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Список моих символов- символов

(Перенаправлено из Mikoto Minagi )

Вымышленные персонажи, которые появляются в сериале My-Hime, следующие. Обратите внимание, что в то время как большинство из этих персонажей появляются как в сериале My-Hime Anime, так и в серии манги, их роли и отношения различаются.

Студенты Фука Академия

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Средняя школа

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Студенты первого курса

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Май Токиха ( Токиха Май , Токиха Май )
Озвучен: Май Накара (японский); День Кэрол-Энн (английский)
Май Токиха, как она появляется в аниме-аниме-аниме-аниме
Май изображается как самостоятельный человек, не решается рассказать другим о своих проблемах. Она ученица средней школы первого курса, [ 1 ] А ее соседка по комнате - Микото Минаги. Ее заявленные увлечения работают неполный рабочий день и заботятся о Такуми. [ 2 ]
В первом эпизоде ​​Май и ее брат Такуми Чан отправляются в свою новую школу, Академию Фука. В поездке Май встречает Ююичи Тейта, с которым она начинает отношения с любовью-ненавистью. Май реанимирует девушку, которая была найдена в реке, Микото Минаги. Микото и загадочный атакующий (позже показанный, как Нацуки Куга) битва на пароме, раскрывая магические силы; Во время этой битвы Май узнает, что у нее есть силы, похожие на эти два. Май встречается и подружится со многими другими студентами, включая Микото и Нацуки, в эпизодах 2 и 3. Наги Хомура сообщила, что ее брат находится в соседнем лесу, она находит его под атакой сиротой. Май материализует свои элементы в первый раз, а также приобретает своего ребенка, Кагутсучи, который она использует, чтобы победить сироту. В следующих эпизодах Май продолжает сражаться с сирот вместе с Микото и Нацуки, особенно близко к Микото. Май выбирает работу на полставки в ресторане Lindem Baum, где она работает со своим будущим учителем Midori Sugiura.
В аниме элементы Май представляют собой набор из четырех золотых колец с магатамой вокруг ее запястья и лодыжек. Кольца позволяют ей использовать пожарные атаки и силу полета. Май также способна создавать барьеры вокруг себя, чтобы блокировать атаки. Марк Мэй находится на правой груди, [ 3 ] который, как говорят, контролируется раком , ее знаком зодиака .
Ее ребенок-Кагутсучи, существо, способное изгнать огненные шарики и лазерные тепловые балки. Названный в честь японского бога с таким же именем , он также несколько связан с китами и дельфинами (отсюда и плавные выступы на его лице и звуки, с которыми он общается). Еще одна очевидная ссылка - легендарная птица Феникса, поскольку Кагутсучи, как показано, может возродиться от огня (огненные перья, которые он проливает по случаю, и общая связь с огнем еще больше подтверждает это). Kagutsuchi также способен к бою ближнего боя и имеет реактивный режим, который позволяет ему двигаться на высоких скоростях. [ 4 ] Меч в его голове, Меч запечатывания, созданный обсидианским лордом, действует как печать на своих способностях, позволяя Господу обсидиана подавлять его при необходимости. Во время последней битвы атака Химы на звезду Хима ослабляет Господа обсидиана и уничтожает меч, ослабляя контроль и позволяет Кагутсучи полное доступ ко всей его силе уничтожить Господа обсидиана в Рейто.
В начале серии Кагутсучи, кажется, является самым сильным ребенком среди других детей Химе. К концу серии, когда появляются более сильные дети (например, Кийзуру и настоящий Мироку Шизуру), сила Кагутсучи оспаривается. Однако, когда его уплотнение наконец удалено, сомнительно, что есть ребенок, который может приблизиться к его власти. Кагустачи также единственный ребенок, который, как показано, противостоят смерти; Однажды, когда Алисса напала на Май и ее друзей с золотой молнией Артемиды, Май пожертвовала собой, летала себя и Кагутсучи на путь молнии, защищая всех, сжигая себя и Кагутсучи. Тем не менее, Кагутсучи просто реформировал свою реактивную форму, MAI, восстанавливаясь на макушке и, без командования или согласия Май, вылетел в космос, уклоняясь от всех последующих атак Atremis и уничтожения другого ребенка. Хотя Май, казалось бы, умерла (снова) в результате взрыва, ей показали живые и хорошо на следующий день. [ 4 ] В манге она начинает с своих товарных колец уже в качестве HIME и довольно опытна в борьбе. Ее ключ - Юуичи Тейт, а ее ребенок - Кагутсучи. Когда она становится королевой, она становится еще более мощной и может вызвать более темный кагутсучи без использования ключа. Она получает два больших кольца огня, плавающих за спиной, в дополнение к своим стандартным 4 кольцам. [ 5 ]
В серии My-Hime Manga Mai все еще трудолюбивый человек, который суетится из-за Такуми и неохотно рассказывает другим о ее неприятностях. Она является нынешним студентом в Академии Фуука и является частью антиорфанской команды. Она и Нацуки - жестокие соперники, каждый из которых презирает отношение другого.
