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Ринд и др . полемика

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Ринд и др . Разногласия вызвали дебаты в научной литературе , средствах массовой информации и правительственных законодательных органах США относительно рецензируемого мета-анализа 1998 года о вреде , причиненном сексуальным насилием над детьми (CSA), по сообщениям самих людей. [1] Дебаты привели к беспрецедентному осуждению документа обеими палатами Конгресса США . Исследовательское сообщество в области социальных наук было обеспокоено тем, что осуждение со стороны правительственных законодательных органов может оказать сдерживающее воздействие на будущую публикацию противоречивых результатов исследований.

исследования Ведущий автор — психолог Брюс Ринд; он расширил метаанализ 1997 года, ведущим автором которого также является Ринд. [2] Авторы заявили, что их цель состояла в том, чтобы определить, причиняет ли СЭД всеобъемлющий и значительный психологический вред как мужчинам, так и женщинам, и пришли к противоречивому выводу, что вред, причиненный сексуальным насилием над детьми, не обязательно был интенсивным или всеобъемлющим. [3] что преобладающая концепция CSA не была научно обоснованной , поскольку не прошла эмпирическую проверку , и что психологический ущерб, причиненный оскорбительными столкновениями, зависит от других факторов, таких как степень принуждения или силы. [1] Авторы пришли к выводу, что хотя СЭД не может нанести существенный вред всем жертвам на протяжении всей жизни, это не означает, что это не является морально неправильным, и указали, что их выводы не означают, что существующие моральные и юридические запреты против СЭД должны быть изменены. [1]

Ринд и др . Исследование подверглось критике со стороны многих ученых и исследователей на том основании, что его методология и выводы плохо разработаны и статистически ошибочны. [4] [5] [6] Его определение вреда , например, было предметом дискуссий, поскольку оно исследовало только долгосрочные психологические последствия, о которых сообщали сами молодые люди, тогда как вред может иметь несколько форм, включая краткосрочный или медицинский вред (например, сексуальное насилие). передаваемые инфекции или травмы), вероятность повторной виктимизации и количество времени, которое жертва потратила на лечение в связи с насилием. [6] Многочисленные исследования и профессиональный клинический опыт в области психологии, как до, так и после публикаций Ринд и др ., уже давно подтвердили, что дети не могут дать согласие на сексуальную активность и что сексуальное насилие над детьми и подростками причиняет вред. [7] [8] [9] Психолог Анна Солтер отмечает, что результаты Ринд и др . являются «действительно выдающимися» по сравнению с другими метаанализами. [9]

Более позднее исследование CSA, проведенное Хизер Ульрих и двумя коллегами и опубликованное в «Научном обзоре практики психического здоровья», попыталось воспроизвести исследование Ринд, исправив методологические и статистические проблемы, выявленные Далламом и другими, и в конечном итоге подтвердило некоторые выводы Ринд, но также признал ограниченность выводов и в конечном итоге не поддержал рекомендацию Ринд отказаться от использования термина «сексуальное насилие над детьми» в случаях очевидного согласия в пользу термина «секс между взрослым и ребенком».

Документ Ринд цитировали люди и организации, выступающие за реформу возраста согласия , группы педофилов и педерастии , в поддержку их усилий по изменению отношения к педофилии и декриминализации сексуальной активности между взрослыми и несовершеннолетними (детями или подростками). [10] [11]

Исследования и выводы

В 1997 году профессор психологии Брюс Ринд из Университета Темпл и докторант Филип Тромович из Пенсильванского университета опубликовали «Метааналитический обзор результатов национальных выборок по психологическим коррелятам сексуального насилия над детьми» , обзор литературы в журнале «Журнал сексуальных исследований». из семи исследований, посвященных проблемам адаптации жертв сексуального насилия над детьми (CSA). Чтобы избежать систематической ошибки выборки , которая, как они утверждали, существовала в большинстве исследований CSA (которые основывались главным образом на выборках из психиатрической или правовой систем и, таким образом, как выборка отличались от населения в целом), исследование 1997 года объединило данные. на основе исследований, в которых использовались только национальные выборки лиц, которые, как ожидается, будут более репрезентативными для популяции жертв сексуального насилия над детьми. В этом исследовании было изучено 10 независимых выборок, которые были репрезентативны на национальном уровне и основаны на данных более чем 8500 участников. Четыре исследования были проведены в США, по одному — в Великобритании, Канаде и Испании. [2]

