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Список канадских суперцентрарианцев

(Перенаправлено от Джули Виннефред Бертран )

В этой статье перечислены канадские суперцентрарианцы (люди из Канады , которые достигли возраста не менее 110 лет). Самым старым проверенным канадским человеком был Мари-Луиз Мейлюр , который умер в 1998 году в возрасте 117 лет, 230 дней. По состоянию на 20 сентября 2024 года самым старым живым человеком в Канаде является Хейзел Скюс, родившийся 7 февраля 1912 года в Манитобе, в возрасте 112 лет, 226 дней. [ 1 ]

100 самых старых известных канадцев

[ редактировать ]

  Покойный   Жизнь

Классифицировать Имя Секс Дата рождения Дата смерти Возраст Место рождения Место смерти
или резиденция
0 1 Мари-Луиза лучше всего [ 2 ]
29 августа 1880 года 16 апреля 1998 года 117 лет, 230 дней Квебек Онтарио
0 2 Мэри Энн Роудс [ 2 ]
12 августа 1882 года 3 марта 1998 года 115 лет, 203 дня Онтарио Онтарио
0 3 Джули Уиннефред Бертран [ 2 ]
16 сентября 1891 года 18 января 2007 г. 115 лет, 124 дня Квебек Квебек
0 4 Мэри Жозефина Рэй [ 3 ]
17 мая 1895 года 7 марта 2010 года 114 лет, 294 дня Принц Эдвардский остров Соединенные Штаты
05 Cecile Klein[2]
15 June 1907 13 January 2022[4] 114 years, 212 days Quebec Quebec
06 Phyllis Ridgway[2]
10 March 1907 4 June 2021[5] 114 years, 86 days United Kingdom Ontario
07 Ellen Gibb[2]
26 April 1905 5 June 2019[6] 114 years, 40 days Manitoba Ontario
08 Merle Barwis[2]
23 December 1900 22 November 2014 113 years, 334 days United States British Columbia
09 Anne Samson,[2]
aka Sister Cecile-Marie[7]
27 February 1891 29 November 2004 113 years, 276 days Nova Scotia New Brunswick
10 Shige Mineshiba[2]
18 May 1909 6 January 2023[8] 113 years, 233 days Japan British Columbia
11 Mabel Mah[2]
4 July 1910 30 January 2024[9] 113 years, 210 days British Columbia British Columbia
12 Lillian Ross[2]
24 August 1879 20 March 1993 113 years, 208 days Ontario Ontario
13 Reita Fennell[2]
20 November 1907 17 April 2021[10] 113 years, 148 days Saskatchewan Saskatchewan
14 Zelda McCague[2]
28 March 1888 6 August 2001 113 years, 131 days Ontario Ontario
15 Margaret Fitzgerald[2]
16 September 1896 20 October 2009 113 years, 34 days New Brunswick New Brunswick
16 Cora Hansen[2]
25 March 1899 18 April 2012 113 years, 24 days United States Alberta
17 Alice Sjöquist[2]
25 October 1878 7 November 1991 113 years, 13 days United Kingdom British Columbia
18 Fanny Martland[2]
19 November 1888 1 December 2001 113 years, 12 days United Kingdom British Columbia
19 Sarah Patenaude-Bruyère[2]
20 February 1907 17 February 2020[11] 112 years, 362 days Ontario Quebec
20 Hazel Campbell[12]
7 December 1903 7 November 2016 112 years, 336 days Quebec United States
21 Sum Ying Fung[13]
27 January 1899 6 December 2011 112 years, 313 days China[a] British Columbia
22 Flora Thibodeau[2]
20 March 1901 22 January 2014 112 years, 308 days New Brunswick New Brunswick
23 Pearl Lutzko[2]
