Филипп добрый
Филипп добрый | |
![]() Филипп, одетый в воротник огнестрельного , ордена Золотого флиса который он установил (копия рожье ван дер Вейдена в с. 1450 ) | |
Герцог Бургундия | |
Правление | 10 сентября 1419 - 15 июня 1467 г. |
Предшественник | Джон бесстрашный |
Преемник | Чарльз жирный |
Рожденный | 31 июля 1396 Дижон , герцогство Бургундия |
Умер | 15 июня 1467 г. Брюгге , Фландрия , Бургундские Нидерланды | (в возрасте 70 лет)
Погребение | Дижон, Бургундия |
Супруг | |
Проблема среди других | |
Дом | Valois-Burgundy |
Отец | Джон бесстрашный |
Мать | Маргарет Бавария |
Подпись | ![]() |
Филипп III Добрый ( французский : Филипп Ле -Бон ; голландский : Филипс де Гуед в Дижоне - 15 июня 1467 года в Брюгге), правило как ; 31 июля 1396 года из династии Валуа , которой принадлежали все короли 15-го века Франции . Во время своего правления бургундическое государство достигло вершины своего процветания и престижа и стало ведущим центром искусств.
Герцог Филипп имеет репутацию за его административные реформы, за его покровительство фламандских художников (таких как Ян Ван Эйк ) и франко-флеменных композиторов (таких как Жиль Бинчуа ), и для 1430-го запуска Джоан Арк , которого Филипп вырвался в Англичане . после его солдат захватили ее, что привело к ее судебному разбирательству и возможным исполнению В политических делах он чередовал альянсы с англичанами и французами в попытке улучшить силовую базу своей династии . Кроме того, как правитель Фландрии , Брабанта , Лимбурга , Арлуа , Хайнаут , Голландии , Люксембурга , Зеланда , Фрисландии и Намура , он сыграл важную роль в истории низких стран .
Он женился три раза и имел трех законных сыновей, все из своего третьего брака; Только один законный сын достиг взрослой жизни. У Филиппа было 24 задокументированных любовниц и отцовство, по крайней мере, 18 незаконнорожденных детей .
Ранний период жизни
[ редактировать ]Филипп Валуа-Бергундий родился 31 июля 1396 года в Дижоне , Франция, как четвертый ребенок и первое сын Джона, граф Неверов (позже герцог Бургундии , известный как «Иоанн Бесстранный»; 1371–1419 Родилась Маргарет из Баварии (1363–1424). [ 1 ] Он был правнуком Иоанна II, короля Франции (1319–1364), и первый двоюродный брат, который однажды удалил тогдашнего правящего короля, Карла VI (1368–1422). Его отец сменил дедушку Филиппа, Филипп II («Филипп жирный», 1342–1404) в качестве герцога Бургундии в 1404 году. [ 2 ] 28 января 1405 года, в возрасте восьми лет, Филипп был создан графиком Шароле как Апнаж и, вероятно, был помолвлен с его двоюродной сестрой девятилетней Мишель из Франции (1395–1422), дочери короля Чарльза VI в тот же день. [ Цитация необходима ] Они были женаты в июне 1409 года. [ 3 ]
Раннее правило и союз с Англией
[ редактировать ]В 1419 году, в возрасте 24 лет, Филипп стал герцогом Бургундии (Феф Франции ) и графством Фландрии (Франция), Арлуа (Франция) и Бургундии ( Священная Римская империя ) после убийства Иоанна Бесстрашного , его Отца. [ 4 ] Филипп обвинил Чарльза , дофина Франции и зятя Филиппа в планировании убийства, которое произошло во время встречи Джона и Чарльза в Монтеро . Из -за этого он продолжал преследовать гражданскую войну Армальгунца -Бургундий , которая, в свою очередь, запуталась в рамках большей столетней войны . В 1420 году Филипп объединился с Генрихом V из Англии по договору Троя . В 1423 году брак сестры Филиппа Анны с Джоном, герцогом Бедфордом , регентом для Генриха VI Англии , усилил английский альянс. [citation needed]
On 23 May 1430, Philip's troops under the Count of Ligny captured Joan of Arc at Compiègne,[5] and later sold her to the English,[6] who orchestrated a heresy trial against her conducted by pro-Burgundian clerics, after which she was burnt at the stake. Despite this action against Joan of Arc, Philip's alliance with England was broken in 1435 when he signed the Treaty of Arras, which completely revoked the Treaty of Troyes and recognised Charles VII as king of France. Philip signed the treaty for a variety of reasons, one of which may have been a desire to be recognised as the preeminent duke in France.