Основываясь на результатах, они пришли к выводу, что общее мнение, связывающее СЭД с интенсивным, всеобъемлющим вредом и долгосрочной дезадаптацией , неверно. [2] В 1998 году Ринд, Тромович и Роберт Баузерман (тогда профессор Мичиганского университета ) опубликовали «Мета-аналитическое исследование предполагаемых свойств сексуального насилия над детьми с использованием выборок из колледжа» » мета -анализ в «Психологическом бюллетене 59 исследований ( 36 опубликованных исследований, 21 неопубликованная докторская диссертация и 2 неопубликованные магистерские диссертации) с совокупным размером выборки 35 703 студента (13 704 мужчины и 21 999 женщин). В большинстве из 59 исследований СЭД определялось авторами на основе правовых и «моральных» критериев. [ нужны разъяснения ]

Объединив порой несопоставимые и противоречивые определения, CSA определялось как «сексуальное взаимодействие, включающее либо физический контакт, либо отсутствие контакта (например, эксгибиционизм) между ребенком или подростком и кем-то значительно старше, или между двумя сверстниками, которые являются детьми или подростками, когда принуждение используется». «Ребенок» иногда определялся не биологически, а как несовершеннолетний или несовершеннолетний, не достигший установленного законом возраста согласия . Все эти исследования были включены в метаанализ, поскольку многие исследователи СЭД, а также непрофессионалы рассматривают все виды социально-правового определения СЭД как морально и/или психологически вредные. [1] Когда в этом исследовании, Конгресс США и АПА упоминаются CSA и «дети» в контексте сексуальных отношений со взрослыми, они имеют в виду не только биологических детей (препубертатного возраста), но и подростков, не достигших возраста согласия; в США этот возраст варьируется от 16 до 18 лет. [12]

Результаты метаанализа показали, что студенты колледжей, испытавшие СЭД, были немного менее хорошо адаптированы по сравнению с другими студентами, не испытавшими СЭД, но семейная среда представляла собой значительную помеху , которая могла быть ответственна за связь между СЭД и вредом. . В большинстве исследований интенсивный, всеобъемлющий вред и долгосрочная дезадаптация были обусловлены мешающими переменными , а не самим сексуальным насилием (хотя были отмечены исключения для злоупотреблений, сопровождавшихся насилием или инцестом ). [1] Оба исследования рассматривали четыре «предполагаемых свойства» СЭД, определенные авторами: гендерную эквивалентность (оба пола затрагиваются одинаково), причинность (СЭД причиняет вред), распространенность (большинство жертв СЭД страдает) и интенсивность (вред обычно значителен и в долгосрочной перспективе), заключив, что все четыре «предполагаемых свойства» были сомнительными и имели несколько потенциальных противоречий. [1] [2]

Основываясь на результатах обоих исследований, Ринд, Тромович и Баузерман поставили под сомнение научную обоснованность одного термина «сексуальное насилие над детьми» и предложили множество различных ярлыков для сексуальных контактов между взрослыми и невзрослыми людьми в зависимости от возраста и степени сексуального насилия над детьми. к участию в которых ребенка принуждали или принуждали. Они завершили обсуждение юридических и моральных последствий статьи, заявив, что «противоправность» и «вредность» сексуальных действий не связаны между собой по своей сути, и закончили заявлением:

the findings of the current review do not imply that moral or legal definitions of or views on behaviors currently classified as CSA should be abandoned or even altered. The current findings are relevant to moral and legal positions only to the extent that these positions are based on the presumption of psychological harm.

