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Сезон Бостон Ред Сокс 2022 года

2022 Бостон Ред Сокс
Лига Американская лига
Разделение Восток
Бейсбольный стадион Фенуэй Парк
Город Бостон
Записывать 78–84 (.481)
Дивизионное место 5-й (21 ГБ )
Владельцы Джон В. Генри ( Fenway Sports Group )
Президент Сэм Кеннеди
Главный бейсбольный офицер
Хаим Блум
Главный управляющий Брайан О'Халлоран
Менеджер Алекс Кора
Телевидение NESN : Дэйв О'Брайен или Майк Монако (по ходу игры) с Деннисом Экерсли , Тони Массаротти , Кевином Милларом и Кевином Юкилисом (ротация аналитиков) [1]
Радио WEEI-FM / Boston Red Sox Radio Network : Джо Кастильоне , Уилл Флемминг и Шон Макдонаф (английский); Нильсон Пепен (исп.) [2]
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Сезон Boston Red Sox 2022 года стал 122-м сезоном в истории франшизы Boston Red Sox и 111-м сезоном в Фенуэй Парк . Команду возглавил Алекс Кора команды во втором сезоне своего второго пребывания на посту менеджера . Команда финишировала с рекордом 78–84, заняв пятое и последнее место в восточном дивизионе Американской лиги. Общая посещаемость (81 домашняя игра команды) составила 2 625 089 человек. [3]

Итоги сезона

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Первоначально планировалось, что регулярный сезон команды откроется 31 марта домашней игрой против « Тампа-Бэй Рэйс» и завершится 2 октября выездной игрой против « Торонто Блю Джейс» . [4] 2 декабря 2021 года комиссар по бейсболу Роб Манфред объявил о локауте игроков после истечения срока действия коллективного договора (CBA) между Высшей лигой бейсбола (MLB) и Ассоциацией бейсболистов Высшей лиги (MLBPA). 10 марта 2022 года MLB и MLBPA подписали новый коллективный договор, положив тем самым конец локауту. Вернисаж тогда был запланирован на 7 апреля как выездная игра против « Нью-Йорк Янкиз» , но был перенесен на 8 апреля из-за ненастной погоды. [5] [6] Расписание «Бостона» было обновлено и завершилось 5 октября домашней игрой против «Тампа-Бэй». Хотя MLB ранее объявила, что несколько серий будут отменены из-за локаута, новый CBA предусматривал сезон из 162 игр, причем первоначально отмененные игры должны были быть восполнены с помощью даблхедеров . [7]

Red Sox вступили в сезон 2022 года, достигнув ALCS 2021 года , где им не хватило двух побед до участия в Мировой серии . После достижения рекорда 23–27 к концу мая, в июне команда пошла со счетом 20–6, но во второй половине июля упала ниже 0,500. Red Sox были уничтожены серьезными травмами и плохими решениями руководства. [8] особенно неспособность решить проблему отсутствия наступательной продуктивности на первой базовой позиции, [9] что мешало команде. [10] 22 июля «Ред Сокс» потерпели историческое домашнее поражение от «Торонто Блю Джейс» со счетом 28–5. 28 заездов установили новый рекорд франшизы Red Sox по количеству заездов, когда-либо разрешенных в одной игре. Кроме того, это поражение вместе с двумя предыдущими поражениями от «Янки» имело совокупную разницу в пробеге -47, что является худшим показателем за три игры для любой команды MLB с 1900 года. [11] В июле команда пошла со счетом 8–19, опустившись на последнее место в AL East и закончив месяц с рекордом 51–52, приближаясь к крайнему сроку обмена MLB 2 августа.

Команда совершила несколько сделок до истечения крайнего срока обмена, в результате чего Кристиан Васкес , Джейк Дикман и перспективный игрок Джей Грум покинули организацию, а Томми Фам , Эрик Хосмер и Риз МакГуайр к команде присоединились . Вскоре после этого Red Sox выпустили Джеки Брэдли-младшего , который отбил 0,210 с тремя хоум-ранами и 29 ИКР в 91 игре. Пять дней спустя, 9 августа, он подписал контракт с « Торонто Блю Джейс» . В тот же день Крис Сейл , как сообщается, сломал правое запястье, когда ехал на велосипеде за обедом, и был исключен из игры до конца сезона. 25 августа было объявлено, что Джеймс Пэкстон , который уже был травмирован, за неделю до этого получил разрыв широчайшей мышцы спины 2-го типа и также выбыл из игры до конца сезона. 29 августа, несмотря на то, что шансы команды на плей-офф висели на волоске, президент Red Sox Сэм Кеннеди объявил, что и менеджер Алекс Кора , и генеральный менеджер Хаим Блум вернутся в 2023 году. В августе команда имела проигрышный рекорд и закончила месяц со счетом 63–63– 68, по-прежнему на последнем месте в своем дивизионе.

3 сентября Red Sox объявили, что Таннер Хоук перенесет поясничную дискэктомию, завершив свой сезон 2022 года. 19 сентября освободили Кевина Плавецки . Два дня спустя он подписал контракт высшей лиги с « Техас Рейнджерс» . 20 сентября Red Sox также объявили, что Гаррету Уитлоку предстоит артроскопическая операция на бедре по поводу ущемления правого бедра и он также не вернется до конца сезона.

25 сентября «Ред Сокс» нужна была победа в Sunday Night Baseball , чтобы избежать поражения в серии на стадионе «Янки» и сохранить свои надежды на плей-офф. Было забито только два рана, оба Янки, и после шестого иннинга игра была остановлена ​​из-за дождя. Через 90 минут игра была объявлена, что дало «Янкиз» победу со счетом 2: 0 и победу в серии. После этого поражения «Ред Сокс» официально выбыли из игры в плей-офф. На следующий день продюсер спортивного радио Бостона Джимми Стюарт поделился своими мыслями в 98.5 The Sports Hub радиоподкасте «Час бейсбола» с Тони Маззом : «Эпический провал этой команды. Они должны бороться за серию чемпионатов Американской лиги . такая высокая заработная плата, они неправильно справились со многими вещами, среди прочего, игроки неэффективны, игроки просят о помощи, а затем продолжают длинную полосу неудач - это эпический провал. Это один из худших сезонов Red Sox. последние двадцать лет». [12]

После поражения со счетом 9: 0 в Торонто 30 сентября «Ред Сокс» были уверены, что завершат сезон из 162 игр с рекордом поражений впервые с 2015 года . Команда финишировала с рекордом 78–84. [13] Призывник Зала славы и NESN цветной комментатор Деннис Экерсли ушел из вещания в конце сезона, проведя 50 лет в профессиональном бейсболе. [14]


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1 декабря 2021 года истек срок действия коллективного договора лиги (CBA) с Ассоциацией бейсболистов Высшей лиги, при этом нового соглашения не было. [15] В результате владельцы команды единогласно проголосовали за локаут игроков, остановив любую свободу действий и обмены. [16] [17]

Стороны пришли к соглашению о новом договоре 10 марта 2022 года. [18]

Изменения правил

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В соответствии с новым CBA на сезон 2022 года было установлено несколько новых правил: [19] [20]

  • Использование назначенного нападающего Национальной лигой
  • Расширение постсезона с 10 до 12 команд.
  • Разрешение командам разрешать своим игрокам носить рекламные нашивки на форме и шлемах.

Дополнительные изменения были утверждены в конце марта: [21] [22]

Октябрь – декабрь 2021 г.


  • On October 25, the team announced the dismissal of first base coach Tom Goodwin.[23]
  • On October 30, former Red Sox second baseman and longtime color commentator Jerry Remy died at age 68.[24]




  • On December 13, the team named Chad Tracy manager of the Worcester Red Sox.[41]
  • On December 20, the team named its coaching staff for the 2022 season.[42] Existing coaches Ramón Vázquez and Peter Fatse were named the new first base coach and hitting coach, respectively. Luis Ortiz and Ben Rosenthal were added to the staff as assistant hitting coaches. Reed Gragnani was added to the staff as assistant hitting coordinator, and Andy Fox was added to the staff as major league field coordinator. Michael Brenly, who had been a bullpen catcher, was promoted to staff assistant.
Январь – апрель 2022 г.




  • On February 18, MLB announced that the start of spring training would be delayed until at least March 5, due to the ongoing lockout.[44]


  • On March 1, with the lockout still unresolved, Commissioner Manfred announced that the regular season would not start on March 31 as originally planned; with the cancelation of the first two series of the season, teams were expected to play no more than 156 games.[45]
  • On March 10, MLB and the MLBPA reached tentative agreement on a new five-year collective bargaining agreement, which was officially ratified later that day.[46] A full 162-game season was salvaged, with a delay of Opening Day to April 7, with originally cancelled games to be made up during the season.[47]
  • On March 6, the team signed pitchers Silvino Bracho and Darin Gillies to minor-league contracts with invitations to spring training.[48]
  • On March 11, the team signed pitcher Thomas Pannone to a minor-league contract.[48]
  • On March 15, the team signed pitcher Matt Strahm to a one-year contract.[48] The team also placed Paxton on the 60-day injured list, as he continued his recovery from Tommy John surgery.[48]
  • On March 16, the team signed pitcher Jake Diekman to a two-year contract.[48] The team also signed catcher Deivy Grullón to a minor-league contract.[48]
  • On March 19, the team re-signed relief pitcher Hansel Robles to a minor-league contract with an invitation to spring training.[49][48]
  • On March 22, the team came to agreement with five players on one-year contracts, thus avoiding arbitration: Christian Arroyo, Rafael Devers, Nick Pivetta, Josh Taylor, and Alex Verdugo.[50] The team also claimed Kyle Tyler off waivers from the Los Angeles Angels; Hudson Potts was designated for assignment in a corresponding move.[51]
  • On March 23, the team announced the signing of infielder Trevor Story to a six-year contract.[52] Jeisson Rosario was designated for assignment in a corresponding move;[48] he was later claimed off of waivers by the New York Yankees.[53]
  • On March 24, the team claimed pitcher Ralph Garza Jr. off waivers from the Minnesota Twins.[48] Kyle Tyler was designated for assignment in a corresponding move; he was later claimed off of waivers by the San Diego Padres.[48]
  • On March 30, the team signed pitcher Dan Altavilla, who underwent Tommy John surgery in June 2021.[54][48]


  • On April 4, the team placed pitcher Chris Sale on the 60-day injured list with a right rib stress fracture.[55] In a corresponding move, the team added pitcher Tyler Danish to the 40-man roster.[55]
  • On April 7, the team designated Ralph Garza Jr. for assignment; he was claimed off of waivers by the Tampa Bay Rays.[55] The team also selected the contracts of Hansel Robles and Travis Shaw from the Worcester Red Sox the bring the roster size to 28 players,[55] as allowed by MLB to begin the 2022 season.

Весенняя подготовка

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Первоначально расписание команды Грейпфрутовой лиги планировалось провести с 26 февраля по 29 марта. [56] [57] На фактическое начало весенних тренировок повлиял локаут, поскольку тренировки начались только 13 марта. [58] игры пройдут с 17 марта по 5 апреля. [59] [60] Red Sox установила рекорд весенних тренировок 11–8 (0,579), набрав 91 пробег и допустив 87. [61]

Регулярный сезон

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Расписание команды MLB построило следующим образом: [62]

  • 19 игр × 4 команды AL East (76 игр)
  •  7 игр × 6 команд AL (42 игры)
  •  6 игр × 4 команды AL (24 игры)
  •  4 игры × 2 команды Национальной лиги (8 игр)
  •  3 игры × 4 команды Национальной лиги (12 игр)

Всего: 162 игры

Подробности о соперниках Red Sox
Opponent Home Away Total
American League East
Baltimore Orioles 10 9 19
New York Yankees 9 10 19
Tampa Bay Rays 9 10 19
Toronto Blue Jays 9 10 19
American League Central
Chicago White Sox 3 3 6
Cleveland Guardians 4 3 7
Detroit Tigers 3 3 6
Kansas City Royals 3 4 7
Minnesota Twins 4 3 7
American League West
Houston Astros 3 3 6
Los Angeles Angels 3 4 7
Oakland Athletics 3 3 6
Seattle Mariners 4 3 7
Texas Rangers 4 3 7
National League Central
Chicago Cubs 3 3
Cincinnati Reds 2 2 4
Milwaukee Brewers 3 3
Pittsburgh Pirates 3 3
St. Louis Cardinals 3 3
National League East
Atlanta Braves 2 2 4
TOTAL 81 81 162

Состав на вернисаж

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Команда открыла сезон поражением со счетом 6–5 в 11 подачах от « Нью-Йорк Янкиз» на стадионе «Янки» 8 апреля. [63]

