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Марта Батчер

(Перенаправлено из Марты Месзарос )
Марта Батчер
Рожденный ( 1931-09-19 ) 19 сентября 1931 г. (92 года)
Оккупация Режиссер -режиссер, сценарист
Годы активны 1954 - Present
Супруга (ы) Laszlo Karda (1957-1959) (разведен)
Miklós Jancsó (1960-1973) (развод) (3 ребенка)
Ян Новицки (? -2008) (в разводе)

Márta Mészáros (родился 19 сентября 1931 г.) также является венгерским сценаристом и режиссером. Дочь László Mészáros, скульптор Месзарос начала свою карьеру в документальном фильме , сделав 25 документальных шорт в течение десяти лет. [ 1 ] Ее полнометражный режиссерский дебют, Eltavozott Nap / The Girl (1968), был первым венгерским фильмом, снятым женщиной, [ 2 ] и выиграл специальный приз присяжных на в ВАЛЛАДОЛИДЕ Международном кинофестивале . [ 3 ]

Работа Мессароса часто сочетает в себе автобиографические детали с документальными кадрами. Выдающиеся темы включают в себя отрицание персонажей в их прошлом, последствия нечестности и проблематику пола. В ее фильмах часто представлены героини из фрагментированных семей, таких как молодые девушки, ищущие своих пропавших родителей ( девочка ) или женщин среднего возраста, которые ищут усыновить детей ( усыновление ). [ 4 ]

Although Mészáros has made over fifteen feature films, she is arguably best known for Diary for My Children (1984), which won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival. It was the first entry in a trilogy of autobiographical films which also includes Diary for My Lovers (1987) and Diary for My Mother and Father (1990).

Throughout her career, Mészáros has won the Golden Bear and the Silver Bear awards at the Berlinale; the Golden Medal at the Chicago International Film Festival; the Silver Shell at the San Sebastian International Film Festival; and the FIPRESCI Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. In 1991 she was a member of the jury at the 17th Moscow International Film Festival.[5]

Early life and education


Born in Budapest, Mészáros spent eleven years of her childhood in the Soviet Union, where her parents had emigrated as communist artists in 1936. While there, Mészáros's father, László Mészáros, was arrested and killed in 1938 under the Stalinist regime and her mother died giving birth.[6] Orphaned, Mészáros was raised by her foster mother in the USSR where she attended school. After returning to Hungary in 1946, Mészáros went back to Moscow to study at VGIK, returning again to Hungary only after her graduation in 1956.



Mészáros began working at the Budapest Newsreel Studio in 1954 where she made four short films, and then for the Alexandru Sahia documentary studio in Bucharest, Romania, from 1957–59. She then returned to Budapest in 1958 to make science popularization shorts, and documentary shorts, where she worked until 1968. Mészáros joined the Mafilm Group 4 in the mid-1960s, and directed her first feature in 1968.[7] At this time, Mészáros was the first woman director in Hungary to make a feature film.[8] In the 1980s Mészáros made her semi-autobiographical “Diary films” that had a major impact on “Hungarian cinema” because of her conscious depiction of the government and individual past experiences.[9] She challenged the censorship in Hungary and ascertained herself as an integral voice in the country's cinema.[10] Since Mészáros first feature in 1968 she has made over fifty films, won numerous awards, and has been a judge on various film panels; she also continues to make films to this day.



Mészáros' films are in many ways reflective of her experiences growing up and deal with issues relevant to her life. Having lost both of her parents early in life, and having spent much of her youth living in a post-Stalinist Hungary, Mészáros' life was rife with tragedy and oppression, and her films are often reflective of this. Additionally, because Mészáros spent many of her first years as a filmmaker working in documentary films, many of her feature films also contain much documentary footage. In most of Mészáros' features, the films are open-ended, lack a conventional plot, and dialogue is sparse.

In terms of content, Mészáros' films explore the wide and often tragic gaps between ideals and realities, and between parents and their children. Mészáros' films deal with realities usually ignored in Eastern European cinema: the subordination of women, conflicts of urban and rural cultures, antagonism between the bureaucracy and its employees, alcoholism, the generation gap, dissolution of traditional family structures, and the plight of state-reared children.

