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Формирование долины

Формирование долины
Стратиграфический диапазон : ранний Пермский ,
Леонардиан ( кунгуриан ?)
Тип Формация
Единица Чистая вилка группа
Суб-единицы Стенд -лайкстоун, песчаник Brushy Creek, кедровый верхний песчаник
Лежит в основе Формирование Чоза
Совпадения Арройо Формирование
Толщина 160 метров (520 футов)
Начальный Гардистон , глиняный камень , алеота
Другой сланец , песчаник , конгломерат
Область  Техас
Страна  Соединенные Штаты
Тип секции
Named forVale Post Office (Runnels County)
Named byBeede & Waite, 1918

Формирование Вейла является геологическим формированием в северо-центральном Техасе , компонентом техасских красных слоев, сохраняющих отложения и окаменелости из раннего пермского Леонардиан серии . Он занимает среднюю часть группы Clear Fork , над формированием Arroyo и ниже формирования Чоза . [ 1 ] Некоторые источники считают, что формирование долины является просто неформальной субъединицей формирования ясного вилка, таким образом переименуя его в среднюю ясную вилку . [ 2 ]


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Формирование Вейла названа в честь бывшего почтового отделения в окрестностях Баллинджера в округе Раннелс . [ 1 ] В самом широком зачатии формация долины представляет собой единицу в основном наземных отложений толщиной до 160 метров (520 футов), [ 2 ] простирается от границы с Техас-Оклахомой в округе Уилбаргер , до юга, до округа Раннелс. Основание формирования долины отмечено либо известняковым слоем ( известняк Standpipe , к югу от Абилина ), либо в некоторых северных районах, острым несоответствием . Аналогичным образом, его контакт с формированием Чоза отмечен основом доломита Буллвагона , который наиболее хорошо известен к югу от Хаскелла , или эвапоритными руками в северных воздействиях, таких как округ Нокс . [3][1]

Limestone is rare in the fully terrestrial northern red beds, complicating the distinction between the three formations of the Clear Fork Group.[3] To resolve this problem, some geologists, like Nelson et al. (2013), consider the northern part of the Clear Fork Group to be a single formation divided into three informal subunits.[2] In the northern area, major sandstone beds are the most useful stratigraphic markers for distinguishing these informal subunits. The Middle Clear Fork Formation extends from the base of the Brushy Creek Sandstone to the base of the Rt. 1919 Sandstone. Another major sandstone bed, the Cedar Top Sandstone, occurs between these two levels.[2]

As with much of the Texas red beds, the dominant sediments (around 80% by volume) are fine-grained red floodplain deposits such as mudstones, clays, shales, siltstones, and paleosols. Localized beds and lenses of sandstone and conglomerate recorded active meandering river channels, abandoned channels (such as oxbow lakes), and crevasse splays.[3][1][4][2][5][6] The conglomerates of the Vale Formation occur in two distinct forms, either large light-colored fragments or (particularly in the northern area) dark brown pebbles derived from the surrounding clay.[3][7] Light even-bedded clay (pond deposits) may occasionally be found.[3][1][2][8]

Though quite fossiliferous, the fossils of the Vale Formation have not been studied as long as older parts of the Texas red beds, some of which have been prospected since the 1870s. Geologists of the University of Texas discovered the first fossils from the Vale Formation in the 1930s, at the Sid McAdams locality in Taylor County.[9][1] Since 1946, many more finds were recovered from Knox, Baylor, and Foard counties under the direction of University of Chicago paleontologist Everett C. Olson, who described the northern Vale fossil fauna in detail over the course of the 1950s.[10][3][1] Other notable sites include the Stamford locality in Haskell County (discovered by Dalquest and Maymay in 1963),[11][1] the Blackwood locality in Taylor County (discovered by David Berman in 1970),[1] and the Mud Hill locality (described by Bryan Gee et al. in 2018), also in Taylor County.[12] Over 60 small fossil sites are scattered south of the Clear Fork of the Brazos River.[1]




