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Таксономическое звание

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Основные ряды: домен, царство, филом, класс, порядок, семейство, род и виды, применяются к красной лисе , Vulpes vulpes .
The hierarchy of biological classification's eight major taxonomic ranks. Intermediate minor rankings are not shown.

В биологии таксономическое звание является относительным уровнем группы организмов ( таксон ) в наследственной или наследственной иерархии . Общая система биологической классификации ( таксономия ) состоит из видов , род , семейства , порядка , класса , филома , королевства и домена . феноменологическими, формируя группы на основе сходства по внешнему виду, органической структуры и поведения, методы, основанные на анализе генетическом Хотя более старые подходы к таксономической классификации были Или как характеристики, которые у них общего. Предполагается, что чем выше доля характеристик, которые разделяют два организма, в последнее время они оба пришли от общего предка.

A given rank subsumes fewer general categories under it, that is, more specific descriptions of life forms. Above it, each rank is classified within more general categories of organisms and groups of organisms related to each other through inheritance of traits or features from common ancestors. The rank of any species and the description of its genus is basic; which means that to identify a particular organism, it is usually not necessary to specify ranks other than these first two.[1]

Consider a particular species, the red fox, Vulpes vulpes: the specific name or specific epithet vulpes (small v) identifies a particular species in the genus Vulpes (capital V) which comprises all the "true" foxes. Their close relatives are all in the family Canidae, which includes dogs, wolves, jackals, and all foxes; the next higher major rank, the order Carnivora, includes caniforms (bears, seals, weasels, skunks, raccoons and all those mentioned above), and feliforms (cats, civets, hyenas, mongooses). Carnivorans are one group of the hairy, warm-blooded, nursing members of the class Mammalia, which are classified among animals with notochords in the phylum Chordata, and with them among all animals in the kingdom Animalia. Finally, at the highest rank all of these are grouped together with all other organisms possessing cell nuclei in the domain Eukarya.

The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature defines rank as: "The level, for nomenclatural purposes, of a taxon in a taxonomic hierarchy (e.g. all families are for nomenclatural purposes at the same rank, which lies between superfamily and subfamily)."[2]

Main ranks


In his landmark publications, such as the Systema Naturae, Carl Linnaeus used a ranking scale limited to kingdom, class, order, genus, species, and one rank below species. Today, the nomenclature is regulated by the nomenclature codes. There are seven main taxonomic ranks: kingdom, phylum or division, class, order, family, genus, and species. In addition, domain (proposed by Carl Woese) is now widely used as a fundamental rank, although it is not mentioned in any of the nomenclature codes, and is a synonym for dominion (Latin: dominium), introduced by Moore in 1974.[3][4]

Main taxonomic ranks
Latin English
regio domain
regnum kingdom
phylum phylum (in zoology) / division (in botany)
classis class
ordo order
familia family
genus genus
species species

A taxon is usually assigned a rank when it is given its formal name. The basic ranks are species and genus. When an organism is given a species name it is assigned to a genus, and the genus name is part of the species name.

The species name is also called a binomial, that is, a two-term name. For example, the zoological name for the human species is Homo sapiens. This is usually italicized in print or underlined when italics are not available. In this case, Homo is the generic name and it is capitalized; sapiens indicates the species and it is not capitalized. While not always used, some species include a specific epithet. For instance, modern humans are Homo sapiens sapiens, or H. sapiens sapiens.

Ranks in zoology


There are definitions of the following taxonomic ranks in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature: superfamily, family, subfamily, tribe, subtribe, genus, subgenus, species, subspecies.[5]

The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature divides names into "family-group names", "genus-group names" and "species-group names". The Code explicitly mentions the following ranks for these categories:[5]: §29–31 

The rules in the Code apply to the ranks of superfamily to subspecies, and only to some extent to those above the rank of superfamily. Among "genus-group names" and "species-group names" no further ranks are officially allowed. Zoologists sometimes use additional terms such as species group, species subgroup, species complex and superspecies for convenience as extra, but unofficial, ranks between the subgenus and species levels in taxa with many species, e.g. the genus Drosophila. (Note the potentially confusing use of "species group" as both a category of ranks as well as an unofficial rank itself.[citation needed])

At higher ranks (family and above) a lower level may be denoted by adding the prefix "infra", meaning lower, to the rank. For example, infraorder (below suborder) or infrafamily (below subfamily).