This action would prove a poor decision in the long term; Charles VII and his successors saw the Burgundian State as a serious impediment to the expansion of royal authority in France, and for this reason they would permanently try to undermine Burgundy, so as to subordinate it to French sovereignty.[7] Philip's defection to the French would prove not only catastrophic to the dual monarchy of England and France, but to his own domains as well, subordinating them to a powerful centralised Valois monarchy.
He then attacked Calais, a strategic possession of the English, but the alliance with Charles was broken in 1439. Philip supported the revolt of the French nobles the following year (an event known as the Praguerie) and offered shelter to the Dauphin Louis, who had rebelled against his father Charles VII.[citation needed]
Geographic expansion
[edit]Philip was generally preoccupied with matters in his own territories and was seldom involved directly in the Hundred Years' War between England and France, although he did play a role during a number of periods, such as the campaign against Compiègne during which his troops captured Joan of Arc. In 1429, he incorporated Namur into Burgundian territory (by purchase, from John III, Marquis of Namur) and Hainault and Holland, Friesland and Zeeland in 1432 with the defeat of Jacqueline, Countess of Hainault, in the last episode of the Hook and Cod wars. He inherited the Duchies of Brabant and Limburg and the Margraviate of Antwerp in 1430 on the death of his cousin Philip of Saint-Pol and purchased Luxembourg in 1443 from Elisabeth of Bohemia, Duchess of Luxembourg.
In 1456, Philip also managed to ensure his illegitimate son David was elected Bishop of Utrecht and his nephew Louis de Bourbon elected Prince-Bishop of Liège. It is not surprising that in 1435 Philip began to style himself the "Grand Duke of the West".
In 1463, Philip gave up some of his territory to Louis XI of France. That year he also created an Estates-General for the Netherlands based on the French model. The first meeting of the Estates-General was to obtain a loan for a war against France and to ensure support for the succession of his son Charles I to his now vast dominions.
In 1465 and 1467, Philip crushed two rebellions in Liège before dying a few weeks later in Bruges after the latter insurrection.
Court life and patron of the arts
Philip's court can only be described as extravagant. Despite the flourishing bourgeois culture of Burgundy, with which the ducal court kept in close touch, he and the aristocrats who formed most of his inner circle retained a world-view dominated by the ideas and traditions of chivalry. He declined membership in the Order of the Garter in 1422, which would have been considered an act of treason against the king of France, his feudal overlord. Instead, he created his own Order of the Golden Fleece, based on the Knights of the Round Table and the myth of Jason, in 1430. In time his order would become the most prestigious and historic of all knightly orders of chivalry in all of Europe.
Philip had no fixed capital (seat of government) and moved the court between various palaces, the main urban ones being in Brussels, Bruges, and Lille. He held grand feasts and other festivities, and the knights of his Order frequently travelled throughout his territory to participate in tournaments. In 1454, Philip planned a crusade against the Ottoman Empire, launching it at the Feast of the Pheasant, but this plan never materialized. In a period from 1444 to 1446, he is estimated to have spent a sum equivalent to 2% of Burgundy's main income in the recette génerale, with a single Italian supplier of silk and cloth of gold, Giovanni di Arrigo Arnolfini.[8]

Philip's court was regarded as the most splendid in Europe by his contemporaries, and it became the accepted leader of taste and fashion, which probably helped the Burgundian economy considerably, as Burgundian (usually Flemish) luxury products became sought by the elites across Europe. During his reign, for example, the richest English commissioners of illuminated manuscripts moved away from English and Parisian products to those of the Netherlands, as did other foreign buyers. Philip himself is estimated to have added six hundred manuscripts to the ducal collection, making him by a considerable margin the most important literary patron of the period.[9] Jean Miélot, one of his secretaries, translated into French such works as Giovanni Boccaccio's Genealogia Deorum Gentilium which is good example of the sophistication of Philip's court.
Philip was a considerable patron of the visual arts. He commissioned many tapestries (which he tended to prefer over oil paintings), pieces from goldsmiths, jewellery, and other works of art, including numerous mechanical automata and fountains at the Chauteau of Hesdin.[10] It was also during his reign that the Burgundian chapel became the musical centre of Europe, with the activity of the Burgundian School of composers and singers. Esteemed composers such as Gilles Binchois, Robert Morton, and later Guillaume Dufay were all part of Philip's court chapel.
In 1428, van Eyck travelled to Portugal to paint a portrait of the daughter of King John I, the Infanta Isabella, personally for Philip in advance of their marriage. With help from more experienced Portuguese shipbuilders, Philip established a shipyard in Bruges, which helped commerce flourish. Rogier van der Weyden painted his portrait twice on panel. Only copies survive, but in each he is shown wearing the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The only extant original van der Weyden of Philip a superb miniature known as "Jean Wauquelin presenting his 'Chroniques de Hainaut' to Philip the Good" (above right).[9] The painter Hugo van der Goes of the Early Netherlandish school is credited with paintings for the church where Philip's funeral was held.