Стартер вернисажа Натан Эовальди
Заказ Нет. Игрок Поз.
1  5 Кике Эрнандес CF
2 11 Рафаэль Деверс
3  2 Ксандер Богертс SS
4 28 Джей Ди Мартинес ДХ
5 99 Алекс Вердуго НЧ
6 10 Тревор Стори
7 29 Бобби Далбек
8 19 Джеки Брэдли мл. РФ
9  7 Кристиан Васкес С
17 Натан Эовальди П



April 8–April 10, at New York Yankees

Rain caused Boston's first game to be postponed from April 7 to April 8. Nathan Eovaldi started the opener, as he had done the prior two seasons, lasting five innings while allowing three runs on five hits and striking out seven batters. The Red Sox scored three runs in the top of the first inning, and the Yankees responded with two runs in the bottom of the inning, and later tied the game with a run in the bottom of the fourth. With the score tied at 4–4 after nine innings, the teams each scored a single run in the 10th inning, and New York won the game with a run in the bottom of the 11th inning. Kutter Crawford took the loss; Rafael Devers homered. New York won the second game of the series, 4–2. Boston starter Nick Pivetta took the loss after allowing four runs on four hits in 5+23 innings; Alex Verdugo homered. The Red Sox won the third and final game of the series, 4–3, although they were out-hit by the Yankees, 11–5. Starter Tanner Houck went 3+13 innings, allowing three runs on three hits. Crawford, the second of five relievers, got the win; Jake Diekman pitched the ninth inning and got the save. Bobby Dalbec homered.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (11–13 runs)

April 11–April 13, at Detroit Tigers

The Red Sox lost the opener of a three-game series in Detroit, 3–1. Tied 1–1 entering the bottom of the eighth inning, reliever Ryan Brasier allowed a two-run home run to Javier Báez. Austin Davis, who had allowed a single to the prior batter, took the loss. Starter Michael Wacha allowed one run on two hits in 4+13 innings in his Red Sox debut. Boston's lone run came on a J. D. Martinez homer in the fifth inning. Boston won the second game of the series, 5–3. Starter Rich Hill allowed all three Tiger runs in 4+13 innings on five hits. Rafael Devers went 3-for-5 with two RBIs and scored two runs. Reliever Garrett Whitlock pitched the sixth through ninth innings without allowing a hit and earned the win. Boston won the final game of the series, 9–7. After a six-run fourth inning, the Red Sox had a 6–1 lead, then led 9–2 after the top of the seventh before Detroit scored five late runs. Starter Nathan Eovaldi went five innings, allowing two runs on four hits, and earned the win. Hansel Robles recorded the final four outs to earn the save. Kiké Hernández homered.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (15–13 runs)

April 15–April 18, vs. Minnesota Twins

Boston's home opener, the first contest of a four-game series against Minnesota, was held on Jackie Robinson Day. The Twins jumped out to an early 4–1 lead after two innings, extended to 6–1 after the fifth, en route to an 8–4 win over the Red Sox. Starter Nick Pivetta allowed four runs on five hits in two innings, taking the loss. Alex Verdugo and Rafael Devers homered. The Red Sox recorded their first shutout win of the season, 4–0, in the series' second game. Starter Tanner Houck went 5+23 innings while allowing just two hits and earned the win. Verdugo and Xander Bogaerts both hit two-run homers. Boston won the third game of the series, 8–1, with six runs coming in the eighth inning. Starter Michael Wacha held the Twins to a single hit in five innings, but left with the game scoreless and received a no decision. Reliever Matt Strahm got the win. Bogaerts went 3-for-4 with an RBI and two runs scored. The final game of the series was held the same day as the 2022 Boston Marathon. Minnesota split the series with an 8–3 win, giving Boston starter Rich Hill the loss. Bogaerts had three hits and Christian Vázquez homered.

Red Sox split the series 2–2 (19–17 runs)

April 19–April 21, vs. Toronto Blue Jays

In the opener of a three-game home series, the Red Sox defeated the Blue Jays, 2–1, despite being outhit, 8–3. Starter Nathan Eovaldi went 4+23 innings and had a no decision. Hansel Robles got the win in relief, and Garrett Whitlock earned a save. Prior to the second game of the series, the team honored former player and longtime broadcaster Jerry Remy, who died in October 2021.[64] Boston took an early 1–0 lead in the game, but Toronto scored five runs in the second inning, en route to a 6–1 win. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss, falling to 0–3 on the season. In the third game of the series, the Red Sox rallied for two runs in the ninth inning, but fell to the Blue Jays, 3–2. Starter Tanner Houck took the loss. Xander Bogaerts had three hits and an RBI.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (5–10 runs)

April 22–April 24, at Tampa Bay Rays

Boston won the opener of a three-game series in Tampa Bay, 4–3. Matt Barnes earned his first save of the season by recording the final out with the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth inning. Starter Michael Wacha held the Rays to two runs on three hits in five innings and earned the win. Xander Bogaerts went 3-for-4 and scored twice; Rafael Devers hit his third home run of the season. Boston was unable to get a hit in the first nine innings of the series' second game, but neither team was able to score, sending it to extra innings. Boston scored twice in the top of the tenth inning, with Bobby Dalbec driving in one run with a triple. In the bottom of the tenth, Taylor Walls of the Rays reached base on a two-out error by Trevor Story, with Story's throw eluding first baseman Dalbec. Kevin Kiermaier then hit a walk-off home run off of Hansel Robles to give Tampa Bay a 3–2 win. In the final game of the series, the Red Sox took an early 2–0 lead, but the Rays scored five unanswered runs for a 5–2 win. Starter Rich Hill held the Rays scoreless through four innings. In the bottom of the fifth, reliever Phillips Valdéz loaded the bases via two hit batsmen and a walk; all three runners subsequently scored, and Valdéz took the loss.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (8–11 runs)

April 25–April 28, at Toronto Blue Jays

Prior to the series in Toronto, the team placed pitchers Kutter Crawford and Tanner Houck on the COVID restricted list, in consideration of Canadian vaccination requirements.[65] Their roster spots were filled by Tyler Danish and John Schreiber. Boston lost the first game of the four-game series, 6–2. Trailing 2–0 entering the eighth inning, the Red Sox tied the game, 2–2. In the bottom of the inning, the Blue Jay put two runners on base off of Matt Strahm; fellow reliever Tyler Danish allowed another baserunner, then surrendered a grand slam to Bo Bichette. In the second game of the series, Boston trailed entering the eighth inning, 2–1, then scored four runs to take a 5–2 lead. With that same score in the bottom of the ninth, Toronto scored three runs off of Jake Diekman via two doubles and a home run, sending the game into extra innings. After the Red Sox were unable to score in the top of the tenth, the Blue Jays pushed across a run in the bottom of the inning for a 6–5 win. Starter Nick Pivetta went 4+23 innings and had a no decision; Matt Barnes took the loss. The Red Sox broke their four-game losing streak with a 7–1 win in the third game of the series. Manager Alex Cora returned to the team after missing the prior six games due to COVID.[66] Starter Michael Wacha limited Toronto to one run on four hits in six innings and earned the win. Xander Bogaerts was 4-for-4 with an RBI and two runs scored. Toronto won the final game of the series, 1–0. The only run of the game came in the bottom of the second inning, following a fielding error by Christian Arroyo. Offensively, the Red Sox were limited to four hits. Starter Garrett Whitlock took the loss.

Red Sox lost the series 1–3 (14–14 runs)

April 29–April 30, at Baltimore Orioles

Boston opened a three-game series in Baltimore with a 3–1 win. Starter Rich Hill allowed no runs on one hit in four innings. He was relieved by Tanner Houck, who allowed no runs on two hits in three innings and earned the win. Matt Strahm recorded a save and Christian Arroyo homered. The Orioles won the second game of the series, 2–1, in 10 innings. Boston scored in the top of the first inning, and maintained a 1–0 lead until Baltimore tied the game in the bottom of the eighth. In extra innings, the Red Sox were unable to score in the top of the 10th, and the Orioles scored the winning run in the bottom of the inning aided by a throwing error by reliever Hirokazu Sawamura, who took the loss. Starter Nathan Eovaldi held the Orioles to no runs on three hits in seven innings while striking out eight batters. The Red Sox ended April with a record of 9–13,[67] in fourth place in the American League East, 6+12 games behind the division-leading Yankees.




The Red Sox entered May in fourth place in the American League East with a record of 9–13, having just split the first two games of a three-game series in Baltimore.

May 1, at Baltimore Orioles (cont'd)

The Orioles won the final game of the series, 9–5, in a game that included a two-hour rain delay. After four scoreless innings, the Red Sox scored once in the top of the fifth, but then gave up nine total runs in the Orioles' next two half-innings. J. D. Martinez hit a grand slam in the ninth inning, but Boston was unable to rally further. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss and fell to 0–4 on the season. Backup catcher Kevin Plawecki pitched the eighth inning for Boston.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (9–12 runs)

May 3–May 5, vs. Los Angeles Angels

Boston opened a three-game home series against the Angels with a 4–0 win. Rafael Devers and J. D. Martinez both homered, and starter Michael Wacha held Los Angeles to three hits in 5+23 innings. The second game of the series went into extra innings, with the Angels winning, 10–5. The Red Sox took a 4–3 lead in the bottom of the eighth inning, via a Xander Bogaerts home run. The Angels tied the game in the top of the ninth on two walks and a single. In the top of the tenth, Los Angeles scored six runs, all with two outs, while Boston was held to one run in the bottom of the inning. Starter Garrett Whitlock held the Angels to two runs on two hits in five innings, while Jake Diekman was charged with a blown save and Matt Barnes took the loss. The final game of the series was scoreless until the seventh inning, and ended as an 8–0 shutout for Los Angeles. Starter Rich Hill allowed only a single hit in five innings; reliever Tanner Houck was charged with seven runs in 2+13 innings and took the loss.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (9–18 runs)

May 6–May 8, vs. Chicago White Sox

The opener of a three-game home series saw the Red Sox fall to the White Sox, 4–2. Starter Nathan Eovaldi took the loss after allowing three runs on six hits in five innings. The White Sox won the second game of the series, 3–1 in 10 innings. Boston took a 1–0 lead in the fifth inning, which held until Chicago scored the tying run in the top of the ninth. In the bottom of the ninth, the Red Sox had runners on second and third with one out, but were unable to score. After the White Sox scored twice in the top of the tenth, the Red Sox had three consecutive ground outs in the bottom of the inning. Starter Nick Pivetta held Chicago to five hits and no runs in six innings; reliever Matt Barnes took the loss. The White Sox completed the sweep with a 3–2 win in the final game of the series, which was featured on MLB Sunday Leadoff. All of Chicago's runs came in the third inning off of starter Tanner Houck, who took the loss. Trailing by a run entering the bottom of the ninth, J. D. Martinez hit a leadoff double, but each of the next three batters made an out.

Red Sox lost the series 0–3 (5–10 runs)

May 10–May 11, at Atlanta Braves

Boston snapped their five-game losing streak with a 9–4 win over Atlanta in the opener of a two-game road series. The Red Sox scored six runs in the second inning, four via a Rafael Devers grand slam. Starter Garrett Whitlock allowed three runs on four hits in three innings; he was relieved by Tyler Danish who pitched two scoreless innings and got the win. John Schreiber pitched the final two innings, retiring all six batters he faced, and earned a save. The Braves won the second game of the series, 5–3. Boston went out to an early 3–0 lead through the middle of the third inning, with Atlanta tying the game in the bottom of that inning. The Red Sox nearly took a 4–3 lead in the bottom of the sixth, when Kevin Plawecki worked a full count with the bases loaded; on what appeared to be ball four, Plawecki was called out on strikes.[68] Plawecki and manager Alex Cora were subsequently ejected for arguing the call.[68] The Braves won the game on a two-run walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth by Orlando Arcia off of Ryan Brasier.

