фильмы были созданы с его обычным сотрудником Роберто Ф. Кануто . Они впервые встретились, когда изучали того же мастера в Лос -Анджелесе. Два его выпускных проекта стали его самыми известными фильмами, Мэй Мэй (выпускной год первого года) и « Desire Dese Street» , в соавторстве с Canuto (Master Harduation). Desire Street , которая была повторно обрезана и в конечном итоге переиздана в 2011 году, получила награды на Asturian Film Festival 2014 и особое упоминание о лучшем международном художественном фильме на Mix Mexico International Film Festival 2011 вместе с другими номинациями и специальными показами. Во время постпроизводства Mei Mei режиссер начал сотрудничество с композитором, который станет частью команды и подписи его работы с тех пор, Андреа Центоццо Италии , главной оркестровой перкуссионистки и ссылки в музыке авангарда современной . [ 9 ] [ 10 ]

Xu Xiaoxi in the set of Desire Street (co-director and Director of Photography)

Back in China, Xu and Canuto founded officially their own production company, Almost Red Productions, where they alternate the fiction narrative projects with commercial/advertisement works. In 2013, they released the Chinese and Spanish production short film Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal. This film won the Best Film Award (Riverside Saginaw International Film Festival, Michigan, US) and runner-up for Best Short Film with the Best Actress award going to actress Sherry Xia Ruihong (Asturian Film Festival, Spain), two nominations for the film in the GAVA Awards, 2014 as Best Short and Best Screenplay, together with other nominations and international screenings. In addition to the fiction works, Almost Red Productions creates commercials and collaborates with some non profit organizations, like Concentric Circles, a company that aims to improve the health system in poor rural areas of China.[11]

His film Floating Melon was released in late 2015 and he introduced the project as the second part the trilogy, Invisible Chengdu, after Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal.

Floating Melon was filmed in his hometown, Chengdu, and with non professional actors. The world premiere took place in Spain at the 53rd FICXIXON, Gijón International Film Festival in November 2015 and in China at the Art Gallery Shujingtang Alley Art Space in Chengdu (Sichuan) in June 2016. It received an Audience Award at the 15th Aviles Acción Film Festival (Spain)[12] and the Audience Choice Award and Best Cinematography Award (Guo Yong) at the III Asturian Film Festival of Proaza, 2016 (Spain).[13] In the first 12 months after the release, it has been presented in over 40 international film festivals in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.[14]

Picture of the film Advent, with David Soto Giganto

In 2016, he directed his first film in Spain, at the hometown of his collaborator Canuto, Asturias, using the language of the region, Asturian, titled Advent (Asturian: Ad-vientu), a psychological mystery drama film. At the world premiere of Advent that took place at the 54th Gijón International Film Festival, obtained the Audience Award Día D'Asturies for Best Short Film.[15]

Sunken Plum, the film that completed the trilogy Invisible Chengdu, was released in 2017. It is a melodramatic comedy with touches of mystery and social realism (with a mix genre typical of the directors). The film uses non-professional actors and the filming took place in Sichuan, mainly in downtown Chengdu, the lake "Bai Ta" and a remote village in the mountains of Sichuan, "Nan Bu".[16]



Xu Xiaoxi has directed many shorts and a feature film, but most of his works remain unreleased. Before attending the Master of Fine Arts at NYFA, he directed documentary shorts and experimental works, most notably the video art The Fluxus of ID, a tribute to Maya Deren. During his masters, he directed projects in 16mm film, The Red One camera and other digital formats, like Rope, The Meal or Lila and his first year graduation film, Mei Mei. His master's graduation feature film, Desire Street (2011), was the work that brought him more attention, awards and international recognition but in 2013 and beyond, he has continued to produce under Almost Red Productions in China, and also co-directs with Roberto F. Canuto. The first productions of Xu in China attracts media attention, with press interviews and TV coverage.

