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Serampore Uttarpara

Координаты : 22 ° 42′18 ″ N 88 ° 20′07 ″ E / 22,7051367 ° N 88,3353567 ° E / 22,7051367; 88.3353567
Serampore Uttarpara
Srerampur Uttarpara
Блок развития сообщества
Координаты: 22 ° 42′18 ″ N 88 ° 20′07 ″ E / 22,7051367 ° N 88,3353567 ° E / 22,7051367; 88.3353567
Страна  Индия
Состояние Западная Бенгалия
Округ Хугли
• Тип Представительница демократии
 • Total44.80 km2 (17.30 sq mi)
 • Total152,266
 • Density3,400/km2 (8,800/sq mi)
 • OfficialBengali, English
Time zoneUTC+5:30 (IST)
712248 (Rishra)
712234 (Kanaipur)
712247 (Raghunathpur)
712246 (Nabagram)
712233 (Hindmotor)
Telephone/STD code033
Vehicle registrationWB 15, WB 16, WB 18
Lok Sabha constituencySreerampur
Vidhan Sabha constituencySreerampur, Uttarapara

Srerampur Uttatarpara - это блок развития сообщества административное разделение в подразделении округа Хогли в Индийском штате Западная , который формирует Бенгалия

CD -блок Sreerampur Uttarpara является частью Hooghly Flats, одной из трех природных регионов в районе плоских аллювиальных равнин, которые являются частью гангующей дельты . Регион представляет собой узкую полосу земли вдоль 80 -километрового участка реки Хугли , которая образует восточную границу района. На регион физиографически влиял ход реки. Hooghly - это приливная река и имеет высокий западный берег. Португальцы, голландцы, французы, датчанки и британские доминирующие отрасль, торговля и торговля в этой области более двух столетий, и в результате этот пояс сильно индустриализирован. [ 1 ]

Map of Hooghly district showing CD blocks and municipal areas

Nabagram, a constituent panchayat of Sreerampur-Uttarpara block, is located at 22°42′18″N 88°20′07″E / 22.7051367°N 88.3353567°E / 22.7051367; 88.3353567.

Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block is bounded by Baidyabati Municipality in the north, Serampore Municipality, Rishra Municipality, Konnagar Municipality, Uttarpara Kotrung Municipality, Barrackpore II CD Block in North 24 Parganas district, across the Hooghly, in the east, Bally Jagachha CD Block, in Howrah district, in the south and Chanditala II, Singur and Polba Dadpur CD Blocks in the west.

It is located 29 km from Chinsurah, the district headquarters.

Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block has an area of 44.8 km2. It has 1 panchayat samity, 6 gram panchayats, 117 gram sansads (village councils), 19 mouzas and 13 inhabited villages. Serampore, Dankuni and Uttarpara police stations serve this block.[2] Headquarters of this CD Block is at Serampore.[3][4]

Map Of Sreerampur Uttarpara CD block

Gram panchayats of Sreerampur-Uttarpara block/ panchayat samiti are: Kanaipur, Nabagram, Pearapur, Raghunathpur, Rajyadharpur and Rishra.[5]





As per the 2011 Census of India, Serampur Uttarpara CD Block had a total population of 152,266, of which 36,389 were rural and 115,877 were urban. There were 77,725 (51%) males and 74,541 (49%) females. Population below 6 years was 13,794. Scheduled Castes numbered 35,086 (23.04%) and Scheduled Tribes numbered 1,246 (0.82%).[6]

As per the 2001 census, Sreerampur-Uttarpara block had a total population of 126,337, out of which 65,277 were males and 61,060 were females. Sreerampur-Uttarpara block registered a population growth of -3.26% during the 1991-2001 decade. Decadal growth for Hooghly district was 15.72%.[7] Decadal growth in West Bengal was 17.84%.[8]

Census Towns in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block are (2011 census figures in brackets): Belumilki (10,998), Dakshin Rajyadharpur (11,254), Rishra (CT) (16,504), Bamunari (6,266), Nawapara (7,262), Nabagram Colony (18,358), Basai (8,772), Kanaipur (26,814) and Raghunathpur (9,650).[6]

Large villages (with 4,000+ population) in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block are (2011 census figures in brackets): Piarapur (4,167), Ghoramara (4,284) and Mollarber (6,006).[6]

Other villages in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block are (2011 census figures in brackets): Chapsara (1,435), Uttar Rajyadharpur (1,634), Pandit Satghara (3.087), Simla (3,164), Madpur (815), Bangihati (3,660), Basipota (958), Bhadua (2,236), Mirpur (3,056) and Jagannathpur (1,887).[6]



As per the 2011 census, the total number of literates in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block was 120,032 (86.68% of the population over 6 years) out of which males numbered 64,513 (91.21% of the male population over 6 years) and females numbered 56,419 (83.28% of the female population over 6 years). The gender disparity (the difference between female and male literacy rates) was 7.93%.[6]