Names of zoological taxa

  • A taxon above the rank of species has a scientific name in one part (a uninominal name).
  • A species has a name composed of two parts (a binomial name or binomen): generic name + specific name; for example Canis lupus.
  • A subspecies has a name composed of three parts (a trinomial name or trinomen): generic name + specific name + subspecific name; for example Canis lupus italicus. As there is only one possible rank below that of species, no connecting term to indicate rank is needed or used.

Ranks in botany


Botanical ranks categorize organisms based on their relationships. They start with Kingdom, then move to Division (or Phylum),[6] Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Each rank reflects shared characteristics and evolutionary history. Understanding these ranks aids in taxonomy and studying biodiversity.

Ranks in ICN[7]: CHAPTER III 
Rank Type Suffix
kingdom (regnum) primary
subregnum further
division (divisio)
phylum (phylum)
primary ‑phyta
-mycota (fungi)
subdivisio or subphylum further ‑phytina
-mycotina (fungi)
class (classis) primary ‑opsida (plant)
‑phyceae (algae)
-mycetes (fungi)
subclassis further ‑idae (plant)
‑phycidae (algae)
-mycetidae (fungi)
order (ordo) primary -ales
subordo further -ineae
family (familia) primary -aceae
subfamilia further ‑oideae
tribe (tribus) secondary -eae
subtribus further ‑inae
genus (genus) primary
subgenus further
section (sectio) secondary
subsectio further
series (series) secondary
subseries further
species (species) primary
subspecies further
variety (varietas) secondary
subvarietas further
form (forma) secondary
subforma further

There are definitions of the following taxonomic categories in the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants: cultivar group, cultivar, grex.

The rules in the ICN apply primarily to the ranks of family and below, and only to some extent to those above the rank of family. (See also descriptive botanical name.)

Names of botanical taxa


Taxa at the rank of genus and above have a botanical name in one part (unitary name); those at the rank of species and above (but below genus) have a botanical name in two parts (binary name); all taxa below the rank of species have a botanical name in three parts (an infraspecific name). To indicate the rank of the infraspecific name, a "connecting term" is needed. Thus Poa secunda subsp. juncifolia, where "subsp". is an abbreviation for "subspecies", is the name of a subspecies of Poa secunda.[8]

Hybrids can be specified either by a "hybrid formula" that specifies the parentage, or may be given a name. For hybrids receiving a hybrid name, the same ranks apply, prefixed with notho (Greek: 'bastard'), with nothogenus as the highest permitted rank.[9]

Outdated names for botanical ranks


If a different term for the rank was used in an old publication, but the intention is clear, botanical nomenclature specifies certain substitutions:[citation needed]

  • If names were "intended as names of orders, but published with their rank denoted by a term such as": "cohors" [Latin for "cohort";[10] see also cohort study for the use of the term in ecology], "nixus", "alliance", or "Reihe" instead of "order" (Article 17.2), they are treated as names of orders.
  • "Family" is substituted for "order" (ordo) or "natural order" (ordo naturalis) under certain conditions where the modern meaning of "order" was not intended. (Article 18.2)
  • "Subfamily is substituted for "suborder" (subordo) under certain conditions where the modern meaning of "suborder" was not intended. (Article 19.2)
  • In a publication prior to 1 January 1890, if only one infraspecific rank is used, it is considered to be that of variety. (Article 37.4) This commonly applies to publications that labelled infraspecific taxa with Greek letters, α, β, γ, ...



Classifications of five species follow: the fruit fly familiar in genetics laboratories (Drosophila melanogaster), humans (Homo sapiens), the peas used by Gregor Mendel in his discovery of genetics (Pisum sativum), the "fly agaric" mushroom Amanita muscaria, and the bacterium Escherichia coli. The eight major ranks are given in bold; a selection of minor ranks are given as well.