— Rind et al. (1998) p. 47


The first set of peer reviewers for Psychological Bulletin had rejected the paper, with the authors being told not to submit it again, as it was considered too flawed. The authors did try again, following a change of editors at the journal; this time, only one reviewer turned it down. None of the other reviewers came forward, and it is still unclear who, if anybody, recommended it for publication.[9]

The paper was published by the American Psychological Association (APA) in July 1998, in Psychological Bulletin. Strong reactions ultimately resulted, from both psychologists and psychiatrists who study sexual abuse and treat victims, and from social conservatives and later, from most of the US Congress.

Scholars familiar with the literature on sexual abuse, as well as experts in the field, found the study's conclusions surprising.[9]

Initial reactions

The first substantial public reaction was a December 1998 criticism by the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, an organization dedicated to the discredited view that homosexuality is a mental illness that can be cured by psychotherapy.[13]

In March 1999, conservative talk show host Laura Schlessinger criticized the study as "junk science" and stated that, since its conclusions were contrary to conventional wisdom, its findings should never have been released. She criticized the study's use of meta-analysis, saying. "I frankly have never seen this in general science. ... This [pooling of studies] is so outrageous."[14] "This was not a study. They didn’t do a study. They arbitrarily found 59 studies that other people had done [and] combined them all."

Shortly thereafter, the North American Man/Boy Love Association posted an approving review of the study on their website, furthering the impression that the piece was an endorsement of pedophilia.[15]


The paper eventually provoked a reaction from several conservative American members of Congress, notably the Republican representatives Matt Salmon of Arizona and Tom DeLay of Texas, who both condemned the study as advocating for the normalization of pedophilia.[15]

In response, the APA declared in a press statement that child sexual abuse is harmful and wrong, and that the study was in no way an endorsement of pedophilia.[16] The APA mandated a policy change by which APA journal editors would alert the organization of potentially controversial topics in order to be more proactive with politicians, the media and other groups. In an internal organization email, APA Executive Vice-President Raymond D. Fowler stated that, because of the controversy, the article's methodology, analysis and the process by which it had been approved for publication were reviewed and found to be sound.[17] In June 1999, Fowler announced in an open letter to DeLay that there would be an independent review of the paper and stated that, from a public policy perspective, some language used in the article was inflammatory and inconsistent with the position of the APA's stance on CSA. The APA also implemented a series of actions designed to prevent the study from being used in legal arguments to defend CSA, and stated an independent review would be undertaken of the scientific accuracy and validity of the report.[18] The request for an outside review of a controversial report by an independent scientific association was unprecedented in APA's 107-year history.[15]

In April 1999, a resolution was introduced in the Alaska Legislature condemning the article, with similar resolutions introduced in California, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania over the subsequent two months. Some of these states' psychological associations reacted by asking the APA to take action.[19]

On July 12, 1999, the United States House of Representatives passed HRC resolution 107 by a vote of 355-0, with 13 members voting "Present",[20] declaring sexual relations between children and adults are abusive and harmful, and condemned the study on the basis that it was being used by pro-pedophilia activists and organizations to promote and justify child sexual abuse.[21] The condemnation by Congress of a scientific study was, at that time, an unprecedented event.[22] The resolution passed the Senate by a voice vote (100-0) on July 30, 1999[20] and was greeted among psychologists with concern due to the perceived chilling effect it might have among researchers.[15] Representative Brian Baird, who has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and was one of the 13 Congressmen to abstain from the condemnation of the study, stated that of the 535 members of the House and Senate, fewer than 10 had actually read the study, and even fewer were qualified to evaluate it based on its merit.[20]

Independent review

In September 1999, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), upon a request by the APA to independently review the article, stated that it saw no reason to second-guess the peer review process that approved it initially and that it saw no evidence of improper methodology or questionable practices by the authors. The AAAS also expressed concern that the materials reviewed demonstrated a grave lack of understanding of the study on the part of the media and politicians and were also concerned about the misrepresentation of its findings.[12] The AAAS stated that the responsibility for discovering problems with the article lay with the initial peer reviewers, and declined to evaluate the article, concluding with a statement that the decision to not review the article was neither an endorsement nor a criticism of it.

