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Координаты : 53 ° 14′06 ″ с.ш. 6 ° 31′26 ″ в стр. / 53,235 ° с.ш. 6,524 ° С / 53,235; -6.524
(Перенаправлен из замка Килтин )

Ячейка вместе
Kilteel расположен в Ирландии
Координаты: 53 ° 14′06 ″ с.ш. 6 ° 31′26 ″ в стр. / 53,235 ° с.ш. 6,524 ° С / 53,235; -6.524
Провинция Ленстер
Графство Графство Килдэр
243,8 м (799,9 футов)
Часовой пояс UTC+0 ( влажный )
• Лето ( DST ) UTC-1 ( is ( West ))
Историческое население
Год Поп ±%
1841 923 —    
1851 676 −26.8%
1871 477 −29.4%
1901 268 −43.8%
1951 181 −32.5%
2002 483 +166.9%
[ 1 ]

Kilteel ( Irish : Cill Chéile ) - это название деревни, городского и гражданского прихода, расположенного в баронии Южной Соль , графство Килдэр , Ирландия . В верхней части города Килтел содержится остатки церкви с украшенной романской аркой алтаря, руинами напотоги 13-го века рыцарского госпиталера и хорошо сохранившегося башни 15-го века . Историческое поселение расположено в юго -западном углу английского бледного и выполняло важную функцию в качестве пограничной крепости в течение средневекового периода .


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Деревня Килтил находится на низком северо-восточном хребте на западном краю горов Уиклоу . Он находится недалеко от границы Дублина, около 10 километров (6 миль) к востоку от Нааса и 20 километров (12 миль) к юго-западу от Дублина центра .

Гражданский приход 3437 Акров Статута содержит следующие городские городки:

Таунланд Площадь Ирландское имя Самая ранняя записи именем или вариант
Блэкчерч 229 - 1654 - Блэкчерч [ 2 ]
Чернопада 151 - 1717 - Blackdown / Blackdown Fodeens [ 3 ]
Coolahocka 119 - 1752 - прохладный [ 4 ]
Кромвеллстаун 240 - 1518 - Кроммалистон [ 5 ]
Купидстаун 301 - 1690 - Cuppilstowne [ 6 ]
Kilteel ниже 259 Ячейка вместе 1179 - Cehcheli [ 7 ]
Kilteel Upper 210 - -
Килвардена 364 - 1543 - Kilwarnyng [ 8 ]
Ньюроу 70 - -
Oldmiltown 165 - 1669 - от фермы [ 9 ]
Олдтаун 21 - 1717 - Олдтаун [ 10 ]
Портерстаун 98 - 1669 - Портерс -фарм [ 9 ]
Ратбейн 447 [ 11 ] - 1752 - Рабан [ 4 ] 1783 - Ратбейн [ 12 ]

Приход простирается от вершины холма Купидстаун, примыкающего к приходу Килбрайда в графстве Уиклоу на юго -восток, на восток до Кромвеллстаунхилл, где он граничит с округом Дублин. На севере, на западе и на юг он граничит с приходами Оугтерарда , Килла и Ратмора . Дорога N7 пересекает город Блэкчерч в северной степени прихода.

Предыстория и ранний средневековый период

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Запись памятников и мест предполагает, что доисторический баррог на вершине холма в Вуде Килтел, к северо -западу от современной деревни, функционировал как место инаугурации. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] Барроу отмечен как существенное вложение на карте Александра Тейлора 1783 года и отмечается как «форт» на карте Джона Тейлора 1816 года. [ 12 ] [ 15 ]

В раннем средневековом периоде прилегающий центр Ратмора был оплотом Мейка Брайнана, филиала Востока . находился Фоттатом Килтил был их главной церковью и с . [ 16 ] [ 17 ] В то время как множественное происхождение было предложено для имени положивания, в том числе цилле Циле и Цилл Циадхайл , отраженного в различном написании дорожных вывесок, Комиссия по именам на боеприпасах приняла Cill Chéile или Cell Chéile , предполагая, что первоначальная церковь была основана Celé Crist,, Епископ Сенельского Неоуина, который умер в 727 году. Самая ранняя письменная ссылка на церковь - это папское письмо 1179 года, ссылаясь на церковь Кехели . [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ]

Второй ранний христианский фонд, Kildronan или Cell Epscoip Drónáin, возможно, был расположен в Cromwellstown Townland. Название города происходит в гранте земель в Килдронане Морисом Фицджеральдом в семье Кромхале до 1257 года. Приорат со всех сторон попытался вернуть земли из Томаса де Кромхале в 1317 году. [ 21 ] [ 22 ] [ 23 ]