Rank Fruit fly Human Pea Fly agaric E. coli
Domain Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya Bacteria
Kingdom Animalia Animalia Plantae Fungi Pseudomonadati[11]
Phylum or division Arthropoda Chordata Magnoliophyta (Tracheophyta) Basidiomycota Pseudomonadota
Subphylum or subdivision Hexapoda Vertebrata Magnoliophytina (Euphyllophytina) Agaricomycotina
Class Insecta Mammalia Magnoliopsida (Equisetopsida) Agaricomycetes Gammaproteobacteria
Subclass Pterygota Theria Rosidae (Magnoliidae) Agaricomycetidae
Superorder Panorpida Euarchontoglires Rosanae
Order Diptera Primates Fabales Agaricales Enterobacterales
Suborder Brachycera Haplorrhini Fabineae Agaricineae
Family Drosophilidae Hominidae Fabaceae Amanitaceae Enterobacteriaceae
Subfamily Drosophilinae Homininae Faboideae Amanitoideae
Tribe Drosophilini Hominini Fabeae
Genus Drosophila Homo Pisum Amanita Escherichia
Species D. melanogaster H. sapiens P. sativum A. muscaria E. coli
Table notes
  • In order to keep the table compact and avoid disputed technicalities, some common and uncommon intermediate ranks are omitted. For example, the mammals of Europe, Africa, and upper North America[a] are in class Mammalia, legion Cladotheria, sublegion Zatheria, infralegion Tribosphenida, subclass Theria, clade Eutheria, clade Placentalia – but only Mammalia and Theria are in the table. Legitimate arguments might arise if the commonly used clades Eutheria and Placentalia were both included, over which is the rank "infraclass" and what the other's rank should be, or whether the two names are synonyms.
  • The ranks of higher taxa, especially intermediate ranks, are prone to revision as new information about relationships is discovered. For example, the flowering plants have been downgraded from a division (Magnoliophyta) to a subclass (Magnoliidae), and the superorder has become the rank that distinguishes the major groups of flowering plants.[12] The traditional classification of primates (class Mammalia, subclass Theria, infraclass Eutheria, order Primates) has been modified by new classifications such as McKenna and Bell (class Mammalia, subclass Theriformes, infraclass Holotheria) with Theria and Eutheria assigned lower ranks between infraclass and the order Primates. (See mammal classification for details.) These differences arise because there are few available ranks and many branching points in the fossil record.
  • Within species further units may be recognised. Animals may be classified into subspecies (for example, Homo sapiens sapiens, modern humans) or morphs (for example Corvus corax varius morpha leucophaeus, the pied raven). Plants may be classified into subspecies (for example, Pisum sativum subsp. sativum, the garden pea) or varieties (for example, Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon, snow pea), with cultivated plants getting a cultivar name (for example, Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon 'Snowbird'). Bacteria may be classified by strains (for example Escherichia coli O157:H7, a strain that can cause food poisoning).

Terminations of names


Taxa above the genus level are often given names based on the type genus, with a standard termination. The terminations used in forming these names depend on the kingdom (and sometimes the phylum and class) as set out in the table below.

Pronunciations given are the most Anglicized. More Latinate pronunciations are also common, particularly /ɑː/ rather than // for stressed a.