APA new position

In August 2000, the APA drafted and adopted a position statement in response to the Rind et al. controversy that opposed any efforts to censor controversial or surprising research findings, and asserting that researchers must be free to investigate and report findings, as long as the research has been conducted within appropriate ethical and research standards.[15]

Academic criticism and response

A series of 2001 papers published in the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse discussed and criticized the findings of the Rind et al. study. Stephanie Dallam stated that, after reviewing the evidence, the paper was best described as "an advocacy article that inappropriately uses science in an attempt to legitimatize its findings".[8] Four other researchers also discussed possible flaws in the methodology and generalizability of Rind's findings, and concluded the paper's results were scientifically invalid.[23][24] The criticisms were co-published in the 2001 book Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors.[25] In 2002, a rebuttal to many of the claims made by critics was submitted to the APA journal, the American Psychologist by Scott Lilienfeld.[15] After passing a normal peer review, the editor of the journal re-submitted the article in secret and, on the basis of this second review, the paper was rejected. Lilienfeld reported this subsequent rejection on several psychology Internet fora, which produced an intense response and resulted in the APA and American Psychologist ultimately printing the article as part of a special issue focusing on the controversy.[22][26]

Possible sample bias

The paper has been criticized for restricting its analysis to convenience samples of college students, possibly introducing systematic bias by excluding victims so traumatized that they did not go on to attend college. Another possibility was that Rind et al.'s conclusions may not be generalizable beyond college populations in general as individuals with a history of CSA were more likely than non-abused individuals to drop out of college after a single semester.[8][27]

Rind, Bauserman and Tromovitch responded to this criticism by saying that "the representativeness of college samples is in fact irrelevant to the stated goals and conclusions of our study" since the purpose of their research was "to examine the validity of the clinical concept" of CSA. They added that according to the commonly understood definition of the term, child sexual abuse is extremely and pervasively harmful, meaning that "in any population sampled - drug addicts, psychiatric patients, or college students - persons who have experienced CSA should show strong evidence of the assumed properties of CSA." The authors of the study say that because the college sample did not show pervasive harm, "the broad and unqualified claims about the properties of CSA are contradicted".[28] Rind et al. also said that using college samples was appropriate because their study found similar prevalence rates and experiences of severity and outcomes between college samples and national samples.[12]

Non-standardization of variables

Dallam et al. said that Rind et al. did not standardize their definition of child sexual abuse, leaving out certain studies that were appropriate, and including studies that were inappropriate. That is, they allege that Rind et al. uncritically combined data from studies of CSA with data from studies looking at other phenomena such as consensual peer experiences, sexual experiences that occurred during adulthood, and homosexual approaches during adolescence.[8]

Rind, et al. have also responded to this criticism, defending the appropriateness of including all five of the studies (Landis, 1956;[29] Schultz and Jones, 1983;[30] Sedney and Brooks, 1984;[31] Greenwald, 1994;[32] and Sarbo, 1985[33]) specifically identified by Dallam et al. as inappropriate to a study about child sexual abuse.[28]

Dallam et al. said that the first three studies focused on all types of child sexual activity, not just child sexual abuse.[8] Rind et al. reject this criticism. In regard to the Landis study, Rind et al. note that it has been used by many other sex researchers (e.g., Finkelhor, Fishman, Fromuth & Burkhart, Sarbo, and others) as an example of an early study about child sexual abuse. In regard to the Shultz and Jones study, Rind et al. concede that the study "looked at all types of 'sexual acts' before age 12," but explained that the respondents in the study were all asked "if their experience was with a person over the age of 16," thus allowing Rind et al. to include only the relationships that were age-discrepant. In regard to the Sedney and Brooks study, Rind et al. admit that the study used a broad definition of child sexual abuse, but explain that the researchers themselves chose to use such a definition "because of the difficulty posed by a priori decisions about what type of sexual experiences are 'problems.'"

