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Арктический мольф hybrid from Lobo Park, /
Собака ( домашняя собака )

Вольфдог собака - это , создаваемая спариванием домашней собаки ( canis ackvicis ) с серого волка ( Canis lupus ), Восточного Вольфа ( Canis lycaon ), Red Wolf ( Canis Rufus ) или эфиопского волка ( Canis simensis ), чтобы произвести гибрид .


Гибриды в восточной Польше в парке дикой природы Кадзидово . Слева: родители: женщина -волк и мужчина гунчи Польски ; Справа: Родители: Женщина -волк и мужчина Вест Сибирец Лайка .

Существует ряд экспертов, которые считают, что они могут сказать разницу между волком, собакой и волчьей, но они доказали, что они неверны при предоставлении своих доказательств перед судами. [ 1 ]

Примесь между домашними собаками и другими подвидом серых волков являются наиболее распространенными волчьными годами, поскольку собаки и серые волки считаются теми же видами, генетически очень близки и имеют общие огромные порции своих диапазонов на протяжении тысячелетий. Такая примесь в дикой природе была обнаружена во многих популяциях, разбросанных по всей Европе и Северной Америке, обычно встречающихся в районах, где популяции волков снизились от воздействия и преследований человека. [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

В то же время, вольфдоги также часто разводятся в неволе для различных целей. Примесь собак и двух других североамериканских видов волков также происходила исторически в дикой природе, хотя биологам часто трудно различать гены собак в восточной древесине, а красные волки от генов серого волка также присутствуют в этих видах волков из -за Их исторические перекрываются с североамериканскими серыми волками, а также с койотами, оба из которых интрогрировали в бассейны генов восточной древесины и красного волка. [ 4 ] В то же время, поскольку многие изолированные популяции трех видов волков в Северной Америке также смешались с койотами в дикой природе, [ 5 ] Некоторые биологи предположили, что у некоторых гибридов Coywolf на северо -восточной трети континента также могут быть как Coydogs , так и Wolfdogs в своем генном пуле. [ 6 ] Гибриды между собаками и эфиопскими волками, обнаруженными в эфиопском нагорье, вероятно, возникли в результате прошлых взаимодействий между дикими собаками свободного роста и эфиопскими волками, живущими в изолированных районах. [ 7 ]

Признанные пород Wolfdog от FCI - это чехословацкий Вольфдог и Саарлос Вольфдог .


Секвенирование целого генома использовалось для изучения потока генов между дикими и домашними видами. Существуют свидетельства широко распространенного генового потока от собак в популяции волка и очень немногие преднамеренные пересечения волков с собаками, такими как Saarloos Wolfdog . Тем не менее, глобальная популяция собак образует генетический кластер с небольшим количеством доказательств потока генов от волков в собак. Древняя ДНК показывает, что собаки из Европы более 5000 лет назад также демонстрируют мало доказательств взаимодействия с дикими канидами. [ 8 ]

Доисторические Вольфдоги

Исследование, проведенное в 1982 году на собачьих черепах из Вайоминга, датируемого 10 000 лет назад, идентифицировало некоторые, которые соответствуют морфологии Вольфдогов. [ 9 ] Это исследование было опровергнуто как не предоставив убедительные доказательства четыре года спустя. [ 10 ]

Теотиуакан Вольфдоги

В 2010 году археологи обнаружили, что останки волчьей догов в захоронениях воина в центральной долине Мексики датируются около двух тысяч лет назад, поэтому когда-то считалось, что это когда-то считалось койотами, изображенными в искусстве цивилизации Теотиуакана . [ 11 ]

Черные волки Нового Света

Genetic research has shown that wolves with black pelts owe their coloration to a mutation that first arose in domestic dogs.

Genetic research revealed that wolves with black pelts owe their distinctive coloration to a mutation that entered the wolf population through admixture with the domestic dog.[12] Adolph Murie was among the first wolf biologists to speculate that the wide color variation in wolves was due to interbreeding with dogs;[13]

"I suppose that some of the variability exhibited in these wolves could have resulted from crossings in the wild with dogs. Such crosses in the wild have been reported and the wolf in captivity crosses readily with dogs. Some years ago at Circle, Alaska, a wolf hung around the settlement for some time and some of the dogs were seen with it. The people thought that the wolf was a female attracted to the dogs during the breeding period. However, considerable variability is probably inherent in the species, enough perhaps to account for the variations noted in the park and in skins examined. The amount of crossing with dogs has probably not been sufficient to alter much the genetic composition of the wolf population."

