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Генрих VII, Император Священной Римской

(Перенаправлен из Генри, граф Люксембурга )

Генрих VII
Деталь миниатюры, изображающая Генрих VII, c. 1380–1400 [ 1 ]
Священная римская император
Правление 29 июня 1312 - 24 августа 1313
Коронация 29 июня 1312 г., Рим
Предшественник Фредерик II
Преемник Луи IV
Король римлян
Правление 27 ноября 1308 - 24 августа 1313
Коронация 6 января 1309 года, кроме
Предшественник Альберт я
Преемник Луи IV
Король Италии
Правление 6 января 1311 - 24 августа 1313
Коронация 6 января 1311 года, Милан
Предшественник Конрад IV
Преемник Луи IV
Считайте Люксембург и Арлон
Правление 5 июня 1288 - 24 августа 1313
Предшественник Генри мы
Преемник Джон я
Рожденный в 1273 [ 2 ]
Валенсия , графство Хайнаут
Умер 24 августа 1313 г. (в возрасте 40)
Буонконвенто , Италия
( м. 1292; умер 1311)
Дом Дом Люксембурга
Отец Генрих VI из Люксембурга
Мать Беатрис д'Авеснес

Генрих VII немецкий: Генрих ; Болгар ( 1273 ; [ 3 ] - 24 августа 1313), [ 4 ] Также был известен как Генри из Люксембурга , был граф Люксембурга , короля Германии ( Rex Romanorum ) с 1308 года и императора Священного Рима с 1312 года. Он был первым императором Дома Люксембурга . Во время своей краткой карьеры он оживил имперское дело в Италии , которая была накалена партизанской борьбой между разделенными фракциями Гвельфа и Гибеллина и вдохновила похвалу Дино Компагни и Данте Алигьери . Он был первым императором со времен смерти Фредерика II в 1250 году, заканчивая великую межрегентуру Священной Римской империи ; Однако его преждевременная смерть угрожала отменить работу его жизни. Его сын, Джон из Богемии , не был избран в качестве преемника, и вкратце был еще один антикинг , Фридрик, ярмарка , оспаривая правило Луи IV .

Выборы в качестве короля римлян

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Оружие дома Люксембурга.

Родился около 1273 года [ 5 ] В Валенсине он был сыном графства Генри -VI из Люксембурга и Беатрис из дома Авеснеса . [ 6 ] Выросший в французском суде, он был лордом сравнительно небольших свойств в периферической и преимущественно франкоязычной части Священной Римской империи . [ 7 ] Это было симптомом слабости Империи, что во время его правления как граф Люксембурга он согласился стать французским вассалом в поисках защиты короля Филиппа Ярмарки Франции. [ 8 ] Во время своего правления Люксембурга он управлял эффективно, особенно в сохранении мира в местных феодальных спорах. [ 4 ]

Оружие Генриха VII, Император Священного Римского.

Генри попал во внутренние политические махинации Священной Римской империи с убийством царя Альберта I 1 мая 1308 года. [ 4 ] Почти сразу же король Филипп из Франции начал агрессивно искать поддержки своего брата, Чарльза Валуа , будет избран следующего короля римлян . [ 9 ] Филипп подумал, что у него была поддержка французского папы Климента V ( основанного в Авиньоне ), и что его перспективы привлечения Империи на орбиту французского королевского дома были хорошими. Он щедро распространил французские деньги в надежде подкупить немецких избирателей. [ 7 ] Хотя Чарльз Валуа обладал поддержкой Генри, архиепископа Кельна , французского сторонника, многие не стремились видеть расширение французской власти, меньше всего Климента В. [ 7 ] [ 10 ] Основным соперником Чарльза, казалось, был Рудольф , Палатин . [ Цитация необходима ]

Учитывая его опыт, хотя он был вассалом Филиппа Ярмарки, [ 7 ] Генри был связан несколькими национальными связями, аспектом его пригодности в качестве компромиссного кандидата среди избирателей, [ 11 ] Великие территориальные магнаты, которые жили без коронованного императора на протяжении десятилетий и были недовольны Чарльзом и Рудольфом. Брат Генри, Болдуин, архиепископ Трир , выиграл несколько избирателей, включая архиепископа Кельна, в обмен на некоторые существенные уступки. [ 7 ] Следовательно, Генри умело договорился о своем пути к Короне, избранный с шестью голосами во Франкфурте 27 ноября 1308 года. [ 7 ] Единственным избирателем, который не поддерживал его, был Генри, король богемии . [ 7 ] Впоследствии Генри был коронован в Аахене 6 января 1309 года. [ 7 ]