Similarly, psychiatrist David Spiegel said that the inclusion of Landis' 1956 study[29] was unjustified.[27][34] He argued that, while weighting larger studies more than smaller makes sense, combining the results of a large study examining very mild trauma (such as fending off an attacker) with studies of long-term physical and sexual abuse was inappropriate and led to erroneous conclusions.[27] Rind et al. replied that Spiegel misrepresented their analysis, since they did not use Landis' study in the meta-analysis of childhood sexual abuse – symptom correlations, but only for examining the self-reported effects of CSA. They contend that the way they handled Landis' data maximized negative reports and minimized the possible deflating effect of Landis' data on the overall effect sizes.[35]

The last two studies, according to Dallam et al., were inappropriate because they included respondents who were over the age of 17 when the CSA occurred. Persons 18 years old or older are above the legal age of consent in all states of the USA, and thus are not "children" even in the loosest definition of the term. Rind et al. responded to Dallam et al. by saying that, in the effect-size calculations of the Sarbo and Greenwald studies (i.e., the calculations that show the alleged harmfulness of CSA), they had included only respondents aged 16 and 15 and under, respectively, at the time of the CSA[28] and all CSA incidents included in Sarbo's and Greenwald's original analysis occurred before the age of 17.[22]: p.177 

Measured variables

Spiegel criticized that Rind et al. included a long list of measured variables in order to appear comprehensive, but remarkably omitted posttraumatic stress disorder - "the most salient symptom" - from their analysis.[34]: 65  Rind et al. replied that including PTSD was impossible due to the fact that the original studies did not examine it.[35] Furthermore, they cited Kendall-Tackett et al.[36] to illustrate the lack of a common pattern of symptoms in children who have been abused.

David Spiegel also argued that Rind et al.'s suggestion of relabeling some forms of sexual encounters between adults and children/adolescents as adult-child (or adult-adolescent) sex is fundamentally flawed, because children cannot give meaningful consent to sexual relations with an adult.[34][37] Some critics also argued that using value-neutral terminology would normalize CSA and that redefining terminology is not in the interest of the general public because it confuses the underlying moral issues.[12][8] Rind et al. replied that the construct of consent used in their study was misinterpreted by critics; they only asserted that children/adolescents are capable of simple consent (willingness) as opposed to informed consent used in legal contexts, and used this as a variable in their study simply because it was used in the original studies - where it had predictive validity.[12][35] Thus, they conclude that although the construct of willingness might be morally unacceptable, it is a scientifically valid term. A similar argument was put forward by Oellerich,[38] who stated that considering all adult/non-adult sexual behavior as abusive and lacking consent can lead to bias in scientific research in the area, and that recognizing this distinction does not necessarily lead to considering adult/non-adult sexual interactions as morally permissible.

Statistical errors

Dallam et al. also contend that Rind et al. miscoded or misreported significant amounts of the underlying study data, thereby skewing the results. Dallam et al. contend that Rind et al. incorrectly used "Pearson's r" instead of "Cohen's d" to calculate the effect size, which resulted in a failure to correct for base-rate differences of CSA in male and female samples, and which led to the finding that males were less harmed by CSA. After correcting for base-rate attenuation, Dallam et al. said they arrived at identical effect sizes for male and female samples.[7]

In response to this criticism, Rind et al. contend that they did indeed describe the contrast between the effect size estimates as "nonsignificant, z = 1.42, p > .10, two-tailed". However, they argue, "What [they] did report as significantly different was the contrast between male and female effect size estimates for the all-types-of-consent groups, where rus = .04 and .11, respectively. In "follow[ing] Dallam et al. (2001) [by] apply[ing] Becker's correction formula to these values, they become rcs = .06 and .12 for men and women, respectively. The contrast is still statistically significant (z = 2.68, p < .01. two-tailed), contrary to Dallam et al.'s (2001) claim".[28]