— Murie, Adolph (1944). The Wolves of Mount McKinley. ISBN 0-295-96203-8, ISBN 978-0-295-96203-0.

In 2008 it was discovered that a gene mutation responsible for the protein beta-defensin 3 is responsible for the black coat color in dogs.[14] The same mutation was responsible for black wolves in North America and the Italian Apennines, with the mutation having arisen in dogs 13,000 to 120,000 years ago, with a preferred date of 47,000 years ago after comparing large sections of wolf, dog, and coyote genomes.[12] Robert K. Wayne, a canine evolutionary biologist, stated that he believed that dogs were the first to have the mutation. He further stated that even if it originally arose in Eurasian wolves, it was passed on to dogs who, soon after their arrival, brought it to the New World and then passed it to wolves and coyotes.[15] Black wolves with recent dog ancestry tend to retain black pigment longer as they age.[16]

North American gray wolf-domestic dog admixture

As of 1999 in the United States, over 100,000 wolfdogs exist.[17] In first-generation wolfdogs, gray wolves are most often crossed with wolf-like dogs (such as German Shepherd Dogs, Siberian Huskies, and Alaskan Malamutes) for an appearance most appealing to owners desiring an exotic pet.[18]

Documented breeding

"Mixed breed Dog and Wolf" from The Menageries: Quadrupeds Described and Drawn from Living Subjects by William Ogilby, 1829

The first record of wolfdog breeding in Great Britain comes from the year 1766 when what is thought was a male wolf mated with a dog identified in the language of the day as a "Pomeranian", although it may have differed from the modern Pomeranian breed. The union resulted in a litter of nine pups. Wolfdogs were occasionally purchased by English noblemen, who viewed them as a scientific curiosity. Wolfdogs were popular exhibits in British menageries and zoos.[18]

Six breeds of dog exist that acknowledge a significant amount of recent wolf-dog admixture in their creation. One breed is the "wolamute", a.k.a. "malawolf", a cross between an Alaskan Malamute and a timber wolf. Four breeds were the result of intentional crosses with German Shepherd Dogs and have distinguishing characteristics of appearance that may reflect the varying subspecies of wolf that contributed to their foundation stock. Other, more unusual crosses have occurred; recent experiments in Germany were conducted in the crossing of wolves and Poodles.[19] The intent behind creating the breeds has ranged widely from simply the desire for a recognizable companion high-content wolfdog to professional military working dogs.

The Saarloos Wolfdog

A Saarloos Wolfdog

In 1932, Dutch breeder Leendert Saarloos crossed a male German Shepherd dog with a female European wolf. He then bred the female offspring back with the male German Shepherd Dog, creating the Saarloos wolfdog. The breed was created to be a hardy, self reliant companion and house dog.[20] The Dutch Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1975. To honor its creator they changed the name to "Saarloos Wolfdog". In 1981, the breed was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

A Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

In the 1950s, the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog was also created to work on border patrol in the countries now known as Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It was originally bred from lines of German Shepherd Dogs with Carpathian grey wolves. It was officially recognized as a national breed in Czechoslovakia in 1982, and later was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the American Kennel Club's Foundation Stock Service and the United Kennel Club, and today is used in agility, obedience, search and rescue, police work, therapy work, and herding in Europe and the United States.


The Volkosob (Russian: Волкособ, plural: Волкособы, Volkosoby) was initially developed in the 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union. Russian border guards wanted a dog that would possess the trainability and pack mentality of the German Shepherd, combined with the strength, superior senses and cold-resistance of a wild wolf, able to cope in the harsh conditions of the vast Russian borders. In 2000, a Caspian Steppe Wolf, noted for being unusually friendly and cooperative towards humans, was bred with German Shepherds of an East European Shepherd line, until an F3 generation was standardised. Unlike the previous hybrids, the Volkosob was the only breed that was an effective border guardian as they are renowned for not being too shy.

