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Динара Дивизион

(Перенаправлен из дивизиона Динара Четник )
Динара Дивизион
Флаг Четника; Надпись гласит: «Для короля и отечества; свобода или смерть»
Активный 1942–1945
Верность Югославское правительство в избытке (1942–44)
 Италия (1942–43)
 Германия (1943–45)
Правительство национального спасения (1942–44)
Тип Пехота
Роль Антипартийные операции
Размер 3,000–6,500
Часть Четки
Антикоммунистическая добровольца милиция (1942–43)
Занятия Вторая мировая война в Югославии
Момоси Джуджич

( Дивизион Динара Сербский : Динарска Дивигиха / Динарска Дивициджа ) была нерегулярной Четника формированием , которая существовала во время Второй мировой войны оккупации осиров Югославии, которая в значительной степени действовала в качестве вспомогательных сил и ухаживала за югославскими партизанами . Организованный в 1942 году с помощью Ильиджи Трифунова-Бирчанина и возглавляемого Момхило Чуджичем , дивизион включил командиров в Боснии и Герцеговине, Северная Далмация и регион Лии. Подразделение находилось под контролем командира Верховного Четника Дража Михайлович и получила помощь от Дмитрийе Льотича , лидера сербского корпуса добровольцев , и Милан Недич , главы сербского правительства кукол национального спасения .

В конце 1944 года дивизия начала уходить в сторону Словении. После этого он присоединился к Четникам Доброслава Джевжевича , сербскому корпусу добровольцев Льотича и остаткам Сербского шокового корпуса Ндича в формировании единого подразделения, который под командованием Одило Глоучника высшего SS и лидера полиции в Адриатическом литоре . В мае 1945 года Чудзич сдал разделение союзным силам , которые отвезли своих членов в южную Италию, откуда их отвезли в лагеря перемещенных лиц в Германии, а затем рассеялись. Чуджич эмигрировал в Соединенные Штаты в 1949 году. Считается, что многие члены Динара Динара последовали за ним, в то время как другие эмигрировали в Канаду . Жудзич жил в Соединенных Штатах до своей смерти в сентябре 1999 года.

6 апреля 1941 года оси силы вторглись в Королевство Югославия . Плотно оборудованная и плохо обученная, Королевская югославская армия была быстро побеждена. [ 1 ] После вторжения страна была расчленена. Экстремальный хорватский националистический и фашистский анте Павелеич , который находился в изгнании в Бенито Муссолини , Италии был назначен Поглавника (лидера) Усташе хорватского государства, основанного на , -независимым государством Хорватии (часто называется NDH, из хорватского государства -независимо : Nezavisna Država Hrvatska ). NDH объединил почти всю современную Хорватию , всю современную Боснию и Герцеговину и части современной Сербии в «итальянско-герман-квази-защитник». [ 2 ] Власти NDH, возглавляемые Ustache Militia , [ 3 ] Впоследствии внедрила геноцидную политику против сербского , еврейского и цыганского населения, живущего в пределах границ нового государства. [ 4 ] Сербы, в частности, были предназначены для заключенных, убийств, вынужденной эмиграции и убийства. [ 5 ] В результате появились два движения сопротивления-роялисты и серб Четники, возглавляемые полковником Дража Михайаловичем и многоэтническими, коммунистическими югославскими партизанами во главе с Джозипом Брозом Тито . [ 6 ] Момхило Чудзич , сербский православный священник, назначил себя Войводой (командиром) сил Четника в северной Далматии . [ 7 ] Chetnik movement in Croatia was developed among the Serbs of the Kninska Krajina, central Dalmatia and southern Lika region. These Chetnik groups were formed during separation of the Greater Serbian and pro-Chetnik elements which arose from insurgent Serb groups whose actions were against the military and civilian authorities of the NDH and Ustasha repressive measures against the Serb population.[8] Some of the Greater Serbian and the pro-Chetnik groups were under protection of the Italian occupation army and they gradually became part of their service. After the Zagreb agreement between the NDH authorities and the Italian military authorities from the middle of 1942 these Chetnik groups became part of voluntary anti-communist militias (Milizia volontaria anticomunista) where they were properly supplied with weapons, food, and in time of combat activities against the Partisans paid with money and war loot. During March–April 1942 all these Chetnik groups from the Kninska Krajina, northern Dalmatia and southern Lika area will be united to the Dinara Chetniks Division and placed under the command of the West Bosnian, Lika-Dalmatian and Herzegovinian military Chetnik detachments where they were even better connected to the movement of Draža Mihailović.[9]