Red Sox split the series 1–1 (12–9 runs)

May 13–May 15, at Texas Rangers

The Red Sox opened a three-game series at Globe Life Field with a 7–1 win; eight different Boston batters had hits. Starting pitcher Nick Pivetta went seven innings and earned his first win of the season. Boston collected 14 hits in the second game of the series and outscored Texas, 11–3. Starter Rich Hill went six innings at got the win. J. D. Martinez and Rafael Devers each homered. The Rangers avoided a sweep by winning the third game of the series, 7–1. Devers drove in Boston's only run. The Red Sox used Austin Davis as an opener; he did not allow a hit in two innings. Ryan Brasier, the third of four total pitchers for Boston, took the loss after allowing three runs on four hits in the sixth inning.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (19–11 runs)

May 16–May 18, vs. Houston Astros

In the opener of a three-game home series, Boston defeated Houston, 6–3. Starter Garrett Whitlock allowed two runs on three hits in five innings and received a no decision. Matt Strahm, the fourth of five relievers, got the win, while Hansel Robles earned a save. The game included a 98-minute rain delay. Trevor Story and Xander Bogaerts each homered. The second game of the series was won by the Astros, 13–4, powered by a nine-run second inning. Starter Nathan Eovaldi gave up five home runs in the inning, tying a major-league record;[69] he was charged with six earned runs in 1+23 innings of work and took the loss. The Red Sox collected 13 hits, with Rafael Devers and J. D. Martinez each homering. Boston won the final game of the series, 5–1, with starter Nick Pivetta pitching a complete game and allowing just two hits. It was the first complete game by a Red Sox pitcher since Chris Sale on June 5, 2019.[70]

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (15–17 runs)

May 19–May 22, vs. Seattle Mariners

The Red Sox began a four-game home series against the Mariners with a 12–6 win. Starter Rich Hill left after allowing four runs in two innings; Tanner Houck then pitched four scoreless innings and earned the win. Trevor Story hit three home runs and had seven RBIs. Story joined Bobby Doerr and Dustin Pedroia as the only Red Sox second basemen to hit three home runs in a single game.[71] Boston won the second game of the series, 7–3, powered by a grand slam by Story. Jackie Bradley Jr. also homered. Starter Michael Wacha, returning from the injured list, went 4+23 innings and had a no decision. Reliever Austin Davis got the win. The Red Sox also won the third game of the series, 6–5, overcoming a four-run first inning by the Mariners. John Schreiber, the fifth of six Boston pitchers, got the win, and Matt Barnes earned his second save of the season. Rafael Devers hit two home runs. Boston complete the series sweep an 8–4 win in extra innings, extending their winning streak to five games. With the Red Sox holding a 3–2 lead entering the top of the ninth, Hansel Robles surrendered a home run to Eugenio Suárez, tying the game. The Mariners pushed across a single run in the top of the 10th. Boston tied the game in the bottom of the inning, and had the bases loaded with two outs. Franchy Cordero then hit a walk-off grand slam. Christian Arroyo and Story also homered during the game, and Jake Diekman earned the win in relief.

Red Sox won the series 4–0 (33–18 runs)

May 24–May 26, at Chicago White Sox

The Red Sox opened a three-game road series against the White Sox with a 16–3 win. Rafael Devers, Kiké Hernández, Trevor Story, and Christian Vázquez each homered, as Boston registered 19 hits. Starter Nick Pivetta allowed three runs on five hits in six innings and earned the win. In the middle game of the series, Boston's winning streak ended at six games due to a 3–1 loss. Starter Rich Hill held Chicago to three runs (two earned) on two hits in five innings, but took the loss. Alex Verdugo had the sole RBI for the Red Sox. Boston took the final game of the series, 16–7, again registering 19 hits. Hernández, Story, and Kevin Plawecki each homered, while Verdugo had four hits and three RBIs. Starter Michael Wacha left after 4+13 innings; reliever John Schreiber earned the win.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (33–13 runs)

May 27–May 30, vs. Baltimore Orioles

The Red Sox and Orioles played a five-game series in four days. Baltimore won the opening game, 12–8, despite Boston holding a 6–0 lead after two innings and an 8–2 lead entering the seventh. Starter Garrett Whitlock allowed two runs on five hits in six innings. Matt Strahm, the third of four Red Sox relievers, took the loss after allowing four runs (three earned) on five hits in 13 of an inning. Xander Bogaerts homered. In the first game of a Saturday afternoon doubleheader, Nathan Eovaldi pitched a complete game as Boston won, 5–3. Rafael Devers had four hits and Bobby Dalbec hit a pinch-hit home run. Baltimore won the second game of the doubleheader, 4–2. Red Sox starter Josh Winckowski, making his MLB debut, allowed four runs on six hits in three innings and took the loss. Christian Vázquez had three hits. The Red Sox evened the series by winning the fourth game, 12–2. Five Boston players hit home runs: Dalbec, Devers, Christian Arroyo, Franchy Cordero, and Kiké Hernández. Starter Nick Pivetta earned the win after allowing one run on five hits in six innings. The Orioles shutout the Red Sox in the final game of the series, 10–0. Boston starter Rich Hill allowed six runs on seven hits in four innings and took the loss. Red Sox batters were limited to four hits.

Red Sox lost the series 2–3 (27–31 runs)

May 31–June 1, vs. Cincinnati Reds

The Red Sox lost the opener of a two-game home series against the Reds, 2–1. Down by two runs in the bottom of the ninth, Boston had runners at second the third with no outs, but were only able to score once. Starter Michael Wacha allowed one run on three hits in 5+23 innings and took the loss. The Red Sox ended May with a record of 23–27, in fourth place in the American League East, 11+12 games behind the division-leading Yankees.




The Red Sox entered June in fourth place in the American League East with a record of 23–27, having just lost the first game of a two-game home series against the Reds.

June 1, vs. Cincinnati Reds (cont'd)

The Red Sox defeated the Reds, 7–1, to close out their two-game set. Starter Garrett Whitlock earned the win after allowing one run (unearned) on five hits in six innings. Jackie Bradley Jr. had two hits and drove in four runs.

Red Sox split the series 1–1 (8–3 runs)

June 3–June 5, at Oakland Athletics

Boston opened a three-game road series in Oakland with a 7–2 win. Starter Nathan Eovaldi earned the win after holding the A's scoreless on four hits in six innings. Xander Bogaerts homered, while playing his 1,094th game at shortstop, the most in Red Sox franchise history.[72] The Red Sox shutout the A's in the middle game of the series, 8–0. Starter and winning pitcher Nick Pivetta held Oakland to two hits in seven innings. Alex Verdugo had three hits and two RBIs. Boston completed the series sweep with a 5–2 victory in the third game. Starter Rich Hill allowed one run on three hits in six innings and earned the win. Franchy Cordero and Rafael Devers both homered. The win brought Boston's record to 27–27, reaching .500 for the first time since they were 7–7 on April 22.

Red Sox won the series 3–0 (20–4 runs)

June 6–June 9, at Los Angeles Angels

Michael Wacha pitched a three-hit complete game shutout in the opener of a four-game series in Anaheim, as the Red Sox defeated the Angels, 1–0. Christian Vázquez drove in the lone run of the game in the second inning. Prior to the next game, the Angels fired manager Joe Maddon, as the team had fallen to 27–29, including an active 12-game losing streak, after starting the season 21–11.[73] The Red Sox extended their winning streak to six games with a 6–5 win in extra innings in series' second game. Starter Garrett Whitlock allowed four runs on six hits in four innings. Tanner Houck, the fourth of five Boston relievers, pitched two innings and earned the win; Matt Strahm earned a save. Vázquez drove in the winning run with a single in the top of the 10th inning. The third game of the series was another 1–0 Boston win. Bobby Dalbec drove in the only run of the game, via a sixth-inning double. Starter Nathan Eovaldi earned the win after holding the Angels scoreless on six hits in five innings; Strahm earned another save. Los Angeles won the final game of the series, 5–2. Starter Nick Pivetta allowed four runs on six hits in five innings and took the loss. Dalbec and Alex Verdugo drove in Boston's runs.

Red Sox won the series 3–1 (10–10 runs)

June 10–June 12, at Seattle Mariners

The Red Sox defeated the Mariners, 4–3, in the opener of a three-game series. Starter Rich Hill had a no decision after allowing two runs on five hits in 4+13 innings. Jake Diekman, the second of five Boston relievers, earned the win; Tanner Houck earned a save. J. D. Martinez and Bobby Dalbec each homered. Seattle won the series' second game, 7–6. Boston held a 6–5 lead entering the bottom of the ninth, but Hansel Robles allowed two runs for a blown save and the loss. Starter Michael Wacha lasted 4+13 innings while allowing four runs (three earned) on eight hits. Martinez, Dalbec, and Rafael Devers each homered. The Red Sox won the final game of the series, 2–0. Starter Kutter Crawford, newly recalled from Triple-A, held the Mariners scoreless on a single hit through five innings, but had a no decision. Tyler Danish, the third of five Boston relievers, got the win, and Houck earned another save. Devers drove in both runs via an eighth-inning homer.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (12–10 runs)

June 14–June 16, vs. Oakland Athletics

The opener of a three-game home series against the Athletics was a 6–1 Red Sox win. Starter Nick Pivetta earned the win after allowing one run on three hits in eight innings. J. D. Martinez and Rafael Devers both homered. Boston won the second game of the series, 10–1, with starter Josh Winckowski earning the win after pitching five shutout innings. Devers and Alex Verdugo homered. The final game of the series was won by Oakland, 4–3. Boston starter Rich Hill allowed four runs (three earned) on seven hits in 5+23 innings and took the loss. Martinez had three of the Red Sox' 11 hits.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (19–6 runs)

June 17–June 19, vs. St. Louis Cardinals

Boston withstood a four-run ninth inning by St. Louis to win the opener of a three-game home series, 6–5. Starter Michael Wacha earned the win, having allowed just one run on six hits in 5+13 innings. Tanner Houck recorded the final out and earned a save. Xander Bogaerts had three hits. The Cardinals won the middle game of the series, 11–2. Red Sox starter Kutter Crawford took the loss after allowing four runs on six hits in four innings. Bogaerts had two of Boston's five hits. The final game of the series was a 6–4 Red Sox win. Starter Nick Pivetta pitched seven innings, allowing one run on four hits and earned the win. Houck again recorded the final out and earned a save after Tyler Danish allowed a three-run homer to Juan Yepez with two outs in the ninth. Trevor Story and Christian Vázquez homered for Boston.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (14–20 runs)

June 20–June 22, vs. Detroit Tigers

The Red Sox defeated the Tigers, 5–2, in the first game of a three-game homestand. Starter Josh Winckowski allowed two runs on seven hits in 6+23 innings and earned the win. Tanner Houck earned his fifth save of the season. Franchy Cordero had three hits and two RBIs. The middle game of the series was also won by Boston, 5–4. Starter Rich Hill earned the win after allowing three runs on seven hits in five innings. John Schreiber recorded the final out and earned a save. Trevor Story and Christian Vázquez both homered. A 6–2 win in the final game of the series completed the sweep for Boston. Starter Michael Wacha pitched six innings, allowing two runs on five hits, and earned the win. Rob Refsnyder hit his first home run as a member of the Red Sox. Jeter Downs made his major-league debut, playing third base and going hitless in four at bats.

Red Sox won the series 3–0 (16–8 runs)

June 24–June 26, at Cleveland Guardians

Boston won the opener of a three-game series in Cleveland, 6–3. Starter Nick Pivetta went seven innings; he allowed two runs on nine hits and earned the win. Christian Arroyo went 3-for-4 at the plate, including a home run. Rafael Devers also homered. The Red Sox also won the second game of the series, 4–2. Starter Josh Winckowski earned the win after allowing two runs on six hits in 5+13 innings. Tanner Houck earned a save, Jarren Duran went 4-for-5 at the plate, and Alex Verdugo homered. Boston earned their second straight sweep by winning the finale, 8–3. Rich Hill tossed six strong innings with one earned run and the Sox offense exploded for 15 hits while also drawing 11 walks (two intentional). J. D. Martinez and Trevor Story each drove in two runs; Martinez and Devers both went 3-for-5 on the afternoon. The series sweep extended Boston's winning streak to seven games.

Red Sox won the series 3–0 (18–8 runs)

June 27–June 29, at Toronto Blue Jays

Tanner Houck and Jarren Duran did not accompany the Red Sox to Toronto due to being unvaccinated against COVID-19, and vaccination was required at the time of the series to enter Canada.[74] Their roster spots were filled by Connor Seabold and Yolmer Sánchez, respectively.[75]

Boston's seven-game winning streak came to an end with a 7–2 loss to Toronto in the opener of a three-game series. Connor Seabold started and took the loss after allowing seven runs on nine hits (three of the hits being home runs) in 4+23 innings. The Blue Jays also won the second game of the series, 6–5. Toronto scored twice in the bottom of the ninth off of Hansel Robles, after the first two batters of the inning reached base against Tyler Danish, who took the loss. Boston started Michael Wacha had a no decision after allowing four runs on seven hits in five innings. Trevor Story and Rob Refsnyder each homered. The Red Sox avoided being swept by winning the final game of the series, 6–5, in 10 innings. Boston held a 3–2 lead after six innings, but Toronto tied the game with a run in the bottom of the eighth off of Ryan Brasier. After the Red Sox scored three runs in the top of the tenth, Matt Strahm allowed two runs (one earned) in the bottom of the inning but held on to the lead and earned the win. Starter Nick Pivetta held the Blue Jays to two runs on five hits in six innings. Toronto catcher Alejandro Kirk was hit by a pitch from Pivetta in the third inning, which led to words between Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Pivetta, as benches cleared without punches being thrown.[76] Franchy Cordero was 4-for-5 at the plate and Alex Verdugo drove in four runs, including a two-run homer.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (13–18 runs)

With an off day on June 30, Boston held a 43–33 (.566) record, having gone 20–6 (.769) during the month.