Rank Bacteria and Archaea[13] Embryophytes (Plants) Algae (Diaphoretickes) Fungi Animals Viruses[14]
Realm -viria
Subrealm -vira
Kingdom -ati[15] -virae
Subkingdom -viretes
Division/phylum -ota[16] -ophyta[17] /ˈɒfətə, ə(ˈ)ftə/ -mycota /mˈktə/ -viricota /vɪrəˈktə/
Subdivision/subphylum -phytina[17] /fəˈtnə/ -mycotina /mkəˈtnə/ -viricotina /vɪrəkəˈtnə/
Class -ia /iə/ -opsida /ˈɒpsədə/ -phyceae /ˈfʃ/ -mycetes /mˈstz/ -viricetes /vɪrəˈstz/
Subclass -idae /əd/ -phycidae /ˈfɪsəd/ -mycetidae /mˈsɛtəd/ -viricetidae /vɪrəˈsɛtəd/
Superorder -anae /ˈn/
Order -ales /ˈlz/ -ida /ədə/ or -iformes /ə(ˈ)fɔːrmz/ -virales /vˈrlz/
Suborder -ineae /ˈɪn/ -virineae /vəˈrɪn/
Infraorder -aria /ˈɛəriə/
Superfamily -acea /ˈʃə/ -oidea /ˈɔɪdə/
Epifamily -oidae /ˈɔɪd/
Family -aceae /ˈʃ/ -idae /əd/ -viridae /ˈvɪrəd/
Subfamily -oideae /ˈɔɪd/ -inae /ˈn/ -virineae /vɪˈrɪn/
Infrafamily -odd /ɒd/[18]
Tribe -eae // -ini /ˈn/
Subtribe -inae /ˈn/ -ina /ˈnə/
Infratribe -ad /æd/ or -iti /ˈti/
Genus -virus
Subgenus -virus
Table notes
  • In botany and mycology names at the rank of family and below are based on the name of a genus, sometimes called the type genus of that taxon, with a standard ending. For example, the rose family, Rosaceae, is named after the genus Rosa, with the standard ending "-aceae" for a family. Names above the rank of family are also formed from a generic name, or are descriptive (like Gymnospermae or Fungi).
  • For animals, there are standard suffixes for taxa only up to the rank of superfamily.[19] Uniform suffix has been suggested (but not recommended) in AAAS[20] as -ida /ɪdə/ for orders, for example; protozoologists seem to adopt this system. Many metazoan (higher animals) orders also have such suffix, e.g. Hyolithida and Nectaspida (Naraoiida).
  • Forming a name based on a generic name may be not straightforward. For example, the homo has the genitive hominis, thus the genus Homo (human) is in the Hominidae, not "Homidae".
  • The ranks of epifamily, infrafamily and infratribe (in animals) are used where the complexities of phyletic branching require finer-than-usual distinctions. Although they fall below the rank of superfamily, they are not regulated under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and hence do not have formal standard endings. The suffixes listed here are regular, but informal.[21]
  • In virology, the formal endings for taxa of viroids, of satellite nucleic acids, and of viriforms are similar to viruses, only -vir- is replaced by -viroid-, -satellit- and -viriform-.[14] The extra levels of realm and subrealm end with -viria and -vira respectively.[14]

All ranks


There is an indeterminate number of ranks, as a taxonomist may invent a new rank at will, at any time, if they feel this is necessary. In doing so, there are some restrictions, which will vary with the nomenclature code that applies.[citation needed]

The following is an artificial synthesis, solely for purposes of demonstration of relative rank (but see notes), from most general to most specific:[22]

Significance and problems


Ranks are assigned based on subjective dissimilarity, and do not fully reflect the gradational nature of variation within nature. In most cases, higher taxonomic groupings arise further back in time: not because the rate of diversification was higher in the past, but because each subsequent diversification event results in an increase of diversity and thus increases the taxonomic rank assigned by present-day taxonomists.[27] Furthermore, some groups have many described species not because they are more diverse than other species, but because they are more easily sampled and studied than other groups.[citation needed]

Of these many ranks, the most basic is species. However, this is not to say that a taxon at any other rank may not be sharply defined, or that any species is guaranteed to be sharply defined. It varies from case to case. Ideally, a taxon is intended to represent a clade, that is, the phylogeny of the organisms under discussion, but this is not a requirement.[citation needed]

A classification in which all taxa have formal ranks cannot adequately reflect knowledge about phylogeny. Since taxon names are dependent on ranks in traditional Linnaean systems of classification, taxa without ranks cannot be given names. Alternative approaches, such as using circumscriptional names, avoid this problem.[28][29] The theoretical difficulty with superimposing taxonomic ranks over evolutionary trees is manifested as the boundary paradox which may be illustrated by Darwinian evolutionary models.