Rind et al. said that their own "handling of Pearson's r in the face of base-rate differences was methodologically proper and produced no important bias, if any at all." Furthermore, they contend that Dallam's criticisms "exhibited bias ... [by] selectively ignoring key clarifying quotes ... and citing them elsewhere in their critique to argue different points, and [by] ignoring or overlooking a key caveat by Becker (1986) regarding appropriate use of his correction formula".[28]

Critics also argued that Rind et al.'s statistical approach for controlling for family environment as a cause of maladjustment was conceptually and methodologically invalid. Spiegel stated that inferring the source of maladjustment from analyzing the shared variance between CSA and family environment does not answer the question of which variable explains maladjustment better;[34][37] the authors answered that this statement shows a misunderstanding of the statistical procedure used their meta-analysis.[12] Dallam, however, addressed the topic of several prior studies having found statistically significant relations between CSA and maladjustment even after controlling for family environment.[8]

Conceptual issues

Rind et al.'s model of "assumed properties of child sexual abuse," (that is, of universal and pervasive harm in all victims of CSA) has been criticized as a straw man assertion in that it is both simplistic and misleading.[11][39] The reactions of victims in their adult lives have been found to be extremely varied, ranging from severe to nearly unnoticeable, and many pathologies are not diagnosable in the strictly clinical sense Rind uses. Victims often have a flawed or distorted appraisal of their abuse, minimize the impact as adults often do with traumatic events, and fail to connect distressing and sometimes debilitating pathologies with their experiences. Further, these studies make no accounting for emotional support of the victim's family, clinical treatment of the victim prior to the study, or personal resiliency, which can easily account for less severe outcomes.[6][11][9]

Possible bias

Rind, Bauserman and Tromovitch stated that research findings can be skewed by an investigator's personal biases, and in Rind et al. claimed that "[r]eviewers who are convinced that CSA is a major cause of adult psychopathology may fall prey to confirmation bias by noting and describing study findings indicating harmful effects but ignoring or paying less attention to findings indicating nonnegative outcomes". They defended their deliberate choice of non-legal and non-clinical samples, accordingly avoiding individuals who received psychological treatment or were engaged in legal proceedings as a way of correcting this bias through the use of a sample of college students.[40]

Dallam and Anna Salter have stated that Rind and Bauserman have associated with age of consent reform organizations in the past. In the years before the paper was written, both Rind and Bauserman had published articles in Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, a journal which was dedicated to "[demonstrating] that pedophilia has been, and remains, a legitimate and productive part of the totality of human experience".[9] In addition, Dallam and Salter stated that Rind and Bauserman were keynote speakers at a pedophile advocacy conference occurring in the Netherlands.[9]

Citation outside of scholarly discussions

Despite the authors' comments that the findings of the paper "do not imply that moral or legal definitions of or views on behaviors currently classified as CSA" should be changed,[1] the study caught the attention of, and was used by, advocates for pedophilia.[10][11] It has been used to argue that the age of consent should be lowered.[7]

Social psychologist Carol Tavris noted several groups who reacted negatively to the study. The anti-homosexuality group National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), who "[endorse] the long-discredited psychoanalytic notion that homosexuality is a mental disorder and that it is a result of seduction in childhood by an adult",[13] objected to the study's implications that boys who are sexually abused are not traumatized for life and do not become homosexuals as a result. Therapists who supported the existence of recovered memories and recovered-memory therapy, as well as those who attributed mental illnesses such as dissociative identity disorder, depression and eating disorders to repressed memories of sexual abuse also rejected the study. Tavris attributed this rejection to the fear of malpractice lawsuits. Tavris expressed her belief that the study could have been interpreted positively as an example of psychological resilience in the face of adversity, and noted that CSA causing little or no harm in some individuals is not an endorsement of the act, nor does it make it any less illegal.[13]

Subsequent research and legacy

Numerous research studies as well as expert opinion in the field of psychology, both before and after Rind et al's publications, have long supported the stance that children cannot consent to sexual activity and that child and adolescent sexual abuse cause harm.[7][8][9] The then-American Psychological Association CEO Raymond D. Fowler succinctly reiterated the prevailing view in a 1999 letter to Congressman Delay "that children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults," and "sexual activity between children and adults should never be considered or labeled as harmless or acceptable".[11][18][41][42]

