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List of U.S. municipalities in multiple counties

This is a list of municipalities of all types (including cities, towns, and villages) in the United States that lie in more than one county (or, in the case of Louisiana, in more than one parish). Counties are listed in descending order of the county's share of the municipal population per the 2000 census.


AltoonaTownEtowah, Blount
ArabCityMarshall, Cullman
ArgoTownSt. Clair, Jefferson
BirminghamCityJefferson, Shelby
BoazCityMarshall, Etowah
CaleraCityChilton, Shelby
CollinsvilleCityDeKalb, Cherokee
County LineTownBlount, Jefferson
DecaturCityMorgan, Limestone
DothanCityHouston, Dale, Henry
EnterpriseCityCoffee, Dale
Garden CityTownCullman, Blount
Glen AllenTownFayette, Marion
GlencoeCityEtowah, Calhoun
Gu-WinTownFayette, Marion
HaleyvilleCityWinston, Marion
HelenaCityShelby, Jefferson
HooverCityJefferson, Shelby
HuntsvilleCityMadison, Limestone, Morgan
LeedsCityJefferson, St. Clair, Shelby
MadisonCityMadison, Limestone
McKenzieTownButler, Conecuh
MillbrookCityAutauga, Elmore
MoundvilleCityHale, Tuscaloosa
NauvooTownWalker, Winston
NotasulgaTownMacon, Lee
OxfordCityCalhoun, Talladega
Phenix CityCityRussell, Lee
PiedmontCityCalhoun, Cherokee
PrattvilleCityAutauga, Elmore
Sand RockCityCherokee, DeKalb
Sardis CityTownEtowah, Marshall
SouthsideCityCalhoun, Etowah
SumitonCityWalker, Jefferson
TallasseeCityElmore, Tallapoosa
TaylorTownHouston, Geneva
TraffordTownJefferson, Blount
TrussvilleCityJefferson, St. Clair
VanceTownTuscaloosa, Bibb
Vestavia HillsCityJefferson, Shelby
VincentCityShelby, St. Clair, Talladega
WarriorCityBlount, Jefferson
WaverlyTownChambers, Lee
WinfieldCityMarion, Fayette
WoodstockTownBibb, Tuscaloosa


Apache JunctionCityMaricopa, Pinal
HaydenTownGila, Pinal
PeoriaCityMaricopa, Yavapai
MaranaTownPima, Pinal
Queen CreekTownMaricopa, Pinal
SedonaCityYavapai, Coconino
WickenburgTownMaricopa, Yavapai
WinkelmanTownGila, Pinal


AlexanderTownPulaski, Saline
AlpenaTownBoone, Carroll
Ash FlatCitySharp, Fulton
Big FlatTownBaxter, Searcy
Cave CityCityIndependence, Sharp
Cherokee VillageCitySharp, Fulton
DamascusCityVan Buren, Faulkner
Elm SpringsCityWashington, Benton
EmmetCityNevada, Hempstead
Fairfield BayCityVan Buren, Cleburne
GlenwoodCityPike, Montgomery
HardyCitySharp, Fulton
Horseshoe BendCityIzard, Fulton, Sharp
HumphreyCityArkansas, Jefferson
MansfieldCitySebastian, Scott
QuitmanCityCleburne, Faulkner
SpringdaleCityWashington, Benton
TillarTownDrew, Desha


ArvadaCity of ArvadaJefferson, Adams
AuroraCity of AuroraArapahoe, Adams, Douglas
BasaltTown of BasaltEagle, Pitkin
BennettTown of BennettAdams, Arapahoe
BerthoudTown of BerthoudLarimer, Weld
Bow MarTown of Bow MarArapahoe, Jefferson
BrightonCity of BrightonAdams,[1] Weld
CenterTown of CenterRio Grande, Saguache
Central CityCity of Central (Central City)Gilpin,[1] Clear Creek
ErieTown of ErieBoulder, Weld
Green Mountain FallsTown of Green Mountain FallsEl Paso, Teller
JohnstownTown of JohnstownWeld, Larimer
LittletonCity of LittletonArapahoe,[1] Jefferson, Douglas
LochbuieTown of LochbuieWeld, Adams
LongmontCity of LongmontBoulder, Weld
NorthglennCity of NorthglennAdams, Weld
SuperiorTown of SuperiorBoulder, Jefferson
ThorntonCity of ThorntonAdams, Weld
WestminsterCity of WestminsterAdams, Jefferson
WindsorTown of WindsorWeld, Larimer