Formation and objectives

Momčilo Đujić, commander of the Dinara Division (left), with an Italian officer

The division was formed in early January 1942 after Đujić was contacted by Mihailović via a courier. Ilija Trifunović-Birčanin played a central role in organizing the units of Chetnik leaders in western Bosnia, Lika, and northern Dalmatia into the Dinara Division and dispatched former Royal Yugoslav Army officers to help. Đujić was designated the commander of the division and its goal was for the "establishment of a Serb national state" in which "an exclusively Orthodox population is to live".[10] According to Đujić: "We were under Draža's command, but we received news and supplies for our struggle from [Dimitrije] Ljotić and [Milan] Nedić. [...] Nedić's couriers reached me in Dinara and mine reached him in Belgrade. He sent me military uniforms for the guardists of the Dinara Chetnik Division; he sent me ten million dinars to obtain for the fighters whatever was needed and whatever could be obtained."[11]

In March 1942 the division prepared a programmatic statement that concerned the "specific conditions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Dalmatia, and southwestern Croatia (Lika)." The statement was accepted by commanders of these areas during a conference at Strmica near Knin a month later. The statement echoed the tone of Mihailović's instructions issued in December 1941 to Chetnik commanders Major Đorđije Lašić and Captain Pavle Đurišić in pursuing a Greater Serbia that was to be inhabited solely by Serbs, the establishment of a corridor through the linkage of the territories Herzegovina, northern Dalmatia, Bosnia, and Lika to Slovenia; the mobilization of all Serb nationalists for the ethnic cleansing of other nationalities that existed in Herzegovina, Dalmatia, Bosnia, and Lika. Most historians who have considered the question regard the Chetnik crimes against Muslims and Croats during this period as constituting genocide. It also elaborated on the division's wartime strategy: "collaboration with the Italians on a live-and-let-live principle, determined struggle against Ustaša formations and the Domobrans, as well as against the Partisans; it is task of the Chetnik movement to prevent increasing number of Croats and Muslims who join the Partisan movement and the main focus must be towards "national Croats", though later they can be eliminated; and the formation of separate Croatian Chetnik units for pro-Yugoslav, anti-Partisan Croats." While towards Muslims "should be patient, not to kill them and plunder ie undertake such methods that Muslims really gain belief that military-Chetnik detachments are their friends", in this regard it is concluded "any premature action against the Muslim population would strengthen the Partisans because they have to sit at their houses so that we destroy them in their homes"[12][13] In the area of the Sassari division according to a report of the Italian 18. Army Corps from 11 August 1942 exist nine Chetnik detachments with total of 12,440 persons under command of Momčilo Đujić, however according to same record only about 2600 persons were armed. While command of 18. Army Corps in mid-September 1942 talks about 4269 people armed with 4197 rifles, 35 light machine guns and 7 machine guns. In order to strengthen the Chetnik positions in the area of the Kninska Krajina and southern Lika at the end of 1942 were transferred about 3,200 Herzegovinian and east Bosnian Chetniks, among whom was and the Zlatibor Chetnik detachment from Serbia which remained there until March 1943. In the late summer of 1944 Dinara Division has about 6500 of Chetniks.[14][15]

Decline and retreat to the Adriatic Littoral


During early February 1943, as the Partisans began to prevail over the Chetniks as part of Case White, Đujić and Petar Baćović attempted to mount a counteroffensive around Bosansko Grahovo in western Bosnia preliminary to re-capturing Drvar. This was opposed by the Germans and made no headway.[16] By early August, the Dinara Division was "poorly formed, badly armed and disciplined", lacked accurate rolls of its members, and consisted of no more than 3,000 effectives. Lieutenant Colonel Mladen Žujović, one of Mihailović's few remaining delegates in the area, concluded that the division was "a pure figment of the imagination."[17]

Đujić's and Baćović's forces were active in the Dalmatian Hinterland in January 1943. 33 people were executed in the Imotski district, and 103 in the area of Vrlika and its surroundings. Between 60 and 80 Croats were killed in the village of Maovice on the 26 January 1943; victims were mostly slaughtered with knives or thrown alive into burning buildings.[18] On 25 March 1943, Chetnik units of the Dinara Division were ordered to begin "cleansing [the area] of Croats and Muslims" and to create "one national corridor along the Dinara mountain for the connection of Herzegovina with Northern Dalmatia and Lika." Between 26-30 March 1944, Dinara Chetniks, alongside the 7th SS Division "Prinz Eugen" and the Ustaše 369th Infantry Division (under German command), massacred at least 1,525 Croat civilians during anti-Partisan reprisals across several villages in the Dalmatian Hinterland.[19] In April 1943, Đujić's Chetniks set up a prison and execution site in the village of Kosovo (today Biskupija), near Knin.[20] Thousands of local civilians, (both Croats and even Serb Anti-Fascists) including women and children, as well as captured Partisans, were held and mistreated at this prison, while hundreds of prisoners (as many as over 1,000[21]) were tortured and killed at an execution site near a ravine close to the camp.[22] On 30 April 1944, Chetniks, in collaboration with the SS Police Regiment Bozen and local Italian Fascists, massacred 269 Croat civilians in village of Lipa, near Rijeka, of whom 121 were children between seven months and 15 years old.[23] The Dinara Division was in December 1944 retreating to Slovenia through the Croatian Littoral. On their way, they looted villages, killed 33 civilians, and burnt the village of Bribir to the ground.[24]

