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Voivodeships of Poland

Voivodeships of Poland
  • Also known as:
  • provinces
CategoryProvinces (unitary local government subdivision)
LocationRepublic of Poland
Number16 voivodeships
Populations966,000 (Opole) – 5,432,000 (Masovian)
Areas9,413 km2 (3,634.2 sq mi) (Opole) – 35,580 km2 (13,737 sq mi) (Masovian)

A voivodeship (/ˈvɔɪvdʃɪp/ VOY-vohd-ship; Polish: województwo [vɔjɛˈvut͡stfɔ] ; plural: województwa [vɔjɛˈvut͡stfa]) is the highest-level administrative division of Poland, corresponding to a province in many other countries. The term has been in use since the 14th century and is commonly translated into English as "province".[1]

The Polish local government reforms adopted in 1998, which went into effect on 1 January 1999, reduced the number of voivodeships to sixteen. These 16 replaced the 49 former voivodeships that had existed from 1 July 1975, and bear a greater resemblance (in territory, but not in name) to the voivodeships that existed between 1950 and 1975.

Today's voivodeships are mostly named after historical and geographical regions, while those prior to 1998 generally took their names from the cities on which they were centered. The new units range in area from under 10,000 km2 (3,900 sq mi) (Opole Voivodeship) to over 35,000 km2 (14,000 sq mi) (Masovian Voivodeship), and in population from nearly one million (Opole Voivodeship) to over five million (Masovian Voivodeship).

Administrative authority at the voivodeship level is shared between a government-appointed governor called a voivode (wojewoda), an elected assembly called a sejmik, and an executive board (zarząd województwa) chosen by that assembly, headed by a voivodeship marshal (marszałek województwa). Voivodeships are further divided into powiats ('counties') and gminas ('communes' or 'municipalities'), the smallest administrative divisions of Poland.

Etymology and use[edit]

Some English-language sources, in historical contexts, speak of "palatinates" rather than "voivodeships". The term "palatinate" traces back to the Latin palatinus, which traces back to palatium ("palace").

More commonly used now is province or voivodeship. The latter is a loanword-calque hybrid formed on the Polish "województwo".

Some writers argue against rendering województwo in English as "province", on historical grounds: before the third, last Partition of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, in 1795, each of the main constituent regions of the Polish–Lithuanian CommonwealthGreater Poland, Lesser Poland, Lithuania, and Royal Prussia—was sometimes idiosyncratically referred to as a "province" (prowincja). According to the argument, such a prowincja (for example, Greater Poland) cannot consist of a number of subdivisions ("województwa", the plural of "województwo") that are likewise called "provinces". This, however, is an antiquarian consideration, as the word "province" has not been used in Poland in this sense of a region for over two centuries; and those former larger political units, all now obsolete, can now be referred to in English as what they actually were: "regions".

The Polish województwo, designating a second-tier Polish or Polish–Lithuanian administrative unit, derives from wojewoda, (etymologically, a 'warlord', 'war leader' or 'leader of warriors', but now simply the governor of a województwo) and the suffix -ztwo (a "state or condition").

The English voivodeship, which is a hybrid of the loanword voivode and -ship (the latter a suffix that calques the Polish suffix -ztwo), has never been much used and is absent from many dictionaries. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it first appeared in 1792, spelled "woiwodship", in the sense of "the district or province governed by a voivode." The word subsequently appeared in 1886 also in the sense of "the office or dignity of a voivode."[2]

Poland's Commission on Standardization of Geographic Names outside the Republic of Poland, prefers the form which omits the 'e', recommending the spelling "voivodship", for use in English.[3][4]


Map of Polish voivodeships since 1999 (abbreviations)

Administrative powers[edit]

Competences and powers at voivodeship level are shared between the voivode (governor), the sejmik (regional assembly) and the marshal. In most cases these institutions are all based in one city, but in Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Lubusz Voivodeship the voivode's offices are in a different city from those of the executive and the sejmik. Voivodeship capitals are listed in the table below.

The voivode is appointed by the Prime Minister and is the regional representative of the central government. The voivode acts as the head of central government institutions at regional level (such as the police and fire services, passport offices, and various inspectorates), manages central government property in the region, oversees the functioning of local government, coordinates actions in the field of public safety and environment protection, and exercises special powers in emergencies. The voivode's offices collectively are known as the urząd wojewódzki.[5]

The sejmik is elected every five years. (The first of the five-year terms began in 2018; previous terms lasted four years.)[6]) Elections for the sejmik fall at the same time as that of local authorities at powiat and gmina level. The sejmik passes by-laws, including the voivodeship's development strategies and budget. It also elects the marszałek and other members of the executive, and holds them to account.

