Дом Невилла
Дом Невилла | |
![]() Оружие Невилла: Гулс , Аргент Сэллира | |
Страна | Королевство Англии , Великобритания |
Основан | До 1129 |
Основатель | Ут |
Текущая голова | Кристофер Невилл, 6 -й маркиз Абергавенни |
Названия |
Дом Невилла или Невилл Семья (первоначально Фитцмальдред ) - это благородный дом раннего средневекового происхождения, который был ведущей силой в английской политике в конце средневековья . Семья стала одной из двух основных держав в северной Англии и сыграла центральную роль в войнах роз вместе со своим соперником , Домом Перси .
[ редактировать ]Великая семья Невилла прослеживает свое происхождение до Джеффри "де Невилл" (D.Circa 1242), сына Роберта Фицмальда и Изабель де Невилла, которые приняли фамилию своей матери.
Мужская линия Роберта Фицмальда
[ редактировать ]Мужская линия Невилла была родной происхождения, и семья вполне могла быть частью предварительной аристократии Нортумбрии . [ 1 ] После нормандского завоевания, большинство существующей англосаксонской аристократии Англии была лишена новой правящей нормандской правящей элиты, и, хотя такие выживания очень редки, продолжительное владение местными семьями чаще встречалось на дальнем севере Англии, включая Англию, в том числе в Англии. В графстве Дарем , район их самых ранних зарегистрированных землевладельцев.
Мужская линия семьи может быть прослежена до определенного UHTRED, чья личность неясна, поскольку предки Роберта Фитцмальда впервые появляются в выживших записях всего через десятилетия после того, как нормандская завоевание Англии (1066) и книга Дом . который не покрывал округ Дарем. В 16 -м веке Невиллес утверждал, что их предок Уэтед был произошел от Кринана Данкельда , предка Шотландского Королевского дома Данкельда . [ 2 ] А также престижные древние связи с королевскими семьями как Англии, так и Шотландии , это утверждение влечет за собой линию спуска из династии Бамбург графов Нортумбрии , прикрепляя более позднюю силу Невилла на севере к родословной Регион простирается, по крайней мере, до начала 10 -го века. Современные генеалоги размышляют о теориях, чтобы соединить UHTred со своими предполагаемыми предками, но ни одно из них не поддерживается какими -либо прямыми доказательствами. [ 1 ] Тем временем Гораций (1895) предполагает, что UHTRED, возможно, был идентичен человеку с таким именем, который был сыном Лигульфа, великого норсумбрийца , убитого в Дареме в 1080 году. [ 3 ]
записях «Сын Ухтда», впервые засвидетельствован в 1129 году, как уместный усадьба Стэйсропа Долфин , названный в (ранее Стейнторп) в графстве Дарем, из Приора Дарема . Он разделял обширное церковное поместье некоторых ограниченных общих земель площадью 14 000 акров (5700 га). [ 4 ] Эта местность оставалась главным местом семьи до 1569 года, их главная резиденция находилась в Раби на севере прихода Стэйсропа , где в 14 -м веке они построили нынешний замок Раби . [ 5 ]
Долфину сменил его сын Мелдред. В свою очередь его сменил сын Роберт Фитц Мелдред.
Уже до брака в Невилле семья Фитцмельдреда была главной властью в этом районе: «В той мере, в которой их приземленные владения эта семья, удерживаясь на первых сотнях лет после 1066 года, была выдающейся среди владельцев мирян В рамках епископства Дарема в двенадцатом веке ». [ 6 ]
Женская линия де Невилла
[ редактировать ]Англо-норманский древний дом де Невиля отслеживает обратно в Одо, граф Пеньевра и его сын Рибальд. [ Цитация необходима ]
В 1069 году Уильям Завоеватель предоставил господству Мидлхэма своему кузину Бретона Алану Руфусу , сыну Одо, который построил деревянный замок с мотте-байли над городом. Это было названо «Виндзором севера». К моменту книги 1086 года Алан передал замок своему брату Рибальду.
