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(Перенаправлено из Ventures Sofinnova )

Sofinnova - это название, разделяемое двумя венчурными фирмами, Sofinnova Partners и Sofinnova Ventures. Название Sofinnova - это сокращение французского «Societé de Financement De L'Nshipation» или Innovation Venture Capital Company. Обе фирмы прослеживают свои корни обратно в Sofinnova SA, инвестиционного учреждения, основанного в Париже в 1972 году. С начала запуска две фирмы собрали ~ 4 млрд. Долл. США и, как правило, поделились аналогичной инвестиционной стратегией финансирования проектов и идей в науках о жизни и технологиях. Фирмы различают себя на основе своей целевой географии, этапа инвестиций и секторов. Они были независимыми организациями с 1997 года.

  • Sofinnova Partners находится в Париже, Лондоне и Милане и фокусируется в первую очередь на европейских биотехнологиях, Medtech, Biopharma и Industrial Biotech Investments, с аналогичным распределением для США.
  • У Sofinnova Ventures есть офисы в Менло -Парке, Калифорния, и Сан -Диего, Калифорния, и в основном фокусируется на инвестициях в биотехнологии США, а на ~ 20% распределение для Европы.

Sofinnova Partners and Sofinnova Ventures have historically shared some of the same Limited Partners, and have co-invested together in various life sciences companies including Flamel, Cerep, Genset, Actelion,[1] Preglem, Movetis, Ascendis, Obseva, Auris and Nucana. The firms have a collegial relationship and exchange information and due diligence. The firms do not have an obligation to disclose deals or to co-invest, but historically have co-invested together in ~10% of their collective investments.

Sofinnova Partners (France, UK, Italy)

Sofinnova Partners
Company typePrivate
IndustryPrivate equity
HeadquartersParis, France
ProductsVenture capital
Total assetsover €2 billion[2]

Sofinnova Partners is an independent venture capital firm based in Paris, London, and Milan with approximately €2 billion of capital.[2] The firm invests primarily in early-stage companies and corporate spin-offs, in industrial biotechnology and in life sciences.

The Sofinnova Partners' flagship fund, Sofinnova Capital IX, raised €333M in 2019.[3]

Over the last few years, Sofinnova Partners has created a platform strategy to include multiple funds alongside its historic Capital Fund. This includes:

  • The Sofinnova Telethon Fund, specializing in early‐stage investments in gene and cell therapies
  • The Sofinnova Crossover I, a fund investing in pre‐ and post‐IPO companies
  • The Sofinnova MD Start III, a medical device acceleration fund
  • The Sofinnova Industrial Biotech I

Each of these funds is managed by dedicated specialist teams and are unique investment vehicles across the life sciences investment value chain.

Sofinnova has financed over 500 companies around the world since its inception in 1972 of which more than 20% have successfully completed an initial public offering and more than 20% have been acquired by strategic buyers.



Sofinnova Partners most recently closed its Sofinnova Telethon Fund at €108 M[4] and has invested in 3 Italian biotech startups in the last 6 months. This fund specializes in early‐stage investments in gene and cell therapies and is based out of Milan, Italy. It also completed fundraising for its ninth private equity fund, Sofinnova Capital IX with €333M raised.

Some notable investments from the firm's flagship fund include Innate, Maximiles and NovusPharma from Sofinnova Capital III (€121M). Sofinnova Partners' Capital IV fund, which raised €330M of capital, made it one of the largest venture firms in Europe at the time. In 2005, Sofinnova Partners was named “Fund of the Year” by Private Equity International and “VC Techno House of the Year 2005” by the European Venture Capital Journal (EVCJ) which described Sofinnova's fundraising as the “Fundraising of the Year 2005”. This fund invested in a number of companies including Taptu. Sofinnova Partners has raised several venture capital funds (see Table).