Май появляется в главе 1, плачу и проходя мимо Ююичи. Позже ее видят в битве с Нацуки, во время которого Май узнает, что Юуичи - это ее (и Нацуки) ключ. Май, Тейт и Нацуки быстро образуют любовный треугольник . Хотя MAI изначально отталкивает Юуичи, они становятся ближе, борясь с сирот и команды Ori-Hime в следующих главах. В главе 22 Май и Юйичи целуются, когда она выздоравливает в лазарете, факт, о котором, казалось бы, знают другие персонажи, а затем вызывает эмоциональный стресс для Нацуки - настолько, что она и Юуичи даже не могут прикоснуться, не говоря уже о том, чтобы вызвать. Когда Май узнает о связи между детьми и ключами в главе 26, она отталкивает Юуичи, чтобы не рисковать его убийством. Она почти становится принцессой, но вместо этого присоединяется к антиорфанскому отряду в главе 28, чтобы Searrs открыл ворота в Химе звезду. Она и Юуичи победили Микото и Шихо и попадают в ворота незадолго до того, как Саэко Куга открывает его в главе 35. Пока противника противорфана решает, что делать в главе 36, Май обнаруживает, что Такуми умер от болезни. В следующей главе Май снова отталкивает Юуичи от нее и попадает в глубокую депрессию. Она остается в больнице и свидетельствует о пробуждении своего брата как обсидианского лорда. В конце концов Май присоединяется к стороне своего брата и становится последним из королев. Королева Май сталкивается с Юйичи и Нацуки Сус в главе 39, и после битвы против «Натуики» Юуичи убеждает ее помочь остановить ее брата. Они сталкиваются с Такуми, но он поглощен звездой Химе и используется для создания ребенка звезды в главе 43. Май, Юуичи и Нацуки победить ребенка и спасти Такуми, используя меч Кагутсучи. В конце манги Май и Нацуки продолжают сражаться друг с другом за Юуичи, хотя они стали друзьями во всех других вопросах.
Нацуки ( Куга Нацуки ) Куга
Озвучен: Saeko Chiba (японский); Шерил МакМастер (английский)
Красивая, сильная, холодная и отчужденная индивидуальная. Она катается на вымышленном модельном спортивном наборе Ducati под названием Ducati Driii. [ 6 ] Ее единственный друг в начале сериала - Шизуру Фудзино; Она предпочитает работать в одиночку, но в ходе сериала согревается до Май Токиха. Нацуки также работает с Кайджи Сакомизу и Ямадой, чтобы выполнить свои миссии в ходе серии. Несмотря на то, что в том же учебном году, что и Май, она объясняет, что на самом деле на год старше, потому что она держалась подальше от школы в течение года из -за несчастного случая, что делает ее 17 в конце серии. Нацуки ненавидит Такеда, которая является сталкером и извращенец. Элементы Нацуки представляют собой пару маленьких пистолетов , с сферами на пистолетах, которые предоставляют им неограниченное боеприпасы. [ 7 ] Она также демонстрирует знания о методах боевых действий. Ее день рождения 15 августа. В карнавале выяснилось, что Шизуру - самый важный человек Нацуки, но из -за психотического буйства Шизуру Нацуки начал сомневаться в своих чувствах. В часовне Академии Фуука Шизуру и Нацуки боролись до предела. В этой борьбе Дюран, ребенок Нацуки, стал большим, так как Кийохиме означает, что ее чувства к ее самым важным человеку тогда намного сильнее. Это означает, что Нацуки также любит Шизуру, поскольку Шизуру любит ее. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Химэ Марка Нацуки расположена в ее нижней части левой спины, в районе, который, как говорят, управляется Лео , ее знак зодиака .
In the My-HiME manga, Natsuki Kuga is a typical tsundere character involved in a love triangle with Mai Tokiha and Yuuichi Tate, the latter being the Key for both girls. Natsuki shows a rivalry with Mai in the first chapter, indicating the two were fighting since before Yuuichi appeared. Natsuki's inability to do housework and her fondness of mayonnaise is more emphasized in the manga than in the anime.[8]
Natsuki remains the same in the manga except she appears able to control ice to some extent erecting an ice wall in Chapter 15 to protect Tate. She, along with Mai, still has her HiME mark on her lower-left back.[9] Natsuki's Child is Duran, similar to the anime version but named after the doll her mother gave her. It has the same cartridges as the anime version, although Silver Cartridges actually encase the target in ice. The Duran used by Natsuki's mother used a new type of Cartridge called 'Plutonium Cartridge' - highly explosive shells much more powerful than the Chrome Cartridges. Natsuki's Duran had one more transformation to go through and it became Golden Duran. It also became able to fire Diamond Cartridges, which freeze the molecules of their target with 'absolute zero' temperatures. This is the form that Natsuki used to defeat QUEEN Mai and a Dark Kagutsuchi in a one-on-one battle.[10] Natsuki's Key is Yuuichi Tate in the manga version.
Yuuichi Tate (楯 祐一, Tate Yūichi)
Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (Japanese); Jordan Schartnet (English)
A member of the Fuuka Academy Student Council. He first appears in the same ferry that Mai Tokiha is taking and the two quickly form bad impressions of each other. Shiho Munakata calls him her older brother even though they are not related by blood. He works with the Student Council doing odd jobs for them (prompting Mai to label him a "lackey") and sits next to Mai in class.
Yuuichi used to be a member of the Fuuka kendo club and regularly made it into the nationals until he suffered a severe injury to his knee at some point in the past, though the exact circumstances and nature of the injury are never explained in the anime. Masashi Takeda of the kendo club is seen looking sadly at Yuuichi's name card on the wall of the kendo dojo at one point during the anime. Disenchanted, after his injury Yuuchi became a feared delinquent, but Shiho manages to convince him give up his antisocial ways. Despite the external mutual dislike, it is clear that Yuuichi has feelings for Mai. While they did not get along in the beginning, their attitudes towards each other softened somewhat after episode 5, when Mai breaks down and is comforted by Yuuichi. He happens to witness Mai as she is about to kiss Reito Kanzaki and tries to halt the budding relationship, much to Shiho's distress. After Shiho is attacked by the SEARRS Orphan he becomes suspicious about the recent events at the school and tries to convince Mai to tell him what's happening.