В июле 1309 года папа Клемент V подтвердил выборы Генри. [ 12 ] Он согласился короновать Генри Императора в Candlemas 1312 лично, название было вакантным после смерти Фредерика II . [ 13 ] Генри в обмен, поклялся клятву защиты папе, [ 13 ] согласился защищать права и не нападать на привилегии городов Папских государств , а также согласился пойти в крестовый поход, как только он был коронованным императором. [ 4 ] Тем не менее, недавно коронованный король имели местные проблемы, чтобы разобраться, прежде чем он смог искать имперскую корону. Генри приблизился к частью богемной дворянства и некоторых важных и влиятельных церковников, чтобы вмешаться в Богемию . [ 12 ] Недоволен правилом Генриха Каринтия и опасаясь претензий Габсбургов , у которых было некоторое законное требование о короне, они убедили Генри выйти замуж за своего сына Иоанна I, графу Люксембурга в Элизабет , дочери Вацласа II , и так Установить претензию на богемскую корону. В июле 1310 года он спроектировал удаление Генри в Каринтии. [ 12 ]

The seven prince-electors voting for Henry, Balduineum picture chronicle, 1341

On 15 August 1309, Henry VII announced his intention to travel to Rome, having sent his ambassadors to Italy to prepare for his arrival, and so consequently expected his troops to be ready to travel by 1 October 1310. Prior to leaving Germany, he sought to smooth relations with the Habsburgs, who had been forced against their will to accept the accession of Henry's son in Bohemia, cowed by the threats of making the Duchy of Austria dependent on the Bohemian crown. He therefore confirmed them in their imperial fiefs by October 1309; in exchange, Leopold of Habsburg agreed to accompany Henry in his Italian expedition, and to provide a body of troops as well.[12]

Henry felt he needed to obtain a papal imperial coronation, partly because of the lowly origins of his house, and partly because of the concessions he had been forced to make to obtain the German crown in the first place.[4] He also saw it, together with the crowns of Italy and Arles, as a necessary counterweight to the ambitions of the French king.[12] To ensure the success of his Italian expedition, Henry entered into negotiations with Robert, King of Naples in mid-1310, with the intent of marrying his daughter, Beatrix to Robert's son, Charles, Duke of Calabria.[13] It was hoped that this would lessen the tensions in Italy between the anti-imperial Guelphs, who looked to the King of Naples for leadership, and the pro-imperial Ghibellines.[13] Negotiations broke down due to Robert's excessive monetary demands, as well as through the interference of Philip, who did not want such an alliance to succeed.[13]

Descent into Italy

Henry VII and the Imperial army crossing the Alps into Italy
The knights of emperor Henry VII defeat the Guelph faction of Guido della Torre in Milan
Torture and execution of the Guelph captain Teobaldo Brusati at the siege of Brescia
The Emperor in Italy.

While these negotiations were taking place, Henry began his descent into northern Italy in October 1310, with his eldest son John remaining in Prague as the Imperial vicar.[13] As he crossed the Alps and travelled into the Lombard plain, nobles and prelates of both Guelph and Ghibelline factions hastened to greet him, and Dante circulated an optimistic open letter addressed to the rulers and the people.[14] As emperor, Henry had planned to restore the glory of the Holy Roman Empire, but he did not reckon on the bitterly divided state that Italy had now become.[4] Decades of warfare and strife had seen the rise of dozens of independent city-states, each one nominally Guelph or Ghibelline,[citation needed] backed by either urban nobles supporting a powerful ruler (such as Milan), or the rising non-noble merchant classes embedded in oligarchic republican states (such as Florence).[4] Each of these contests had created bitter losers, each of whom looked to the emperor-elect for restitution. Henry expressed both his high-minded idealism and lack of political craft in his plan to require all the cities of Lombardy to welcome back their exiles, of whatever their political stripe. He received both parties, Guelph or Ghibelline, courteously; in the beginning he showed no obvious favoritism to either party, hoping that his magnanimity would be reciprocated by both sides.[15] Nevertheless, he insisted that the current rulers in all of the Italian city-states had usurped their powers. He insisted that the towns should come under the immediate control of the Empire, and that their exiles should be recalled. He eventually forced the cities to comply with his demands, and the despots had to surrender their keys. Although Henry rewarded their submission with titles and fiefs, it did cause a great deal of resentment that only grew over time.[15] This was the situation confronting the king when he arrived in Turin in November 1310, at the head of 5,000 soldiers, including 500 cavalry.[4]

