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Иеронимо Осорио

Д. Иеронимо Осорио
Епископ Алгарве
Церковь Костел
Епархия Архиепархия Фаро
Appointed21 June 1564
Term ended20 August 1580
Consecration22 October 1564
by Julião de Alva
Personal details
Jerónimo Osório da Fonseca

Died20 August 1580(1580-08-20) (aged 73–74)
Tavira, Portugal
Styles of
Jerónimo Osório
Reference styleHis Lordship
Spoken styleYour Lordship

Д. Иеронимо Осорио да Фонсека (1506 [ 1 ] - 20 августа 1580 года) был португальским римско -католическим гуманистом епископом , историком и полемиком . [ 2 ] Обширное уведомление о его жизни и мысли ( Вита ) было написано его племянником, каноном Эворы, его дяди также названной Иеронимо Осорио, чтобы представить свое издание полных работ (посвященного королю Филиппу I из Португалии ), опубликованного в 1592 году. [ 3 ]

Молодая жизнь и образование

[ редактировать ]

Осорио был уроженцем Лиссабона и одним из двух сыновей Жуао Осорио де Фонсека и Франциска, дочери Афонсо Гила де Гувея , омбудсменом земель младенца Фердинанд , [ 4 ] Обе семьи аристократической линии. Его отец, назначенный Иоанном III, является Увидором Гералом (Генерал-аудитор [ 5 ] ) из португальского правления в Индии ушло в одиночку, и там оказался под властью Васко да Гама . [ 6 ] Иеронимо, в школе в Португалии, продемонстрировал такую ​​потрясающую способность на латыни, что в 1519 году, когда в возрасте 13 лет его мать отправила его в Саламанку в Испании для изучения гражданского права. [7] Two years later, with further fluency in Latin and Greek, he returned home wanting to make a military career with the Knights Hospitaller in Rhodes: his father sent him back to Salamanca, where he worked to strengthen and discipline both body and mind for that calling when his father's objections should be overcome.[8] But he developed strongly devotional feelings, and on his father's death his mother persuaded him to give up military ambitions.[9]

In 1525, aged 19, he went to Paris to study Aristotelian logic and Natural philosophy.[10] There he became a near associate of Peter Faber, who with his companion Francis Xavier and others was then drawing close to Ignatius of Loyola.[11] Returning to Portugal to settle his affairs, Osório next proceeded for Theology to Bologna, immersing himself in the Church Fathers (particularly Gregory Nazianzen, St Basil, John Chrysostom, Augustine of Hippo and St Jerome) and St Thomas Aquinas and making a higher study of Cicero, Demosthenes and Plato.[12] His Neoplatonic leanings were nourished by the Corpus Areopagiticum, the author of which he considered, next to the Apostles, to be the prince of theologians.[13] He made such a name that King John III invited him in 1536–1537 to lecture in the reorganized University of Coimbra, where he expounded on Isaiah and on St Paul's Epistle to the Romans.[14]

De Nobilitate


Returning to Lisbon in 1540 he became secretary to Prince Luís, and tutor to his son António (afterwards Prior of Crato), obtaining also two benefices in the diocese of Viseu. Before the age of 30 he had begun his twin treatises De Nobilitate Civili and De Nobilitate Christiana: their publication in Lisbon in 1542 rapidly won him international acclaim.[15] His mastery of Latin style earned him the name "The Portuguese Cicero". After the death of Prince Luís in 1553, he withdrew from court to his churches.[16] De Nobilitate was promoted by his friend Roger Ascham[17] in England to William Paget,[18] Cuthbert Tunstall,[19] Sir William Petre and, in 1555, to Cardinal Pole.[20] (To Pole he afterwards dedicated his work De Justitia Caeli.) He was named archdeacon of Évora in 1560, and much against his will became Bishop of Silves, the diocese of the Algarve, in 1564.[21]

The English question


As Osório had denounced Machiavelli, so in addressing England he could denounce the influence of Martin Luther and Martin Bucer.[22] As the Council of Trent drew towards its close, in 1562, at the prompting of Cardinal Henrique,[23] Osório published a Latin epistle to Queen Elizabeth urging her to return to the Roman Catholic communion and to accept papal authority.[24][25] An English translation, A Pearl for a Prince, was issued by Richard Shacklock, a Catholic Englishman at Louvain.[26] Taken aback by this public reproach to its sovereign, the English government employed Walter Haddon to compose a Latin response, published in Paris (English translation by Abraham Hartwell (the elder)).[27] Osório exceeded himself in a lengthy Latin reply (English version by John Fenn).[28] Haddon prepared a rejoinder, but it remained unfinished at his death in 1572[29] and was completed in excellent style, and with additions, by John Foxe.[30][31] The controversy was notorious and widely-read, and culminated in the Papal Bull Regnans in Excelsis being issued against Elizabeth.[32] It is held that the name and colour of Osorio's diatribes influenced the character of Hieronimo in Thomas Kyd's drama The Spanish Tragedy.[33]