Замок Мидлхэм в конечном итоге перешел к потомке Рибальда [ Цитация необходима ] Джеффри де Невилл (умер 1193), 2 -й феодал Ашби Барон в Линкольншире. [ 7 ] За некоторое время до 1176 года он женился на Эмме де Булмер (D.1208), которая принесла ее мужу несколько поместья, в том числе замок Бранспет в графстве Дарем и шериф Хаттон замок недалеко от Булмера, [ 8 ] Раскальф и Саттон-в-лестнице, все в Йоркшире.
Его вторым ребенком и наследницей была Изабель де Невилл (D.1248/54), [ 9 ] который женился на Роберте Фитцмальдреду (1170/4-1242/8).
Джеффри "де Невилл"
[ редактировать ]Невилл" . д ( Джеффри " де [ 10 ] В Англии, управляемой Норманом, нормандская фамилия была более престижной и социально выгодным [ 11 ] чем его оригинальная английская фамилия Фитцроберт.
Старшим сыном Джеффри де Невилла и наследником был Роберт де Невилл , шериф Йоркшир и шериф из Нортумберленда (1258). Другие дети включают Джеффри, который должен был создать кадетское отделение семьи в Хорнби, Ланкашир [ 12 ] -Джон, [ 12 ] и Хью. [ 13 ] Личность матери, однако, оспаривается среди ученых. AF Pollard Например, написал в словаре национальной биографии в 1894 году, предположил, что она Маргарет, дочь сэра Джона де Лонгвиллера. Тем не менее, эта Маргарет была замужем до 1285 года, и есть свидетельства от Линкольншир штрафа в 1247 году, который относится к одному Роберту де Невиллу, рыцарю и его матери Джоан. [ 12 ] [ Примечание 1 ]
Подняться к власти
[ редактировать ]Богатство и власть семьи неуклонно росли в течение следующих веков. Их региональная власть в значительной степени извлекала выгоду из частых назначений в такие королевские офисы, как шериф , Кастеллан , судья леса и мировой судья в различных частях северной Англии. [ 16 ] This prominent office-holding began with Geoffrey de Neville's son Robert, in the reign of Henry III, whom Robert supported against the barons under Simon de Montfort.[17] The Nevilles also held administrative office under the prince-bishops of Durham.[18] Robert's grandson Ralph Neville was one of the founding members of the Peerage of England, being summoned to sit in the House of Lords at its establishment in 1295, and thus initiating the line of Barons Neville de Raby.[19]
Service in the wars of the late 13th and 14th centuries against Scotland, and later in the Hundred Years' War in France was of key importance in further enhancing the family's standing.[20] In 1334 Ralph Neville, Lord of Raby was appointed one of the wardens of the marches, the chief officers for frontier defence, and the Nevilles were habitually appointed to these posts thereafter.[21] Ralph commanded the force that crushed an invading Scottish army at the Battle of Neville's Cross outside Durham and captured King David II in 1346. In the mid-14th century, the Nevilles became involved in naval defence as well, holding the post of Admiral of the North.[22] During this period they also began to be appointed to high office at court and in the Church: the victor of Neville's Cross served as Steward of the Royal Household, and on his death was succeeded in the office by his eldest son John. John's brother Alexander Neville became Archbishop of York and was a close advisor of Richard II. As such, he was prosecuted, along with Richard's other leading adherents, when the disgruntled Lords Appellant seized power in 1386–9. He suffered the confiscation of his property but, as a clergyman, he escaped the death sentences imposed on his colleagues.[23]

By the late 14th century, the family had acquired an extensive array of estates across northern England. Besides their original powerbase in County Durham, they possessed a large block of lands in northern and central Yorkshire and significant holdings in Cumberland and Northumberland. They also held scattered estates in Lancashire and further south in Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Essex. In addition to Raby, they acquired or built important castles at Brancepeth near Durham and at Middleham, Sheriff Hutton and Snape in Yorkshire.[24] Although geographically concentrated, their main estates were organised into three different administrative units (receiverships), based at Raby, Middleham and Sheriff Hutton. These were respectively responsible for the holdings in County Durham, in north-western Yorkshire, and in central Yorkshire. Towards the end of the 14th century, Middleham became a second habitual residence of the head of the family.[25]
Earls of Westmorland
[edit]The Nevilles' emergence into the highest echelon of the aristocracy received formal recognition in 1397, when the Lord of Raby Ralph Neville was created Earl of Westmorland by Richard II. By this time the Nevilles' power in the north was matched only by the Percy Earls of Northumberland, with whom they developed an acrimonious rivalry. These competing northern magnates enjoyed an exceptional degree of autonomy from royal authority, owing to the remoteness and insecurity of the region where they were established. The king, whose court was based in the south, had to rely on powerful lords from both houses to protect the border from Scottish invasion, counterbalance each other's influence, and help with general governance.