Mészáros is one of few female filmmakers who consistently makes films that are both critically and commercially successful for an international audience. Her eight feature films, made from 1968 to 1979, are concerned with the social oppression, economic constraints, and emotional challenges faced by Hungarian women. In her own words, Mészáros explains: "I tell banal, commonplace stories, and then in them the leads are women — I portray things from a woman's angle."[This quote needs a citation]

Personal life


Mészáros was first married to László Karda (a filmmaker), in 1957, but they divorced in 1959, and in 1960 she married Miklós Jancsó, a Hungarian film director and screenwriter whom she met during her time with the Mafilm Group 4.[11] They raised his two sons and her son from previous marriages together. Although they later divorced in 1973, their two sons, Nyika Jancsó and Miklós Jancsó Jr., have each separately worked as director of photography on many of her films.[12] She later married the Polish actor Jan Nowicki, but they divorced in 2008. Nowicki starred in many of her films, including the principal role in The Unburied Dead. His son from an earlier relationship, Łukasz Nowicki, starred in Mészáros' film, Kisvilma. Mészáros also has a daughter, Kasia Jancsó, from her second marriage.



Director (65 titles)[13]

Feature films

Year Title Director Screenwriter
1968 The Girl Yes Yes
1969 Holdudvar/Garden Party Yes Yes
1970 Szép lányok, ne sírjatok! Yes No
1973 Szabad lélegzet/Riddance Yes Yes
1973 Szeptember végén (TV Movie) Yes No
1975 Adoption Yes Yes
1976 Kilenc hónap/Nine Months Yes Yes
1977 The Two of Them Yes Yes
1978 Olyan mint otthon/Just Like Home Yes Yes
1979 Útközben/On the Move Yes Yes
1980 The Heiresses Yes Yes
1981 Anna Yes Yes
1983 Délibábok országa Yes No
1984 Diary for My Children Yes Yes
1987 Diary for My Lovers Yes Yes
1989 Bye bye chaperon rouge Yes Yes
1990 Diary for My Mother and Father Yes Yes
1992 Edith és Marlene/Edith and Marlene (TV Movie) Yes No
1994 Foetus Yes Yes
1996 The Seventh Room Yes Yes
1998 Három dátum (Documentary) Yes
1999 A Szerencse lányai/The Daughters of Fortune Yes Yes
2000 Kisvilma - Az utolsó napló/Little Vilna: The Last Diary Yes Yes
2004 The Unburied Man Yes Yes
2009 Utolsó jelentés Annáról/The Last Report on Anna Yes Yes
2011 Ármány és szerelem Anno 1951 (TV Movie) Yes Yes
2017 Aurora Borealis Yes Yes

Short films

  • ...és újtra mosolyognak/...And Smile Again (1954)
  • Albertfalvai történetek (1955)
  • Mindennapi történet (1955)
  • Túl a Cálvin téren (1955)
  • Országutak vándora (1956)
  • Sa zîmbeasca toti copii (1957 documentary)
  • Popas în tabara de vara (1958 documentary)
  • Az élet megy tovább/Life Goes On (1959)
  • Tomorrow's Shift (1959 documentary)
  • Az eladás müvészete (1960)
  • Szerkezettervezés/Structural Design (1960)
  • Az öszibarack termesztése (1960)
  • Egy TSZ elnökröl (1960)
  • Rajtunk is múlik (1960)
  • A szár és gyökér fejlödése/The Stem and Root Development (1961)
  • Danulongyártás (1961)
  • Szívdobogás/Heartbeat (1961)
  • Vásárhelyi színek (1961)
  • A labda varázsa (1962)
  • Gyerekek - könyvek (1962)
  • Kamaszváros (1962)
  • Nagyüzemi tojástermelés (1962)
  • Tornyai János (1962)
  • 1963. július 27, szombat (1963)
  • Munka vagy hiratás (1963)
  • Szeretet/Love (1963)
  • Bóbita (1964)
  • Festök városa - Szentendre (1964)
  • Kiáltó/Crying (1964)
  • 15 perc - 15 évröl (1965)
  • Borsos Miklós (1966 documentary)
  • Harangok városa - Veszprém/City of Bells (1966)
  • Mészáros László emlékére (1968)
  • A lörinci fonóban (1971)
  • Ave Maria (1986 documentary)
  • The Miraculous Manderin (2001)
  • Magyarország 2011 (segment, 2012)

Television Shows

  • Teatr telewizji (TV Series) (2 Episodes)
  • Vieras (1984) (5 part TV series for Finnish television channel Mainostelevisio)
  • Edith i Marlene (1998)
  • Urodziny mistrza (2000)



Berlin International Film Festival:

  • 2007 - Won - Berlinale Camera
  • 1994 - Nominated - Golden Berlin Bear for A magzat
  • 1987 - Won - OCIC Award for Diary for my Lovers
  • 1987 - Won - Silver Berlin Bear for Diary for my Lovers
  • 1987 - Nominated - Golden Berlin Bear for Diary for my Lovers
  • 1977 - Won - OCIC Award Recommendation for Kilenc hónap
  • 1975 - Won - C.I.D.A.L.C. Award Recommendation for Adoption
  • 1975 - Won - Golden Berlin Bear for Adoption
  • 1975 - Won - Interfilm Award/Otto Dibelius Film Award for Adoption
  • 1975 - Won - OCIC Award Recommendation for Adoption