Family and issue
[edit]Marriages and legitimate children
[edit]Philip married his second cousin Michelle of France (1395–1422) in June 1409, when he was 12 and she was 14. She was a daughter of Charles VI, King of France (1368–1422) and his wife and consort, Isabeau of Bavaria (c. 1370–1435). They had one daughter, Agnes, who died in infancy, and Michelle died on 8 July 1422. On 30 November 1424 in Moulins-Engelbert, Philip married the widow of his late paternal uncle, Philip II, Count of Nevers (1389–1415), Bonne of Artois (1396 – 17 September 1425). She was the daughter of Philip of Artois, Count of Eu (1358–1397) and his wife, Marie of Berry, suo jure Duchess of Auvergne (c. 1375–1434). Bonne died within a year of the wedding, and the couple had no children,[3] leaving Philip with no legitimate sons to this point.[11]
On 7 January 1430 in Bruges, Philip married his third wife, Infanta Isabella of Portugal (21 February 1397 – 17 December 1471), daughter of John I, King of Portugal (1357–1433) and his wife, Philippa of Lancaster (1360–1415) after a proxy marriage the year before. This marriage produced three sons, only one of whom reached adulthood:[12]
- Anthony of Burgundy (30 September 1430, Brussels – 5 February 1432, Brussels), Count of Charolais;
- Josse of Burgundy (24 April 1432 – in 1432, after 6 May), Count of Charolais;
- Charles of Burgundy (10 November 1433 – 5 January 1477), Philip's successor, known as "Charles the Bold".[13]
Mistresses and illegitimate children
[edit]Philip had 24 documented mistresses and fathered at least 18 illegitimate children.
- From Catharina Schaers:
- Cornille, bastard of Burgundy (circa 1420 – 16 June 1452, Rupelmonde), Lord of Beveren, known as "le Grand Bâtard de Bourgogne" (the Great Bastard of Burgundy), Governor-general of Luxembourg,[14] who died in the Battle of Bazel. He didn't marry but had illegitimate issue;[15]
- From Jeanne de Presles (circa 1400 – circa 1440), daughter of Louis or Raoul de Presles:
- Anthony, bastard of Burgundy (circa 1421 – 5 May 1504), Count of La Roche, Lord of Beveren and known as "le Grand Bâtard de Bourgogne" after the death of his older half-brother, who married Jeanne-Marie de La Vieville/Viesville (born circa 1430) and had both legitimate and illegitimate issue, becoming founder of the Burgundy-Beveren branch of the family;[16]
- From Jeanne/Colette Catelaine/Chastellain, also known as Jeanne/Colette de Bosquiel, demoiselle of Quiéry-la-Motte (died 1462), who married Étienne de Bours, also known as Mailltoin (died 1450), governor of Gorgues and Dunkirk:
- Mary of Burgundy (circa 1426 – 1462), who married Pierre de Bauffremont, Count of Charny (circa 1397 – 1473) in 1447 and had issue;
- From Nicoletta de Bosquiel:
- David, bastard of Burgundy, Bishop of Utrecht (circa 1427 – 16 April 1496)[17][18]
- From Jacqueline van Steenbergen/Steenberghe:
- Anne, bastard of Burgundy (circa 1435 – January 1508, Souburg Castle), governess of her niece, Mary, suo jure Duchess of Burgundy ("Mary the Rich; 1457–1482), daughter of her legitimate half-brother Charles; married first Adriaan van Borselen, Lord of Brigdamme (circa 1417 – 1468) then her paternal cousin Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein (1425–1492) and had issue;[16]
- From the wife of a Venetian merchant of the Mercatellis family in Bruges:
- Raphael of Burgundy, (circa 1437 – 3 August 1508), abbot of Saint Bavo's Abbey in Ghent, titular bishop of Rhosus and bibliophile;[19][20]
- From Catharina de Tiesferies (born circa 1425):
- From Margaretha Post:
- Philip, bastard of Burgundy, Bishop of Utrecht, Admiral of the Netherlands (1464 – 7 April 1524, Wijk bij Duurstede)
- From Isabella de la Vigne:
- Margaret, bastard of Burgundy (died 1455)
- From Marguerite Scupelins:
- From Célie:
- Marion, bastard of Burgundy
- From unknown mothers:
- Barbe de Steenbourg, abbess in Bourbourg[19]
- Corneille (died circa 1428)
- Cornelia, bastard of Burgundy, married André de Toulongeon, Lord of Mornay and Saint-Aubin (died 1432, Palestine)
- Catherine, bastard of Burgundy, married Humbert de Luyrieux, Lord of La Quelle on 28 June 1460 and had issue
- Cateline, bastard of Burgundy, an abbess in Ghent (died after 1515)
- Arthur, died young and had no issue
- Catherine, a nun
- Jossine, died young
- Philippe, bastard of Burgundy, died young
- Madeleine/Magdalena, bastard of Burgundy
- Marie, a nun
- Yolande, bastard of Burgundy (died 3 November 1470), who married Jean d'Ailly, Vidame of Amiens in 1456[21]
[edit]Ancestors of Philip the Good[22] |
[edit]Burgundian State : 1st Grand Master and Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece
Kingdom of France – Duchy of Orléans : Knight of the Order of the Porcupine
Refused honours
[edit]- ^ Vaughan 2005, p. 2.