Although the family had previously been close to Richard II, Earl Ralph was quick to join Henry Bolingbroke when he landed in England to overthrow Richard in 1399. Shortly after Bolingbroke's successful usurpation, taking the throne as Henry IV, Westmorland was rewarded with marriage to the new king's half-sister Joan Beaufort, daughter of prince John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. Henry extended Richard II's policy of bolstering the strength of the Nevilles as a check to the troublesome Percys. The family gained from the weakening of Percy power as a result of the Crown's suppression of a series of rebellions involving that family in the 1400s.[26]
While increasing the political standing of the Nevilles, the royal marriage led to a serious split in the family. Earl Ralph had previously been married to Margaret de Stafford, and the title of Earl of Westmorland descended through his son by this marriage. However, he favoured his sons by his second marriage, who received the bulk of the family lands on his death. This led to bitter disputes over the inheritance and lasting estrangement between the Nevilles of Raby, descended from Margaret Stafford, and the Nevilles of Middleham, descended from Joan Beaufort.[27]
In addition to his patrimonial inheritance, Ralph's eldest son by Joan, Richard Neville, acquired the earldom of Salisbury by marriage to its heiress. Salisbury's own eldest son Richard became Earl of Warwick by the same means. These marriages brought the family huge new estates. Those of the earldom of Warwick, inherited from the Beauchamp family, were concentrated chiefly in Warwickshire and Worcestershire, but with lesser holdings in County Durham, Devon, Cornwall and the Welsh Marches. The main Salisbury lands, formerly held by the Montagus, were widely distributed across the south-west, with clusters in Devon, Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire.[28] The family also acquired the barony of Latimer through the marriage of the first Earl of Westmorland's father, later passed on to one of the first earl's younger sons, and the baronies of Fauconberg and Bergavenny through the marriages of two more of those sons.
Wars of the Roses
[edit]Yorkist champions
[edit]Salisbury and Warwick became the most important supporters of Richard, Duke of York during the early stages of the Wars of the Roses. They probably hoped that a Yorkist seizure of power would bring a favourable resolution of major inheritance disputes involving Warwick, and of a sporadically violent struggle for preeminence in the north between Salisbury and the Percys. They were also connected to York by marriage, as he had married Salisbury's sister Cecily; their children included the future kings Edward IV and Richard III. In addition to their own wealth and armed following, the Nevilles' heft in this and subsequent conflicts was enhanced by Warwick's position as Constable of Calais and commissioner for the keeping of the seas. These offices gave him command of England's only significant standing armed force and control of a war-fleet. They also enabled him to develop close ties with the London corporation of the Merchants of the Staple, a major source of financial support, and to gain popularity with the discontented populace of London and the south-east, especially Kent, whom Warwick and his allies repeatedly stirred into revolt. York and Salisbury were both killed at the Battle of Wakefield in 1460, but Warwick helped York's son Edward, Earl of March, to depose Henry VI and gain the throne as Edward IV in 1461.[29]
Among the family's rewards for their support was the elevation of Salisbury's brother, the veteran soldier William Neville, Lord Fauconberg, as Earl of Kent. He, Warwick, and Salisbury's younger son John Neville, now ennobled as Baron Montagu, directed the suppression of lingering Lancastrian resistance in the north, where the ousted dynasty clung on for three years after their decisive defeat at the Battle of Towton in 1461. The Percys were among the principal supporters of the Lancastrian cause, and following the death at Towton of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, and the final elimination of resistance in the north in 1464, the Nevilles secured their greatest triumph over their rivals, acquiring the earldom of Northumberland for John Neville in 1465.[30]