15 February 1899 2 November 2011[14] 112 years, 260 days Ukraine[b] Saskatchewan
24 Adéa Pellerin-Cormier[2]
11 September 1901 24 May 2014 112 years, 255 days New Brunswick New Brunswick
25 Henrietta Irwin[2]
27 May 1906 15 January 2019 112 years, 233 days United Kingdom Ontario
26 Gertruda Gorecka[2]
12 November 1911 25 June 2024[15] 112 years, 226 days German Empire[c] Ontario
Hazel Skuce[1]
7 February 1912 Living 112 years, 226 days Manitoba Manitoba
28 Helen Doan[2]
18 September 1911 18 April 2024[16] 112 years, 213 days Ontario Ontario
29 Margaret Romans[17]
16 March 1912 Living 112 years, 188 days Latvia[d] Quebec
30 Alexina St. Pierre-Loyer[2]
21 November 1907 22 May 2020 112 years, 183 days Quebec Quebec
31 Yvonne Delorme-Martel[2]
22 October 1909 7 April 2022[18] 112 years, 167 days Quebec Quebec
32 Mary Roberts[2]
5 October 1906 11 March 2019 112 years, 157 days United Kingdom British Columbia
33 Clara Mackenzie[12]
7 October 1885 5 March 1998 112 years, 149 days Newfoundland[e] United States
34 Fannie Greenberg[19]
24 May 1895 5 October 2007 112 years, 134 days Ontario United States
35 Marie-Laure Nadon[2]
12 April 1889 18 August 2001 112 years, 128 days Quebec Quebec
36 Mary MacIsaac[2]
27 December 1893 10 March 2006 112 years, 73 days New Brunswick Saskatchewan
37 Tilly Oslender[20][21]
24 March 1907 1 June 2019[22] 112 years, 69 days Ukraine[b] Ontario
38 Julia Houde[2]
18 September 1894 18 November 2006 112 years, 61 days Quebec Quebec
39 Mamie Smith[2]
1 March 1889 25 April 2001 112 years, 55 days Ontario Ontario
40 Orma Slack[2]
19 February 1903 13 April 2015[23] 112 years, 53 days Ontario Ontario
41 Mary Ellen Swan[2]
24 June 1892 10 August 2004 112 years, 47 days United Kingdom Ontario
42 Margherita Buttiri[2]
8 May 1908 23 June 2020[24] 112 years, 46 days Croatia[f] Alberta
43 Maria Mallozzi[2]
25 September 1887 26 October 1999 112 years, 31 days Italy Ontario
44 Emma Galode[2]
22 August 1882 9 September 1994 112 years, 18 days Newfoundland[e] Ontario
45 Simonne Leduc[2]
31 October 1911 26 October 2023 111 years, 360 days Quebec Quebec
46 Elizabeth Buhler[25]
8 February 1899 23 January 2011 111 years, 349 days Ukraine[b] Manitoba
Marie-Blanche Portelance[2]
21 March 1909 5 March 2021 Quebec Quebec
48 Colombe Benoît-Leclerc[2]
5 February 1903 14 January 2015[26] 111 years, 343 days Quebec Quebec
49 Agnes Munce[2]
17 January 1877 17 December 1988 111 years, 335 days Ontario Ontario
50 Arthur Nash[2]
7 January 1885 4 November 1996 111 years, 302 days United Kingdom Manitoba
51 James McCoubrey[27]
13 September 1901 5 July 2013 111 years, 295 days Newfoundland[e] United States
52 Molly Schmidt[28]
22 July 1905 8 May 2017 111 years, 290 days Alberta United States
53 Marguerite Wabano[2]
28 January 1904 13 November 2015 111 years, 289 days Ontario Ontario
54 Isabel Dryden[2]
16 October 1888 20 July 2000 111 years, 278 days Ontario British Columbia
55 Foon Hay Lum[29]