Year Amount Fund
1989 €38M Sofinnova Capital I
1994 €47M Sofinnova Capital II
1998 €121M Sofinnova Capital III
2001 €330M Sofinnova Capital IV
2005 €385M Sofinnova Capital V
2010 €260M Sofinnova Capital VI
2012 €240M Sofinnova Capital VII
2015 €300M Sofinnova Capital VIII
2019 €333M Sofinnova Capital IX

Source: Private Equity Intelligence and Sofinnova

Sofinnova Ventures (USA)

Sofinnova Ventures
Company typePrivate
IndustryVenture Capital
HeadquartersMenlo Park, California, United States
Key people
Jim Healy, MD, PhD, Mike Powell, PhD, Alan Colowick, MD, Lars Ekman, MD, David Kabakoff, PhD, Dan Welch, Heather Behanna, Phd, Sarah Bhagat, PhD, Nathalie Auber, Hooman Shalavi, Charlotte Shropshire, Alain Azan (Retired), Jean Deleage (Deceased)
Total assets$1.9B[2]
Number of employees

Sofinnova Ventures is an independent venture capital firm based in Menlo Park.



Sofinnova Ventures has been an active venture investor, investing in some well-known venture investments of the period. Sofinnova Ventures has backed companies including: Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Kosan Biosciences, Actelion, Intermune, Seattle Genetics, Cotherix, Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Prestwick, Preglem, Movetis, Intellikine, Amarin Corporation, Salveo, and Labrys.

The San Francisco office of Sofinnova Ventures was often remembered for having an original 18ft. Mosasaurus in the office of one of the Managing Partners (Mike Powell). Sofinnova Ventures closed their San Francisco office in 2011, and combined their Bay Area offices into a single office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park.

Sofinnova Ventures has raised several venture capital funds (see Table). The earlier funds, SVP I through V, were predominantly information technology (IT), wherein the later funds were predominantly life science focused. SVP VIII and IX were exclusively life science only, with emphasis on Phase 2 and 3 drug development. SVP IV was Sofinnova Ventures' initial fund after the reorganization of Sofinnova in 1997. Each of the funds from SVP V through SVP IX exceeded the target raise, and closed at the maximum amount as allowed by the Limited Partner agreements.

Year Amount Fund
1984 $6M Sofinnova Venture Partners I
1991 $20M Sofinnova Venture Partners II
1994 $31M Sofinnova Venture Partners III
1998 $72M Sofinnova Venture Partners IV
2000 $210M Sofinnova Venture Partners V
2003 $250M Sofinnova Venture Partners VI
2007 $375M Sofinnova Venture Partners VII
2011 $440M Sofinnova Venture Partners VIII
2014 $510M Sofinnova Venture Partners IX

Source: Private Equity Intelligence and Sofinnova.



1970s: The Founding of Sofinnova

  • 1972 - Sofinnova was founded with the backing of several French financial institutions (most notably Crédit National) and was notable at the time for creating the first "American style" venture capital firm in France. Peter Brooke, the founder of TA Associates, was a board member of Sofinnova SA in its early years. Sofinnova SA quickly established a presence in the European market through the formation of Sofinnova Partners in Paris. Sofinnova SA owned this firm from 1972 until 1997.
  • 1974 - Sofinnova became the first European venture company to enter the US market launching its US affiliate, Sofinnova, Inc (Sofinnova Ventures). Sofinnova co-founder, Jean Deleage, who would later co-found US venture firm Burr, Egan, Deleage & Co., was appointed the head of the US operation. Sofinnova's US business gained attention for its role as an early backer of Tandem Computers and Genentech in the early 1980s.
  • 1976 - Sofinnova co-founder Jean Deleage established the American subsidiary of Sofinnova, called Sofinnova, Inc., in San Francisco, which eventually became Sofinnova Ventures. Deleage departed Sofinnova in 1979 to co-found another venture capital firm Burr, Egan, Deleage & Co. In 1981, working with Deleage, Sofinnova developed a partnership with Burr, Egan, Deleage & Co. and ultimately other US firms. Jean-Bernard Schmidt, who would later serve as Chairman of Sofinnova, was named the head of US operations of Sofinnova, Inc.

1980s: The Early Growth of Sofinnova

  • 1985 - Sofinnova completed an initial public offering with a listing on the Paris Stock Exchange.
  • 1987 - Alain Azan moved to San Francisco to take over management of Sofinnova Ventures, replacing Jean-Bernard Schmidt. Schmidt would be named Chairman of Sofinnova,[1] retaining that position through 2007. Sofinnova Ventures completed fundraising for SVP I, which was a private equity fund originally intended to invest in European companies expanding in the US. Ultimately, Sofinnova Venture Partners would shift its focus toward investments in domestic US companies.
  • 1989 - Sofinnova Partners completed fundraising for Sofinnova Capital, its first private equity fund in France, with €38M of investor commitments. Sofinnova's investments in this fund include Genset Corporation as well as Cerep, Egide and Flamel.