- ^ Vaughan 2005, pp. 4, 6.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Vaughan 2004, p. 8.
- ^ Vaughan 2004, p. 1.
- ^ Vale 1974, p. 58.
- ^ Gillespie 2017, p. 15.
- ^ Vaughan 2004, pp. 125–126.
- ^ Campbell 1998.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Kren & McKendrick 2003, p. 68.
- ^ Truitt (21 November 2016). Medieval Robots. Mechanism, Magic, Nature, and Art. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 131. ISBN 9780812223576.
- ^ Lobanov (2012), p. 313
- ^ Vaughan 2004, p. 132.
- ^ Blockmans & Prevenier 1999, p. 73.
- ^ Vaughan 2004, p. 196.
- ^ Vaughan 2004, p. 321.
- ^ Jump up to: a b Vaughan 2004, p. 134.
- ^ Vaughan 2004, p. 227.
- ^ Putnam 1908, pp. 69–71.
- ^ Jump up to: a b c Vaughan 2004, p. 135.
- ^ Defoort, Hendrik (2002). "Abbot Raphael de Mercatellis". Mmmonk (Medieval Monastic Manuscripts – Open – Network – Knowledge). Bruges Public Library, Ghent University Library, Major Seminary Ten Duinen in Bruges and Ghent Diocese. Retrieved 19 December 2022.
- ^ Damen & Brown-Grant 2022, p. 265.
- ^ de Sousa, Antonio Caetano (1735). Historia genealogica da casa real portugueza (in Portuguese). Lisbon: Lisboa Occidental. p. 147.
[edit]- Blockmans, W.; Prevenier, W. [in Dutch] (1999). Edward Peters (ed.). The Promised Lands: The Low Countries Under Burgundian Rule, 1369–1530. Translated by Elizabeth Fackelman. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-8122-1382-9.
- Campbell, Lorne (1998). National Gallery Catalogues: The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Schools. National Gallery company. ISBN 978-1-85709-171-7.
- Damen, Mario; Brown-Grant, Rosalind, eds. (2022). A Chivalric Life: The Book of the Deeds of Messire Jacques de Lalaing. The Boydell Press.
- Gillespie, Alexander (24 August 2017). The Causes of War, Volume 3: 1400 CE to 1650 CE. Hart Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84946-646-2.
- Kren, Thomas; McKendrick, Scot, eds. (2003). Illuminating the Renaissance: The Triumph of Flemish Manuscript Painting in Europe. J. Paul Getty Museum; Royal Academy of Arts. ISBN 978-1-903973-28-8.
- Lobanov, Aleksandr. "The Indenture of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, of 12 February 1430 and the Lancastrian Kingdom of France". The English Historical Review, volume 130, no. 543, April 2015. JSTOR 24474402
- Putnam, Ruth (1908). Charles the Bold, last Duke of Burgundy, 1433–1477. G. P. Putnam's Sons. LCCN 08006627. OCLC 671311.
- Vale, M. (1 October 1974). Charles VII. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-02787-9.
- Vaughan, Richard (2004). Philip the Good: The Apogee of Burgundy. Boydell Press. ISBN 978-0-85115-917-1.
- Vaughan, Richard (2005). John the Fearless: The Growth of Burgundian Power. Boydell Press. ISBN 978-0-85115-916-4.
Further reading
[edit]- Курт, Годефроид (1908). Католическая энциклопедия . Тол. 03. Нью -Йорк: Роберт Эпплтон Компания. . В Гербермане, Чарльз (ред.).
- Poupardin, René (1911). . В Чисхолме, Хью (ред.). Encyclopædia Britannica . Тол. 21 (11 -е изд.). Издательство Кембриджского университета. С. 387–388.
- Воган Р. (20 июля 1998 г.). «Филипп III, герцог Бургундии» . Britannica.com .
- Вагнер Дж. (2006). Энциклопедия Столетней войны (PDF) . Greenwood Press . ISBN 978-0-313-32736-0 Полем Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 16 июля 2018 года.
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