As per the 2001 census, Sreerampur-Uttarpara block had a total literacy of 68.09 per cent. While male literacy was 83.84 per cent, female literacy was 69.91 per cent.[9]

See also – List of West Bengal districts ranked by literacy rate

Literacy in CD blocks of
Hooghly district
Arambagh subdivision
Arambagh – 79.10
Khanakul I – 77.73
Khanakul II – 79.16
Goghat I – 78.70
Goghat II – 77.24
Pursurah – 82.12
Chandannagar subdivision
Haripal – 78.59
Singur – 84.01
Tarakeswar – 79.96
Chinsurah subdivision
Balagarh – 76.94
Chinsurah Mogra – 83.01
Dhaniakhali – 75.66
Pandua – 75.86
Polba Dadpur – 75.14
Srirampore subdivision
Chanditala I – 83.76
Chanditala II – 84.78
Jangipara – 75.34
Sreerampur Uttarpara – 87.33
Source: 2011 Census: CD Block Wise
Primary Census Abstract Data

Language and religion

Religion in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD block (2011)[10]
Other or not stated

As per the 2011 census, majority of the population of the district belong to the Hindu community with a population share of 82.9% followed by Muslims at 15.8%. The percentage of the Hindu population of the district has followed a decreasing trend from 87.1% in 1961 to 82.9% in the latest census 2011. On the other hand, the percentage of Muslim population has increased from 12.7% in 1961 to 15.8% in 2011 census.[11]

In 2011 census Hindus numbered 137,245 and formed 90.14% of the population in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block. Muslims numbered 13,863 and formed 9.10% of the population. Others numbered 1,158 and formed 0.76% of the population.[10]

Languages of Sreerampur Uttarpara block (2011)[12]

  Bengali (86.42%)
  Hindi (12.44%)
  Others (1.14%)

At the time of the 2011 census, 86.42% of the population spoke Bengali and 12.44% Hindi as their first language.[12]

Rural poverty


As per poverty estimates obtained from household survey for families living below poverty line in 2005, rural poverty in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block was 7.59%.[13]





in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block

  Cultivators (2.41%)
  Agricultural labourers (3.57%)
  Household industries (4.94%)
  Other Workers (89.08%)

In Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block in 2011, amongst the class of total workers, cultivators formed 2.41%, agricultural labourers 3.57%, household industry workers 4.94% and other workers 89.08%.[14]



There are 13 inhabited villages in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block. Amongst all the CD Blocks in Hooghly district Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block has the lowest number of inhabited villages. 100% villages have power supply. 10 villages have more than one source of drinking water (tap, well, tube well, hand pump), 2 villages had only tube well/ borewell and 1 village had a hand pump only. Only 2 villages have sub post offices. All 13 villages have landlines, 12 villages have public call offices and 13 villages have mobile phone coverage. 10 villages have pucca roads and 10 villages have bus service (public/ private).[15]

Important Handicrafts of Hooghly District
  • Zari Work on Sari - Pandua, Pursurah, Jangipara, Tarakeswar and other blocks - 3,000 families involved
  • Chikon Embroidery – Babnan, Pandua, Singur - 2,500 families involved
  • Silk and Cotton Printing – Serampore (Chanditala) - 300 families involved
  • Brass and Bell Metal – Manikpat, Goghat, Arambagh - 150 families involved
  • Conch Shell – Pandua, Khanakul, Makla, Chandannagar
  • Jute Diversified Product – Baidyabati, Mogra
  • Terracota – Chinsurah, Chandannagar, Baidyabati, Mogra

Source:District Human Development Report 2010: Hooghly P. 67



In 2013-14, the small percentage of persons engaged in agriculture in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block could be classified as follows: bargadars 12.25%, patta (document) holders 3.32%, small farmers (possessing land between 1 and 2 hectares) 0.43%, marginal farmers (possessing land up to 1 hectare) 52.66% and agricultural labourers 31.33%.[14]

Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block had 18 fertiliser depots, 19 seed stores and 29 fair price shops in 2013-14.[14]

In 2013-14, Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block produced 773 tonnes of Aman paddy, the main winter crop from 305 hectares, 369 tonnes of Boro paddy (spring crop) from 117 hectares, 1,095 tonnes of jute from 52 hectares, 2,585 tonnes of potatoes from 117 hectares and 2,132 tonnes of sugar cane from 14 hectares. It also produced pulses and oilseeds .[14]

In 2013-14, the total area irrigated in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block was 1,776 hectares, out of which 985 hectares were irrigated by canal water, 390 hectares by tank water, 180 hectares by deep tube wells and 221 hectares by shallow tube wells.[14]



In 2013-14, Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block had offices of 7 commercial banks.[14]



Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block has 5 originating/ terminating bus routes.[14]

The Howrah-Bardhaman main line passes through this CD Block and there are stations at Uttarpara, Hind Motor, Konnagar, Rishra, Shrirampur, Sheoraphuli and Baidyabati. The stations located in the cities/ municipal towns are outside the CD Block.[16]

It is part of Kolkata Suburban Railway system.