After a brief stay at Asti where Henry intervened in the political affairs in the town, much to the consternation of the Italian Guelphs,[16] Henry proceeded to Milan, where he was crowned King of Italy with the Iron Crown of Lombardy on 6 January 1311.[14] The Tuscan Guelphs refused to attend the ceremony, and began preparing for resistance to Henry's imperial dreams.[16] As part of his program of political rehabilitation, he recalled the Visconti, the ousted former rulers of Milan from exile. Guido della Torre, who had thrown the Visconti out of Milan, objected and organised a revolt against Henry that was ruthlessly put down, and the Visconti were returned to power, with Henry appointing Matteo I Visconti as the Imperial vicar of Milan.[17] He also imposed his brother-in-law, Amadeus of Savoy, as the vicar-general in Lombardy.[16] These measures, plus a massive levy imposed on the Italian towns,[18] caused the Guelph cities to turn against Henry, and he encountered further resistance when he sought to enforce imperial claims on what had become communal lands and rights, and attempted to replace communal regulations with imperial laws.[16] Nevertheless, Henry managed to restore some semblance of imperial power in parts of northern Italy. Cities such as Parma, Lodi, Verona and Padua all accepted his rule.[17]

At the same time any resistance of the north Italian communes was ruthlessly suppressed; however, the punishments levied on cities that submitted stiffened the resistance of others. Cremona was the first to feel Henry's wrath, after the Torriani family and their supporters[19] had fled from Milan,[17] falling on 26 April 1311, after which he razed the city walls.[18] Henry then expended much of his initial capital of good-will with delays, such as the four-month siege of Brescia in 1311, delaying his journey to Rome. Popular opinion began to turn against Henry, with Florence allying itself with the Guelph communities of Lucca, Siena and Bologna, and engaging in a propaganda war against the king.[17] This was successful in that Pope Clement V, under increasing pressure from King Philip of France, began to distance himself from Henry and to take up the cause of the Italian Guelphs who had been appealing to the Papacy for support.[17]

Despite plague and desertions, he managed to extract Brescia's surrender in September 1311.[16] Henry then passed through Pavia before arriving in Genoa, where he again tried to mediate between the warring factions within the town.[17] During his stay in the city, his wife Margaret of Brabant died.[20] Also while in Genoa he discovered that King Robert of Naples had decided to oppose the spread of imperial power in the Italian peninsula, and resumed his traditional position as head of the Guelph parties,[21] as Florence, Lucca, Siena and Perugia all declared their support for Robert.[20] Henry attempted to intimidate Robert by ordering him to attend his imperial coronation, and to swear fealty for his imperial fiefs in Piedmont and Provence.[22] With Florence's encouragement, much of Lombardy flared into open rebellion against Henry, with uprisings throughout December 1311 and January 1312,[22] while in the Romagna, King Robert strengthened his position. Nevertheless, Henry's supporters managed to capture Vicenza, and he received an embassy from Venice, who offered him the friendship of their city.[20] Henry also began legal proceedings against Florence, laying charges of Lèse majesté against the city and placing it under an Imperial ban in December 1311.[22]

After spending two months in Genoa, Henry continued on to Pisa by ship, where he was eagerly received by the inhabitants, who were the traditional enemies of Florence and were Ghibelline.[22] Here he again began negotiating with Robert of Naples, before deciding to enter into an alliance with Frederick III of Sicily, strengthening his position and hopefully putting pressure on Robert of Naples.[20] He left Pisa in 1312 to go to Rome to be crowned as emperor, but on his way he discovered that Clement V was not going to crown him there.[23]

Wars against Florence and Robert of Naples


Rome was in a state of confusion as Henry approached the city walls. The Orsini family had adopted the cause of Robert of Naples, while the Colonna family threw their weight behind Henry.[20] With their partisans fighting in the streets, Henry was also confronted with the news that the Castel Sant'Angelo and the Vatican quarter were securely in the hands of Robert, the Angevin king of Naples,[24] who had decided, with help from the Florentines[23] that his own dynastic interests were not in favour of renewed Imperial presence in Italy.[citation needed]

The Coronation of Henry VII by three cardinals.