Synapsids of the Vale Formation
Genus Species Notes Images
Casea C. broilii A medium-sized caseid.[13] Well-preserved fossils of this species are concentrated within the Cacops bonebed in Baylor County, which may belong to either the upper Arroyo or lower Vale formation.[14][15][1]
"C." nicholsi[14] A rare medium-sized caseid, similar to C. broilii but with a larger head, torso, and forelimbs. Known from two closely associated partial skeletons from the upper part of the Vale Formation in Knox County.[14][15][1] Phylogenetic analyses suggest that this species is not closely related to Casea broilii, but its fossil material is too fragmentary to warrant a new genus.[16][17][18]
Dimetrodon D. giganhomogenes A large and fairly common sail-backed sphenacodontid known from various isolated remains and a few partial skeletons which are most similar to Dimetrodon giganhomogenes from the Arroyo Formation. One of the more common fossils of the Sid McAdams and Blackwood localities, with at least 22 individuals from the former site.[1] This species is often misspelled as Dimetrodon gigashomogenes.[13][19][3]
Ophiacodon? O.? sp. A very rare possible ophiacodontid, based on a small humerus from the Sid McAdams locality. If legitimate, it may have been the last surviving member of its family. The next youngest ophiacodontid is Varanosaurus, from the Arroyo Formation.[1]
Varanops V. brevirostris A large varanopid.[13] Most fossils of this species are concentrated within the Cacops bonebed in Baylor County, which may belong to either the upper Arroyo or lower Vale formation.[1] In addition, an articulated partial skeleton is known from the Mud Hill locality.[20][21][12]



The largest true reptile known from the Vale Formation is an indeterminate moradisaurine captorhinid represented by an enormous tooth plate, at least 11.6 centimetres (4.6 in) in length.[22] This tooth plate was so large it was originally considered to be from an unnamed species of edaphosaurid, which would have made it the youngest known member of that family.[23] As a moradisaurine fossil, it corresponds to a skull around 35 centimetres (14 in) long, larger than Labidosaurikos meachami but smaller than Moradisaurus grandis.[22]

Reptiles of the Vale Formation
Genus Species Notes Images
Araeoscelis A. gracilis A rare araeoscelidian known from only a few postcranial remains from the Sid McAdams locality.[1]
Captorhinikos[24] "C." cf. chozaensis[24] A moradisaurine-like captorhinid, likely unrelated to Captorhinikos valensis.[25] Only known from rare tooth-bearing fragments from the Mud Hill locality.[12]
C. valensis[24] A fairly common basal moradisaurine which first appears in the middle part of the Vale Formation.[24][26][1][25]
Captorhinoides[27] C. valensis[27] A very rare captorhinid based on a single skull from the middle-upper part of the Vale Formation of Knox County.[27][24][26] Possibly a junior synonym of Captorhinus or Captorhinikos.[28]
Captorhinus C. aguti An uncommon but widespread and geologically long-lived captorhinid.[24][26][1]
Labidosaurikos L. barkeri[24] A fairly common advanced moradisaurine.[24][1] May be considered a junior synonym of Labidosaurikos meachami, the larger type species which is primarily known from the Early Permian of Oklahoma.[26]
cf. Rothianiscus cf. R. sp. Tooth plate fragments have been reported from the formation.[1]



An indeterminate hapsidopareiid microsaur is known from the Mud Hill locality. It is potentially one of the youngest known microsaurs, apart from a few rhynchonkids known from Choza-equivalent strata near Norman, Oklahoma.[12]