After the insecure and possessive Shiho realizes that Mai and Yuuichi are developing feelings for each other, she becomes mentally unbalanced and makes Yuuichi kiss her in front of Mai, playing on Yuuichi's guilt that he was unable to prevent her from being hurt. He becomes the Most Important Person for both Mai and Shiho and ends up paying for this when Shiho's Child dies at Mikoto's hands, resulting in his own death (ironically, he had realized this and urged Mai to destroy Yatagarasu herself; when Mai couldn't do it, the maddened Mikoto dealt the killing blow). Just before he disappears, Mai confesses her feelings for him and tries to kiss him. Eventually he is revived by Mashiro Kazahana and comes to Mai's defense using Miyu's discarded sword when the possessed Reito attempts to attack her. Tate swears to protect Mai and shouts that he loves her, much to Mai's relief. Despite this, at the end of the series both of them are still being claimed by both Reito and Mikoto, and Shiho respectively.
In the manga, Yuuichi is the one who is the transfer student rather than Mai. He finds out that he is the Key to both Mai and Natsuki, two well-known rivals at the school, exasperating and intensifying their mutual antipathy. Because of his dual Key status, he is often referred to as a 'Perverted Beast' by his classmates. His relationship with Mai is much like the one in the anime, although there are further complications. i.e., Natsuki. Yuuichi was forcefully dismissed from his former school's kendo club after he attempted to stop the sexual assault of Shiho, costing his team the championships because of their disqualification. During the assault, one of the roughnecks pulled a knife out, and gave him a long gash proceeding from his elbow down to his wrist on his left arm. He is extremely sensitive about it, and it is the reason he refuses to join Fuka's club despite team captain Takeda's insistence.
Miyu Greer (深優・グリーア, Miyu Gurīa)
Voiced by: Kiyomi Asai (Japanese); Maizun Jayoussi (English)
Miyu initially appears as a girl in Mai's class and the adopted daughter of Joseph Greer, the resident priest of Fuuka Academy. She is friendly towards Mai, making strange comments about the exact temperature and amount of precipitation, and is very protective of Alyssa Searrs.
After encountering Akane Higurashi, whom she saw fighting an Orphan, Miyu is revealed to be an android created by Joseph Greer of the SEARRS organization to protect Alyssa, as being a "fake" HiME Alyssa is unable to materialize an element and hence relies on Miyu for protection. Her name is an acronym for Multiple Intelligencial Yggdrasil Unit. She lures Akane out with an Orphan and forces her to summon her Child, Hari, and upon defeating the Orphan Miyu kills Hari with her anti-materializing weapon, and by extension Akane's boyfriend Kazuya, demonstrating the dire consequences of losing in the HiME Carnival. She is later seen observing the HiME via a surveillance room in the basement of the Church and looking after Alyssa until Natsuki Kuga arrives and confronts them only to be knocked out, though Miyu advises Greer not to kill her because it "is unwise to kill a Valkyrie without her Child present".
When the true intentions of the SEARRS organization - to replace the real HiMEs with Alyssa and hence gain control of the power of the Obsidian Lord - become clear Miyu takes an active role against the HiME, though with the combined efforts of the HiME and Alyssa's Child's defeat she flees with Alyssa in the hope of finding safety. However, Joseph Greer, who had earlier been dismissed for incompetence after finding that the codes he had installed in Miyu had all been erased, appears and shoots Alyssa before himself being dispatched by Miyu in retaliation. As Alyssa dies Miyu is visibly distraught and cries that the "Golden Light" she loved has faded. She carries Alyssa's body into a frozen lake, where it is assumed Miyu herself perished.
However, in episode 23 it is revealed that Mashiro salvaged Miyu and reformatted her and several pieces of SEARRS technology, introducing a new element into the HiME Carnival that the Obsidian Lord could not anticipate. She is revived by Midori Sugiura before fighting Mikoto and assisting the HiME indirectly. A small presence in the form of a flame that spoke with Alyssa's voice activated Miyu's "Platinum Mode" and anti-Materialiser weapon during the final battle that assisted Mashiro in her escape from the crystal she was trapped in, and the resurrection of the defeated HiME. In the end Alyssa is revived by Mashiro with the other HiME, and Miyu is seen becoming a nun along with Nao Yuuki in the Fuuka church with Alyssa by her side.
Chie Harada (原田 千絵, Harada Chie)
Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese); Hazel Forman (English)
One of the classmates for Mai, whom she sits directly behind, and Yuuichi Tate. She offers her friendship on Mai's first day, introducing herself by poking Mai's sides playfully. She uses her cell phone's camera frequently to give interviews and is always searching for new gossip around the school, which develops into a running gag about her character. She and Aoi Senou appear in an omake as super deformed versions of themselves to give a rundown of their class, classifying Mai as being in the "Biggest Breast Ranking". After the events of the HiME festival progress become dangerous enough for the Fuuka students to be dismissed, Chie and Aoi reluctantly leave Mai behind, though the other girl insists she can handle herself. In the end they return and are last seen at a picnic with the resurrected HiME.
Her role in the manga was more or less non-existent as Tate Yuuichi is the protagonist and Mai's relationships with her classmates are unexplored. She only shows up for a cameo role as one of the announcers during the battle between the Anti Orphan Squad and Ori-HiME unit to determine who are the strongest HiME in the school, and a few later cameo appearances.
Akane Higurashi (日暮 あかね, Higurashi Akane)
Voiced by: Junko Iwao (Japanese); Morgan Partridge (English)
One of Mai's coworkers who is fairly bashful. She is Kazuya Kurauchi's girlfriend. As a Hime, Kazuya is her key. Early on in the series, Akane is asked to assist attack an Orphan by Miyu Greer. Akane reluctantly helps, summoning her Child Hari, a tiger shaped robot, and her Element, a pair of tonfa to help attack the Orphan. After fighting it, she confesses her identity as a Hime to Kazuya, only to have Miyu slay Hari, killing Kazuya in front of a horrified Akane. At the end of the anime, Kazuya is shown to have been resurrected alongside the other Keys and he and Akane are in a relationship.
Sayuri Ichinose (市ノ瀬 小百合, Ichinose Sayuri)
Voiced by: Akiko Kimura (Japanese); Abby Charchun (English)
Sayuri is part of a trio of friends with Yayoi and Miya.