The Red Sox entered July tied with the Blue Jays for second place in the American League East. Both teams had records of 43–33 and were 12+12 games behind the Yankees.

July 1–July 3, at Chicago Cubs

The Red Sox and Cubs met at Wrigley Field for the first time since 2012.[77] The Cubs won the first game of the three-game series, 6–5, scoring three runs in the bottom of the sixth off of Hansel Robles, who took the loss. Starter Rich Hill allowed the Cubs' other three runs, in 4+23 innings of work. Jarren Duran homered on the first pitch of the game,[78] and Jackie Bradley Jr. drove in three runs. Chicago also won the second game of the series, 3–1. Red Sox starter Josh Winckowski went six innings, allowing two runs (one earned) on six hits, and took the loss. Boston's only run came in the sixth inning, when Rafael Devers grounded into a double play with runners on first and third with no outs. Duran had two of Boston's five hits. The Red Sox avoided being swept with a 4–2 win in 11 innings in the final game of the series. Connor Seabold started and allowed one run on six hits in four innings. Boston held a 2–1 lead entering the bottom of the eighth, but Chicago scored a run off of Matt Strahm to tie the game. After scoreless ninth and 10th innings, the Red Sox scored two unearned runs in the top of the 11th. Jake Diekman, who had pitched the 10th inning for Boston, also held the Cubs scoreless in the bottom of the 11th and earned the win. Xander Bogaerts left the game in the bottom of the seventh inning after apparently having his left knee spiked while covering second base on a stolen base attempt.[79]

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (10–11 runs)

July 4–July 6, vs. Tampa Bay Rays

The Red Sox opened a three-game home series with a 4–0 win over the Rays. Austin Davis pitched two innings as an opener, followed by 5+13 innings by Kutter Crawford, who earned the win. John Schreiber recorded the final five outs for a save. Trevor Story homered. The Rays won the middle game of the series, 8–4. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss after allowing seven runs on eight hits in 5+23 innings. Story and Xander Bogaerts each homered. Tampa Bay also won the final game of the series, 7–1. Boston starter Brayan Bello, making his MLB debut, took the loss after allowing four runs on six hits in four innings. J. D. Martinez drove in the only Red Sox run.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (9–15 runs)

July 7–July 10, vs. New York Yankees

The Yankees won the opener of a four-game series at Fenway Park with a 6–5 win. All of Boston's runs were driven in by Rafael Devers, who had a two-run homer and a three-run homer. Red Sox starter Josh Winckowski took the loss after allowing six runs on six hits in five innings. The Yankees also won the second game of the series, 12–5. Red Sox starter Connor Seabold allowed seven runs on nine hits in 2+23 innings and took the loss. Jackie Bradley Jr. made his major-league pitching debut, allowing one run on one hit in the ninth inning. Rob Refsnyder had four hits while Trevor Story and Bobby Dalbec each homered. The Red Sox ended their four-game losing streak with an extra innings 6–5 win over the Yankees in the third game of the series. After falling behind 3–1, Boston scored once in the bottom of the sixth and again in the bottom of the eighth to tie the game. The Yankees scored twice off of reliever Jake Diekman in the top of the 10th, but Diekman was credited the win after the Red Sox scored three times in the bottom of the inning. The rally included the first major-league career hit by Jeter Downs, who was driven in by a two-RBI walk-off single by Alex Verdugo. Starter Kutter Crawford had a no decision after allowing one run on four hits in five innings. Refsnyder also homered. The Red Sox split the series by winning the final game, 11–6. After trailing by four runs midway through the third inning, Boston went on to score nine unanswered runs. Starter Nick Pivetta left after allowing six runs on eight hits in 3+13 innings; four Red Sox relievers then held the Yankees to no additional runs on three hits in 5+23 innings. Hirokazu Sawamura, who did not allow a hit in two innings pitched, earned the win. Offensively, Story drove in three runs on a bases-clearing double, and was one of four Boston batters with two hits. Franchy Cordero, Christian Vázquez, and J. D. Martinez each homered.

Red Sox split the series 2–2 (27–29 runs)

July 11–July 14, at Tampa Bay Rays

A four-game series in Tampa Bay opened with a 10–5 loss for the Red Sox. After falling behind 5–1, Boston tied the game at 5–5, but were shutout after the fifth inning. Starter Brayan Bello allowed five runs on seven hits in four innings for a no decision. The loss went to Jake Diekman, the second of four Boston relievers, who allowed two runs on one hit in one-third of an inning. J. D. Martinez had two doubles and drove in two runs. The Rays also won the second game of the series, 3–2. Chris Sale made his first start of the season, receiving a no decision after holding Tampa Bay scoreless on three hits in five innings. With Boston holding a 2–0 lead entering the bottom of the sixth, the Rays scored three runs in the bottom of the inning, two of them coming on a play during which Boston made two errors. Matt Strahm, the second of five Red Sox relievers, took the loss. Both Strahm and Trevor Story were struck by baseballs during the game and left with possible hand or wrist injuries.[80] Tampa Bay won the third game of the series, 4–1. Boston's lone run came in the fifth inning as Xander Bogarts scored when Christian Vázquez grounded into a double play. Starter Josh Winckowski took the loss after allowing three runs on four hits in six innings. The Rays won the final game by a 5–4 score, becoming the first time Boston was ever swept in a four-game series at Tropicana Field.[81] Red Sox starter Kutter Crawford had a no decision after allowing three runs on six hits in six innings. John Schreiber took the loss after allowing two runs on three hits in one inning of relief. Rafael Devers homered, his 20th of the season.

Red Sox lost the series 0–4 (12–22 runs)

July 15–July 17, at New York Yankees

In the final series before the All-Star break, the Red Sox opened a three-game set in The Bronx with a 5–4 win in extra innings. Starter Nathan Eovaldi, back from a month on the injured list, had a no decision after allowing three runs on six hits in 4+13 innings. Tanner Houck, the third of four Boston relievers, had a blown save but ultimately earned the win. Ryan Brasier recorded a save. Rafael Devers, Christian Vázquez, and Bobby Dalbec each homered. Xander Bogaerts scored what proved to be the winning run on a wild pitch in the top of the 11th inning. The Yankees won the middle game of the series, 14–1. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss, allowing seven runs on seven hits in 4+13 innings. The Red Sox' only run came on a first-inning homer by Devers. In the final game of the series, starter Chris Sale left in the first inning after being struck by a line drive hit by Aaron Hicks, causing a left fifth-finger fracture.[82] Sale took the loss in the 13–2 defeat, having allowed three runs (two earned) on two hits in 23 of an inning. Boston's only runs came on a two-run homer by Jeter Downs.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (8–31 runs)

July 18–July 21, All-Star Break

Boston reached the break with a record of 48–45, having gone 5–12 in the first three weeks of July. Red Sox players Rafael Devers, Xander Bogaerts, and J. D. Martinez were selected to the All-Star Game. In the game, played at Dodger Stadium, Devers started at third base and walked in one plate appearance. Bogaerts played at shortstop as a substitute and struck out in one plate appearance. Martinez entered the game as a substitute DH, striking out once and grounding out once. The AL won their ninth Midsummer Classic in a row, by a 3–2 score.[83]

July 22–July 24, vs. Toronto Blue Jays

In the opener of a three-game series at Fenway, Toronto won by a score of 28–5. The 28 runs were the most in a single game in Blue Jays franchise history and also the most runs allowed in a single game in Red Sox franchise history.[84] Toronto's Lourdes Gurriel Jr. became one of the few MLB players to amass six hits in a game.[85] Starter Nathan Eovaldi took the loss after allowing nine runs on eight hits in 2+23 innings. Christian Vázquez had two home runs, while Jackie Bradley Jr. and Rob Refsnyder also homered. The Red Sox lost the middle game of the series, 4–1, for their fourth consecutive defeat. Starter Kutter Crawford allowed three runs on five hits in six innings and took the loss. Boston's only run came on a home run by Bobby Dalbec in the second inning. The Blue Jays completed the sweep with an 8–4 win on Sunday afternoon. Brayan Bello started for the Red Sox and took the loss after allowing five runs on nine hits in four innings. Bradley Jr. homered.

Red Sox lost the series 0–3 (10–40 runs)

July 25–July 28, vs. Cleveland Guardians

The Red Sox ended a five-game losing streak with a 3–1 win, opening a four-game home series with the Guardians. Starter Nick Pivetta had a no decision after allowing one runs on seven hits in 5+23 innings. Reliever John Schreiber got the win and Garrett Whitlock earned a save. Boston's six hits came from six different players. The Guardians won the second game of the series, 8–3. Starter Josh Winckowski, activated from the COVID-19 related list, allowed five runs on six hits in three innings and took the loss. Xander Bogaerts was 3-for-4 with an RBI and a run scored. The loss dropped the Red Sox to a .500 record on the season for the first time since June 5. A win by Baltimore over Tampa Bay left Boston in last place in the AL East.[86] Cleveland won the third game of the series, 7–6, overcoming two home runs and five RBIs by Bobby Dalbec. The game included five errors; two by the Guardians and three by Franchy Cordero of the Red Sox at first base. Starter Nathan Eovaldi had a no decision after allowing five runs (three earned) on nine hits in six innings. John Schreiber was charged with a blown save while Tanner Houck took the loss. Boston won the final game, 4–2, to split the series. Starter Kutter Crawford held the Guardians to one run on three hits in 5+23 innings, but had a no decision. Reliever Jake Diekman got the win and Whitlock earned another save. Bogaerts drove in three runs on sixth-inning homer.

Red Sox split the series 2–2 (16–18 runs)

July 29–July 31, vs. Milwaukee Brewers

In a three-game interleague series at Fenway, Milwaukee won the first game, 4–1. The Red Sox used Austin Davis as an opener; he allowed no runs on one hit in 2+13 innings. He was followed by Brayan Bello, who took the loss after allowing two runs on four hits in 4+13 innings. Boston's only run was driven in by Alex Verdugo. The Brewers won the second game, 9–4, scoring four late runs after the Red Sox had closed within a run, 5–4, at the end of the seventh inning. Starter Nick Pivetta allowed four runs on nine hits in five innings and took the loss. Christian Arroyo, returning from the injured list, had three hits. Boston won the final game of the series, 7–2, powered by a five-run fifth inning that included four consecutive doubles. Starter Josh Winckowski earned the win after allowing two runs on seven hits in five innings.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (12–15 runs)

Boston went 8–19 during July, ending the month with a 51–52 record, in last place of the AL East and 18 games behind the Yankees. The team was also 3+12 games out of a wild card spot.




The Red Sox entered August with a 51–52 record, in last place of the AL East and 3+12 games out of a wild card spot. Notable dates in August:

  • August 2 (6 p.m. ET) – MLB trade deadline; to be eligible for postseason play, players had to be acquired prior to the trade deadline[87]
  • August 31 – MLB postseason eligibility deadline; the same, for players acquired via waiver claim[88]

August 1–August 3, at Houston Astros

Boston opened a three-game series in Houston with a 3–2 win. Catcher Christian Vázquez was traded from the Red Sox to the Astros prior to the game, for two minor-league prospects. Jarren Duran had two hits, including a home run, and drove in all three runs. Starter Nathan Eovaldi earned the win after allowing two runs (both unearned) on four hits in 6+13 innings. Tanner Houck earned his seventh save of the season. Boston won the second game of the series, 2–1. Tommy Pham, acquired the day prior, made his Red Sox debut, recording a hit and scoring a run. Starter Kutter Crawford earned the win after pitching six innings while allowing one run on seven hits. Houck again earned a save. Rafael Devers, back from an injury, had a home run and two RBIs. Houston won the final game of the series, 6–1, to avoid being swept. Boston's only run came on a ninth-inning home run by Xander Bogaerts. Starter Rich Hill took the loss after allowing four runs on six hits in three innings.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (6–9 runs)

August 4–August 7, at Kansas City Royals

In the opener of a four-game series in Kansas City, the Red Sox lost to the Royals, 7–3. With the score tied, 3–3, the Royals scored four runs in the bottom of the seventh, including a three-run home run that may or may not have hit the left-field foul pole, leading to the ejection of Alex Cora. Starter Nick Pivetta had a no decision after allowing three runs on seven hits in five innings. Reliever Darwinzon Hernández, who allowed four runs on four hits in two innings, took the loss. Rafael Devers drove in two runs. Boston won the second game of the series, 7–4, with the win going to starter Josh Winckowski, who pitched five innings while allowing one run on five hits. Xander Bogaerts was 4-for-5 and Alex Verdugo was 3-for-4. The Royals won the third game of the series, 5–4, with Nick Pratto hitting a walk-off home run with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning. Garrett Whitlock, who pitched 2+23 innings, allowed only that hit and took the loss. Starter Nathan Eovaldi allowed four runs on seven hits in six innings for a no decision. Verdugo and Bobby Dalbec both homered. The Royals won the final game of the series, 13–5, with the loss going to starter Kutter Crawford, who pitched five innings while allowing five runs on five hits. Hernández also allowed five runs in relief, facing five batters without recording an out. Tommy Pham, batting leadoff, had three RBIs via a single and home run. Devers also homered.