A study by Heather Ulrich and two colleagues published in The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice attempted to replicate the Rind study, correcting for methodological and statistical problems identified by Dallam and others. It supported some of the Rind findings, both with respect to the percentage of variance in later psychological outcome accounted for by sexual abuse and in relation to the finding that there was a gender difference in the experience of child sexual abuse, such that females reported more negative effects. It, however, acknowledged the limitations of the findings (college student sample, self-report data), and did not endorse Rind's recommendation to abandon the use of the term child sexual abuse in cases of apparent consent in favor of the term adult-child sex. In their conclusion, the authors address the objection that Rind's work and their own would give support to those who deny that child sexual abuse can cause harm: "The authors of the current research would hesitate to support such a general statement. Instead, our results, and the results of the Rind et al. meta-analysis, can be interpreted as providing a hopeful and positive message to therapists, parents, and children. Child sexual abuse does not necessarily lead to long-term harm."[43]

There has been greater emphasis in subsequent work on the range of responses that are possible from victims. For example, a few studies make reference to the paper's findings about "consensual" encounters, but approach it from the opposite direction (i.e., that the use of force causes more intense negative outcomes).[44] Heather Ulrich, author of the aforementioned replication of the meta-analysis, later drew on the findings to study the reasons for the variability in outcomes of CSA victims, such as attributional style (individual's causal explanations for why the abuse occurred), family environment, and social support.[45]