Yukino Kikukawa (菊川 雪之, Kikukawa Yukino)
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (Japanese); Morgan Partridge (English)
Yukino is the introverted secretary of the Fuka Academy student council. She is a longtime friend and supporter of Haruka Suzushiro. In the manga Haruka actually is a HiME, and Yukino is a member of the Ori-HiME team along with Haruka who is her key. Together they form a tag-team when fighting Orphans. Instead of Diana she now has a Child called Mirror Wall which resembles an open flower (instead of a closed one in the anime) that floats above ground. It abilities appear to be more powerful than in the anime, as are several other HiMEs Childs, as its spy camera spores are large enough to reflect Haruka's child's laser attacks. Mirror Wall appears to be able to create more precise illusions than Diana and can erect forceshields strong enough to deflects blasts from Kagatsuchi, but in turn seems to be completely without offensive abilities.
Kazuya Kurauchi (倉内 和也, Kurauchi Kazuya)
Voiced by: Kazuma Horie (Japanese); Brett Bauer (English)
Kazuya is Mai's classmate and coworker, and Akane Higurashi's boyfriend.
Yayoi Ota (太田 弥生, Ōta Yayoi)
Voiced by: Kimiko Koyama (Japanese); Leah Dublin-Steckel (English)
Yayoi is very short, and has a sort of admiration for Akira Okuzaki. She is usually seen with Sayuri and Miya.
Aoi Senoh (瀬能 あおい, Senō Aoi)
Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani (Japanese); Jayna Mitchell (English)
Aoi enjoys teasing Mai with Chie Harada. She is also fond of cute younger students.
Miya Suzuki (鈴木 美也, Suzuki Miya)
Voiced by: Yui Itsuki (Japanese); Kelsey Schimpf (English)
The part of a trio of friends with Yayoi and Sayuri.

Third-year students

Shizuru Fujino (藤乃 静留, Fujino Shizuru)
Voiced by: Naomi Shindou (Japanese); Melanie Risdon (English)
Shizuru is the calm president of the Fuka Academy student council. She often has a tea cup in hand and has a distinctive Kyoto accent (or Southern accent in the English dub). She has her own fan club that follows her anywhere. In the anime series, she harbors a secret obsessive infatuation with Natsuki Kuga, whom she considers her most important person. During the battle royale, she confesses to Natsuki and goes out of her way to protect her, but the latter requests time to sort out her feelings. They later remove themselves from the tournament by killing each other, but are resurrected in the final episode. Natsuki accepts Shizuru's feelings after giving Takeda a letter explaining her rejection. Shizuru has won two character popularity polls at Sunrise Studio's official website.[11]
Reito Kanzaki (神崎 黎人, Kanzaki Reito)
Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (Japanese); Ethan Cole (English)
The Vice President of Fuuka Academy's Student Council alongside President Shizuru Fujino. A calm person, he is popular with the female students of the school, but shows romantic interest in Mai Tokiha. Reito's calm and reserved personality often clashes with that of Executive Committee head Haruka Suzushiro, whose annoyance with him is made evident several times. Reito shows kindness by taking Mai's brother Takumi and his roommate Akira with him on official business to a fancy restaurant free of charge.
Reito does not appear in the original My-HiME manga. Instead, the Obsidan Lord possesses Takumi Tokiha. He appears in the My-HiME EXA manga due to the similarities between it and the anime. It is unknown at this time if he still plays host to the Obsidian Lord.
Haruka Suzushiro (珠洲城 遥, Suzushiro Haruka)
Voiced by: Ryoka Yuzuki (Japanese); Lori Barnes-Smith (English)
Hot-tempered Haruka Suzushiro is a member of the Fuuka Academy Student Council. She is first introduced when interrogating Mai Tokiha. She has a tendency towards malapropism. She is Yukino Kikukawa's best friend and often protected the younger girl in earlier years, but also bosses her around. She has a strong (and mostly one-sided) rivalry with Shizuru Fujino, who she often refers to as "bubuzuke" (tea with rice). Much of her strong dislike of Shizuru comes from the result of the Student Council Elections in which they both ran, where Shizuru won in landslide of 817 with only 12 votes for Haruka. However, Haruka recovered from this loss and became the passionate and commanding Executive Director of the Suzushiro Executive Team, and often deals with the dirty work or otherwise humiliating tasks that the Student Council would rather not do.
When Shizuru goes missing to take care of an injured Natsuki Kuga, Yukino tracks her down with Haruka following. From their hideout they observe Shizuru stealing a kiss from the sleeping Natsuki, with Haruka giving their presence away by her shocked reaction. In a confrontation with Shizuru, Haruka declares her horror at the other girl's actions and calls her infatuation with Natsuki "disgusting" and ends up slapping Shizuru. Because Haruka is the most important person of Yukino she ends up "dying" because of Shizuru's retaliation attack on Diana. Before she "dies", however, she manages to headbutt Shizuru and reassures Yukino, to whom she gives her council badge as she fades away. Haruka is later resurrected by Mashiro and appears floating before Yukino before comically falling to the ground. By the end of the series, she passes her position in the student council to Yukino, but not before making one more spelling mistake on a warning sign. In an extended ending of the final episode, it reveals that Haruka and Shizuru have ended up in the same university, and that Shizuru has once again beaten Haruka in the top standings, much to Haruka's chagrin.
In the My-HiME manga, Haruka is actually a HiME, and unlike many of the characters, she actually has a larger role. Her element is a massive mace that she fights with that causes heavy damage to her foes. Her Child is a large and grotesque marine creature (most resembling an angler fish) called Koumokuten. It fires destructive laser beams from its mouth. In the manga, she tag teams with her partner Yukino, who is also her Key, to form a perfectly balanced fighting pair: she handles offense while Yukino handles defense, with both of them covering each other's backs. The two are even able to combine their Childs into a single being, capable of firing an incredibly destructive laser at their opponents.