Red Sox lost the series 1–3 (19–29 runs)

August 9–August 10, vs. Atlanta Braves

The opener of a two-game home series went into extra innings. Boston held a 5–4 lead after five innings, and the score stood at 6–6 after eight innings. After a scoreless ninth, each team scored once in the tenth. Atlanta then scored twice in the top of the 11th and held Boston scoreless in the bottom of the inning for a 9–7 win. Boston starter Rich Hill allowed four runs on seven hits in four innings. Reliever Kaleb Ort, the sixth of seven Red Sox relievers, allowed three runs (one earned) on three hits in 1+23 innings and took the loss. Christian Arroyo, Tommy Pham, and Jarren Duran each homered. The Braves also won the second game, 8–4. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss and fell to 8–9 on the season; he allowed three runs on five hits in six innings. Pham again homered. It was the fourth time this season that the Red Sox were swept in a series.

Red Sox lost the series 0–2 (11–17 runs)

August 11, vs. Baltimore Orioles

In a single-game home series against the Orioles, scheduled due to the delayed start of the season, the Red Sox won, 4–3. Starter Josh Winckowski had a no decision after allowing three runs on six hits in 5+23 innings. Reliever Austin Davis retired the only batter he faced and was credited with the win. John Schreiber pitched the final two innings and earned a save. Xander Bogaerts was 2-for-3 with an RBI and run scored.

Red Sox won the series 1–0 (4–3 runs)

August 12–August 14, vs. New York Yankees

The Red Sox won the first of three home games against the Yankees, 3–2, in 10 innings. J. D. Martinez had three hits and two RBIs, while Tommy Pham drove in the game-winning run. Starter Nathan Eovaldi held New York to two runs on eight hits in six innings. Garrett Whitlock pitched the final two innings without allowing a hit and earned the win. The middle game of the series was a 3–2 Yankees win. Down by a run, the Red Sox had two runners on base with one out in the ninth inning, but were unable to score the tying run. Starter Kutter Crawford pitched six innings, allowing two runs on two hits for a no decision. John Schreiber allowed one run on three hits in two innings and took the loss. The Red Sox won the final game of the series, 3–0. Rafael Devers hit a two-run home run and Xander Bogaerts had the other RBI. Starter Michael Wacha, activated from the injured list, got the win after holding the Yankees to two hits in seven innings. Whitlock earned the save. The game was completed in just two hours and 15 minutes, the shortest Yankees–Red Sox game since another 2:15 game in 2018 and a 2:13 game in 1994.[89]

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (8–5 runs)

August 16–August 18, at Pittsburgh Pirates

Boston won the first of three games in Pittsburgh, 5–3, after jumping out to 4–0 first-inning lead. Starter Nick Pivetta allowed no runs on just one hit in seven innings, and earned the win. Matt Barnes retired the side in order in the bottom of the ninth for a save. Tommy Pham had two of Boston's five hits. The second game of the series was also won by the Red Sox, 8–3. Starter Rich Hill earned the win after holding the Pirates to two runs on three hits in five innings. Christian Arroyo had three hits and three RBIs, while Alex Verdugo had three hits and scored three runs. Pittsburgh avoided being swept with an 8–2 win in the final game of the series. The Red Sox were limited to five hits, all singles. Starter Josh Winckowski took the loss after allowing six runs on seven hits in five innings.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (15–14 runs)

August 19–August 21, at Baltimore Orioles

The opener of a three-game series at Camden Yards featured 37 hits and 25 runs, ending in a 15–10 Orioles victory. Starter Kutter Crawford took the loss after allowing nine runs on 11 hits in 3+23 innings. Tommy Pham had two hits and three RBIs before leaving the game in the fifth inning due to injury.[90] Alex Verdugo, Christian Arroyo, and Rob Refsnyder each had three hits and an RBI. Xander Bogaerts and Alex Cora were both ejected in the fourth inning following a called third strike on Bogaerts.[91] Boston won the middle game of the series, 4–3. Arroyo batted leadoff and had three hits; Kiké Hernández drove in two runs. Starter Michael Wacha earned the win, pitching 5+23 innings and holding Baltimore scoreless on four hits. Garrett Whitlock pitched the final two innings for the save. The final game of the series was played in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, as the 2022 edition of the MLB Little League Classic. It was won by the Orioles, 5–3. After Baltimore took an early 2–1 lead, Boston tied the game at 2–2 in the top of the eighth on a home run by Franchy Cordero. The Orioles then scored three runs in the bottom of the inning, and held the Red Sox to a one run in the top of the ninth via a Bogaerts homer. Starter Nick Pivetta had a no decision after allowing two runs on six hits in 5+23 innings. Matt Barnes, the second of four Boston relievers, was charged with the loss.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (17–23 runs)

August 23–August 25, vs. Toronto Blue Jays

Toronto won the opener of a three-game series at Fenway, 9–3. Starter Josh Winckowski took the loss after allowing six runs on six hits in 2+23 innings. Backup catcher Reese McGuire pitched a scoreless ninth inning for the Red Sox. Rafael Devers had three hits and an RBI. Both Xander Bogaerts and Tommy Pham left the game due to back spasms.[92] The middle game of the series went into extra innings and was won by the Blue Jays, 3–2. Starter Brayan Bello, back with Boston from the injured list, had a no decision after allowing two runs on six hits in five innings. Ryan Brasier allowed one run on one hit in the 10th inning and took the loss. Franchy Cordero had two hits and drove in both Red Sox runs. Toronto completed a sweep with a 6–5 win, again in 10 innings, in the final game of the series. Starter Kutter Crawford had a no decision after allowing four runs on 10 hits in 4+23 innings. The loss went to John Schreiber, the last of five Boston relievers, who allowed a run in the 10th inning. McGuire had three hits, including his first MLB triple.

Red Sox lost the series 0–3 (10–18 runs)

August 26–August 28, vs. Tampa Bay Rays

In the first game of a three-game home series, Boston went from a 4–1 deficit to a 9–4 lead and held on for a 9–8 win. Starter Michael Wacha earned the win after allowing four runs on five hits in six innings. Garrett Whitlock held the Rays scoreless in the ninth inning for a save. Franchy Cordero and Xander Bogaerts each homered. Kevin Plawecki had three hits and two RBIs. The Red Sox also won the middle game of the series, 5–1. Starter Rich Hill held Tampa Bay scoreless on three hits in seven innings and earned the win. John Schreiber recorded the final four outs and earned a save. Kiké Hernández homered. Tampa Bay avoided a sweep by winning the final game of the series, 12–4. Starter Nick Pivetta allowed five runs on eight hits in five innings and took the loss. Boston had home runs by Cordero, J. D. Martinez, and Tommy Pham. Bogaerts had three hits.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (18–21 runs)

August 29–August 31, at Minnesota Twins

Boston lost the opener of a three-game series in Minnesota, 4–2. Starter Brayan Bello took the loss after allowing three runs on five hits in four innings. Trevor Story was 3-for-3 with a walk, stolen base, and a run scored. The Twins won the middle game of the series, 10–5, largely powered by six RBIs from Nick Gordon, including a fifth-inning grand slam off of reliever Ryan Brasier. Starter Kutter Crawford allowed five runs (four earned) on four hits in 4+13 innings and took the loss. The Red Sox won the final game of the series, 6–5. Xander Bogaerts had two hits and five RBIs, including a grand slam. J. D. Martinez also homered. Starter Michael Wacha improved to 10–1 on the season, getting the win after holding Minnesota to two runs on four hits in six innings. Matt Barnes recorded his fourth save of the season.

Red Sox lost the series 1–2 (13–19 runs)

Boston ended August with a record of 63–68, having gone 12–16 during the month. The team was in last place of the AL East and eight games behind Toronto for the third and final wild card postseason berth.




The Red Sox entered September with a 63–68 record, in last place of the AL East and eight games out of a wild card spot. MLB active rosters expanded from 26 to 28 players as of September 1, effective through the end of the regular season—the Red Sox called up catcher Connor Wong and pitcher Eduard Bazardo from Worcester.[93]

September 1–September 4, vs. Texas Rangers

Boston scored four times in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the opener of a four-game home set against Texas, 9–8. Christian Arroyo and Rafael Devers each had three RBIs; Alex Verdugo homered. Starter Rich Hill had a no decision after allowing four runs on five hits in four innings. Jeurys Familia, the last of five Red Sox relievers, pitched a scoreless top of the ninth and earned the win. The Red Sox won the second game of the series, 9–1. Starter Nick Pivetta left after three innings, having been struck on the left leg by a ground ball.[94] He was replaced by Tyler Danish, who pitched a scoreless fourth inning and earned the win. Connor Wong hit his first MLB home run.[95] The third game was also won by Boston, 5–3. Starter Brayan Bello earned his first MLB win after holding the Rangers scoreless on three hits in six innings. John Schreiber recorded the final two outs for a save. Devers had two hits and two RBIs. Prior to the final game of the series, the Red Sox called up prospect Triston Casas from Worcester to make his MLB debut.[96] Boston completed the sweep with a 5–2 win. Starter Josh Winckowski had a no decision after allowing two runs on three hits in four innings. Kaleb Ort, the first of four Red Sox relievers, pitched 1+23 scoreless innings and earned the win. Schreiber pitched the ninth inning and earned another save. Xander Bogaerts was 3-for-4 with two RBIs, Trevor Story had a homer plus two other hits and three RBIs, and Casas collected hit first MLB hit.

Red Sox won the series 4–0 (28–14 runs)

September 5–September 7, at Tampa Bay Rays

In a Labor Day matchup, Tampa Bay won the opener of a three-game series, 4–3. Starter Michael Wacha had a no decision after allowing two runs on seven hits in six innings. Jeurys Familia allowed two runs on one hit in one-third of an inning and took the loss. Alex Verdugo homered and Xander Bogaerts had two hits, his ninth consecutive multi-hit game, tying a Red Sox franchise record.[97] The Rays won the middle game of the series, 8–4. Starter Rich Hill took the loss, having allowed five runs on nine hits in four innings. Triston Casas hit his first major-league home run; Tommy Pham also homered. Bogaerts' hitting streak came to an end, as he went 0-for-3. Tampa Bay's sweep was completed with a 1–0 win in the final game of the series. The only run of the game came in the bottom of the fifth, on a sequence of double, fly out, single. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss, having allowed that one run on two hits in five innings.

Red Sox lost the series 0–3 (7–13 runs)

September 9–September 11, at Baltimore Orioles

Boston lost their fourth game in a row, 3–2, to open a three-game series in Baltimore. Starter Brayan Bello allowed three runs on three hits in 5+13 innings and took the loss. Xander Bogaerts went 3-for-5 with a home run and both Red Sox RBIs. Boston won the middle game of the series, 17–4. Rafael Devers hit a grand slam in the first inning; Christian Arroyo also homered, and Kiké Hernández had four hits. Starter Michael Wacha got the win after allowing three runs on six hits in six innings, improving his record to 11–1 for the season. The final game of the series was a 1–0 Red Sox win. Bogaerts drove in the only run of the game with a sacrifice fly in the first inning. Starter Rich Hill went five innings, allowing two hits while striking out seven batters, and earned the win. Matt Barnes pitched the ninth inning and earned a save.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (20–7 runs)

September 13–September 14, vs. New York Yankees

In 10 innings, the Yankees won the opener of a two-game series at Fenway, 7–6. Three Boston batters hit home runs: Xander Bogaerts, Reese McGuire, and Triston Casas. Starter Nick Pivetta had a no decision after allowing three runs on six hits in 5+13 innings. Jeurys Familia allowed two earned runs in the 10th inning and took the loss. Aaron Judge homered twice for New York, bringing his total on the season to 57.[98] New York also won the second game of the series, 5–3. Only one of their runs was earned, as the Red Sox were charged with three errors. Starter Brayan Bello fell to 1–6 on the season after allowing three runs (all unearned) on six hits in five innings.

Red Sox lost the series 0–2 (9–12 runs)

September 16–September 18, vs. Kansas City Royals

The Red Sox opened a three-game home series against the Royals with a 2–1 win, despite being outhit, 8–3. Both Boston runs came in the bottom of the eighth inning, on four walks and a single. Starter Michael Wacha had a no decision after allowing one run on seven hits in seven innings. Garrett Whitlock earned the win in relief and Matt Strahm earned a save. The Royals won the middle game of the series, 9–0. Starter Rich Hill allowed four runs on eight hits in 4+23 innings and took the loss. Boston won the final game of the series, 13–3. Starter Nick Pivetta recorded his 10th win of the season, allowing three runs on seven hits in five innings. Rafael Devers had four of the Red Sox' 20 hits.