MilfordKent, Sussex
SmyrnaKent, New Castle
ClaytonKent, New Castle


Fanning SpringsGilchrist, Levy
GracevilleJackson, Holmes
Longboat KeyManatee, Sarasota
LutzHillsborough, Pasco
MaitlandOrange, Seminole
MarinelandFlagler, St. Johns
MelroseAlachua, Bradford, Clay, Putnam
UmatillaLake, Marion
Winter ParkOrange, Seminole


AllentownBleckley, Laurens, Twiggs, Wilkinson
AltoHabersham, Banks
AtlantaFulton, DeKalb
AuburnBarrow, Gwinnett
AustellCobb, Douglas
BaldwinHabersham, Banks
BarwickBrooks, Thomas
BraseltonJackson, Gwinnett, Hall, Barrow
BraswellPaulding, Polk
BremenHaralson, Carroll
BogartOconee, Clarke
BufordGwinnett, Hall
College ParkFulton, Clayton
Fort OglethorpeCatoosa, Walker
GillsvilleHall, Banks
HaralsonCoweta, Meriwether
LoganvilleGwinnett, Walton
LulaHall, Banks
ManchesterMeriwether, Talbot
MaysvilleBanks, Jackson
Mountain ParkFulton, Cherokee
NelsonPickens, Cherokee
PalmettoFulton, Coweta
PavoThomas, Brooks
PerryHouston, Peach
Pine MountainHarris, Meriwether
Ray CityBerrien, Lanier
Rest HavenGwinnett, Hall
Social CircleWalton, Newton
Tallulah FallsRabun, Habersham
TaylorsvilleBartow, Polk
Villa RicaDouglas, Carroll
Warner RobinsHouston, Peach
West PointTroup, Harris


BurleyCassia, Minidoka
KamiahIdaho, Lewis
PocatelloBannock,[1] Power
StarAda, Canyon


AlgonquinMcHenry, Kane
AuroraKane, DuPage, Will, Kendall
BartlettDuPage, Cook, Kane
Barrington HillsCook, McHenry, Lake, Kane
BolingbrookWill, DuPage
Buffalo GroveLake, Cook
Burr RidgeCook, DuPage
CentraliaClinton, Jefferson, Marion, Washington[2]
ChicagoCook, DuPage
DeerfieldLake, Cook
East DundeeKane, Cook
ElginKane, Cook
ElmhurstDuPage, Cook
Hanover ParkCook, DuPage
HinsdaleDuPage, Cook
JolietWill,[1] Kendall
LemontCook, DuPage, Will
MillingtonLaSalle, Kendall
NapervilleDuPage, Will
PlainfieldKendall, Will
ReynoldsRock Island, Mercer
SandwichDeKalb, Kendall
SomonaukDeKalb, LaSalle
St. CharlesKane, DuPage
StegerWill, Cook
StreatorLaSalle, Livingston
WayneDuPage, Kane
WheelingCook, Lake


AlbanytownDelaware, Randolph
AshleytownDeKalb, Steuben
BatesvillecityRipley, Franklin
ChesterfieldtownMadison, Delaware
ConversetownMiami, Grant
CumberlandtownMarion, Hancock
DunkirkcityJay, Blackford
EdinburghtownJohnson, Bartholomew, Shelby
ElwoodcityMadison, Tipton
GlenwoodtownRush, Fayette
HamiltontownSteuben, DeKalb
JamestowntownBoone, Hendricks
MarkletownHuntington, Wells
MilltowntownCrawford, Harrison
NappaneecityElkhart, Kosciusko
OtterbeintownBenton, Tippecanoe
St. PaultownDecatur, Shelby
ShirleytownHancock, Henry
WolcottvilletownLaGrange, Noble
ZanesvilletownWells, Allen


