Op den graeff Family
На винограде | |
Священная семья, политическая семья | |
![]() Часть окрашенного окна в Крефельде Оп -Ден Грефф , показывая их герб (слева с лебедей) | |
Текущий регион | Пенсильвания и Огайо , среди других |
Этимология | Голландский - немецкий "из" графства " |
Место происхождения | Немецкое американское сообщество , голландское американское сообщество |
Подключенные семьи | Из семьи Лейн Семья Пенн Семья Луптона Семья Шумахер/Шумейкер В семье Hofen/De Haven Беббер |
На винограде [ нужен IPA ] это немецкая и американская семья голландского происхождения. [ 1 ] Они были одной из первых семей меннонитской веры в Крефельде в начале 17 -го века. Различные члены семьи принадлежали к первоначальному 13 , первой организованной иммиграции закрытой группы немцев в Америку в 1683 году. Там семья имела долгую историю в религиозной службе и политике, начиная с конца 17 -го века в колонии Пенсильвании . В 1688 году они стали предшественниками движения против рабства, подписав первый протест против рабства в Северной Америке . Их потомки распространились на различные строки, Updegraff, Uptegraft, Updegraft, Updegrave, Updegrove, Uptegrove, Ubdegrove, Uptegraph, Upthagrove . Условное ветвь Огайо принадлежала ведущим семьям религиозного движения квакера и создала длинную линию министров и старейшин. [ 2 ]
[ редактировать ]Источник
[ редактировать ]Самый ранний исторически доказанный ОП Ден Грэфф, Герман Оп ден Грефф (1585-1642) жил в Алдекерке (Клев), недалеко от границы с современными Нидерландами. Некоторые считают, что герцог Джон Уильям, герцог Юлих-Клевес-Берг, имел моргановый брак с Анной Оп ден Грефф (Ван де Алдекерк), с которой у него был Герман. до 1585 года [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Никаких существенных доказательств какой-либо связи между Оп ден Грефф и герцога никогда не было представлено, поэтому, скорее всего, что связи не существует. Согласно другой семейной традиции, ОП Ден Грефф, как и в семье голландцев де Грефф , произошел от фон Грабена через Вольфганг фон Грабен , [ 5 ] [ 6 ] которые были упомянуты в Голландии между 1476 и 1483 годами. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Грефф был голландским орфографией грабена в 14 и 15 веке. [ 10 ] Эти источники не задокументированы и не могут быть проверены. Другой источник сообщает, что семья OP Den Graeff, возможно, пришла из Фландрии . [ 11 ]
[ редактировать ]
Оп -ден Греффс изначально были меннонитами , и, как полагают, пришли из соседнего Aldekerk [ 12 ] в католическом герцогстве Юлича около 1605 года, чтобы избежать преследований. В то время Крефельд был исключением из графства Моерс и под властью принца Оранж , стационарного ставкого, Республики Объединенные Нидерланды . В отличие от лидеров Юлиха и близлежащего электората Кельна , ставтолдеры Нидерландов были терпимы к несоответствующим религиям. В результате Крефельд стал точкой убежища для преследуемых меннонитов в 17 веке. Оп -ден Греффс под руководством Германа Оп ден Грефф , как и многие из меннонитов Крефельда, были льняными ткачами, другие родственники, практиковавшиеся в различных профессиях, таких как умирание. Некоторые из этих семей продолжили эту оккупацию позже в Джермантауне , штат Пенсильвания. Оп-ден Греффс оказал влияние на круг меннонитов, который превратился в квакер частично около 1679-1680 гг. В 1683 году трое братьев -братьев Грефф Дерик , Герман и Авраам , внуки Германа, а их семьи мигрировали в Соединенные Штаты. Они среди тринадцати семей, Оригинал 13 , первая закрытая группа немецких эмигрантов в Северную Америку, часто называемая Джермантаун, Филадельфия, Основатели из Пенсильвании корабля , которые прибыли на конкорд 6 октября. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] У трех операционных ден Греффс был еще один брат, Адольфус Ден Грефф (* 1648), который не присоединился к эмиграции, но обосновался возле Кобленца до 1680 года. [ 16 ] Его внук Джон Уильям (Йохан Вильгельм) ОП Ден Грефф (1732 - между 1800 и 1804 годами) иммигрировал и в Пенсильванию. Их потомки присоединились к их имени в Updegrove.