Red Sox won the series 2–1 (15–13 runs)

September 20–September 21, at Cincinnati Reds

The Red Sox opened a two-game series in Cincinnati with a 5–3 win. Brayan Bello earned the win, allowing one run on eight hits in five innings. John Schreiber earned a save. Rafael Devers, Rob Refsnyder, and J. D. Martinez each homered. Boston lost the second game of the series, 5–1. Connor Seabold, recalled from Worcester, took the loss after allowing four runs on six hits in five innings. Alex Verdugo drove in the only Red Sox run.

Red Sox tied the series 1–1 (6–8 runs)

September 22–September 25, at New York Yankees

Boston opened a four-game series at Yankee Stadium with a 5–4 loss in 10 innings. Starter Michael Wacha had a no decision after allowing three runs on six hits in six innings. All four of Boston's runs came in the seventh inning, on a solo home run by Triston Casas and a three-run homer by Reese McGuire. Reliever Kaleb Ort allowed an unearned run in the 10th inning and took the loss. The second game of the series was another 5–4 win for New York. Starter Rich Hill went five innings and had a no decision after allowing four runs on five hits. Reliever Matt Strahm, who allowed a run in the bottom of the eighth, took the loss. Alex Verdugo had three hits and Tommy Pham homered. The Yankees won the third game of the series, 7–5. Red Sox reliever John Schreiber took the loss after allowing two runs in the seventh inning; starter Nick Pivetta had a no decision after allowing five runs on six hits in five innings. Casas and McGuire each homered. In the final game of the series, New York completed the sweep with a rain-shortened 2–0 win. Brayan Bello pitched all six innings for Boston and took the loss after allowing six hits; only one run was earned. Rob Refsnyder had Boston's only hit of the game. The loss, which gave the Red Sox a 72–80 record, eliminated the team from playoff contention.[99]

Red Sox lost the series 0–4 (13–19 runs)

September 26–September 29, vs. Baltimore Orioles

The Red Sox opened a four-game home series against the Orioles with a 14–8 loss, their sixth defeat in a row. The game included a 1-hour, 40-minute rain delay. Starter Connor Seabold allowed five runs (four earned) on five hits in two innings and took the loss. J. D. Martinez and Rob Refsnyder each homered; Refsnyder and Rafael Devers each had three hits. Boston's losing streak ended at six games with a 13–9 win in the second game of the series. The teams combined for 26 total hits and used 13 total pitchers who threw 380 pitches during the game. Started Michael Wacha allowed six runs on eight hits in 3+13 innings and received a no decision; the win went to reliever Matt Strahm. Triston Casas had three hits, including a home run. Boston won the second game of the series, 3–1. Starter Rich Hill got the win after holding the Orioles scoreless on five hits in six innings. Matt Barnes earned a save. Abraham Almonte and Alex Verdugo each homered. The final game of the series was a 5–3 Red Sox win. Starter Nathan Eovaldi, back from the injured list, had a no decision after allowing two runs (one earned) on five hits in 4+23 innings. The win went to Zack Kelly, the third of four Boston relievers. Kaleb Ort earned a save. Martinez homered.

Red Sox won the series 3–1 (29–27 runs)

September 30 vs. Toronto Blue Jays

Boston opened their final road series of the season with a 9–0 loss in Toronto. Starter Nick Pivetta took the loss after allowing four runs (three earned) on six hits in five innings. The Red Sox were held to three hits and three walks. The team ended September with a record of 75–82, out of playoff contention and still in last place of the AL East.




Boston entered October with a 75–82 record, having just lost the opener of a three-game series in Toronto. With five games left in the season, the Red Sox were assured of finishing with a losing record.

October 1–October 2, vs. Toronto Blue Jays (cont'd)

The Blue Jays won the second game of the series, 10–0. Starter Brayan Bello took the loss, having allowed four runs on 10 hits in four innings, and fell to 2–8 on the season. The Red Sox were limited to five hits, two by Rafael Devers. Toronto completed the sweep with a 6–3 win in the Red Sox' final road game of the season. Starter Michael Wacha suffered only his second loss of the season (against 11 wins) after allowing five runs on six hits in four innings. Bobby Dalbec homered and had all three RBIs for Boston.

Red Sox lost the series 0–3 (3–25 runs)

October 3–September 5, vs. Tampa Bay Rays

The Red Sox opened their final series of the year with a 4–3 home win over the Rays. Starter Rich Hill had a no decision after allowing one run on three hits in six innings. John Schreiber earned the win in relief, Matt Barnes earned his seventh save of the season, and Rafael Devers had three hits. The middle game of the series was a rain-shortened five-inning win by Boston, 6–0. Starter Nathan Eovaldi pitched all five innings, allowing just two hits, and got the win. Xander Bogaerts had a grand slam. Boston completed their season with a 6–3 win, sweeping the Rays. Starter Nick Pivetta had a no decision after pitching four innings and allowing two runs on four hits. Eduard Bazardo, the first of five relievers, got the win, while Barnes earned a save. J. D. Martinez had four RBIs via two home runs. The sweep of the Rays left the Red Sox with a 78–84 record for the season.

Red Sox won the series 3–0 (16–6 runs)

Турнирная таблица сезона

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Американская лига Восток

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АЛ Восток
Команда В л Проц. ГБ Дом Дорога
Нью-Йорк Янкиз 99 63 .611 57‍–‍24 42‍–‍39
Торонто Блю Джейс 92 70 .568 7 47‍–‍34 45‍–‍36
Тампа Бэй Рэйс 86 76 .531 13 51‍–‍30 35‍–‍46
Балтимор Иволги 83 79 .512 16 45‍–‍36 38‍–‍43
Бостон Ред Сокс 78 84 .481 21 43‍–‍38 35‍–‍46

Рекорд против противников

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Источник: Таблица турнирной таблицы MLB – 2022 г.

Балтимор 9–10 5–2 3–3 1–5 4–3 4–3 6–1 3–4 7–12 3–4 2–4 9–10 6–0 9–10 12–8
Бостон 10–9 2–4 5–2 5–1 4–2 3–4 4–3 3–4 6–13 5–1 6–1 7–12 6–1 3–16 9–11
Чикаго 2–5 4–2 7–12 12–7 3–4 9–10 3–4 9–10 3–4 5–2 4–2 4–2 3–4 2–4 11–9
Кливленд 3–3 2–5 12–7 10–9 3–4 12–7 3–4 13–6 1–5 6–1 1–6 4–2 5–1 5–2 12–8
Детройт 5–1 1–5 7–12 9–10 0–7 10–9 3–3 8–11 1–5 2–5 1–6 2–5 4–3 2–5 11–9
Хьюстон 3–4 2–4 4–3 4–3 7–0 5–2 13–6 6–0 5–2 12–7 12–7 5–1 14–5 2–4 12–8
Канзас-Сити 3–4 4–3 10–9 7–12 9–10 2–5 3–3 7–12 1–6 3–3 2–4 3–4 2–4 2–5 7–13
Лос-Анджелес 1–6 3–4 4–3 4–3 3–3 6–13 3–3 4–2 2–4 12–7 10–9 2–5 9–10 3–4 7–13
Миннесота 4–3 4–3 10–9 6–13 11–8 0–6 12–7 2–4 2–5 5–1 4–3 4–2 2–5 4–3 8–12
Нью-Йорк 12–7 13–6 4–3 5–1 5–1 2–5 6–1 4–2 5–2 5–2 2–4 11–8 4–3 11–8 10–10
Окленд 4–3 1–5 2–5 1–6 5–2 7–12 3–3 7–12 1–5 2–5 8–11 3–4 8–11 3–3 5–15
Сиэтл 4–2 1–6 2–4 6–1 6–1 7–12 4–2 9–10 3–4 4–2 11–8 2–5 14–5 5–2 12–8
Тампа Бэй 10–9 12–7 2–4 2–4 5–2 1–5 4–3 5–2 2–4 8–11 4–3 5–2 4–3 10–9 12–8
Техас 0–6 1–6 4–3 1–5 3–4 5–14 4–2 10–9 5–2 3–4 11–8 5–14 3–4 2–4 11–9
Торонто 10–9 16–3 4–2 2–5 5–2 4–2 5–2 4–3 3–4 8–11 3–3 2–5 9–10 4–2 13–7

Обновлены результаты всех игр до 5 октября 2022 г.

Журнал игры

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10 марта 2022 года было объявлено, что день открытия состоится 7 апреля, при этом игры начала сезона первоначально были отменены из-за локаута, объявленного в течение сезона; окончание регулярного чемпионата перенесено со 2 на 5 октября. [102] 6 апреля было объявлено, что первая игра Бостона, запланированная на стадионе «Янки» , была перенесена на 8 апреля из-за прогнозируемой ненастной погоды в Нью-Йорке. [103]

Победа Ред Сокс Потеря Ред Сокс Игра отложена Выбыл из гонки плей-офф
Журнал игр сезона Boston Red Sox 2022: 78–84 (дома: 43–38; на выезде: 35–46)
Апрель: 9–13 (Дома: 3–4; На выезде: 6–9)
Май: 14–14 (Дома: 9–10; На выезде: 5–4)
Июнь: 20–6 (Дома: 8–2; На выезде: 12–4)
Июль: 8–19 (Дома: 6–11; На выезде: 2–8)
Август: 12–16 (Дома: 5–7; На выезде: 7–9)
Сентябрь: 12–14 (Дома: 9–4; На выезде: 3–10)
Октябрь: 3–2 (Дома: 3–0; На выезде: 0–2)

турниры Большого шлема

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Нет. Дата Тесто «Ред Сокс» Х/А Кувшин Команда противника Ссылка.
1 1 мая Джей Ди Мартинес Прочь Трэвис Лакинс-старший Балтимор Иволги [104]
2 10 мая Рафаэль Деверс Кайл Райт Атланта Брэйвс [105]
3 20 мая Тревор Стори Дом Робби Рэй Сиэтл Маринерс [106]
4 22 мая Франши Кордеро Андрес Муньос [107]
5 31 августа Ксандер Богертс Прочь Джо Райан Миннесота Твинс [108]
6 10 сентября Рафаэль Деверс Джордан Лайлс Балтимор Иволги [109]
7 4 октября Ксандер Богертс Дом Колин Поче Тампа Бэй Рэйс [110]
Нет. Дата Персонал Ред Сокс Х/А Команда противника Ссылка.
1 7 мая Алекс Кора Дом Чикаго Уайт Сокс [111]
2 11 мая Кевин Плавецки Прочь Атланта Брэйвс [112]
3 Алекс Кора
4 4 августа Канзас-Сити Роялс [113]
5 19 августа Балтимор Иволги [114]
6 Ксандер Богертс

Источник: [115]

2022 Бостон Ред Сокс
кувшины ловцы


Аутфилдеры Менеджер


Статистика игрока

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Примечание: G = сыгранные игры; AB = У летучих мышей; R = работает; H = хиты; 2Б = парный разряд; 3Б = Тройки; HR = Хоум-раны; RBI = забитые раны; SB = Украденные базы; ББ = Прогулки; AVG = средний уровень ударов; SLG = Средний пробок

Алекс Вердуго 152 593 75 166 39 1 11 74 1 42 .280 .405
Ксандер Богертс 150 557 84 171 38 0 15 73 8 57 .307 .456
Рафаэль Деверс 141 555 84 164 42 1 27 88 3 50 .295 .521
Джей Ди Мартинес 139 533 76 146 43 1 16 62 0 52 .274 .448
Энрике Эрнандес 93 361 48 80 24 0 6 45 0 34 .222 .338
Тревор Стори 94 357 53 85 22 0 16 66 13 32 .238 .434
Бобби Далбек 117 317 40 68 9 2 12 39 3 29 .215 .369
Кристиан Васкес 84 294 33 83 20 0 8 42 1 18 .282 .432
Кристиан Арройо 87 280 32 80 16 1 6 36 5 13 .286 .414
Джеки Брэдли мл. 91 271 21 57 19 1 3 29 2 17 .210 .321
Франши Кордеро 84 242 36 53 17 1 8 29 4 28 .219 .397
Томми Фам 53 214 32 50 12 0 6 24 1 14 .234 .374
Джаррен Дюран 58 204 23 45 14 3 3 17 7 14 .221 .363
Кевин Плавецки 60 157 15 34 8 0 1 12 0 14 .217 .287
Роб Рефснайдер 57 153 25 47 11 0 6 21 1 15 .307 .497
Риз Макгуайр 36 98 13 33 5 1 3 12 1 6 .337 .500
Тристон Касас 27 76 11 15 1 0 5 12 1 19 .197 .408
Коннор Вонг 27 48 8 9 3 0 1 7 0 5 .188 .313
Эрик Хосмер 14 45 6 11 3 0 0 4 0 4 .244 .311
Джетер Даунс 14 39 4 6 1 0 1 4 0 1 .154 .256
Йолмер Санчес 14 37 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 5 .108 .108
Авраам Альмонте 15 35 7 9 2 0 1 2 1 1 .257 .400
Джейлин Дэвис 12 24 4 8 1 0 0 2 0 3 .333 .375
Ю Чанг 11 20 3 3 2 0 0 1 0 5 .150 .250
Трэвис Шоу 7 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Джонатан Арауз 6 10 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000
Итоги команды 162 5539 735 1427 352 12 155 704 52 478 .258 .409