Amphibians of the Vale Formation
Genus Species Notes Images
Cacops cf. C. aspidephorus A eucacopine dissorophid. Well-preserved fossils of Cacops aspidephorus are concentrated within the Cacops bonebed in Baylor County, which may belong to either the upper Arroyo or lower Vale formation.[1] One particularly large partial skeleton is known a site in Baylor County which is assigned to the Vale Formation with more certainty. This larger individual was originally named as a new trematopid species, Trematopsis seltini.[29][30][31]
Diadectes D. sp. An uncommon diadectid diadectomorph, with only a few fossils persisting into the lower part of the formation.[23][1][12]
Diplocaulus D. magnicornis A diplocaulid nectridean with robust blunt-tipped horns. Very common in pond sediments in the lower part of the formation, but not present in subsequent layers, which may indicate extinction via climate change or replacement by potential descendants such as D. recurvatus.[32][1]
D. recurvatus[32] A diplocaulid nectridean with bent horns tapering to a sharp point. One of the most common fossils in stream sediments from the middle-upper part of the formation,[32][12] with "literally hundreds"[11][1] known from the Stamford locality, and many from the Blackwood locality as well.[1]
Eryops E. megacephalus A large eryopid temnospondyl,[27] locally common at a few sites such as the Blackwood locality.[1]
Gerobatrachus?[33] G. hottoni[33] A small amphibamiform known from a partial skeleton. One of the Paleozoic amphibians most similar to lissamphibians (modern amphibians such as frogs, salamanders, and caecilians).[33] Its locality in Baylor County is from the lower half of the Clear Fork Group (Arroyo or Vale formation).
Lysorophus L. tricarinatus A widespread and locally abundant lysorophian, a type of elongated microsaur predominantly found aestivating in lakeside burrows.[34][1] The validity of this genus and species has been questioned, and it may be regarded as a junior synonym of Brachydectes.[35][36][37]
Peronedon P. primus A small "keraterpetontid" (diplocaulid) nectridean which is only found at a few particular sites.[38][1]
Seymouria S. baylorensis A large seymouriamorph, mostly known from vertebrae and hindlimb material found at the Sid McAdams locality.[1]
S. grandis[39] A large seymouriamorph known from skeletal material found at the Blackwood locality. These fossils were previously misattributed to Labidosaurikos meachami.[39][1]
Tersomius? T.? sp. Various tooth-bearing dissorophid skull fragments from the Sid McAdams locality, similar to Tersomius and Broiliellus.[1]
Trimerorhachis T. insignis An aquatic dvinosaur which is very common at most sites.[40][41][1][42]
T. cf. mesops A dvinosaur skull from the Stamford locality with several traits (longer snout, absence of an intertemporal bone) comparable to Trimerorhachis mesops.[1][42]
Waggoneria[27] W. knoxensis[27] An uncommon and enigmatic tetrapod with thick vertebrae, a broad otic notch, and multiple rows of teeth on the lower jaw. Its original description compared it to Seymouria, Diadectes, Procolophon, and Labidosaurus, tentatively labeling it as a seymouriamorph.[27]


Fish of the Vale Formation
Genus Species Notes Images
Ctenacanthus Rare.[1]
Gnathorhiza G. dikeloda[27] Common lungfish teeth and skull fragments. First appears at the base of the Vale Formation.[27][1]
G. serrata Fairly common lungfish teeth, though less abundant than G. dikeloda.[27][1]
Lawnia[9] L. taylorensis[9] A palaeoniscoid actinopterygian known from at least 16 partial skeletons from the Sid McAdams locality.[9][1]
Orthacanthus O. cf. platypternus Teeth, fin spines, and skull fragments of a common xenacanth shark.[43] Previously referred to Xenacanthus.[23][1]



A few invertebrate fossils are known from the Sid McAdams locality. These include freshwater bivalves (?Palaenodonta) and a single well-preserved pygocephalomorph crustacean, Mamayocaris jespeni, a species which is abundant in Permian sediments of South Dakota.[1]



Plant fossils of the middle Clear Fork are most well-preserved in fine-grained abandoned river channel deposits.[4] Some abandoned channel sites are dominated by walchian conifers, Taeniopteris, and "comioid" peltasperms (Auritifolia).[8] Others have a high proportion of woody gigantopterids (Evolsonia), Taeniopteris, and marattialean tree ferns.[6] Tree ferns were probably most specialized for swampy areas alongside permanent water, while conifers occupied dry uplands. Peltasperms and gigantopterids were accustomed to intermediate conditions: well-drained soils with a high water table.[8][6] A diverse array of insect damage is reported from leaf fossils, with particular preference towards Auritifolia and Taniopteris.[44]