Invisible Chengdu trilogy (2017)


Invisible Chengdu (Spanish: El Chengdu Invisible) is Roberto F. Canuto and Xu Xiaoxi's trilogy of short films filmed in Sichuan and using the local language of Sichuan, Sichuanese Mandarin. This set of films reflects the underground scene of Chengdu. It includes Sunken Plum (2017), Floating Melon (2015), and Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal (2013). The trilogy tell stories about people normally segregated and that have to survive in the shadows of the Chinese society, that is against diversity and individuality.[17]

Sunken Plum (2017)


Sunken Plum (Chinese: 沉李; pinyin: Chen Li; lit. 'sunken plum') is Roberto F. Canuto and Xu Xiaoxi's latest short film, it was released in October 2017. Produced by "Almost Red Productions" (China) in association with "Arkadin Ediciones" (Spain). It is a melodramatic comedy with mystery elements and tells the story of a transgender woman who works in a nightclub in Chengdu. She gets a visit from her cousin to let her know that her mother is deceased. As the only son, she feels obligated to return to her birthplace, but can not appear as a woman in front of her family.[18]

Filmed in October 2016 and partially produced with a crowdfunding project, and co-produced between Spain and China, the film uses non professional actors.

English poster of Advent

Advent (Ad-vientu) (2016)


Advent (Asturian: Ad-vientu; Chinese: 等候; pinyin: Deng Hou; lit. 'waiting') is a 2016 Spanish and Chinese co-production psychological drama film, written and directed by Roberto F. Canuto and Xu Xiaoxi. It is the first movie of the directors filmed in Spain.[19]

Advent was shot in Asturias, with locations in the medieval center of the city of Avilés, the historical Cemetery La Carriona and some beaches and walkways of Carreño, mainly in Perlora and Xivares. It is spoken in Asturian (something unusual in the Spanish cinema).

Advent tells the story of Suso, a dazed young unemployed man that tries to discover the identity of an unusual girl, who he spies on a secluded beach, as she reminds him of his dead mother. She runs throwing herself off a cliff, but it will not be the last time that she crosses his path. The main character is performed by David Soto Giganto, an actor from the Youth National Company of Classic Theater and in the rest of the cast we find actors mainly from the Dramatic Art Academy of Asturias, like Ici Díaz o Beatriz Meré, together with other experienced actors as Lidia Méndez o David Blanka.[20]

The premiere of Advent took place at the 54th Gijón International Film Festival on the 25 of November 2016 and the film obtained the Audience Award Día D'Asturies for Best Short Film. It started the international festival circuit in 2017.[15]

English poster of Floating Melon

Floating Melon (2015)


Floating Melon (Chinese: 浮果; pinyin: Fu Guo; lit. 'floating fruit'; Spanish title Sandía amarga) is a 2015 Spanish and Chinese co-production drama film written and directed by Roberto F. Canuto and Xu Xiaoxi. It is a low budget independent short movie that tells the story of Xiao Cheng, when he finds his lover dead in his bed, after a lethal drug overdose. In the dark roads of Chengdu, Xiao Cheng, scared of the consequences, sent a message asking for help to his friend. She thinks that the best solution is to hide the body, but when they return to the apartment, they found the unexpected.

The film has a strong film noir influences and it is performed by non professional actors and it includes themes very delicate, often censored in China, specially the representation of the homosexuality in young people, a community that need to protect themselves due to the lack of protective laws in the country. The story is partially based in true events, but the atmosphere is close to the film noir genre, to reflect the only situation where queer people can express themselves, community that needs to live in the shadows of the night in the Chinese society.[21] It tells the story of Xiao Cheng, a young Chinese guy that ask for help to a friend to resolve a big trouble, the guy with whom he spend the afternoon is dead on his bed from the effect of a drug, not something the Chinese authorities look kindly on.[22]

The world premiere of the film we held in Spain, at the 53rd Gijon International Film Festival in November 2015.[23] It received the audience award for best short film, Asturian section, at the 15th Aviles Action Film Festival[24] and at the Audience Choice Award for Best Film and Best Cinematography at the 3rd Asturian Film Festival of Proaza.[13] In China, the film premiere was held at an art gallery, Shujingtang Alley Art Space in Chengdu on June 12, 2016, and the reactions where very positive.[25] The premiere in China was held relatively underground (due to the censorship laws of the country).