In 2013-14, Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block had 51 primary schools with 5,053 students, 6 high schools with 2,287 students and 10 higher secondary schools with 8,872 students. Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block had 1 general college with 2,366 students and 182 institutions for special and non-formal education with 3,303 students[14]

In Sreerampur Uttarpar CD Block, amongst the 13 inhabited villages, all villages had a school, 7 villages had more than 1 primary school, 4 villages had at least 1 primary and 1 middle school and 3 villages had at least 1 middle and 1 secondary school.[15]



In 2014, Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block had 1 block primary health centre and 2 primary health centres with total 85 beds and 4 doctors (excluding private bodies). It had 25 family welfare subcentres. 14,030 patients were treated indoor and 172,915 patients were treated outdoor in the hospitals, health centres and subcentres of the CD Block.[14]

Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block has Kanaipur Rural Hospital (with 30 beds) at Kanaipur and Rajyadharpur Primary Health Centre (with 10 beds).[17]

Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block is one of the areas of Hooghly district where ground water is affected by moderate level of arsenic contamination. The WHO guideline for arsenic in drinking water is 10 mg/ litre, and the Indian Standard value is 50 mg/ litre. In Hooghly district, 16 blocks have arsenic levels above WHO guidelines and 11 blocks above Indian standard value. The maximum concentration in Sreerampur Uttarpara CD Block is 200 mg/litre.[18]


  1. ^ "District Census Handbook: Hugli, Series-20, Part XIIA" (PDF). Physiography, Page 17-24. Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal, 2011. Retrieved 1 June 2017.
  2. ^ "District Statistical Handbook 2014 Hooghly". Tables 2.1, 2.2. Department of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of West Bengal. Retrieved 15 October 2018.
  3. ^ "District Census Handbook: Hugli, Series-20, Part XIIA" (PDF). Map of Hooghly district with CD Block HQs and Police Stations (on the fifth page). Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal, 2011. Retrieved 1 June 2017.
  4. ^ "Serampore Uttarpara". Local Self-government. Hooghly Zilla Parishad. Retrieved 6 June 2017.
  5. ^ "Directory of District, Subdivision, Panchayat Samiti/ Block and Gram Panchayats in West Bengal". Hooghly – Revised in March 2008. Panchayats and Rural Development Department, Government of West Bengal. Retrieved 16 May 2016.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e "C.D. Block Wise Primary Census Abstract Data(PCA)". 2011 census: West Bengal – District-wise CD Blocks. Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. Retrieved 26 May 2016.
  7. ^ "Provisional Population Totals, West Bengal. Table 4". Census of India 2001 – Hooghly district. Census Commission of India. Archived from the original on September 28, 2011. Retrieved 2011-01-20.
  8. ^ «Временное население, Западная Бенгалия. Таблица 4» . Перепись Индии 2001 . Комиссия по переписи Индии. Архивировано из оригинала 27 сентября 2007 года . Получено 2011-01-20 .
  9. ^ "Джангипара" . Местное самоуправление . Хугли Зилла Паришад . Получено 2011-08-04 .
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b "Table C-01 Population by Religion: West Bengal". censusindia.gov.in. Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India. 2011.
  11. ^ "District Census Handbook: Hugli, Series-20, Part XIIA" (PDF). Religion, Mother-tongue Pages 50-51. Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal, 2011. Retrieved 1 June 2017.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b "Table C-16 Population by Mother Tongue: West Bengal". www.censusindia.gov.in. Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India.
  13. ^ "District Human Development Report: Hooghly" (PDF). Table 2.38: Empirical Measurement of Rural Poverty in Hooghly 2005, page 89. Development and Planning Department, Government of West Bengal, 2011. Retrieved 14 June 2017.
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i "District Statistical Handbook 2014 Hooghly". Tables 2.7, 17.2, 16.1, 18.1, 18.2, 20.1, 21.2, 4.4, 3.1, 3.3 – arranged as per use. Department of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of West Bengal. Retrieved 15 October 2018.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b "District Census Handbook: Hugli, Series-20, Part XIIA" (PDF). Appendices to Village Directory, 2009, Pages 775-779. Directorate of Census Operations, West Bengal, 2011. Retrieved 1 June 2017.
  16. ^ "37815 Howrah Bardhaman Jn Local". Time Table. indiarailinfo. Retrieved 13 June 2017.
  17. ^ "Health & Family Welfare Department". Health Statistics. Government of West Bengal. Retrieved 15 July 2017.
  18. ^ «Загрязнение мышьяка подземных вод в Западной Бенгаль-Индии (20-летнее исследование)» . Гугли . Проживание . Получено 3 июня 2017 года .
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