AckleyHardin, Franklin
AdairGuthrie, Adair
Barnes CityMahaska, Poweshiek
BevingtonWarren, Madison
CarlislePolk, Warren
CascadeDubuque, Jones
CaseyGuthrie, Adair
Coon RapidsCarroll, Guthrie
CoppockWashington, Henry, Jefferson
Des MoinesPolk, Warren
DurantScott, Muscatine, Cedar
DyersvilleDubuque, Delaware
EddyvilleWapello, Mahaska, Monroe
EdgewoodDelaware, Clayton
FairbankBuchanan, Fayette
Gilmore CityHumboldt, Pocahontas
JanesvilleBlack Hawk, Bremer
JesupBlack Hawk, Buchanan
Le GrandMarshall, Tama
Lu VerneKossuth, Humboldt
LyttonCalhoun, Sac
MitchellvillePolk, Jasper
NorwalkPolk, Warren
RalstonCarroll, Greene
SheldahlPolk, Story, Boone
ShenandoahPage, Fremont
StanleyBuchanan, Fayette
StuartGuthrie, Adair
VictorPoweshiek, Iowa
WalfordLinn, Benton
WeldonClarke, Decatur
West Des MoinesPolk, Dallas, Warren, Madison


Bonner SpringsWyandotte, Johnson
ClaytonNorton, Decatur
CliftonWashington, Clay
De SotoJohnson, Leavenworth
Geuda SpringsSumner, Cowley
Lake QuiviraJohnson, Wyandotte
ManhattanRiley,[1] Pottawatomie
MulvaneSedgwick, Sumner
OakleyLogan,[1] Gove, Thomas
SabethaNemaha, Brown
SedgwickHarvey, Sedgwick
Spring HillJohnson, Miami
SolomonDickinson, Saline
ViningClay, Washington
WillardShawnee, Wabaunsee


CorbinWhitley, Knox, Laurel
Dawson SpringsHopkins, Caldwell
EubankPulaski, Lincoln
GermantownBracken, Mason
PleasurevilleHenry, Shelby
ProspectJefferson, Oldham
SardisMason, Robertson
SpartaGallatin, Owen
UptonHardin, LaRue
Vine GroveHardin, Meade
WaltonBoone, Kenton
WilliamstownGrant, Pendleton


DusonLafayette, Acadia
DelcambreVermilion, Iberia


Mount AiryCarroll, Frederick
MillingtonKent, Queen Anne's
Queen AnneQueen Anne's, Talbot
TemplevilleCaroline, Queen Anne's


Battle CreekcityCalhoun, Barry
Brown CitycityLapeer, Sanilac
CasnoviavillageKent, Muskegon
Cement CityvillageLenawee, Jackson
ClarecityClare, Isabella
East LansingcityIngham, Clinton
FentoncityGenesee, Livingston, Oakland
Flat RockcityMonroe, Wayne
Grand LedgecityEaton, Clinton
Grosse Pointe ShorescityWayne, Macomb
HesperiavillageOceana, Newaygo
HillmanvillageMontmorency, Alpena
HollandcityOttawa, Allegan
HubbardstonvillageIonia, Clinton
LansingcityIngham, Eaton, Clinton
LennonvillageShiawassee, Genesee
Mackinaw CityvillageEmmet, Cheboygan
MemphiscityMacomb, St. Clair
MidlandcityMidland, Bay
MilancityMonroe, Washtenaw
NilescityBerrien, Cass
NorthvillecityOakland, Wayne
Otter LakevillageLapeer, Genesee
OvidvillageClinton, Shiawassee
ReesevillageSaginaw, Tuscola
RichmondcityMacomb, St. Clair
South HavencityVan Buren, Allegan
Traverse CitycityGrand Traverse, Leelanau
Union CityvillageBranch, Calhoun