Ранний средневековый D-образный корпус был раскопан в Blackchurch Townland в 2004 году. [ 24 ] Имя города Ратбейн предполагает присутствие раннего средневекового кольца , а основной дом города отмечается как устойчивость на карте обследования боеприпасов 1838 года. [ 25 ]

Средневековый период

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Церковь Килтел
Kilteel Romansesque Church

Разрушенная церковь к юго -западу от деревни содержит высоко оформленные остатки романской арки алтаря или дверного проема. Раскопки в 1977 и 1978 годах предположили, что первая церковь была одноклеточным каменным зданием, построенным после 800 г. н.э. Резные римские фигуры, возможно, были взяты из отдельной церкви и включены в существующее здание во время строительства наставника в 13 -м веке. 12-го века Высокий крест на севере может отметить место романской церкви, возможно, построенное под покровительством Диармаита Мак Мурчада , чья мать была из Мейка Браенана. [ 16 ] [ 26 ] [ 27 ] [ 28 ]

Более поздняя церковь, разрушенная в 1630 году, но восстановилась позже в 17 веке, снова вышла из употребления в начале 18 -го века, когда протестантские службы могли перейти в прилегающий приход Ратмора. [ 28 ] [ 29 ] [ 30 ] В 1935 году он украсил фрагменты арки канцеля, была найдена из фермы, примыкающего к замку и восстановлена ​​Гарольдом Лиском . [ 31 ]

Способность госпиталера

Церковь и земли « Килхайл» находились во владении рыцарских госпиталеров до 1212 года, но неясно, когда была построена наставление; Ни один фонд хартия или первоначальный грант земли не сохранился. Джеймс Уэйр описал наставник, основанный Морисом Фицджеральдом , который умер в 1257 году, в то время как Кеннет Николс предположил, что это могло быть основан его отцом Джерардом Фицморисом, который умер в 1204 году. [ 32 ] [ 33 ] Приорт наставничества впервые упоминается в Justiciary Rolls 1308. [ 34 ] Способность было одной из семнадцати в Ирландии, и в 1326, 1333 и 134 годах были проведены общие главы Ордена, что указывает на существенный фундамент. [ 35 ] Останки включают следы большого субретангольного корпуса, длиной 200 метров и шириной 150 метров, что может представлять оригинальный EnceInte, существенный затворный дом , содержащий комнату охраны и руины второго затвора. [ 36 ] Костюм брони был обнаружен из руин в начале 19 -го века. [ 37 ]

Бледная граница

В средневековый период Килтл служил пограничной крепостью на маршах английского бледного , под нападением со стороны гэльских семей О'Бирн и О'Тул из Уиклоу. В 1355 году Эдвард III выпустил письма, в которых требовались назначенные для защиты марш, чтобы взять свои обязанности в приходах Килтела, Ратмора и Баллимора, отметив «разрушения и сжигания Обрина и его сообщников» . [ 38 ] Акт 1488 года, изданный границами «Четыре послушных шерсть» Лаута, Мит, Дублина и Килдэра, описал бледную границу как проходящую через Килтил и Ратмор . [ 39 ] Акт 1494-5 требовал, чтобы граница состояла из « двойной канавы в шесть футов высотой над землей с одной стороны или части, которая отрывается от ирландца ». [ 40 ] Часть бледной границы со следами возможного земляного бастиона видна на аэрофотоснимках к юго -востоку от средневековой церкви. [ 41 ] [ 42 ] Археологические раскопки предполагают, что обнаруженные останки продолжаются на восток, образуя границу между городками Килтил Верхний и Купидстауном. [ 40 ]

Замок Килтин в 1833 году
Килтин замок сегодня

Значительный башный дом был построен для укрепления или замены более ранней защиты в 15 веке. Эта прямоугольная, пятиэтажная конструкция содержит четыре уровня этажа над стволом, охваченным подвалом со вторым хранилищем на уровне четвертого этажа. [ 43 ] [ 44 ] Он примыкает к юго -западу с помощью Gatehouse и первоначально примыкал к Bawn . [ 45 ] На изображении замка в журнале Dublin Penny в 1833 году показано крутой загрязненный дом, примыкающий к Gatehouse, возможно, в конце 17 или начале 18-го века. [ 37 ] Архив Тринити -колледжа Дублин содержит недатированный рисунок из коллекции Эдвина Рей с изображением аналогичного здания. [ 46 ] Пушечный ящик, возможно, дата 17-го века, был обнаружен из замка в 1901 году. [ 47 ]

Ранний современный период

[ редактировать ]