Disaffection and defection
[edit]Warwick, now the richest man in England after the king, was the power behind the throne in Edward's regime during its early years, but the two men later fell out. Their estrangement was due in large part to the king's secret marriage in 1464 to Elizabeth Woodville. This humiliated Warwick, who had negotiated an agreement with Louis XI of France for Edward to marry the French king's sister-in-law. Relations were further aggravated by the subsequent influence of the Woodvilles, who successfully opposed Warwick over foreign policy.[31]
In 1469 Warwick seized control of government, in conjunction with his brother George Neville, Archbishop of York, and Edward's own brother George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence. Their alliance had been sealed by Clarence's marriage to Warwick's daughter Isabel. Warwick and Clarence imprisoned the king and sought to rule in his name, but the new regime was unable to impose its authority, and Edward was released. The king refrained from punishing the rebels, but sought to reestablish a northern counterweight to the Nevilles by restoring the earldom of Northumberland to the dispossessed heir, Henry Percy. This meant depriving John Neville, who had remained loyal to the king when his brothers rebelled, of his title, lands and offices. Edward sought to retain John's allegiance by compensating him with estates in the south-west, the new title of Marquess of Montagu, and the betrothal of his young son George Neville to the king's eldest daughter and current heir, Elizabeth of York. George was made Duke of Bedford in recognition of his future prospects. All this, however, evidently failed to mollify Montagu.
Warwick and Clarence again rebelled in 1470, apparently aiming to put Clarence on the throne. Defeated, they fled abroad, where they made common cause with the exiled Lancastrians, marrying Warwick's daughter Anne to Henry VI's only son Edward of Westminster. When Warwick and other leaders of this alliance landed in England to raise revolt once more, they were backed by leading nobles still in England, including Montagu, who turned the troops he had nominally raised for Edward IV against the king. Edward fled the country and Henry VI was briefly restored to the throne, but Edward soon counter-attacked successfully, and Warwick and Montagu were killed at the Battle of Barnet in 1471.[32]
[edit]Warwick and Montagu were never formally attainted, which would have meant the forfeiture of their property. Nonetheless, the victorious Yorkists did not allow the process of inheritance to follow its normal legal course. Montagu's estates should have passed to his son George Neville, Duke of Bedford, along with the considerable portion of Warwick's inherited possessions which had been entailed to heirs male, giving Bedford precedence over Warwick's daughters. However, in practice Bedford was denied his inheritance, while his engagement to Elizabeth of York was cancelled. He would eventually be deprived of his title by Act of Parliament in 1478, ostensibly on the grounds that he lacked the wealth required to maintain the standing of a duke.
The legacy of the Middleham Nevilles instead became the object of dispute between King Edward's brothers: Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Clarence, who had returned to the family fold before the Battle of Barnet. Clarence, whose claim was founded on his marriage to Isabel Neville, gained the earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury. Gloucester acquired the old Neville estates in the north, establishing his claim by marrying Anne Neville, who had been widowed by Prince Edward's death in the final Lancastrian defeat at the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471. The northern lands and clientage inherited from the Nevilles became Gloucester's main powerbase, and he adopted Middleham Castle as his principal residence until his usurpation of the throne as Richard III in 1483.