BlaineAnoka, Ramsey
BellechesterGoodhue, Wabasha
Blooming PrairieSteele, Dodge
BrahamIsanti, Kanabec
BrootenStearns, Pope
ChanhassenCarver, Hennepin
ChatfieldFillmore, Olmsted
ClearwaterWright, Stearns
ComfreyBrown, Cottonwood
DaytonHennepin, Wright
DennisonGoodhue, Rice
Eden ValleyMeeker, Stearns
ElysianWaseca, Le Sueur
Granite FallsYellow Medicine, Chippewa
HanoverWright, Hennepin
HastingsDakota, Washington
JasperPipestone, Rock
La CrescentHouston, Winona
Lake CityWabasha, Goodhue
Le SueurLe Sueur, Sibley
MankatoBlue Earth, Le Sueur
MinneiskaWabasha, Winona
Minnesota LakeFaribault, Blue Earth
MotleyMorrison, Cass
New PragueScott, Le Sueur
NorthfieldRice, Dakota
North MankatoNicollet, Blue Earth
OrmsbyMartin, Watonwan
OsakisDouglas, Todd
Pine IslandGoodhue, Olmsted
PrincetonMille Lacs, Sherburne
RockfordWright, Hennepin
RooseveltRoseau, Lake of the Woods
RothsayOtter Tail, Wilkin
RoyaltonMorrison, Benton
SartellStearns, Benton
Spring Lake ParkAnoka, Ramsey
StaplesTodd, Wadena
St. AnthonyHennepin, Ramsey
St. CloudStearns, Benton, Sherburne
St. FrancisAnoka, Isanti
SwanvilleMorrison, Todd
WadenaOtter Tail, Wadena
White Bear LakeRamsey, Washington


BaldwynPrentiss, Lee
CentrevilleWilkinson, Amite
CrenshawPanola, Quitman
CrowderQuitman, Panola
CrosbyAmite, Wilkinson
HattiesburgForrest, Lamar
JacksonHinds, Madison
LakeScott, Newton
LumbertonLamar, Pearl River
MabenOktibbeha, Webster
MathistonWebster, Choctaw
NettletonMonroe, Lee
ShawBolivar, Sunflower
ShermanPontotoc, Union, Lee
State LineGreene, Wayne
UnionNewton, Neshoba


BelleMaries, Osage
BrowningLinn, Sullivan
CameronClinton, DeKalb, Caldwell
Cape GirardeauCape Girardeau, Scott
EurekaJefferson, St. Louis
Excelsior SpringsClay, Ray
FentonSt. Louis, Jefferson
ForistellSt. Charles County, Warren
HannibalMarion, Ralls
Jefferson CityCallaway,[3] Cole[4]
JoplinJasper, Newton
Kansas CityJackson, Clay, Platte, Cass
Lake OzarkCamden, Miller
Lee's SummitCass, Jackson
MonettBarry, Lawrence
PacificFranklin, St. Louis County
PortagevilleNew Madrid, Pemiscot
RepublicChristian, Greene
Sugar CreekClay, Jackson
SullivanCrawford, Franklin
Valles MinesJefferson, St. Francois


EmersonDixon, Dakota, Thurston
HalseyThomas, Blaine
Newman GroveMadison, Platte
OxfordFurnas, Harlan
PalisadeHitchcock, Hayes
SheltonBuffalo, Hall
TildenMadison, Antelope
TrumbullClay, Adams
WakefieldDixon, Wayne

New York[edit]