Семейство Норфолка Алена получило ряд монашеских свойств в Килдэре после роспуска монастырей . В 1536 году Джону Алене , лорду -канцлеру Ирландии , был предоставлен распущенный монастырь Святого Вольстанса и его брат Томас, клерк Короны и Ханапера , был предоставлен распущенной наставничество Килтела в 1539 году; Аренда от 12 июля 1539 года описывает Томаса Алена и его жену Мэри как « Килхила ». [ 48 ] [ 49 ] Владения наставника включали прилегающую светлость Килбрайда . [ 50 ] [ 51 ] Статус района в качестве спорного Марчланда подчеркивается ранним грантом:

« Принимая во внимание, что напоказ, светлость или поместье Килхила, в округе Килдэр, расположены в их маршах возле ирландских врагов, Тэлс (О'Тул), где требуется сопротивление и защита, предоставление Томасу Алану и Марии его его Жена, упомянутое светлости . [ 52 ]

В аренде 1543 года перечислены имущество наставника:

Аренда Томасу Алена из Килестера, усадьбы Килхила, Кромвеллестон, недалеко от Каллиатона, Килварни, недалеко от Каслварнина и Килбрайда, недалеко от «Три замка» в графстве Дублин; Джонстон, Ратмор, Шерлокстон и Наас в графстве Килдэр; Все, что попало в руки короны за счет капитуляции сэра Джона Роусона, виконта Клонтарфа , позднего предыдущего из больницы Святого Иоанна Иерусалима: держать в течение 51 года. Аренда, £ 6 13 с. 4d - 10 июня. 34. [ 51 ]

Жена Алена была естественной дочерью Джона Роусона, 1 -го виконта Клонтарфа (хотя он, должно быть, взял на себя клятву безбрачия, когда он вошел в орден Святого Иоанна Иерусалима , у Роусона, как известно, было не менее троих детей). [ 49 ] Основным местом семьи Алена была Сент -Вольстанс или Аленскорт, а Килтил служил вторым местом в 16 и 17 веках. В 1549 году помилование было предоставлено Джону Алену из Аленскарта и Томаса Алена из «Кайлхила» , в 1560-1561 годах Томас Ален из Килтела был среди « судей, комиссаров и хранителей мира » для Килдэра и в 1626 году, Роберт Аллен , был описан как «Килхил» . [ 53 ] [ 54 ] [ 55 ] Семья Аллена претендовала на десятину от прихода до 19 -го века. [ 56 ]

Килтил был нанесен на рейс и сгорел Рори О'Мор в конце 1573 года и снова 3 ноября 1574 года. Власти Короны полагали, что 11 -й граф Килдэр , давний враг семьи Ален, сговорился в этих атаках. [ 57 ] [ 58 ] [59] In November 1580 during the Second Desmond Rebellion the Earl, charged with the defence of the Pale against Fiach McHugh O'Byrne stationed a force of 50 horseman and 100 foot soldiers at Kilteel.[60] Fiach McHugh's son was stealing livestock from the 'mountain of Kilheele' in 1596.[61]

The Civil Survey of 1654–56 records only two divisions within the parish, Kilteel, 1540 plantation acres, and Kilwarning (Kilwarden), 100 plantation acres, both held by Robert Allen, an 'Irish papist'.[62] In 1654 the parish contained:

"One Castle...wch in the year 1640 was valued to be worth sixty pounds butt being since ruined is now valued at ffourty pounds....Two Mills wch in the year 1640 were valued to be worth Thirty pounds and ten shillings....one church and one decayd abbey....There is one stump of a castle called Blackchurche upon the Aforesaid lands of Kilwarneing...There is also one other ould castle upon the lands of Kilwarneing.[63]

The Archaeological Survey of Ireland notes a 16th or 17th-century house in Blackchurch whose site has yet to be identified, presumably the 'stump of a castle' noted in the Civil Survey.[64]

Part of the Kilteel estate had passed to the Earl of Tyrconnell before 1669. Between 1669 and 1677 Tyrconnell granted several leases of lands in Kilteel. Jonathan Hayes and James Ashton held the 'millfarm' for 51 years from 1670; a 38-year lease of 'Porters-farme' to James Sharpe from 1670 had passed to Daniel Reading by 1703; George Eaton held Cromwellstown for 39 years from 1670; William Palmer held a portion of Kilteel for 99 years from 1670 and in 1677 Thomas Cholmondley was granted a portion including the modern townland of Cupidstown for 51 years.[65] Daniel Reading also held the lease of Kilteel Castle and the adjacent lands. After the Williamite Wars Tyrconnell was attainted and his lands confiscated. The castle and 'Reading's farm, being part of Kilteele' with 376 plantation acres, were bought by the Hollow Sword Blade Company for £976 on 23 June 1703.[66] This estate was sold to Sir William Fownes in 1706.[67][68]