Plants of the Vale Formation
Genus Species Notes Images
Auritifolia[45] A. waggoneria[45] Large "comioid" peltasperm fronds up to 40 centimetres (16 in) in length.[45][44][8]
Calamites C. sp. Sphenophyte (horsetail) fragments.[4][46]
Callipteris C. sp. "Callipterid" seed ferns.[46]
Cathaysiopteris[47] C. yochelsonii[47] Large gigantopterid leaves up to 20 centimetres (7.9 in) in length.[47][46]
Comia C. craddockii[48] Large "comioid" peltasperm fronds up to 30 centimetres (12 in) in length.[48]
Cordaites C. sp. Strap-shaped leaves of a conifer-like gymnosperm.[46][8]
Evolsonia[49] E. texana[49] Very large gigantopterid leaves, at least 80 centimetres (31 in) in length. Previously considered specimens of Gigantopteris.[49][44][8][6]
Nanshanopteris N. sp. "Supaioid" peltasperm foliage, formerly known as Brongniartites.[46][8]
Odontopteris O. sp. Medullosalean fronds of the Mixoneura type.[8]
Pecopteris P. sp. Marattialean fern leaves.[46]
Phasmatocycas? P.? sp. A fragmentary branch of a cycad-like gymnosperm, bearing seed-like organs.[50]
Rhachiphyllum R. sp. Peltasperm foliage.[44][8]
Sandrewia[51] S. texana[51] Foliage of a plant of uncertain affinities.[51][46][44]
Sphenophyllum S. cf. thonii Fragmentary foliage of a fern-like plant.[46][44][8][6]
Supaia S. sp. "Supaioid" peltasperm foliage.[46][44][8]
Taeniopteris T. sp. Smooth-sided leaves of cycad-like gymnosperms.[46][44][8][6]
Walchia W. piniformis Conifer foliage.[44][8]

