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List of Asparagales of South Africa

Asparagales (asparagoid lilies) is an order of flowering plants (anthophytes) in modern classification systems such as the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) and the Angiosperm Phylogeny Web. The order takes its name from the type family Asparagaceae and is placed in the monocots amongst the lilioid monocots. The order has only recently been recognized in classification systems. It was first put forward by Huber in 1977 and later taken up in the Dahlgren system of 1985 and then the APG in 1998, 2003 and 2009. Before this, many of its families were assigned to the old order Liliales, a very large order containing almost all monocots with colorful tepals and lacking starch in their endosperm. DNA sequence analysis indicated that many of the taxa previously included in Liliales should actually be redistributed over three orders, Liliales, Asparagales, and Dioscoreales. The boundaries of the Asparagales and of its families have undergone a series of changes in recent years; future research may lead to further changes and ultimately greater stability. In the APG circumscription, Asparagales is the largest order of monocots with 14 families, 1,122 genera, and about 36,000 species.

The order is clearly circumscribed on the basis of molecular phylogenetics, but it is difficult to define morphologically since its members are structurally diverse. Most species of Asparagales are herbaceous perennials, although some are climbers and some are tree-like. The order also contains many geophytes (bulbs, corms, and various kinds of tuber). According to telomere sequence, at least two evolutionary switch-points happened within the order. One of the defining characteristics (synapomorphies) of the order is the presence of phytomelanin, a black pigment present in the seed coat, creating a dark crust. Phytomelanin is found in most families of the Asparagales (although not in Orchidaceae, thought to be the sister-group of the rest of the order). The leaves of almost all species form a tight rosette, either at the base of the plant or at the end of the stem, but occasionally along the stem. The flowers are not particularly distinctive, being 'lily type', with six tepals and up to six stamina. The order is thought to have first diverged from other related monocots some 120–130 million years ago (early in the Cretaceous period), although given the difficulty in classifying the families involved, estimates are likely to be uncertain.

From an economic point of view, the order Asparagales is second in importance within the monocots to the order Poales (which includes grasses and cereals). Some species are used as food and flavourings.

The anthophytes are a grouping of plant taxa bearing flower-like reproductive structures. They were formerly thought to be a clade comprising plants bearing flower-like structures. The group contained the angiosperms - the extant flowering plants, such as roses and grasses - as well as the Gnetales and the extinct Bennettitales.[1]

23,420 species of vascular plant have been recorded in South Africa, making it the sixth most species-rich country in the world and the most species-rich country on the African continent. Of these, 153 species are considered to be threatened.[2] Nine biomes have been described in South Africa: Fynbos, Succulent Karoo, desert, Nama Karoo, grassland, savanna, Albany thickets, the Indian Ocean coastal belt, and forests.[3]

The 2018 South African National Biodiversity Institute's National Biodiversity Assessment plant checklist lists 35,130 taxa in the phyla Anthocerotophyta (hornworts (6)), Anthophyta (flowering plants (33534)), Bryophyta (mosses (685)), Cycadophyta (cycads (42)), Lycopodiophyta (Lycophytes(45)), Marchantiophyta (liverworts (376)), Pinophyta (conifers (33)), and Pteridophyta (cryptogams (408)).[4]

14 families are represented in the literature. Listed taxa include species, subspecies, varieties, and forms as recorded, some of which have subsequently been allocated to other taxa as synonyms, in which cases the accepted taxon is appended to the listing. Multiple entries under alternative names reflect taxonomic revision over time.



Family Agapanthaceae,[4]



Genus Agapanthus:[4]

  • Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. endemic
    • Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. subsp. africanus, endemic
    • Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. subsp. walshii (L.Bolus) Zonn. & G.D.Duncan, accepted as Agapanthus walshii L.Bolus, endemic
  • Agapanthus campanulatus F.M.Leight. indigenous
    • Agapanthus campanulatus F.M.Leight. subsp. campanulatus, indigenous
    • Agapanthus campanulatus F.M.Leight. subsp. patens (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight. indigenous
  • Agapanthus caulescens Spreng. indigenous
    • Agapanthus caulescens Spreng. subsp. angustifolius F.M.Leight. indigenous
    • Agapanthus caulescens Spreng. subsp. caulescens, indigenous
    • Agapanthus caulescens Spreng. subsp. gracilis (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight. endemic
  • Agapanthus coddii F.M.Leight. endemic
  • Agapanthus comptonii F.M.Leight. accepted as Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. minimus (Lindl.) F.M.Leight.
    • Agapanthus comptonii F.M.Leight. subsp. longitubus F.M.Leight. accepted as Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. minimus (Lindl.) F.M.Leight. indigenous
  • Agapanthus dyeri F.M.Leight. accepted as Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. subsp. intermedius F.M.Leight. indigenous
  • Agapanthus ensifolius (Thunb.) Willd. accepted as Lachenalia ensifolia (Thunb.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, indigenous
  • Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. indigenous
    • Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. subsp. hollandii (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight. endemic
    • Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. subsp. inapertus endemic
    • Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. subsp. intermedius F.M.Leight. indigenous
    • Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. subsp. parviflorus F.M.Leight. endemic
    • Agapanthus inapertus P.Beauv. subsp. pendulus (L.Bolus) F.M.Leight. endemic
  • Agapanthus nutans F.M.Leight. accepted as Agapanthus caulescens Spreng. subsp. gracilis (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight. indigenous
  • Agapanthus praecox Willd. indigenous
    • Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. minimus (Lindl.) F.M.Leight. endemic
    • Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. orientalis (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight. endemic
    • Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. praecox, endemic
  • Agapanthus walshii L.Bolus, indigenous



Genus Mauhlia:[4]



Family: Agavaceae,[4]



Genus Agave:[4]



Genus Anthericum:[4]



Genus Chlorophytum:[4]



Genus Furcraea:[4]



Family: Alliaceae,[4]



Genus Allium:[4]



Genus Nothoscordum:[4]



Genus Prototulbaghia:[4]



Genus Tulbaghia:[4]



Family: Amaryllidaceae,[4]



Genus Amaryllis:[4]



Genus Ammocharis:[4]



Genus Apodolirion:[4]



Genus Bokkeveldia:[4]

  • Bokkeveldia aestivalis (Snijman) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria aestivalis Snijman
  • Bokkeveldia perryae (Snijman) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria perryae Snijman
  • Bokkeveldia picta (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria picta W.F.Barker
  • Bokkeveldia pubescens (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria pubescens W.F.Barker
  • Bokkeveldia salteri (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria salteri W.F.Barker
  • Bokkeveldia watermeyeri (L.Bolus) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria watermeyeri L.Bolus
  • Bokkeveldia watermeyeri (L.Bolus) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies subsp. botterkloofensis D.Mull.- accepted as Strumaria watermeyeri L.Bolus subsp. botterkloofensis (D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies) Snijman



Genus Boophone:[4]



Genus Brunsvigia:[4]



Genus Carpolyza:[4]



Genus Chlidanthus:[4]



Genus Clivia:[4]



Genus Crinum:[4]



Genus Crossyne:[4]



Genus Cyrtanthus:[4]



Genus Gemmaria:[4]

  • Gemmaria chaplinii (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria chaplinii (W.F.Barker) Snijman
  • Gemmaria discifera (Marloth ex Snijman) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria discifera Marloth ex Snijman subsp. discifera
  • Gemmaria gemmata (Ker Gawl.) Salisb. ex D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria gemmata Ker Gawl.
  • Gemmaria karooica (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria karooica (W.F.Barker) Snijman
  • Gemmaria karooportensis D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria karoopoortensis (D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies) Snijman
  • Gemmaria leipoldtii (L.Bolus) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria leipoldtii (L.Bolus) Snijman
  • Gemmaria massoniella D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria massoniella (D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies) Snijman
  • Gemmaria mathewsii (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria pygmaea Snijman
  • Gemmaria merxmuelleriana D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria merxmuelleriana (D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies) Snijman
  • Gemmaria pulcherrima D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Hessea pulcherrima (D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies) Snijman
  • Gemmaria unguiculata (W.F.Barker) D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Mull.-Doblies, accepted as Strumaria unguiculata (W.F.Barker) Snijman



Genus Gethyllis:[4]



Genus Haemanthus:[4]



Genus Hessea:[4]



Genus Leucojum:[4]



Genus Namaquanula:[4]



Genus Narcissus:[4]



Genus Nerine:[4]



Genus Pancratium:[4]



Genus Scadoxus:[4]

  • Scadoxus membranaceus (Baker) Friis & Nordal, endemic
  • Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf. indigenous
    • Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf. subsp. katharinae (Baker) Friis & Nordal, indigenous
    • Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf. subsp. multiflorus, indigenous
  • Scadoxus puniceus (L.) Friis & Nordal, indigenous



Genus Strumaria:[4]



Genus Tedingea:[4]



Genus Zephyranthes:[4]



Family: Asparagaceae,[4]



Genus Asparagus:[4]



Genus Behnia:[4]



Genus Myrsiphyllum:[4]



Genus Protasparagus:[4]



Family: Asphodelaceae,[4] 21 genera have been recorded. Not all are necessarily currently accepted.