Later years


The Cardinal Prince Henry, who had advanced him to the see of Silves, wished to employ him at Lisbon in state business when King Sebastian took up the reins of power in 1568, but Osório excused himself on the ground of his pastoral duties.[21] In 1571 his extensive History of the reign of King Emmanuel was published at Lisbon,[34] which rendered in his accomplished Latin much of the material in the Chronicle on the same subject by Damião de Góis.[35] Encompassing the adventures of Vasco da Gama, it coincided with the publication of Os Lusíadas, The Lusiads, of his great contemporary Luís Vaz de Camões.[36]

He further showed his zeal for the commonwealth by writing two letters, one seeking to dissuade the King from going to Africa, and the other sent during the latter's first expedition there calling upon him to return to his kingdom.[37] Sebastian looked with disfavour on opponents of his African adventure, and Osório found it prudent to leave Portugal for Parma and Rome to make a visit ad limina. His scruples regarding residence, and the appeals of the King and the Cardinal Prince, prevented him from long enjoying the hospitality of Pope Gregory XIII.[21][38] He therefore returned to his diocese, the seat of which was transferred from Silves to Faro in 1577,[39] and continued there through the brief reign of the Cardinal King. He died at Tavira on 20 August 1580.[40]

The library

Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex

Haddon said of him that "he was a most perverse, overthwart Brawler, who besides a commendable Facility in the Latin Tongue, could profit the Publick nothing at all."[41] It has been said that his library was carried off from Faro when the Earl of Essex, returning from the Capture of Cádiz, raided the town in 1596.[42] The library taken by the Earl was that of Dom Fernando Martins Mascarenhas, then Bishop of Faro, whose house Essex occupied during the raid: it is said to have included many of Osorio's books.[43] In 1600 Essex gave some 200 volumes to the Bodleian Library (then in the care of Thomas Bodley) in Oxford, none of which bear the signature of Bishop Osório.[44] It is possible however that the early codex of Tomé Pires' Suma Oriental and the Book of the cartographer Francisco Rodrigues, among the French National Manuscript Collections, belonged to Osório.[45]



His principal works written in Latin include:

The Complete Works were collected and published in four volumes by his nephew in 1592:[52]

  • Volume I (Googlebooks): (Vita Auctoris, H.O. nepotis); De Nobilitate; De Gloria; De Regis Institutione; De Rebus Emmanuelis Gestis; Epistolae
  • Volume II (Internet Archive): Epistolae ad Elizabetham Angliae et ad Gualterum Haddonum; De Justitia; De Sapientia; In Epistola Sci Pauli ad Romanos
  • Volume III (Internet Archive): Paraphrasis in Job; Paraphrasis in Psalmos; (Notationes in illos, H.O., nepotis); Commentarius in Parabolas Salomonis; Paraphrasis in Sapentiam Salomonis; (Paraphrasis et Notationes in Cantica, H.O., nepotis)
  • Volume IV (Googlebooks): Paraphrasis in Isaiam; Commentarius in Oseam Profetam; Commentarius in Zachariam; Oratio in Laudem D. Aecatherinae; In Evangelium Joannis

De Nobilitate was turned into Portuguese by Francisco Manoel de Nascimento, into French by J. Crispin (2 vols., Geneva, 1610), and an English paraphrase in 2 vols. by J. Gibbs came out in London in 1752. His Portuguese epistles were printed in Lisbon in two editions in 1818 and 1819, and in Paris in 1859.