The executive (zarząd województwa), headed by the marszałek drafts the budget and development strategies, implements the resolutions of the sejmik, manages the voivodeship's property, and deals with many aspects of regional policy, including management of European Union funding. The marshal's offices are collectively known as the urząd marszałkowski.


Polish voivodeships since 1999
Abbr.FlagCoat of armsTer. codeVoivodeshipPolish nameCapital city/citiesArea (km2)[7]Population (2022)[7]Pop. per km2[8]Car plates
DS02Lower SilesiandolnośląskieWrocław19,9472,903,000145D
KP04Kuyavian-Pomeraniankujawsko-pomorskieBydgoszcz1, Toruń217,9712,056,000115C
LB08LubuszlubuskieGorzów Wielkopolski1, Zielona Góra213,988995,00072F
MA12Lesser PolandmałopolskieKraków15,1833,399,000225K
SK26Holy CrossświętokrzyskieKielce11,7101,216,000105T
WP30Greater PolandwielkopolskiePoznań29,8263,486,000117P
ZP32West PomeranianzachodniopomorskieSzczecin22,9051,694,00074Z
1 Seat of voivode. 2 Seat of sejmik and marshal.


According to 2017 Eurostat data, the GDP per capita of Polish voivodeships varies notably and there is a large gap between the richest per capita voivodeship (being the Masovian Voivodeship at 33,500 EUR) and the poorest per capita (being the Lublin Voivodeship at 14,400 EUR).[9]

Historical development[edit]

Outline of Poland
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1619, around the time of the Commonwealth's greatest extent
Voivodeships of Congress Poland
Map of Polish voivodeships (1921–1939)
Poland's prewar and postwar borders, 1939–1945
Map of Polish voivodeships (1957–1975)
Map of Polish voivodeships (1975–1998)

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth[edit]

Greater Poland (Wielkopolska)[edit]

The following is a list of the Voivodeships within Greater Poland at various points over the period from the mid-16th century until the late 18th century:

Lesser Poland (Małopolska)[edit]

The following is a list of the Voivodeships within Lesser Poland over the period of the mid-16th century until the late 18th century:

Grand Duchy of Lithuania[edit]

Voivodeships of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth were based on the administrative structure that existed in the Duchy prior to the Commonwealth's formation, from at least the early-15th century. They were:

Duchy of Livonia[edit]

While the Duchy of Livonia was part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, approximately 1569–1772, in various periods it comprised the following voivodeships in varying combinations:

Congress Poland[edit]

From 1816 to 1837 there were 8 voivodeships in Congress Poland.

Second Polish Republic[edit]

The administrative division of Poland in the interwar period included 16 voivodeships and Warsaw (with voivodeship rights). The voivodeships that remained in Poland after World War II as a result of Polish–Soviet border agreement of August 1945 were very similar to the current voivodeships.

Collapsed list of car registration plates from 1937, please use table-sort buttons.

Car plates (from 1937)Voivodeship[10]Polish nameCapital city modern name in parenthesesArea in km2 (1930)Population (1931)
40–44LwówlwowskieLwów (Lviv)28,4003,126,300
50–54NowogródeknowogródzkieNowogródek (Navahrudak)23,0001,057,200
55–59PolesiepoleskieBrześć nad Bugiem (Brest)36,7001,132,200
70–74StanisławówstanisławowskieStanisławów (Ivano-Frankivsk)16,9001,480,300
80–84TarnopoltarnopolskieTarnopol (Ternopil)16,5001,600,400
85–89Warsaw (voivodeship)warszawskieWarsaw31,7002,460,900
00–19Warsaw (city)WarszawaWarsaw1401,179,500
90–94WilnowileńskieWilno (Vilnius)29,0001,276,000
95–99WołyńwołyńskieŁuck (Lutsk)35,7002,085,600

Polish People's Republic[edit]

After World War II, the new administrative division of the country within the new national borders was based on the prewar one and included 14 (+2) voivodeships, then 17 (+5). The voivodeships in the east that had not been annexed by the Soviet Union had their borders left almost unchanged. The newly acquired territories in the west and north were organized into the new voivodeships of Szczecin, Wrocław and Olsztyn, and partly joined to Gdańsk, Katowice and Poznań voivodeships. Two cities were granted voivodeship status: Warsaw and Łódź.

In 1950, new voivodeships were created: Koszalin (previously part of Szczecin), Opole (previously part of Katowice), and Zielona Góra (previously part of Poznań, Wrocław and Szczecin voivodeships). In 1957, three more cities were granted voivodeship status: Wrocław, Kraków and Poznań.

