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Случаи сексуального насилия в Crewe Alexandra FC

Скандал с сексуальным насилием в Крю Александра ФК касался сексуального насилия над детьми бывшего футбольного тренера Барри Беннелла , работая в английском профессиональном футбольном клубе Крю Александра в 1980 -х годах. В то время как Беннелл был осужден за сексуальные преступления в США в 1994 году и в Великобритании в 1998 году, в ноябре 2016 года были сделаны новые обвинения, первоначально касающиеся Крю Александры и Манчестер Сити . Затем скандал быстро распространялся, поскольку были сделаны обвинения о многих других злоупотреблениях во многих других футбольных клубах Великобритании. Футбольная ассоциация , футбольные клубы и полицейские силы быстро установили различные запросы и расследования; Сообщалось, что к июлю 2018 года было определено 300 подозреваемых 849 предполагаемых жертв, с 2807 инцидентами, связанными с 340 различными клубами.

Из -за своих ассоциаций с Беннеллом Крю была нацелена на расследования полиции, медиа и футбольной организации. Беннелл был судим, осужден и заключен в тюрьму в 2018 году, в то время как Крю Александра и ее бывший менеджер и директор Дарио Ради неоднократно подвергались критике за неудачи во время преступлений Беннелла, за медленные и неадекватные извинения и за то, что они не проводят подробные внутренние расследования. В отчете Шелдонской ассоциации Футбольной ассоциации , опубликованном в марте 2021 года, раскритиковал клуб за различные недостатки, в то время как Гради был дополнительно критикует за его роль в «сглаживании» не связанного с инцидентом, когда он был помощником менеджера в «Челси» в 1970 -х годах. Гради был отстранен от футбола ФА в конце 2016 года, а в августе 2023 года был лишен его MBE. Председатель Крю Джон Боулер подал в отставку в качестве директора и председателя Крю Александры после публикации доклада ФА. В дополнение к уголовным преследованию против насильников, гражданские действия по убыткам также были спровоцированы против их работодателей, включая Крю Александра.

Initial revelations


On 16 November 2016, former Crewe defender Andy Woodward revealed that he had been the victim of child sexual abuse by former football coach Barry Bennell (convicted as a paedophile in 1998) at the club in the 1980s.[1][2][3] The club was criticised for its lack of response to the Woodward revelations:[4]

Yet there are so many questions that have never been satisfactorily answered. ... What a cop-out, what a dereliction of duty, for the club, the directors and their media department to think this can be swatted away like a bothersome fly.

Club chairman John Bowler finally responded to the revelations on Monday 21 November, by which time it was reported that six other individuals had contacted the police, and that the Football Association was setting up a helpline.[5] On 22 November, the Guardian reported that Crewe team mate Steve Walters had been another of Bennell's victims,[6] while Woodward criticised Crewe for failing to apologise:[7]

... not one person from Crewe Alexandra has ever contact [sic] me to see if I was OK or to say they were really sorry this happened at their football club. Even now, they’re still failing to say they are really sorry this happened. I need them to say sorry. Everyone who was involved – and there are people coming forward every day – will want them to say sorry but unfortunately this statement doesn’t surprise me and it feels like to me there is almost an air of arrogance on their part.

As two players from other clubs made similar sex abuse revelations about Bennell[8] and an unnamed coach,[9] Dario Gradi was pressed by the Independent[10] and the Guardian "to say more about what he knew and when."[11] On 24 November, Gradi released a statement saying he knew nothing of Bennell's crimes:[12]

I would like to express sympathy to the victims of Barry Bennell not only at Crewe Alexandra, but at other clubs in the North West. The first I knew of Barry Bennell’s crimes was when he was arrested in the United States in 1994. I knew nothing of his crimes before this time when he was employed by us. No-one at the Football Club knew of Bennell’s crimes until his arrest in 1994 and his subsequent prosecution in the United Kingdom. The football club also co-operated fully with the authorities in 2003. The club are in the process of a review and I won’t be making any further comment until this is finalised.