English poster of Ni Jing

Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal (2013)


Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal (Original Chinese: 逆境; pinyin: Ni Jing; lit. 'adversity'; Spanish Title Ni Jing: No Robarás) is his first film produced in China by his company Almost Red in co-production with Spain. A naive Chinese girl is forced to confront betrayal after she awakes in a remote forest covered in blood.[26]

Ni Jing received accolades: Best Short Film in the world premiere at Riverside Saginaw International Film Festival 2013, Best Actress (Sherry Xia Ruihong), runner up for Best Short Film, and a nomination for Best Actor (Yinhui Wan) at the 9th Asturian Film Festival, 2014. The Ni Jing Spanish premiere took place at the prestigious FICXIXON, Gijón International Film Festival in 2013.

The critical reactions from the various presentations were very positive:

  • Fenixnet Entertainment News in China: "The film represent very truthfully the local society of Chengdu and the good communication among the directors, that belong to different cultures, creates great results".[27]
  • Sichuan Daily News (lead newspaper of the region): "Audiences at the press screening were captivated for the atmosphere and the rhythm of the film"[28]

Ni Jing: Thou Shalt Not Steal played in the International Festival Circuit around 2014.

Poster Desire Street

Desire Street (2011)


Desire Street is Xu Xiaoxi and Roberto F. Canuto's first feature film, produced as a graduation work in their Master of Fine Arts at the NYFA in Hollywood. The story follows three family members (mother, daughter and son) as they try to survive their loneliness and obsessions by going through different sexual experiences and relationships with a prostitute. The reference of the directors was the Mexican melodramas of the 1960s. They exaggerate the representation of the characters to accentuate the irony that is a basic element in the story, creating many situations of comedy. At the end of the story the family became the main reference for the individual survival. The reception at film festivals was very good, scoring positive reviews and awards (Best Film at Asturian Film Festival in Spain and Special Mention Best Feature at Mix Mexico International Film Festival):

  • Jury conclusion at Mix Mexico International Film Festival, 2011: Desire Street has "a very well structured script, strong story and great characters".[29]
  • Jury conclusions at the Asturian Film Festival, 2014: "Desire Street develops, with technical mastery and a good treatment of the script, the generation gap and the family and sexual conflicts in a multiethnic society".[30]
  • Film critic from Dickie King at MTG.com, 2011: "The characters could be from an Almodovar movie as they seem to need to behave in extraordinary ways in order to draw some sexual, psychological advantage... The use of subjective camera movement, composition and mirrored reflections are effective in conveying a real sense of false perceptions... The collaborations of Roberto Canuto and Xu Xiaoxi make them the future wave as these two engaging directors bring together fresh insight with redesigned camera work."[31]

The premiere of Desire Street in Spain took place in 2014 at the Asturian Film Festival (obtaining the "Best Film Jury Award" and a nomination for Best Actress: Alejandra Walker). In China was screened at the Contemporary Art Museum A4 of Sichuan also in 2014.

Mei Mei (2009)


Mei Mei, his first year graduation film at "New York Film Academy", was written by Xu Xiaoxi and Roberto F. Canuto. The film premiere at Hungary's Slow International Film Festival, a successor to the 32-year-old prestigious Hungary Film Festival born of the Film Art Initiative. Mei Mei was screened in late August 2009 to an international crowd and was received as one of the festival's finest.[32] After the screening the reactions were very positive, and it was received as one of the festival finest works. Some of the media mention that Mei Mei is a "beautiful and heartbreaking love story".[33] In addition to the festival selection, the film received a nomination for Best Cinematography at the Kodak Scholarship Awards 2009, in representation of NYFA from Universal Studios, Hollywood. The director of photography of Mei Mei was the filmmaker and usual collaborator of Xu, Canuto.