Collapsed list of car registration plates from 1956 – please use table-sort buttons

Car plates (from 1956)Voivodeship (Polish name)CapitalArea in km2 (1965)Population (1965)
?Kraków (city)2Kraków230520,100
IŁódź (city)Łódź214744,100
Hopolskie ¹Opole9,5061,009,200
?Poznań (city)2Poznań220438,200
WWarszawa (city)Warsaw4461,252,600
?Wrocław (city)2Wrocław225474,200
Zzielonogórskie1Zielona Góra14,514847,200

Poland's voivodeships 1975–1998

Administrative division of Poland between 1979 and 1998 included 49 voivodeships upheld after the establishment of the Third Polish Republic in 1989 for another decade. This reorganization of administrative division of Poland was mainly a result of local government reform acts of 1973–1975. In place of the three-level administrative division (voivodeship, county, commune), a new two-level administrative division was introduced (49 small voivodeships, and communes). The three smallest voivodeships—Warsaw, Kraków and Łódź—had the special status of municipal voivodeship; the city president (mayor) was also provincial governor.

Collapsed list of Voivodeships: 1975–1998, please use table-sort buttons.

Abbr.VoivodeshipPolish nameCapitalArea km2 (1998)Population (1980)No. of citiesNo. of communes
bpBiała Podlaska VoivodeshipbialskopodlaskieBiała Podlaska5,348286,400635
bkBiałystok VoivodeshipbiałostockieBiałystok10,055641,1001749
bbBielsko-Biała VoivodeshipbielskieBielsko-Biała3,704829,9001847
byBydgoszcz VoivodeshipbydgoskieBydgoszcz10,3491,036,0002755
chChełm VoivodeshipchełmskieChełm3,865230,900425
ciCiechanów VoivodeshipciechanowskieCiechanów6,362405,400945
czCzęstochowa VoivodeshipczęstochowskieCzęstochowa6,182747,9001749
elElbląg VoivodeshipelbląskieElbląg6,103441,5001537
gdGdańsk VoivodeshipgdańskieGdańsk7,3941,333,8001943
goGorzów VoivodeshipgorzowskieGorzów Wielkopolski8,484455,4002138
jgJelenia Góra VoivodeshipjeleniogórskieJelenia Góra4,378492,6002428
klKalisz VoivodeshipkaliskieKalisz6,512668,0002053
kaKatowice VoivodeshipkatowickieKatowice6,6503,733,9004346
kiKielce VoivodeshipkieleckieKielce9,2111,068,7001769
knKonin VoivodeshipkonińskieKonin5,139441,2001843
koKoszalin VoivodeshipkoszalińskieKoszalin8,470462,2001735
krKraków VoivodeshipkrakowskieKraków3,2541,167,5001038
ksKrosno VoivodeshipkrośnieńskieKrosno5,702448,2001237
lgLegnica VoivodeshiplegnickieLegnica4,037458,9001131
leLeszno VoivodeshipleszczyńskieLeszno4,254357,6001928
luLublin VoivodeshiplubelskieLublin6,793935,2001662
loŁomża VoivodeshipłomżyńskieŁomża6,684325,8001239
ldŁódź VoivodeshipłódzkieŁódź15231,127,800811
nsNowy Sącz VoivodeshipnowosądeckieNowy Sącz5,576628,8001441
olOlsztyn VoivodeshipolsztyńskieOlsztyn12,327681,4002148
opOpole VoivodeshipopolskieOpole8,535975,0002961
osOstrołęka VoivodeshipostrołęckieOstrołęka6,498371,400938
piPiła VoivodeshippilskiePiła8,205437,1002435
ptPiotrków VoivodeshippiotrkowskiePiotrków Trybunalski6,266604,2001051
plPłock VoivodeshippłockiePłock5,117496,100944
poPoznań VoivodeshippoznańskiePoznań8,1511,237,8003357
prPrzemyśl VoivodeshipprzemyskiePrzemyśl4,437380,000935
raRadom VoivodeshipradomskieRadom7,295702,3001561
rzRzeszów VoivodeshiprzeszowskieRzeszów4,397648,9001341
seSiedlce VoivodeshipsiedleckieSiedlce8,499616,3001266
siSieradz VoivodeshipsieradzkieSieradz4,869392,300940
skSkierniewice VoivodeshipskierniewickieSkierniewice3,959396,900836
slSłupsk VoivodeshipsłupskieSłupsk7,453369,8001131
suSuwałki VoivodeshipsuwalskieSuwałki10,490422,6001442
szSzczecin VoivodeshipszczecińskieSzczecin9,981897,9002950
tgTarnobrzeg VoivodeshiptarnobrzeskieTarnobrzeg6,283556,3001446
taTarnów VoivodeshiptarnowskieTarnów4,151607,000941
toToruń VoivodeshiptoruńskieToruń5,348610,8001341
wbWałbrzych VoivodeshipwałbrzyskieWałbrzych4,168716,1003130
waWarsaw VoivodeshipwarszawskieWarsaw (Warszawa)3,7882,319,1002732
wlWłocławek VoivodeshipwłocławskieWłocławek4,402413,4001430
wrWrocław VoivodeshipwrocławskieWrocław6,2871,076,2001633
zaZamość VoivodeshipzamojskieZamość6,980472,100547
zgZielona Góra VoivodeshipzielonogórskieZielona Góra8,868609,2002650