Источник: [1]

Примечание: W = Победа; L = потери; ERA = средний заработанный пробег; G = проведенные игры; GS = Игры начались; СВ = Сохраняет; IP = подача иннингов; H = попадания разрешены; R = Пробежки разрешены; ER = разрешено заработанное количество пробежек; BB = Прогулки разрешены; SO = вычеркивания

Ник Пиветта 10 12 4.56 33 33 0 179.2 175 91 91 73 175
Майкл Вача 11 2 3.32 23 23 0 127.1 111 49 47 31 104
Рич Хилл 8 7 4.27 26 26 0 124.1 125 67 59 37 109
Натан Эовальди 6 3 3.87 20 20 0 109.1 115 55 47 20 103
Гарретт Уитлок 4 2 3.45 31 9 6 78.1 65 32 30 15 82
Катс Кроуфорд 3 6 5.47 21 12 0 77.1 81 49 47 29 77
Джош Винковски 5 7 5.89 15 14 0 70.1 85 47 46 27 44
Джон Шрайбер 4 4 2.22 64 0 8 65.0 45 19 16 19 74
Райан Брейзер 0 3 5.78 68 0 1 62.1 68 43 40 13 64
Таннер Хоук 5 4 3.15 32 4 8 60.0 49 22 21 22 56
Браян Белло 2 8 4.71 13 11 0 57.1 75 34 30 27 55
Остин Дэвис 2 1 5.47 50 3 0 54.1 56 36 33 29 61
Хирокадзу Савамура 1 1 3.73 49 0 0 50.2 45 23 21 27 40
Мэтт Страм 4 4 3.83 50 0 4 44.2 38 24 19 17 52
Тайлер Дэниш 3 1 5.13 32 0 0 40.1 40 24 23 12 32
Мэтт Барнс 0 4 4.31 44 0 8 39.2 36 22 19 21 34
Джейк Дикман 5 1 4.23 44 0 1 38.1 27 22 18 30 51
Калеб Орт 1 2 6.35 25 0 1 28.1 35 23 20 15 27
Гензель Роблес 1 3 5.84 26 0 2 24.2 25 19 16 14 21
Коннор Сиболд 0 4 11.29 5 5 0 18.1 35 24 23 8 19
Эдуард Базардо 1 0 2.76 12 0 0 16.1 12 5 5 4 11
Филлипс Вальдес 0 1 4.41 13 0 0 16.1 12 11 8 7 13
Зак Келли 1 0 3.95 13 0 0 13.2 14 6 6 4 11
Журис Фамилия 1 2 6.10 10 0 0 10.1 10 8 7 7 8
Дарвинзон Эрнандес 0 1 21.60 7 0 0 6.2 14 17 16 8 9
Крис Сейл 0 1 3.18 2 2 0 5.2 5 3 2 1 5
Франклин Герман 0 0 18.00 5 0 0 4.0 7 8 8 4 4
Майкл Фелиз 0 0 2.70 1 0 0 3.1 1 2 1 2 4
Йолмер Санчес 0 0 9.00 1 0 0 1.0 3 1 1 0 0
Джеки Брэдли мл. 0 0 9.00 1 0 0 1.0 1 1 1 3 1
Риз Макгуайр 0 0 0.00 1 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0
Кевин Плавецки 0 0 0.00 1 0 0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0
Итоги команды 78 84 4.53 162 162 39 1431.0 1411 787 721 526 1346

Источник: [2]

Дебют в MLB

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Игроки Red Sox, дебютировавшие в MLB в регулярном сезоне 2022 года:


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Известные сделки с игроками из состава из 40 человек в регулярном сезоне 2022 года:

Любительский драфт

[ редактировать ]

«Бостон» был выбран под 24-м номером на драфте MLB 2022 года , проходившем 17–19 июля. Драфт состоял из 616 выборов в 20 раундах. [162] Первые 10 выборов Бостона перечислены ниже. Всего на драфте команда выбрала 13 питчеров. [163] Команда подписала каждый из десяти лучших вариантов до крайнего срока, назначенного на 1 августа. [164]

Круглый Выбирать Игрок Позиция Б/Т Сорт Школа (сортировка по штату) Дата подписания
1 24 Майки Ромеро SS Л/П ХС старший Оранжевая лютеранская средняя школа (Калифорния) 26 июля [165] [166]
2 41 Каттер Коффи SS З/Р ХС старший Средняя школа Либерти (Калифорния)
2† 79 Роман Энтони ИЗ Л/П ХС старший Средняя школа Марджори Стоунман Дуглас (Флорида) 29 июля [166]
3 99 Далтон Роджерс П П/Л 4 года младший Южная Мисс
4 129 Чейз Мейдрот SS З/Р 4-летний старший Сан-Диего
5 159 Ной Дин П Л/Л 4 года младший Старый Доминион 27 июля [167]
6 189 Алекс Хоппе П З/Р 4 года, 5-й курс, ст. UNC Гринсборо 26 июля [166]
7 219 Калеб Болден П З/Р 4 года, 5-й курс, ст. ТЦУ
8 249 Джонатан Брэнд П З/Р 4-летний старший Майами штата Огайо
9 279 Брукс Брэннон С З/Р ХС старший Средняя школа Рэндлмана (Северная Каролина) 29 июля [166]

† Выбор компенсационного раунда

Награды и почести

[ редактировать ]
Получатель Премия Дата награждения Ссылка.
Тревор Стори Игрок недели AL (16–22 мая) 23 мая 2022 г. [168]
Рафаэль Деверс Матч звезд, старт 3B 8 июля 2022 г. [169]
Ксандер Богертс Матч звезд резерва СС 10 июля 2022 г. [170]
Джей Ди Мартинес Матч звезд резерва DH 12 июля 2022 г. [171]
Ксандер Богертс Игрок недели AL (29 августа – 4 сентября) 6 сентября 2022 г. [172]
Джей Ди Мартинес Игрок недели AL (26 сентября – 2 октября) 6 октября 2022 г. [173]
Ксандер Богертс Серебряная награда AL Slugger SS 10 ноября 2022 г. [174]

Рафаэль Деверс был назван финалистом премии Хэнка Аарона ; Победитель, Аарон Джадж из «Янкиз», был выбран путем голосования фанатов и голосования группы членов Зала славы. [175] [176] Деверс также был финалистом премии Silver Slugger Award . [177]

Ксандер Богертс и Джеки Брэдли-младший (завершившие сезон за «Торонто») были номинантами на премию «Золотая перчатка» . [178] [179]

Деверс и Богертс были номинированы в сборную All-MLB . [180]

Система фермы

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Управленческий состав низшей лиги был объявлен в начале февраля 2022 года. [181] В марте Высшая бейсбольная лига объявила, что Малая бейсбольная лига возобновит использование исторических названий лиг, которые использовались до реорганизации низших лиг в сезоне 2021 года. [182] Таким образом, названия региональных лиг, использовавшиеся в 2021 году (например, High-A East ), были прекращены всего через один сезон. Кроме того, в 2021 году уровень классификации, известный как Low-A, был сброшен до Single-A.

В мае 2022 года пять игроков Red Sox были включены в список 100 лучших перспективных игроков бейсбола по версии Baseball America : [183] Марсело Майер (14-е место), Тристон Касас (18-е место), Ник Йорк (33-е место), Джаррен Дюран (84-е место) и Брайан Белло (97-е место).