[ редактировать ]In Germantown, two of the Op den Graeff brothers, Derick and Abraham, signed along Francis Daniel Pastorius and Gerrit Hendricksz the first organized religious petition against slavery in the colonies, the 1688 Germantown Quaker Petition Against Slavery. Abraham op den Graeff was the only one of the three brothers who had descendants. Some of them continued in or returned to the Mennonite faith and were found in the Montgomery County congregations of Skippack and Boyertown until modern times. Then the family split up into a lot of different spelled names and family branches, Opdegraf(f), Updegraf(f), Uptagraff(t), Updegrave, Updegrove, Updegraph, Uptegraph, Upthegrove, Upthagrove and Ubdegrove. Pennsylvania Governor Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker was the fourth great-grandson of Abraham,[17] while US-president Theodore Roosevelt was the sixt great-grandson of "bishop" Herman op den Graeff.[18]
In 1802[19] Nathan Updegraff, a great-great-grandson of Abraham, settled north in Mount Pleasant, Jefferson, Ohio.[20] This branch belonged to the 19th-century Quaker families of that state[21] and produced a lot of Quaker Ministers and elders. The son of Nathan, David Benjamin Updegraff (1789-1864) of that family was a conductor and one of the leaders of the Underground Railroad. He was one of the first outspoken anti-slavery men, and voted with the first liberty party from conscientious convictions. His house was the home of antislavery advocates and temperance lecturers also a station on the Underground Railroad.
Coat of arms
There is a reference about the Op den Graeff glass paintings of Krefeld, with a description of Herman's possible, but not proven, coat of arms, found in the estate of W. Niepoth (op den Graeff folder) in the archives of the city of Krefeld, who noted a letter dated November 17, 1935, from Richard Wolfferts to Dr Risler: "Saw the Coat of Arms glass pane in the old museum: 'Herman op den Graeff und Grietgen syn housfrau' or the like. Coat of Arms - In the sign a silver swan in blue. Helmet decoration (I think): Swan growing."[22]
Notable family members
[edit]Main Op den Graeff / Updegraff line family members from Krefeld and Pennsylvania:
- Herman op den Graeff (1585–1642), Mennonite community leader of Krefeld, delegate and signer of the sign the Dordrecht Confession of Faith
- Isaac Herman op den Graeff (1616-1679), joined the Quakers
- Herman Isacks op den Graeff (1642-1708), one of the "Original 13", the first closed group of German emigrants to North America, original founder of Germantown, Pennsylvania
- Derick op den Graeff (1646-1697), leader of the "Original 13", politician, signer of the first organized religious protest against slavery,original founder of Germantown, Pennsylvania
- Abraham op den Graeff (1649–1731), one of the "Original 13", politician, signer of the first organized religious protest against slavery, original founder of Germantown, Pennsylvania
- Isaac op den Graeff (1678-1745), linen weaver at Germantown
- Derrick op den Graeff (1696-1738)
- Joseph Updegraff (1726-1801), commissioner of York County, Pennsylvania
- Nathan Updegraff (1750–1827), a founder and delegate to Ohio's first constitutional convention
- David Benjamin Updegraff (1789–1864), conductor of the Underground Railroad, minister of Friends church
- Jonathan T. Updegraff (1822–1882), U.S. Representative from Ohio
- David Brainard Updegraff (1830–1894), minister of Friends church (Quaker minister)
- William Ross Updegraff (1859-1940)
- Allan Eugene Updegraff (1883–1965), American-born novelist, poet, and editor; died at Paris, France
- William Ross Updegraff (1859-1940)
- David Benjamin Updegraff (1789–1864), conductor of the Underground Railroad, minister of Friends church
- Nathan Updegraff (1750–1827), a founder and delegate to Ohio's first constitutional convention
- Joseph Updegraff (1726-1801), commissioner of York County, Pennsylvania
- Herman Updegraff (1711-1758), Cordwainer, shoemaker, justice of the peace and of the Common Pleas Court for York County
- Abraham Updegraff (1746-1781)
- Thomas Updegraff (1774-1857), businessman and agent for the Underground Railroad