The kanji in the name of Haruka's Otome GEM references her My-HiME surname, which when broken down into individual kanji, mean "Jewel" "Island" and "Castle" respectively. This is reflected in the name of her My-Otome GEM, the Continental Orb Topaz (or 珠洲の黄玉 Suzu no Kōgyoku). Her given name means far off or distant.
Masashi Takeda (武田 将士, Takeda Masashi)
Voiced by: Yuji Ueda (Japanese); Scott Roberts (English)
Masashi Takeda is the chief of the kendo club. He is in love with Natsuki Kuga, despite the fact that she does not return these feelings. He tends to appear in situations where Natsuki is in a compromising position (such as having her skirt blown up by the wind after her panties are stolen). He tries to make Yuuichi Tate return to the kendo club in vain. In the novel "Natsuki's Prelude" it is revealed that after the HiME Carnival Natsuki sent a letter to Takeda with an apology and an explanation that she could not return his feelings, because she needed to accept someone else's (this person being Shizuru Fujino).
In the manga, Takeda is still the chief of the kendo club, and he met Yuuichi Tate in front of the school when Yuuichi transferred to Fuuka Academy at the beginning of the manga. He is a fan of this universe's Natsuki. Later, he becomes the Key to Nao Yuuki after she is forced to change her Key.

Middle school

Mikoto Minagi (美袋 命, Minagi Mikoto)
Voiced by: Ai Shimizu (Japanese); Caitlynne Medrek (English)
Mikoto Minagi plays an important role in Mai Tokiha's story, while she has her own plot as well. She is a third-grade middle school student in the same class as Nao Yuuki.[12] She loves to be with Mai, often at her side or clinging to her, and playing with Mai's large breasts. She also has a problem with spicy food, and consuming it often sends her into rampages while looking for water. Mikoto is usually seen with her two-handed sword, Miroku, either in hand or in a black sword bag.
In the manga, much like in the anime, Mikoto wields Miroku and is capable in using an attack that can split the ground called Tosotsuken, a.k.a. Tusita Sword. Mai states that Mikoto is the strongest of the HiMEs and can defeat the other HiMEs' Childs. Mikoto's Child and Key are not revealed; in fact, Mikoto herself states in chapter 11 that she doesn't have or need a Key, although this might just be boasting on her part. There is also no mention of Mikoto having a brother, since Reito never appeared in the manga. In a flashback, Mikoto didn't seem to trust anyone, and acted like an angry cat hissing at anyone who came near. Thanks to Mai, she started opening up. In one chapter, she took care of an OPRHAN with only Akira knowing of its existence. Mikoto said it was just like her back in the day. She was forced to destroy it when it awakened to its true nature. Mikoto falls under the control of Shiho Munakata in chapter 30, forcing Mai to fight her. Later, Mikoto, Akira, and Nao Yuuki face off against Yang Guifei in chapter 39. The three and the QUEEN are absorbed by the HiME Star, but are freed when the HiME Star's Child is defeated.
Shiho Munakata (宗像 詩帆, Munakata Shiho)
Voiced by: Sakura Nogawa (Japanese); Leda Davies (English)
Shiho Munakata is a childhood friend of Yuuichi Tate, whom she affectionately calls her brother (onii-chan) despite the fact that they are not related. She is in the Fuka Middle school, and quickly makes friends with Mai Tokiha and Mikoto Minagi. She is a miko at her grandfather's shrine. She is very possessive of Yuuichi and is in love with him, and even expresses to Mai that she wishes to marry him. The fact that her hairstyle makes her look like an octopus is something of a running gag in the early episodes of the series, as well as her sporadic movement of her hair and its reaction to her moods.
In the manga Shiho is still the childhood friend of Tate. Tate was kicked out of his former school due to an incident where he tried to stop Shiho's sexual assault by several gang members, which resulted in a long scar on his arm (it is unclear what happened to Shiho after that). She appears later in the storyline as a PRINCESS, an artificially created HiME, to protect Tate and restart her life. She takes control of Mikoto Minagi for a time using her Child's abilities. She is eventually defeated by Mai after Shiho begins to lose her mental balance, due to the approaching influence of the HiME star. After she loses her PRINCESS powers, and is thus freed from the influence of the HiME star, she is seen attempting to help in the battle against the Obsidian Lord, though there is little she can do. In the end she is still clinging to Yuuichi, re-igniting Mai and Natsuki's rivalry over Yuuichi. Since she is a PRINCESS in the manga, Shiho is without her animated incarnation's element and child. Instead, she has an octopus-like child which has a variety of powers, though its most prominent one is the ability to take control of an enemy through the use of spores, which themselves resemble octopuses.
Akira Okuzaki (尾久崎 晶, Okuzaki Akira)
Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi (Japanese); Annika Odegard (English)
Akira in My-HiME
Akira is the roommate of Mai Tokiha's younger brother Takumi Tokiha and attends the Fuka Middle school with him. Akira's strong-willed and forceful personality contrasts with Takumi's kind and (relatively) feminine attitude and is extremely private, setting up a curtain and strict boundaries for the room. Akira is also a student of Ishigami, the art teacher.[12]
In the tenth episode ("Cake Wars") Akira assists Takumi in baking a cake for his sister Mai and setting up a surprise party for her. When Takumi is attacked by an Orphan after sending Akira to buy icing sugar for the cake. He is then rescued by a masked ninja, who despite obviously being Akira, asks that the "Secret Ninja of the School"'s identity be kept secret by him. At the end of the episode Akira is seen disrobing to tend to a wound incurred while fighting the Orphan, revealing not only her true gender, which has been kept secret for years, but the fact that she too is a HiME.