On 25 November, Hamilton Smith, a director at Crewe Alexandra from 1986 to 1990 told the Guardian that the club heard an allegation that Bennell had sexually abused a junior footballer. However, Bennell was allowed to stay at the club, despite the then chairman, Norman Rowlinson, recommending that the club "get him out", so long as Bennell was not left alone with boys and was stopped from arranging overnight stays;[13] it was later (February 2018) reported that Rowlinson had sought police advice about Bennell and had been advised to "move him on".[14] Smith said: "I'm incredibly angry the club continue to refute that they knew anything about suspicions of Bennell’s activities. This was discussed at the club’s top level."[13]

Smith said fellow directors did not want to rely on hearsay evidence and local gossip. Smith later met Tony Pickerin, the FA’s head of education and child protection and requested an investigation into the care of children at Gresty Road. However, he only received a three-line letter from Pickerin saying the FA had “investigated the issues and is satisfied that there is no case to answer.”[13] Smith's allegations were considered in a statement from the club in March 2018; the club expressed concern that, despite Smith apparently being aware of Bennell's offending in 1988, he did not report this to the police until 2016 or the FA until 2001; Smith was also interviewed by the police who, according to the club, concluded "there was no evidence to corroborate that the club was aware of Mr Bennell's offending".[15]

On 27 November 2016, another former Crewe player, Anthony Hughes, revealed that he too had been abused by Bennell.[16] Wales and Manchester United youth player Matthew Monaghan[17][18] and Crewe trainee, later Wimbledon and Northern Ireland international Mark Williams also alleged abuse by Bennell.[19][20]

Bennell trial and conviction


Bennell was tried at Liverpool Crown Court in early 2018, and convicted of 50 offences of sexual abuse against 12 boys[21] (and on 20 February 2018 was sentenced to 30 years in prison).[22] After the guilty verdicts on 15 February, victims including Andy Woodward and Steve Walters read statements outside court.[21] Crewe Alexandra expressed its "deepest sympathies" to Bennell's victims, saying it was not aware of any sexual abuse by Bennell nor had it received any complaint about sexual abuse by him before or during his employment with the club.[23][21] This has been disputed: the Guardian said Bennell had to leave Crewe following a complaint against him, having been identified as a risk long before joining Crewe, amid a cover-up at Manchester City.[24] Lord Carlile, the barrister who prosecuted Bennell in 1998, accused Crewe of 'brushing the scandal under the carpet'.[25]

Following complaints from other former players, mostly from Manchester City and Crewe, Bennell was reported to be likely to face a further trial.[24] In September 2018, it was reported that the police and Crown Prosecution Service regarded some of allegations, particularly the rape of minors, as serious enough to warrant criminal action, potentially in 2019.[26]

On 25 February 2019, the Guardian reported on a nine-page statement from Gradi about what he knew regarding Bennell. Gradi admitted to encouraging a close player-coach culture and to not making detailed background checks about Bennell because Crewe was trying to poach him from Manchester City "on the quiet". Club chairman John Bowler said Crewe had not appreciated the dangers of football being used as a means for a paedophile to prey on young boys ("documented procedures that are now in place for the protection of minors were not in place at that time"), while Gradi had not made detailed inquiries into Bennell's background ("He did not have any specific coaching qualifications but none were required and at the time the FA did not publish any guidance on child protection”). However, former club secretary Gill Palin had been uncomfortable about Bennell.[27] Three days later, Steve Walters accused Crewe of showing "no humanity" and "victim blaming" in a bid to avoid compensation payouts, and of claiming Walters had waited too long to report abuse. The club said Walters's claims included (unspecified) "fundamental inaccuracies".[28] Walters and at least one other former Crewe player have each launched High Court damages claims of upwards of against the club.[29]