AlmondVillageAllegany, Steuben
AtticaVillageWyoming, Genesee
DepositVillageBroome, Delaware
DolgevilleVillageHerkimer, Fulton
EarlvilleVillageMadison, Chenango
Fort PlainVillageHerkimer, Montgomery
GenevaCityOntario, Seneca
GowandaVillageCattaraugus, Erie
New York CityCityKings, Queens, New York, Bronx, Richmond
RushvilleVillageYates, Ontario
Saranac LakeVillageEssex, Franklin

North Carolina[edit]

CaryWake, Chatham
Chapel HillOrange, Durham
ClaytonJohnston, Wake
DavidsonMecklenburg, Iredell
Elizabeth CityCamden, Pasquotank
FalconCumberland, Sampson
GibsonvilleGuilford, Alamance
GriftonLenoir, Pitt
High PointGuilford, Davidson, Forsyth, Randolph
KannapolisRowan, Cabarrus
Long ViewCatawba, Burke
RaleighWake, Durham
Rocky MountEdgecombe, Nash
StokesdaleGuilford, Rockingham
Surf CityOnslow, Pender

North Dakota[edit]

WiltonMcLean, Burleigh
ReynoldsGrand Forks, Traill
Tower CityCass, Barnes
GrandinTraill, Cass
EnderlinRansom, Cass
LehrLogan, McIntosh
AgateRolette, Towner


The following table does not include townships. Ohio is the only state that allows a township to exist in multiple counties, but a township is not considered a municipality. Examples of multi-county townships include Fairfield Township, Columbiana County, and Washington Township, Franklin County.[5]

AdenaJefferson, Harrison
AllianceStark, Mahoning
BalticTuscarawas, Holmes, Coshocton
BellevueSandusky, Huron, Erie, Seneca
BlanchesterClinton, Warren
BlufftonAllen, Hancock
BradfordMiami, Darke
BuchtelAthens, Hocking
Buckeye LakeLicking, Fairfield
BurkettsvilleMercer, Darke
Canal WinchesterFranklin, Fairfield
CarlisleMontgomery, Warren
CentervilleMontgomery, Greene
CliftonGreene, Clark
College CornerPreble, Butler
ColumbusFranklin, Delaware, Fairfield
ColumbianaColumbiana, Mahoning
CrestlineCrawford, Richland
CrestonWayne, Medina
DaytonMontgomery, Greene
DelphosAllen, Van Wert
DublinFranklin, Delaware, Union
ElmoreOttawa, Sandusky
FairfieldHamilton, Butler
FostoriaSeneca, Hancock, Wood
GalionCrawford, Morrow, Richland
GratiotLicking, Muskingum
Green SpringsSeneca, Sandusky
HarrisburgFranklin, Pickaway
HarveysburgWarren, Clinton
Huber HeightsMontgomery, Miami
Hunting ValleyCuyahoga, Geauga
KetteringMontgomery, Greene
LithopolisFairfield, Franklin
LockbourneFranklin, Pickaway
LoudonvilleAshland, Holmes
LovelandClermont, Hamilton, Warren
LynchburgHighland, Clinton
MagnoliaStark, Carroll
MiddletownButler, Warren
MilanErie, Huron
MilfordHamilton, Clermont
MinervaStark, Carroll, Columbiana
MinsterAuglaize, Shelby
MogadoreSummit, Portage
MonroeButler, Warren
New HollandPickaway, Fayette
PickeringtonFairfield, Franklin
Plain CityMadison, Union
PlymouthRichland, Huron
ReynoldsburgFranklin, Licking, Fairfield
RidgewayHardin, Logan
RittmanWayne, Medina
RosevillePerry, Muskingum
ScottVan Wert, Paulding
SharonvilleHamilton, Butler
SpringboroWarren, Montgomery
SwantonFulton, Lucas
TallmadgeSummit, Portage
UnionMontgomery, Miami
UticaLicking, Knox
VermilionLorain, Erie
VeronaPreble, Montgomery
WashingtonvilleColumbiana, Mahoning
WestervilleFranklin, Delaware
WilsonMonroe, Belmont
YorkvilleJefferson, Belmont
YoungstownMahoning, Trumbull