Eventually Akira's true identity is accidentally discovered by Takumi (Takumi barged in the bathroom as Akira was drying herself after a shower). Despite her orders to kill anyone who learns of her secret, she keeps Takumi alive, but makes him swear to silence. It also becomes evident that they have begun to develop deep feelings for each other, which becomes significant as the events of the HiME carnival progress.[2] It is later shown that one of her books turns out to be her drawing book, which is filled with her drawings of Takumi. When Nao Yuuki tries to abduct Takumi as revenge against Mai, Akira intervenes with her Child and flees into the forest with Takumi.
Unfortunately Mikoto Minagi is also in the forest, and influenced by the Obsidian Prince, Mikoto appears to be the one to destroy Akira's Child, Gennai, in the process taking Takumi's life, as he was Akira's most important person and had his life force connected to the Child.[13] A distressed Akira collapses after this, and is later seen being carried off by members of her father's clan.[14] It is later revealed, however, that Mikoto was not the one to defeat Akira and kill Takumi, but Shiho Munakata with her Child Yatagarasu in order to hurt Mai.[15] In the final episode she is seen under their care tied to a wooden post when Mashiro revives the fallen HiME and their most important people, including Takumi. After participating in the final battle against the Obsidian Lord, Akira travels to America with Takumi where he receives surgery for his heart condition.[16]
Her Child in My-HiME, a huge frog-like creature named Gennai, is able to blind enemies with the giant spotlights on its back, allowing Akira to "pin" the enemy's shadow the ground and allow Gennai to execute its Jigoku Gama (literally "Hell Toad") attack, which involves Gennai launching a huge spiked ball out of its mouth towards the enemy. Akira's HiME mark is located on her upper right back; this location differs from that of medical astrology which is generally followed with the HiME's birthmarks (the body part associated with Taurus are the neck and throat.)
Gennai is also summoned with the long incantation "Rin, Pyou (or Byou), Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen (Kuji-in), Gennai, Appearance!". However, since its first appearance, Gennai hasn't been summoned in this manner; indeed, since Takumi was at the scene, this could have only been an act to help dissuade him from making any unwanted connections. Her Element is a double-bladed kunai that she can summon with the word "on", although she has also been seen to summon smaller shuriken to use as throwing weapons.[17][18] However, as with Gennai, this has only been the case with its initial appearance, as all others had it being summoned wordlessly. The kunai seems to be able to interact with one's shadow, as in one of its few uses, it pinned an Orphan in place after Akira threw the kunai into the Orphan's shadow. Her Child was killed by Yatagarasu (Shiho's Child). In the manga her element is much larger, and she is never seen summoning her Child, so the identity of her Key is unknown.
In the manga Akira is blackmailed by Haruka Suzushiro into joining the Ori-HiME Team in order to keep her identity a secret. She often visits Takumi, who is much sicker in the manga, to give him notes as the class representative, though her relationship with him goes unexplored. She becomes good friends with Mikoto Minagi, who had been her enemy until they resolved their differences after Mikoto rescued her. At the end of the manga, Akira is seen wearing a girls school uniform, Mikoto checks to see if she is wearing a bra.
Takumi Tokiha (鴇羽 巧海, Tokiha Takumi)
Voiced by: Yugo Takahashi (Japanese); Cole Howard (English)
Mai and Takumi are first seen on a ferry boat on their way to Fuuka Academy, which is a new school for them. Takumi sees something in the water, and it turns out to be a girl named Mikoto Minagi, a girl who nearly drowned, and Mai performs CPR on her. Later on, the ferry is under attack by Natsuki Kuga who is looking for Mikoto, and the ferry is destroyed by Natsuki's and Mikoto's battle. Takumi and Shiho Munakata are separated from Yuuichi Tate and Mai, until she arrives unexpectedly on the school grounds the next morning.[3] He suffers from a heart condition and he has to take tablets that he always carries around. When they were children Mai was supposed to watch Takumi, but instead went off to play with a friend. Takumi went into a river, and being unable to swim, his mother had to rescue him, which caused her to be hospitalized and later die.
Takumi is placed in the Middle School, and is assigned to be roommates with Akira Okuzaki, the most popular boy in their class (who is, in fact, a girl hiding her true gender). Akira initially avoids Takumi, but later on both of them began developing deep feeling for each other.[2] Akira has a part in helping Takumi make a cake for Mai's birthday in episode 10, and after an Orphan attacks Takumi, a disguised Akira appears and slays the Orphan. Takumi asks if the ninja is Akira, who denies it, despite the obviousness of the situation. Later on, Takumi discovers Akira is really a girl, and she threatens to kill him. He is involved with the battle of the HiMEs, since he is Akira's Most Important Person; this causes his death when Akira's Child, Gennai, is defeated by Mikoto (this is an ironic point in the show, as Mikoto only killed Gennai in order to protect Mai; this causes Mai great trauma upon her brother's death, although it is later revealed that Shiho Munakata was the one to defeat Akira and kill Takumi in order to hurt Mai [15]). Takumi is later revived with the other HiME and other people who evaporated by Mashiro Kazahana at the end of the series. He also is with Akira in America, getting a heart transplant and sends a letter to Mai saying that he is okay and that he'll be back before the vacations ends.[16]
Takumi's role in the manga version is severely reduced. He is more sickly in this version, being in the hospital a lot, with Akira constantly visiting him. Akira and Takumi's relationship is unexplored in the manga. Instead of Reito, who is nonexistent in the manga, Takumi is the host of the Obsidian Lord, and actually dies before being revived by the power of the Obsidian Lord. Later, Mai, Natsuki, and Yuuchi manage to defeat the HIME star with the Sword of Kagutsuchi and saved Takumi. In the final chapter, Takumi is back to normal health and in perfect condition seeing how the Obsidian Lord is now gone from within his body. He is seen with Yuuichi unpacking his belongings at Fuka Academy and asked Yuuichi for kendo lessons.