Livestock guardian dogs

A 2014 study found that 20% of wolves and 37% of dogs shared the same mitochondrial haplotypes in Georgia. More than 13% of the studied wolves had detectable dog ancestry and more than 10% of the dogs had detectable wolf ancestry. The results of the study suggest that admixture between wolves and dogs is a common event in the areas where large livestock guardian dogs are held in a traditional way, and that gene flow between dogs and gray wolves was an important force influencing gene pool of dogs for millennia since early domestication events.[21]

Wolfdogs in the wild

Hybridization between wolves and dogs typically occurs when the wolf population is under strong hunting pressure and its structure is disrupted due to a high number of free-ranging dogs. Wolves typically display aggressiveness toward dogs, but a wolf can change its behaviour and become playful or submissive when it becomes socially isolated.

Admixture in the wild usually occurs near human habitations where wolf density is low and dogs are common.[22] However, there were several reported cases of wolfdogs in areas with normal wolf densities in the former Soviet Union.[23] Wild wolfdogs were occasionally hunted by European aristocracy, and were termed lycisca to distinguish them from common wolves.[24] Noted historic cases (such as the Beast of Gévaudan) of large wolves that were abnormally aggressive toward humans, may be attributable to wolf-dog mating.[25] In Europe, unintentional mating of dogs and wild wolves have been confirmed in some populations through genetic testing. As the survival of some Continental European wolf packs is severely threatened, scientists fear that the creation of wolfdog populations in the wild is a threat to the continued existence of European wolf populations.[26] However, extensive admixture between wolf and dog is not supported by morphological evidence, and analyses of mtDNA sequences have revealed that such mating are rare.[22]

In 1997, during the Mexican Wolf Arizona Reintroduction, controversy arose when a captive pack at Carlsbad designated for release was found by Roy McBride to be largely composed of wolf-dogs, who had captured many wolves for the recovery programme in the 1970s. Though staff initially argued that the animals' odd appearance was due to captivity and diet, it was later decided to euthanise them.[27]

In 2018, a study compared the sequences of 61,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (mutations) taken from across the genome of grey wolves. The study indicated that there exists individual wolves of dog-wolf ancestry in most of the wolf populations of Eurasia, but less so in North America. The admixture has been occurring across different time scales and was not a recent event. Low-level admixture did not reduce the wolf distinctiveness.[28]

In 2019, in the Osogovo mountainous region along the border between Bulgaria and North Macedonia a putative grey wolf was recorded by camera to be living with a pack of 10 feral dogs, and by its behaviour and phenotype was assumed to be a wolf-dog hybrid.[29]

Breed-specific legislation

The wolfdog has been the center of controversy for much of its history, and most breed-specific legislation is either the result of the animal's perceived danger or its categorization as protected native wildlife.[30] The Humane Society of the United States, the RSPCA, Ottawa Humane Society, the Dogs Trust, and the Wolf Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission consider wolfdogs to be wild animals and therefore unsuitable as pets, and support an international ban on the private possession, breeding, and sale of wolfdogs.[18][31][32]

According to the National Wolfdog Alliance, 40 U.S. states effectively forbid the ownership, breeding, and importation of wolfdogs, while others impose some form of regulation upon ownership.[33] In Canada, the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island prohibit wolfdogs as pets.[34] Most European nations have either outlawed the animal entirely or put restrictions on ownership.[35] Wolfdogs were among the breeds banned from the U.S. Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton and elsewhere after a fatal dog attack by a pit bull on a child.[36]


Skeleton of a wolf-dog hybrid from the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle

The physical characteristics of an animal created by breeding a wolf to a dog are not predictable, similar to that of mixed-breed dogs. In many cases the resulting adult wolfdog may be larger than either of its parents due to the genetic phenomenon of heterosis (commonly known as hybrid vigor).[25] Breeding experiments in Germany with poodles and wolves, and later on with the resulting wolfdogs showed unrestricted fertility, mating via free choice and no significant problems of communication (even after a few generations). However, the offspring of poodles with either coyotes and jackals, all showed a decrease in fertility, significant communication problems, and an increase of genetic diseases after three generations of interbreeding between the hybrids. The researchers therefore concluded that domestic dogs and wolves are the same species.[19]