Further reading

  • J.B. Mayer, 'Ueber Leben und Schriften Bischofs Jeronimo Osorio', Jahresbericht von der Königlichen Studien-Anstalt in Amberg (Karl Klöber, Amberg 1845), pp. 3–8. (In German).
  • A.F.G. Bell, 'The Humanist Jeronymo de Osorio,' Revue Hispanique 73 (1928), pp. 525–556.
  • L. Bourdon, Novas Investigações sobre a Viagem de Jerónimo Osório a Itália (1576–1577) (Lisboa, 1952).
  • L.V. Ryan, 'The Haddon-Osorio Controversy (1563–1583),' Church History 22 (1953).
  • L. Bourdon, Jeronimo Osorio et Stanislas Hosius: D'après leur correspondence, 1565–1578 (Coimbra, 1956).
  • L. Bourdon, 'Jerónimo Osório et les humanistes anglais,' in L. de Albuquerque (ed.), L'Humanisme Portugais et l'Europe, Actes du XXIe Colloque International d'Etudes Humanistes, (Paris, 1984).
  • D. Bigalli, 'La trama delle passioni nel De Regis Institutione et Disciplina di Jeronimo Osorio', in Cultura, História e Filosofía. Homenagem ao Prof. J.S. Da Silva Dias, V, (1986).
  • D. Bigalli, 'Isole di dottrina: il dialogo De Gloria di Jerónimo Osório,' in D. Bigalli & G. Canziani (eds), Il Dialogo Filosofico nel '500 Europeo, (Milano, 1990)
  • N. de Nazaré Castro Soares, O Príncipe Ideal no Século XVI e a Obra de D. Jeronimo Osorio (Coimbra, 1994).
  • D. Bigalli, 'Senso della colpa e società umana in Jerónimo Osório,' in G. Canziani, M.A. Granada & Y.C. Zarka (eds), Potentia Dei. L'Onnipotenza Divina nel Pensiero dei Secoli XVI e XVII (Milano, 2000), pp. 63–76.
  • W. Goertz, 'Jerónimo Osório's political thought', Studia40 (Lisbon 1979).
  • M. Racine, 'A Pearle for a Prynce: Jeronimo Osorio and Early Elizabethan Catholics', The Catholic Historical Review 87 no. 3 (The Catholic University of America Press, July 2001), pp. 401–27.
  • S. Anglo, 'Osorio and Machiavelli: From Open Hostility to Covert Approbation', in Machiavelli – The First Century: Studies in Enthusiasm, Hostility and Irrelevance, Oxford Warburg Studies (Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 143–163
  • T.F. Earle, 'Portuguese scholarship in Oxford in the early modern period: the case of Jerónimo Osório (Hieronymus Osorius),' Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Vol. 81 issue 7 & 8 (November 2004), pp. 1039–49.