See also



  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am Olson, Everett C.; Mead, James G. (March 1982). "The Vale Formation (Lower Permian) Its Vertebrates and Paleoecology". Texas Memorial Museum Bulletin. 29: 1–46.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Nelson, W. John; Hook, Robert W.; Chaney, Dan S. (2013). "Lithostratigraphy of the Lower Permian (Leonardian) Clear Fork Formation of north-central Texas". New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin. 60: 286–311.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Olson, Everett Claire (7 March 1958). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 14, Summary, Review, and Integration of the Geology and the Faunas". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (32): 397–448.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c DiMichele, William A.; Tabor, Neil J.; Chaney, Dan S.; Nelson, W. John (2006), "From wetlands to wet spots: Environmental tracking and the fate of Carboniferous elements in Early Permian tropical floras", Wetlands through Time, Geological Society of America, doi:10.1130/2006.2399(11), ISBN 978-0-8137-2399-0
  5. ^ Simon, Sharane S.T.; Gibling, Martin R. (2017). Fielding, Chris (ed.). "Fine-grained meandering systems of the Lower Permian Clear Fork Formation of north-central Texas, USA: Lateral and oblique accretion on an arid plain". Sedimentology. 64 (3): 714–746. doi:10.1111/sed.12322. ISSN 0037-0746.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Simon, Sharane S.T.; Gibling, Martin R.; Dimichele, William A.; Chaney, Dan S.; Koll, Rebecca (2018-12-10), Ghinassi, Massimiliano; Colombera, Luca; Mountney, Nigel P.; Reesink, Arnold Jan H. (eds.), "An exhumed fine-grained meandering channel in the lower Permian Clear Fork Formation, north-central Texas: Processes of mud accumulation and the role of vegetation in channel dynamics", Fluvial Meanders and Their Sedimentary Products in the Rock Record (1 ed.), Wiley, pp. 149–171, doi:10.1002/9781119424437.ch6, ISBN 978-1-119-42446-8, retrieved 2024-06-03
  7. ^ Simon, Sharane S.T.; Gibling, Martin R. (2017). "Pedogenic Mud Aggregates Preserved In A Fine-Grained Meandering Channel In the Lower Permian Clear Fork Formation, North-Central Texas, U.S.A." Journal of Sedimentary Research. 87 (3): 230–252. Bibcode:2017JSedR..87..230S. doi:10.2110/jsr.2017.12. ISSN 1527-1404.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m Simon, Sharane S.T.; Gibling, Martin R.; DiMichele, William A.; Chaney, Dan S.; Looy, Cindy V.; Tabor, Neil J. (2016). "An Abandoned-Channel Fill with Exquisitely Preserved Plants in Redbeds of the Clear Fork Formation, Texas, USA: An Early Permian Water-Dependent Habitat on the Arid Plains of Pangea". Journal of Sedimentary Research. 86 (8): 944–964. Bibcode:2016JSedR..86..944S. doi:10.2110/jsr.2016.60. ISSN 1527-1404.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Wilson, John Andrew (1953). "Permian Vertebrates from Taylor County, Texas". Journal of Paleontology. 27 (3): 456–470. JSTOR 1300003.
  10. ^ Olson, Everett Claire (1948). "A Preliminary Report on Vertebrates from the Permian Vale Formation of Texas". The Journal of Geology. 56 (3): 186–198. Bibcode:1948JG.....56..186O. doi:10.1086/625500. ISSN 0022-1376. JSTOR 30063387.
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b Dalquest, Walter W.; Mamay, Sergius H. (1963). "A Remarkable Concentration of Permian Amphibian Remains in Haskell County, Texas". The Journal of Geology. 71 (5): 641–644. Bibcode:1963JG.....71..641D. doi:10.1086/626938. ISSN 0022-1376.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Gee, Bryan M.; Rosscoe, Steven J.; Scott, Diane; Ostlien, Judie; Reisz, Robert R. (2018). "Faunal overview of the Mud Hill locality from the early Permian Vale Formation of Taylor County, Texas". Journal of Paleontology. 92 (6): 1092–1106. Bibcode:2018JPal...92.1092G. doi:10.1017/jpa.2018.26. ISSN 0022-3360.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b c Romer, A. S.; Price, L. W. (1940), "Review of the Pelycosauria", 28 : Review of the Pelycosauria, Geological Society of America Special Papers, vol. 28, Geological Society of America, pp. 1–534, doi:10.1130/spe28-p1
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b c Olson, Everett Claire (29 July 1954). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 7, Pelycosauria: Family Caseidae". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (17): 193–204.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b Olson, Everett C. (13 February 1968). "The family Caseidae". Fieldiana: Geology. 17 (5): 225–349.
  16. ^ Romano, Marco; Nicosia, Umberto (2015). "Cladistic analysis of Caseidae (Caseasauria, Synapsida): using the gap-weighting method to include taxa based on incomplete specimens". Palaeontology. 58 (6): 1109–1130. Bibcode:2015Palgy..58.1109R. doi:10.1111/pala.12197. ISSN 0031-0239.
  17. ^ Brocklehurst, Neil; Romano, Marco; Fröbisch, Jörg (2016). "Principal component analysis as an alternative treatment for morphometric characters: phylogeny of caseids as a case study". Palaeontology. 59 (6): 877–886. Bibcode:2016Palgy..59..877B. doi:10.1111/pala.12264. ISSN 0031-0239.
  18. ^ Spindler, Frederik; Falconnet, Jocelyn; Fröbisch, Jörg (2016). "Callibrachion and Datheosaurus, two historical and previously mistaken basal caseasaurian synapsids from Europe". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 61. doi:10.4202/app.00221.2015.
  19. ^ Olson, Everett Claire (29 July 1954). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 8, Pelycosauria: Dimetrodon". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (18): 205–210.