Quaker community

A Quaker community developed at Kilteel in the later 17th century, possibly due to Tyrconnell, who showed sympathy towards the Quakers during the brief period of Catholic political ascendancy after the ascension of James II.[69] In 1678 James Ashton held the first Quaker meeting at his house in Kilteel. In 1704 'with the assistance of a few other friends in his neighbourhood' he built a Meeting House. In 1690 the Dublin Quaker community were administering relief to the Quakers in Kilteel.[70] The meeting house was moved to Castlewarden in 1723.[71] James Ashton's 1704 will passed his lease of the 'millfarm' and Kilwarden to his wife and daughter and his lease from Daniel Reading to his son, Thomas Ashton of Kilteel. Jonathan Hayes, a trustee of the will, is described as a farmer of Millfarm. The townland of Newrow may owe its name to Ashton or Hayes who held property in New Row, Dublin.[72] Thomas Cholmondley's holding of 178 plantation acres, 'alias Brians farme', was bought by Joseph Maddock, a Quaker linen draper, in 1703.[73] Maddock's will of 1713 passed the 'lands of Cupidstown together with Cholmondly's farm' to his son Joseph.[74][75] In 1784 Mary Maddock leased Cupidstown to Peter Fox and his wife Abigail Maddock.[76][77]

Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries


Population and landholding

In 1766, Robert Green, vicar of Rathmore, Kilteel and Kilbride, recorded five Protestant families and 33 Roman Catholic families in Kilteel parish.[78] From at least the 18th century the village had annual fairs on 1 May, 24 June, 29 September and 2 November and fairs continued to be held into the 20th century.[56][79][80][81] The 1821 census estimated the 'village' of Kilteel included 43 families with 316 people occupying 36 houses.[82] The 1841 Census recorded 129 inhabited houses in the civil parish, declining to 112 inhabited houses in 1851.[83] The population had dropped to 181 people by the middle of the twentieth century.

In 1838 the Kilteel estate of William Fownes Tighe, a descendant of William Fownes, was bought by Sir John Kennedy of Johnstown Kennedy.[67] In the 1853 Primary Valuations, his son Francis Kennedy was the lessor of all lands in the townlands of Blackchurch, Kilteel Lower, Kilteel Upper and the village of Kilteel. The castle and the adjacent buildings with the highest valuation in the parish were leased by John Ebbs from Kennedy. Reverend Smyth Whitelaw Fox of Rathmines and Cupidstown, descended from Peter Fox and Abigail Maddock, was the ultimate lessor of Rathbane and Oldtown, the Haughton family held Cromwellstown and Cromwellstownhill and the Cogan family of Tinode leased Cupidstown and Cupidstownhill from Fox.[84][85] Fox-Whitelaw's lands were sold under the Incumbered Estates Act in 1853 and in the Landed Estates Court in 1866.[86] The Kennedy lands were sold under the Land Purchase Acts in 1898.[87] John Ebbs' leaseholds, acquired in 1834 and 1835, were sold in the Land Court in 1878.[88]

National school

A National school, built in 1843, recorded in the 1853 Primary Valuations and the 1911 Census and depicted on the Ordnance Survey maps, closed in 1968; the building, with the original datestone, survives next to the Kilteel Inn.[89][90] The school had 100 pupils in 1845.[91]

Royal Irish Constabulary barracks

A Royal Irish Constabulary barracks, marked in 1838 and recorded in the 1911 Census, survives as a private dwelling.[92][93] A barracks was present from at least 1827, with one constable and three sub-constables in 1829.[94] In October 1920 the barracks was attacked during the Irish War of Independence; the officers were withdrawn to Naas and the building was burnt by the Kill Company of the Irish Republican Army.[95] A minor confrontation between Free State and Irregular forces took place at Kilteel in 1923 during the Irish Civil War.[95]

Catholic church

While the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage describes the Catholic church of St. Laurence O'Toole as dating from c. 1870, a 1935 Irish Times article describes the construction and dedication of the chapel of ease in that year and the church is not depicted on the 25 Inch OS maps.[96][97][98] A contemporary photograph shows a cavalcade of horsemen accompanying Archbishop Byrne's car to the church.[99] The Kilteel Inn displays a similar photograph. The parish presumably contained an earlier Catholic chapel or mass house, though it is possible the churches at Crosschapel and Kilbride, the latter present from 1776, served this purpose.