  1. ^ The Universities of Lisbon and Coimbra attribute 1515 as the birthdate, and held a quincentennial Congress, "O Humanismo Português e Europeu", in December 2015 in honour of Osorio. Plataforma9. Encyclopedia Britannica follows F.A. Lobo giving birthdate 1506.
  2. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica depends largely upon F.A. Lobo, 'D. Jerónimo Ozório, e Jacinto Friere da Andrade', in Obras de D. Francisco Alexandre Lobo, Bispo de Vizeu Vol. I (José Baptisto Morando, Lisbon 1848), pp. 293–301. (In Portuguese)
  3. ^ 'Hieronymi Osorii Lusitani Vita auctore Hieronymo Osorio nepote', in Hieronymi Osorii Lusitani Episcopi Algarbiensis Opera Omnia, Hieronymi Osorii Nepotis Canonici Eborensis Diligentia in unum collecta et in quatuor volumina distributa (ex bibliotheca Georgii Ferrarii, Romae; ex typographia Bartholomaei Bonfadini, Romae; ex typographia Gabiana, Romae 1592), Volume I, pages 1–19 (separate pagination). (In Latin). F.A. Lobo apparently depends upon this.
  4. ^ Lobo, 'Jerónimo Osório', p. 294.
  5. ^ N.R. Madhava Menon (ed.), Criminal Justice India Series, Vol. 9, Goa 2002 (Allied Publishers, 2003), p. 56.
  6. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, p. 1.
  7. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, p. 1.
  8. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, pp. 1–2.
  9. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, pp. 1–2.
  10. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, pp. 2–3.
  11. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, p. 3.
  12. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, p. 3.
  13. ^ Osorio, Vita Auctoris, p. 3.
  14. ^ Lobo, 'Jerónimo Osório', p. 295.
  15. ^ Hieronymi Osorij Lusitani, De Nobilitate Ciuili, libri duo; (eiusdem) De Nobilitate Christiana, libri tres (Ludovicum Rodericum [Luis Rodrigues], Olyssipone [Lisbon] 1542). Opera Omnia (1592), Vol. 1, pp. 1–36, 37–112.
  16. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, after F.A. Lobo.
  17. ^ For Ascham on Osório, see R. Greene, Five Words: Critical Semantics in the Age of Shakespeare and Cervantes (University of Chicago Press, 2013), pp. 27–29.
  18. ^ L.V. Ryan, Roger Ascham, c. 1515–1568 (Stanford University Press, 1963), p. 196.
  19. ^ St John's College, Cambridge, Aa. 6. 20/AsR 3.8.
  20. ^ St John's College, Cambridge, Aa. 6. 20*/AsR 3.9. See S. Anglo, 'Osorio and Machiavelli: From Open Hostility to Covert Approbation', in Machiavelli – The First Century: Studies in Enthusiasm, Hostility and Irrelevance, Oxford Warburg Studies (Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 143–163. Images of Ascham's dedications can be seen at the St John's College, Cambridge website Library pages.
  21. ^ Jump up to: a b c Prestage 1911.
  22. ^ E.F. Hirsch, Damião de Gois: The Life and Thought of a Portuguese Humanist, 1502–1574, International Archives of the History of Ideas, 19 (Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague 1967), pp. 182–84.
  23. ^ Osório was reputedly moved to this by a dream in which, while fishing from the promontory, he caught a sea monster: brought to the beach, it turned into a beautiful woman wearing a royal crown, who kneeling at his feet begged for baptism. Osórius, Vita Auctoris, p. 5.
  24. ^ Latin texts in A. Guimarães Pinto, Humanismo e Controvérsia Religiosa: Lusitanos e Anglicanos III (Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, Lisboa 2006).
  25. ^ B.C. Lockey, Early Modern Catholics, Royalists and Cosmopolitans: English Transnationalism and the Christian Commonwealth (Routledge, 2016), pp. 39–48.
  26. ^ (Richard Shacklock), An epistle of the reuerend father in God Hieronymus Osorius Bishop of Arcoburge in Portugale, to the most excellent Princesse Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland. &c. (Aegidius Diest, Antwerp 1565).
  27. ^ (Abraham Hartwell), A sight of the Portugall pearle, that is, the aunswere of D. Haddon maister of the requests vnto our soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of England Fraunce and Irelande, defendour of the faith. &c. against the epistle of Hieronimus Osorius a Portugall, entitled Pearle for a Prince. Translated out of lattyn into englishe by Abraham Hartwell, student in the kynges colledge in Cambridge (By Wiyllyam Seres dwelling at the west ende of Paules Church, at the sygne of the Hedgehogge, London 1565). Text at Umich/eebo.
  28. ^ (John Fenn), A learned and very eloquent treatie, written in Latin by the famous man Hieronymus Osorius Bishop of Sylva in Portugal, wherein he confuteth a certayne Aunswere made by M. Waltere Haddon against the Epistle of the said Bishoppe unto the Queenes Maiestie. Translated into English by Iohn Fen student of Divinitie in the Universitie of Louen (Joannes Foulerus, Louvain 1568). Full text at Umich/eebo (open).