  1. ^ "Xiaoxi Xu Celebrity". movie.douban.com (in Simplified Chinese). Retrieved 8 August 2014. 1981-11-18
  2. ^ Lorenzo, Claudia (12 June 2011). "Roberto F. Canuto & Xu Xiaoxi Directores de Cine". www.lne.es (in Spanish). La Nueva España Newspaper. Retrieved 8 August 2014. Xu Xiaoxi (Sichuan, China, 1981)
  3. ^ "China-Spain coproduction wins award at a Festival". danlan.org (in Simplified Chinese). Danlan. 26 May 2011. Retrieved 8 August 2014. 1981年11月18日
  4. ^ "Roberto F. Canuto, director de cine y guionista". Elrollohigienico.com (in Spanish and English). El Rollo Higienico, Revista de Arte y Cultura. 30 September 2010. Retrieved 4 August 2014. Roberto starts his collaborations with Xu Xiaoxi in early 2008.
  5. ^ King, Dickie (January 2011). "Desire Street (Review)". MTG. Retrieved 4 August 2014. The collaborations of Roberto Canuto and Xu Xiaoxi make them the future wave as these two engaging directors bring together fresh insight with redesigned camera work.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b "Interview of director Xu Xiaoxi & Roberto F. Canuto". www.haowenzhang.net (in Chinese). Hao wen zhang. Retrieved 8 August 2014. April 4, 2010
  7. ^ King, Dickie (January 2011). "Roberto F. Canuto & Xu Xiaoxi Interview and Bio". MTG. Retrieved 4 August 2014.
  8. ^ "Xiaoxi Xu's "Mei Mei" Accepted To Hungary's Prestigious Slow Film Festival". www.1888pressrelease.com. 1888 Press Release. 4 November 2010. Retrieved 8 August 2014.
  9. ^ Harris, Craig. "Andrea Centazzo Bio". AllMusic.com. All Music. Retrieved 4 August 2014.
  10. ^ "Interview Roberto F. Canuto & Xu Xiaoxi". www.elrollohigienico.com (in Spanish). El rollo higienico, Revista de Arte y Cultura. 25 October 2013. Retrieved 8 August 2014. Llevamos colaborando con Andrea Centazzo desde 2008 y esta es nuestra cuarta película con él
  11. ^ 成都小伙携手西班牙搭档 方言短片获国际大奖 [Chengdu & Spain partnership achieve international Awards]. sichuandaily.scol.com.cn (in Simplified Chinese). Sichuan Daily Newspaper. 10 January 2014. Retrieved 31 July 2014.
  12. ^ "Premios 2016 (awards 2016)". Avilés Acción Film Festival Website (in Spanish). Avilés Acción Film Festival. Retrieved 10 December 2016.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b "Awards Floating Melon". IMDB. Retrieved 10 December 2016.
  14. ^ "Floating Melon Release Info". IMDB. Retrieved 10 December 2016.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b "'Ad-Vientu' se hace con el premio del público al mejor cortometraje del 'Día d'Asturies', en el FICX ("Advent win the Audience Choice Award "Dia DAsturies" at the 54 Gijon Film Fest.)" (in Spanish). La Vanguardia (Newspaper). Europa Press. 28 November 2016. Retrieved 12 December 2016.
  16. ^ "Finaliza el rodaje de la película astur-china 'Sunken Plum' (End of shooting of the Asturias-Chinese film "Sunken Plum")". Asturias Mundial (in Spanish). 9 October 2016. Retrieved 12 December 2016. El filme, una comedia melodramática con tintes de misterio y realismo social (haciendo gala de una mezcla de géneros típica del cine de los directores)