On 19 March 2019, the Guardian reported Crewe Alexandra planned to contest victims' claims, using specialist lawyers – appointed for the club by Football League insurers – with experience of defending child sex abuse allegations involving the Roman Catholic church. The lawyers argued the club should not be liable for alleged incidents from the 1980s and 1990s that were not committed as part of Bennell's official club duties (Bennell allegedly also ran a feeder team, Railway Juniors, set up by parents) and also argued that, under the Limitation Act 1980, the incidents should be disregarded as victims has not reported them years earlier.[30] However, on 27 March 2019, the Guardian reported an apparent U-turn in Crewe's approach; it had agreed an out-of-court financial settlement with one of Bennell's victims.[31] Andy Woodward had unsuccessfully sued Crewe for damages in 2004.[32] In May 2020, two of eight men sexually abused by Barry Bennell, who were pursuing damages claims against Manchester City, were reported to be also bringing claims against Crewe Alexandra; an eight-week trial started in October 2021.[33]

Crewe enquiry


On 26 November 2016 the club announced it would be holding an independent review into how they dealt with historical child sex abuse allegations: "an independent review, to be conducted via the appointment of external legal counsel, is the correct way forward".[34]

Fifteen months later, in February 2018, the club had not started this review, claiming an unnamed authority told them to hold off until the criminal case was over.[24] On 2 March 2018, the club issued a statement saying that, as it had fully supported and co-operated with the police's detailed and comprehensive investigations, it did "not intend to commission a further independent investigation to duplicate the thorough enquiries that have already been undertaken," and the police's report had also been supplied to the FA review headed by Clive Sheldon.[15]

Crewe's decision to shelve its own investigation was criticised by local MP Laura Smith (daughter of former club director Hamilton Smith) who said victims deserved nothing less than a thorough investigation which "should be transparent and leave no stone unturned."[35] The club was also excluded from the NorthWest Football Awards, was criticised by MP Damian Collins, chair of the DCMS select committee,[36] and by Crewe Town Council,[37] and was called to reconsider its decision by the Professional Footballers Association's Gordon Taylor.[38] In March 2018, Clive Sheldon warned clubs they must hold their own investigations into abuse claims or he will do it, putting pressure on Crewe to reconsider its decision not to hold an inquiry.[39] In his final report, published in March 2021, Sheldon said he "liaised with the Club and its lawyers with a view to suggesting other lines of enquiry that could usefully be followed up by the Club. Ultimately, the Club agreed to conduct those further enquiries, and provided me with a report setting out its conclusions."[40]

FA Sheldon report criticisms


The FA's 710-page report[40] was published on 17 March 2021, identifying failures to act adequately on complaints or rumours of sexual abuse at eight professional clubs including Crewe. Considering whether senior Crewe people knew about Bennell, Sheldon concluded they had not received specific reports of abuse (a conclusion also reached by Cheshire constabulary). However, Norman Rowlinson, John Bowler and Hamilton Smith had discussed concerns about inappropriate behaviour: "... during Bennell's time at the Club, there were rumours circulating about [Bennell] and his sexual interest in children which were heard by some of the Club's staff, including Dario Gradi." The club "should have done more to check on the well-being of the boys", Sheldon said.[41] Following publication of the report, the FA's CEO Mark Bullingham said Gradi was "effectively banned for life" from football; the FA legal director said it was "for safeguarding reasons" but that was "as far as we can go".[42][43] There were also calls for Crewe chairman John Bowler to resign,[44] including from the club's own supporters group;[45] Bowler announced his resignation on 25 March 2021.[46]

On 18 March 2021, Crewe Alexandra apologised to all survivors of Bennell's abuse. They expressed "wholehearted regret" about their ignorance of his crimes, acknowledged "more could have been done to monitor" him, and said they are "sorry to every survivor of abuse". The club's statement also said: "The club fully understands the additional hurt and trauma to the victims and survivors of Mr Bennell which has been caused by the fact that no one at the club was aware of the offences being committed upon them at the time." They sincerely regretted and were "disgusted by the terrible crimes committed" by Bennell.[47] On 19 March, Gradi apologised, saying: "I wish to express my deepest sympathy for the survivors and their families. I sincerely and personally regret that the harm being caused to these young people was not discovered at the time. I apologise for not recognising any signs of abuse at the time. It was "not the case" that he had not been banned from all football-related activity, he said: "I am suspended indefinitely from certain specified activities with players under the age of 18 years and whilst I do not agree with it, I understand how the decision was arrived at."[48]