1990s: The Reorganization of Sofinnova into Sofinnova Partners and Sofinnova Ventures

  • 1993 - Sofinnova delisted itself from the Paris exchange to raise capital privately through traditional private equity funds. Prior to the 1997 reorganization, Sofinnova Ventures raised three venture funds totaling $57M, and Sofinnova Partners raised funds with €85M in commitments.
  • 1997 - The global Sofinnova organization restructured, formally creating two separate management companies, one for Sofinnova Ventures, and one for Sofinnova Partners. The reorganization was done on the basis of geography, creating Sofinnova Ventures in the US and Sofinnova Partners in Europe. Following a management buyout, each of the management companies was solely owned by its respective management teams.

2000s: The Move to Life Science for Sofinnova

  • 2000 - Sofinnova Ventures hires Jim Healy, MD, PhD and together he and Mike Powell, PhD rebuilt the Sofinnova Ventures LS brand, with focus on clinical stage drug development companies.
  • 2003 - Sofinnova Ventures started its EIR/Executive Partner program in Life Sciences, with its first EIR Barry Selick. Following this, several other EIRs/Executive Partners joined Sofinnova Ventures from then until 2015, including: Jeff Stein, David Kabakoff, Bill Ringo (Strategic Advisor), Goro Takeda, Jay Shepard, George Horner, Lars Ekman and Dan Welch.
  • 2006 - Sofinnova Ventures and Sofinnova Partners first sponsored the Sofinnova Biopharm Partnering Conference in Japan, headed up by Sofinnova's Goro Takeda. In 2014, the conference teamed up with Biotechnology Industry Organization, making this the largest biopartnering meeting in Japan.
  • 2007 - SVP VII был повышен, который был первым фондом Sofinnova Ventures, который был в подавляющем большинстве сфокусирован на науке о жизни (80%+), с акцентом на разработку лекарств. Их следующий фонд SVP VIII в 2011 году был исключительно (100%) наукой о жизни. В то же время, Sofinnova Partners в Париже перешел от сбалансированной венчурной фирмы IT/LS, к той, которая была преимущественно сосредоточена на науке о жизни.
  • 2008 - Sofinnova Ventures сделал свои последние ИТ -инвестиции (Enovix). Остальная ИТ -команда была активна в течение нескольких лет после этого, чтобы контролировать и монетизировать окончательные инвестиции в ИТ.

2010s: новые инициативы по росту в Софинновой

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  • 2010 - Sofinnova Partners основал свой фонд зеленых семян и нанял Джошко Бобановича для управления этой новой инициативой. В 2012 году эта инициатива Feed Fund была объявлена ​​в связи с объявлением Sofinnova Capital VII.
  • 2013 - Sofinnova Ventures работала с генеральным партнером Гархенгом Конгом, чтобы раскрутить новый фонд под названием HealthQuest Capital. Мандат HQC заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить рост капитала для компаний, преобразующих здравоохранение, с акцентом на другие компании, чем разработка лекарств. HQC собрал свой второй фонд на уровне 225 млн. Долл. США в 2016 году и перешел на дальнейшую независимость от родительской организации Ventures Ventures.
  • 2017 - Sofinnova Partners объявила о первом закрытии Sofinnova Industrial Biotech I в 106 миллионов евро. Фонд, посвященный возобновляемой химии, следует за серией из 9 инвестиций в сектор с 2009 года.
  1. ^ Jump up to: а беременный «Жан-Бернард Шмидт» . Gale Biography Online Collection . Шарнир. 2003 . Получено 7 августа 2020 года .
  2. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в На основе капитала, привлеченного с момента создания. Источник: Интеллект прямой акции
  3. ^ Huiban, Stéphanie (17 октября 2019 г.). «Sofinnova Partners собирает 333 миллиона евро капитала IX на ранней стадии здравоохранения» . www.sofinnovapartners.com . Получено 2020-05-19 .
  4. ^ Ли, Бомми (20 апреля 2020 года). «Sofinnova Partners объявляет о третьих инвестициях из своего итальянского фонда» . www.sofinnovapartners.com . Получено 2020-05-19 .

Sofinnova Partners

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Софиннова Ventures

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