Wolfdogs display a wide variety of appearances, ranging from a resemblance to dogs without wolf blood to animals that are often mistaken for full-blooded wolves. A lengthy study by DEFRA and the RSPCA found several examples of misrepresentation by breeders and indeterminate levels of actual wolf pedigree in many animals sold as wolfdogs. The report noted that uneducated citizens misidentify dogs with wolf-like appearance as wolfdogs.[18] Wolfdogs tend to have somewhat smaller heads than pure wolves, with larger, pointier ears that lack the dense fur commonly seen in those of wolves. Fur markings also tend to be very distinctive and not well blended. Black-colored wolfdogs tend to retain black pigment longer as they age, compared to black wolves.[16] In some cases, the presence of dewclaws on the hind feet is considered a useful, but not absolute, indicator of dog gene contamination in wild wolves. Dewclaws are the vestigial first toes, which are common on the hind legs of domestic dogs but thought absent from pure wolves, which only have four hind toes.[26]

Observations on wild wolfdogs in the former Soviet Union indicate that in a wild state these may form larger packs than pure wolves, and have greater endurance when chasing prey.[37] High wolf-content wolfdogs typically have longer canine teeth than dogs of comparable size, with some officers in the South African Defence Force commenting that the animals are capable of biting through the toughest padding "like a knife through butter".[38]

Tests undertaken in the Perm Institute of Interior Forces in Russia demonstrated that high wolf-content wolfdogs took 15–20 seconds to track down a target in training sessions, whereas ordinary police dogs took 3–4 minutes.[39] The scientific evidence to support the claims by wolfdog researchers is minimal, and more research has been called for.[40]


Wolfdogs are generally said to be naturally healthy animals, and are affected by fewer inherited diseases than most breeds of dog. Wolfdogs are usually healthier than either parent due to heterosis.[25] There is some controversy over the effectiveness of the standard dog/cat rabies vaccine on a wolfdog. The USDA has not to date approved any rabies vaccine for use in wolfdogs, though they do recommend an off-label use of the vaccine.[41] Wolfdog owners and breeders purport that the lack of official approval is a political move to prevent condoning wolfdog ownership.[42]

Temperament and behavior

Wolfdogs are a mixture of genetic traits, which results in less predictable behavior patterns compared to either the wolf or dog.[25] The adult behavior of wolfdog pups also cannot be predicted with comparable certainty to dog pups, even in third-generation pups produced by wolfdog mating with dogs or from the behavior of the parent animals.[25] Thus, though the behavior of a single individual wolfdog may be predictable, the behavior of the type as a whole is not.[25]

Due to the variability inherent to their admixture,[25] whether a wolf–dog cross should be considered more dangerous than a dog depends on behavior specific to the individual alone rather than to wolfdogs as a group.

The view that aggressive characteristics are inherently a part of wolfdog temperament has been contested in recent years by wolfdog breeders and other advocates of wolfdogs as pets.[43][44]