30 July 1908 24 April 2020[30] 111 years, 269 days China[a] Ontario
56 Florence Webber[2]
22 July 1908 13 April 2020[31] 111 years, 266 days Nova Scotia Nova Scotia
57 Reuben Sinclair[2]
5 December 1911 27 August 2023[32] 111 years, 265 days Saskatchewan British Columbia
58 Dora Skeen[33][34]
29 December 1910 19 September 2022[35] 111 years, 264 days Jamaica[g] Ontario
59 Merle O'Hara[2]
20 February 1912 4 November 2023 111 years, 257 days Jamaica[g] British Columbia
60 Hazel Schultz[1]
12 January 1913 Living 111 years, 252 days Saskatchewan United States
61 Jemima Westcott[2]
10 January 1911 24 August 2022[36] 111 years, 226 days Manitoba Manitoba
62 Marie-Louise Meunier[2]
15 March 1887 24 October 1998 111 years, 223 days Quebec Quebec
63 Eva Carrier-Delisle[2]
29 April 1908 22 November 2019[37] 111 years, 207 days Quebec Quebec
64 Herman Smith-Johannsen[38]
15 June 1875 5 January 1987 111 years, 204 days Norway Quebec[h]
Emilienne Marcil-Pigeon[2]
29 March 1911 19 October 2022 Quebec Quebec
66 Evangeline Saulnier[2]
11 September 1890 19 March 2002 111 years, 189 days New Brunswick New Brunswick
67 Ethel Lyman[2]
8 June 1880 9 December 1991 111 years, 184 days Ontario Quebec
68 Marie Bibeault[2]
31 January 1882 29 July 1993 111 years, 179 days Quebec Quebec
69 Janet Luscombe[39]
12 August 1910 25 January 2022[40] 111 years, 166 days Newfoundland[i] Ontario
70 Jennie Sutherland[41]
4 October 1906 15 March 2018[42] 111 years, 162 days United States Alberta
71 Rose Lavender[2]
29 August 1886 1 February 1998 111 years, 156 days United Kingdom Ontario
72 Louise Gibson[43]
7 August 1883 2 January 1995 111 years, 148 days Nova Scotia United States
73 George Frederick Ives[2]
17 November 1881 12 April 1993 111 years, 146 days United Kingdom British Columbia
74 Lilian Cornell[2]
21 August 1904 11 January 2016 111 years, 143 days United Kingdom Saskatchewan
75 Isabella Hayes[2]
17 June 1900 5 November 2011 111 years, 141 days United Kingdom Ontario
76 Sarah Harper[44]
24 August 1906 16 December 2017[45] 111 years, 114 days Manitoba Manitoba
77 Eloise Chandler[46]
21 January 1910 12 May 2021[47] 111 years, 111 days British Guiana[j] Ontario
78 Marguerite Robertson[2]
13 May 1907 31 August 2018[48] 111 years, 110 days Nova Scotia British Columbia
79 Bessie Roffey[2]
2 March 1897 17 June 2008 111 years, 107 days United Kingdom Alberta
80 Virginia Muise[43]
28 July 1893 2 November 2004 111 years, 97 days Nova Scotia United States
81 Emily McCool[2]
13 December 1909 11 March 2021[49] 111 years, 88 days Ontario Ontario
82 Mariette Barszczewicz[50][51]
8 January 1909 4 April 2020[52] 111 years, 87 days Belgium Ontario
83 Gisele Chalifour[53]
20 June 1907 13 September 2018[54] 111 years, 85 days Quebec Quebec
84 Anna Nielsen[2]
2 April 1904 19 June 2015 111 years, 78 days Denmark British Columbia
85 Linda Yale[2]
28 December 1912 11 March 2024[55] 111 years, 74 days Quebec British Columbia
86 Louise-Anna Turcotte-Brouillette[56]