AllenPontotoc, Hughes
BartlesvilleWashington, Osage
BixbyTulsa, Wagoner
BlanchardMcClain, Grady
Broken ArrowTulsa, Wagoner
BromideJohnston, Coal
CashionKingfisher, Logan
CatoosaRogers, Wagoner
ChattanoogaComanche, Tillman
ClintonCuster, Washita
CollinsvilleTulsa, Rogers
DavisMurray, Garvin
DrumrightCreek, Payne
Fair OaksWagoner, Rogers
FanshaweLeFlore, Latimer
Fort GibsonMuskogee, Cherokee
GearyBlaine, Canadian
HammonRoger Mills, Custer
HydroCaddo, Blaine
LibertyTulsa, Okmulgee
MaudPottawatomie, Seminole
MulhallLogan, Payne
OaksDelaware, Cherokee
OkarcheCanadian, Kingfisher
Oklahoma CityOklahoma, Cleveland, Canadian, Pottawatomie
OrlandoLogan, Payne
OwassoTulsa, Rogers
PiedmontCanadian, Kingfisher
Ponca CityKay, Osage
PurcellMcClain, Cleveland
Sand SpringsTulsa, Osage
SapulpaCreek, Tulsa
SkiatookOsage, Tulsa
StroudLincoln, Creek
SweetwaterBeckham, Roger Mills
TulsaTulsa, Osage, Rogers, Wagoner


AlbanyLinn, Benton
Lake OswegoClackamas, Multnomah, Washington
GatesLinn, Marion
IdanhaLinn, Marion
Mill CityLinn, Marion
MilwaukieMultnomah, Clackamas
PortlandMultnomah, Clackamas, Washington
RivergroveClackamas, Washington
SalemMarion, Polk
TualatinClackamas, Washington
WillaminaYamhill, Polk
WilsonvilleClackamas, Washington


AdamstownBerks, Lancaster
AshlandSchuylkill, Columbia
BethlehemLehigh, Northampton
Ellwood CityBeaver, Lawrence
EmlentonVenango, Clarion
Falls CreekJefferson, Clearfield
McDonaldWashington, Allegheny
Seven SpringsFayette, Somerset
ShippensburgCumberland, Franklin
TelfordBucks, Montgomery
TraffordWestmoreland, Allegheny
TunnelhillCambria, Blair

South Carolina[edit]

AndrewsGeorgetown, Williamsburg
Batesburg-LeesvilleLexington, Saluda
Cayce[6]Lexington, Richland
CharlestonCharleston, Berkeley
ClemsonPickens, Anderson
ColumbiaRichland, Lexington
Fountain InnGreenville, Laurens
GreerGreenville, Spartanburg
HardeevilleBeaufort, Jasper
Murrells InletGeorgetown, Horry
North CharlestonCharleston, Dorchester
North AugustaAiken, Edgefield
PiedmontAnderson, Greenville

South Dakota[edit]

ArlingtonKingsbury, Brookings
BeresfordUnion, Lincoln
Box ElderPennington, Meade
Eagle ButteDewey, Ziebach
IreneTurner, Clay, Yankton
IroquoisKingsbury, Beadle
Sioux FallsMinnehaha, Lincoln
WessingtonBeadle, Hand


AdamsvilleMcNairy, Hardin
EnvilleChester, McNairy
FarragutKnox, Loudon
GoodlettsvilleSumner, Davidson
Grand JunctionFayette, Hardeman