The Kilteel Inn

The Kilteel Inn

An account of a murder trial in the Freeman's Journal refers to James Goslin's public house in Kilteel in 1824. James and Matthew Goslin were acquitted of the murder of Patrick Hill at the fair of Kilteel on 1 May 1823.[100] The 1853 Valuations list James and Matthew Goslin among the lessees of the plot within which the Kilteel Inn is now sited, though no public house is recorded in the Valuations. In September 1875 Bartholomew Goslin applied for a licence to 'sell by retail ale, beer, spirits, &c at my house, situate at Kilteel aforesaid....which house is fitted up for the accommodation of travellers'.[101] Goslin was described as a publican at the time of his death in 1887.[102] Margaret Goslin of Kilteel, presumably his widow or daughter, applied for a spirit licence in 1888.[103] A substantial public house described in the 1901 and 1911 Censuses, was owned by James J. Morrin.[89][104] Morrin's of Kilteel, a fully licensed premises, was advertised for sale in January 1921.[105][106]


The townland of Oldmilltown presumably contained one of the mills recorded in the Civil Survey and the 'Millfarm' recorded in 1670. 'Old Mill' is marked on Noble and Keenan's 1752 map and the 1838 Ordnance Survey marks the 'Old Mill' at the northern extent of the townland.[107][108] The 1853 Valuations list Thomas Kelly as the lessee. The leasehold of a dwelling house, corn mill and 16 acres in Old Mill, 'with a steady supply of water to the mill' was advertised for sale in the Kildare Observer in 1882.[109] The Old Mill is marked on the 25 Inch OS map. Traces of the buildings and millrace depicted survive.

Kilteel wood

Kilteel Wood, a small oak wood north of the village is depicted in its current location and extent on the 1838 Ordnance Survey map and is marked as a fox covert on the Valuations maps and the 25 Inch OS map.[110] The wood is a Proposed Natural Heritage Area (001394).[111]

Ordnance Survey stations

An Ordnance Survey trigonometrical station is located at the top of Cupidstownhill. Traces of a second station are visible within the prehistoric enclosure north of the village.[112]



Eadestown GAA club has its grounds approximately 6 km away - in Eadestown.

Royal Irish Constabulary records from 1890 show that Kilteel King O'Tooles club had approximately 30 members.[113]