There are no rules for how many species should make a genus, a family, or any other higher taxon (that is, a taxon in a category above the species level).[30][31] It should be a natural group (that is, non-artificial, non-polyphyletic), as judged by a biologist, using all the information available to them. Equally ranked higher taxa in different phyla are not necessarily equivalent (e.g., it is incorrect to assume that families of insects are in some way evolutionarily comparable to families of mollusks).[31] For animals, at least the phylum rank is usually associated with a certain body plan, which is also, however, an arbitrary criterion.[citation needed]

Enigmatic taxa


Enigmatic taxa are taxonomic groups whose broader relationships are unknown or undefined.[32] (See Incertae sedis.)



There are several acronyms intended to help memorise the taxonomic hierarchy, such as "King Phillip came over for great spaghetti".[33] (See taxonomy mnemonic.)

See also



  1. ^ The Virginia opossum is an exception.


  1. ^ "International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants – Melbourne Code". IAPT-Taxon.org. 2012. Articles 2 and 3. Archived from the original on 10 June 2019. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
  2. ^ International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999), International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition, International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, archived from the original on 21 May 2019, retrieved 12 April 2015
  3. ^ Moore, R. T. (1974). "Proposal for the recognition of super ranks" (PDF). Taxon. 23 (4): 650–652. doi:10.2307/1218807. JSTOR 1218807. Archived (PDF) from the original on 6 October 2016. Retrieved 5 October 2016.
  4. ^ Luketa, S. (2012). "New views on the megaclassification of life" (PDF). Protistology. 7 (4): 218–237. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 April 2015.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999). "Glossary". International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. London: The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature. ISBN 0-85301-006-4. Archived from the original on 3 September 2021. Retrieved 10 November 2023.
  6. ^ jibran, jibran. "Log In ‹ Information metBotanical Ranks: Understanding Taxonomic Classification" Meta Description: Explore the hierarchical structure of botanical classification, from Kingdom to Species, essential for understanding plant diversity and evolution. a description — WordPress". dev-information-meta-descrition.pantheonsite.io. Retrieved 7 May 2024.
  7. ^ "International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants – Melbourne Code". IAPT-Taxon.org. 2012. Archived from the original on 10 October 2020. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
  8. ^ "International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants – Melbourne Code". IAPT-Taxon.org. 2012. Articles 4.2 and 24.1. Archived from the original on 3 August 2018. Retrieved 3 August 2018.
  9. ^ "International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants – Melbourne Code". IAPT-Taxon.org. 2012. Article 3.2, and Appendix 1, Articles H.1–3. Archived from the original on 10 October 2020. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
  10. ^ Stearn, W.T. 1992. Botanical Latin: History, grammar, syntax, terminology and vocabulary, Fourth edition. David and Charles.
  11. ^ Göker, Markus; Oren, Aharon (22 January 2024). "Valid publication of names of two domains and seven kingdoms of prokaryotes". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 74 (1). Society for General Microbiology. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.006242. ISSN 1466-5034. PMID 38252124. Retrieved 7 June 2024.
  12. ^ Chase, M. W.; Reveal, J. L. (2009), "A phylogenetic classification of the land plants to accompany APG III", Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161 (2): 122–127, doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.01002.x
  13. ^ Oren, Aharon (2023). "International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. Prokaryotic Code (2022 Revision)". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 73 (5a). doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.005585. hdl:10261/338243. PMID 37219928.
  14. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e "ICTV Code. Section 3.IV, § 3.23; section 3.V, §§ 3.27-3.28." International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. October 2018. Archived from the original on 6 July 2022. Retrieved 28 November 2018.