Robertson ,Sumner

HumboldtGibson, Madison
Iron CityLawrence, Wayne
Johnson CityWashington, Carter, Sullivan
KentonObion, Gibson
KingsportSullivan, Hawkins
McKenzieCarroll, Henry, Weakley
MilledgevilleChester, Hardin, McNairy
MillersvilleSumner, Robertson
MonteagleGrundy, Marion, Franklin
MorristownHamblen, Jefferson
Oak RidgeAnderson, Roane
Oliver SpringsAnderson, Roane, Morgan
PetersburgLincoln, Marshall
PortlandSumner, Robertson
RidgetopDavidson, Robertson
Rocky TopAnderson, Campbell
Scotts HillDecatur, Henderson
SilertonChester, Hardeman
Spring HillWilliamson, Maury
SweetwaterMonroe, McMinn
TrimbleDyer, Obion
TullahomaCoffee, Franklin
WataugaCarter, Washington
White HouseRobertson, Sumner
White PineJefferson, Hamblen


AbernathyHale, Lubbock
AbileneJones, Taylor
AckerlyDawson, Martin
AmarilloPotter, Randall
Aransas PassAransas, Nueces, San Patricio
AustinHays, Travis, Williamson[7]
AzleParker, Tarrant
BartlettBell, Williamson
BaytownChambers, Harris
BlackwellCoke, Nolan
Bruceville-EddyFalls, McLennan
BullardCherokee, Smith
BurlesonJohnson, Tarrant
CarrolltonCollin, Dallas, Denton
Cedar HillDallas, Ellis
CelinaCollin, Denton
CiboloBexar, Guadalupe
Clarksville CityGregg, Upshur
CombineDallas, Kaufman
CoppellDallas, Denton
Copperas CoveBell, Coryell, Lampasas
Corpus ChristiAransas, Nueces, Kleberg, San Patricio
CressonHood, Johnson, Parker
CrowleyJohnson, Tarrant
DallasDallas, Collin, Denton, Kaufman (water only), Rockwall (water only)
DalhartDallam, Hartley
Denver CityGaines, Yoakum
East MountainGregg, Upshur
EastonGregg, Rusk
ElginBastrop, Travis
EvantCoryell, Hamilton
Fair Oaks RanchBexar, Comal, Kendall
FerrisDallas, Ellis
Flower MoundDenton, Tarrant
Fort WorthDenton, Johnson, Parker, Tarrant, Wise
FriendswoodGalveston, Harris
FriscoCollin, Denton
FritchHutchinson, Moore
GladewaterGregg, Upshur
Glenn HeightsDallas, Ellis
GolindaFalls, McLennan
Grand PrairieDallas, Ellis, Tarrant
GrapevineDallas, Denton, Tarrant
HamlinFisher, Jones
HasletDenton, Tarrant
HeathKaufman, Rockwall
HebronCollin, Denton
Horseshoe BayBurnet, Llano
HoustonHarris, Fort Bend, Montgomery
Hughes SpringsCass, Morris
JosephineCollin, Hunt
KatyFort Bend, Harris, Waller
KilgoreGregg, Rusk
League CityGalveston, Harris
LewisvilleDallas, Denton
LongviewGregg, Harrison
LuedersJones, Shackelford
LytleAtascosa, Bexar, Medina
MabankHenderson, Kaufman
MansfieldEllis, Johnson, Tarrant
McGregorCoryell, McLennan
MesquiteDallas, Kaufman
Missouri CityFort Bend, Harris
Mont BelvieuChambers, Liberty
Mustang RidgeBastrop, Caldwell, Travis
NavasotaBrazos, Grimes
New BraunfelsComal, Guadalupe
NiederwaldCaldwell, Hays
NixonGonzales, Wilson
O'DonnellDawson, Lynn
OakwoodFreestone, Leon
OdessaEctor, Midland
Old River-WinfreeChambers, Liberty
OvillaDallas, Ellis
PearlandBrazoria, Fort Bend, Harris
Pecan GapDelta, Fannin
Pernitas PointJim Wells, Live Oak
PlanoCollin, Denton
Port ArthurJefferson, Orange (water only)
ProsperCollin, Denton
ReklawCherokee, Rusk
RichardsonDallas, Collin
RowlettDallas, Rockwall
Royse CityCollin, Rockwall, Hunt
SachseCollin, Dallas
San AntonioBexar, Medina
San DiegoDuval, Jim Wells
San MarcosCaldwell, Guadalupe, Hays
SchertzBexar, Comal, Guadalupe
SeabrookChambers, Harris (water area only)
SeagovilleDallas, Kaufman
Seven PointsHenderson, Kaufman
ShoreacresChambers, Harris (water area only)
SelmaBexar, Comal, Guadalupe
SouthlakeDenton, Tarrant
StaffordFort Bend, Harris
StamfordHaskell, Jones
StreetmanFreestone, Navarro
Trophy ClubDenton, Tarrant
TroupCherokee, Smith
UhlandCaldwell, Hays
Universal CityBexar, Guadalupe
Valley MillsBosque, McLennan
Van AlstyneCollin, Grayson
VenusEllis, Johnson
WallerHarris, Waller
Warren CityGregg, Upshur
WestlakeDenton, Tarrant
WhitewrightFannin, Grayson
WindthorstArcher, Clay
WinnsboroFranklin, Wood
WylieCollin, Dallas, Rockwall
YoakumDeWitt, Lavaca