Following Bowler's resignation, on 29 March 2021 acting chairman Charles Grant said the club wanted to "engage with survivors" and learn from the "very painful lessons" of the scandal, saying "I would like to learn, from the football club's point of view, what it is we can do with survivor groups, with individuals, to try and make reparations, in some small part."[49] A number of victims ("in 'double figures'") subsequently met with Crewe Alexandra directors and staff; Steve Walters was the first to visit and was said have felt welcomed back to the club and "not bitter any more".[50]

Awarded an MBE in 1998,[51] Gradi was stripped of the award in August 2023 following professional disbarment[52] for failing to protect children from sexual abuse.[53][54]

Additional allegations


Gradi and Chelsea F.C.


Gradi was also the subject of allegations that, as Chelsea's assistant manager, he tried to "smooth over" a youth player's complaint of sexual assault against Chelsea chief scout Eddie Heath in 1974.[55] On 6 December 2016, the Football Association announced Gradi would be among the first to be targeted by its inquiry over the 'smoothing over' allegation.[56] In connection with these allegations, on 11 December 2016, the FA announced that it had suspended Gradi.[57][58] Gradi subsequently said he had been notified by the FA of his interim suspension from football on 25 November, and reiterated "that I will do everything within my power to assist all investigatory authorities."[59][60] In February 2017, it was reported that Gradi planned to appeal against his FA suspension from football, feeling he had been left "in limbo".[61] In August 2019, Chelsea's board apologised "unreservedly" for allowing Heath, a "prolific and manipulative sexual abuser", to operate "unchallenged". The apology followed an inquiry led by barrister Charles Geekie QC, who was also critical of former assistant manager Gradi. He was accused of failing to tell senior club staff about a sexual conduct allegation concerning Heath made by the parent of a young player.[62] The FA's Sheldon Review could not decide whether Gradi had informed the club's acting manager, Ron Suart, of concerns raised at a meeting with the player’s father, but, either way, said Gradi's or Suart's responses were inadequate.[41]

Other cases involving Crewe


On 5 January 2017, the FA suspended former youth coach Paul McCann, who volunteered at Crewe in the 1980s and 1990s and was an assistant coach of the club's youth team.[63] Almost a year later, on 2 January 2018, McCann, 57, was charged with non-recent sexual offences[64] including indecent assaults.[65] At Chester Crown Court on 31 January[66] McCann denied the charges and was released on unconditional bail ahead of an October 2018 trial;[67] on 18 October 2018 McCann was found not guilty of all charges against him.[68]

In October 2018, the Guardian reported that a Crewe coach, Carl Everall, had been suspended because of a safeguarding issue, and was subject to an FA investigation.[69] After pleading guilty to grooming a teenage girl, in May 2019 at Chester Crown Court, Everall was ordered to go on a sexual offenders treatment programme, given a three-year community order, a 35-day rehabilitation activity requirement and a sexual harm prevention order, and was ordered to sign the sex offenders register for five years.[70]