Nao Yuuki (結城 奈緒, Yūki Nao)
Voiced by: Yuuka Nanri (Japanese); Marcy Lannan (English)
Nao is a morally ambivalent Fuka Academy middle school student who robs perverted men. In the manga, Nao's role as an antagonist is much more defined, and her original Key was the leader of the gang who tried to rape Shiho and inflicted an injury on Yuuichi Tate. Her first major act in the manga is an attempted seduction of Tate for blackmail purposes. Julia also appears to be much stronger, as her webs are nearly indestructible and managed to immobilize Mai and Kagutsuchi until Yuuichi freed them. Her character is used to demonstrate the effect a Child's death has on the Key, though Nao shows more concern over Julia. After her Child is defeated by Miyu, it is revealed that a Child can be reborn when Nao forcefully obtains Takeda as her new Key. At the end, she fights Yang Guifei alongside Mikoto and Akira to save the world. The director of My-HiME, Masakazu Ohara, has said the following on Nao: "Nao's an interesting study. She isn't necessarily friendly, but that doesn't make her a bad person. The theme surrounding her is that of someone living for herself, and it makes for a good plot device."[19]

Grade school

Alyssa Kruger to the left, Alyssa Searrs to the right
Alyssa Searrs (アリッサ・シアーズ, Arissa Shiazu)
Voiced by: Yuko Miyamura (Japanese); Wendy Morrison (English)
Alyssa first appears in the Fuuka Academy choir, where she is well known around the school for her wonderful singing voice and is commonly called the "Golden Angel". Mikoto Minagi and Mai Tokiha encounter her on a hillside singing with Miyu Greer during a day off, where they exchange a few words. Alyssa is frequently seen clinging to Miyu, and rarely speaks unless spoken to, coming off as very shy and timid. She is in the Fuuka elementary school.
In the manga, Alyssa is actually the younger sister of Natsuki Kuga having been artificially created from her DNA and the DNA of the Searrs president, and while she is still protected by Miyu her personality is much more playful and child-like, and she enjoys glomping her sister. Her child is a floating orb-like machine called Isaac that can manipulate gravity, and instead of glowing golden her hair turns jet black like Natsuki's when her powers are activated. She is also not a member of the school choir and does not sing at all.

Fuka Academy staff

Joseph Greer (ジョセフ・グリーア, Josefu Gurīa)
Voiced by: Kinryu Arimoto (Japanese); Paul Cowling (English)
The priest at the Fuka Academy church and Miyu's adoptive father.
Fumi Himeno (姫野 二三, Himeno Fumi)
Voiced by: Yukana (Japanese); Wendy Morrison (English)
A maid serving Mashiro Kazahana, the Director of Fuka Academy. Since Mashiro needs a wheelchair, she is almost always accompanied by Fumi, who propels the wheelchair. When Mashiro resurrects the fallen HiME and their most important persons, Fumi returns to normal. After the Obsidian Lord is defeated, she parts ways with Nagi and Mashiro, who leave through a gate at the far end of the library to "go back where they belong". Just before leaving, Nagi hands Fumi his book, which is seen to have the words "Fuka Academy" and the academy logo on its cover, and later, during the graduation ceremony, Fumi addresses the students as the new Director. Fumi's Element takes the form of a large scythe, and her Child in the anime is actually Mashiro, called Suishouhime (meaning Crystal Princess) in her Child form.
Wataru Ishigami (石上 亘, Ishigami Wataru)
Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki (Japanese); Noel Johanssen (English)
An art teacher who enjoys painting portraits.
Kaiji Sakomizu (迫水 開治, Sakomizu Kaiji)
Voiced by: Akio Suyama (Japanese); Randall Wiebe (English)
A teacher easily identified by his afro. He enjoys gardening and serves as an informant to Natsuki.
Mashiro Kazahana (風花 真白, Kazahana Mashiro)
Voiced by: Yukana (Japanese); Katie Rowan (English)
Mashiro is depicted as a small girl with lavender hair. She normally has a leadership role; in My-HiME she is the chairwoman of Fuka Academy. She usually has a dedicated maid. In the later parts of My-HiME, her body was shown to be in a crystal.
In the manga version of My-HiME, Mashiro remains much the same as in the anime, except that she is both a regular human and a HiME and Fumi is her Key. She is not connected to Nagi or the Lord Kokuyou; rather, the Kazahana clan is traditionally responsible for stopping the HiME star from landing on Earth. Her Element is a large gold pocketwatch that allows her to slow time in conjunction with her Child, a white rabbit (though it manifests itself as five individual rabbits). She only uses this once, though, to stop Alyssa Searrs after being freed by Natsuki. She is still calm and reserved as she is in the anime, although in the manga, she is a bit more outspoken and shows more emotion, mainly coy and cheery smiles that seem to make a situation a bit comedic. The fake Mashiro initially has the Sky Blue Sapphire, which he uses in a bugged provisional contract with Arika[20] which later becomes official.[21] Mashiro also receives the ring of the Black Smoke Chrysoberyl,[22] making him the master of Nina. Erstin states she also has a contract with Mashiro in the final chapter. The real Mashiro is capable of hurling balls of dark energy and creating temporal illusions. She is able to resurrect HiME, although she isn't able to control them until after her death at the beginning of the story.[23]
Yukariko Sanada (真田 紫子, Sanada Yukariko)
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue[24] (Japanese); Allyson June Smith (English)
The resident nun of the Fuka Academy Church, and along with Father Joseph Greer she gives counsel to students seeking advice. She was raised in a convent and has had little contact with men for most of her life.[25] In the second episode she reassures members of the Fuka kendo team that the "Demon cat" they saw running around the school is merely a result of their youthful passions (it was actually a rampaging Mikoto Minagi).[26]
Yohko Sagisawa (鷺沢 陽子, Sagisawa Youko)
Voiced by: Akiko Kimura (Japanese); Melanie Risdon (English)
A school nurse and a friend of Midori's from college. Drives a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.
Midori Sugiura (杉浦 碧, Sugiura Midori)
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Japanese); Mariette Sluyter (English)
A former coworker of Mai and an avid archaeologist who later becomes Mai's homeroom/history teacher.