Further reading

See also


  1. ^ Pierotti, R.; Fogg, B. (2017). The First Domestication: How wolves and humans co‑evolved. Yale University Press. pp. 225–237. ISBN 978-0-300-22616-4.
  2. ^ Randi, Ettore; Hulva, Pavel; Fabbri, Elena; Galaverni, Marco; Galov, Ana; Kusak, Josip; Bigi, Daniele; Bolfíková, Barbora Černá; Smetanová, Milena; Caniglia, Romolo (2014). "Multilocus detection of wolf × dog hybridization in Italy, and guidelines for marker selection". PLOS ONE. 9 (1): e86409. Bibcode:2014PLoSO...986409R. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086409. PMC 3899229. PMID 24466077.
  3. ^ Vila, Carles; Wayne, Robert K. (2001-12-24). "Hybridization between wolves and dogs". Conservation Biology. 13: 195–198. doi:10.1046/j.1523-1739.1999.97425.x. S2CID 85011290.
  4. ^ "Great Lakes-boreal wolf". Wolf.nrdpfc.ca. Archived from the original on 2020-02-22. Retrieved 2016-04-06.
  5. ^ Hailer, Frank; Leonard, Jennifer A. (2008-10-08). "Hybridization among three native North American canis species in a region of natural sympatry". PLoS One. 3 (10): e3333. Bibcode:2008PLoSO...3.3333H. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003333. PMC 2556088. PMID 18841199.
  6. ^ Yoon, Carol Kaesuk (27 September 2010). "Mysteries That Howl and Hunt". The New York Times. Retrieved 2016-04-06.
  7. ^ Gottelli, D.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Applebaum, G.D.; et al. (2015-09-28). "Molecular genetics of the most endangered canid: the Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis". Mol. Ecol. 3 (4): 301–12. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.1994.tb00070.x. PMID 7921357. S2CID 25976335.
  8. ^ Frantz, Laurent A.F.; Larson, Greger (2018). "Chapter 1. A genetic perspective on the domestication continuum". In Stépanoff, Charles; Vigne, Jean-Denis (eds.). Hybrid communities: Biosocial approaches to domestication and other trans-species relationships (1 ed.). Taylor & Francis. pp. 23–38. ISBN 9781351717984.
  9. ^ Walker, D.N.; Frison, G.C. (1982). "Studies on Amerindian dogs 3: Prehistoric wolf / dog hybrids from the northwestern plains". Journal of Archaeological Science. 9 (2): 125–172. doi:10.1016/0305-4403(82)90047-4.
  10. ^ Мори, Дарси Ф. (1986). «Исследования на Америндийские собаки: таксономический анализ Canid Crania с северных равнин». Журнал археологической науки . 13 (2): 119–145. doi : 10.1016/0305-4403 (86) 90003-8 .
  11. ^ «Эксперты: древние мексиканцы кросс-брусные волчьи-гольфы» . Boston.com . Получено 2018-07-02 .
  12. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Дерр, Марк (5 февраля 2009 г.). «Волки Нового Света и Койоты обязаны собакам» . New York Times . Получено 2014-03-04 .
  13. ^ «Адольф Мури размышлял о гибридизации собак как источник необычного цвета» . Retrieverman.wordpress.com. 2013-08-27 . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  14. ^ "Черная загадка волки решена" . Redorbit.com . 2009-02-06 . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  15. ^ Maugh, Thomas H., II (2009-02-07). «Большой черный волк - это наследие от собак, находит исследование» . Los Angeles Times . Получено 2013-12-16 . {{cite web}}: Cs1 maint: несколько имен: список авторов ( ссылка )
  16. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Слоан, Монти (2000) [1999]. "Идентификация" . Wolf Park . Вольфдог: другие спорные собаки Америки, гибрид Вольфа. Архивировано из оригинала 2007-03-03 . Получено 2021-09-10 .
  17. ^ Уэйн, Роберт К.; Острандер, Элейн А. (1999). «Происхождение, генетическое разнообразие и геномная структура домашней собаки». Биологии . 21 (3): 247–57. doi : 10.1002/(SICI) 1521-1878 (199903) 21: 3 <247 :: AID-bies9> 3.0.co; 2-z . PMID   10333734 . S2CID   5547543 .
  18. ^ Jump up to: а беременный в дюймовый «Сохранение волков-гибридов в Великобритании» (PDF) . RSPCA . Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 2008-12-06 . Получено 2008-06-11 .
  19. ^ Jump up to: а беременный Дорис Феддерсен-Петерсен, Собачья психология, 4. Издание, 2004, Франк-Космос-Верлаг 2004
  20. ^ «United Kennel Club Standard: Saarloosewolfdog» . Ukcdogs.com . 2006-07-01 . Получено 2018-07-02 .
  21. ^ Kopaliani, Natia; Shakarashvili, Maia; Гуриэлидзе, Зураба; Qurkhuli, Тамар; Тархнишвили, Дэвид (12 марта 2014 г.). «Поток генов между популяциями Волка и пастуха в Грузии (Кавказ)». Наследственность . 105 (3): 345–353. doi : 10.1093/jhered/esu014 . PMID   24622972 .
  22. ^ Jump up to: a b Mech, L. David; Boitani, Luigi (2001). Wolves: Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation. p. 448. ISBN 978-0-226-51696-7.