See also



  1. ^ "National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG)". Maynooth University. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
  2. ^ Simington, Robert C. 1962. The Civil Survey AD 1654–56: Vol. VIII: County of Kildare. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin. p. 30
  3. ^ Registry of Deeds, Book 75, Page 494, Memorial No. 54090
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Noble J. & Keenan J. 1752. Map of county Kildare. D.Pomarede, Dublin.
  5. ^ Otway Ruthven, Jocelyn 'Knight's Fees in Kildare, Leix and Offaly' in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Vol. 91, No. 2 (1961), pp. 163-181, p. 166
  6. ^ in Rolf Loeber, Harman Murtagh and John Cronin (eds.) 2001, 'Prelude to Confiscation: A Survey of Catholic Estates in Leinster in 1690' in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Vol. 131, (2001), pp. 61-139, p. 96.
  7. ^ Manning, Conleth 1982. 'Excavations at Kilteel Church, Co. Kildare' in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, Volume XVI pp. 173-229, p. 176
  8. ^ Nicholls 1994.Irish Fiants of the Tudor Sovereigns during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Philip & Mary, and Elizabeth I.Dublin. Elizabeth No. 1087
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b Anonymous.1701. A List of the Claims As They are Entered with the Trustees at Chichester House on College Greene. Dublin, p. 52
  10. ^ Registry of Deeds, Book 75, Page 494, Memorial No. 54090.
  11. ^ "AWS IreAtlas Townland Search Form".
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b Andrews J.H. 1983. A Map of the County of Kildare: Lieutenant Alexander Taylor of His Majesty's 81st Regiment 1783. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.
  13. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-005: "A Registered Historic Monument. Shown as a circular feature in this general area on Taylor's Map of County Kildare (1783). Prominently sited on a wooded hilltop (OD 815 feet) with excellent views in all directions. A slightly raised, almost circular central area (diams. 25m E-W; 23m N-S; H 0.6-0.8m) has a small, low mound in its SW sector (diam 4.5m; H 0.6-0.7m), probably the remains of the Trigonometrical station shown on the OS 6-inch mapping, and is girdled by a broad, shallow fosse (Wth 6m), and a low outer bank (H 0.7m; Wth 2m). Intermittent traces of a possible second, narrow, shallow, outer fosse (Wth 1m; D 0.2m) may be a later feature. Some 4m to the SW, a large, roughly squared, stone block (dims. L 1.2m; Wth 1m; H 0.9m) appears to have been deliberately set in place, while two further, overgrown blocks to the SE are of uncertain significance. The monument may be a barrow which was subsequently modified for use as an inauguration site."
  14. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  15. ^ John Taylor's Map of the Environs of Dublin 1816. Phoenix Maps.
  16. ^ Jump up to: a b Flanagan, Marie Therese 1998, 'Strategies of Lordship in Pre-Norman and Post-Norman Leinster' in Anglo-Norman Studies: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1997 pp. 107-126, p. 123-124.
  17. ^ Nicholls, K. 1986, 'Medieval Leinster dynasties and families: Three Topographical Notes', pp. 409-15 in Peritia, Volume V, pp. 409-415, p. 413.
  18. ^ http://logainm.ie/Viewer.aspx?text=kilteel&streets=yes [dead link]
  19. ^ Manning, Conleth 1982. 'Excavations at Kilteel Church, Co. Kildare' in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, Volume XVI pp. 173-229, p. 176
  20. ^ "Monasticon Hibernicum".
  21. ^ "Monasticon Hibernicum".
  22. ^ Butler Revd. Richard 1845. Registrum Prioratus Omnium Sanctorum Juxta Dublin. Dublin. p. 96
  23. ^ Nicholls, K. 1986, 'Medieval Leinster dynasties and families: Three Topographical Notes', pp. 409-15 in Peritia, Volume V, pp. 409-415, p. 413.
  24. ^ "Excavations.ie. Searchable database of Irish excavation reports". Archived from the original on 9 November 2013.
  25. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  26. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-007005
  27. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  28. ^ Jump up to: a b Manning, Conleth. 1996. 'Kilteel Revisited' in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, Volume XVIII, pp. 297-300
  29. ^ Manning, Conleth 1982. 'Excavations at Kilteel Church, Co. Kildare' in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, Volume XVI pp. 173-229
  30. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-007002
  31. ^ Leask, Harold 'Carved stones discovered at Kilteel, Co. Kildare' in JRSAI 65 (1935) 1-8.
  32. ^ "Manning 1982. pp. 173-229
  33. ^ Nicholls, K. 1986, 'Medieval Leinster dynasties and families: Three Topographical Notes', pp. 409-15 in Peritia, Volume V, pp. 409-415, p. 414.
  34. ^ Wood, Herbert & Langman, Albert, 1956. Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls of Ireland:1308-1314. Dublin. Stationery Office - https://archive.org/stream/calendarofjustic03irel#page/44/mode/2up
  35. ^ Litton Falkiner, C. 1907. 'The Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland' in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 26 (1906–1907), pp 275-317, p. 310
  36. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-007003
  37. ^ Jump up to: a b 'Kilteel Castle' in Dublin Penny Journal, No. 68, Vol. II, 19 Oct. 1833
  38. ^ "Patent Roll 29 Edward III | CIRCLE".
  39. ^ D'Alton, John (1838), The History of the County of Dublin. Dublin. p. 34
  40. ^ Jump up to: a b O'Donnell, M.G, 'The Pale Boundary at Cupidstown, Co. Kildare' in Cleary et al. 1987, Archaeological Excavations on the Cork-Dublin Gas Pipeline. pp. 106-110