On 7 May 1312, Henry's German troops forced their way across the Ponte Milvio and entered Rome, but found it impossible to throw out the Angevin troops from around St. Peter's Basilica.[20] As the Colonna family had possession of the area around the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Santa Maria Maggiore and the Colosseum, Henry was forced to perform his coronation on 29 June 1312 at the Lateran.[citation needed] The ceremony was performed by three Ghibelline cardinals who had joined Henry on his way through Italy.[17][25] The imperial party was fired upon by hostile crossbowmen in the Lateran’s banqueting hall shortly after the coronation.[26] Robert of Naples, in the meantime, had made increasing demands upon Henry, including Henry making Robert's son the Imperial vicar of Tuscany, and that Henry had to depart Rome within four days of his coronation.[22] Henry, in his turn, declared that the imperial prerogative overrode papal authority, and that the entirety of Italy was subject to the emperor.[22] He then refused to commit, as Pope Clement V had requested, to seek a truce with Robert of Naples, and he didn't rule out attacking the southern kingdom.[22] After Henry concluded a formal treaty signed with Robert's rival to the Sicilian throne, Frederick of Aragon, the chaos in the city of Rome forced Henry to leave, and, following the advice of Tuscan Ghibellines, he travelled north to Arezzo.[25]

The Empire under Henry VII,
  House of Luxembourg

At Arezzo, in September 1312, Henry proceeded to pass a sentence against Robert of Naples,[27] as a rebel vassal.[28] Meanwhile, at Carpentras near Avignon, Clement was unwilling to fully support Henry, since Robert, of a cadet line of the French, was the representative of French power in Italy, and Clement was far from independent of French policies, as well as considerations about encirclement by Henry should he successfully defeat Robert.[27] But before Henry could move against Robert of Naples, he had to deal with the troublesome Florentines,[27] who had been sending money to the Lombard cities that held out against Henry, and who had been strengthening the city's fortifications in anticipation of a siege.[25]

In mid September, Henry approached the city and very quickly, it was obvious that the city militia and the Guelph cavalry could not match the emperor in an open battle against his battle-hardened soldiers from the north. The Florentine army was outmanoeuvred and lacking in provisions, so it retreated back into Florence during the night. Siena, Bologna, Lucca, and smaller cities, sent men to help man the walls.[29] So began the siege of Florence, Henry possessing some 15,000 infantrymen and 2,000 cavalry, up against a combined Florentine strength of 64,000 defenders.[16] Florence was able to keep every gate open except that which faced the emperor, and it kept all of her commercial routes open.[29] For six weeks Henry battered the walls of Florence, and was eventually forced to abandon the siege. Nevertheless, by the end of 1312, he had subdued a large part of Tuscany, and had treated his defeated enemies with great leniency.[27] By March 1313, Henry was back in his stronghold of Pisa, and from here he formally charged Robert of Naples with treason[16] after Robert finally agreed to accept the office of the captain of the Guelph League.[27] By now his patience was at an end, and he ordered that throughout Italy, all the inhabitants of all rebellious cities were to be captured, stripped and hanged for treason.[16] While he loitered in Pisa, waiting for reinforcements from Germany, he attacked Lucca, a traditional enemy of Pisa.[19] Henry now prepared for his next move; after taking as much money as he could from Pisa (Henry ultimately cost Pisa some 2 million florins),[30] he began his long delayed campaign against Robert of Naples on 8 August 1313.[16] His Italian allies were loath to join him, and so his army consisted of some 4,000 knights, while a fleet was prepared to attack Robert's realm directly.[27]

His first target was the Guelph city of Siena, which he began to besiege, but within a week, Henry succumbed to malaria, which fast saw him become seriously ill. Fading rapidly, he left Siena on 22 August, and was sheltering in the little town of Buonconvento near Siena when he died on 24 August 1313.[27] His body was taken to Pisa. Henry was only 40 years old when he died, and the high hopes for an effective Imperial power in Italy died with him.[31]



At Henry's death, and for the following decades, the central figure in Italian policy remained his nemesis, Robert of Naples.[32] In the Empire, Henry's son, John the Blind, was elected King of Bohemia in 1310. After the death of Henry VII, two rivals, the Wittelsbach Ludwig of Bavaria and Frederick the Handsome of the House of Habsburg, laid claim to the crown. Their dispute culminated in the Battle of Mühldorf on 28 September 1322, which was lost by Frederick. Ludwig's Italian expedition (1327–29), made in the spirit of righting the wrongs done to Henry, was also abortive. The legacy of Henry was clearest in the successful careers of two among the local despots he made Imperial Vicars in northern cities, Cangrande I della Scala of Verona and Matteo Visconti of Milan.[33]


Tomb of Henry VII, Codex Balduini Trevirensis (ca 1340).
Tomb of Henry VII, August 2012.