  1. ^ Taylor, Daniel (16 November 2016). "Andy Woodward: 'It was the softer, weaker boys he targeted'". Guardian. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
  2. ^ Taylor, Daniel; James, Stuart (17 November 2016). "Associate of Barry Bennell also preyed on boys, two former footballers reveal". Guardian. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
  3. ^ "Former footballer Andy Woodward tells of sexual abuse". BBC News. 17 November 2016. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
  4. ^ Taylor, Daniel (19 November 2016). "Andy Woodward showed great courage – but is his story just the tip of the iceberg?". The Observer. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
  5. ^ Taylor, Daniel (21 November 2016). "Six come forward after Andy Woodward's story of abuse at Crewe". Guardian. Retrieved 21 November 2016.
  6. ^ Taylor, Daniel (22 November 2016). "Second footballer reveals abuse by serial paedophile Barry Bennell". Guardian. Retrieved 22 November 2016.
  7. ^ Taylor, Daniel (22 November 2016). "Andy Woodward criticises Crewe over lack of apology in Barry Bennell case". Guardian. Retrieved 23 November 2016.
  8. ^ "Football sex abuse claims: David White latest ex-player to come forward". BBC Sport. BBC. 23 November 2016. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
  9. ^ "Paul Stewart: I was sexually abused by my football coach for four years". The Guardian. 22 November 2016. Retrieved 23 November 2016.
  10. ^ Herbert, Ian (23 November 2016). "As the Crewe sexual abuse scandal develops, it is time for Dario Gradi to tell us what he knows". The Independent. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
  11. ^ Gibson, Owen (24 November 2016). "Crewe Alexandra: how a football talent factory has been thrown into turmoil". Guardian. Retrieved 29 March 2021.
  12. ^ "Crewe Alex director of football Dario Gradi: Statement". Crewe Chronicle. 24 November 2016. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b c Taylor, Daniel (25 November 2016). "Crewe were warned about Barry Bennell but he stayed on, says former board member". Guardian. Retrieved 25 November 2016.
  14. ^ Taylor, Daniel (27 February 2018). "Crewe ignored police advice in late 1980s to 'move on' Barry Bennell". Guardian. Retrieved 1 March 2018.
  15. ^ Jump up to: a b "Club Statement: Barry Bennell (2)". CreweAlex.net. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
  16. ^ "Football sex abuse: Crewe launch child abuse investigation". BBC News. BBC. 27 November 2016. Retrieved 27 November 2016.
  17. ^ "Matthew Monaghan 'quit football after abuse by coach'". BBC News. BBC. 1 December 2016. Retrieved 6 December 2016.
  18. ^ Ашенден, Марк (29 ноября 2016 г.). «Испытание на злоупотребление расширяется, поскольку все больше футболистов раскрывают опыт с тренером Барри Беннеллом» . Sky Sports . Получено 6 декабря 2016 года .
  19. ^ Парвин, Назия (29 ноября 2016 г.). «Бывший игрок в Северной Ирландии Марк Уильямс стал« жертвой сексуального насилия » . Опекун . Получено 6 декабря 2016 года .
  20. ^ Остин, Джек (29 ноября 2016 г.). «Скандал с злоупотреблением футболом: бывший игрок Премьер -лиги становится пятым футболистом, чтобы раскрыть сексуальное насилие» . Независимый . Получено 6 декабря 2016 года .
  21. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в «Бывший тренер по футболу Барри Беннелл виновен в дальнейшем сексуальном насилии» . BBC News . Би -би -си. 15 февраля 2018 года . Получено 15 февраля 2018 года .
  22. ^ Тейлор, Даниэль (20 февраля 2018 г.). «Барри Беннелл заклеймил« чистое зло », поскольку он приговорен к 30 годам» . Опекун . Получено 2 октября 2019 года .
  23. ^ «Клубное заявление: Барри Беннелл» . Crewealex.net . Получено 15 февраля 2018 года .
  24. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в Тейлор, Даниэль (15 февраля 2018 года). «Манчестер Сити« игнорировал предупреждения »и держал Барри Беннелла в молодежной установке» . Опекун . Получено 15 февраля 2018 года .