5 September 1905 12 November 2016 111 years, 68 days Quebec Quebec
87 Rachel Bateman[2]
16 January 1865 18 March 1976 111 years, 62 days Ontario[k] Manitoba
88 Margaret Ives[2]
28 January 1889 27 March 2000 111 years, 59 days United Kingdom Manitoba
89 Selma Gaetz[57]
12 May 1903 5 July 2014 111 years, 54 days Alberta[l] United States
90 Jennie Fitzgerald[2]
5 December 1895 22 January 2007 111 years, 48 days New Brunswick New Brunswick
91 Nellie Thompson[2]
21 October 1878 27 November 1989 111 years, 37 days Ontario Ontario
92 Clarina Hudon[58]
4 March 1905 7 April 2016 111 years, 34 days Quebec United States
93 Grace-Lillian Schaeffner[59]
28 November 1878 26 December 1989 111 years, 28 days Ontario United States
Luella Sanford[2]
18 May 1889 15 June 2000 Nova Scotia Nova Scotia
Lorna Best[2]
4 July 1903 1 August 2014 Manitoba British Columbia
96 Norma Pratt[60]
15 April 1891 11 May 2002 111 years, 26 days Ontario United States
97 Eleanor McNeill[2]
7 March 1887 11 March 1998 111 years, 4 days United Kingdom Nova Scotia
98 Olinda Mascarin[61]
4 December 1909 30 November 2020[62] 110 years, 362 days Italy Ontario
99 Emilie Lavoie[2]
10 April 1898 2 April 2009 110 years, 357 days New Brunswick New Brunswick
100 Judith Pinard[2]
3 July 1898 13 June 2009 110 years, 345 days Quebec Quebec
  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Fung and Lum were born in Qing dynasty in Imperial China.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c Lutzko, Oslender, and Buhler were born in Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire, now an independent country.
  3. ^ Gorecka was born in Kębłowo, Province of West Prussia, German Empire, which is now part of Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland.
  4. ^ Romans was born in Latvia, then part of the Russian Empire, now an independent country.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b c Mackenzie, Galode and McCoubrey were born in Newfoundland, then Newfoundland Colony, a colony of Britain. It is now a province of Canada.
  6. ^ Buttiri was born in Rovigno, then in the Austrian Empire, now Rovinj, Croatia.
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b Skeen and O'Hara were born in Jamaica, then part of the British West Indies. Jamaica became independent in 1962.
  8. ^ Smith-Johannsen died in Norway while on visit.
  9. ^ Luscombe was born in Newfoundland, then the Dominion of Newfoundland, a Dominion of the British Empire. It is now a province of Canada.
  10. ^ Chandler was born in Georgetown, which was the capital of British Guiana and today is the capital of Guyana.
  11. ^ Ontario, at the time of Bateman's birth, was part of the British Province of Canada in British North America before the Canadian Confederation in 1867.
  12. ^ Gaetz was born in Mayton, Alberta, which was in the District of Alberta in the Northwest Territories before the formation of the province in 1905.