Reflecting the estrangement between the two branches of the family, the Nevilles of Raby, headed by Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmorland, had sided with the Lancastrians from the outset. Westmorland's brother John Neville, Lord of Raby was killed in the defeat at Towton. The line of the Earls of Westmorland survived the wars, but the loss of most of the ancestral estates through their inheritance by the Nevilles of Middleham and their subsequent downfall left the family a much diminished force.[33]
Junior lines of the Middleham Nevilles also survived, including the holders of the Latimer and Bergavenny baronies, based, respectively, at Snape and at Abergavenny Castle. Edward Neville, Lord Bergavenny had for many years been forcibly deprived of his inheritance by his nephew the Earl of Warwick. During the wars, each of these lines of the family had fought sometimes alongside and sometimes against the core group of Middleham Nevilles led by Salisbury and Warwick.[34]
Later history
[edit]The regional power of the northern magnates, already severely weakened by the losses suffered in the Wars of the Roses, was further diminished by the growing power of central government in the 16th century. In 1569 the Nevilles and Percys buried their traditional rivalry to undertake the Revolt of the Northern Earls, an attempt to overthrow Elizabeth I and replace her with the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. The rebellion was a fiasco, and the Earl of Westmorland, Charles Neville, fled into exile abroad. He was attainted in his absence, losing his title and lands. When he died in 1601 he left no male heir, thus extinguishing the senior Neville line.
The Latimer branch of the family had also died out in 1577, but the Bergavenny line endured. After the death of Henry Nevill, 6th Baron Bergavenny in 1587, his daughter Mary Nevill(e) fought a legal battle to be recognised as heiress to all the remaining Neville inheritance. Ultimately, however, these lands were split between her and her first cousin Edward Nevill, who inherited the baronial title. Her son Francis Fane inherited through her the very old title of Baron le Despencer; to him, the Neville family's senior title of Earl of Westmorland was recreated, and remains with his male-line descendants.
Edward Nevill's descendants were raised to the status of Earls and then Marquesses of Abergavenny. This line continues; the present head of the family is Christopher Nevill, the 6th Marquess. His family lands have been eroded through the passage of time (whether by subdivision or inheritance tax), but the main home, at Eridge Park in East Sussex, has been in the family since 1448.[35]
[edit]Title | Held | Designation and details |
Baron Neville de Raby | 1295–1571 | Created by writ in the Peerage of England in 1295 when Ralph Neville was summoned to Parliament. Attainted in 1571. |
Earl of Westmorland | 1397–1571 | Created in the Peerage of England in 1397 for Ralph Neville, 4th Baron Neville de Raby. Attainted in 1571. |
Earl of Salisbury | 1428–1471 | Richard Neville, the son of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, married Alice Montacute, the heiress of Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury and inherited the title. Deprived in 1471. |
Baron Fauconberg | 1429–1463 | William Neville, the son of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, married Joan Fauconberg, daughter of Thomas de Fauconberg, 5th Baron Fauconberg, and became Baron Fauconberg jure uxoris. Abeyant on his death in 1463. |
Baron Latymer | 1432–1577 | Created in the Peerage of England by writ in 1432 when George Nevill, the son of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland was summoned to Parliament. Abeyant in 1577. |
Baron Bergavenny | 1447–1938 | Created in the Peerage of England by writ in 1447 when Edward Nevill, the 7th son of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, and husband of Elizabeth de Beauchamp, suo jure 3rd Baroness Bergavenny, was summoned to Parliament. Abeyant in 1938. |