  25. ^ Роан, Дэн (15 февраля 2018 г.). «Барри Беннелл: Крю» почистил скандал под ковром », - говорит лорд Карлайл» . BBC News . Би -би -си . Получено 16 февраля 2018 года .
  26. ^ Тейлор, Даниэль (6 сентября 2018 г.). «Тренер по футболу в тюрьме Барри Беннелл может столкнуться с дальнейшими обвинениями в жестоком обращении» . Опекун . Получено 9 сентября 2018 года .
  27. ^ Тейлор, Даниэль (25 февраля 2019 г.). «Раскрыто: доказательства Крю, предоставленные на скандале с Барри Беннеллом» . Опекун . Получено 26 февраля 2019 года .
  28. ^ Морган, Том (28 февраля 2019 г.). «Жертва Барри Беннелла« отвратительно »Крю Александра« отрицает какую -либо ответственность »за злоупотребление» . Телеграф . Получено 28 февраля 2019 года .
  29. ^ «Дуэт подать в суд на Алекса за их испытание в руках обидчика Беннелла». Крюка Хроника . 13 марта 2019 года.
  30. ^ Даниэль, Тейлор (19 марта 2019 г.). «Крю утверждает, что они не договорились, чтобы мальчики остались с Барри Беннеллом» . Опекун . Получено 19 марта 2019 года .
  31. ^ Тейлор, Даниэль (26 марта 2019 г.). «Крю согласен первое урегулирование с жертвой Барри Беннелла после разворота» . Опекун . Получено 28 марта 2019 года .
  32. ^ Вудворд, Энди (4 июня 2019 г.). «Энди Вудворд экстракт:« Рассказывание моей истории остановило молодого парня, прекратившего его жизнь » » . Опекун . Получено 5 июня 2019 года .
  33. ^ «Сексуальное насилие Барри Беннелла: восемь мужчин подеем за Ман Сити» . BBC News . 5 мая 2020 года . Получено 8 мая 2020 года .
  34. ^ Таунсенд, Марк (26 ноября 2016 г.). «Крю, чтобы начать независимый обзор в отношении обвинений в жестоком обращении с детьми» . Наблюдатель . Получено 27 ноября 2016 года .
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  37. ^ Райан, Белинда (13 марта 2018 г.). «Крю Алекс отказывается провести расследование» демонстрирует игнорирование лидера городского совета жертв Беннелла » . Крюка Хроника . Получено 14 марта 2018 года .
  38. ^ Тейлор, Даниэль (10 марта 2018 г.). «Крю, исключенный из региональных наград за обработку скандала Барри Беннелла» . Наблюдатель . Получено 11 марта 2018 года .
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  40. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Шелдон, Клайв (2021). Независимый обзор сексуального насилия над детьми в футболе 1970-2005 . Лондон: футбольная ассоциация . Получено 23 марта 2021 года .
  41. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Конн, Дэвид (17 марта 2021 года). «Отчет о сексуальном насилии по футболу: невежество и наивность прояснили путь для скандала» . Опекун . Получено 17 марта 2021 года .
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  43. ^ Уоллес, Сэм (18 марта 2021 г.). «После того, как Дарио Грэйди не смог заметить ужасную реальность» . Телеграф . Получено 18 марта 2021 года .
  44. ^ Рамсби, Бен (18 марта 2021 г.). «Крю Александра председатель под давлением» . Телеграф . Получено 18 марта 2021 года .
  45. ^ Бэггали, Майкл (25 марта 2021 года). «Заявление Общества Сторонников железнодорожников о Крюе Алекс и Шелдон Обзор» . Чешир в прямом эфире . Получено 25 марта 2021 года .
  46. ^ Остлер, Лоуренс (25 марта 2021 г.). «Председатель Крю Джон Боулер стоит после обзора Шелдона в скандал с сексуальным насилием» . Независимый . Получено 25 марта 2021 года .
  47. ^ «Скандал с детьми в футболе: Крю, извините» за то, что он не знал о злоупотреблении Барри Беннеллом » . BBC Sport . 18 марта 2021 года . Получено 18 марта 2021 года .
  48. ^ «Скандал с детьми в футболе: бывший босс-крюк Дарио Грэди приносит извинения за то, что не признает злоупотребление» . BBC Sport . 20 марта 2021 года . Получено 20 марта 2021 года .
  49. ^ «Скандал с детьми в футболе: Крю Алекс хочет« общаться с выжившими » - исполняющим обязанности председателя» . BBC Sport . 29 марта 2021 года . Получено 31 марта 2021 года .
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  51. ^ Дарио Грэди MBE Архивировал 17 апреля 2015 года в The Wayback Machine , Ассоциация менеджеров лиги. Получено: 17 апреля 2015 года.
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