  23. ^ Iwanowitsch, Dmitrij, Prof. Dr. (1990). Der Wolf [The Wolf] (in German). Wittenberg Lutherstadt: Auflage; A. Ziemsen Verlag. ISBN 3-7403-0155-4.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  24. ^ Rousseau, Élise (2006). Anthologie du Loup (in French). p. 319. ISBN 978-2-603-01335-9.
  25. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Willems, Robert A. (Winter 1994–1995) [1994]. "The wolf-dog hybrid: An overview of a controversial animal". Animal Welfare Information Center / National Agricultural Library. AWIC Newsletter. Beltsville, MD: United States Department of Agriculture. pp. 3–7. ISSN 1050-561X. LCCN 90002352. Archived from the original on 2014-12-21. Retrieved 2021-09-10.
  26. ^ Jump up to: a b Rincon, Paul (2004-04-08). "Claws reveal wolf survival threat". BBC online. London, UK: British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 2007-05-11. Wolves with an extra toe on their hind legs are the products of cross-mating between wolves and domestic dogs, scientists in Italy have confirmed.
  27. ^ McBryde, Roy; Parsons, David R.; et al. (1997-07-23) [1997-06-02]. "The courts were wrong: These wolves are hybrids" (PDF) (open letters). Archived from the original (PDF) on June 17, 2009. — The archived documents are two open letters, the June 1997 from R. McBryde to D.R. Parsons, and his letter in reply, July 1997. At issue is the use of known wolf-dog hybrids derived from the Ghost Ranch, formerly on display at the 'Living Deseart Zoo' in Carlsbad, NM, in the Mexican Wolf Recovery Program. The two letters are followed by more extensive reports of the status of three Mexican Wolf lines, as believed in late 1996.
  28. ^ Pilot, Małgorzata; Greco, Claudia; Vonholdt, Bridgett M.; Randi, Ettore; Jędrzejewski, Włodzimierz; Sidorovich, Vadim E.; Konopiński, Maciej K.; Ostrander, Elaine A.; Wayne, Robert K. (2018). "Widespread, long-term admixture between grey wolves and domestic dogs across Eurasia and its implications for the conservation status of hybrids". Evolutionary Applications. 11 (5): 662–680. doi:10.1111/eva.12595. PMC 5978975. PMID 29875809.
  29. ^ Popova, Elitsa; Zlatanova, Diana (2019). "Living a dog's life: a putative gray wolf in a feral dog group". Mammalia. 84 (2): 115–120. doi:10.1515/mammalia-2019-0010.
  30. ^ «Вольфдоги» (PDF) . defra.gov.uk . Дикая природа / сельская местность. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 15 декабря 2006 года.
  31. ^ "Оттава гумана" . Ottawahumane.ca . Архивировано из оригинала 2013-12-16 . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  32. ^ «Волк и волчьей гибрид» . Гуманное общество США (hsus.org) . Архивировано из оригинала 30 сентября 2007 года . Получено 2021-09-10 .
  33. ^ "NWA" . Wolfdogalliance.org . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  34. ^ Брух, Роберт Х. (2007). Волк Альманак . Пресса Лионса. п. 185. ISBN  978-1-59921-069-8 .
  35. ^ «Национальный альянс по волкам» . Wolfdogalliance.org . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  36. ^ Перри, Тони (9 октября 2009 г.). «Корпус морской пехоты запрещает питбуль, ротвейлеры в лагере Пендлтон, другие базы» . LA сейчас . Los Angeles Times .
  37. ^ Грейвс, Уилл (2007). Волки в России: беспокойство на протяжении веков . ISBN  978-1-55059-332-7 .
  38. ^ MacCormick, Alex, ed. (2003), «Волк внутри каждой собаки», Мамонт Книга Манеров , издатели Carroll & Graf, ISBN  978-0-7867-1170-3
  39. ^ Судаков, Дмитрий (2006-04-25). «Российская полиция нанимает волков для службы» . English.pravda.ru . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  40. ^ Холл, Нью -Джерси; Protopopova, A.; Wynne, CDL (2016). «Глава 6. Olfacation у диких канков и русских гибридов Canid» . В Jezierski, T.; Ensminger, J.; Папет, Ле (ред.). Наука и право на клетку улыков: достижения в криминалистической науке, медицине, сохранении и коррекционном сохранении . Тейлор и Фрэнсис. С. 63–64.
  41. ^ «Отчет RSPCA о Wolfdogs» (PDF) . Дефра 2013-01-23. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 2006-12-15 . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  42. ^ «Проект Wolfdog Q-Under» . 2009-10-27. Архивировано с оригинала 27 октября 2009 года . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  43. ^ "Волф -Данн в Вольфдоге - Вопрос № 1" . Inetdesign.com. Архивировано из оригинала 2012-08-19 . Получено 2013-12-16 .
  44. ^ «Волк у двери, вкл» . Wolf-to-Wolfdog.org . Получено 2014-03-04 .
  45. ^ Журнал Wolfdogs . Архивировано из оригинала 2013-07-21 . Получено 2009-08-23 .
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