Earl of Warwick | 1449–1471 | Richard Neville, the son of Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, married Anne Beauchamp, the heiress of Richard de Beauchamp, 13th Earl of Warwick and became Earl of Warwick jure uxoris. Deprived in 1471. |
Baron Montagu | 1461–1471 | Created in the Peerage of England by writ in 1461 when John Neville, the son of Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury was summoned to Parliament. Deprived in 1471. |
Earl of Kent | 1461–1463 | William Neville, 6th Baron Fauconberg created Earl of Kent in the Peerage of England in 1461. Extinct on his death in 1463. |
Earl of Northumberland | 1465–1470 | John Neville, 1st Baron Montagu created Earl of Northumberland in the Peerage of England in 1465, following the death and attainder of Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland. Deprived in 1470, for the title to be restored to Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland. |
Marquess of Montagu | 1470–1471 | Created in the Peerage of England in 1470 for John Neville, 1st Earl of Northumberland. Deprived in 1471. |
Duke of Bedford | 1470–1478 | George Neville, the son of John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu, created Duke of Bedford in the Peerage of England in 1470. Deprived by Act of Parliament in 1478. |
Earl of Abergavenny | 1784–present | Created in the Peerage of Great Britain in 1784 for George Neville, 17th Baron Bergavenny. Extant. |
Marquess of Abergavenny | 1876–present | Created in the Peerage of Great Britain in 1876 for William Neville, 5th Earl of Abergavenny. Extant. |
Earl of Lewes | 1876–present | Created in the Peerage of Great Britain in 1876 for William Neville, 5th Earl of Abergavenny. Extant. |
Members in the male line
[edit]John Neville, 3rd Baron Neville de Raby
- 1. Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, c. 1364–1425
- A. John Neville, Lord Neville c. 1387–1420
- I. Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland c. 1406–1484
- II. John Neville, Baron Neville c. 1410–1461
- a. Ralph Neville, 3rd Earl of Westmorland
- i. Ralph Neville, Lord Neville
- a. Ralph Neville, 3rd Earl of Westmorland
- III. Thomas Neville of Brancepeth (Disinherited branch)
- a. Humphrey Neville of Brancepeth c. 1439–1469[36]
- b. Charles
- B. Sir Ralph Neville, d. 1458[37][38]
- C. Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, 1400–1460
- I. Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, 1428–1471 (two daughters)
- II. John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu, 1431–1471
- a. George Neville, 1st Duke of Bedford, 1461–1483
- III. George Neville, Archbishop of York, 1432–1476
- IV. Thomas Neville, 1443–1460
- D. Robert Neville, d. 1457, Bishop of Durham
- E. William Neville, 1st Earl of Kent, 1410–1463
- I. Anthony Neville, Lord Grey
- II. Thomas Neville, Viscount Fauconberg, (1429–1471)
- F. John Neville (c. 1406)
- G. George Neville, 1st Baron Latimer c. 1407–1469
- I. Sir Henry Neville (1437–1469), of Latimer
- a. Richard Neville, 2nd Baron Latimer
- i. John Neville, 3rd Baron Latimer
- ii. William Neville
- 1. Richard Neville
- a. Richard Neville, 2nd Baron Latimer
- I. Sir Henry Neville (1437–1469), of Latimer
- H. Thomas Neville, c. 1410
- I. Cuthbert Neville, c. 1411
- J. Edward Neville, 3rd Baron Bergavenny, 1414–1476
- I. Richard Nevill, 1439–1476
- II. George Nevill, 4th Baron Bergavenny, 1440–1492
- a. George Nevill, 5th Baron Bergavenny, 1469–1535
- i. Henry Nevill, 6th Baron Bergavenny, 1527–1587
- b. Edward Neville, 1471–1538
- i. Edward Nevill, 7th Baron Bergavenny, 1526–1588
- 1. Edward Nevill, 8th Baron Bergavenny, 1550–1622
- A. Henry Nevill, 9th Baron Bergavenny, 1580–1641
- I. John Nevill, 10th Baron Bergavenny, 1614–1662
- II. George Nevill, 11th Baron Bergavenny, 1641–1666
- a. George Nevill, 12th Baron Bergavenny, 1665–1695
- A. Henry Nevill, 9th Baron Bergavenny, 1580–1641
- 1. Edward Nevill, 8th Baron Bergavenny, 1550–1622
- i. Edward Nevill, 7th Baron Bergavenny, 1526–1588