Cannes Film Festival:

  • 1984 - Won - Grand Prize of the Jury for Diary for my Children
  • 1984 - Nominated - Palme d'Or for Diary for my Children
  • 1980 - Nominated - Palme d'Or for Örökség
  • 1977 - Won - FIPRESCI Prize for Kilenc hónap

Chicago International Film Festival:

  • 2010 - Won - Gold Plaque - The Last Report on Anna
  • 2017 - Won - Audience Choice Award for Best Narrative Foreign-Language Feature Aurora Borealis

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival:

  • 2005 - Nominated - Crystal Globe for A temetetlen halott

Moscow International Film Festival:

  • 2010 - Nominated - Golden St. George for The Last Report on Anna

Polish Film Awards:

  • 2001 - Nominated - Best Director for Aurora Borealis

San Sebastian International Film Festival:

  • 1978 - Won - Silver Seashell for Olyan mint otthon

Stony Brook Film Festival:

  • 2018 - Won - Special Recognition for Aurora Borealis

Venice Film Festival:

  • 1995 - Вон - Приз Эльвира Нотари/Особое упоминание для седьмой комнаты
  • 1995 - Wan - Acic Award за седьмой комнату
  1. ^ Мартино, Барбара Халперн (1980). «Фильмы Марты Месзарос или важность быть банальным». Фильм ежеквартально . 34 (1): 21–27. doi : 10.2307/1211850 . JSTOR   1211850 .
  2. ^ Кварт, Барбара (1994). «Обзор воспоминаний о экране. Венгерский кинематографический кинематографист Марты Месзарон». Фильм ежеквартально . 48 (1): 55–56. doi : 10.2307/1212935 . JSTOR   1212935 .
  3. ^ Hordiichuk, Iryna. « Márta Mészáros: Счастье достаточно сильное, чтобы бороться за себя, а иногда и жестоко » . day.kyiv.ua. ​Получено 2012-04-30 .
  4. ^ Мосс, Кевин (1993). «Обзор воспоминаний о экране: венгерский кинотеатр Марты Месзарос». Славянский обзор . 52 (4): 862–863. doi : 10.2307/2499665 . JSTOR   2499665 . S2CID   164343986 .
  5. ^ «17 -й Московский международный кинофестиваль (1991)» . Герметичный ​Архивировано из оригинала 2014-04-03 . Получено 2013-03-02 .
  6. ^ Хортон, Эндрю Джеймс. «Обычная жизнь в необычайные времена - Марда Месзарос, опрошенная». Чувства кино. Доступ 16 ноября 2018 года . 15 декабря 2010 года .
  7. ^ Джанулис, Тина. " Месзарон, Марта " . FilmReference.com . Получен 2012-04-30 .
  8. ^ «Марта Месзарон: празднование карьеры новаторского венгерского режиссера». 2017. The Calvert Journal. 20 июня 2017 года .
  9. ^ «Марксистское правительство приглашает директора антисталины в центр центра». Индийский экспресс . Мумбаи. 10 ноября 2009 г. ProQuest   238333339 .
  10. ^ Грей, Кармен (20 июня 2017 г.). Месзарон : Calvert Journal
  11. ^ « Биография Марты Месзарос (1931-) » . FilmReference.com . Получено 2012-04-30 .
  12. ^ Маслин, Джанет (2008). «NY Times.com: точно так же, как дома» . Фильмы и телевизионный отдел. The New York Times . Архивировано из оригинала 2008-02-06 . Получено 2010-01-31 .
  13. ^ «Марта Батчер» . Imdb.com . Получено 2018-11-11 .

Дальнейшее чтение

[ редактировать ]
  • Кварта, Барбара (1993). «Три центральных женщин -директора вернулись». Cinéaste . 19 (4): 58–61. JSTOR   41687247 .
  • Parvulescu, Constantin (2009). «Предаемые обещания: политика и сексуальная революция в фильмах Марты Месзарос, Милоша Формана и Душана Макавеева». Камера Осусура: феминизм, культура и исследования в СМИ . 24 (2 71): 77–105. doi : 10.1215/02705346-2009-003 .
  • Уилер, Уинстон Диксон (1995). «Личный/политический художник: Марта Месзарон». Литература/фильм ежеквартально . 23 (4). Солсбери: 293-294. ProQuest   226991142 .
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