Уровень Команда Лига Разделение Менеджер Записывать [184] Примечания
Тройной-А Вустер Ред Сокс Международная лига Восток Чад Трейси 75–73 (.507)
Дабл-А Портлендские морские волки Восточная лига Северо-восток Чад Эпперсон 75–63 (.543) Победитель второго тайма дивизиона; проиграл в полуфинале
Высокий-А Гринвилл Драйв Южно-Атлантическая лига Юг Игги Суарес 52–78 (.400)
Одиночный-А Салем Ред Сокс Лига Каролины Север Люк Монтц 64–66 (.492)
Новобранец ФКЛ Ред Сокс Комплексная лига Флориды Юг Джимми Гонсалес
Том Котчман
35–20 (.636)
ДСЛ Ред Сокс Синий Доминиканский
Летняя лига
Север Оззи Чавес 44–16 (.733) Победитель дивизиона; проиграл в полуфинале
ДСЛ Ред Сокс Ред Сэнди Мадера 36–23 (.610)
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  39. ^ Коллинз, Мэтт (1 декабря 2021 г.). «Ред Сокс и Кевин Плавецки избежали арбитража, заключив годичную сделку» . overthemonster.com . Проверено 4 декабря 2021 г.
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  43. ^ Вестерхольм, Том (25 января 2021 г.). «Дэвид Ортис вошел в Зал славы бейсбола и стал пятым игроком Red Sox, впервые проголосовавшим в истории франшизы» . Бостон.com . Проверено 25 января 2021 г.
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  65. ^ Шпейер, Алекс (25 апреля 2022 г.). «Каттер Кроуфорд и Таннер Хоук внесены в список с ограниченным доступом к COVID перед игрой Red Sox в Торонто» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 25 апреля 2022 г.
  66. ^ Хьюитт, Стив (27 апреля 2022 г.). «Блокнот Red Sox: Алекс Кора возвращается после отсутствия в шести играх из-за COVID-19» . Бостон Геральд . Получено 27 апреля 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  67. ^ Шпейер, Алекс (30 апреля 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс» свела на нет попытку Нейта Эовальди, проиграв Иволге» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 30 апреля 2022 г.
  68. ^ Перейти обратно: а б Кларк, Мэри (11 мая 2022 г.). «Кевин Плавецки и Алекс Кора были изгнаны после того, как поспорили об ужасном, загруженном базами третьем ударе» . США сегодня . Проверено 12 мая 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  69. ^ Шпейер, Алекс (17 мая 2022 г.). «Астрос одержал победу над Соксом, сбив пять Хомерс с Нейта Эовальди» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 18 мая 2022 г.
  70. ^ Хайтауэр, Кайл (18 мая 2022 г.). «Пиветта бросает 2-хиттера и ведет «Ред Сокс» над «Астросом» со счетом 5–1» . Бостон.com . АП . Проверено 18 мая 2022 г.
  71. ^ Госс, Ник (20 мая 2022 г.). «Стори стал первым игроком 2B, который когда-либо достиг такого результата в игре с 3 часами за Red Sox» . NBC Спорт . Проверено 20 мая 2022 г.
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  76. ^ Шпейер, Алекс (29 июня 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс и Блю Джейс освобождают скамейки запасных после того, как Ник Пиветта ударил Алехандро Кирка» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 30 июня 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
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  78. ^ Брэдфорд, Роб (1 июля 2022 г.). «Джаррен Дюран впервые за 10 лет подает нападающему «Ред Сокс» в «Ригли» Гомера» . ВЭЭИ-FM . Получено 1 июля 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
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  80. ^ Леже, Джастин (12 июля 2022 г.). «Тревор Стори и Мэтт Страм покидают игру во вторник против Рэйса из-за травм» . NBC Спорт . Получено 12 июля 2022 г. - через Yahoo! Спорт .
  81. ^ Маквильямс, Джулиан (14 июля 2022 г.). «Один тайм отменяет Red Sox, и Rays завершают зачистку Тропа с четырьмя играми» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 14 июля 2022 г.
  82. ^ Гринспен, Джаред (17 июля 2022 г.). «Крис Сейл покидает игру Ред Сокс-Янкиз с искалеченным мизинцем после возвращения Аарона Хикса» . Нью-Йорк Пост . Проверено 17 июля 2022 г.
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  85. ^ Маквильямс, Джулиан (22 июля 2022 г.). «Они уже история: «Ред Сокс» поставили в неловкое положение «Блю Джейс» со счетом 28–5 и открыли второй тайм» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 22 июля 2022 г.
  86. ^ Смит, Кристофер (26 июля 2022 г.). «Бостон Ред Сокс» занял последнее место в AL East (отстав на полигры от «Иволги»), проиграв «Кливленду» во вторник» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 26 июля 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
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  91. ^ Маквильямс, Джулиан (19 августа 2022 г.). «Ксандер Богертс и Алекс Кора вылетели в четвертом иннинге против Иволги» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 19 августа 2022 г.
  92. ^ Котильо, Крис (23 августа 2022 г.). «Бостон Ред Сокс» отдал 8 ранов в 3-м иннинге, когда «Блю Джейс» разгромили их со счетом 9–3; Ксандер Богертс и Томми Фам покидают игру (спазмы в спине)» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 23 августа 2022 г.
  93. ^ «Red Sox продвигает Коннора Вонга и Эдуарда Базардо в качестве призывников в сентябре» . CBS Бостон . 1 сентября 2022 г. . Получено 2 сентября 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  94. ^ Маквильямс, Джулиан (2 сентября 2022 г.). «Ник Пиветта покидает игру Red Sox после того, как камбэкеру отрубили левую ногу» . Бостон Глобус . Получено 2 сентября 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  95. ^ Маллен, Морин (2 сентября 2022 г.). «Вонг попадает в первого Хомера MLB, Ред Сокс проигрывает Пиветте, побеждает Рейнджерс» . Бостон.com . АП . Проверено 2 сентября 2022 г.
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  99. ^ Стифель, Киган (26 сентября 2022 г.). «Заметки Red Sox: Бостон выбыл из постсезона с поражением» . НЭСН . Проверено 26 сентября 2022 г.
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  104. ^ Мастродонато, Джейсон (1 мая 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс» была смущена поражением от «Иволги» со счетом 9–5, что положило конец катастрофической поездке» . Бостон Геральд . Проверено 1 мая 2022 г.
  105. ^ Смит, Кристофер (10 мая 2022 г.). «Рафаэль Деверс выигрывает турнир Большого шлема, Бостон Ред Сокс завершает серию поражений, уступив безбородому тренеру Алексу Коре» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 10 мая 2022 г.
  106. ^ Пауэлл, Марк (20 мая 2022 г.). «Тревор Стори нанес удар по турниру Большого шлема бывшему отбивающему игроку Red Sox Джонни Гомесу» . Фансайдер . Получено 20 мая 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  107. ^ Рош, Конор (22 мая 2022 г.). «Смотрите: Фрэнчи Кордеро выигрывает турнир Большого шлема, чтобы дать Ред Сокс победу над Моряками» . Бостон.com . Проверено 22 мая 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  108. ^ Клюкхон, Брюс (31 августа 2022 г.). «Победная серия заканчивается на счете 5, поскольку Твинс уступают Рэд Сокс» . Иллюстрированный спорт . Проверено 31 августа 2022 г.
  109. ^ Дудек, Грег (10 сентября 2022 г.). «Смотрите, как Рафаэль Деверс из Red Sox разгромил турнир Большого шлема против Иволги» . НЭСН . Проверено 10 сентября 2022 г.
  110. ^ Котильо, Крис (4 октября 2022 г.). «Большой шлем Ксандера Богертса привел Red Sox к победе над Rays со счетом 6: 0 в игре, сокращенной из-за дождя» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 4 октября 2022 г.
  111. ^ Смит, Кристофер (7 мая 2022 г.). «Алекс Кора катапультирован: менеджер Boston Red Sox выброшен судьей домашней площадки за споры о мячах и ударах» . www.masslive.com . Получено 7 мая 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  112. ^ Стифель, Киган (11 мая 2022 г.). «Алекс Кора и Кевин Плавецки исключены за споры о мячах и ударах» . НЭСН . Проверено 11 мая 2022 г.
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  114. ^ Браун, Ян (19 августа 2022 г.). «Богертс, Кора катапультировалась после объявления забастовки на 4-м месте» . MLB.com . Проверено 20 августа 2022 г.
  115. ^ «Выбросы на Бостон Ред Сокс 2022 года» . Ретролист . Проверено 9 апреля 2023 г.
  116. ^ Смит, Кристофер (28 мая 2022 г.). «Джош Винковски из Boston Red Sox: «Честно говоря, моя личность, я, вероятно, буду очень расстроен в течение длительного времени » . www.masslive.com . Проверено 28 мая 2022 г.
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  118. ^ Котильо, Крис (6 июля 2022 г.). «Брайан Белло испытывает трудности в дебюте в MLB: Red Sox проигрывает со счетом 7–1; Бостон теперь 0–8 в серии против команд AL East в 2022 году» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 6 июля 2022 г.
  119. ^ Авраам, Питер (29 августа 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс» не может превратить бегунов в раны, проигрывая «Близнецам», поскольку надежды на плей-офф продолжают таять» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 29 августа 2022 г.
  120. ^ Рош, Конор (4 сентября 2022 г.). «Смотреть: Тристон Касас записывает приусадебный сингл для первого хита MLB, тренируется приземляться перед дебютом» . Бостон.com . Получено 4 сентября 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  121. ^ Ривера, Джио (17 сентября 2022 г.). «Франк Герман из Red Sox размышляет о своем дебюте против членов королевской семьи» . НЭСН . Проверено 17 сентября 2022 г.
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  123. ^ Котильо, Крис (1 мая 2022 г.). «Перемены в составе Red Sox: Джейлин Дэвис, Филлипс Вальдес отправлены в WooSox; Трэвис Шоу выбирает свободное агентство» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 2 мая 2022 г.
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  127. ^ Котильо, Крис (15 июня 2022 г.). «Бостон Ред Сокс теряет Джонатана Арауса; инфилдер заявил об отказе Иволги» . www.masslive.com . Получено 16 июня 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  128. ^ Госс, Ник (18 июня 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс заключают сделку с Филлис и приобретают RHP Джеймса Норвуда» . NBC Спорт . Проверено 18 июня 2022 г.
  129. ^ Авраам, Питер (19 июня 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс» предстоит принять некоторые решения по сокращению состава до 13 питчеров» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 19 июня 2022 г.
  130. ^ Махони, Эндрю (20 июня 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс» вызывает перспективного приусадебного игрока Джетера Даунса из Вустера» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 20 июня 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
  131. ^ Смит, Кристофер (25 июня 2022 г.). «Джеймс Норвуд, которого «Бостон Ред Сокс» приобрел на прошлой неделе, аннулирует отказ и переходит в Вустер» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 25 июня 2022 г.
  132. ^ Франко, Энтони (30 июня 2022 г.). «Брейвс приобретают Сильвино Брачо у Ред Сокс» . Торговые слухи MLB . Проверено 30 июня 2022 г.
  133. ^ Котильо, Крис (28 июня 2022 г.). «Бостон Ред Сокс выбирает Коннора Сиболда, активируйте питчера Сильвино Брачо из команды такси перед игрой во вторник» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 28 июня 2022 г.
  134. ^ «Ред Сокс объявляет о перестановке состава» . MLB.com (пресс-релиз). Бостон Ред Сокс. 30 июня 2022 г. . Проверено 30 июня 2022 г.
  135. ^ Энрике, Крис (6 июля 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс назначает Гензеля Роблеса для назначения» . За пределами Монстра . Проверено 6 июля 2022 г.
  136. ^ «Ред Сокс освобождает Гензеля Роблеса» . Новости CBS . 9 июля 2022 г. . Проверено 9 июля 2022 г.
  137. ^ Котильо, Крис (9 июля 2022 г.). «Джетер Даунс снова вызван в Бостон Ред Сокс; Кристиан Арройо и Коннор Сиболд стали 11-м и 12-м игроками в списке травмированных» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 9 июля 2022 г.
  138. ^ Невилл, Скотт (13 июля 2022 г.). «Недавно DFA'd Red Sox Reliever выбрал свободное агентство вместо понижения в должности» . НЭСН . Проверено 13 июля 2022 г.
  139. ^ @ChrisCotillo (26 июля 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс назначила Филлипса Вальдеса для назначения, согласно игровым примечаниям WooSox» ( твит ) . Проверено 26 июля 2022 г. - через Twitter .
  140. ^ «Моряки требуют от Филлипса Вальдеса отказа от Red Sox» . mlbtraderumors.com . 29 июля 2022 г.
  141. ^ «Реестр и персонал Red Sox – Сделки» . MLB.com . Бостон Ред Сокс. Август 2022 года . Проверено 1 августа 2022 г.
  142. ^ Шпейер, Алекс (1 августа 2022 г.). «Кристиан Васкес и Джейк Дикман раздавали карты, а Red Sox совершали три хода в понедельник» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 1 августа 2022 г.
  143. ^ «Николас Норткат «красных»: приобретено «красными»» . CBS Спорт . 14 сентября 2022 г. . Проверено 14 сентября 2022 г.
  144. ^ Стеббинс, Тим (1 августа 2022 г.). «Уайт Сокс» добавляет помощь в КПЗ, приобретает Дикмана у «Ред Сокс» . Проверено 1 августа 2022 г.
  145. ^ «Сокс отправил Тейлора Бродвея в Бостон, чтобы завершить Дикмана» . NBC Спорт . 31 августа 2022 г. . Проверено 31 августа 2022 г.
  146. ^ Котильо, Крис (2 августа 2022 г.). «Бостон Ред Сокс обменивает Эрика Хосмера из Падрес в сделке с четырьмя игроками» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 2 августа 2022 г.
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  148. ^ Макдональд, Дарра (9 августа 2022 г.). «Блю Джейс» подписывают контракт с Джеки Брэдли-младшим, назначают Мэтта Пикока . Проверено 9 августа 2022 г.
  149. ^ Смит, Кристофер (13 августа 2022 г.). «Бостон Ред Сокс» делает три изменения в составе: ближе к Ex-Mets Jeurys Familia выбран в активный состав» . www.masslive.com . Проверено 13 августа 2022 г. - через MSN.com.
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  153. ^ Макдональд, Дарра (29 августа 2022 г.). «Ред Сокс» назначьте Хирокадзу Савамуру, Остина Дэвиса; выберите Зака ​​Келли» . mlbtraderumors.com . Проверено 29 августа 2022 г.
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  159. ^ @ChrisCotillo (16 сентября 2022 г.). «Jeurys Familia отклонил отказы и был переведен в Triple-A. Он решил стать свободным агентом» ( твит ) . Проверено 16 сентября 2022 г. - через Twitter .
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  162. ^ Андерсон, Р.Дж.; Аксиса, Майк; Пьянович, Стивен (17 июля 2022 г.). «Отслеживание драфта MLB 2022: результаты, полный список каждого выбора на драфте; анализ всех выборов в первом раунде» . CBS Спорт . Проверено 17 июля 2022 г.
  163. ^ Сильверман, Майкл (19 июля 2022 г.). «Драфт MLB 2022: Red Sox накопит больше запасов в третий день и захватит шорт-стопа, который может быть трудным знаком» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 19 июля 2022 г.
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  165. ^ Маквильямс, Джулиан (25 июля 2022 г.). «Знак Red Sox, приветствуем лучших игроков драфта Майки Ромеро и Каттера Коффи» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 25 июля 2022 г.
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  168. ^ Палаттелла, Генри (23 мая 2022 г.). «История: Алькантара названа игроком недели» . MLB.com . Высшая лига бейсбола . Проверено 23 мая 2022 г.
  169. ^ Шенфилд, Дэвид (8 июля 2022 г.). «Шохей Отани из Los Angeles Angels и Майк Траут лидируют, когда MLB объявляет участников Матча всех звезд» . ESPN.com . Проверено 8 июля 2022 г.
  170. ^ Адлер, Дэвид; Палаттелла, Генри; Джеймс, Пэт (10 июля 2022 г.). «Полные составы Матча звезд, наполненные талантами, меняющими правила игры» . MLB.com . Проверено 10 июля 2022 г.
  171. ^ Леже, Джастин (12 июля 2022 г.). «Джей Ди Мартинес добавлен в состав Матча всех звезд MLB» . NBC Спорт . Проверено 12 июля 2022 г.
  172. ^ Палаттелла, Генри (6 сентября 2022 г.). «Игроки недели: Галлен, Богертс» . MLB.com . Проверено 6 сентября 2022 г.
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  177. ^ Авраам, Питер (27 октября 2022 г.). «Ксандер Богертс и Рафаэль Деверс — финалисты AL Silver Slugger» . Бостон Глобус . Проверено 27 октября 2022 г.
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  179. ^ Рандхава, Мэнни (1 ноября 2022 г.). «Объявлена ​​премия «Золотая перчатка»: 14 лауреатов впервые стали лауреатами» . MLB.com . Проверено 11 ноября 2022 г.
  180. ^ Казелла, Пол (10 ноября 2022 г.). «ГОЛОСУЙТЕ СЕЙЧАС: объявлены кандидаты на все команды MLB» . MLB.com . Проверено 12 ноября 2022 г.
  181. ^ «Red Sox объявляет о кадровых перестановках в развитии игроков, устанавливает полевые штабы Малой лиги» . MLB.com (пресс-релиз). Бостон Ред Сокс. 3 февраля 2022 г. . Проверено 4 апреля 2022 г.
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  183. ^ Коллинз, Мэтт (4 мая 2022 г.). «Пять перспективных игроков Red Sox попали в последнюю сотню лучших бейсболистов Америки» . overthemonster.com . Проверено 4 мая 2022 г.
  184. ^ «Турнирное положение» . milb.com . Проверено 4 октября 2022 г.

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