Sum Ying Fung


Sum Ying Fung (née Eng, Chinese: 吴如英, 27 January 1899 – 6 December 2011), was a Chinese Canadian supercentenarian who was the oldest person in Canada in 2011.

Sum Ying Eng was born in Wing On Village, Yanping, China in 1899.[63] In 1926, she married Chong Lim Fung, who had been working in Canada since 1911. Chong Lim would travel to visit Sum Ying regularly in the ensuing years and they had three children.[64] However, the Chinese Exclusion Act prevented her from joining her husband in Canada. In 1954, she emigrated to Canada under the sponsorship of her husband.[65] The couple settled in Chinatown, Vancouver that year. The Fung family moved to East Vancouver upon Chong Lim's death in 1967.[64]

In 1989, she developed a brain tumour, underwent surgery, and survived. She visited China later that year and was in Beijing during the military crackdown of Tiananmen Square protests. She and her family fled Beijing among a group of German tourists.[13]

In January 2011, Sum Ying Fung became the oldest person in Canada, after the death of Elizabeth Buhler.[66] The Queen congratulated Fung in a letter on her 112th birthday on 27 January 2011 and the Mayor of Vancouver declared that day "Fung Eng Sum Ying Day".[64][65]

Fung died of natural causes at the claimed age of 112, at Burnaby General Hospital in British Columbia on 6 December 2011. At the time of her death she was survived by two of her three children, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grand children, and 2 great-great-grand children.[13][64]

Reuben Sinclair


Reuben "Rube"[67] Sinclair (5 December 1911 – 27 August 2023)[32] was the oldest known living man in Canada, and oldest known living veteran of World War II.[68][69]

Sinclair was born on the outskirts of Lipton, Saskatchewan to Yitzok (né Sandler) and Fraida (née Dubrovinsky) Sinclair – Ukrainian Jews that immigrated to Canada in 1905. His two older brothers, Samuel and Sol, were born in Ukraine, while his older sister Clara and younger brother Joe were born in Canada.[67] His family's land was provided by the Jewish Colonisation Association. He worked on their farm.[67]

Sinclair joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1942[70] and was stationed at North Battleford. According to his daughter, he "couldn't stand by and do nothing while people were dying in Europe".[71] He taught pilots how to take off and land during blackouts, before radar was commonplace. Once it became standard, he worked in equipping aircraft with transmitters and receivers.[70] His younger brother Joe served in the army, and after the war they moved to Richmond, British Columbia and started Sinclair Bros. Garage and Auto Wrecking.[67][69][71]

He married a woman named Ida and they had three children: Nadine Lipetz, Karen and Len. In 1964, they moved to California; Sinclair suffered from migraines due to the war and his wife suggested they move to California to escape the cold weather and live closer to her siblings.[67] His brother-in-law offered him a job in a furniture store in Anaheim. Ida suffered a stroke in 1994 and the Sinclairs moved back to British Columbia the same year. She died in 1996.[67] Reuben resided in Richmond.

Sinclair was vaccinated against COVID-19 in March 2021, one of the oldest people to do so.[72] Following the death of 109-year-old Tom Lumby on 19 June 2021,[73] Sinclair was believed to have become Canada's oldest veteran.[68] He became the oldest Canadian-born man upon the death of 110-year-old Arnold Hawkins on 18 September 2021.[68][74] As of November 2021, he had six grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.[71] His family spanned five generations at the time of his death.[69]