  17. ^ "Roberto F. Canuto finaliza un nuevo rodaje en China (Roberto F. Canuto end a new shooting in China)" (in Spanish). La Nueva España (Newspaper). 11 October 2016. Retrieved 12 December 2016. La película representa la última parte de la trilogía "El Chengdu Invisible", formada por Ni Jing: No Robarás, Sandía Amarga y Sunken Plum, que narra historias sobre personajes habitualmente marginados, que deben subsistir en las sombras de una sociedad, la China, contraria a la diversidad y la individualidad.
  18. ^ "Even filmproductie over transseksuelen in China (a film about transexuals in China)". China2015.nl (in Dutch). 7 November 2016. Retrieved 12 December 2016. Het verhaal over een transgender vrouw die werkt in een nachtclub in Chengdu. Onverwacht krijgt ze een bezoek van haar nicht die haar verteld dat haar moeder is overleden. Als enige zoon voelt ze zich verplicht om terug te gaan naar haar geboorteplaats, maar kan niet als vrouw voor haar familie verschijnen.
  19. ^ «Объект Позпродукт тарометра при поглощении« Ad-Life »(поглощающий фильм« Ad-Life »в постпроизводстве)» (на испанском языке). Учреждать. 7 августа 2016 года . Получено, 11 декабря 2016 года .
  20. ^ " Ассорий Китайский короткометражный фильм -
  21. ^ Alderiques d'Asturies (9 декабря 2016 года). 53 FICX - Nacho Carballo y Dia d'A Asturies (Asturian) [ 53 FICX - Nacho Carbalo Y Day of Astries ] (видео интервью) (на испанском). Событие происходит в минутах: 10 . Получено 10 декабря 2016 года .
  22. ^ "Плавающая дыня" . IMDB . Получено 10 декабря 2016 года .
  23. ^ «Горькая Сандия» . ГИДЖОН Международный кинофестиваль . Получено 10 декабря 2016 года .
  24. ^ "Premie 2016 (награды 2016) " Aviles Accion Получено 10 декабря
  25. ^ «Премьера плавающей отрывки в дыни» . Сайт Zaomengse (Китай) (на китайском и английском языке). 12 июня 2016 года . Получено 10 декабря 2016 года .
  26. ^ «Интервью с Роберто Ф. Кануто и Сюй Сяоси» . www.elrollohigienico.com (на испанском). El Rollo Hygiénico. 25 октября 2013 года . Получено 8 августа 2014 года .
  27. ^ Китай, бин (24 июня 2013 г.). Тестовая пленка Чэнду с микроавтором Jing Press Chengdu [ Screening ] . Ni в Хотя содержание очень «обосновано», это очень молчаливое в создании многонациональной комбинации.
  28. ^ Chengdu Guy и испанский партнерский диалект короткометражный фильм выиграл Международную награду Испания Партнерство . [ международных Ченгду и достигает ] наград
  29. ^ « Desire Street», Джихон Роберто Ф. Кануто, упомяните лучший международный художественный фильм в Mix Mexico » . Europa Press. Europa Press. 26 мая 2011 г. Получено 29 июля 2014 года .
  30. ^ «Palmares 9 кинофестиваля Asturianu 2014» . www.asturias.com (по -испански). 15 июня 2014 года . Получено 2 августа 2014 года . Отношение с большим техническим мастерством и хорошим обращением с сценарием о шоке поколений и сексуальных и семейных конфликтах многонационального общества.
  31. ^ Кинг, Дики (январь 2011 г.). "Desire Street (обзор)" . Mtg . Получено 3 августа 2014 года .
  32. ^ «Мей Мэй» Сяоксо Сюй принял на престижный медленный кинофестиваль Венгрии » . www.1888pressrelease.com . 1888 4 ноября 2010 г. Получено 2 августа 2014 года .
  33. ^ "Mei mei" . lesmedia.blogspot.co.uk . Lesmedia . Получено 2 августа 2014 года .
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