  29. ^ With native casuistry Osório's biographer attributed Haddon's illness and death to spiritual degeneration: Osório, Vita Auctoris, p. 10.
  30. ^ J. Strype, Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion... Under Queen Elizabeth, 2nd edition (Thomas Edlin, London 1725), Vol. I, Chapter 37, pp. 422–33.
  31. ^ W. Haddon & J. Foxe, Contra Hieron. Osorium, eiusq; odiosas infectationes pro Evangelicae veritatis necessaria Defensione, Responsio Apologetica. Per clariss. virum, Gualt. Haddonum inchoata: Deinde suscepta & continuata per Ioan. Foxum (Iohannis Daij Typographi, London 1577). Full text (page views) at Google. (open).
  32. ^ Локки, Ранние современные католики , с. 48
  33. ^ Р. Хиллман, «Томас Кид, Испанская трагедия » (Глава 33), в T. Bettridge & G. Walker (Eds), Оксфордский справочник Tudor Drama (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012), стр. 566– 83 .
  34. ^ Эммануэля короля португальской непобедимой силы и эгии истории двенадцати, Джерома Осорио Бишопа из Сильвенси (с принтером Энтони Гондисалум Олиссипоне 1571) с привилегией округа.
  35. ^ D. de Góis, хроника Felic Aont King Dom Emanuel (Дом Франциско Корреа, Лиссабон 1566–67) Оцифровано (Национальная библиотека Португалии).
  36. ^ L. de Camões, OS Lusíadas (Antonio Gõçaluez House, Лиссабон 1572) Оцифровано (Национальная библиотека Португалии).
  37. ^ Осорио, автор жизни , стр. 14-15.
  38. ^ L. Bourdon, «Путешествие Иеронимо Осорио епископа из Сильва в Италию (1576–77)», Анналес, опубликованный факультетом писем Тулузы (1951).
  39. ^ Ja Pinheiro и Rosa, «Епархия Алгарве и Университет Коимбры», журнал Университета Коимбры XXXVII (1992), стр. 77–91, на с. 78
  40. ^ Энциклопедия Britannica , которая следует за FA Lobo, которая следует за Osorio, Auctoris Vita .
  41. ^ Страйп, Анналы Реформации , я, с. 422.
  42. ^ ( Британская энциклопедия ). См. Lytton Strachey , Elizabeth and Essex, трагическая история (Chatto & Windus, Лондон, 1928), с. 104–115.
  43. ^ JB Сильва Лопес, Воспоминания о церковной истории епископства Алгарве (Лиссабон 1848), с. 369
  44. ^ KM Pogson, «Великий Инквизитор и его библиотека» (вместе с «списком книг, представленных графом Эссексом в 1600 году, все еще в Бодлеане»), Bodleian Quarterly Record III (Oxford 1922), с. 239 –44.
  45. ^ A. Cortesao (ed.), Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires (и т. Д.) , 2 тома (Hakluyt Society, London 1944), (Введение P. XV, & Note )
  46. ^ (Уильям Бланди), Книги знаменитого, обученного и красноречивого человека, Иеронимуса Осориуса, соперничающий с дискурсом Чиуля и Кристиана Ноблити. : «Не меньше всего, что нужно» для всех, но в частности, благородных джентльменов Англии, чтобы посмотреть на их ливие, их поместья и условия. Перевод с латинской на английский Уильям Бланди покой Среднего Храма в Лондоне (Томас Марш, в Флитеэтриате, Лондон, 1576). Полный текст в Umich/eebo2 . (Зарезервировано - только вход).
  47. ^ Jerome Osorii Silvensis Algarbiae в Португальском епископе юстиции, TEN , [с предисловием A. Valiero, епископом Верона.] (J. Zileti, Venetia 1564); [Там же.] Реджинальдскому полюсу, архиепископу Кентербери. От автора отправлена ​​колония отсюда более чем на один год, так как первые Эдендос у него были стенограммы и исправлены. Эти книги. Вопрос о небесной справедливости: то есть; Какая из веры и настоящего, рецепт; Disceptata сейчас, обработан (и т. Д.) (Apud Arnold Birckmanni, London Agrippinae 1572).
  48. ^ Jerome Osorii Lvsitani, слава книги 5 к Джону Тертивму Португальскому Королю (Эндрю Угол, Computi 1568); (В Питере Хэме, Басли 1573).
  49. ^ Св. Иерома Осории Португальский епископ Сильвенсис, учреждение и обучение. 8 ​Для безмятежной и непобедимой Португалии, короля Себастьян Эн И. (Джон Испанский Олипнг 1571/2). (Английское издание Фрэнсиса и Тобиаса Мэтью (Apud Arnold Birckmanni, Colonia, 1574).)
  50. ^ Эммануэля короля португальской непобедимой силы и эгии истории двенадцати, от Иерома Осорио Бишопа из Сильвенси (с принтером Энтони Гондисалум Олиссипоне 1571) с привилегией района. Титульный лист (библиотека Джона Картера Брауна).
  51. ^ Jerome Osorii Португальский, епископ Algarbiensis, The True Wisdom Book v . К самому священному Дн Грегори. Пост. Максимум (в Hardes Arnold Birckmanni, Кельн, 1579).
  52. Hosorii H. Osorius (Ed.), Osorii Бишоп Algarbiensis Osorii Osorii Nepotis Nepotis из четырех томов (из Bibliotheca George, Рим; напечатано Bartholomew Bonfadini, Rome; напечатана Gabiana, Rome 1592) . Том 1 (Googlebooks) . Полем


[ редактировать ]
  •  Эта статья включает в себя текст из публикации, который сейчас в общественном доступе : Prestage, Эдгар (1911). « Осорио, Иероними ». В Чисхолме, Хью (ред.). Encyclopædia Britannica . Тол. 20 (11 -е изд.). Издательство Кембриджского университета. п. 353. Это в значительной степени получено из биографической ноты Фа Лобо.
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