- William Updegraff (1798-1846)
- Thomas Updegraff (1834–1910), attorney and five-term Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from northeastern Iowa
- William Updegraff (1798-1846)
- Thomas Updegraff (1774-1857), businessman and agent for the Underground Railroad
- Abraham Updegraff (1746-1781)
- Derrick op den Graeff (1696-1738)
- Isaac op den Graeff (1678-1745), linen weaver at Germantown
- Isaac Herman op den Graeff (1616-1679), joined the Quakers
- Joseph S. Updegraff, member of the Ohio Senate
Other Updegraff members:
- Ed Updegraff (1922–2022), American amateur golfer and urologist
- Stephen Updegraff (born 1962), American refractive surgeon
Upthegrove line members : The Upthegrove line descendant from the Updegraffs of Germantown. US-army captain William Hendry Upthegrove (* 1836) came to settle in the area near Gainesville in 1865 and founded a branch of the family in Florida.[23][24]
- William Hendry Upthegrove (* 1836), Union Army captain who fought with General Sherman[25]
- Roger Upthegrove, in 1912 he established the settlement of West Palm Beach
- John William Upthegrove (1872-1942)
- Laura Upthegrove (1896–1927), American bandit known as "The Queen of the Everglades"
- Clarence Dewitt Upthegrove (1899-1982), American businessman and politician
- John Woodrow „Woody“ Upthegrove (1912-1990), longtime police officer
- Dave Upthegrove (born 1971), American politician
Updegrove line member:
- Mark K. Updegrove (born 1961), American author and historian, director of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum
See also:
- Wieman v. Updegraff
- Updegraff, Iowa, an unincorporated community in Clayton County, Iowa, United States
Connection with William Penn
The Op den Graeff family is sometimes said to be related to William Penn, the founder and gouverneur of Pennsylvania.[26][27] Sources say, that their connection goes through the Pletjes family, wives and ancestors of the Penn and Op den Graeff families.[28] The sources in support of this view cited above, are derivative sources. Whether the original source documentation is sufficient to justify these claims is unknown.
- Driessen Pletjes (1550–1645) ≈ Alet Goebels
- Alet Pletjes (1583-?) ≈ (Sir ?) John Jasper
- Margaret Jasper (c 1624-1682), 1st ≈ Nicasius Van der Schure; 2nd ≈ admiral Sir William Penn (1621–1670)
- gouverneur William Penn (1644–1718)
- Ann Jasper (born c 1628) ≈ William Crispin (1627–1681)
- Margaret Jasper (c 1624-1682), 1st ≈ Nicasius Van der Schure; 2nd ≈ admiral Sir William Penn (1621–1670)
- Greitgen Pletjes (1588–1643) ≈ mennonite leader Herman op den Graeff (1585–1642)
- Abraham Hermans op den Graeff (~1610–1656) ≈ Eva von der Leyen
- Isaac Hermans op den Graeff (1616–1679) ≈ Grietjen Peters (died 1679)
- Abraham op den Graeff (1649–1731) -- Updegraff family
- Adolphus op den Graeff (1653–1680) -- Updegrove family
- Alet Pletjes (1583-?) ≈ (Sir ?) John Jasper
In art
[edit]Paintings by austrian artist and historian Matthias Laurenz Gräff in his diploma series and thesis "Weltaußenschau-Weltinnenschau" in 2007/08.[29]
Abraham op den Graeff (* around 1485), claimed and unproven great-grandfather of Herman op den Graeff (1585-1642)
Herman op den Graeff (van de Aldekerk) (* 1520/1525), claimed and unproven grandfather of Herman
Amalia of Cleves (1517-1586), claimed and unproven morganatic wife of Herman op den Graeff (van de Aldekerk)
Anne of Cleves (1515-1587) and her nephew John William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg (1562-1609); Anna was the claimed and unproven sister-in-law of Herman op den Graeff (van de Aldekerk), John William the claimed and unproven father of Herman op den Graeff (1585-1642)
Herman op den Graeff (1585-1642), first reported member of the Op den Graeff family
External links
- Op den Graeff Krefeld Stained-Glass Windows
- Some data for this article was taken from Matthias Laurenz Gräff's Graeff research, which has existed since 2006.[30]
Further reading
[edit]- Bender, Harold S. (1957) Graeff, op den (Opdegraf, Updegrave, Updegrove) family. Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online
- Ulle, R.F. (1983) The Original Germantown Families. Mennonite Family History April.