Following the death of 111-year-old American Ezra Hill on 4 October 2022,[75] Sinclair was believed to have been the oldest World War II veteran in the world.[68]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c "World Supercentenarian Rankings List". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs "List of validated supercentenarians in Canada". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
  3. ^ "2006 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
  4. ^ "Cecile Edith Klein Nee Efros 2022". Necro Canada. 15 January 2022. Retrieved 16 October 2022.
  5. ^ "Phyllis Ridgway Obituary". Legacy. Retrieved 16 October 2022.
  6. ^ Hamilton-McCharles, Jennifer (6 June 2019). "Oldest Canadian, North Bay resident, dies at 114". North Bay Nugget. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  7. ^ River Bourgeois Community Services Society (March 2003). "Happy 112th birthday" (PDF). The River Round up. 4 (3): 3. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  8. ^ Britten, Liam (12 January 2023). "At 113, one of Canada's oldest people has died in her Vancouver home". CBC News. Retrieved 12 January 2023.
  9. ^ Albano, Rollan (2 February 2024). "Mabel Mah, Canada's Oldest Living Person, Dies at 113". LongeviQuest. Retrieved 2 February 2024.
  10. ^ "Reita "Deat" Fennell". Melfort Funeral Home. Retrieved 16 October 2022.
  11. ^ "Adieu Mme Patenaude-Bruyère". Le Droit (Press Reader). 19 February 2020.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b "2016 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 24 April 2024.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b c Woo, Andrea (13 December 2011). "Vancouver's Sum Ying Fung, Canada's oldest resident, dies at the age of 112". Vancouver Sun. Archived from the original on 8 January 2012. Retrieved 5 December 2015.
  14. ^ "Saskatchewan's oldest person dies at 112". CBC News. 4 November 2011. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
  15. ^ "Obituary of Gertruda Gorecka". Windsor Chapel Funeral Home. 25 June 2024. Retrieved 28 June 2024.
  16. ^ "Obituary - Mrs. Helen McKinnon Doan". Dignity Memorial. Retrieved 24 April 2024.
  17. ^ "Margaret Romans". LongeviQuest. 21 June 2024. Retrieved 28 June 2024.
  18. ^ "Avis de décès de Yvonne Delorme Martel". Echovita. Retrieved 16 October 2022.[better source needed]
  19. ^ "2005 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
  20. ^ "Tilly Oslender can't explain how she's lived to 108". The Canadian Jewish News. 25 March 2015. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  21. ^ "Amazing, Funny, Fabulous..." (PDF). Beth Tzedec Congregation. April 2019. p. 35. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  22. ^ Rose, Alex (6 June 2019). "Even at 112 years old, Tilly Oslender was still living life to the fullest". The Canadian Jewish News. Retrieved 10 June 2019.
  23. ^ "Obituary for Orma Slack". Rushnell Family Services. Archived from the original on 16 April 2015. Retrieved 5 December 2018.
  24. ^ "Margherita Buttiri". Edmonton Journal. 27 June 2020.
  25. ^ O'Connor, Joe (25 January 2011). "Oldest Canadian lived through Russian Revolution, Great Depression". Vancouver Sun. Archived from the original on 20 July 2019. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
  26. ^ "Colombe Benoît Leclerc – Nécrologie – Avis de décès, Québec – Rechercher". Lépine Cloutier. Retrieved 5 December 2018.
  27. ^ "2012 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 24 April 2024.
  28. ^ "2023 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 24 April 2024.
  29. ^ Brockbank, Nicole (20 June 2019). "This woman lived on her own until 107; expert says care in community key to aging population". CBC News. Retrieved 25 April 2020.
  30. ^ Chown Oved, Marco (26 April 2020). "COVID claims 111-year-old Foon Hay Lum, pioneering activist for Chinese Canadians". Toronto Star. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  31. ^ "Florence Amy Webber Obituary". SaltWire. 15 April 2020. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  32. ^ Jump up to: a b Margolis, Sam (1 September 2023). "Obituary: Reuben Sinclair, 112, Canada's oldest veteran, remembered for his service and his zest for life". The Canadian Jewish News. Retrieved 12 September 2023.
  33. ^ Nickle, David (19 March 2021). "Scarborough's oldest resident feels 'very good' about COVID vaccination". Toronto.com.
  34. ^ "Scarborough woman turns 111 years old". Global News. 29 December 2021. Retrieved 26 May 2022.
  35. ^ "Obituary of Mrs. Dora Skeen". Ogden Funeral Homes. Retrieved 30 September 2022.
  36. ^ "Jemima Westcott Obituary". Brockie Donovan Funeral and Cremation Services. 24 August 2022. Retrieved 1 September 2022.