  20. ^ Reisz, Robert R.; Tsuji, Linda A. (2006-12-11). "An articulated skeleton of Varanops with bite marks: the oldest known evidence of scavenging among terrestrial vertebrates". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 26 (4): 1021–1023. doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2006)26[1021:AASOVW]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0272-4634.
  21. ^ Campione, Nicolás E.; Reisz, Robert R. (2010-05-18). "Varanops brevirostris (Eupelycosauria: Varanopidae) from the Lower Permian of Texas, with discussion of varanopid morphology and interrelationships". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (3): 724–746. Bibcode:2010JVPal..30..724C. doi:10.1080/02724631003762914. ISSN 0272-4634.
  22. ^ Jump up to: a b Modesto, Sean P.; Flear, Vonica J.; Dilney, Melissa M.; Reisz, Robert R. (2016-11-01). "A large moradisaurine tooth plate from the Lower Permian of Texas and its biostratigraphic implications". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 36 (6): e1221832. Bibcode:2016JVPal..36E1832M. doi:10.1080/02724634.2016.1221832. ISSN 0272-4634.
  23. ^ Jump up to: a b c Olson, Everett Claire (31 May 1956). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 13, Diadectes, Xenacanthus, and Specimens of Uncertain Affinities". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (27): 329–334.
  24. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Olson, Everett Claire (29 July 1954). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 9, Captorhinomorpha". Fieldiana. 10 (19): 211–218.
  25. ^ Jump up to: a b Modesto, Sean P.; Lamb, Amy J.; Reisz, R. R. (2014). "The captorhinid reptile Captorhinikos valensis from the lower Permian Vale Formation of Texas, and the evolution of herbivory in eureptiles". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 34 (2): 291–302. Bibcode:2014JVPal..34..291M. doi:10.1080/02724634.2013.809358. ISSN 0272-4634.
  26. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Seltin, Richard J. (22 October 1959). "A review of the family Captorhinidae". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (34): 461–509.
  27. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j Olson, Everett Claire (28 August 1951). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 1-5". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (11): 89–128.
  28. ^ Bolt, John R.; Demar, Robert E. (1978). "Taxonomic Position of Captorhinoides valensis Olson (Reptilia: Captorhinomorpha)". Journal of Paleontology. 52 (4): 934–937. JSTOR 1303912.
  29. ^ Olson, Everett Claire (31 May 1956). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 12, A New Trematopid Amphibian from the Vale Formation". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (26): 323–328.
  30. ^ Milner, Andrew R. (1985). "On the identity of Trematopsis seltini (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Lower Permian of Texas". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. 1985 (6): 357–367. doi:10.1127/njgpm/1985/1985/357.
  31. ^ Gee, Bryan M. (2021-11-08). "Returning to the roots: resolution, reproducibility, and robusticity in the phylogenetic inference of Dissorophidae (Amphibia: Temnospondyli)". PeerJ. 9: e12423. doi:10.7717/peerj.12423. ISSN 2167-8359. PMC 8582317.
  32. ^ Jump up to: a b c Olson, Everett Claire (27 June 1952). "Fauna of the upper Vale and Choza: 6, Diplocaulus". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (14): 147–166.
  33. ^ Jump up to: a b c Anderson, Jason S.; Reisz, Robert R.; Scott, Diane; Fröbisch, Nadia B.; Sumida, Stuart S. (2008). "A stem batrachian from the Early Permian of Texas and the origin of frogs and salamanders". Nature. 453 (7194): 515–518. Bibcode:2008Natur.453..515A. doi:10.1038/nature06865. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 18497824.
  34. ^ Olson, Everett Claire (31 May 1956). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 11, Lysorophus: Vale and Choza, Diplocaulus, Cacops, and Eryopidae: Choza". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (25): 313–322.
  35. ^ Wellstead, C. F. (1991). "Taxonomic revision of the Lysorophia, Permo-Carboniferous lepospondyl amphibians" (PDF). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 209: 1–90.
  36. ^ Pardo, Jason D.; Anderson, Jason S. (2016-08-26). "Cranial Morphology of the Carboniferous-Permian Tetrapod Brachydectes newberryi (Lepospondyli, Lysorophia): New Data from µCT". PLOS ONE. 11 (8): e0161823. Bibcode:2016PLoSO..1161823P. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161823. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 5001628. PMID 27563722.
  37. ^ Mann, Arjan; Pardo, Jason D; Maddin, Hillary C (2019-09-30). "Infernovenator steenae, a new serpentine recumbirostran from the 'Mazon Creek' Lagerstätte further clarifies lysorophian origins". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 187 (2): 506–517. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz026. ISSN 0024-4082.
  38. ^ Haglund, Thomas R. (1977). "New Occurrences and Paleoecology of Peronedon primus Olson (Nectridea)". Journal of Paleontology. 51 (5): 982–985. JSTOR 1303770.
  39. ^ Jump up to: a b Olson, Everett C. (1979). "Seymouria grandis n. sp. (Batrachosauria: Amphibia) from the Middle Clear Fork (Permian) of Oklahoma and Texas". Journal of Paleontology. 53 (3): 720–728. JSTOR 1304008.
  40. ^ Olson, Everett Claire (30 March 1955). "Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 10, Trimerohachis: Including a Revision of Pre-Vale Species". Fieldiana: Geology. 10 (21): 225–274.
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  42. ^ Jump up to: a b Milner, Andrew R.; Schoch, Rainer R. (2013-10-01). "Trimerorhachis (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Lower Permian of Texas and New Mexico: cranial osteology, taxonomy and biostratigraphy". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 270 (1): 91–128. doi:10.1127/0077-7749/2013/0360. ISSN 0077-7749.
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