[edit]- ^ Prof. William I. Hull: William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania (2018)
- ^ History of the Upper Ohio Valley, with Family History and Biographical Sketches: History of Jefferson co., O., by J. H. S. And w. M. rainer. History of Logan, the Mingo chief, by R. H. Taneyhill. Resources of Jefferson co., by J. B. Doyle. Bench and bar of Jefferson co., by O. M. Sanford. Biographical sketches. Education and religion. by W. M. Trainer. The press. Medical history of Jefferson co. History of Belmont co., by C. L. Poorman, including Biographical sketches. Agricultural resources, by A. T. McKelvey, p 187 (1890)
- ^ Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants, Bände 7-12, p 15 ff and 53 ff, Links Genealogy Publications, 1990
- ^ Anna, Duchess of Cleves: The King's 'Beloved Sister', by Heather R. Darsie . Some claim the records were destroyed in the conflict between Protestants and Catholics at the time but regardless because Anna op den Graeff was of lower social rank, Johann Wilhelm's titles and privileges were not passed on to their son and he was considered officially without an heir
- ^ US family genealogy
- ^ "Van Bebber Pioneers Newsletter", Doc Store. January 1988" A copied text that is not documented by extern sources says: "Made up from genuine document by Pieter de Graeff, Baron van Zuid Polsbrook (Polsbroek), Purmerland and Ilpendam, living 1661, continued by Pieter Gerritsz de Graeff and after that by Dirk de Graeff van Polsbroek (Holland). In the Diploma of Nobility loaned to Andries de Graeff it was affirmed that the family De Graeff was formerly called von Graben, which is the same as de Graeff. This family today shows the same Coat of Arms as the De Graeff family." Accessed 29 sept 2011
- ^ Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Ritter- u. Adels-Geschlechter, Band 3, p 229 (1870)
- ^ De Graeff (Pieter Graeff) and Von Graben in the dutch "DBNL"
- ^ Der deutsche Herold: Zeitschrift für Wappen-, Siegel- u. Familienkunde, Band 3, p 91/92, von Verein Herold
- ^ Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache in Beziehung auf Abstammung und Begriffsbildung, p 254, by Conrad Schwenck (1834)
- ^ Archiv für Sippenforschung und alle verwandten Gebiete, Bände 27 – 28, p 470 (C.A. Starke, 1963)
- ^ William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania, by Prof. William I. Hull (2018)
- ^ "The Friend, Volume 48", The Friend., 1875. Harvard University. p. 67
- ^ "Ship Passengers Mentioned in Merion MM Minutes; Chester County, PA." Archived 2012-04-21 at the Wayback Machine, Yvonne Prough. U.S. Genealogical Web Archives. Accessed 29 sept 2011
- ^ "1683 Concord" Archived 2013-05-21 at the Wayback Machine, Pro Genealogists. Accessed 29 sept 2011
- ^ [June (Shaull) Lutz, History of the Op Den Graef / Updegraff Family (Grand Rapids, Michigan; 1433 Elderwood Ct. N.W.: J. S. Lutz, 1988), p. 12 (Original at University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- ^ "Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania", John W. Jordan. Genealogical Publishing Com, 1978. ISBN 0-8063-0811-7, 9780806308111. p. 486
- ^ The Descendants of James Carrell and Sarah Dungan, His Wife. P 140/142 (1928)
- ^ History of the Upper Ohio Valley, with Family History and Biographical Sketches: History of Jefferson co., O., by J. H. S. And w. M. rainer. History of Logan, the Mingo chief, by R. H. Taneyhill. Resources of Jefferson co., by J. B. Doyle. Bench and bar of Jefferson co., by O. M. Sanford. Biographical sketches. Education and religion. by W. M. Trainer. The press. Medical history of Jefferson co. History of Belmont co., by C. L. Poorman, including Biographical sketches. Agricultural resources, by A. T. McKelvey, p 188 (1890)
- ^ David B. Updegraff, Quaker Holiness Preacher, p 12, by J. Brent Bill (1983)
- ^ Updegraff family papers
- ^ History of the Op Den Graef/Updegraff Family, p 22; by June Shaull Lutz, 1988 (Original at University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- ^ TC.Palm. Historical Vignettes: Laura Upthegrove, Outlaw Ashley's moll
- ^ The Palm Beach Post. West Palm Beach, Florida • Thu, Sep 3, 2015. Page N009
- ^ The Palma Peach Post. POST TIME: Upthegrove Beach named for family that saw prestige, shame
- ^ "History of the Op Den Graeff/Updegraff family", June Shaull Lutz, 1988, S. 1
- ^ Mennonite World Review - More than our family tree
- ^ The Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society. Volume 103, number 4, Winter 2001-2002. "The Ancestors and Descendants of John Cope, Son of Caleb and Mary Cope", by Thomas R. Kellog, p 193
- ^ www.meinbezirk.at: Matthias Laurenz Gräff, 15 Jahre Diplom-Jubiläum zum Akademischen Maler
- ^ Graeff Forschung, est. 2006; for Op den Graeff see: Verwandtschaften > Namensverwandtschaften > VI) Die Op den Graeff aus dem Rheinland