On 21 December 1944, after Đujić requested a written guarantee from Ante Pavelić to afford him and his forces refuge in German-occupied Slovenia, Pavelić ordered the military forces of the Independent State of Croatia to give Đujić's division free passage. However, Đujić went through an alternate route towards the Istrian peninsula, as the routes offered by Pavelić were not secure from Partisan attacks, and killed the Croatian population along the way.[25] When Đujić reached Slovenia, his forces joined Dobroslav Jevđević's Chetniks, Dimitrije Ljotić's Serbian Volunteer Corps, and the remnants of Milan Nedić's Serbian Shock Corps in forming a single unit that was under the command of Odilo Globocnik of the Higher SS and Police Leader in the Adriatic Littoral.[25][26]


Đujić and members of the Dinara Division in Trieste, 1945

In May 1945, Đujić surrendered the Dinara division to Allied forces. Its members were then taken to southern Italy. From there, they were taken to displaced persons camps in Germany and then dispersed. In 1947, Đujić was tried and convicted of war crimes in absentia by Yugoslavia's communist government. He was found guilty of mass murder, torture, rape, robbery, and forcible confinement, as well as collaborating with the German and Italians. He was accused of being responsible for the deaths of 1,500 people over the course of the war.[27] After staying in Paris from 1947 to 1949, Đujić emigrated to the United States,[27] where many members of the Dinara division are believed to have followed him. Other members of the division emigrated to Canada and settled there.[28] Đujić lived in the United States until his death in San Diego, California in September 1999.[27]


  1. ^ Cohen 1996, p. 28.
  2. ^ Tomasevich 2001, p. 272.
  3. ^ Tomasevich 2001, pp. 397–409.
  4. ^ Hoare 2007, pp. 20–24.
  5. ^ Ramet 2006, p. 120.
  6. ^ Ramet 2006, p. 4.
  7. ^ Tomasevich 1975, p. 218.
  8. ^ Mihael Sobolevski; (2004) Chetnik Division in the Krivi Put Region on 28th and 29th December 1944 p. 95-96, [1]
  9. ^ Mihael Sobolevski; (2004) Chetnik Division in the Krivi Put Region on 28th and 29th December 1944 p. 96, [2]
  10. ^ Hoare 2006, p. 291.
  11. ^ Hoare 2006, p. 293.
  12. ^ Tomasevich 1975, p. 171.
  13. ^ Fikreta Jelić Butić; (1986) Četnici u Hrvatskoj, 1941-1945 p. 89-90; Globus, ISBN 8634300102
  14. ^ Mihael Sobolevski; (2004) Chetnik Division in the Krivi Put Region on 28th and 29th December 1944 p. 96, 99 [3]
  15. ^ Fikreta Jelić Butić; (1986) Četnici u Hrvatskoj, 1941-1945 p. 120-121 ; Globus, ISBN 8634300102
  16. ^ Milazzo 1975, p. 121.
  17. ^ Milazzo 1975, p. 151.
  18. ^ Popovic; "Nasa Rec, monthly political and literary review (Middlesex, England), No. 402/XLII (Feb 1989), p.232; German Plenipotentiary General in Zagreb report No. 277/43 (secret), Feb. 8, 1943, in: National Archives Microcopy T-501 (Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others), roll 265, frames 771-772.
  19. ^ Dizdar, Zdravko; Sobolevski, Mihael (1999). Prešućivani četnički zločini u Hrvatskoj i u Bosni i Hercegovini 1941.-1945. Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica. Građa. Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest : Dom i svijet. p. 102. ISBN 978-953-6491-28-5.
  20. ^ "Ilija T. Radaković: BESMISLENA YU-RATOVANJA 1991-1995". znaci.org. Retrieved 9 July 2024.
  21. ^ Popovic; "Nasa Rec, monthly political and literary review (Middlesex, England), No. 402/XLII (Feb 1989), pp 248-249
  22. ^ Ноб в Далматии, 6, 116
  23. ^ Милекич, Свен (9 апреля 2015 г.). «Хорватия открывает Мемориал Резня в деревне Второй мировой войны» . Балканское понимание .
  24. ^ Соболевски, Майкл. «Ограбление и террор дивизии Динары Четник в неверном пути, регионе 28 и 29 декабря 1944 года» . SENJ Труды . 31 (1): 113–114 - через Hrčak.
  25. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Cohen 1996 , с. 45–47.
  26. ^ Tomasevich 1975 , p. 442.
  27. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Binder 1999 .
  28. ^ Hockenos 2003 , p. 119

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