- a. George Nevill, 5th Baron Bergavenny, 1469–1535
- A. John Neville, Lord Neville c. 1387–1420
Unknown connection
[edit]- Sir Thomas Neville (d. 1387)[39] of Hornby
Family tree
[edit]Simplified genealogy
[edit]Earls of Westmorland, Earls of Abergavenny, and Marquesses of Abergavenny | House of Neville family tree, including
Connections with other families
[edit]Neville family tree |
Coats of arms
Neville arms on old-style shield
Neville, Earls of Westmorland, and Barons Neville of Raby
Neville, Barons of Raby
Neville, Earls of Westmorland
Sir John Neville, 3rd Baron Neville de Raby, KG
Sir Ralph Neville, 4th Baron Neville de Raby, KG
Sir Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, KG
Arms of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, the "Kingmaker"
Garter Arms of Sir Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick
Arms of Isabel Neville, Duchess of Clarence
Arms of Anne Neville as Queen of England
Arms of Anne Neville as Queen of England (simple)
Sir John Nevill, 1st Baron Montagu, KG, later Marquis of Montagu
Sir William Nevill, 6th Baron Fauconberg, KG
Coat of arms of Sir Ralph Neville, 4th Earl of Westmorland, KG
Sir George Nevill, 5th Baron Bergavenny, KG
Sir Henry Neville, 5th Earl of Westmorland, KG
Marquess of Abergavenny, Earl of Abergavenny, Barons Bergavenny
Neville, of Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales
Neville, Barons Bergavenny
[edit]- ^ Ситуация еще больше смущена тем фактом, что ряд Джеффри де Невиля, существующих в этот период; Помимо брата Роберта, еще один Джеффри де Невилл скончался в 1249 году. [ 12 ] Историк Чарльз Роберт Янг , с другой стороны, предполагает, что Роберт женился на одной Иде и что именно его брат Джеффри женился на Маргарет де Лонгвиллиер. [ 14 ] Имя его жены как Джоан также может быть получена из чартера 1273 года от ее сына Роберта де Невилла (D.1282) до Marton Priory, Yorkshire, упоминающего «души его родителей Джеффри и Джоан и за души Жены ". [ 15 ]
[ редактировать ]- ^ Jump up to: а беременный Однако было отмечено, что «этот Дольфин, когда давал дань уважения приору Дарема за Стэйсроп, зарезервировал его дань уважения царям Англии и Шотландии, а также епископу Дарем» подразумевает, что он «без сомнения , человек последствий »и«, вероятно, высокого нрав, родов ». Раунд, феодальная Англия , 370-2; Оффлер, Фитцмельдред, Невилл и Хансард, 2-3; Вагнер, английское происхождение , 16-17; Вагнер, родословная и прогресс , 51, 210
- ^ Вагнер, Английское происхождение , 16-17
- ^ Раунд, Происхождение Невилла , с.490
- ^ Offler, Charters , 122 (№ 29)
- ^ Сэмюэль Льюис (издатель) (1848). «Пятна - Стейнтон, рынок» . Топографический словарь Англии . Институт исторических исследований . Получено 26 августа 2013 года .
- ^ Offler, 'Fitzmeldred, Neville и Hansard', 3
- ^ Сандерс, IJ английские баронии: изучение их происхождения и спуска 1086-1327, Оксфорд, 1960, с.3.
- ^ Дэвисон, с.35
- ^ Сандерс, с.3
- ^ ПЛАНЧЕ: В соответствии с вооружением: «В результате великих владений его матери приняла имя ее семьи, но сохранила собственное оружие»
- ^ Раунд, феодальная Англия , 370-2
- ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Jewell 2004 .
- ^ Молодой 1996 , с. 86
- ^ Молодой 1996 , с. х
- ^ Календарь чартерных роллов, 1300-1326 , Лондон, 1908, с.135, цитируется в Jarvis, R. (2017) Барониальные женщины в Линкольншире тринадцатого века . Массачусетская диссертация, Кентерберийский университет Церкви Церкви, с.20 [1]
- ^ Янг, Чарльз Роберт (1996). Создание семьи Невилла в Англии, 1166-1400 . Boydell & Brewer Ltd. ISBN 978-0-85115-668-2 .
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилл , 82-6
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилл , 100
- ^ Макнивен, Питер (2004). «Невилл [де Невилл] Семья (пер. Ок. 1267–1426), Джентри» . Оксфордский словарь национальной биографии (онлайн -ред.). Издательство Оксфордского университета. doi : 10.1093/ref: ODNB/54532 . ISBN 978-0-19-861412-8 Полем Получено 2021-09-15 . ( Требуется членство в публичной библиотеке в Великобритании .)