Family: Hemerocallidaceae,[4]



Genus Caesia:[4]



Genus Dianella:[4]



Genus Phormium:[4]



Family: Hyacinthaceae,[4] 43 genera have been recorded. Not all are necessarily currently accepted.



Family: Hypoxidaceae:[4]



Genus Empodium:[4]



Genus Hypoxis:[4]



Genus Pauridia:[4]



Genus Rhodohypoxis:[4]



Genus Saniella:[4]



Genus Spiloxene is now included in Pauridia.[5]

  • Spiloxene acida (Nel) Garside = Pauridia acida (Nel) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene aemulans (Nel) Garside = Pauridia aemulans (Nel) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene alba (Thunb.) Fourc. = Pauridia alba (Thunb.) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene aquatica (L.f.) Salisb. ex Fourc. = Pauridia aquatica (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene canaliculata Garside = Pauridia canaliculata (Garside) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene capensis (L.) Garside = Pauridia capensis (L.) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene curculigoides (Bolus) Garside = Pauridia curculigoides (Bolus) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene cuspidata (Nel) Garside = Pauridia ovata (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene declinata (Nel) Garside = Pauridia curculigoides (Bolus) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene dielsiana (Nel) Garside = Pauridia serrata subsp. serrata, endemic
  • Spiloxene flaccida (Nel) Garside = Pauridia flaccida (Nel) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene gracilipes (Schltr.) Garside = Pauridia ovata (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene linearis (Andrews) Garside = Pauridia serrata (Thunb.) Snijman & Kocyan subsp. serrata
  • Spiloxene maximiliani (Schltr.) Garside = Pauridia umbraticola (Schltr.) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene minuta (L.) Fourc. accepted as Pauridia pygmaea Snyman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene monophylla (Schltr. ex Baker) Garside = Pauridia monophylla (Schltr. ex Baker) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene namaquana U.Mull.-Doblies, Mark.Ackermann, Weigend & D.Mull.-Doblies = Pauridia serrata subsp. serrata
  • Spiloxene nana Snijman = Pauridia nana (Snijman) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene ovata (L.f.) Garside = Pauridia ovata (L.f.) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene pusilla Snijman = Pauridia pusilla (Snijman) Snijman & Kocyan
  • Spiloxene schlechteri (Bolus) Garside = Pauridia affinis (Schult. & Schult.f.) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene scullyi (Baker) Garside = Pauridia scullyi (Baker) Snijman & Kocyan indigenous
  • Spiloxene serrata (Thunb.) Garside var. albiflora (Nel) Garside = Pauridia serrata (Thunb.) Snijman & Kocyan var. albiflora (Nel) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene serrata (Thunb.) Garside var. serrata = Pauridia serrata (Thunb.) Snijman & Kocyan subsp. serrata, endemic
  • Spiloxene trifurcillata (Nel) Fourc. = Pauridia trifurcillata (Nel) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic
  • Spiloxene umbraticola (Schltr.) Garside = Pauridia umbraticola (Schltr.) Snijman & Kocyan, endemic



Family: Iridaceae,[4] 65 genera have been recorded. Not all are necessarily currently accepted.



Family: Lanariaceae,[4]



Genus Lanaria:[4]



Family: Orchidaceae,[4] 67 genera have been recorded. Not all are necessarily currently accepted.



Family: Ruscaceae,[4]



Genus Dracaena:[4]



Genus Eriospermum:[4]



Genus Sansevieria:[4]



Family: Tecophilaeaceae,[4]



Genus Cyanella:[4]



Genus Walleria:[4]


  1. ^ Doyle, J. A.; Donoghue, M. J. (1986). "Seed plant phylogeny and the origin of the angiosperms - an experimental cladistic approach". Botanical Review. 52 (4): 321–431. doi:10.1007/bf02861082. S2CID 44844947.
  2. ^ Butler, Rhett A. (1 July 2019). "Total number of plant species by country". Mongabay. Retrieved 21 July 2019.
  3. ^ "Vegetation of South Africa". PlantZAfrica.com. SA National Biodiversity Institute. Retrieved 24 July 2019.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz "species_checklist_20180710.csv". South African National Biodiversity Institute. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  5. ^ "Pauridia Harv". Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
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