BluffdaleSalt Lake, Utah
DraperSalt Lake, Utah
HooperDavis, Weber
SantaquinUtah, Juab


Virginia cities are all independent cities and are not located in any county, but several incorporated towns are located in multiple counties.
Belle HavenAccomack, Northampton
BrodnaxBrunswick, Mecklenburg
FarmvillePrince Edward, Cumberland
GordonsvilleOrange, Louisa
GrottoesAugusta, Rockingham
JarrattGreensville, Sussex
KilmarnockLancaster, Northumberland
Pamplin CityAppomattox, Prince Edward
SaltvilleSmyth, Washington
ScottsvilleAlbemarle, Buckingham
St. PaulWise, Russell


AuburnKing, Pierce
BothellKing, Snohomish
Coulee DamDouglas, Grant, Okanogan
MiltonKing, Pierce
PacificKing, Pierce
WoodlandClark, Cowlitz[8]

West Virginia[edit]

HuntingtonCabell, Wayne
MontgomeryFayette, Kanawha
NitroKanawha, Putnam
Paden CityTyler, Wetzel
SmithersFayette, Kanawha
WeirtonHancock, Brooke
WheelingOhio, Marshall


AbbotsfordClark, Marathon
AppletonOutagamie, Calumet, Winnebago
AshlandAshland, Bayfield
BerlinGreen Lake, Waushara
BrodheadGreen, Rock
BrooklynDane, Green
BurlingtonRacine, Walworth
ColbyClark, Marathon
ColumbusColumbia, Dodge
Cuba CityGrant, Lafayette
Eau ClaireEau Claire, Chippewa
EdgertonRock, Dane
HartfordWashington, Dodge
KaukaunaCalumet, Outagamie
KielManitowoc, Calumet
MarionWaupaca, Shawano
MarshfieldWood, Marathon
MenashaWinnebago, Calumet
MilwaukeeMilwaukee, Washington, Waukesha
New LondonWaupaca, Outagamie
River FallsPierce, St. Croix
StanleyChippewa, Clark
WatertownJefferson, Dodge
WaupunDodge, Fond du Lac
WhitewaterWalworth, Jefferson
Wisconsin DellsColumbia, Sauk, Adams, Juneau


FrannieBig Horn, Park


  1. ^ Jump up to: Jump up to: a b c d e f g County seat
  2. ^ U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Centralia
  3. ^ callawaycountyclerk.com/Files/CallawayMaps.pdf
  4. ^ http://www.colecounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/3674/House-Districts-8-12-x-11 [dead link]
  5. ^ "2010 Census Geography Note 1" (PDF). United States Census Bureau. August 2013. pp. 43–44. Retrieved March 25, 2022.
  6. ^ "Cayce city limits map" (PDF). City of Cayce.
  7. ^ Annexation, ETJ Planning
  8. ^ Bothell v. Barnhart, 172 Wash.2d 223 (2011)
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