- ^ Молодой, создавая семью Невилл , 100-2, 112-24
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилла , 114
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилла , 119-24
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилла , 125-35
- ^ Young, создавая семью Невилла , 130, 137. Замок Мидлхэм был приобретен в 1270 году, в то время как те в Бранспет и шериф Хаттон были построены Невиллом в конце 14 -го века, а замок Снейп около 1430 года.
- ^ Дано-Уилсон, английская дворянство , с. XII-XIII, 105-106
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилла , 137-9
- ^ Молодой, изготовление семьи Невилл , 143, 145-7
- ^ Дано-Уилсон, английская дворянство , с. XIV-XVII, 107
- ^ Хикс, войны роз , с. 105-12, 137-63
- ^ Хикс, войны роз , с. 178-9
- ^ Хикс, войны роз , с. 186-90
- ^ Хикс, войны роз , с. 190-205
- ^ Молодой, создавая семью Невилла , 145-7
- ^ Хикс, войны роз , с. 37, 99-100
- ^ Эридж Парк-Короткая история архивировала 2012-01-08 на The Wayback Machine .
- ^ Ричардсон, Дуглас (2011). Everingham, Kimball G. (ed.). Plantagenet Ancestry . Тол. 2 (2 -е изд.). Дуглас Ричардсон. п. 615. ISBN 978-1-4499-6634-8 .
- ^ Ричардсон, Дуглас (2011). Everingham, Kimball G. (ed.). Magna Harta Ancestry: исследование в колониальных и средневековых семьях . Тол. II (2 -е изд.). Солт -Лейк -Сити. п. 244. ISBN 978-1-4499-6638-6 . [ Самостоятельно опубликованный источник? ]
- ^ Ричардсон, Дуглас (2011). Everingham, Kimball G. (ed.). Magna Harta Ancestry: исследование в колониальных и средневековых семьях . Тол. III (2 -е изд.). Солт -Лейк -Сити. п. 313. ISBN 978-1-4499-6639-3 . [ Самостоятельно опубликованный источник? ]
- ^ Richardson vol. III 2011 , с. 318
[ редактировать ]- Коллинз, Артур (1982). Пираг Англии, том 5 . FC и J. Rivington. п. 151 .
Кринан Невилл.
- Данный Уилсон, Крис, английская дворянство в конце средневековья: политическое сообщество четырнадцатого века (Лондон и Нью-Йорк 1987)
- Хикс, Майкл, «Войны роз» (Нью -Хейвен и Лондон 2010)
- Jewell, HM (2004), «Невилл, сэр Роберт де (ум. 1282), барон» , Оксфордский словарь национальной биографии (онлайн -ред.), Оксфорд: издательство Оксфордского университета, DOI : 10.1093/Ref: ODNB/19961 , ISBN 978-0-19-861412-8 , архивировано с оригинала 29 апреля 2019 года , извлечено 29 апреля 2019 года «Подписка» или (требуется членство в публичной библиотеке «Великобритания» .)
- Offler, Hilary S. , Durham Episcopal Charters 1071-1152 (Gateshead 1968)
- Оффлер, Хилари С. , Фитцмельдред, Невилл и Хансард, к северу от футболок - Исследования в средневековой британской истории (Aldershot 1996), XIII
- Раунд, Джон Х., феодальная Англия - Исторические исследования на одиннадцатый и двенадцатый века (Лондон 1895, 3 -е изд. Лондон, 1964)
- Вагнер, Энтони (1961). Английская родословная . Издательство Оксфордского университета.
- Вагнер, Энтони, родословная и прогресс - эссе в генеалогической интерпретации истории (Лондон и Чичестер 1975)
- Вагнер, Энтони (2001). Энциклопедия войн роз . ABC Clio. ISBN 1-85109-358-3 .
- Янг, Чарльз Р., Создание семьи Невилла в Англии 1166-1400 (Woodbridge 1996)