  41. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-008: Description: "The area which would later be called 'The English Pale' [..] the boundaries of which were defined in a 1488 Act of Parliament as extending, 'from Merrion inclusive to the waters of the Dodder, by the new ditch to Saggard, Rathcoole, Kilheel (Kilteel), Rathmore and Ballymore (Eustace), thence to the county of Kildare into Ballycutlan (Coghlanstown), Harristown and Naas, and so thence to Clane, Kilboyne, and Kilcock' [..] In Kilteel Upper/Cupidstown, a 1966 aerial photograph (CUCAP APA 56) shows extensive earthworks around the early monastic foundation of 'Cell céli críst' (KD020-007002-) [..] Manning (1981–82, 213, 219) subsequently identified some of the earthworks which ran to the S and W of the preceptory as being part of the Pale Boundary (traceable L c. 1100m). The main line of the earthwork, to the S of the ecclesiastical remains, was a shallow ditch (Wth 3.5m; D 0.6m) with a broad, low earthen bank (Wth 6.5m; H 0.6m) 'outside', to S, and a low, earthen, bastion-like projection was also noted.
  42. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012.
  43. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-006 "Description: A National Monument (No. 275) [..] A probable 15th century, rectangular, five-storied, roofed structure (ext. dims. L 8.5m NE-SW; Wth 5.5m; av. wall T 1.05m) comprises four floor levels above a barrel-vaulted (NE-SW axis) basement with a second vault over fourth-floor level. Built of randomly coursed limestone blocks and flags with well-dressed quoins and voussoirs, it has a projecting D-shaped stairs tower (ext. diam. c. 3.2m; int. diam 1.6m) at the SW end of the NW sidewall, and is adjoined at SW by a gatehouse (KD020-006001-).
  44. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012.
  45. ^ Record of Monuments and Places KD020-006, KD020-006002
  46. ^ Rae, Edwin (24 November 2009). "Kilteel Castle, Kilteel, County Kildare - Drawing". hdl:2262/34931.
  47. ^ Kildare Observer, 20 August 1904, page 5.
  48. ^ Denny, H.L. Lyster. 'An account of the Family of Alen, of St. Wolstan's, country Kildare' in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, Vol. IV., pp. 95-110, 504, 1903–05; Vol. V, pp. 344-7, 1906–08
  49. ^ Jump up to: a b Nicholls 1994.Irish Fiants of the Tudor Sovereigns during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Philip & Mary, and Elizabeth I. Dublin. Elizabeth No. 1087
  50. ^ White, Newport B. 1943. Extent of Irish Monastic Possessions 1540-41. Irish Stationery Office. p. 91
  51. ^ Jump up to: a b Morrin, James 1861. Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery of Ireland of the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth:Volume I. Dublin, p. 92
  52. ^ Joyce, Weston St. John 1922. The Neighbourhood of Dublin: Its Topography, Antiquities and Historical Associations. Dublin. p. 387
  53. ^ Nicholls 1994.Irish Fiants of the Tudor Sovereigns during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Philip & Mary, and Elizabeth I.Dublin. Edward VI No. 445
  54. ^ Nicholls 1994. Irish Fiants of the Tudor Sovereigns during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Philip & Mary, and Elizabeth I. Dublin. Elizabeth Nos. 260, 381
  55. ^ Kearney, H. F. 1956. The Court of Wards and Liveries in Ireland 1622–41. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 57, pp 29-69, 47-48
  56. ^ Jump up to: a b "Kilteel - Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)".
  57. ^ Hamilton, Hans Claude 1867. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland of the Reign of Elizabeth 1574-1585 . HMSO. p. 53
  58. ^ State Papers 63/52 f.149, 1473, 13 July 1575. Declaration of William Fitzgerald of Dollardstown before Lord Deputy Fitzwilliam and Adam Loftus, archbishop of Dublin. He says that he heard Rory Óg O'More say that the earl of Kildare procured the said Rory to prey and destroy Kilteel and so did divers of Rory's men declare to him that the earl was the cause of the spoil. The cause of his knowledge is that he was at the spoil doing and saw the same and the burning of part of Kilteel and then knew and heard as before. And this was, as he remembers before Christmas two years ago which was the first destruction of Kilteel. He also says concerning the declaration made by his brother on 12 May 1575, touching the spoiling of the Dillons in Moylelaghe, that he himself did once spoil them and that Kedagh Mac Cormac mentioned in the said declaration did often spoil the Dillons. Kilmainham. Signed by William Fitzwilliam, Adam [Loftus, archbishop of] Dublin. SP 63/52, no 55
  59. ^ State Papers 63/49 f.193 1265. 11 February 1575. 'Declaration of Richard Fitzgerald (i) Declares upon protestation of his fidelty, saving that he is loath his name should be brought in question,he could declare more than he did the day before in the lord deputy's presence. And being asked of the two spoils done on Kilteel, he said the first was done by the earl of Kildare's procurement. He said that his two brethren and Con Mac James O'Melaghlin were at it. (ii) The last prey of Kilteel was done 3 November 1574 by the gallowglass by the earl of Kildare's procurement. Signed by Robert Dillon and John Allen. Copy certified by William Fitzwilliam and Adam [Loftus, archbishop of] Dublin, keeper of the seal. SP 63/49, no 63
  60. ^ FitzGerald, Charles William 1862. The Earls of Kildare and Their Ancestors: From 1057 to 1773. Dublin, p. 209, p. 214.
  61. ^ Atkinson, Ernest. Calendar of the State Papers Relating to Ireland of the Reign of Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1596-97. Dublin, p. 32