See also


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Rind, Bruce; Tromovitch, Philip; Bauserman, Robert (1998). "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples" (PDF). Psychological Bulletin. 124 (1): 22–53. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.124.1.22. PMID 9670820. S2CID 16123776.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Rind, Bruce; Tromovitch, Philip (1997). "A meta-analytic review of findings from national samples on psychological correlates of child sexual abuse". The Journal of Sex Research. 34 (3): 237–255. doi:10.1080/00224499709551891. JSTOR 3813384.
  3. ^ Rind, Bruce; Tromovitch, Philip (2007). "National Samples, Sexual Abuse in Childhood, and Adjustment in Adulthood: A Commentary on Najman, Dunne, Purdie, Boyle, and Coxeter (2005)" (PDF). Archives of Sexual Behavior. 36 (1): 101–106. doi:10.1007/s10508-006-9058-y. PMID 17139555. S2CID 392041. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 April 2014. Retrieved 10 January 2012.
  4. ^ Glicken, Morley D. (2010). Social Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Social Welfare, Social Issues, and the Profession. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE. p. 146. ISBN 978-1412975780. Retrieved 1 September 2014.
  5. ^ Rosenthal, Martha (2012). Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society. Boston, Massachusetts: Cengage Learning. p. 421. ISBN 978-0618755714. Retrieved 1 September 2014.
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b c McCoy, Monica L.; Keen, Stefanie M. (2013). Child Abuse and Neglect: Second Edition. Hove, England: Psychology Press. pp. 182–185. ISBN 978-1136322877. Retrieved 1 September 2014.
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Dallam, SJ; et al. (2001). "The effects of child sexual abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998)" (PDF). Psychological Bulletin. 127 (6): 715–33. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.127.6.715. ISSN 0033-2909. PMID 11726068.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Dallam, SJ (2001). "Science or Propaganda? An Examination of Rind, Tromovitch and Bauserman". Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 9 (3/4): 109–134. doi:10.1300/J070v09n03_06. PMID 17521993. S2CID 24496737.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Salter, Anna (2018). Predators: pedophiles, rapists, and other sex offenders. New York: Basic Books. pp. 62–65. ISBN 978-1-541-67382-3.
  10. ^ Jump up to: a b Spiegel, Josef (2003). Sexual Abuse of Males: The Sam Model of Theory and Practice. Abingdon, England: Routledge. p. 9. ISBN 978-1-56032-403-4.
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Ondersma, S.J.; Chaffin, Mark; Berliner, Lucy; Cordon, Ingrid; Goodman, Gail S; Barnett, D (November 2001). "Sex with children is abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998)". Psychological Bulletin. 127 (6): 707–714. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.127.6.707. PMID 11726067. The authors...argue for the appropriateness of the term 'abuse' and for scientific terminology that reflects, rather than contradicts, consensual public morality.
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Rind, B; Tromovitch P; Bauserman R (2000). "Condemnation of a scientific article: A chronology and refutation of the attacks and a discussion of threats to the integrity of science". Sexuality & Culture. 4 (2): 1–62. doi:10.1007/s12119-000-1025-5. S2CID 143835500.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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  14. ^ Schlessinger, L. (1999 March 23) The Dr. Laura show [Radio Broadcast] Los Angeles, CA: Premiere Radio Networks.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Lilienfeld, SO (2002). "When Worlds Collide: Social Science, Politics and the Rind et al. (1998) Child Abuse Meta-Analysis" (PDF). The American Psychologist. 57 (3): 177–187. doi:10.1037/0003-066x.57.3.176. PMID 11905116. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 April 2003.
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  17. ^ Fowler, RD (1999). "RE: APA statements". Child Maltreatment Researchers (Mailing List).
  18. ^ Jump up to: a b "American Psychological Association Letter to the Honorable Rep. DeLay (R-Tx) Office of the Majority Whip, U.S House of Representatives" (Press release). American Psychological Association. 9 June 1999. Archived from the original on 10 October 1999. Retrieved 8 March 2009. concerns have been raised that the aforementioned [i.e., Rind et al.] article...could be viewed as support for pedophilia and used by pedophiles as a legal defense. There is no defense for pedophilia; it is always wrong.
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  41. ^ Гровер, Соня (1 января 2003 г.). «О разнице в власти и правах детей: диссонансная интерпретация исследования сексуального насилия над детьми, проведенного компанией Rind and Associates (1998)» . Этические гуманитарные науки и услуги . 5 (1): 21–33. ISSN   1523-150Х . LCCN   sn98001429 . Проверено 2 февраля 2012 г. Все CSA по своей сути являются оскорбительными и эксплуататорскими из-за неспособности несовершеннолетнего дать информированное согласие, даже если жертва считает, что контакт был согласованным, и не сообщает об отсутствии психологического вреда.
  42. ^ Холмс, туалет; Слэп, Великобритания (декабрь 1998 г.). «Сексуальное насилие над мальчиками: определение, распространенность, корреляты, последствия и лечение». Журнал Американской медицинской ассоциации . 280 (21): 1855–1862. дои : 10.1001/jama.280.21.1855 . ПМИД   9846781 . S2CID   15540314 . Учитывая многочисленные неблагоприятные клинические последствия сексуального насилия, позитивное и нейтральное восприятие многих мужчин-жертв сексуального насилия вызывает недоумение. Переживание физического удовольствия [у этих мальчиков] может осложнить реакцию после жестокого обращения.
  43. ^ Ульрих, Хизер; Рэндольф Микки, Ачесон Шон (июнь 2005 г.). «Сексуальное насилие над детьми: повторение метааналитического исследования сексуального насилия над детьми, проведенного Риндом, Тромовичем и Баузерманом (1998)» . Научный обзор практики психического здоровья . 4 (2).
  44. ^ Сенн, TE; Кэри, член парламента; Ванейбл, Пенсильвания; Кури-Донигер, П; Урбан, М. (октябрь 2007 г.). «Характеристики сексуального насилия в детстве и подростковом возрасте влияют на рискованное сексуальное поведение во взрослом возрасте» . Архив сексуального поведения . 36 (5): 637–45. дои : 10.1007/s10508-006-9109-4 . ПМК   2042031 . ПМИД   17192833 .
  45. ^ Ульрих, Хизер (9 июня 2007 г.). «Изучение различий в долгосрочной адаптации детей, ставших жертвами сексуального насилия» (PDF) . Университет Монтаны. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 7 октября 2011 года . Проверено 14 июля 2011 г.
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