  37. ^ "Avis de décès: Carrier Delisle, Eva". Coopérative funéraire des Deux Rives. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  38. ^ "2000 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
  39. ^ Pritchard, Brad (13 August 2020). "'Just take it easy': Alliston resident Janet Luscombe offers sage advice on becoming supercentenarian". Alliston Herald.
  40. ^ "Janet Luscombe Obituary". Echovita. Retrieved 16 October 2022.[better source needed]
  41. ^ "Barrhead woman celebrates 110th birthday". CBC News. 31 October 2016. Retrieved 6 November 2022.
  42. ^ "Jennie (Thompson) Sutherland". Westlock Funeral Home. 15 March 2018. Retrieved 6 November 2022.
  43. ^ Jump up to: a b "2004 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
  44. ^ "Bunibonibee Cree Nation's Sarah Harper turns 111". CBC News. 24 August 2017. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  45. ^ "Manitoba Cree elder Sarah Harper dies at 111". CBC News. 17 December 2017. Retrieved 5 December 2018.
  46. ^ da Silva, Amanda (23 January 2020). "Eloise Chandler celebrates 110th birthday with party at Harmony Hall". Beach Metro Community News.
  47. ^ "Obituary - Eloise Chandler". Dignity Memorial. Retrieved 16 October 2022.
  48. ^ "Marguerite Robertson Obituary". Burnaby Now, New Westminster Record. 12 September 2018. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
  49. ^ Taylor, Darren (12 March 2021). "Finnish Resthome's oldest resident dies at 111". SooToday.com.
  50. ^ Mitchell, Jeff (7 February 2016). "At 107, Mariette Barszczewicz of Oshawa revels in a lifetime of remarkable memories". Metroland. Retrieved 24 July 2019.
  51. ^ Pazzano, Jasmine (9 January 2019). "Durham Region woman celebrates 110th birthday". Global News. Retrieved 15 January 2019.
  52. ^ "Mariette Barszczewicz Obituary". Legacy. 10 April 2020. Retrieved 10 May 2020.
  53. ^ Esseghir, Amine (20 June 2017). "Elle fête 110 ans à Bordeaux-Cartierville". Retrieved 5 December 2018.
  54. ^ "Adieu, Gisèle Chalifour, 111 ans". Destination-Soleil. 13 September 2018. Retrieved 5 December 2018.
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  57. ^ "2015 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 24 April 2024.
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  59. ^ "2001 validations". Gerontology Research Group. Retrieved 25 August 2024.
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  61. ^ Thompson, Chris (4 December 2019). "Windsor woman celebrates 110th birthday". Windsor Star.
  62. ^ "Olinda Mascarin Obituary". Windsor Star. 2 December 2020.
  63. ^ Ivens, Andy (14 December 2011). "Oldest Canadian Sum Ying Fung dies peacefully in Burnaby". The Province. Archived from the original on 8 January 2012.
  64. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый «Женщина, которая была самой старой живой канадской, умирает в 112» . CBC News . 13 декабря 2011 года . Получено 15 декабря 2011 года .
  65. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Старейший живой человек Канады, 112-летний китайский канадский сумма-фанг, умирает в Британской Колумбии] . Самый старый живой человек Канады, 112-летняя китайско-канадийская сумма яги, умирает в Британской Колумбии]. Большой сад Канады в языке ( китайском . )
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  67. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон Джонсон, Пэт (15 января 2021 года). «Долгая жизнь, работающая, помогая другим» . Еврейский независимый . Получено 14 июня 2023 года .
  68. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый «Рувим Синклер» . Longeviquest. 22 января 2023 года . Получено 20 марта 2023 года .
  69. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Литтл, Саймон (29 августа 2023 г.). «Старейший ветеран Канады Второй мировой войны, который отдыхал в Британской Колумбии» . Глобальные новости . Получено 29 августа 2023 года .
  70. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Адамс, Шарон (11 января 2022 года). « Я чувствовал, что это был мой долг » . Журнал Легиона . Получено 14 июня 2023 года .
  71. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Эрнандес, Джон (11 ноября 2021 г.). «Самый старый живой ветеран в Канаде удостоился 110 лет» . CBC News . Получено 15 июня 2023 года .
  72. ^ Бесснер, Эллин (17 марта 2021 г.). «Ветераны и вакцина ветеранов и Covid-19» . Эллин Бесснер . Получено 15 июня 2023 года .
  73. ^ Иган, Келли (6 июля 2021 года). «Иган: старший человек Оттавы умирает» . Оттава гражданин . Получено 15 июня 2023 года .
  74. ^ Перри, Брэд (19 сентября 2021 г.). « Дедушка Канады» умирает в 110 » . Страна 94 . Получено 15 июня 2023 года .
  75. ^ «Празднование жизни Эзры Эдварда Хилла» . Redd Funeral Services. 4 октября 2022 года . Получено 15 июня 2023 года .
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