Pisa was a Ghibelline city, which means that the city supported the Holy Roman Emperor. When Henry VII died, Pisans built a monumental tomb inside their cathedral. The tomb was centered behind the High Altar in the apse. The choice of place was intended to demonstrate the devotion of the Pisans to the Emperor.[citation needed]

The tomb, constructed in 1315 by Sienese sculptor Tino di Camaino,[34] was built above the grave itself, with the statue of Henry VII lying above it and many other statues and angels. The tomb did not have a long life: for political reasons it was dismantled and the parts were reused in other places in the square. By 1985, the grave of the Emperor had been shifted to the right transept of the cathedral, near the tomb of Saint Ranieri; a couple of statues were put on the top of the façade and a number of statues portraying Henry VII himself and his counsellors were in the Cemetery. Nowadays the statues, the textiles and goldwork gathered around the funeral shroud have been moved to and are featured in the Museum of the Opera del Duomo [it] in Pisa,[35] while the tomb remains in the cathedral.[citation needed]

There is a plaster cast (1890) of the tomb in the Cast Courts of the Victoria and Albert Museum.[34]

Henry VII is the famous alto Arrigo in Dante's Paradiso, in which the poet is shown the seat of honor that awaits Henry in Heaven. Henry in Paradiso xxx.137f is "He who came to reform Italy before she was ready for it". Dante also alludes to him numerous times in Purgatorio as the savior who will bring imperial rule back to Italy, and end the inappropriate temporal control of the Church.[citation needed] In 1921, on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of Dante's death, Henry VII's tomb was opened and examined.[36]

Henry VII's tomb was opened and studied again in 2013, 700 years after his death. The remains had been wrapped in a large rectangular colorful silk shroud, described in the 1921 study as "a fine shroud woven in bands", which was retrieved from the coffin for analysis and subsequently moved to be displayed at the Museum of the Opera del Duomo.[36][37] The skeleton was recomposed and its analysis led to the estimation that Henry VII's height was 1.78 metres.[36] The bones were also examined by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy to study medieval post-mortem practices.[38]

Family and children


Henry was married in Tervuren 9 July 1292 to Margaret of Brabant, daughter of John I, Duke of Brabant,[39] and had the following children:

See also



  1. ^ Detailed record for Royal 20 C VII, Catalogue of illuminated manuscripts.
  2. ^ Regesta Imperii 6.4.1, Regest a (online).
  3. ^ Cf. Kurt-Ulrich Jäschke, Peter Thorau: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Rudolf, Adolf, Albrecht, Heinrich VII. 1273–1313. 4. Abteilung: Heinrich VII. 1288/1308–1313, 1. Lieferung: 1288/1308 – August 1309. Vienna 2006, Request a (online).
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Kleinhenz, pg. 494
  5. ^ Cf. the new Regesta Imperii Kurt-Ulrich Jäschke, Peter Thorau: Die Regesten des Kaiserreichs unter Rudolf, Adolf, Albrecht, Heinrich VII. 1273–1313. 4. Abteilung: Heinrich VII. 1288/1308–1313, 1. Lieferung: 1288/1308 – August 1309. Böhlau, Vienna 2006, Regest a (online).
  6. ^ Georgina R. Cole-Baker, The Date of the Emperor Henry VII's Birth, in: The English Historical Review, Vol. 35, No. 138 (Apr. 1920), pp. 224–231, here pg. 227.
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h Jones, pg. 530
  8. ^ Jones, pg. 517
  9. ^ Jones, pg. 529
  10. ^ Comyn, pg. 408
  11. ^ Comym, pg. 410
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Jones, pg. 531
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Jones, pg. 532
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b Jones, pg. 533
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b Sismondi, pg. 253
  16. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i Kleinhenz, pg. 495
  17. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Jones, pg. 534
  18. ^ Jump up to: a b Jones, pg. 443
  19. ^ Jump up to: a b Sismondi, pg. 232
  20. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Comyn, pg. 447
  21. ^ Comyn, pg. 444
  22. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Jones, pg. 535
  23. ^ Jump up to: a b Jones, pg. 472
  24. ^ Bryce, pg. 279
  25. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Commons, pg. 448
  26. ^ Уилсон, Петр Х. Священная Римская империя - тысяча лет европейской истории . п. 68
  27. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и фон глин Джонс, стр. 536
  28. ^ Как количество Прованса , Роберт технически был вассалом Генри, хотя Прованс был удален из имперских кругов на протяжении веков.
  29. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Seismondi, pg. 294
  30. ^ Seismondi, pg. 271
  31. ^ Джонс, стр. 537
  32. ^ H. Header и DP Waley, eds, короткая история Италии (Кембридж) 1963: 60.
  33. ^ ИСТОРИЯ 1963: 72.
  34. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Totm Императора " V & A исследовали колледж . и Альберта Музей Виктории 23 2021августа
  35. ^ «Музей Opera del Duomo» . Работа Pisan Primestiale: официальный сайт . Музей оперы дель Дуомо [ это ] . Получено 23 августа 2021 года .
  36. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в «Средневековое сокровище в гробнице Энрико VII» . www.unipi.it . Университет Пизы. 19 мая 2014 года . Получено 23 августа 2021 года .
  37. ^ «Великолепный шелк» . Средневековые истории . 25 октября 2013 года . Получено 23 августа 2021 года .
  38. ^ Скаррано, Габриэле; Маззака, Клаудия; Валентини, Федерика; Скано, Джузеппина; Buccolieri, Alessandro; Джанкейн, Габриэле; Манно, Даниэла; Валли, Людовико; Mallegni, Francesco; Серра, Антонио (сентябрь 2017 г.). «Сказка о Генрихе VII: междисциплинарный подход к определению практики после Мортеа». Археологические и антропологические науки . 9 (6): 1215–1222. Bibcode : 2017arans ... 9,1215 . Doi : 10,1007/S12520-016-0321-4 . S2CID   163989438 .
  39. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Гейдс, стр. 119


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Фундаментальный для изучения Генриха VII и его времени - это новая рефлектная империи :

  • Курт-Ульрих Яшке, Питер Торау (редактор): речь Империи под руководством Рудольфа, Адольф, Альбрехт, Генрих VII. 4. Департамент: Heinrich VII . ISBN   3-412-01906-2 ( онлайн ).
  • Курт-Ульрих Яшке, Питер Торау (редактор): речь Империи под руководством Рудольфа, Адольф, Альбрехт, Генрих VII. 4 -й департамент: речь Империи при Генрие VII. Октябрь 1310 года . Böhlau, Кельн U. 2014, ISBN   978-3-412-22181-2 ( онлайн ).

Вторичная литература:

  • Мишель Поли (ред.: Агаод использует Abow Sude Wasse. Анри VII RIIS EMRI SOCOUES DE GRANDO SENSE Dyyies. = Европейское управление Im Sourse Mutter-Line Heartrich VII. Von of wring ode die grosters Dynasts Europeas. Конкурс в этом 15 -х годах Потинг Лотиров, 14 - 174 United89, Nature, Nature в 2008 году, Nigs. Строки Udging 2010, ISBN   978-2-919979-22-6
  • Джонс, Майкл, Новая Кембриджская средневековая история, вып. VI: c. 1300-c. 1415 , издательство Кембриджского университета, 2000
  • Кляйнхенц, Кристофер, средневековая Италия: энциклопедия, том 1 , Routledge, 2004
  • Брайс, Джеймс, Священная Римская империя , 1913
  • Sismondi, JCL, Boulting, William, История итальянских республик в средние века ,
  • Комин, Роберт. История Западной империи, от его восстановления Карл Великим до вступления в Чарльз V, Vol. Я ​1851
  • Уильям М. Бауски, Генрих VII в Италии , Линкольн, 1960.
  • , Император Генрих VII. Мария Элизабет Франке
  • Джон А. Гейдс, Люксембург в средневековье , Брилл, 1951.
Генрих VII, Император Священной Римской
Родился: c. 1273   умер: 1313
Предшествует Считайте оскорбления
Предшествует Граф Дурба
в 1298–1313
Предшествует Король римлян
Предшествует Король Италии
Предшествует Священная римская император
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