See also[edit]


  1. ^ The word voivodeship, as an equivalent for województwo, appears in some large English dictionaries such as the OED and Webster's Third New International Dictionary but is not in common English usage. Hence the word province is a recommended translation: "Jednostki podziału administracyjnego Polski tłumaczymy tak: województwo—province..." ("Polish administrative units are translated as follows: województwoprovince..."). Arkadiusz Belczyk, "Tłumaczenie polskich nazw geograficznych na język angielski" Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine ("Translation of Polish Geographical Names into English"), 2002-2006. Examples: New Provinces of Poland (1998) Archived 2011-06-08 at the Wayback Machine, Map of Poland Archived 26 April 2011 at the Wayback Machine, English names of Polish provinces Archived 16 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine. More examples:
    • "Following the reform of the administrative structure in 1973-1975, the number of provinces (województwo) was increased from 22 to 49... [I]ncreasing the number of provinces meant the reduction of each in size. In this way Warsaw was able to dilute the political importance of the provincial party chiefs." "Poland", The Encyclopedia Americana, 1986, volume 22, p. 312.
    • "Poland is divided into 49 provinces." "Poland", The Columbia Encyclopedia, sixth edition, edited by Paul Lagassé, Columbia University Press, 2000, p. 2256.
    • "Local government in Poland is organized on three levels. The largest units, at the regional level, are the województwa ('provinces')..." "Poland", Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th edition, 2010, Macropaedia, volume 25, p. 937.
    • "GOVERNMENT... Administrative divisions: 16 provinces (województwa, singular–województwo)..." "Poland," in Central Intelligence Agency, The CIA World Factbook 2010, New York, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., 2009, ISBN 9781602397279, p. 546. The same information appears in the current online CIA World Factbook / "Poland / Administrative divisions". Archived 30 July 2021 at the Wayback Machine In this source, where "English translations" of province names are given, they are in the noun ("Silesia"), not the adjective ("Silesian"), form.
    • Professor Paul Best, of Southern Connecticut State University, writes: "[I]n standard dictionaries the Polish word województwo is translated as 'province'." Paul Best, review of Bogdan Horbal, Lemko Studies: A Handbook (2010), in The Polish Review, vol. 58, no. 4 (2013), pp. 125–26.
  2. ^ "Voivodeship", The Oxford English Dictionary, second edition, volume XIX, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989, p. 739.
  3. ^ Wolnicz-Pawłowska, Ewa (2002). Toponymic Guidelines of Poland for Map Editors and Other Users (PDF). Główny Urząd Geodezii i Kartografii / Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography. ISBN 83-239-4555-1. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 November 2019. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  4. ^ "Standardization of Polish Geographical Names". Archived from the original on 7 September 2021.
  5. ^ Granat, Miroslaw; Granat, Katarzyna (28 November 2019). The Constitution of Poland: A Contextual Analysis. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 172. ISBN 978-1-5099-1396-1. Archived from the original on 3 April 2023. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  6. ^ "Samorządowcy dostali dodatkowy rok. Jak wykorzystają 5-letnią kadencję? - Prawo i finanse". 14 September 2018. Archived from the original on 24 September 2018. Retrieved 21 January 2019.
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b "Powierzchnia i ludność w przekroju terytorialnym w 2021 roku". GUS. 2021.[permanent dead link]
  8. ^ "Powierzchnia i ludność w przekroju terytorialnym w 2021 roku". GUS. 2021. Archived from the original on 25 March 2022. Retrieved 29 September 2021.
  9. ^ "Eurostat - Tables, Graphs and Maps Interface (TGM) map". ec.europa.eu. Archived from the original on 17 February 2017. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  10. ^ data as per April 1, 1937


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