  62. ^ Simington, Robert C. 1962. The Civil Survey AD 1654–56: Vol. VIII: County of Kildare. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin. p. 29
  63. ^ Simington 1962, pp. 29-30
  64. ^ KD015-011
  65. ^ Anonymous.1701. A List of the Claims As They are Entered with the Trustees at Chichester House on College Greene . Dublin, pp. 52, 93, 291
  66. ^ Public Records of Ireland. Volume II, p. 376
  67. ^ Jump up to: a b Burke, Dermot Robert Wyndham (7th Earl of Mayo) 1895, 'Kilteel Castle' in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, Vol. I pp. 34-37.
  68. ^ 'The Church of Shiel' in the Kildare Observer, 12 October 1907, page 8.
  69. ^ Greaves, Richard L. 1997. God's Other Children: Protestant Non-Conformists and the Emergence of Denominational Churches in Ireland, 1660–1700.Dublin. pp. 139-140
  70. ^ Greaves, Richard L. 1998. Dublin's Merchant Quaker: Anthony Sharp and the Community of Friends, 1643–1707. Stanford University Press. pp 183, 199
  71. ^ Wright, Thomas 1751. A History of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers in Ireland from the year 1653 to the year 1700. Dublin. pp 345, 347
  72. ^ "Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills".
  73. ^ Public Records of IrelandVolume II, p. 351
  74. ^ "Quaker Records Dublin - Abstracts of Wills".
  75. ^ Eustace, P. Beryl and Goodbody, P. Beryl 1957. Quaker Records Dublin: Abstracts of Wills. Irish Manuscripts Commission. p. 2
  76. ^ Registry of Deeds, Vol. 366. P. 80, Memorial No.243893; http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~registryofdeeds/by_name/name282.htm Archived 11 January 2014 at the Wayback Machine
  77. ^ "Copy of certificate of arms being Fox quartering Maddock and Whitelaw to the Rev. Smyth Whitelaw Fox of Rathmines, Co. Dublin and Cupidstown, Co. Kildare, Dec. 7, 1843". 1803.
  78. ^ Gurrin, Brian F. 2006, 'Three Eighteenth Century Surveys of County Wicklow' in Analecta Hibernica, No. 39, pp. 79-134, p 101
  79. ^ Seward, William Wenman 1795.Topographia Hibernica; or the Topography of Ireland, Antient and Modern. Dublin
  80. ^ 'FAIRS FOR THE ENSUING WEEK' Irish Times, 24 September 1906, page 17
  81. ^ 'FAIRS FOR THE ENSUING WEEK' Irish Times, 23 June 1906, page 17
  82. ^ House of Commons 1824. Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an act of the United Parliament, passed in the 55th year of the reign of His Late Majesty George the Third, intituled, "an act to provide for taking an account of the population of Ireland, and for ascertaining the increase or diminution thereof". Preliminary observations. Enumeration abstract. Appendix. M. DCCC. XXI. p. 36
  83. ^ "Census of Ireland 1851: Part I, area, population, and number of houses, by townlands and electoral divisions: County of Kildare". eppi.dippam.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 20 October 2013. Retrieved 22 May 2022.
  84. ^ 1854. Primary Valuation of Lands and Tenements, Barony of South Salt, Union of Naas, pp. 88-92
  85. ^ |Burke, Bernard 1884. The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Volume 2. London, p. 373
  86. ^ Freeman's Journal, 3 January 1853, page 1
  87. ^ Return of advances under Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891, 1898-99, p. 85-86
  88. ^ Irish Times, 26 January 1878, page 3
  89. ^ Jump up to: a b "Census of Ireland 1911". National Archives of Ireland.
  90. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  91. ^ House of Commons 1846. Twelfth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, for the year 1845. Dublin. p. 113
  92. ^ "Map". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  93. ^ "Census return". National Archives of Ireland.
  94. ^ House of Commons 1830. Constabulary, Ireland. Return of the constabulary police of Ireland, and, an account, in detail, of all expenses incurred on account of the Inspectors General of Police in Ireland, and resident magistrates, under the Constabulary Act, during each of the last three years. London. pp. 31-32
  95. ^ Jump up to: a b "Document No. W.S. 1571: Witness Statement of James Dunne" (PDF). Bureau of Military History. Retrieved 9 March 2022.
  96. ^ "Catholic Church of Saint Laurence O'Toole, BLACKDOWN, Kilteel, KILDARE".
  97. ^ Irish Times, 19 August 1935, p. 2
  98. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  99. ^ South Dublin County Libraries 2006. A Pictorial History of Rathcoole, Saggart, Brittas and Newcastle p. 50.
  100. ^ Freeman's Journal, 8 April 1824, page 4.
  101. ^ Irish Times, 27 September 1875, page 7 (Classified advertisement).
  102. ^ Irish Times, 29 March 1900, page 8.
  103. ^ Kildare Observer, 13 October 1888, page 5.
  104. ^ "Census of Ireland, 1901". National Archives of Ireland.
  105. ^ Irish Independent, 29 January 1921
  106. ^ Freeman's Journal, 10 January 1921, page 6
  107. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 10 June 2013. Retrieved 2 November 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  108. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  109. ^ Kildare Observer, 28 January 1882, page 4.
  110. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  111. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 July 2014. Retrieved 16 November 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  112. ^ "Shop.osi.ie Mapviewer". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  113. ^ Club History Archived 3 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine, Kill GAA (Kildare). Retrieved 14 January 2013.
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