  15. ^ Oren, Aharon (1 November 2023). "Emendation of Principle 8, Rules 5b, 8, 15, 33a, and Appendix 7 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes to include the categories of kingdom and domain". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 73 (11). doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.006123. PMID 37909283.
  16. ^ Whitman, William B.; Oren, Aharon; Chuvochina, Maria; da Costa, Milton S.; Garrity, George M.; Rainey, Fred A.; Rossello-Mora, Ramon; Schink, Bernhard; Sutcliffe, Iain; Trujillo, Martha E.; Ventura, StefanoYR 2018 (2018). "Proposal of the suffix –ota to denote phyla. Addendum to 'Proposal to include the rank of phylum in the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes'". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 68 (3): 967–969. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.002593. ISSN 1466-5034. PMID 29458499.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  17. ^ Jump up to: a b "International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code)". IAPT-Taxon.org. 2018. Article 16. Archived from the original on 19 December 2018. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
  18. ^ For example, the chelonian infrafamilies Chelodd (Gaffney & Meylan 1988: 169) and Baenodd (ibid., 176).
  19. ^ ICZN article 29.2
  20. ^ Pearse, A.S. (1936) Zoological names. A list of phyla, classes, and orders, prepared for section F, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Archived 15 November 2021 at the Wayback Machine American Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 4
  21. ^ Как поставляется Gaffney & Meylan (1988).
  22. ^ Для общего использования зоологических рангов между уровнями филома и семейства, включая многие интеркалярные ряды, см. Carroll (1988). Дополнительные интеркалярные ряды в зоологии см. В частности, Gaffney & Meylan (1988); McKenna & Bell (1997); Милнер (1988); Novacek (1986, cit. In Carroll 1988: 499, 629); и Динозавров Пола Серено 1986 года классификация Орнитишских , как сообщалось в Ламберте (1990: 149, 159). Для ботанических рядов, включая многие интеркалярные ряды, см. Willis & McElwain (2002).
  23. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый Это подвижные ряды, чаще всего вводятся между классом и легионом или когортой. Тем не менее, их позиционирование в зоологической иерархии может подвергаться широкому вариации. Для примеров см. Бентонную классификацию позвоночных, заархивированных 16 января 2019 года на The Wayback Machine (2005).
  24. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый В зоологической классификации когорта и связанная с ними группа рангов вставлены между классовой группой и порядковой группой. Когорта также была использована между инфрайф -заказом и семьей в Сауришских Динозаврах ( Бентон Архивировал 16 января 2019 года на Wayback Machine 2005). В ботанической классификации группа когортной группы иногда была вставлена ​​между группой дивизиона (Phylum) и группой классов: см. Willis & McElwain (2002: 100–101) или иногда используется в ранге порядка и теперь рассматривается. Чтобы быть устаревшим названием для порядка: см. Международный кодекс номенклатуры для водорослей, грибов и растений, Мельбурнский код 2012, статья 17.2.
  25. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый и Выше-заколдовая последовательность Gigaorder-Megaorder-CapaxOrder-Hyperorder (и микродер, примерно в положении, чаще всего назначенном в Parvorder), использовался, по крайней мере, в графствах (Gaffney & Meylan 1988), в то время как магничанин параллельной последовательности-графли Мирдер фигуры в недавно влиятельных классификациях млекопитающих. Из источников неясно, как эти две последовательности должны быть скоординированы (или переплетаются) в рамках унитарной зоологической иерархии рангов. Ранее Новачек (1986) и McKenna-Bell (1997) вставляли Mirorers и Grandorders между Ордену и Суперкаущиком, но Benton (2005) теперь позиционирует оба этих ряда выше супер порядка.
  26. ^ Кроме того, термины Biovar , Morphovar , Phagovar и Serovar обозначают бактериальные штаммы (генетические варианты), которые физиологически или биохимически отличительны. Это не таксономические ряды, но это группировки различных видов, которые могут определять бактериальные подвиды.
  27. ^ Gingerich, PD (1987). «Эволюция и ископаемые записи: шаблоны, скорости и процессы». Канадский журнал зоологии . 65 (5): 1053–1060. doi : 10.1139/Z87-169 .
  28. ^ Kluge, NJ (1999). «Система альтернативных номенклатур таксонов супра. Энтомологический обзор . 79 (2): 133–147.
  29. ^ Kluge, NJ (2010). «Ограниченные названия более высоких таксонов в гексаподе» . Биономина . 1 (1): 15–55. doi : 10.11646/bionomina.1.1.3 .
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