Хомура ( Хомура Наги ) Наги
Озвучен: Акира Ишида (японский); Грэм Ко (английский)
Наги впервые появляется в первом эпизоде ​​«Аниме My-Hime», комментируя, что прибыл еще один Химэ. Сначала его видели, когда он разговаривал с Маширо Казаханой и Фуми Химено после того, как последние два впервые встретятся с Май Токихой, и он комментирует статус Химе Май. Позже в том же эпизоде ​​Наги, кажется, Май и Нацуки Куга и подразумевает, что ее брату Такуми Токиха угрожает сирота, и, поскольку Май стремится защитить его, Наги знакомит ее со своими силами и ее ребенком, Кагутсучи.
Наги является наблюдателем за пробуждением еще нескольких Humes, а также выступает в качестве своего рода судьи , чтобы предотвратить бои между ними. Выясняется, что он стоит за атаками сироты на Академию Фука; И Фуми, и Маширо (кто упоминает, что Наги является частью первого округа) знают об этом, как и Нацуки, который неохотно оставляет его в одиночестве, пока он раскрывает направления сирот.
Вскоре, однако, сироты другого рода вступают в игру, заставая даже наги врасплох, поскольку он не знает, кто их посылает. Другим сиротой, оказывается, является Алисса Сеаррс, искусственный хайс, созданный Фондом Сиррса, с целью утилизации всех остальных Хайме. Наги, все еще оставаясь в тени, помогает другому Химе в их стремлении защитить Фука Академию от Фонда Сиррса.
После того, как планы Сиррса сорваны, и Алисса убита, Наги появляется перед «Химе Рейнджерс», недавно сформированной Мидори Сугиурой, чтобы более эффективно защищать Фуку от сирот, и говорит им, что сироты больше не будут появляться - вместо этого будет Чтобы сражаться с детьми друг друга, пока только один Химер не сохранит свои силы, как часть карнавала Химе, который происходит каждые 300 годы,. [ 27 ] Позже его раскрывают - вместе с первым округом - как слуга Господа обсидиана, древней власти за карнавалом Хима, и сам Наги стал свидетелем предыдущих карнавалов Хима, что сделало бы его несколько веков.
Когда звезда Хима спускается в Академию Фука, Наги направляет Май (единственный Хайм, оставшийся к этому моменту, Бар Микото Минаги) через ворота Вальхаллы к звезде Химе и к ее последнему разрастанию с Микото и Господом обсидиана. [ 28 ] Затем он пытается помешать Мию Гриру идти по стопам в зал с столпами, представляющими Химэ, но его попытка остановиться - мийю безуспешна, и, к его шоку, она раскрывает свой окончательный «платиновый» режим, разрушая кристалл, в котором Маширо реальный Тело заключено и освобождает ее.
После того, как Господь обсидиана побежден, глаза Наги светятся желтым, и он кричит, сжимая голову. Когда он восстанавливает сознание, он сетует на свою неспособность помешать Химе обмануть их судьбу. В последний раз он видел, как разговаривает с Маширо и Фуми; Он комментирует, что разрушение звезды Химе сделало будущее менее уверенным. Затем Наги и Маширо решают «вернуться туда, где они принадлежат», и исчезнуть в черной комнате за массивными воротами, которые затем закрываются позади них, оставляя Фуми позади. [ 29 ]
Джон Смит ( Джон Смит , Джон Сумису )
Озвучен: Наоя Учида (японский); Джонатан Лав (английский)
Джон Смит работает в фонде Searrs. Его работа - связать свободные концы, ранее сделанные Searrs.
Yamada (ヤマダЯмада
Озвучен: Hisanori Koyatsu (японский); Виктор Ателевич (английский)
Ямада - информационный брокер , которого Нацуки использует.
Первый район ( Один район в английской версии)
Первый округ - это организация, которая отвечает за сбору Хаймс в академию.
Фонд Сиррса
Фонд Searrs - это древняя организация, замаскированная под корпорация США, пытающуюся получить власть Хаймса.
  1. ^ " Hime [ ? - Dance
  2. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Мое аниме-аниме, эпизод 19
  3. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Мое аниме-аниме, эпизод 1
  4. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Мое аниме-аниме, Эпизод 15
  5. ^ My-Hime Manga, глава 39, стр. 19
  6. ^ Мое-аниме-аниме, эпизод 2
  7. ^ "My-Hime: персонажи" архивировали 2012-04-11 на машине Wayback . Доступ 8 апреля 2007 года.
  8. ^ My-Hime Manga, глава 5, стр. 2-5
  9. ^ My-Hime Manga, глава 18, стр. 3
  10. ^ My-Hime Manga, глава 40, стр. 13
  11. ^ (в японском) MaioTo Hime 0 ~ S.Ifr ~ Shifuru |
  12. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Мое аниме-аниме, эпизод 7
  13. ^ Мое Хим-Аниме, Эпизод 20
  14. ^ Мое Химе Аниме, Эпизод 21
  15. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Мое аниме-аниме, эпизод 24
  16. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Мое аниме-аниме, эпизод 26
  17. ^ Мое-аниме-аниме, эпизод 10
  18. ^ Мое Хим-Аниме, Эпизод 20
  19. ^ Интервью с Масаказу Охарой ​​в аниме инсайдера
  20. ^ My-Otome Manga, глава 2, стр. 10
  21. ^ My-Otome Manga, глава 23, страницы 4-10
  22. ^ My-Otome Manga, глава 31, стр. 2
  23. ^ My-Otome Manga, глава 32, стр. 5
  24. ^ DOI . , Hitoshi
  25. ^ My-Hime DVD Special 11
  26. ^ Эпизод 2-х аниме-аниме 2
  27. ^ Мой-Хим Эпизод 16
  28. ^ Мой-Эпизод 25
  29. ^ Мой-Эпизод 26
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